Probably won't happen. Kevin Smith's pulling a George Lucas and retiring. According to him, he says he just doesn't have it anymore. I hope he's just saying that 'cause he's in a rough patch. But if he does continue, he definitely needs to stay within the Askweniverse. It never ends well when he goes outside of it.
I love both Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings, but I have to agree with Randall on the point he made about Sam's look at Frodo near the was pretty gay.
***** I've been a hardcore Tolkien fan since childhood, and me and my friends just ruined the premiere of The Return of the King because we couldn't contain our giggles. The scene where Aragorn grabs Legolas' shoulder and Legolas is dressed basically like a girl was the worst. I love the trilogy to bits, but it's very hard to contain my immaturity while watching it.
Jk Smith the puking man’s logic doesn’t check out because 1) no self-respecting person gives a fuck or two shits for that matter what the Academy thinks; and 2) thinking a movie is bad doesn’t mean you deny that it’s beautifully photographed. Technical achievement or not, Randal’s argument was never that it wasn’t a competently made flick.
"Hey Dante , I made fun of lord of the rings so hard some nerd puked all over the counter , where's the mop ? " Dante: with the rest of the cleaning supplies ! ; Randel replies " We have cleaning supplies ? "
"Chicks dig Lord of the Rings, Randall." I had a one night stand where I petitioned this cute blonde girl to watch Fellowship with me at first. So, yeah, in my experience Lord of the Rings DOES get you laid! I should add that we didn't get past Bilbo's party, nor did we ever finish it.
I sorta agree with Randall. You just can't beat the original '77-'83 Star Wars Trilogy; those movies have everything from action, adventure, creativity, imagination, technology, spirituality, etc. I could watch those movies again and again and not get tired of them (can't really say the same for the prequels though). As for Lord of the Rings...while those movies are incredible (in terms of visuals, characters, and being true to the Tolkien novels), they just drag on and on and it's hard to sit through them multiple times.
@@AjaxNixon Are you really trying to imply a connection between "not gay" and "Kirk"? XD The grandfather of all the gay ships? The man that had Vulcanian sex three times on screen with his best friend? Congrats for the guts XD
Why would fanboys need to compete? I love the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and original Star Wars Trilogy. This is from someone who's ACTUALLY READ Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, has seen all the franchise films and there's room for both.
You must have never been to a con with Trekkies. They're the worst kind of fandom, overall. Not specific ones, but many of them will hate you and bash you if you don't know what stains were on William Shatner's underwear in _"Specter of the Gun..."_ I've said this all over TH-cam, and it's this: I'm fine with people liking whatever they want, but that gives them no right to force their opinions on others. Kevin Smith believes the same way. This scene is poking fun at the fact that this happens all too often when members of different fandoms meet and clash ideas.
Funny how all the Star Wars abuse is either directed at the NEW trilogy or at the incidental formalities (Lucas' lack of a Best Directing Oscar)---no specific criticism toward the originals. Really kinda surprising that Randal doesn't point that out. In fact, he seems to ignore the existence of the new films entirely: "There's only ONE trilogy..." Love that. At any rate, the original Star Wars trilogy and the LotR trilogy are my favorites in the history of cinema. As long as they hold the numbers 1 and 2 spots on any top 10 list, they're interchangeable in my eyes.
In my eyes, they are aslo intercheangable with the Toy Story and The Godfathe trilogy (I know the third movie of The Godfather was just "average" or "moderately good", but the first two are widely acknowledged as some of the best movies of all time, with many critics considering the Godfather 1 and the Godfather 2 to be the best movies ever).
I could pick hundreds of memorable moments in Jedi, but in this case I'll say just one phrase that pisses all over the face in the entire LOTR trilogy: IT'S A TRAP!! (And with just those 3 seconds, my friend, I prove that Star Wars is more than a film, but part of the culture nowadays --a status your beloved dwarfs and walking trees will never achieve)
***** Wait, what? Are you seriously trying to claim that Lord of the Rings isn't an international phenomenon? It's one of the most popular books of all time and was the basis for a billion dollar movie franchise.
Return of the Jedi went down hill right after they killed Jabba. How gay were the Ewoks? GAY. Funny how the supposed powerful Empire was taken down by a bunch of fucking teddy bears. However, if said Teddy Bears were the same as Ted, from the movie Ted, and they a'll snorted 3 lines of coke! Well then they'd kick the crap out of the Storm Troopers or any other adversary.
Well, the superior technology WAS pretty important, as the Ewoks were getting their asses kicked right up until the point that Chewbacca commandeered an AT-ST and turned its guns on the Stormtroopers.
That's true. Farrelly Brothers lost me after Shallow Hal and I can't stand these dennis Dugan/Adam Sandler films. The only director of comedy in Kevin's league is Judd Apatow
Yousuf Khan I personally felt like the gollum scene dragged on and in the end accomplished very little other then filling more screen time. But i'll give it to you that the goblin scene was half entertaining
Return of the jedi ended with little Fury bunnies Return of the king ended with 11 academy awards including best picture. The difference between the originals is as clear as the difference between their prequels. No contest
Terminator 1 was great 2 was awesome and 3 was just kinda meh. but T2 was a hard sequel to follow. but what pissed me off the most was pretty much saying what they did in T2 did not matter, shit was going to happen no matter what, that was their reason for T3.
LOTR book is only about 800 pages long. Some Peter Jackson managed to turn that into TWELVE HOURS of film. And that’s the divisive part. It’s just very slow-paced plot, with large portions of time where absolutely nothing happens. Like, the first 90 minutes of Fellowship probably contains about 20 minutes of plot...... Truth is, Peter Jackson knew he had to make a ridiculous amount of revenue to fund movies of that size and scale, so he stretched it out into 3 parts. When, they could have done the entire trilogy in one movie. Star Wars trilogy is very easy to watch because they’re just a must better scripts. Much better paced. Much more action. More humour. It’s impossible to look away. Whereas LOTR takes more commitment to get into👍 I bet lots of people just turned Fellowship off after the first hour......😂
Randal's comments about Frodo and Sam being totally gay for each other was the inspiration for the research paper I'm currently writing for my Beowulf to Tolkien class.
I'm not gonna sound like Randall, but I disagree. The only return is "Of the Jedi." And there's only one Oz. And it's the all-time classic Wizard of Oz (1939).
SuperKing178 Trust me, there are better movies out there. You just have to stop re-watching your Rings movies and go to your local video store, any Redbox, or register a NetFlix/Hulu account...
I'm sure the next arguments will be about Marvel and DC movies and to sweeten the pot Ben Affleck is playing Batman, who is a close friend of Kevin Smith!
glonnie15 I could buy Aflac as a comic book writer who's in love with a lesbian, and he was a passable fallen angel. If he's going to be a superhero, he should be one who's already cruddy (maybe Plastic Man?) so he can't ruin it like he did Dare Devil. When I heard he was going to play Batman, I thought it was a joke. Or hoped it was. Whatever. The 1997 movie wasn't bad enough, they gotta make Ben freakin Aflac Batman. Who could have possibly thought that was a good idea?
***** Because Daredevil wasn't a hugely successful movie at that time right? Because the studio forced a shitty love story with Elektra that the director didn't want. Because the director's cut of that movie isn't completely fucking different. Because Ben Affleck hasn't starred and directed amazing movies in the last few years.... yeah go fuck yourself you stupid dipshit.
+Michael Morgan First of all, the original Plastic Man comics written and drawn by Jack Cole are FUCKING AMAZING. But don't bother with them if you don't have a sense of humor. Secondly, I'm astonished that there's _anybody_ left who doesn't realize Affleck will be a great Batman, possibly the greatest ever. Sure, maybe _one year ago,_ before any trailers were released, that was a different time. But now, it's obvious he's going to be the best part of BvS. Third, how you do repeatedly misspell such a famous celebrity's name? You have seen the name "Ben Affleck" at least 100 times, if not 1,000. How do you _not_ unconsciously memorize that? "Aflac"? SERIOUSLY? I want to know what goes on in your mind when you type that, repeatedly. I asked this same question of some dumb bitch who kept typing "Bill Cosbey". She spelled it that way _three times_ (3X). Consistently. If she had spelled it "Cosbey", then "Causebe", then "Kosbie", I would have thought _"Okay, brain damage or mild retardation, who cares?"_ But when somebody CONSISTENTLY spells SUCH a well-publicized word wrong _THE SAME WAY,_ I want to know what they're thinking! Do you think "No, everybody else is wrong, it's supposed to be 'Aflac'"?!? I didn't get an answer from her, but I'm hoping you can enlighten me. How do you NOT unconsicously pick up on these things? I've NEVER sat and thought _"Wait, how do I spell his name?"_ It's just, if I see a name 10, 100, or 1,000 times, I'm gonna know how to spell it right, automatically.
Ben Culture The fact that you can't recognize an obvious joke, making fun of a celebrity's name, that was a sketch on SNL, tells me all I need to know. There is no need to look at anything else you say. Except for your insinuating that I'm the one without a sense of humor. Now THAT is fucking hilarious! Just try to picture Lorne Michaels and someone from the SNL cast (I don't remember who) talking about Ben Aflac and trying to remember his last name while Gilbert Godfrey (the guy who does the voice of the duck in the insurance commercials) is in the background saying "Affleck! Affleck!" Or is that brand of humor too smart for you? I've always enjoyed it. From calling a former Ohio Governor "S&Leste" to calling a famous lawyer "F U Bailey" to spelling a former president's name like the beer that's pronounced the same way to calling another one "Clintax" to calling the state Romney is from "Taxachusetts," this is one of the many forms of humor I enjoy. I've lost you completely, haven't I.
i like both Star Wars and the Rings,both are good movies,and i like both medieval and sci-fi. the first star wars,phantom menace was quite shit,as for the rings,don't know why people like the return of the king the most....i find the two towers the best of lotr.
In his books, Tolkein explains why the eagles can't be counted on to simply carry out the mission of the ring. Jackson kind of dropped the ball by not adding any exposition that would clarify the significance of any potential eagle intervention. To casual watchers it looks like the eagles could have just flown Frodo over Amon Amarth and dropped the ring into the lava and the whole episode could have taken 5 days, but Tolkein goes to great lengths to explain why that was not a possibility.
prequels were NOT bad. I loved them just as much as I did the originals. I could probably write a book on why I liked them. All the episodes work together to enhance each other. If you re-watch them, you'll find all these cool rhythmic story patterns. Their way better films than what people give them credit for.
LOTR > Star Wars, Randall couldn't even bring up an honest criticism of it, it makes sense since LOTR pretty much does everything better than star wars.
lgjhmovies Better soundtrack, better fights, better overarching story, better use of practical effects/cgi etc, I could go on but like I said, most things in LOTR are done better.
This scene goes on way to long and Randall's critique is just... dumb. All it is is walking? I hate those movies but it's way more than walking. It's epic battles. Forever. It is a forever long movie of nothing but forever long epic battles.
I lost it at "even the fucking trees walked in those movies!"
+boiledelephant Fuckin' A
Yes that is great ass line.
+boiledelephant lotr was racist
@@mentallyentropicphilosophe2685 Only an ork would say that, filth!
I'm not sure I've ever sympathized more with a movie character than when I hear Randal say, "Oh, what the f**k happened to this world...?"
Now we just need a Clerks Trilogy
Rumor has it Kevin Smith is working on a third one.
Clerks 3: Return of the Clerks
We get one!
You got one, and it's shit
This is golden. "Even trees were walking" LOL :D
Even me as a huge LOTR fan has to admit that he's got a point
I don't know but for me it was so wholesome to see two fans finding each other and fanboying over a piece of art they both equally adore.
we need a Clerks III to rip on twilight and Harry Potter
Probably won't happen. Kevin Smith's pulling a George Lucas and retiring. According to him, he says he just doesn't have it anymore. I hope he's just saying that 'cause he's in a rough patch. But if he does continue, he definitely needs to stay within the Askweniverse. It never ends well when he goes outside of it.
He's making a Jay and Silent Bob reboot...sort of's actually called "Jay and Silent Bob Reboot"
Chris S Yes, Yes, Yes
look at you two whipping out your PRECIOUSES lmao
IM_RAZKAL_B**** that line is fuckin funny! LOL
"Not the "Rings" Randal. Say what you will about Jesus but leave the "Rings" out of this!"
"Even the trees walked in that fucking movie" LMFAO I died ohmygod
Elia's line "Say what you will about Jesus but leaves the rings out of this!" Made listening to Randal's blasphemies speech worth it.
I love both franchises. They both tell a great story, have great characters, have great action, beautiful music, etc. I love them both.
I love both Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings, but I have to agree with Randall on the point he made about Sam's look at Frodo near the was pretty gay.
***** I've been a hardcore Tolkien fan since childhood, and me and my friends just ruined the premiere of The Return of the King because we couldn't contain our giggles. The scene where Aragorn grabs Legolas' shoulder and Legolas is dressed basically like a girl was the worst. I love the trilogy to bits, but it's very hard to contain my immaturity while watching it.
Star Wars 1st Trilogy FTW ! End of the story !
@mastersleib In a Galaxy far far away !
Randal wins because, opponent vomits; vomits disqualifies
but there are 2 opponents battling Randal.
kyle jensen The other guy was losing bad before the customer step in....
Love how Kevin Smith couldn't even win an argument he was writing both sides of himself without coping out with something like that.
Jk Smith the puking man’s logic doesn’t check out because 1) no self-respecting person gives a fuck or two shits for that matter what the Academy thinks; and 2) thinking a movie is bad doesn’t mean you deny that it’s beautifully photographed. Technical achievement or not, Randal’s argument was never that it wasn’t a competently made flick.
I never noticed how serious Randall looks when he's telling them there's only one trilogy.
I love LOTR but I can not contain my laughter when he walks....
"Your chicks are your left & right" LMFAO hahaha ahh Randal is HILARIOUS!
Clerks 2 is highly underrated. Dante and Randall's story of struggling to find a purpose in life struck a chord with me. Plus, it's fuckin hilarious.
I love both but i agree with the dude...FUCKIN A!
Sam flat out bricks in Frodo's mouth.
When fucken Frito wakes up
If Clerks 3 comes out, i wanna hear an argument about The Hobbit trilogy and the Star Wars sequel trilogy!
I totally want to see that argument
I wonder what will happen with Dante's kid in that movie
The Observant Servant
LotR = SW original > SW sequels/anthology = Hobbit > SW prequels >>>> SW holiday special
The Hobbit trilogy sucks.
Yeah. And SW sequels?
-They suck too.
End of conversation
@juno_4492 lmao the sequels were dogshit
SO fucking funny it hurts. There's something genius level about this sketch.
Thisis more epic than Star Wars and Lord of the Rings battles together
(door moos electronically)
"Ah what the fuck happened to this world?" , "Three movies of people walking." and "Even the fuckin trees walked in those movies."
All time favorite scene. I cannot help but burst out laughing
As much as I dislike Randall, he's absolutely right about Star Wars. Both trilogies are INFINITELY better than LOTR,
Being a huge fan of Tolkien, I've watched The Lord of the Rings too many times to count and read the books three times. I still find this hilarious.
both LOTR and Star Wars are epic. in there own way. end of story.
I agree I love both franchises as well
NunuInc star wars is still better.
I think K. Smith likes them both.
Nope Disney ruined starwars now
Star Wars is a lot better. LOTR actually takes quite a lot of effort to watch/get into 👍 they’re quite boring films, for large spells
The walking joke sums up The Mandalorian pretty well
Yeah a show set in STAR WARS was about walking... they literally had to fly from planet to planet, but yes... there is a lot of walking too
If no one has ever seen Lord of the Rings just tell them to look this clip up. Randall just nailed the entire trilogy in one epic gold speech.
LOTR is perfect. All his points were completely invalid
@@Daniel-gp6sd I'm a huge LotR fan, but I'll give Randal credit here, he fucking nailed it
"Even the fucking trees walked in those movies!"
@@Daniel-gp6sd LOTR was dogshit lmao
All right, look, there's only one "Return," okay, and it ain't "of the King," it's "of the Jedi."
no man just no. star wars was inspired by the lotr book series so that renders your argument invalid.
heavyironmusic Apparently someone has never heard of "The Hidden Fortress" by Akira Kurosawa...
heavyironmusic How was star wars inspired by the lotr's books? and how would that render his argument invalid?
Brilliant. Just brilliant. This entire movie is great writing. So funny.
"Hey Dante , I made fun of lord of the rings so hard some nerd puked all over the counter , where's the mop ? " Dante: with the rest of the cleaning supplies ! ; Randel replies " We have cleaning supplies ? "
"Door moos electronically" in the subtitles cracked me up more than anything else.
The subtitles were a nice touch. Thank you for that.
Orlando did a really good job as Legolas.And yes, Tolkien did write the story, but Peter did a great job at staying loyal to the book.
The thing is hot chicks actually do like lord of the rings these days.
***** Yeah, women who are into swords and elves and sh*t. And I wouldn't f*ck them with the Torch of Gondor.
There's a reason why all *truly* smart people hate all this stupid elves, magicians and shit. Conan O'Brian is one of these smart people, for example.
Bob ive seriously only met two girls in my entire life who like LOTR.
That's because all nerds standards are extremely low lmao.
I like both Lord of the Rings and Star Wars 😊
I agree the Star Wars Episodes I, II & III was shit but one thing Randall had right about Return of the King- that was a very fucking gay look.
Whenever people talk about the star wars trilogy, they're always talking about episode 4-6 and never about 1-3, unless it's about how much it sucked.
name bn I said Episodes I, II and III because they do suck. 4, 5 and 6 were masterpieces.
Rudy Juarez 1 sucked
2 and 3 are ok
4, 5 and 6 are AWESOME
I did notice that. It was heavy.
Hey, Episode III was actually decent.
Little did they know that Becky would become a Jedi.
Yep, this is pretty accurate.
"Chicks dig Lord of the Rings, Randall."
I had a one night stand where I petitioned this cute blonde girl to watch Fellowship with me at first. So, yeah, in my experience Lord of the Rings DOES get you laid!
I should add that we didn't get past Bilbo's party, nor did we ever finish it.
Fuckin A, dude
It is my goal in life to troll this hard
I sorta agree with Randall. You just can't beat the original '77-'83 Star Wars Trilogy; those movies have everything from action, adventure, creativity, imagination, technology, spirituality, etc. I could watch those movies again and again and not get tired of them (can't really say the same for the prequels though).
As for Lord of the Rings...while those movies are incredible (in terms of visuals, characters, and being true to the Tolkien novels), they just drag on and on and it's hard to sit through them multiple times.
I agree, I am a huge fan of both trilogies, but Randell did have a point on the hobbit movies, it had a lot of walking.
Still to this day, I can't get myself to watch LotR again. Jesus Christ, 3 fucking hours each of absolutely nothing, 20 minutes of action fuck me.
milos mijajlovic yeah, I think the Lord of the rings movies are awesome, but I can't rewatch them all the time.
well said, sir....well said.
That shrug he does gets me every time.
I just saw Lord of the Rings. I enjoyed them but nothing will beat my passion for Star Wars. May the force be with you, always..
Reading some of the comments here is funny, like Star Trek nerds fighting over who was better: Kirk or Pickard
Kirk is far superior to the gay boi Rickard. If you think differently you have low testosterone.
@@AjaxNixon Are you really trying to imply a connection between "not gay" and "Kirk"? XD
The grandfather of all the gay ships?
The man that had Vulcanian sex three times on screen with his best friend?
Congrats for the guts XD
Why would fanboys need to compete? I love the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and original Star Wars Trilogy. This is from someone who's ACTUALLY READ Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit, has seen all the franchise films and there's room for both.
***** Lord of the Rings is one work but it was still published in 3 parts, so yes, it's a trilogy.
***** it's all pointless, I enjoy both franchises. Tolkien was a genius and Lucas was a visionary who surrounded himself with genius.
You must have never been to a con with Trekkies. They're the worst kind of fandom, overall. Not specific ones, but many of them will hate you and bash you if you don't know what stains were on William Shatner's underwear in _"Specter of the Gun..."_
I've said this all over TH-cam, and it's this: I'm fine with people liking whatever they want, but that gives them no right to force their opinions on others.
Kevin Smith believes the same way. This scene is poking fun at the fact that this happens all too often when members of different fandoms meet and clash ideas.
Zeda Borrie
Leftysfive93 Much like the Highlander, there can be only one.
Funny thing is I find LOTR better than Star Wars but I still find this scene hilarious.
I can never choose a side.I love them both too much.
My favorite part of this.
"Even the fuck'in Trees walked in those movies."
I love this scene!
Funny how all the Star Wars abuse is either directed at the NEW trilogy or at the incidental formalities (Lucas' lack of a Best Directing Oscar)---no specific criticism toward the originals. Really kinda surprising that Randal doesn't point that out. In fact, he seems to ignore the existence of the new films entirely: "There's only ONE trilogy..." Love that.
At any rate, the original Star Wars trilogy and the LotR trilogy are my favorites in the history of cinema. As long as they hold the numbers 1 and 2 spots on any top 10 list, they're interchangeable in my eyes.
In my eyes, they are aslo intercheangable with the Toy Story and The Godfathe trilogy (I know the third movie of The Godfather was just "average" or "moderately good", but the first two are widely acknowledged as some of the best movies of all time, with many critics considering the Godfather 1 and the Godfather 2 to be the best movies ever).
Star Wars for the Movies
Lord Of The Rings for the Books
i will agree that the Lord of the Rings books were more engaging than the Rings movies.
I watch this scene like the 1000's time and it still gets me. It's fuckin' ingenious!
The irony here is you can just as easily simplify Star Wars as being a bunch of guys flying to a moon station.
Lux Bellator that's only episode 4
at lest peter jackson hasn't ruin the trilogy by making 3 pointless prequels.
oh wait...........
The first 2 Hobbit movies have been way better than the first 3 Star Wars movies. The third movie will blow the Star Wars prequels out of the water.
i agree actually. all although that not a hard thing as the Star Wars prequels are the bane of my life. episode iv, v and vi ftw.
LunqvistNabokov i agree actually. all although that not a hard thing as the Star Wars prequels are the bane of my life. episode iv, v and vi ftw.
jack adams Yeah, Ghe Hobbit would have been great as one movie, not 3.
The Hobbit and the StarWars prequels are fun movies. Stfu.
Ok, what right thinking individual is going to say "Return of the Jedi" is superior or even equal to "Return of the King"? No one, that's who!
I could pick hundreds of memorable moments in Jedi, but in this case I'll say just one phrase that pisses all over the face in the entire LOTR trilogy: IT'S A TRAP!! (And with just those 3 seconds, my friend, I prove that Star Wars is more than a film, but part of the culture nowadays --a status your beloved dwarfs and walking trees will never achieve)
***** Wait, what? Are you seriously trying to claim that Lord of the Rings isn't an international phenomenon? It's one of the most popular books of all time and was the basis for a billion dollar movie franchise.
Return of the Jedi went down hill right after they killed Jabba. How gay were the Ewoks? GAY. Funny how the supposed powerful Empire was taken down by a bunch of fucking teddy bears. However, if said Teddy Bears were the same as Ted, from the movie Ted, and they a'll snorted 3 lines of coke! Well then they'd kick the crap out of the Storm Troopers or any other adversary.
Well, the superior technology WAS pretty important, as the Ewoks were getting their asses kicked right up until the point that Chewbacca commandeered an AT-ST and turned its guns on the Stormtroopers.
MentokTheMindTaker everything outside of Luke’s scenes with Vader was pretty bad.
i love Randall in this movie.
Both are increrible,for me they are top 1 in movies history.
kevin smith is the best at this type of shit. hes the only modern comedy film maker i like
That's true. Farrelly Brothers lost me after Shallow Hal and I can't stand these dennis Dugan/Adam Sandler films. The only director of comedy in Kevin's league is Judd Apatow
i love the death star analysis in Clerks 1
No love for Edgar Wright and the Cornetto Trilogy?
Kevin Smith wears a gay fedora
what's both funny and sad is that Randall is not wrong.
lord of the rings DEFINITELY had the better prequels!
octoman511 And they were still shit
If the Hobbit was shit then it's an understatement to say that the SW prequels were shit.
Meh I at least had some fun watching the star wars prequels, the hobbit was the most boring trilogy I've ever seen
friarface It Gollum in it which was entertaining, the Goblins scene was entertaining.
Yousuf Khan I personally felt like the gollum scene dragged on and in the end accomplished very little other then filling more screen time. But i'll give it to you that the goblin scene was half entertaining
Yep, Randall's right. Normal people watch Star Wars.
This classy film connoisseur doesn't mop floors, he gets Elias to do it.. 💪
Honestly, I have the same problem with watching LOTR. It is quite good move, but this Frodo-Sam relationship?
It gets me sick every time.
Return of the jedi ended with little Fury bunnies
Return of the king ended with 11 academy awards including best picture.
The difference between the originals is as clear as the difference between their prequels. No contest
HELLASgate7 Doesnt anyone consider Rings was made 30 years after?
Deadline Music Yeah, and look at the Star Wars movies that were made 30 years after.
noctournicorium 101 The Hobbit was miles better than anything that the Star Wars prequels did.
+noctournicorium 101 you really think I'm gonna read all that? Lol. Sw prequels suck end of story ;)
+Kanye East got better things to do..
I don't like either Trilogy. Give me the Back to the Future movies or the first two Terminator movies any day.
Terminator 1 was great 2 was awesome and 3 was just kinda meh. but T2 was a hard sequel to follow. but what pissed me off the most was pretty much saying what they did in T2 did not matter, shit was going to happen no matter what, that was their reason for T3.
For me, Mad Max, Toy Story or Jackass are more my kind than those two. I would say Godfather, but I have yet to see the third.
Mi Ga Probably best you treat The Godfather like Terminator and ignore the third.
Return of the King/Empire Strikes Back >>>>>>>>> The Terminator >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Back to the Future...
Goobian T2 is a classic but T1 is outdated garbage.
"They're not gay, they're hobbits" is probably my favorite line ever in a Kevin Smith film
LOTR book is only about 800 pages long.
Some Peter Jackson managed to turn that into TWELVE HOURS of film.
And that’s the divisive part. It’s just very slow-paced plot, with large portions of time where absolutely nothing happens. Like, the first 90 minutes of Fellowship probably contains about 20 minutes of plot......
Truth is, Peter Jackson knew he had to make a ridiculous amount of revenue to fund movies of that size and scale, so he stretched it out into 3 parts. When, they could have done the entire trilogy in one movie.
Star Wars trilogy is very easy to watch because they’re just a must better scripts. Much better paced. Much more action. More humour. It’s impossible to look away.
Whereas LOTR takes more commitment to get into👍 I bet lots of people just turned Fellowship off after the first hour......😂
I'm loving these comments people are making about Randall being a loser, Don't know if they know he's just a fictional character
ash nazg durbatuluk, ash nazg gimbatul ash nazg thraka-tuluk ...and fuck, i forgot. ...
+Zandonus ...agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
as cinemablend once said abandon all hope and stop bothering with movies if you can't fall in love with lotr
+Legend101 Well, to be fair, most movies ARE garbage.
Randal's comments about Frodo and Sam being totally gay for each other was the inspiration for the research paper I'm currently writing for my Beowulf to Tolkien class.
He's still wrong, the true "Return" isn't "of the King" or "of the Jedi" it's "Return to Oz"
I'm not gonna sound like Randall, but I disagree. The only return is "Of the Jedi."
And there's only one Oz. And it's the all-time classic Wizard of Oz (1939).
LOTR > Every movie ever made
LOTR < Clerks II
SuperKing178 Trust me, there are better movies out there. You just have to stop re-watching your Rings movies and go to your local video store, any Redbox, or register a NetFlix/Hulu account...
Empjori Wrong.
LOTR < Clerks II < Clerks I < Original Star Wars Trilogy
Todd Star Wars movies are for kids! Even the Academy accepts this, as Lucas can never win an Oscar for his creation!
This comparison turns my stomach. It's one thing to like Star Wars but to hate LotR? Jump into traffic.
I love this scene so much! Randal is so right!
LOTR is perfect. All of his points were invalid
@@Daniel-gp6sd even trees walked in those movies.
"Even the fucking trees were walking in that movie"
Str8killinya scratch out "were"
Also Randall's eyes darting back and forth hahahahaha
Star Trek ftw
Star Wars is still better
I agree
That's a great sarcasm
I'm sure the next arguments will be about Marvel and DC movies and to sweeten the pot Ben Affleck is playing Batman, who is a close friend of Kevin Smith!
glonnie15 WAS a close friend, apparently they hadn't talked in like 2 years.
glonnie15 I could buy Aflac as a comic book writer who's in love with a lesbian, and he was a passable fallen angel. If he's going to be a superhero, he should be one who's already cruddy (maybe Plastic Man?) so he can't ruin it like he did Dare Devil. When I heard he was going to play Batman, I thought it was a joke. Or hoped it was. Whatever. The 1997 movie wasn't bad enough, they gotta make Ben freakin Aflac Batman. Who could have possibly thought that was a good idea?
***** Because Daredevil wasn't a hugely successful movie at that time right? Because the studio forced a shitty love story with Elektra that the director didn't want. Because the director's cut of that movie isn't completely fucking different. Because Ben Affleck hasn't starred and directed amazing movies in the last few years.... yeah go fuck yourself you stupid dipshit.
+Michael Morgan First of all, the original Plastic Man comics written and drawn by Jack Cole are FUCKING AMAZING. But don't bother with them if you don't have a sense of humor.
Secondly, I'm astonished that there's _anybody_ left who doesn't realize Affleck will be a great Batman, possibly the greatest ever. Sure, maybe _one year ago,_ before any trailers were released, that was a different time. But now, it's obvious he's going to be the best part of BvS.
Third, how you do repeatedly misspell such a famous celebrity's name? You have seen the name "Ben Affleck" at least 100 times, if not 1,000. How do you _not_ unconsciously memorize that? "Aflac"? SERIOUSLY? I want to know what goes on in your mind when you type that, repeatedly. I asked this same question of some dumb bitch who kept typing "Bill Cosbey". She spelled it that way _three times_ (3X). Consistently. If she had spelled it "Cosbey", then "Causebe", then "Kosbie", I would have thought _"Okay, brain damage or mild retardation, who cares?"_ But when somebody CONSISTENTLY spells SUCH a well-publicized word wrong _THE SAME WAY,_ I want to know what they're thinking!
Do you think "No, everybody else is wrong, it's supposed to be 'Aflac'"?!?
I didn't get an answer from her, but I'm hoping you can enlighten me. How do you NOT unconsicously pick up on these things? I've NEVER sat and thought _"Wait, how do I spell his name?"_ It's just, if I see a name 10, 100, or 1,000 times, I'm gonna know how to spell it right, automatically.
Ben Culture
The fact that you can't recognize an obvious joke, making fun of a celebrity's name, that was a sketch on SNL, tells me all I need to know. There is no need to look at anything else you say. Except for your insinuating that I'm the one without a sense of humor. Now THAT is fucking hilarious! Just try to picture Lorne Michaels and someone from the SNL cast (I don't remember who) talking about Ben Aflac and trying to remember his last name while Gilbert Godfrey (the guy who does the voice of the duck in the insurance commercials) is in the background saying "Affleck! Affleck!" Or is that brand of humor too smart for you? I've always enjoyed it. From calling a former Ohio Governor "S&Leste" to calling a famous lawyer "F U Bailey" to spelling a former president's name like the beer that's pronounced the same way to calling another one "Clintax" to calling the state Romney is from "Taxachusetts," this is one of the many forms of humor I enjoy. I've lost you completely, haven't I.
earlier today I promised a friend I'd never trash talk lord of the rings again in exchange for something, just sent him this
"I know you're a huge nerd of Potsie-like proportions..." has got to be the best line
Chicks like me are into nerds and LOTR!
NOT even with the torch of gondor
No one cares.
Thennnn...why comment? :P
Rachel Miller To tell you no one cares.
i like both Star Wars and the Rings,both are good movies,and i like both medieval and sci-fi.
the first star wars,phantom menace was quite shit,as for the rings,don't know why people like the return of the king the most....i find the two towers the best of lotr.
couldn't agree more!
two towers was the absolutle worst. I don't like any of the LOTR movies at all but if I had to pick FOTR was the best.
Heck no, LOTR is better and what's the deal with the Storm Troopers? They can't aim for s***!
I can't get over how the customer looks like he has one heavy ass head
In his books, Tolkein explains why the eagles can't be counted on to simply carry out the mission of the ring. Jackson kind of dropped the ball by not adding any exposition that would clarify the significance of any potential eagle intervention. To casual watchers it looks like the eagles could have just flown Frodo over Amon Amarth and dropped the ring into the lava and the whole episode could have taken 5 days, but Tolkein goes to great lengths to explain why that was not a possibility.
I love both, but I prefer the 2 Star Wars trilogies over the Rings trilogy
You prefer the Star Wars prequels… over the Lord of the Rings? wow…. wow… wow… ……..
prequels were NOT bad. I loved them just as much as I did the originals. I could probably write a book on why I liked them. All the episodes work together to enhance each other. If you re-watch them, you'll find all these cool rhythmic story patterns. Their way better films than what people give them credit for.
yeah, I can understand why you like them, it's just… after watching Redlettermedia's prequel videos, I can't help see major problems with them
I saw them too. They still didn't sway me. Guess we'll have to agree to disagree.
I dig LOTR
ok...then you're not gonna get fucked with the torch of gondor. What's your point?
Seth Stone lmfao!!
Seth Stone Best Diss ever.
Fucking A
"your chicks are your left and right" LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL
One ring to rule them all...
LOTR > Star Wars, Randall couldn't even bring up an honest criticism of it, it makes sense since LOTR pretty much does everything better than star wars.
+Courtney Clark like?
Better soundtrack, better fights, better overarching story, better use of practical effects/cgi etc, I could go on but like I said, most things in LOTR are done better.
Courtney Clark this is all your opinion though
+lgjhmovies No one on TH-cam is allowed to have opinions!!!
+Courtney Clark Better soundtrack? what the hell
Star Wars prequels are better than Hobbit prequels
No they were equally stupid
Prequels in general are stupid.
+Theodore Hodbor yeah I was glad to see Yoda actually fight and to see Darth become the sith lord
The Hobbit better.
best line: oh i'am the geek look at you two, whipping out your preciouses !
"Even the trees walk in that fucking movie"
This scene goes on way to long and Randall's critique is just... dumb. All it is is walking? I hate those movies but it's way more than walking. It's epic battles. Forever. It is a forever long movie of nothing but forever long epic battles.