@@yyny0I don't think it's accurate to say damage boost doesn't work for most ults. most ults can be boosted in some way. you mention self destruct can't be boosted, which is true, but the remech squish can be. you can boost the lift up portion of gravitic flux but not the slam down, etc. I think it's more accurate to say that a mercy player should make sure to look up how to damage boost ults because there is a lot of variation in how damage boost interacts with them and what can be damage boosted has changed over time, as you mentioned
@@oditobr7034Mercy can and should damage boost all the ults that can be boosted! not all of them can, as the other person mentioned, but I don't think "most" is accurate. some ults can't be boosted, but the overwhelming majority can be boosted in some way or at least in part. something I did not know until recently is that you can actually damage boost Dva's remech for a higher chance of squish kills lmao
Here's what probably happened based on my first five minutes - Tank and Moira are duo'd, Moira wants to play dps with faster queue times so doesn't heal, Tanks says to his friend "bro I'm getting so little healing" and because they're friends they agree that it's the mercy's fault not healing the tank overextending while the Moira plays dps. The Moira tells their tank friend "don't worry ill make them swap so I can keep you up as mercy" and they bully the poster while never helping the team
I think this Kiriko's biggest problem is the same thing that plagues all low level supports, not dpsing when they should be (i.e Team being pretty close to full health) and dpsing when they shouldn't be (i.e Doing damage when their Bastion was critical).
the maps are to big for lowlevels healers to see what happens in the front and the red player outline dotn help with seeing anyhing in low elo - lower resulution means a thick red outline and this mergers wtih the others meaning a healer would just spam in the direction of a red playeroutline
also kiriko's papers require far more aim than people think they missed so many papers due to healing from too far away and not being able to get them locked on
It's cause low elo dps and tank players only want you to heal and nothing else I once had a dude flame me for having slightly more damage than healing on Zen, fucking Zen
@FatMCSteve The biggest tip I can give low elo players in regards to this is to ignore what your team says about heo you're playing. They're in the same elo as you for a reason. They don't know how to play your character better than you do.
I'm only 3 minutes into the vid, but I already feel like this tank player on the Mercy's team is one of those players who upon dying immediately just blames their supports instead of understanding that sometimes you can die no matter how good your supports are
When the mercy plays correctly in bronze and the team tells them to swap for the mercy who sits on tank, morons never cease to amaze me lmao positioning is off but that's to be expected in metal ranks tbh, get some work on kiri with positioning you'll be fine, this rein an mercy are honestly biggest blame of this lol albeit all need to improve, straight up that rein an mercy hurt to watch
The first half on mercy wasn't super great but it definitely was not her fault. Moira provided negative value all first round and saved the ult for overwatch 3. Zarya presses W until she dies every single time 😂
Tbf this is some of the worst experiences I’ve had playing support when someone gets Mercy and yellow beams the full health tank all game. That’s just so frustrating especially when you feel like playing some Mercy. Advice for the Mercy gameplay : - Aside from positioning, you’re not dmg boosting enough. You need to trust your other support more and only heal tank when crit (or when your other sup is Zen or Lùcio). Your job is taking care of the dps, don’t be scared to dmg boost someone who’s down a few hps as long as they’re not taking damage. - As for positioning, think about where you’re going and sitting from the enemy’s pov. As your team moves up or down the map, think about the pieces of cover you could use to hide. Ideally a good Mercy is almost never seen by the enemy. - Also a high charge Zarya is a great dmg boost target, especially if your lineup is Mercy/Zen. Pocketing a Zarya might just make the healing/dmg balance completely worth it and the enemy team could ideally never damage you enough that you’d fall behind on heals because you’d kill them quicker. Also I know it’s really frustrating but when this sort of thing happens, the best way to deal with it is remind yourself that you can only control YOUR gameplay. Just play your absolute best and try to wave it off, until the game is done. Remaining positive can be the difference between a win and a loss ❤ Anyway love you Emongg and hope this chatter can see this and improve!
re: the first point, I don't disagree in theory. when it comes to the game generally, absolutely, you are 100% correct. at the same time, I don't blame them in this game for not feeling confident enough in committing to more damage boost because when your Moira goes into enemy spawn and dies in the first five seconds....... I can completely understand not trusting them LOL but I think that speaks to the fact that a very important Mercy skill is being able to gauge how your other support is doing so you know how to help them out and help the team out. if you're in a game where the other support is struggling to handle the healing, then I think the right tactical move is to focus on the most impactful damage boost moments and then do a little more healing than might be considered "ideal." it's still ult charge so it's not like you're not doing anything. I also think that we don't often talk about nuance enough when it comes to damage boost because most of the time, the victory is for people to use it at all lol but I think we can also benefit from talking about impactful damage boost use. for example, emongg recently spectated a Mercy who was using a lot of damage boost but they were boosting friendly Orisa who was mostly just shooting the other Orisa and was never getting the elim. so the player's damage boost stat was going up, but their damage boost wasn't really doing anything. it wasn't contributing a lot of value because nothing was happening because of it anyway that's just my two cents!
i dont play mercy but i was playing some in qp, and my moira was so dependable for keeping tank up. i got to fly around with a pharah and echo (later a soldier) and it was a lot of fun. i didn't have to beam tank at all aside from a couple times (although one time i made the choice to just kept my dps up and res tank instead, which was maybe a risk but it worked lol). im not super good at her movement, but i can see how she can be fun once you are.
“You need to trust your other support more” The issue was that there was no other support, the Moira was constantly in their back line or healing the tank- not using her ult for almost 3 minutes and dying because she’s out of positioning. The Mercy was honestly damage boosting enough from what was happening.
I had one on Kings Row on attack, Widowmaker on top of statue picking off everyone. I told the team about her, no one was listening, so as Mercy I peaked out from Spawn firing a test shot close to her to make sure of my aim at distance then let fly 5 head-shots from spawn on the Widowmaker. I bet that Widowmaker player was ticked when they saw the replay.
i love using my ult as soon as possible (unless i'm zen or lucio and i need to counter an upcoming enemy ult). i love being like "me first, react to this!!!!" and hopefully my team gets first pick with it, which can snowball the team fight from a 5v5 to 4v5 and so on. i almost never regret using it early that way. i only ever regret it if our team's already down and i stupidly ulted after we'd basically already lost. that's the dumbest feeling. and it sucks if the enemy just has ult advantage and they keep getting ults before you so you have to ult defensively. it hurts lol
9:30 that’s how it is in gold and below. Supports have to be the ones to shoot Pharah, fend off flankers, prevent c9, keep up your tank who is running way too far behind the corner, etc. Or at least this is how it feels as a higher level player with better awareness than everyone else in the lobby (practicing new heroes on alt). Like, we will have double hitscan and I shoot pharah 4 times in a row as Ana and I can tell I’m the only one shooting her.
I'm only three minutes in but one thing I see they need to improve massively on is positioning. That Mercy is just walking and gliding around in open space. Any rank other than bronze or silver, they'd be dead before the Moira. And there's not much you can do if a tank/sup duo decides to hog all the Mercy for that tank (or even a dps duo). Just focus in the rest of your team and try to keep them in tip top shape. But honestly, IF I wanna pocket a Rein, Ana is the much better and smarter choice. Feels a bit like pettiness from the duo
The mercy positioning was rough but the kiriko gameplay was worse. Poor positioning, poor decision making, zero risk = zero reward. So many times she could've saved rein but she held suzu for goddamnever only to throw it on a bastion with 50% hp ☠️
A mercy who sits solely on tank is the dumbest type of mercy player an tanks who think the mercy is 100% responsible for them show exactly why they sit in metal for years 😂
@@jrpgnation6375man, I hope you grow up and out of this kind of behavior someday. immaturity and childishness are bad traits to have if you want to be successful in anything.
as a support main i hate when my other supp starts talking shit for no reason lol cuz unless they totally suck and bring nothing to the team i always defend my other supp #supportssolidarity
@@garfieldenjoyer2543 Because in Bronze, support heroes are all just DPS heroes with a regen passive. Keeping your teammates alive is largely pointless, since they're probably not doing anything. So Moira, with her latch-on no-ammo damage bean with a hit area the same size as a player's screen is not only more valuable as a DPS than a healer, but is also a better DPS than soldier at this ranking. So people use Moira to climb because they get massive value just holding W and RMB, until they hit the hard wall of "opposing team can find moira's slim jim of a hit box" - which is like Gold 4 or something.
@@garfieldenjoyer2543because someone keeps telling them “this is how Moira climbs” … but the problem is, they have to actually know what they’re doing.
@@garfieldenjoyer2543 the flank style can work, but only if you're good at it and have the game sense to know when to go in and when to get out, and to trust that the other support can keep themselves and 3 other ppl up (which is a lot to ask). i never do it on moira because even with fade you can be caught out (plus moira can heal so much and confirm kills from cover/corners really easily with the team). kiriko, on the other hand, is the only support i flank on. i don't even need to get a kill, i just offangle, try to kill them, then tp out before being below 50% health (or if my team's started fighting and needs heals). it works so well with her. if you don't get a kill, you at least divert attention and potential damage that would've been aimed at your teammates. but yeah, the moira flank playstyle is way to risky. it takes forever for her suck to even kill someone too.
So, I have a take on this, as an aggressive Moira, that I think everyone, even other aggressive Moiras, can learn from. I do think (Zarya) Rein/Moira (Mercy) are duoed. Moira saw the Mercy, thought “healing’s covered,” went to do her own thing. The tank kept pushing too aggressively, and since Moira wasn’t keeping up with heals, the tank ended up dying. But, since playing aggro is fun, and it’s very easy to get caught up in doing DPS, the Moira didn’t notice and, most likely, the tank is blaming the Mercy so as not to blame his duo. Then the tank begs for a switch and the aggressive Moira suddenly has to sit back and pocket. Let me tell you, it’s not very fun to be a pocket when you’re used to being more aggressive. (I only have fun pocketing my duo and letting them pop off, Bcs they’re also a good player and it’s satisfying, especially because they’ve done the same for me!) I say all the time, I’m a DPS player in a Support skin. That doesn’t mean I can’t sit back and do my job, because I’ve learned how to be what I refer to as a “flex Moira” which is the grey area between DPS Moira and Healing Moira. It just means that I do know how to look for picks and read situations, and I relish the times when I get to go full aggro. So I just know this Moira was SEETHING when she was forced to switch. I don’t think that made the game very fun for anyone at that point. What I would recommend for aggressive Moiras is to learn to read situations. How well is your team playing? Can you trust your group if you’re playing with friends? If the team can reliably keep themselves up, you can go aggro and look for picks, or even help teammates with kills. If your team needs more support, balance your resources and heal more. It doesn’t mean you’ll never get a pick (especially in lower elos), it just means you’re doing your job!
I agree with this with all Supports that can do heavy damage. I play Kiriko a lot and (admittedly healbot sometimes when I don't have to but it's trauma) absolutely love when I actually get to roll some people with the Kunai. But sometimes those situations won't come up.
This person will climb if they just keep playing. You can see the gears turning but it just takes a little too long. Just have some confidence in what you are doing whether it was a good or bad play you learn from it.
That's not true. Climbing on support requires one of two things: one, your teammates having a high enough skill level to make use of your plays, OR, playing your Support hero like a DPS and getting all the elims. That first one is not going to happen. So you end up with Moira - and maybe Illari now - being your best bet as a support hero to climb with.
I found really "funny" some of these players not only just rush to de point in overtime, but also think you are throwing("x player is afk, report him") for waiting for teammates coming back from spawn. I lived that when I went from low silver to high plat (after returning to ranked after some years of just chilling in QP).
Tip for bronze mercy’s from gm5 support (mostly mercy kirko bap) If you have a Bastian let them drop below the orange armor before you start healing them (they take less dmg with armor health and it helps get more elims if you use that to your advantage. Also don’t avoid dmg boosting junk, hes an insane dmg boost as well, one of my favorites especially when he’s playing poke it’s easy dmg boost. Try and dmg boost more, your almost constantly healing, blue beam a LOT MORE (unless your other support isn’t healing which I would say at that point switch mercy isn’t gonna help). Make sure your dmg boosting as many Ults as you can’t with the exception of junkrat/sombra and tracer (their Ults don’t do more in dmg boost), focus healing the dps and make sure that whichever dps is stronger (Bastian in this case) is alive as much as possible, If you can only save one save Bastian and get out. Don’t heal the tank unless she’s down below half or taking so much damage she NEEDS it, your main support should be healing her (but with a flanking Moria makes it hard so switching would be better).
Oh also don’t be scared to dmg boost a dva, Junker Queen, hog, or zar, they are almost always good damage boost targets, just don’t heal bot them. You shouldn’t be healing tank much because it’s typically your other supports job (unless your running mercy zen/mercy Lucio. If your running mercy Lucio be the bigger person and switch. Mercy Lucio sucks it doesn’t work.)
I feel like this person is focusing "too much" on the dps. Yes, as mercy, you can focus more on the dps. But they are focusing on the dps when the dps are behind them and are safe. Instead of focusing on their tank when the tank is in front. My advice as a GM1 support player is to heal who needs to be healed. I know everyone has heard that a lot. But I think it's getting lost in translation. I think what low elo players hear when someone says that is "heal whoever is critical." And that's not always exactly true. Because what happens when two people are critical? Low elo players panic and heal whoever is closest to them. Which an example of that is a tank being in the front line and fighting their team and being critical, and a dps behind a wall next to the support asking for heals. Heal the tank in that situation. The dps player should be getting a health pack in that situation. Everything in this game is situational. So, I want to rephrase the "heal whoever needs heals" to "heal whoever is in the most danger" if that's your support, heal the support. If it's your tank, heal the tank. And if it's the dps, heal the dps.
it's funny that they went mercy to pocket the rein when moira was right there. i almost exclusively go moira for rein or aggressive brawly tanks. you heal them so much and you're right there in the thick of it (well, a few steps back at least lol) to do a lot of damage too. if that other support had just played a "i'm rein's buddy" moira and pocketed the rein while damaging squishies, they could've even rolled them? maybe?
Tbh yeah the mercy’s who only sit on tank or only yellow beam bug the shit outta me so if I think my team needs a mercy I take it right away because in low elo they’re awful and most of the time the mercy that pockets the tank is the tanks e girlfriend who doesn’t know how to play overwatch - anywayssss… for my actual advice to this player as mercy you should never touch the ground and always be behind cover, you got in the air once but it was in the open and yeah that’s not good, if your team is in a spot that’s open then double check that their team isn’t focused on you go in the air and fall backwards into cover or if there is cover near by stand a lil far from your target to get momentum, mercy jump, and fall into the cover that you flew from. If you are in the air you always want to fall away from who your pocketing so you can gain that space to keep momentum for when you do fly to them to get back higher in the air. But otherwise yeah positioning def needs work. And definitely dmg boost more learn to trust your other support or tell them “hey it’s my job to take care of dps can you take care of the tank?” And most people are pretty understanding the overwatch community isn’t as shitty as people make it out to be trust me I’ve played games with worse communities and I always come back to overwatch because most people listen and aren’t as toxic. As Kiriko you can be aggressive with your team I agree with emong on that you could’ve been playing with your rein because he does have a shield or even pick a dps to stand beside and attack with. Tbh I think the issue is your scared and I get it I’ve been there, I also think you’ve been told “well your job is to heal” too much so you think that’s all you need to do, no you have a weapon for a reason, if your playing SUPPORT there’s a reason it’s called support and not healer because you can do other things to help and support your team - when no one is critical you can be doing damage and helping out ur dps and tank, tbh as support you should be getting at least 5k dmg and 10k heals but this isn’t every match as every match is different and your team might just roll them, you don’t need to do that much healing or dmg, but those are just reference numbers. Your positioning as kiri needs work as well as I said before stand beside someone and do damage with them or take high ground close to your team if there is any, high ground makes it harder for the enemy team to get you as well as makes it easier for you to hit headshots, so high ground should be your best friend. Anyways if whoever submitted this spectate bronze sees this, it is always just a video game and the more you play the better you’ll get don’t worry- I’d recommend watching some ow TH-cam content but take what tips they give with a grain of salt, ofc I’m not saying don’t listen to it or don’t do it but take it with a grain of salt because everything in overwatch is SITUATIONAL and not every tip will work in every situation and that’s where your gamesense will come in you just need to keep playing and eventually it’ll be so ingrained you’ll do it without thinking. Overwatch is just a game tho don’t ever take it super seriously and have fun with it! 😁💕
My theory for the first round was that the Moira thought she did more damage with her suck move vs her ultimate because the suck move doesn't require aiming.
this is quite literally my BIGGEST problem trying to climb as a support main. In the lower ranks, no one has game awareness and just rushes into the point over plays to aggressively etc etc. As a support, yes you can totally turn a game if you play correctly, but that goes to ur whole team too. If ur team is lacking, then that means ur going down with them. I wanna say i’m good at the game, but i’m constantly getting losses from having teammates who are purposefully throwing/trolling or just genuinely suck. It’s rare i come accesos other teammates who are mic’d up and wanna send coms. Anyways, blizzard really needs to fix there rank system.
I once had someone tell me to switch off of Mercy, and I asked them why? Do they want to play as Mercy? No answer. One of the DPS told me to just stay as Mercy so I did. The other support kept swapping to other supports and hardly did any healing or damage at all. I can typed "do you want me to switch so you can play Mercy?" (For all I know they're a Mercy one trick or new to the game and don't know the other supports well). So the next time I died I switched to Kiri and went back in. They never switched to Mercy and just kept throwing.
I think they did fine. That Rein was playing way to aggressive. All that would have happened if they tried to keep up with the rein they just would have got pulled out of position and murdered.
I think the person might be playing on controller judging from the camera movement, and im not a controller player so i dont know how to give a proper advise for controller player, The mercy play is good for me, the only thing is try to prevent floating very long time after super jump especially in the open so you're not becoming an easy target, In kings row map, prefer playing more slingshot ga than super jump unless you want to get high ground, because its easier to go to your teammate and go behind cover when necessary, Im so glad you didn't always do what new mercy player do which is, "People die, time to rez", meaning go try to get rezzing even in the middle of eneny team, its okie with valk, but would prefer to not take the risk too frequently, The valk towards the point ovjective one, what emong said is true, but i would prefer you valk a little bit early when you near the point, so that you able to use your teammate souls to be able to zoom around the objective and hold it, but its a bit high level and need fast reflex to do that, Overall, would prefer you to do mercy parkour more to get used with the ga potential ( owo)b For kiriko, i cant say much other than try to be proactive with your ults and abuse the suzu more (cant say much more since i only know how to play kiriko when i am playing kiriko, when im not playing her, i cannot explain how 😂)
I’ll tell you something I hate when I ping an enemy as a tank where i can’t deal with them as I need to make space so I make a play what pushes them back for me to deal with that certain player I pinged even tho I could’ve went back to spawn but if I didn’t who would be dealt with that person.
ye ik, all i was saying is usually its understandable to switch off mercy if say they have an uncontested pharah or junkrat bombing the crap out of the tank. If they can't get the kill on these 2, then the tank needs more healing so good idea to switch off mercy if the stubborn zen won't switch for example. But if you have like a mercy and moira\bap\ana etc, and the mercy is being asked to switch something is horribly wrong. It may be the other supports fault, but if ppl aren't getting enough heals it is what it is gotta switch whether its coz ur bad at mercy this match or u need to pick up the other supports slack.@@switchblade6
Wow, that looks like typical strange Mercy plays in bronze. I mean, I've seen some of them pocketing only tanks. That is a wasting resources in my opinion. And that reminds me of some my games when my teammates (ok, my tanks) asked me to switch to Mercy. As if I'm going to pocket tank with Mercy, lmao
I think Kirikos must concern about their damage potential, even going off angle (high ground with their climb for example) and create new opportunities. The part where she holded the heal botton positioned far away, it's a bad mindset for playing Kiriko in 99% of cases. If you are not playing Mercy or Lifeweaver, you are a support, not a healer, remember that (with all its consecuences).
Depends. When your other support goes Mercy to pocket the tank with heals, that's not going to be enough for you to do too much. Especially with such an aggro tank where they leave their dps in the dust, both of them being quite high damage dps already. Definitely could try weaving in kunai though and not getting lost/confused. They kinda just get overwhelmed at how hectic their team is.
From my opinion she did great, I think her settings are holding her back. Like I think that if she increases her sensitivity just a smidge she will do so much better. But what do I know, I'm just a low elo player. 🤷🏿♂️😂
I know its bronze, and despite the fact that mercy is mommy; she cant outheal continuous damage effectively on a tank 😭 its so hard for me to watch this dude shove mercys yellow beam straight up this Reinhardt's booty hole 😭😭
I get pretty salty when someone tells me to switch heroes, especially my mains, and Zenyatta is my top main, but a Junkrat wanted me to switch to Mercy. I obliged but I ignore the Junkrat, even when they try to be chatty with voice lines and saying hello to me. I mostly went Battle Mercy; going on a shooting spree, getting decent amount of final blows, and purposely ignoring Junkrat unless he’s critical health.
Their teammates were bad but their mercy isn’t the best either they’re floormercying a lot there’s no hitscans on the enemy team they should always be flying and on high ground and they break beam a lot and end up looking for the person they wanna beam and look lost they could have GAd accurately to save teammates multiple times but r really slow and the teammate ends up dying
@livinglegendlanadelrey personally i don't think it's not that much of a bad thing if the positioning is pretty good. Just stay hidden behind a cover and kind of have a good route to fly to when repositioning to another cover. going up and standing on high ground is pretty good too. Even if there are not a lot of hitscan in the enemy team, some can have good projectile accuracy and you can get shot down while flying around in the air.
@@livinglegendlanadelrey in general if youre on the floor where everyone else is youre more likely to draw attention to yourself and immediately get focused. You'll also end up too close to your teammates and have little routes of escape. Having high ground will first deny the enemy team from high ground, give you better survivability and cover. if they have hitscans or snipers you just have to minimize flying but high ground is still better than being on the floor
i think the kiriko looking back at their bastion ulting was the mercy main mindset of trying to dmg boost every ult
And damage boost doesnt even work for most ults anymore.
@@yyny0 NO WAY! I rarely play Mercy, but when I do I always boost the ults, when they patched this?
@@oditobr7034A long time ago (Overwatch 1 I think), they removed it for Dragonstrike, Riptire and Self-Destruct, and a couple other ones.
@@yyny0I don't think it's accurate to say damage boost doesn't work for most ults. most ults can be boosted in some way. you mention self destruct can't be boosted, which is true, but the remech squish can be. you can boost the lift up portion of gravitic flux but not the slam down, etc.
I think it's more accurate to say that a mercy player should make sure to look up how to damage boost ults because there is a lot of variation in how damage boost interacts with them and what can be damage boosted has changed over time, as you mentioned
@@oditobr7034Mercy can and should damage boost all the ults that can be boosted! not all of them can, as the other person mentioned, but I don't think "most" is accurate. some ults can't be boosted, but the overwhelming majority can be boosted in some way or at least in part. something I did not know until recently is that you can actually damage boost Dva's remech for a higher chance of squish kills lmao
Here's what probably happened based on my first five minutes -
Tank and Moira are duo'd, Moira wants to play dps with faster queue times so doesn't heal, Tanks says to his friend "bro I'm getting so little healing" and because they're friends they agree that it's the mercy's fault not healing the tank overextending while the Moira plays dps. The Moira tells their tank friend "don't worry ill make them swap so I can keep you up as mercy" and they bully the poster while never helping the team
Either that or they got sick of the tank complaining about heals while overextending and said "you want heals? fine!"
I'm convinced the Moira was throwing because she didn't get mercy
Naw, at this ranks, Moira is played as if she were a self-healing genji
I think this Kiriko's biggest problem is the same thing that plagues all low level supports, not dpsing when they should be (i.e Team being pretty close to full health) and dpsing when they shouldn't be (i.e Doing damage when their Bastion was critical).
the maps are to big for lowlevels healers to see what happens in the front and the red player outline dotn help with seeing anyhing in low elo - lower resulution means a thick red outline and this mergers wtih the others meaning a healer would just spam in the direction of a red playeroutline
also kiriko's papers require far more aim than people think they missed so many papers due to healing from too far away and not being able to get them locked on
It's cause low elo dps and tank players only want you to heal and nothing else
I once had a dude flame me for having slightly more damage than healing on Zen, fucking Zen
@FatMCSteve The biggest tip I can give low elo players in regards to this is to ignore what your team says about heo you're playing. They're in the same elo as you for a reason. They don't know how to play your character better than you do.
Please don't tell this to my friend, he literally never heals as support
I'm only 3 minutes into the vid, but I already feel like this tank player on the Mercy's team is one of those players who upon dying immediately just blames their supports instead of understanding that sometimes you can die no matter how good your supports are
When the mercy plays correctly in bronze and the team tells them to swap for the mercy who sits on tank, morons never cease to amaze me lmao positioning is off but that's to be expected in metal ranks tbh, get some work on kiri with positioning you'll be fine, this rein an mercy are honestly biggest blame of this lol albeit all need to improve, straight up that rein an mercy hurt to watch
The first half on mercy wasn't super great but it definitely was not her fault. Moira provided negative value all first round and saved the ult for overwatch 3. Zarya presses W until she dies every single time 😂
Just said correctly lol they bronze can't expect miracles, that tanks straight up fed hard, even I don't feed that hard on tank an I'm awful 🤣
Tbf this is some of the worst experiences I’ve had playing support when someone gets Mercy and yellow beams the full health tank all game. That’s just so frustrating especially when you feel like playing some Mercy.
Advice for the Mercy gameplay :
- Aside from positioning, you’re not dmg boosting enough. You need to trust your other support more and only heal tank when crit (or when your other sup is Zen or Lùcio). Your job is taking care of the dps, don’t be scared to dmg boost someone who’s down a few hps as long as they’re not taking damage.
- As for positioning, think about where you’re going and sitting from the enemy’s pov. As your team moves up or down the map, think about the pieces of cover you could use to hide. Ideally a good Mercy is almost never seen by the enemy.
- Also a high charge Zarya is a great dmg boost target, especially if your lineup is Mercy/Zen. Pocketing a Zarya might just make the healing/dmg balance completely worth it and the enemy team could ideally never damage you enough that you’d fall behind on heals because you’d kill them quicker.
Also I know it’s really frustrating but when this sort of thing happens, the best way to deal with it is remind yourself that you can only control YOUR gameplay. Just play your absolute best and try to wave it off, until the game is done. Remaining positive can be the difference between a win and a loss ❤
Anyway love you Emongg and hope this chatter can see this and improve!
re: the first point, I don't disagree in theory. when it comes to the game generally, absolutely, you are 100% correct. at the same time, I don't blame them in this game for not feeling confident enough in committing to more damage boost because when your Moira goes into enemy spawn and dies in the first five seconds....... I can completely understand not trusting them LOL but I think that speaks to the fact that a very important Mercy skill is being able to gauge how your other support is doing so you know how to help them out and help the team out. if you're in a game where the other support is struggling to handle the healing, then I think the right tactical move is to focus on the most impactful damage boost moments and then do a little more healing than might be considered "ideal." it's still ult charge so it's not like you're not doing anything.
I also think that we don't often talk about nuance enough when it comes to damage boost because most of the time, the victory is for people to use it at all lol but I think we can also benefit from talking about impactful damage boost use.
for example, emongg recently spectated a Mercy who was using a lot of damage boost but they were boosting friendly Orisa who was mostly just shooting the other Orisa and was never getting the elim. so the player's damage boost stat was going up, but their damage boost wasn't really doing anything. it wasn't contributing a lot of value because nothing was happening because of it
anyway that's just my two cents!
i dont play mercy but i was playing some in qp, and my moira was so dependable for keeping tank up. i got to fly around with a pharah and echo (later a soldier) and it was a lot of fun. i didn't have to beam tank at all aside from a couple times (although one time i made the choice to just kept my dps up and res tank instead, which was maybe a risk but it worked lol). im not super good at her movement, but i can see how she can be fun once you are.
“You need to trust your other support more”
The issue was that there was no other support, the Moira was constantly in their back line or healing the tank- not using her ult for almost 3 minutes and dying because she’s out of positioning. The Mercy was honestly damage boosting enough from what was happening.
I had one on Kings Row on attack, Widowmaker on top of statue picking off everyone. I told the team about her, no one was listening, so as Mercy I peaked out from Spawn firing a test shot close to her to make sure of my aim at distance then let fly 5 head-shots from spawn on the Widowmaker. I bet that Widowmaker player was ticked when they saw the replay.
I would love to see a end game screenshot of all the stats so we could see how each person has done
What a treat!
I slept in today, and felt kinda blah getting started, but this should make it so much better. Thank you emongg!!!
the moira holding ult so long... its like they either pop it the SECOND they get it or they hold it for the next round
i love using my ult as soon as possible (unless i'm zen or lucio and i need to counter an upcoming enemy ult). i love being like "me first, react to this!!!!" and hopefully my team gets first pick with it, which can snowball the team fight from a 5v5 to 4v5 and so on. i almost never regret using it early that way. i only ever regret it if our team's already down and i stupidly ulted after we'd basically already lost. that's the dumbest feeling. and it sucks if the enemy just has ult advantage and they keep getting ults before you so you have to ult defensively. it hurts lol
9:30 that’s how it is in gold and below. Supports have to be the ones to shoot Pharah, fend off flankers, prevent c9, keep up your tank who is running way too far behind the corner, etc. Or at least this is how it feels as a higher level player with better awareness than everyone else in the lobby (practicing new heroes on alt). Like, we will have double hitscan and I shoot pharah 4 times in a row as Ana and I can tell I’m the only one shooting her.
If people who don't pay your bills ask you to swap mute them
1:19 don't wory bro, this is bronze
I'm only three minutes in but one thing I see they need to improve massively on is positioning. That Mercy is just walking and gliding around in open space. Any rank other than bronze or silver, they'd be dead before the Moira.
And there's not much you can do if a tank/sup duo decides to hog all the Mercy for that tank (or even a dps duo). Just focus in the rest of your team and try to keep them in tip top shape. But honestly, IF I wanna pocket a Rein, Ana is the much better and smarter choice. Feels a bit like pettiness from the duo
The mercy positioning was rough but the kiriko gameplay was worse. Poor positioning, poor decision making, zero risk = zero reward. So many times she could've saved rein but she held suzu for goddamnever only to throw it on a bastion with 50% hp ☠️
A mercy who sits solely on tank is the dumbest type of mercy player an tanks who think the mercy is 100% responsible for them show exactly why they sit in metal for years 😂
Oh there something I can do. Throw. Yes I am that petty
@@jrpgnation6375 accurate tbh
@@jrpgnation6375man, I hope you grow up and out of this kind of behavior someday. immaturity and childishness are bad traits to have if you want to be successful in anything.
I'd also recommend the Kiriko change her healing card setting so it doesnt throw all of them with one click
Wait. what? that's a thing?? I just tilt a whirl until it locks on someone in a panic not to waste the cards
Yes, I agree, after I change it, I able to react more than stuck in healing animation 😂
@@NewbTactical yup, it's with her custom hero settings options. I forget what's it's called though but you'll find it :)
@@judashellenthur "toggle healing ofuda" turned to off in case anyone was curious on how not to tilt a whirl lol
@@judashellenthur it's crazy how that little change helped. Thanks alot
Nothing beats your spectating series!
what about a billion dollars?
as a support main i hate when my other supp starts talking shit for no reason lol cuz unless they totally suck and bring nothing to the team i always defend my other supp #supportssolidarity
same! idc if someone flames me, but if they try to start something with my fellow support, i'm going at it.
Enstars fan hi….
@@sniper-kb8qe omg hellor
Moira players never fail to astonish me.
Why can’t that Moira be normal? Why can’t she just throw an orb and get chip damage instead of constantly feeding? It’s genuinely infuriating to watch
@@garfieldenjoyer2543 Because in Bronze, support heroes are all just DPS heroes with a regen passive. Keeping your teammates alive is largely pointless, since they're probably not doing anything. So Moira, with her latch-on no-ammo damage bean with a hit area the same size as a player's screen is not only more valuable as a DPS than a healer, but is also a better DPS than soldier at this ranking. So people use Moira to climb because they get massive value just holding W and RMB, until they hit the hard wall of "opposing team can find moira's slim jim of a hit box" - which is like Gold 4 or something.
@@garfieldenjoyer2543because someone keeps telling them “this is how Moira climbs” … but the problem is, they have to actually know what they’re doing.
Metal rank Moira players*
@@garfieldenjoyer2543 the flank style can work, but only if you're good at it and have the game sense to know when to go in and when to get out, and to trust that the other support can keep themselves and 3 other ppl up (which is a lot to ask). i never do it on moira because even with fade you can be caught out (plus moira can heal so much and confirm kills from cover/corners really easily with the team).
kiriko, on the other hand, is the only support i flank on. i don't even need to get a kill, i just offangle, try to kill them, then tp out before being below 50% health (or if my team's started fighting and needs heals). it works so well with her. if you don't get a kill, you at least divert attention and potential damage that would've been aimed at your teammates. but yeah, the moira flank playstyle is way to risky. it takes forever for her suck to even kill someone too.
So, I have a take on this, as an aggressive Moira, that I think everyone, even other aggressive Moiras, can learn from.
I do think (Zarya) Rein/Moira (Mercy) are duoed. Moira saw the Mercy, thought “healing’s covered,” went to do her own thing. The tank kept pushing too aggressively, and since Moira wasn’t keeping up with heals, the tank ended up dying. But, since playing aggro is fun, and it’s very easy to get caught up in doing DPS, the Moira didn’t notice and, most likely, the tank is blaming the Mercy so as not to blame his duo.
Then the tank begs for a switch and the aggressive Moira suddenly has to sit back and pocket. Let me tell you, it’s not very fun to be a pocket when you’re used to being more aggressive. (I only have fun pocketing my duo and letting them pop off, Bcs they’re also a good player and it’s satisfying, especially because they’ve done the same for me!) I say all the time, I’m a DPS player in a Support skin. That doesn’t mean I can’t sit back and do my job, because I’ve learned how to be what I refer to as a “flex Moira” which is the grey area between DPS Moira and Healing Moira. It just means that I do know how to look for picks and read situations, and I relish the times when I get to go full aggro.
So I just know this Moira was SEETHING when she was forced to switch. I don’t think that made the game very fun for anyone at that point.
What I would recommend for aggressive Moiras is to learn to read situations. How well is your team playing? Can you trust your group if you’re playing with friends? If the team can reliably keep themselves up, you can go aggro and look for picks, or even help teammates with kills. If your team needs more support, balance your resources and heal more. It doesn’t mean you’ll never get a pick (especially in lower elos), it just means you’re doing your job!
I agree with this with all Supports that can do heavy damage. I play Kiriko a lot and (admittedly healbot sometimes when I don't have to but it's trauma) absolutely love when I actually get to roll some people with the Kunai. But sometimes those situations won't come up.
This person will climb if they just keep playing. You can see the gears turning but it just takes a little too long. Just have some confidence in what you are doing whether it was a good or bad play you learn from it.
That's not true. Climbing on support requires one of two things: one, your teammates having a high enough skill level to make use of your plays, OR, playing your Support hero like a DPS and getting all the elims. That first one is not going to happen. So you end up with Moira - and maybe Illari now - being your best bet as a support hero to climb with.
I found really "funny" some of these players not only just rush to de point in overtime, but also think you are throwing("x player is afk, report him") for waiting for teammates coming back from spawn. I lived that when I went from low silver to high plat (after returning to ranked after some years of just chilling in QP).
That other support was holding their ult on Moira until next season lol
i think ppl just like to blame mercy no matter how well you play
Tip for bronze mercy’s from gm5 support (mostly mercy kirko bap)
If you have a Bastian let them drop below the orange armor before you start healing them (they take less dmg with armor health and it helps get more elims if you use that to your advantage. Also don’t avoid dmg boosting junk, hes an insane dmg boost as well, one of my favorites especially when he’s playing poke it’s easy dmg boost. Try and dmg boost more, your almost constantly healing, blue beam a LOT MORE (unless your other support isn’t healing which I would say at that point switch mercy isn’t gonna help). Make sure your dmg boosting as many Ults as you can’t with the exception of junkrat/sombra and tracer (their Ults don’t do more in dmg boost), focus healing the dps and make sure that whichever dps is stronger (Bastian in this case) is alive as much as possible, If you can only save one save Bastian and get out. Don’t heal the tank unless she’s down below half or taking so much damage she NEEDS it, your main support should be healing her (but with a flanking Moria makes it hard so switching would be better).
Oh also don’t be scared to dmg boost a dva, Junker Queen, hog, or zar, they are almost always good damage boost targets, just don’t heal bot them. You shouldn’t be healing tank much because it’s typically your other supports job (unless your running mercy zen/mercy Lucio. If your running mercy Lucio be the bigger person and switch. Mercy Lucio sucks it doesn’t work.)
I feel like this person is focusing "too much" on the dps. Yes, as mercy, you can focus more on the dps. But they are focusing on the dps when the dps are behind them and are safe. Instead of focusing on their tank when the tank is in front. My advice as a GM1 support player is to heal who needs to be healed. I know everyone has heard that a lot. But I think it's getting lost in translation. I think what low elo players hear when someone says that is "heal whoever is critical." And that's not always exactly true. Because what happens when two people are critical? Low elo players panic and heal whoever is closest to them. Which an example of that is a tank being in the front line and fighting their team and being critical, and a dps behind a wall next to the support asking for heals. Heal the tank in that situation. The dps player should be getting a health pack in that situation. Everything in this game is situational. So, I want to rephrase the "heal whoever needs heals" to "heal whoever is in the most danger" if that's your support, heal the support. If it's your tank, heal the tank. And if it's the dps, heal the dps.
it's funny that they went mercy to pocket the rein when moira was right there. i almost exclusively go moira for rein or aggressive brawly tanks. you heal them so much and you're right there in the thick of it (well, a few steps back at least lol) to do a lot of damage too. if that other support had just played a "i'm rein's buddy" moira and pocketed the rein while damaging squishies, they could've even rolled them? maybe?
I love the Moira/doomfist combo a lot. they enable each other so well
It’s so rare to see a bronze mercy damage boosting so that’s good I guess lmao
emon is too innocent, he doesn't know about discord kittens
Tbh yeah the mercy’s who only sit on tank or only yellow beam bug the shit outta me so if I think my team needs a mercy I take it right away because in low elo they’re awful and most of the time the mercy that pockets the tank is the tanks e girlfriend who doesn’t know how to play overwatch -
anywayssss… for my actual advice to this player as mercy you should never touch the ground and always be behind cover, you got in the air once but it was in the open and yeah that’s not good, if your team is in a spot that’s open then double check that their team isn’t focused on you go in the air and fall backwards into cover or if there is cover near by stand a lil far from your target to get momentum, mercy jump, and fall into the cover that you flew from. If you are in the air you always want to fall away from who your pocketing so you can gain that space to keep momentum for when you do fly to them to get back higher in the air. But otherwise yeah positioning def needs work. And definitely dmg boost more learn to trust your other support or tell them “hey it’s my job to take care of dps can you take care of the tank?” And most people are pretty understanding the overwatch community isn’t as shitty as people make it out to be trust me I’ve played games with worse communities and I always come back to overwatch because most people listen and aren’t as toxic.
As Kiriko you can be aggressive with your team I agree with emong on that you could’ve been playing with your rein because he does have a shield or even pick a dps to stand beside and attack with. Tbh I think the issue is your scared and I get it I’ve been there, I also think you’ve been told “well your job is to heal” too much so you think that’s all you need to do, no you have a weapon for a reason, if your playing SUPPORT there’s a reason it’s called support and not healer because you can do other things to help and support your team - when no one is critical you can be doing damage and helping out ur dps and tank, tbh as support you should be getting at least 5k dmg and 10k heals but this isn’t every match as every match is different and your team might just roll them, you don’t need to do that much healing or dmg, but those are just reference numbers. Your positioning as kiri needs work as well as I said before stand beside someone and do damage with them or take high ground close to your team if there is any, high ground makes it harder for the enemy team to get you as well as makes it easier for you to hit headshots, so high ground should be your best friend.
Anyways if whoever submitted this spectate bronze sees this, it is always just a video game and the more you play the better you’ll get don’t worry- I’d recommend watching some ow TH-cam content but take what tips they give with a grain of salt, ofc I’m not saying don’t listen to it or don’t do it but take it with a grain of salt because everything in overwatch is SITUATIONAL and not every tip will work in every situation and that’s where your gamesense will come in you just need to keep playing and eventually it’ll be so ingrained you’ll do it without thinking. Overwatch is just a game tho don’t ever take it super seriously and have fun with it! 😁💕
Anyone else notice the tank just totally turning the shield to let the two players die to the tire? Like seriously?
Kiriko does whatever it takes to survive even if that means their whole team dies lol
My theory for the first round was that the Moira thought she did more damage with her suck move vs her ultimate because the suck move doesn't require aiming.
this is quite literally my BIGGEST problem trying to climb as a support main. In the lower ranks, no one has game awareness and just rushes into the point over plays to aggressively etc etc. As a support, yes you can totally turn a game if you play correctly, but that goes to ur whole team too. If ur team is lacking, then that means ur going down with them. I wanna say i’m good at the game, but i’m constantly getting losses from having teammates who are purposefully throwing/trolling or just genuinely suck. It’s rare i come accesos other teammates who are mic’d up and wanna send coms. Anyways, blizzard really needs to fix there rank system.
I once had someone tell me to switch off of Mercy, and I asked them why? Do they want to play as Mercy? No answer. One of the DPS told me to just stay as Mercy so I did. The other support kept swapping to other supports and hardly did any healing or damage at all. I can typed "do you want me to switch so you can play Mercy?" (For all I know they're a Mercy one trick or new to the game and don't know the other supports well). So the next time I died I switched to Kiri and went back in. They never switched to Mercy and just kept throwing.
i cant wait for the day when that tank discovers junker queen. their aggro will pay off then.
I think they did fine. That Rein was playing way to aggressive. All that would have happened if they tried to keep up with the rein they just would have got pulled out of position and murdered.
my husband and son play very aggressive, while me and my brother play passive but i try to adjust my playstyle for when those times happen.
That's so cute! You play as a family?! I can only imagine how fun and frustrating that could get!
I think the person might be playing on controller judging from the camera movement, and im not a controller player so i dont know how to give a proper advise for controller player,
The mercy play is good for me, the only thing is try to prevent floating very long time after super jump especially in the open so you're not becoming an easy target,
In kings row map, prefer playing more slingshot ga than super jump unless you want to get high ground, because its easier to go to your teammate and go behind cover when necessary,
Im so glad you didn't always do what new mercy player do which is, "People die, time to rez", meaning go try to get rezzing even in the middle of eneny team, its okie with valk, but would prefer to not take the risk too frequently,
The valk towards the point ovjective one, what emong said is true, but i would prefer you valk a little bit early when you near the point, so that you able to use your teammate souls to be able to zoom around the objective and hold it, but its a bit high level and need fast reflex to do that,
Overall, would prefer you to do mercy parkour more to get used with the ga potential ( owo)b
For kiriko, i cant say much other than try to be proactive with your ults and abuse the suzu more (cant say much more since i only know how to play kiriko when i am playing kiriko, when im not playing her, i cannot explain how 😂)
A diving Zarya 😂
This is honestly the average mercy/kiriko bronze gp
I’ll tell you something I hate when I ping an enemy as a tank where i can’t deal with them as I need to make space so I make a play what pushes them back for me to deal with that certain player I pinged even tho I could’ve went back to spawn but if I didn’t who would be dealt with that person.
moira's orb is called a "skill orb"
That was one of the worst moiras I have ever seen
Someone being asked to switch off mercy is already a huge red flag, unless the other support is a lucio or a zen
Even Mercy Zen can work it's just incredibly volatile and most players aren't good enough to take advantage of it
ye ik, all i was saying is usually its understandable to switch off mercy if say they have an uncontested pharah or junkrat bombing the crap out of the tank. If they can't get the kill on these 2, then the tank needs more healing so good idea to switch off mercy if the stubborn zen won't switch for example. But if you have like a mercy and moira\bap\ana etc, and the mercy is being asked to switch something is horribly wrong. It may be the other supports fault, but if ppl aren't getting enough heals it is what it is gotta switch whether its coz ur bad at mercy this match or u need to pick up the other supports slack.@@switchblade6
Wow, that looks like typical strange Mercy plays in bronze. I mean, I've seen some of them pocketing only tanks. That is a wasting resources in my opinion.
And that reminds me of some my games when my teammates (ok, my tanks) asked me to switch to Mercy. As if I'm going to pocket tank with Mercy, lmao
I think Kirikos must concern about their damage potential, even going off angle (high ground with their climb for example) and create new opportunities. The part where she holded the heal botton positioned far away, it's a bad mindset for playing Kiriko in 99% of cases.
If you are not playing Mercy or Lifeweaver, you are a support, not a healer, remember that (with all its consecuences).
I don't think you fully grasp Mercy if you think she is a healer.
@@sethescope You're actually right. Damage boost is not healing, I meant by healer the definition of "low dps"
Depends. When your other support goes Mercy to pocket the tank with heals, that's not going to be enough for you to do too much. Especially with such an aggro tank where they leave their dps in the dust, both of them being quite high damage dps already.
Definitely could try weaving in kunai though and not getting lost/confused. They kinda just get overwhelmed at how hectic their team is.
"Love button" for Emongg! ✌️
From my opinion she did great, I think her settings are holding her back. Like I think that if she increases her sensitivity just a smidge she will do so much better. But what do I know, I'm just a low elo player. 🤷🏿♂️😂
I'm masters and I still get duos who only heal each other lol
Man, that was rough to watch.
I know its bronze, and despite the fact that mercy is mommy; she cant outheal continuous damage effectively on a tank 😭 its so hard for me to watch this dude shove mercys yellow beam straight up this Reinhardt's booty hole 😭😭
this support player is too scared to go play with the team
I get pretty salty when someone tells me to switch heroes, especially my mains, and Zenyatta is my top main, but a Junkrat wanted me to switch to Mercy. I obliged but I ignore the Junkrat, even when they try to be chatty with voice lines and saying hello to me. I mostly went Battle Mercy; going on a shooting spree, getting decent amount of final blows, and purposely ignoring Junkrat unless he’s critical health.
Honestly, he was pocketing the Bastion as much as the other Mercy was pocketing the Rein. That’s partly why the tank kept dying up front.
Moira switched to a pocket Mercy to pocket the Rein so he could be aggo and get heals. Good switch cause that Moira play was trash.
im about to be this mercy the way ive been deranking :P
That rein is a smurf and had the entire team on his shoulders. He needed the pocket 100%
I love the spectating series so much. It's why I subscribed to the channel! 😊
Team diff
too much healbotting going on :(
Bronze tier e-daters are kinda hyper cringe.
besides not dmg boosting enough, this movement from the mercy is so stiff
This was painful to watch.
Fake mage mercy skin
Their teammates were bad but their mercy isn’t the best either they’re floormercying a lot there’s no hitscans on the enemy team they should always be flying and on high ground and they break beam a lot and end up looking for the person they wanna beam and look lost they could have GAd accurately to save teammates multiple times but r really slow and the teammate ends up dying
They know they can cleanse a tire right? Lmao
Is floormercy a bad thing? That’s how I mostly play mercy unless I have a pharah or something
@livinglegendlanadelrey personally i don't think it's not that much of a bad thing if the positioning is pretty good. Just stay hidden behind a cover and kind of have a good route to fly to when repositioning to another cover. going up and standing on high ground is pretty good too. Even if there are not a lot of hitscan in the enemy team, some can have good projectile accuracy and you can get shot down while flying around in the air.
@@livinglegendlanadelrey in general if youre on the floor where everyone else is youre more likely to draw attention to yourself and immediately get focused. You'll also end up too close to your teammates and have little routes of escape. Having high ground will first deny the enemy team from high ground, give you better survivability and cover. if they have hitscans or snipers you just have to minimize flying but high ground is still better than being on the floor
I don't argue. I mute. By mute I mean I play with everything off.
See tf is my bronze matches they aren't like this everyone plays like tryhards 🥲 (I'm gold now)