That first chucklehead was looking at a possible 20 year stretch, plea-bargained down to just 2 years so long as he turned up at court for sentencing on the set date, yet he couldn't be bothered even to do that...Then when the judge still showed considerable leniency and sentenced him to 4 years, he began shaking his head, like - "This is crazy, nobody ever asked me to take responsibility before..."
That guy is an idiot. Probably a 4th grand éducation. Anyone with half a brain would have known the seriousness of not being compliant. His excuses were laughable😂
@@silencedogood8800you must be related to the defendant hahaha. 100% did not have a job lined up. I hope you really aren’t that dense or stupid in real life
Jesus must be an inmate at the Bexar county jail , because as soon as folks end up in there and then appear in court all of sudden they wanna turn their life around ! HOW CONVINIENT MY FRIEND ! The last guy almost fainted when he heard 10yrs ! LMAO ! Doesn't know his 2 kids birthdays but he sure does know how long 10yrs is ! 🤣😮😮😮
Spoken like someone who has zero frame of reference of how abundant Bibles are in prison compared to access to law books. Dorks like you are the first to demand people live by rules when you don't even know what the f*ck you're talking about.
I am afraid he understood maybe 10% of every word that was said. Not sure if he was extremely stressed, but I think his lawyer should ha e prepared him better.
How do inmates in custody awaiting sentencing with a criminal record have such an easy time getting job offers while law abiding citizens can’t get a job?
The second defendant's lawyer has diarrhea of the mouth. I hope no one gets that lawyer in a death penalty case. The third defendant didn't listen to a thing Judge Boyd said. She sat there and told him what was going to happen if he went path A or B.
That terrible mom has a terrible attorney as well. It is like the blind leading the blind. Neither is competent to do their jobs. Being a Mom is a tough full time job. I wish her well, but she seems incompetent to succeed.
I hollered when she said 10 years and dude lost it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 do right, and you wouldn’t have to worry. I know he relaxed once his attorney reassured him but 10 years on probation is just as rough. Good luck to that man.
So he can’t remember the the birthdate of his children but wants to help his wife instead of doing time for his crime. They only know how to knock up women but zero assistance with the actual rearing of the children they had a hand in making.
In his case, I'm not sure those babies aren't better off not having him in their life. I doubt seriously that he will be in their life. He can't even remember when they were born and there are only two of them, both born in less than 18 months apart. One was just born and he can't even remember what month. Father of the year award goes to...........not him.
Lies beget lies when you've told so many lies since you were little it's hard to quit telling them... cut off his tether lied about his daughter's baby's birth didn't show up for sentencing his attorney is trying the incompetent route he should do the full stretch but she gave him something at least
🤦♂The first guy, a healthy, handsome young man, thankfully only 4 years instead of 20. 😭The second lady, I know I've ruined my last dozen chances, but NOW I want to turn my life around
2nd case Attorney - beyond terrible! No concise & fluid argument, emm, arr, emm? The defendant spoke more fluently! However, she failed probation! You'd think her children would have been motivation to get her life straight? After sentencing look how the Attorney covered her face! Just saying!
That last dude is one dumb person, I mean literally something isn’t all there, never seen a grown man not be able to speak or understand anything the judge said and doesn’t even know his own children birthdays….🙄
When we die we shall face our true and loving judge which is God ! But when you get in trouble in Bexar county you shall face the honorable , no bull , judge Boyd ! So which would you like to meet first ?
This first thug most assuredly giggled his way through middle school. Everything was a joke and I'm sure his mama defended him to the teachers at every turn. Just another statistic.
Im not saying she learned her lesson”…. What kind of defense attorney is this. "She realizes this has to stop but it gets worse and worse" - I think her attorney did her no favors. She needs prison very good judge
I watched a case yesterday where J Boyd had a woman crack another woman in the face with a pipe, then as her man went to her aid she then stabbed the man in the face with a screwdriver!!! She was actually aiming for his throat but missed and hit him in the face!!! So that's 2 counts of assault w deadly weapon and actually attempted murder! But that doesn't matter because J Boyd gave her probation!!! Yep, 0 days in jail!!!! Then I've seen her with someone that was struggling with addiction and before i tell you anything, doctors will tell you that relapse is part of recovery. It's happens.... Anyways... J Boyd gave her 6 years in prison for a dirty urine!!! Straight Bullshit!!! So i don't want to hear how "fair" she is!!! Tell that to the couple with the disfigured faces as they watched their attacker walk right out of the courtroom with a smartass smile on her face how fair you think the judge is!!! So... She ain't perfect... nobody is... and all judges one day will answer to the ultimate judge!!! 😏
Whoa! I used to think she was a good judge. Until I spent a few months really studying and looking at her cases. She is extremely hard on drug addiction. Do you happen to have the video of the first case you mentioned?
It's titled l: Defendant stabbs ex husband in parking lot. The YT channel is "court trials TV network" i think... and there have been quite a few that has been sentenced years for dirty urines...
omg I had to triple check that this wasn’t a site that remakes things but funny…..that second (I think) lady Garcia; her lawyer cracks me up. I thought he was legit a joke character
In the 2nd case it's weird that the probation "violation" is actually worse than what she was on probation for. It seems like that should be a new charge? Not just a "probation violation" lol. What am i missing here? In the 1st case, He can't afford a phone but he just had a baby that he will never support in any way 😢 😢 😢. It's easy to have a baby - not easy to be a healthy, active father in your child's, or likely children in this case, lives.
The look on his face 2:09 is the same face he gave his momma at 12 years old when he got in trouble. The “duh” look, like “I dunno, what’d I do.” Time to grow up bro.
I think sentencing should have a more concrete guidline. I dont think depending on what judge you get, or what type of mood there in should determine how much time you get. Ive seen some ppl get a smack on the wrist for the same crime someone else got 10 yrs for. Your record should def count for something, and if the defendent does certain steps while waiting for sentencing, if there out on bond such as community service, passes UA's, goes to mettings all without HAVING too, but because they choose to that should also play a role, but there needs to be more of a guideline. All of these court shows vary by quite alot when it comes to pilunishments for the same crimes.
When there are hard and fast guidelines as in the federal system, there is no wiggle room for the judge. State courts do have uneven results sometimes.
@@danduntz2539 yeah in this case I agree it was fair, except the one where he completely ignored turning himself in and cost the courts probably thousands of dollars to get him and he only had to do 4 years out of max of 20. I'm ok with that BUT so many cases that deal with grown men, and children, they get a slap on the wrist so many times, but someone growing some 🌲 get 10+. That's more along the lines of what I meant
EVERY SINGLE PRISONER has a job lined up. That’s amazing.
And they also ALL need one more chance after being given many.
That first chucklehead was looking at a possible 20 year stretch, plea-bargained down to just 2 years so long as he turned up at court for sentencing on the set date, yet he couldn't be bothered even to do that...Then when the judge still showed considerable leniency and sentenced him to 4 years, he began shaking his head, like - "This is crazy, nobody ever asked me to take responsibility before..."
That guy is an idiot. Probably a 4th grand éducation. Anyone with half a brain would have known the seriousness of not being compliant. His excuses were laughable😂
@@LepewhiI feel sorry for him. He doesn’t seem mentally stable.
@@LepewhiI feel sorry for him. I don’t think he was competent during this hearing. This was sad.
@@Lepewhi I have an excuse, but it's a secret....
The honorable Judge Boyd is the best Judge I've had the pleasure to witness.
She’s excellent!
They always have a job lined up as they’re going to prison
@@silencedogood8800they most definitely do not have jobs lined up
@@SilentShot_609 Law of averages says you most definitely don't know that. :)
Pretty much everybody either has a job or doesn't have a job. What are you on about?@@silencedogood8800
And 5 family members died last month
@@silencedogood8800you must be related to the defendant hahaha. 100% did not have a job lined up. I hope you really aren’t that dense or stupid in real life
Voted most likely to not take responsibility for his actions in his Senior yearbook.
“ I have 5 daughter, I have a job lined up….”
With a long history of criminal behavior. 😮
Poor daughters. I see their futures already.
judge - you go to prison for a long time
defendant - i can't do that much time
judge - well you go on down there and do what you can 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jesus must be an inmate at the Bexar county jail , because as soon as folks end up in there and then appear in court all of sudden they wanna turn their life around ! HOW CONVINIENT MY FRIEND ! The last guy almost fainted when he heard 10yrs ! LMAO ! Doesn't know his 2 kids birthdays but he sure does know how long 10yrs is ! 🤣😮😮😮
Spoken like someone who has zero frame of reference of how abundant Bibles are in prison compared to access to law books. Dorks like you are the first to demand people live by rules when you don't even know what the f*ck you're talking about.
Who the hell is the attorney for the girl in blue ? If he don't shut up, she might get the death penalty...
😅😅😅😅😅 agreed.
For real tho😂😂
“It only gets worse Judge but we’re asking for another chance to screw up & pick up another case!!”
I hate when people use someone’s death as an excuse for their bad behaviors.
If it was true they would have paperwork to prove it. They never do.
I do like this judge. She is more than fair with her judgements.
I like her Atitude Too !
That second lawyer has probably gotten many clients more jail time.
P.D. Some say those letters are an abbreviation for Public Defender...
It IS the abbreviation for Public Defender. Some say? Should have corrected and rewritten your sentence to make sense.
@@curlyb4c95 Both ways make perfect sense...?!?
The dude didnt know either of his childrens birthday, crazy
Dudes heart dropped when he heard 10 years 😂 gotta let her finish, brother! 10 years SUSPENDED!
I'm not sure this guy is as smart as an entire bag of hammers, maybe a half bag.
I am afraid he understood maybe 10% of every word that was said.
Not sure if he was extremely stressed, but I think his lawyer should ha e prepared him better.
How do inmates in custody awaiting sentencing with a criminal record have such an easy time getting job offers while law abiding citizens can’t get a job?
It's a excuse.
Law abiding citizens do get jobs.
Most of the time, they plan to work for their families; these aren't actual jobs.
I don’t agree with your assessment but in your scenario it certainly says something about the “law abiding citizens”…
The second defendant's lawyer has diarrhea of the mouth. I hope no one gets that lawyer in a death penalty case. The third defendant didn't listen to a thing Judge Boyd said. She sat there and told him what was going to happen if he went path A or B.
That terrible mom has a terrible attorney as well. It is like the blind leading the blind. Neither is competent to do their jobs. Being a Mom is a tough full time job. I wish her well, but she seems incompetent to succeed.
She has the attorney she deserves
1000 excuses and not once taking responsibility
How many times has the system given excuses and taken no responsibility? You cant even fathom.
“I’m not saying she learned her lesson”…. What kind of defense attorney is this
Free one
A bad one. Possibly doesn't even really give a f*ck either way.
@@yvonneconte3040 😂😂😂😂 I'm screaming 😂😂😂😂
I thought I heard wrong 😂😂😂
That woman is yawning while her lawyer advocates in her defense!!! 😮
I hollered when she said 10 years and dude lost it 🤣🤣🤣🤣 do right, and you wouldn’t have to worry. I know he relaxed once his attorney reassured him but 10 years on probation is just as rough. Good luck to that man.
Lawyer needs to get help with communication skills.Hard enough to defend these losers...
What a horrible attorney 😂 "I'm not saying she's learned her lesson, your honor" 😭
RE: Case #2: her Attorney says: "she realizes this has to stop."🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (no sh*t Sherlock!!!)
"She realizes this has to stop but it gets worse and worse" - I think her attorney did her no favors
@mikecruz9867 Look what he had to work with............
Good point😀@@ritakennedy3138
@@ritakennedy3138good point.
It is so amazing how all of these defendants have jobs waiting on them when they get out 😅
They have jobs waiting for them, someone is about to have a kid, they’re the only one who can take care of their specific loved one and etc 😂
Pinocchio is not having any luck today 😂
So he can’t remember the the birthdate of his children but wants to help his wife instead of doing time for his crime.
They only know how to knock up women but zero assistance with the actual rearing of the children they had a hand in making.
In his case, I'm not sure those babies aren't better off not having him in their life. I doubt seriously that he will be in their life. He can't even remember when they were born and there are only two of them, both born in less than 18 months apart. One was just born and he can't even remember what month. Father of the year award goes to...........not him.
Bro got 2 extra years for 3 more months of freedom. What an idiot!
That mathed up well! 😂😂😂😂
First guy just got a lesson in FAFO.
How in the world are these people licensed to practice law? That second attorney can barely string two cogent thoughts together.
He was free.😅
Wow the first guy can't put together a single sentence
Lies beget lies when you've told so many lies since you were little it's hard to quit telling them... cut off his tether lied about his daughter's baby's birth didn't show up for sentencing his attorney is trying the incompetent route he should do the full stretch but she gave him something at least
He is another product of a single mother.
the 1 defendant even know the he is in court? He is in another planet or something dude! just take your time paper and NEXT PLEASE!!
My wife said that "with 5 children" she's already in prison.
24:28 You see the Moment his Soul left his Body 😂
Judge Boyd is a judicial ‘Terminator.’
Much respect.
🤦♂The first guy, a healthy, handsome young man, thankfully only 4 years instead of 20.
😭The second lady, I know I've ruined my last dozen chances, but NOW I want to turn my life around
Did you watch the first guy at all? Healthy and handsome? He is utterly incompetent and has a rap sheet also!
You’re kidding…😮 he’s a felon!
Dumb look on his face deserves 20 yrs.
Tell me why I shouldn't give you an extra 18 years for not showing up? THIS IS HER QUESTION. He doesn't get it.
Ya I don't know what MEAN ❗ 🤔 Good Lord help this Guy
Has to be a Tough being a Judge ⚖️
The first guy is just plain stupid, that's his excuse.
Yeah I think he was slow.. It was almost hard to watch.. I'm not sure he was all there.
@@AwestruckAudioHertzI agree. I was hoping judge Boyd would order a mental health evaluation or at least his attorney suggest it.
Poor guy...he does not have the brain cells to comprehend the situation
Brain Cell !
2nd case Attorney - beyond terrible! No concise & fluid argument, emm, arr, emm? The defendant spoke more fluently! However, she failed probation! You'd think her children would have been motivation to get her life straight? After sentencing look how the Attorney covered her face! Just saying!
I wonder how old he is? He is not well-spoken. He may be one of those people who did not plan ahead, and cannot retire.
Probated in the UK means suspended or
frozen if you do no commit any other crimes within the time
Secified punishments are written off.
Defendants and their attorneys are absurd! I dont know whether to laugh or cry. 😢😅
enough with the groveling.
Five will do.
He needs to learn a lesson.
Maybe…next time he will
Listen and stop his bad ways ??
I’ve left the hospital to get to court I took my IV with me and the judge threw my ticket out just for showing up
That last dude is one dumb person, I mean literally something isn’t all there, never seen a grown man not be able to speak or understand anything the judge said and doesn’t even know his own children birthdays….🙄
Not sure who he will live with?
Can't believe she left 5 children motherless!!!
3:34 "Yeah, I mean, she have a baby next month, or what ever, you know what I mean ..."
Wow, 2 years vs 20 years...!??! That's a very bad decision...!!! Education is an important thing...!
He’s Lying 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥😡😡😡🤬
when the last guy got 10 years the lady on the right was laughing when his soul left his body
When we die we shall face our true and loving judge which is God ! But when you get in trouble in Bexar county you shall face the honorable , no bull , judge Boyd ! So which would you like to meet first ?
He’s looking like he’s lost in space because he’s being held accountable for his negative actions.
24:26 i don’t see how boyd and the attorneys didn’t laugh at this reaction 😂😂😂
edit: JUST AS IM TYPING, i can see that woman in the back laughing 😂
Judge Boyd for supreme court
This first thug most assuredly giggled his way through middle school. Everything was a joke and I'm sure his mama defended him to the teachers at every turn. Just another statistic.
Tells him to be a better father in his kids life then proceeds to give him 10 years in jail. Dam 😂 lol
She didn't put him in prison for 10 years...he got 10 yrs in prison suspended. She let him out on probation.
That first guy seemed very confused……😅
Not confused, just not used to being held accountable for anything
BAMMM !!!!!
GOOD CLL JUDGE !!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🌟🌟🌟🌟
Im not saying she learned her lesson”…. What kind of defense attorney is this. "She realizes this has to stop but it gets worse and worse" - I think her attorney did her no favors. She needs prison very good judge
I watched a case yesterday where J Boyd had a woman crack another woman in the face with a pipe, then as her man went to her aid she then stabbed the man in the face with a screwdriver!!! She was actually aiming for his throat but missed and hit him in the face!!! So that's 2 counts of assault w deadly weapon and actually attempted murder! But that doesn't matter because J Boyd gave her probation!!! Yep, 0 days in jail!!!! Then I've seen her with someone that was struggling with addiction and before i tell you anything, doctors will tell you that relapse is part of recovery. It's happens.... Anyways... J Boyd gave her 6 years in prison for a dirty urine!!! Straight Bullshit!!! So i don't want to hear how "fair" she is!!! Tell that to the couple with the disfigured faces as they watched their attacker walk right out of the courtroom with a smartass smile on her face how fair you think the judge is!!! So... She ain't perfect... nobody is... and all judges one day will answer to the ultimate judge!!! 😏
I used to think she was a good judge. Until I spent a few months really studying and looking at her cases. She is extremely hard on drug addiction.
Do you happen to have the video of the first case you mentioned?
The ultimate judge? Are you referring to RuPaul? Lol, you mythology fans are crazy.
It's titled l: Defendant stabbs ex husband in parking lot. The YT channel is "court trials TV network" i think... and there have been quite a few that has been sentenced years for dirty urines...
Public Defender? They are giving out law licenses like candy
The second lawyer needs a class on communication skills he didn’t help his client at all.
He's acting crazy today judge
horrible lawyer
These lawyers can be very hard to watch.
The last criminal will be in jail soon. No way he does 10 years way....
omg I had to triple check that this wasn’t a site that remakes things but funny…..that second (I think) lady Garcia; her lawyer cracks me up. I thought he was legit a joke character
He is puzzled by the judge asking questions.
2:08 He knows darn well no one has that document!
10:37 this lawyer and defendant seem perfect for each other.
When you are in a hole…….STOP DIGGING. Pack your bag.
Why wouldn’t you show up knowing it’s a part of the deal and it makes the difference between just 2 years and 20 talking about you was sick 😂😂🤦🏾♂️
He could be in a GEICO commercial!
I love this judge
He's a man of means by no means 😮😢😂😅😊
The first guy doesn’t seem that intelligent😂🤦🏿♂️
5 daughters? And one of them will likely make her a granny at 35/36 because they will have o grow up in the system.
😂😂😂😂im with him i just want to get out
Five kids. Some men are really desperate, looking at her..🤮
And women too!
She needed to just put him in.
In the 2nd case it's weird that the probation "violation" is actually worse than what she was on probation for. It seems like that should be a new charge? Not just a "probation violation" lol. What am i missing here?
In the 1st case, He can't afford a phone but he just had a baby that he will never support in any way 😢 😢 😢. It's easy to have a baby - not easy to be a healthy, active father in your child's, or likely children in this case, lives.
Look at the guy's face when his lawyer used the word "cognizant." (4:50)
#1 • He needs to close his mouth 🫢 Before a fly flies in & makes it its new home 🪰
He should be greatful rn. Could of recieved 20 years!
That haircut deserves 5 more years in prison.
That attorney with the female with all the kids, his voice is so damn annoying!
But the women should stop having unprotected promiscuous sex.
Let the second prisoner loose again? So she can do more drugs? Wtf?
What i like about judge Boyd she doesn't go for the bullshit the lawyer's spew
PRISON !!!!she can get help in prison.
She got 5 years of prison.
The look on his face 2:09 is the same face he gave his momma at 12 years old when he got in trouble. The “duh” look, like “I dunno, what’d I do.” Time to grow up bro.
Damn I wonder what her bangs did to be isolated from the rest of society like that
I think sentencing should have a more concrete guidline. I dont think depending on what judge you get, or what type of mood there in should determine how much time you get. Ive seen some ppl get a smack on the wrist for the same crime someone else got 10 yrs for. Your record should def count for something, and if the defendent does certain steps while waiting for sentencing, if there out on bond such as community service, passes UA's, goes to mettings all without HAVING too, but because they choose to that should also play a role, but there needs to be more of a guideline. All of these court shows vary by quite alot when it comes to pilunishments for the same crimes.
Well in this video you could clearly see that judgements were handed out due to facts not mood.
When there are hard and fast guidelines as in the federal system, there is no wiggle room for the judge. State courts do have uneven results sometimes.
@@danduntz2539 yeah in this case I agree it was fair, except the one where he completely ignored turning himself in and cost the courts probably thousands of dollars to get him and he only had to do 4 years out of max of 20. I'm ok with that BUT so many cases that deal with grown men, and children, they get a slap on the wrist so many times, but someone growing some 🌲 get 10+. That's more along the lines of what I meant