Check out our new series "10 Things" where we cover the top 10 things you should know about fish keeping topics!!
I want to have sand in my 30 gallon there are fish in there now, when I remove the water after I’m done adding the sand can I re use the same water to feel it up? Like 50 percent or do I just use new water completely?
Pretty much the same thing with the word “tactical.” Tacticool branded anything has a 300 percent markup over the exact same product in a different color, you’re paying for that coyote tan more than anything else
Good idea, also once in aquarium I use large sheet bubble wrap on sand then fill slowly the plastic wrap rises with the water good clarity and the substrate doesn't move.
You did a great job and hit all the really important highlights like - you can NEVER wash your sand too much!!!! It really makes a huge difference in the tank. And i agree with your choice of PFS versus play sand, play sand is lighter than PFS, thus the PFS will settle more quickly and easily, thus less chances of ruining your filter impellers, always a plus! I think a follow-up video on properly maintaining the sand bed is crucial as it's a little different than gravel but just as important to be kept up properly and those new to sand need to know what to do. Thanks for a great video!!
You're the best. I'm a semi newbee to aquariums. You're professional and simple explanations of how to do it all right is amazing. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
So glad I stumbled across this (and your sand maintenance video). I have one 55 gallon that's empty...I want the background I will be painting it. I wanted sand, but found aquarium sand expensive (and people complained it was too fine). I will get pool filter sand... I also have another 55 gallon that is up and running and I think once I sand the empty one I am going to want to take what's in there out and sand it as well. Now I see it can be done and done affordably. Great video thanks for posting it!!
excellent! I recently swapped from sand to eco complete without moving any fish. Good luck with your plants and the sand. It seemed to choke my roots out I could only grow annubias and java hence going eco complete.
Sand is like another filter. Cheap sand you can get anaerobic Pockets, not live sand. I still stir up a portion every W/C. Cory cats love sand, it does not hurt their wiskers
When painting the background I have been using black latex. If u need or want to remove it peels right off! Great video!! Setting up a new tank for my cichlids and really leaning toward sand!
Wow! That pool filter sand ree-hee-heally looks nice and natural and beachy in the tanks!! What a great idea and yet so cheap!! It is a great contrast against the brown wood and the grassy plants in the little sand dunes you created, really fit in well... Top tip!! Pool filter sand!!
I honestly have learned so much from you! I would definitely purchase an e-book of a step-by-step how-to guide for beginners. Unfortunately, there’s so much misinformation out there! My mother went to a small chain local fish store and sold her (an impulse buy for my kiddo) two albino corey cats in a tiny FISH BOWL! One of them has ALL of his/her fins nipped off! I calmly and respectfully educated the owner on the correct requirements. I bought a proper 30 gallon tank (from a more reputable place) for them. So far they are doing fine. I will get more, but I’m trying to avoid stressing them too much since they have been through so much. Finless apparently has a strong will to live. He/she is eating well and Dr Who (my husband named that one) is keeps Finless company.
I’m doing my substrate change from gravel to sand today actually and glad I seen this video :) thank you for the great tips. Love the videos you been uploading. Keep on the great work and love how you have the set ups running ❤
A video about sand and rank maintenance with it would be awesome!!! I've been watching most of your videos as I'm getting ready to set up my first cichlid tank and all your videos have been incredibly informative and helpful! So thank you sir!!!
I too was battling the substrate because I wanted live plants. So yes, I’d love to see your cleaning process of a planted sand substrate. Also. I too sent with pool filter sand for its cleanliness.
Watched your presentation of gravel to sand . Great . I have 150 gallon tank that I used Carib sea Super Naturals sand . However with white sand and white holey honeycomb rock I thought I need too break the monotony of white . So when everybody said no I put some small pebbles on top . Looks good .but probably wrong . Hum. Your setup looks neat and clean .
Yes please. More sand maintenance videos, especially using a siphon. Always struggled cleaning sand and I took my Black Tahitian moon sand out because I could not get clean without taking so much sand through the siphon. Can you also show how you would clean used sand substrate again without chucking it away and buying new sand as that would be too expensive?
Pool filter sand is amazing in the aquarium! Its heavy enough that it doesn't cloud the water & ymir vacuum it like I would gravel & its heavy enough to drop & not get sucked out. Upgrading all my aquariums to pool filter sand!
I would love to see a video on maintain sand. I had a huge loss in my 60 gallon over a period of 3 months an many failed attempts to treat the fish. I have 2 cichlid left and a common pleco. I've decided to break down the tank and start from scratch. While in that thought process, I'm thinking of getting a 75 gallon and building a double stand and using the 60 to grow my 20 gallon saltwater. That being said, I hate cleaning the sand. gravel vac while doing water changes has been so easy. my 20 and 10 gallon have sand. I hate the look of gravel and prefer the look of sand, but it's kind of like carpet vs wood floors. What am I not seeing in my gravel? I can see the dirt on top of my sand! so I'm hoping the switch and I'm painting my tanks black :) will be a huge improvement. I'm still not 100% positive I'm ready for a bigger saltwater, but I know I'm ready for a bigger freshwater and have alternate plans for the 60 gallon if the saltwater does not work out :) so long story short. Yeah, how do I keep sand pristine clean and recommendations of clean crew for both fresh and saltwater.
My only tank with just sand is clean as a whistle. Do not disturb the sand while doing water changes, I stir it lightly about twice a year. The plants and panda Corys together with sponge filter keep it extremely clean. You may want introduce a pathos plant 🌱 in a ciclid aquarium. Hold it up with egg crate or thru a small hole in the back plastic. It’s a way to introduce a plant in a plant hostile tank imo
I found this video and see it is now over 5 years old. How is the sand doing now? Are you still happy with it? I need to do some searches on your channel to see if you have any updates. I am tired of my gravel and love the idea of the sand. I want to move from my Angel tank to a Discus tank on my 125. Also, what color is that blue tank background in the right? I love that look!
I set up a new 36 gallon three weeks ago, and last Saturday "remodeled' my 60 gallon tank. I used Caribsea Floramax in areas where I will add plants, and Topfin gravel, although the "gravel" is actually sand. I didn't want extremely fine sand because it packs too hard. The Topfin is still safe for corys and will allow some air circulation.
I am going from a 75 bare bottom to a 125 gallon sand tank. I have three hang on the back filters producing a flow of about 800 gallons an hour. If I just move my water, filter, plants, driftwood, and fish to the 125, do I need to worry about cycling it if I now have sand in it? My plants are Anubias, Java Fern and some floating plants. I also have twelve 3-4" Discus, some tetras, and 2-3 Bristlenose plecos. I am thinking that if I do nothing to the filters, I am fine. I am also thinking of just adding a very thin layer of pool sand (1/2 to 3/4ths of an inch). WIll be adding some Amazon Swords and will probably have to get rid of my bristlenose as they seem to eat more plants than algae. Thoughts?
Looks like you went to town on that tank, great job on hitting the reset button.that should do the trick :) and great shorts! Lol! Thanks for the shout out, I laughed at that😂😂😂
I have learned so much from you John as a new person to the aquarium hobby. You are extremely informative! I have a question or request for a video; Bigger filtration vs Tank Size. I have a 30G tank, and random websites are stating that manufacturers overrate the filtration power. Your opinion will greatly be appreciated! Thank you!
I'm about to swap out my Home Depot pea gravel substrate to a sand because I want a Ray in my 210. This video helps so thanks! Also, unless I'm wrong, you purchased 240 lbs. of pool sand not 160. Not that it matters but that caught my attention
@@AlphaAussies probably just wash it. Put it in a bucket and fill with water. Mix it up and throw out the dirty water. Repeat until the water looks clear.
John, I am planning on Caribsea live freshwater sand when I set my tank up. Definitely would be interested in cleaning and maintenance video. Thanks for your videos!
awesome video. AS ALWAYS!! stumbled across this bc tomorrow I was planning on going to home depot because it's 5 mins from my house right by my local pet shop to get some quickrete pool filter sand then goin to grab some dwarf african cichlids for a new 55g that's been cycled for a Lil over a week now. but has new gravel in it and out of 20 years I been into fish keeping I've always wanted a sand substrate but been afraid of it for some reason but was wondering how to go about converting it so this helped. and it looks beautiful man. love ur videos Bro, I watch all ur vape related videos as well. keep up the awesome work, an I love ur passion an knowledge for your wet pets!
Nice looking tank John. I really like that half moon rock you have there. By the way... No disrespect here. Your wife have a beautiful black hair. Good luck with this new re-do for the Discus.
Black background and tan pool sand substrate. Hmmm.....I was going to go with a white sand. ( African cichlid mix) but I think I like the pool sand look better. I too have my sides and back painted black.
What is your thoughts on using black diamond blasting sand? I'm seriously thinking about changing from creek pebbles to the black diamond blasting sand. A 50lb bag is under $10 from tractor supply store.
Am personally leaning more and more towards sand, at first I was hesitant. I am also experimenting with both gravel and sand in my tanks, way more natural looking. 60-40 or 70-30 ratios in favor of sand. Rocks and plants, in over ten years I have yet to stick any wood in my aquariums. That will change when I set my 10 gallon rack.
I would love to see a video about maintaining a sand aquarium. I'm thinking about changing my aquarium to sand from gravel. Thanks for this video it was very helpful.
I would LOVE to see a "maintaining sand aquariums" video!My issue with sand is removing all the droppings which seems to be needed 2-3 times a day. There has to be a better way. If you want to know how I am doing it I would be glad to post a description. Just let me know.
I haven't tried this yet but I had my husband buy me a small orange juice strainer it has very small holes in the screen I thought would be perfect for sifting the sand and removing debris my section siphon doesn't have the power for me to stand it upright and work I have to keep it late down to drain the water
Glad I found this video. I want to change the substrate from gravel to sand (debating between black or tan sand). I don’t want to have to cycle the tank all over again. Is it absolutely necessary to remove the fish to do the change? I have a lot of lava rocks in the tank and don’t want to kill off the good stuff. Any tips on doing the change? Any suggestions on whether I should go with Black or a lighter substrate. I use red lava rocks. Thanks
@@Suzee2990 I switched to pool filter sand and I did not remove any of the fish; they were fine. However, I did go through a mini cycle where my ammonia went to .25, nitrite went up slightly, too, but that was because all the crap that was built up in the gravel over the years and it overloaded the filter. Once I cleaned the canister filter and did a couple small water changes it went back to normal; no need to panic. I removed about 80% of the water, too, so between this and all the crap in the gravel, I was expecting some added work, but it was worth it. The sand brought new life to the tank and my wife and daughter even commented as such. Btw, I would not wait for him to answer any questions. I don't know if he doesn't have the time or what or just answer certain questions. I suggest you find someone that's really active with regards to responding to questions - you will tell quickly if you look to see if they've answered any questions. There are quite a few youtubers out there that's way more interactive with the folks.
@@Suzee2990 No problem. I just made the switch a little over a week ago. I always used Black gravel and was a bit nervous going to a light color substrate, but man it looks gorgeous; the led lights really shine with the sand. I'm not sure what fish you have, but cost wise, pool filter sand is very cost effective and looks really nice if you have large tank. If you do use it, you must clean it really good.
I used multipurpose sand, washed it about 14 times, put it in the tank, let it sit for a day (it was so cloudy It looked like I poured milk in the tank) the next day it was crystal clear. Play sand is fine, as is sands other than "pool filter sand" don't let people tell you that you're limited to one kind of sand because in reality sand is all made from the same compound: Quartz. Just different grain sizes.
As a kind of fish dumb-ass i would like to share two things, The Magic Eraser for glass cleaning, For hoods and plastic parts Crusted over in hard white water deposits Soak in a pan of vinegar! I had filter parts i was ready to throw out that came clean after soaking for a few days (it will eat rubber)
I used pool filter sand in my 75g African chiclid tank. I might try the black diamond sand from tractor supply for the black substrate look that I want
Great video . Could you put gravel in first with a layer of sand on top ? Would this help keeping the tank cleaner ? Or would the waste still get through to the gravel ?
Gosh here in Fl at Home Depot pool filter sand is $5.67 for #50. Best deal in town. If black is desired Tractor Supply can supply blast sand $10.00 for #50 lb.
Hey thanks for the video...but I got a question concerning a broken tank...I have 55 gal tank where plastic center broke. and ofcourse the front glass is now bulging out a bit, Using 24in vise I kept the front and back glass from bulging. But now here's the question are there any tips/resource you can recommend about transferring plants from the 55 gal established tank to a new one? My plan is to move from a 40 gaL bowfront to a new standard 75 gal 4 fish: Jack Dempsey, Pleco and T-Barb and Synoditis cat. Then reestablish the 40 with plants from the 55 and eventually move the 55 gal community tank fish to the 40 bowfront.. What do you think?
Thanks for the advice I just bought one 10lb bag of white sand from Petco and paid $19.99! So Im definitely going to Walmart and going back to Petco and return this 10lb bag and go buy 120 lbs for about the same price!
I added 1/3 sand covered bottom to my L260 set up, i am old school and sand scares me with the chance for anaerobic bacteria pockets...but i am adjusting slowly. The other 2/3 are gravel and plant substrata and the a layer of styrofoam for my rockwork to set on. Would love to see the further videos you spoke about. Have enjoyed this series on the tank tear down thx!
Just start from the beginning I added topsoil to The center of the aquarium then all around the edges about 2in encased it in terrarium gravel or Bonzi gravel then I talked with a couple inches of pool sand that I had several small rocks of different sizes and colors that I thought would look very natural in the tank and my husband likes it very much I even made my own Arch gluing rocks together I had some new plants that I washed well and inserted into the area where I knew the dirt was so the roots would go down and use rooting tabs it didn't take long for the snails to show up I have my plans now all quarantine in a tupperware tub with a little bit of water I found another snail in that tub this morning I'm thinking of buying a snail from the pet shop that will eat these pests
Awesome video Sir only my suggestion was you could have use window film for your background glass just my suggestion anyways beautiful video Greetings from India 🍻🍻🍻
Nice project John,, I just finished my new tank a couple of weeks back. A new 90 with PFS as well. It looks fantastic. My sand was very clean to start with, a few rinses in a bucket and I had zero cloudiness when I filled the tank.
I'm late for this one, but can confirm that play sand takes literally forever to clean. My wife and I made the "mistake" of using it for her betta/neon planted tank, the water still clouds up during water changes no matter how careful we are.
I switched to sand for my 10 gallon I'm liking it compared to gravel. I found all kinds of stuff under the gravel it I had just cleaned that tank a week before I removed the gravel the gravel had green stuff under it and fish poop was bad.
Just set up a 400 gallon. Brand new tank and equipment. Let the tank run for 4 hours before adding plants. 2 hours after that put in 12 guppy's, 4 snails, 6 shrimp. Been 8 days and lost nothing. Guppy's had baby's second day in. No fry lost. Used tap water and Aqueon water conditioner.
very nice videos and tanks....learning a great deal from your tutorials and will forever be greatful for your knowledge. I attempted sand a while back and oh basically tuned to gutter water and lost all my fish,now i have a 75 gallon and also got another 150 gallon which i am looking at using sand substrate..only question i have is how do you prevent the sand from clumping up or is that based on the kind of sand?
Hey I'm sorry if this has been asked but I've taken quite the interest to the stand you made. Do you have a video on how you built it, dimensions and such? I've got a 125 and a 75 that I wanted to stack but my stand I'm using doesn't permit that.
What is the best paint to use on the back of the Aquarium, something that doesn’t scratch off very easy. I’m fixing to get a new tank Saturday and was gonna pick up a Black color for the background. Does it have to be a paint for acrylic? Also can I keep 4 full grown Angelfish in a 37 gallon tall? I’ve got 10 Corydora’s also, but if it’s good to go with the 4 in a 37, can I put a few schooling fish with them, or just stay with my soon to be new setup?
Check out our new series "10 Things" where we cover the top 10 things you should know about fish keeping topics!!
Can you keep a plecos in a tank with sand?
@@sjarvis4839 there's only one thing from Nat Geo at my PetSmart
It's a filter.
I want to have sand in my 30 gallon there are fish in there now, when I remove the water after I’m done adding the sand can I re use the same water to feel it up? Like 50 percent or do I just use new water completely?
I am wanting a soft smooth sand for my cory catfish. Can someone tell me which kind is softest and smoothest?
Yes please make a video about all things about sand in an aquarium. Good stuff my friend.
naranza65 please dooooo🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Thats how the aquarium world operates add "aquarium" to the title and jack up the price by 75%
SoggyFries 3-400%, at times.
It's the same thing with forensics equipment
Pretty much the same thing with the word “tactical.” Tacticool branded anything has a 300 percent markup over the exact same product in a different color, you’re paying for that coyote tan more than anything else
Yes! Sand maintenance videos please!!!
I love rinsing my sand in pillow cases. alot less mess and just throw out cases when done. good video kg
That's a great idea, I haven't heard of that trick before.
***** you tank looks awesome
Thanks brother!
That's a great idea, never thought of that. I just rinse in the bag.
Good idea, also once in aquarium I use large sheet bubble wrap on sand then fill slowly the plastic wrap rises with the water good clarity and the substrate doesn't move.
You did a great job and hit all the really important highlights like - you can NEVER wash your sand too much!!!! It really makes a huge difference in the tank. And i agree with your choice of PFS versus play sand, play sand is lighter than PFS, thus the PFS will settle more quickly and easily, thus less chances of ruining your filter impellers, always a plus! I think a follow-up video on properly maintaining the sand bed is crucial as it's a little different than gravel but just as important to be kept up properly and those new to sand need to know what to do. Thanks for a great video!!
Whats up with the intro, i thought i was loading up a porno dvd.
Yo thanks making me laugh 2 years later 🙏🏻
You're the best. I'm a semi newbee to aquariums. You're professional and simple explanations of how to do it all right is amazing. Thanks. Keep up the good work.
I have been using pool filter sand for the past two years. Great setup, John.
So glad I stumbled across this (and your sand maintenance video). I have one 55 gallon that's empty...I want the background I will be painting it. I wanted sand, but found aquarium sand expensive (and people complained it was too fine). I will get pool filter sand... I also have another 55 gallon that is up and running and I think once I sand the empty one I am going to want to take what's in there out and sand it as well. Now I see it can be done and done affordably. Great video thanks for posting it!!
excellent! I recently swapped from sand to eco complete without moving any fish. Good luck with your plants and the sand. It seemed to choke my roots out I could only grow annubias and java hence going eco complete.
I agree with the sand John. I over wash my sand so it doesn't screw anything up. Love speeding up the vids as well! 👍
Would love to see a sand maintenance video!
Your wish is my command, I just put it up on the channel today;-)
Sand is like another filter. Cheap sand you can get anaerobic Pockets, not live sand. I still stir up a portion every W/C. Cory cats love sand, it does not hurt their wiskers
When painting the background I have been using black latex. If u need or want to remove it peels right off! Great video!! Setting up a new tank for my cichlids and really leaning toward sand!
Love the look of that sand. Let's see a video on the sand maintanance.
Wow! That pool filter sand ree-hee-heally looks nice and natural and beachy in the tanks!! What a great idea and yet so cheap!! It is a great contrast against the brown wood and the grassy plants in the little sand dunes you created, really fit in well...
Top tip!! Pool filter sand!!
I would like to see a sand water change vid!!! I’m thinking bout changing to sand substrate just doing research before the switch
Please do the sand rinsing video. Also thank you for the great information your putting out there for us hobbies. Keep up the good work.
I honestly have learned so much from you! I would definitely purchase an e-book of a step-by-step how-to guide for beginners. Unfortunately, there’s so much misinformation out there! My mother went to a small chain local fish store and sold her (an impulse buy for my kiddo) two albino corey cats in a tiny FISH BOWL! One of them has ALL of his/her fins nipped off! I calmly and respectfully educated the owner on the correct requirements. I bought a proper 30 gallon tank (from a more reputable place) for them. So far they are doing fine. I will get more, but I’m trying to avoid stressing them too much since they have been through so much. Finless apparently has a strong will to live. He/she is eating well and Dr Who (my husband named that one) is keeps Finless company.
How are they today?
I’m doing my substrate change from gravel to sand today actually and glad I seen this video :) thank you for the great tips. Love the videos you been uploading. Keep on the great work and love how you have the set ups running ❤
A video about sand and rank maintenance with it would be awesome!!! I've been watching most of your videos as I'm getting ready to set up my first cichlid tank and all your videos have been incredibly informative and helpful! So thank you sir!!!
I too was battling the substrate because I wanted live plants. So yes, I’d love to see your cleaning process of a planted sand substrate. Also. I too sent with pool filter sand for its cleanliness.
Watched your presentation of gravel to sand . Great . I have 150 gallon tank that I used Carib sea Super Naturals sand . However with white sand and white holey honeycomb rock I thought I need too break the monotony of white . So when everybody said no I put some small pebbles on top . Looks good .but probably wrong . Hum. Your setup looks neat and clean .
Let's see that video of how to maintain a sand substrate. Great series John...thank you!
Yes please. More sand maintenance videos, especially using a siphon.
Always struggled cleaning sand and I took my Black Tahitian moon sand out because I could not get clean without taking so much sand through the siphon.
Can you also show how you would clean used sand substrate again without chucking it away and buying new sand as that would be too expensive?
sand video = YES!
also could you include black sand in it as well?
thanks John.
Pool filter sand is amazing in the aquarium! Its heavy enough that it doesn't cloud the water & ymir vacuum it like I would gravel & its heavy enough to drop & not get sucked out. Upgrading all my aquariums to pool filter sand!
I would love to see a video on maintain sand. I had a huge loss in my 60 gallon over a period of 3 months an many failed attempts to treat the fish. I have 2 cichlid left and a common pleco. I've decided to break down the tank and start from scratch. While in that thought process, I'm thinking of getting a 75 gallon and building a double stand and using the 60 to grow my 20 gallon saltwater. That being said, I hate cleaning the sand. gravel vac while doing water changes has been so easy. my 20 and 10 gallon have sand. I hate the look of gravel and prefer the look of sand, but it's kind of like carpet vs wood floors. What am I not seeing in my gravel? I can see the dirt on top of my sand! so I'm hoping the switch and I'm painting my tanks black :) will be a huge improvement. I'm still not 100% positive I'm ready for a bigger saltwater, but I know I'm ready for a bigger freshwater and have alternate plans for the 60 gallon if the saltwater does not work out :) so long story short. Yeah, how do I keep sand pristine clean and recommendations of clean crew for both fresh and saltwater.
My only tank with just sand is clean as a whistle. Do not disturb the sand while doing water changes, I stir it lightly about twice a year. The plants and panda Corys together with sponge filter keep it extremely clean. You may want introduce a pathos plant 🌱 in a ciclid aquarium. Hold it up with egg crate or thru a small hole in the back plastic. It’s a way to introduce a plant in a plant hostile tank imo
Thank you for such a educational video on the sand and how to vaccum it. Now make us a video on what live plants will do well in this sand.
I know this is old video but alot of your videos have helped me out
This is…just what I needed! I’m doing exactly this today! Thank you!
Thanks for this video , being a new aquarium owner I need all the help I can get
I found this video and see it is now over 5 years old. How is the sand doing now? Are you still happy with it? I need to do some searches on your channel to see if you have any updates. I am tired of my gravel and love the idea of the sand. I want to move from my Angel tank to a Discus tank on my 125.
Also, what color is that blue tank background in the right? I love that look!
*240 pounds
Daniel Mc Sween
Right? I was like huh???
6 bags x 40 lbs bags = 160 lbs
I love the tanks. Looks so great with the sand.
thanks for sharing friend and yes I would like to see a video on sand maintenance pal.
I set up a new 36 gallon three weeks ago, and last Saturday "remodeled' my 60 gallon tank. I used Caribsea Floramax in areas where I will add plants, and Topfin gravel, although the "gravel" is actually sand. I didn't want extremely fine sand because it packs too hard. The Topfin is still safe for corys and will allow some air circulation.
I am going from a 75 bare bottom to a 125 gallon sand tank. I have three hang on the back filters producing a flow of about 800 gallons an hour. If I just move my water, filter, plants, driftwood, and fish to the 125, do I need to worry about cycling it if I now have sand in it? My plants are Anubias, Java Fern and some floating plants. I also have twelve 3-4" Discus, some tetras, and 2-3 Bristlenose plecos. I am thinking that if I do nothing to the filters, I am fine. I am also thinking of just adding a very thin layer of pool sand (1/2 to 3/4ths of an inch). WIll be adding some Amazon Swords and will probably have to get rid of my bristlenose as they seem to eat more plants than algae. Thoughts?
Your tanks look amazing. Lots of work but lots of fun as well. Love your videos and your advises
Awesome Video!!!! inspired me to retouch my existing tank with some background paint
Looks like you went to town on that tank, great job on hitting the reset button.that should do the trick :) and great shorts! Lol! Thanks for the shout out, I laughed at that😂😂😂
I have learned so much from you John as a new person to the aquarium
hobby. You are extremely informative! I have a question or request for a video; Bigger filtration vs
Tank Size. I have a 30G tank, and random websites are stating that
manufacturers overrate the filtration power. Your opinion will greatly
be appreciated! Thank you!
I'm about to swap out my Home Depot pea gravel substrate to a sand because I want a Ray in my 210. This video helps so thanks! Also, unless I'm wrong, you purchased 240 lbs. of pool sand not 160. Not that it matters but that caught my attention
I got 50lb bags at Home Depot for $5
Do you have to do anything to it before putting it in the tank?
@@AlphaAussies probably just wash it. Put it in a bucket and fill with water. Mix it up and throw out the dirty water. Repeat until the water looks clear.
can one run a" reverse flow" undergravel filter, with fine sand?
@@hooftrim4589 , I would say no, I used cheap play sand , and nothing gets through
John, I am planning on Caribsea live freshwater sand when I set my tank up. Definitely would be interested in cleaning and maintenance video. Thanks for your videos!
Yes please show more on maintaining sand thx!!
Looks great John. I love using sand. have it in both my cichlid tanks. just looks natural.
wow they look the black background
awesome video. AS ALWAYS!! stumbled across this bc tomorrow I was planning on going to home depot because it's 5 mins from my house right by my local pet shop to get some quickrete pool filter sand then goin to grab some dwarf african cichlids for a new 55g that's been cycled for a Lil over a week now. but has new gravel in it and out of 20 years I been into fish keeping I've always wanted a sand substrate but been afraid of it for some reason but was wondering how to go about converting it so this helped. and it looks beautiful man. love ur videos Bro, I watch all ur vape related videos as well. keep up the awesome work, an I love ur passion an knowledge for your wet pets!
Nice looking tank John. I really like that half moon rock you have there. By the way... No disrespect here. Your wife have a beautiful black hair. Good luck with this new re-do for the Discus.
hey thats a great video idea i would totally watch maintenance on sand substrates
Yes... please videos on maintaining sand substrates. I love the look of sand and want to give my Corydoras sand as well. :-)
Great video... Sand maintenance? Yes please!
Black background and tan pool sand substrate. Hmmm.....I was going to go with a white sand. ( African cichlid mix) but I think I like the pool sand look better. I too have my sides and back painted black.
Very informative n helpful. I'm going to do my 55 gallon tank that exact same way u showed us!! THANK YOU!! 👍👍
What is your thoughts on using black diamond blasting sand? I'm seriously thinking about changing from creek pebbles to the black diamond blasting sand. A 50lb bag is under $10 from tractor supply store.
GREAT video
Thanks for the advice
Peace ✌
I would love to learn about sand and maintenance of sand aquariums!
So what's the final verdict? Which substrate do you recommend, gravel or sand?
It says in the title, changing from gravel to sand.
Am personally leaning more and more towards sand, at first I was hesitant. I am also experimenting with both gravel and sand in my tanks, way more natural looking. 60-40 or 70-30 ratios in favor of sand. Rocks and plants, in over ten years I have yet to stick any wood in my aquariums. That will change when I set my 10 gallon rack.
I would love to see a video about maintaining a sand aquarium. I'm thinking about changing my aquarium to sand from gravel. Thanks for this video it was very helpful.
Great update and sand maintenance video sounds great.
I would LOVE to see a "maintaining sand aquariums" video!My issue with sand is removing all the droppings which seems to be needed 2-3 times a day. There has to be a better way. If you want to know how I am doing it I would be glad to post a description. Just let me know.
I haven't tried this yet but I had my husband buy me a small orange juice strainer it has very small holes in the screen I thought would be perfect for sifting the sand and removing debris my section siphon doesn't have the power for me to stand it upright and work I have to keep it late down to drain the water
looking good boss. cost me a fortune in black aquarium sand for my 5ft but will probably get pool filter sand for my 3 new tanks.
Glad I found this video. I want to change the substrate from gravel to sand (debating between black or tan sand). I don’t want to have to cycle the tank all over again. Is it absolutely necessary to remove the fish to do the change? I have a lot of lava rocks in the tank and don’t want to kill off the good stuff.
Any tips on doing the change?
Any suggestions on whether I should go with Black or a lighter substrate. I use red lava rocks.
I wish he would answer this question because I'm wondering the same exact thing for my tank
@@Suzee2990 I switched to pool filter sand and I did not remove any of the fish; they were fine. However, I did go through a mini cycle where my ammonia went to .25, nitrite went up slightly, too, but that was because all the crap that was built up in the gravel over the years and it overloaded the filter. Once I cleaned the canister filter and did a couple small water changes it went back to normal; no need to panic. I removed about 80% of the water, too, so between this and all the crap in the gravel, I was expecting some added work, but it was worth it. The sand brought new life to the tank and my wife and daughter even commented as such.
Btw, I would not wait for him to answer any questions. I don't know if he doesn't have the time or what or just answer certain questions. I suggest you find someone that's really active with regards to responding to questions - you will tell quickly if you look to see if they've answered any questions. There are quite a few youtubers out there that's way more interactive with the folks.
@@Methodical2 ty! I really want to switch to sand and a more natural looking tank. This was good advice and very encouraging to hear😊
@@Suzee2990 No problem. I just made the switch a little over a week ago. I always used Black gravel and was a bit nervous going to a light color substrate, but man it looks gorgeous; the led lights really shine with the sand. I'm not sure what fish you have, but cost wise, pool filter sand is very cost effective and looks really nice if you have large tank. If you do use it, you must clean it really good.
I used multipurpose sand, washed it about 14 times, put it in the tank, let it sit for a day (it was so cloudy It looked like I poured milk in the tank) the next day it was crystal clear. Play sand is fine, as is sands other than "pool filter sand" don't let people tell you that you're limited to one kind of sand because in reality sand is all made from the same compound: Quartz. Just different grain sizes.
As a kind of fish dumb-ass i would like to share two things,
The Magic Eraser for glass cleaning,
For hoods and plastic parts Crusted over in hard white water deposits Soak in a pan of vinegar!
I had filter parts i was ready to throw out that came clean after soaking for a few days (it will eat rubber)
I know this was over a year ago, but it turned it great. Thanks for sharing.
I used pool filter sand in my 75g African chiclid tank. I might try the black diamond sand from tractor supply for the black substrate look that I want
really want to see that sand video!
Joey Molnar i would assume, alot of the bacteria lives in the substrate
Getting ready to set up a new tank so cleaning sand would be great- thinking of using
Great video . Could you put gravel in first with a layer of sand on top ? Would this help keeping the tank cleaner ? Or would the waste still get through to the gravel ?
Gosh here in Fl at Home Depot pool filter sand is $5.67 for #50. Best deal in town. If black is desired Tractor Supply can supply blast sand $10.00 for #50 lb.
Hey thanks for the video...but I got a question concerning a broken tank...I have 55 gal tank where plastic center broke. and ofcourse the front glass is now bulging out a bit, Using 24in vise I kept the front and back glass from bulging. But now here's the question are there any tips/resource you can recommend about transferring plants from the 55 gal established tank to a new one? My plan is to move from a 40 gaL bowfront to a new standard 75 gal 4 fish: Jack Dempsey, Pleco and T-Barb and Synoditis cat. Then reestablish the 40 with plants from the 55 and eventually move the 55 gal community tank fish to the 40 bowfront.. What do you think?
I use both sand and gravel. I put the sand down for my plants and then add the gravel on top. This has worked well.
Does the gravel sink to the bottom?
Thanks for the advice I just bought one 10lb bag of white sand from Petco and paid $19.99! So Im definitely going to Walmart and going back to Petco and return this 10lb bag and go buy 120 lbs for about the same price!
I love pool filter sand. it's in every tank I have except my saltwater tank. oh and on a side note. 6 bags of 40lb sand is 240lbs.
I'm glad I'm not the only one that caught that lol
@@buelliganx1 lol yup. surprising too. they are usually pretty good with their math.
You can put the the sand in a pillow case and rubber band it to the hose. Way more efficient.
I added 1/3 sand covered bottom to my L260 set up, i am old school and sand scares me with the chance for anaerobic bacteria pockets...but i am adjusting slowly. The other 2/3 are gravel and plant substrata and the a layer of styrofoam for my rockwork to set on. Would love to see the further videos you spoke about. Have enjoyed this series on the tank tear down thx!
Just start from the beginning I added topsoil to The center of the aquarium then all around the edges about 2in encased it in terrarium gravel or Bonzi gravel then I talked with a couple inches of pool sand that I had several small rocks of different sizes and colors that I thought would look very natural in the tank and my husband likes it very much I even made my own Arch gluing rocks together I had some new plants that I washed well and inserted into the area where I knew the dirt was so the roots would go down and use rooting tabs it didn't take long for the snails to show up I have my plans now all quarantine in a tupperware tub with a little bit of water I found another snail in that tub this morning I'm thinking of buying a snail from the pet shop that will eat these pests
Yes a sand substrate video please !
Yup, definatly rinse the sand outside as you do not want to get sand in your house plumbing system.
Awesome video Sir only my suggestion was you could have use window film for your background glass just my suggestion anyways beautiful video Greetings from India 🍻🍻🍻
Nice project John,, I just finished my new tank a couple of weeks back. A new 90 with PFS as well. It looks fantastic. My sand was very clean to start with, a few rinses in a bucket and I had zero cloudiness when I filled the tank.
It's looking good John! I might do sand next time I set up a tank...👍👍
I'm late for this one, but can confirm that play sand takes literally forever to clean. My wife and I made the "mistake" of using it for her betta/neon planted tank, the water still clouds up during water changes no matter how careful we are.
good luck with the tank,it sure looks good
I switched to sand for my 10 gallon I'm liking it compared to gravel. I found all kinds of stuff under the gravel it I had just cleaned that tank a week before I removed the gravel the gravel had green stuff under it and fish poop was bad.
I never thought of painting the back of my 125, great idea. Now what to do with my fish while I work on my only tank?
John u need to put some Al Borlin shorts on the website, they'd sell like hotcakes lmao
I would love to see a clip on seeing how to maintaining sand substrate in tanks
Just set up a 400 gallon. Brand new tank and equipment. Let the tank run for 4 hours before adding plants. 2 hours after that put in 12 guppy's, 4 snails, 6 shrimp. Been 8 days and lost nothing. Guppy's had baby's second day in. No fry lost. Used tap water and Aqueon water conditioner.
Sand looks great, I want it for my new tank as I like corycats. But how do you grow plants in it?
Very easily in my experience.
They need fertilizer though
Play sand often has a lot of silt in it to keep more moisture so it sticks together better
Lighthouse on a rock island some open water more rocks and a shipwreck but a realistic shipwreck would be sweet
very nice videos and tanks....learning a great deal from your tutorials and will forever be greatful for your knowledge.
I attempted sand a while back and oh basically tuned to gutter water and lost all my fish,now i have a 75 gallon and also got another 150 gallon which i am looking at using sand substrate..only question i have is how do you prevent the sand from clumping up or is that based on the kind of sand?
One question. Wouldn’t draining all the water ruin your cycle of the tank? Do I keep some of the water and poor it back when I fill it back up?
Regarding fish piling up the substrate: to quote from one of Richard Pryor's routines, "The monkey live here, *****, you visitin'."
Hey I'm sorry if this has been asked but I've taken quite the interest to the stand you made. Do you have a video on how you built it, dimensions and such? I've got a 125 and a 75 that I wanted to stack but my stand I'm using doesn't permit that.
What is the best paint to use on the back of the Aquarium, something that doesn’t scratch off very easy. I’m fixing to get a new tank Saturday and was gonna pick up a Black color for the background. Does it have to be a paint for acrylic?
Also can I keep 4 full grown Angelfish in a 37 gallon tall? I’ve got 10 Corydora’s also, but if it’s good to go with the 4 in a 37, can I put a few schooling fish with them, or just stay with my soon to be new setup?
Tank looks great!