Thank you for the video. Since I don't speak Japanese, I used Google translate. Kerosene heater selection is very limited here in Canada. After watching your video, I am thinking of buying this heater for my ice fishing trips. Do you know if there is a used stove stores in Tokyo? Thank you again. I really enjoyed watching the video. Have fun camping! ビデオをありがとうございます。私は日本語が話せないので、Google翻訳を使いました。ここカナダでは、灯油ストーブの選択肢がとても限られています。あなたのビデオを見た後、このストーブを氷上釣りのために購入しようかと考えています。東京に中古のストーブを扱っているお店があるかご存知ですか?改めてありがとうございます。ビデオをとても楽しみました。キャンプを楽しんでください!
Greetings, 😊 If you're looking for a physical store that sells used kerosene heaters in Tokyo, unfortunately, I do not know any. Where I live is quite far away from Tokyo, by the way. If you are planning to visit Tokyo and are considering taking a used kerosene stove back to Canada with you, I recommend checking with the airline to see if they would allow it. When I tried to take my MSR WhisperLite backpacking stove, they did not allow me to bring it although fuel bottle was empty and both stove and fuel bottle were completely dry, so I had to leave it at the airport. Also, I'm not sure how large your fishing tent is, but it is not safe to use this type of kerosene heater, especially in a small enclosed space, unless you can ensure adequate airflow, as kerosene heaters generate toxic gases (CO, CO2). A CO detector is a must.
I can't believe you had to leave your MSR stove at the airport. I will definitely check if the stove can be checked in. I use a radiant kerosene heater right now. I use Eskimo 6i tent. It's warm enough for me but my son complains that it's too cold ^_^. I think diesel heater might be the best choice. Thank you again for your response. Happy camping!
@leo39 サン
① #1と#3は連結して封筒状にして使用しています。冬場は#1を上にしています。
② 地面からは インナーテント > フィールドア 車中泊マット > 電気毛布 > 寝袋 の順になります。インナーテントの下には特に何も引いていないです。
③ 服装の詳細は説明欄にも明記していますが、寝る時はTシャツにフリースセーターとデニムのクライミングパンツでした。
④ インナーテントはogawaのロッジシェルター用TCです。2人用の方を使っています。
外気温マイナス2〜3℃の時にKR-47Aと薪ストーブ両方使ったことがありますが(この時は煙突出せなくなるのでタープはかけてません)、私は半袖で快適だったのですが、妻は寒いと言ってスウェット着てました。快適な温度って個人差大きいので難しいですね。ちなみにリビングエリアはogawaのリビングシート(ロッジ用 1323)の上にイオンで買った毛足の長いシャギーラグを引いてます。足元の冷えがだいぶ軽減されるように思います。
Thank you for the video. Since I don't speak Japanese, I used Google translate. Kerosene heater selection is very limited here in Canada. After watching your video, I am thinking of buying this heater for my ice fishing trips. Do you know if there is a used stove stores in Tokyo? Thank you again. I really enjoyed watching the video. Have fun camping!
Greetings, 😊
If you're looking for a physical store that sells used kerosene heaters in Tokyo, unfortunately, I do not know any. Where I live is quite far away from Tokyo, by the way.
If you are planning to visit Tokyo and are considering taking a used kerosene stove back to Canada with you, I recommend checking with the airline to see if they would allow it. When I tried to take my MSR WhisperLite backpacking stove, they did not allow me to bring it although fuel bottle was empty and both stove and fuel bottle were completely dry, so I had to leave it at the airport. Also, I'm not sure how large your fishing tent is, but it is not safe to use this type of kerosene heater, especially in a small enclosed space, unless you can ensure adequate airflow, as kerosene heaters generate toxic gases (CO, CO2). A CO detector is a must.
I can't believe you had to leave your MSR stove at the airport. I will definitely check if the stove can be checked in.
I use a radiant kerosene heater right now. I use Eskimo 6i tent. It's warm enough for me but my son complains that it's too cold ^_^. I think diesel heater might be the best choice.
Thank you again for your response. Happy camping!
今は灯油の放射式ヒーターを使っています。エスキモー6iテントを使っていて、私には十分暖かいのですが、息子は寒いと文句を言っています ^_^。ディーゼルヒーターが最良の選択かもしれません。