What Green food for my Canaries

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 1 ต.ค. 2024
  • Green food from the wild and supper-market

ความคิดเห็น • 85

  • @Vic64Y
    @Vic64Y 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    *IMPORTANT WARNING FOR PET BIRD OWNERS:* The food that we normally give to the canaries (and other companion birds) consisting of a "complete, balanced and top-quality seeds mixture" bought in pet stores or malls, makes the owners trust that their pet is well fed, but it's not so: indeed the birds health is at serious risk.
    The owners of canaries, parrots, cockatoos, budgies, cockatiels, etc., WE MUST PAY ATTENTION TO DOMESTIC BIRD BREEDERS AND VETS and keep in mind that although we feed them with such a typical seeds mixture, our birds are very likely in danger of suffering a painful and unexpected PREMATURE DEATH BY FATTY LIVER DISEASE. Canaries, for example, will surely die at 4 - 7 years of age of the more than 15 that they can live.
    It's sad that pet birds are fated to die early and painfully in so many cases. You have to warn people to avoid it!
    This deadly disease is very common in pet birds but owners usually don’t know or detect it in time. And we can’t imagine that *THE CAUSE IS IN THE FOOD ITSELF* that we provide to our birds, in which such *a typical mixture contains low-fat seeds such as canary seed together with other VERY fatty seeds such as niger, hemp or nabine and, in addition, the birds usually prefer to eat the fatty seeds* so that their REAL DIET is unbalanced by excessive fat, gradually causes the fatty infiltration of the liver and in a few years causes fatty liver hepatitis and PREMATURE DEATH to pet birds.
    *Also the fruits and specially the breeding paste and its pigments and THE SUNFLOWER SEEDS ATTACK THE LIVER* if they are taken too much or for too long.
    It's a cruel disease that progresses silently and, when its unexpected symptoms begin, they are easily confused with other ailments so the owners usually postpone the visit to the vet at a time already critical for the life of the bird (besides that not all vets are trained to recognize this elusive and misleading disease, even to administer lipotropic and regenerative liver protectors in curative doses, just in case it's that and not a supposed blow). It's a process of slow and asymptomatic progression, but when its visible symptoms begin (acute phase) the disease accelerates.
    *SYMPTOMS OF THE ACUTE PHASE OF FATTY LIVER DISEASE:* First, overgrowth of beak and nails since months before, progressive sadness and/or pecking, hard belly (in many cases, with a dark spot with a half-moon shape on the belly, which seems a "tumor", to see it you have to wet your fingers to remove the down), falls from the sticks of the cage that seem for "errors of calculation" and then lameness (that make believe that they are by the previous falls, but both symptoms are due to that it hurts the liver), lack of flight and singing, the bird fluffs up his feathers or bends more or less slowly; Then, within a few weeks or a few days, heavy breathing with open beak, remaining lying on the floor of the cage near the food, sudden spasms from time to time (which make people believe that the bird is "epileptic" but it are twinges of pain of diseased liver), abundant greenish poop (caused by biliverdin which if it's not fasting, it means hepatic harm), then black and watery (from hepatic hemorrhages), then a strange purplish color of skin and beak, an excessive appetite and the final "improvement" of a few days (in the last phase, the already degenerated liver becomes deflated by what the bird seems to ameliorate), after which it suddenly dies among seizures (which may seem a "heart infarct" or a "stroke").
    For the first symptoms the liver has already degenerated to 80% and only an urgent (and accurate) vet action can save your bird and revert the liver situation. If you simply feed your bird with the loose seeds mixture (even if you give it fresh fruits, vegetables and let it exercise, for example by letting it out of the cage at home), right now your pet's liver is degenerating, and neither you nor your bird know. *Without liver protectors, it's almost certain that your bird will die early and in many cases you won’t be able to determine its real cause.*
    Hepatic lipidosis it's not only deadly by itself when the visible symptoms begin (sometimes even it does not warn at all until few moments before the death). Even before the acute phase it predisposes the bird to suffer infections, as it weakens the immune system. Obese pet birds have an higher risk of many other diseases, like arthritis, heart disease and cancer. Obesity in birds it's not so apparent but it's more dangerous than in other animals like mammals.
    So in addition to giving to the birds lipotropic and detox / regenerating hepatic protectors preventively and routinely, breeders usually make their own mixtures with low fat seeds.
    *PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT:* The time to act is NOW that your bird doesn’t show yet the visible symptoms. It's necessary to ACTIVELY PREVENT THE LIVER DEGENERATION. Fortunately it's easy to do it: *It's very advisable to substitute progressively (within some weeks, as per the instructions of the manufacturer) the mixture of loose seeds for some pellets compound food of seeds, fruits and vegetables (preferably those that already include liver protectors), because this prevents the bird from filtering and eating mostly the fatty seeds (but without insisting if the bird does not get accustomed to eating pellets because he could die for starvation within a few days).*
    *And, whatever the diet, it's CRUCIAL to add to the drinking water or to the food LIPOTROPIC LIVER PROTECTORS that include carnitine and / or choline, betaine, methionine, etc., (and it's very convenient to add DETOX / REGENERATING LIVER PROTECTORS with thistle milk, boldo, artichoke extract).*
    Liver protectors are not medicine but cheap food supplements manufactured by pet bird vet laboratories that remove the fat from the liver, clean it and favor its recovery. It's essential to add them to the pet birds diet to conserve their liver. It's something that breeders and vets know, but we the owners usually don't know.
    It are appearing in the market compound feed for pet birds that don’t include fatty seeds and that already include several liver protectors. *But the vast majority of owners still confidently feed their birds with the typical mixture of loose seeds with little fat and other very fatty seeds... And their birds continue dying for hepatic lipidosis in a large number of cases (likely, in most cases).* Now we know that, as fatty liver disease develops from the daily food itself, it’s most likely *THE FIRST CAUSE OF DEATH OF PET BIRDS, and more so as the bird ages.*
    Webs on FLD:
    Liver disease is a slow, on-going progressive disease where the liver tissue is replaced with fat. When the liver disease has progressed, the bird may suddenly appear ill.
    One of the sadder diseases many avian vets see is that of hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease. It's sad in a number of ways since often the birds are very ill, life-threateningly so, or possibly having died suddenly. Often the owners have been unaware of the dangers of feeding their beloved pet the seeds, peanuts, or other fatty foods the bird obviously loves to eat. These are truly cases of "loving your bird to death". Any bird can fall victim to fatty liver disease.
    Dietary deficiencies of lipotrophic factors such as choline, biotin, and methionine may decrease the transport of lipids from the liver.
    The clinical manifestations of hepatic diseases in ornamental birds are much more frequent than people could realize and in many cases they are not appreciated, progress in a silent way and when they are evident, vet action may arrive late.
    Most any avian symptomatology should be considered as if it was a pathology that could be serious, and not allow the disease to develop because then it will probably be too late. We must closely investigate the symptoms, take preventive measures that don’t harm (such as giving liver and intestinal protectors according to the leaflet) ask for advice from vets, breeders, etc. and procure the most appropriate treatment RAPIDLY, but without rushing in the treatment or with the doses in such small animals. If the days go by and the bird doesn’t improve, it's necessary to continue investigating and, if necessary, change the medication in an informed and contrasted manner. Doing nothing or stopping research usually ends up with the bird dead, but acting without being sure of what is done and in what dose, it likely ends the same way. It's necessary to obtain and confirm the sufficient vet experience and have the serenity to determine in each case whether it's convenient to hasten to do and / or administer what medicine and in what dose, or if it’s better not to do and let the situation evolve without medicating for the time being, or according to the medication that has already been administered.
    A limp in a bird is not always an injury caused by a blow, but the symptom of a disease of some organ (usually the liver or an intestinal disease) that needs to be discovered and treated ASAP. When in doubt, change diet to one with the lowest fat possible (only birdseed, or with other low-fat seeds such as millet, chia and vegetables) and administer lipotropic and regenerating liver protectors in curative doses immediately... although nothing could foresee a fatal outcome. There are also food supplements protectors of the intestinal mucosa and stimulants of the immune system. In doses according to the leaflets do not cause damage, it will surely save the life of your bird (if it's not too late), and will keep them with a basic wellness.

    • @nathanmeilak7201
      @nathanmeilak7201 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Muhsina Mohamedihsanullah it’s been posted on like 40+ different videocassette

    • @Vic64Y
      @Vic64Y 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      ​@Muhsina Mohamedihsanullah I also am surprised of the few likes I get because this is the first and most important thing every owner should get when getting a birb. I wish someone would have warned us on this, because we lost our young, incredibly smart, playful and affectionate snowy orange canary for this disease, as so many other owners do. Nevertheless, I put this comment in many videos to warn people, and in other videos I get much more likes, like 100+ likes... Which it's still very few likes because the so much important it's this knowledge for the owners, anyway.
      But I'm glad that also your birds will avoid the most unknown by owners, yet most common, covert, misleading and DEADLY disease: the FLD. And that they will keep wellness during their full lifespan. Please, spread the word also offline to your neighbors, friends, etc., and let's save more birds out there. 👍👍

    • @connolly2100
      @connolly2100 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      why not just feed the birds dandelion or milk thistle for the liver instead of paying for lab made stuff

  • @Vic64Y
    @Vic64Y 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    *IMPORTANT WARNING FOR PET BIRD OWNERS:* The food that we normally give to the canaries (and other companion birds) consisting of a "complete, balanced and top-quality seeds mixture" bought in pet stores or malls, makes the owners trust that their pet is well fed, but it's not so: indeed the birds health is at serious risk.
    WE MUST PAY ATTENTION TO DOMESTIC BIRD BREEDERS AND VETS and keep in mind that although we feed them with such a typical seeds mixture, our birds are very likely in danger of suffering a painful and unexpected *PREMATURE DEATH BY FATTY LIVER DISEASE.* Canaries, for example, will surely die at 4 - 7 years of age of the more than 15 that they can live.
    This is so because *the typical mixture contains low-fat seeds such as canary seed together with other VERY fatty seeds such as niger, hemp or nabine and, in addition, the birds usually prefer to eat the fatty seeds* so that their REAL DIET is unbalanced by excessive fat, gradually causes the fatty infiltration of the liver and in a few years causes fatty liver hepatitis and PREMATURE DEATH to pet birds.
    *Also the fruits because its sugars and specially the breeding paste and its pigments and THE SUNFLOWER SEEDS ATTACK THE LIVER* if they are taken too much or for too long.
    FLD IS THE MOST COMMON CAUSE OF ILLNESS AND PREMATURE DEATH ON PET BIRDS; It's sad that pet birds are fated to die early and painfully in so many cases. You have to warn people to avoid it!
    It's a cruel disease that progresses silently and, when its unexpected symptoms begin, they are easily confused with other ailments so the owners usually postpone the visit to the vet at a time already critical for the life of the bird (besides that not all vets are trained to recognize this elusive and misleading disease, even to administer lipotropic and regenerative liver protectors in curative doses, just in case it's that and not a supposed blow). It's a process of slow and asymptomatic progression, but when its visible symptoms begin (acute phase) the disease accelerates.
    *SYMPTOMS OF THE ACUTE PHASE OF FATTY LIVER DISEASE:* First, overgrowth of beak and nails since months before, progressive sadness and/or pecking, hard belly (in many cases, with a dark spot with a half-moon shape on the belly, which seems a "tumor", to see it you have to wet your fingers to remove the down), falls from the sticks of the cage that seem for "errors of calculation" and then lameness (that make believe that they are by the previous falls, but both symptoms are due to that it hurts the liver), lack of flight and singing, the bird fluffs up his feathers or bends more or less slowly; Then, within a few weeks or a few days, heavy breathing with open beak, remaining lying on the floor of the cage near the food, sudden spasms from time to time (which make people believe that the bird is "epileptic" but it are twinges of pain of diseased liver), abundant greenish poop (caused by biliverdin which if it's not fasting, it means hepatic harm), then black and watery (from hepatic hemorrhages), then a strange purplish color of skin and beak, an excessive appetite and the final "improvement" of a few days (in the last phase, the already degenerated liver becomes deflated by what the bird seems to ameliorate), after which it suddenly dies among seizures (which may seem a "heart infarct" or a "stroke").
    For the first symptoms the liver has already degenerated to 80% *but an urgent (and accurate) vet action can save your bird and revert the liver situation.*
    So in addition to giving to the birds lipotropic and detox / regenerating hepatic protectors preventively and routinely, breeders usually make their own mixtures with low fat seeds.
    *PREVENTION AND/OR TREATMENT:* The time to act is NOW that your bird doesn’t show yet the visible symptoms. It's necessary to ACTIVELY PREVENT THE LIVER DEGENERATION. Fortunately it's easy to do it: *It's very advisable to substitute progressively (within some weeks, as per the instructions of the manufacturer) the mixture of loose seeds for some pellets compound food of seeds, fruits and vegetables (preferably those that already include liver protectors), because this prevents the bird from filtering and eating mostly the fatty seeds (but without insisting if the bird does not get accustomed to eating pellets because he could die for starvation within a few days).*
    *And, whatever the diet, it's CRUCIAL to add to the drinking water or to the food LIPOTROPIC LIVER PROTECTORS that include: CARNITINE AND /OR CHOLINE, BETAINE, METHIONINE, etc. It's very convenient to add DETOX / REGENERATING LIVER PROTECTORS with THISTLE MILK, BOLDO, ARTICHOKE EXTRACT.*
    Liver protectors are not medicine but cheap food supplements manufactured by pet bird vet laboratories that remove the fat from the liver, clean it and favor its recovery. It's essential to add them to the pet birds diet to conserve their liver.
    It are appearing in the market compound feed for pet birds that don’t include fatty seeds and that already include several liver protectors.
    Webs on FLD:
    Liver disease is a slow, on-going progressive disease where the liver tissue is replaced with fat. When the liver disease has progressed, the bird may suddenly appear ill.
    One of the sadder diseases many avian vets see is that of hepatic lipidosis or fatty liver disease. It's sad in a number of ways since often the birds are very ill, life-threateningly so, or possibly having died suddenly. Often the owners have been unaware of the dangers of feeding their beloved pet the seeds, peanuts, or other fatty foods the bird obviously loves to eat. These are truly cases of "loving your bird to death". Any bird can fall victim to fatty liver disease.
    Dietary deficiencies of lipotrophic factors such as choline, biotin, and methionine may decrease the transport of lipids from the liver.
    The clinical manifestations of hepatic diseases in ornamental birds are much more frequent than people could imagine and in many cases they are not appreciated, progress in a silent way and when they are evident, vet action may arrive late.
    Most any avian symptomatology should be considered as if it was a pathology that could be serious, and not allow the disease to develop because then it will probably be too late.
    A limp in a bird is not always an injury caused by a blow, but the symptom of a disease of some organ (usually the liver or an intestinal disease) that needs to be discovered and treated ASAP. When in doubt, change diet to one with the lowest fat possible (only birdseed, or with other low-fat seeds such as millet, quinoa, chia and vegetables) and administer lipotropic and regenerating liver protectors in curative doses immediately... although nothing could foresee a fatal outcome. There are also food supplements protectors of the intestinal mucosa and stimulants of the immune system. In doses according to the leaflets do not cause damage, it will surely save the life of your bird (if it's not too late), and will keep them with a basic wellness.

    • @treedeblue
      @treedeblue 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Would Dr. Harvey canary mix be a decent option in you’r educated opinion? Thank u very much

    • @Vic64Y
      @Vic64Y 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ​@@treedeblue Yes, I think Dr. Harvey's Incredible Canary Food it's a good choice for your canary. Indeed it's formulated specifically for this species... Anyway, it does not contain liver protectors so you must include, both, lipotropic and detoxyfing liver protectors into your bird's diet (a few drops into the drinking water as per the respective leaflets), as a preventive, healthy routine (to include these food supplements it's not just advisable, it's a must if you want to bring it a basic welfare throughout its truly lifespan). Don't give it too much sweet treats nor sweet fruits and, of course, dont give it sunflower seeds, whatsoever.

    • @treedeblue
      @treedeblue 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Vic64Y can you direct me a product link for the liver protector antidote please 🙏 ? Thank you for this crucial information

    • @Vic64Y
      @Vic64Y 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@treedeblue Some LIPOTROPIC LIVER PROTECTORS for pet birds that I have found browsing the Internet (I don't know which country you live in, but similar products of perhaps other brands it should be available where you live):
      - By FORTEBIRD, HepaBird, with L-carnitine hydrochloride, choline chloride, vitamin B12, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sorbitol (E-420), mannitol, D L - methionine, L-lysine monohydrochloride.
      - By AVIANVET:
      a) HEPATIC. With carnitine, betaine and sorbitol. It can be administered continuously.
      b) Also from this brand is PICAPICA, which contains choline chloride, carnitine, niacin, methionine, lysine, and can be given during molting periods and to prevent pecking among birds.
      - By VERSELE-LAGA:
      a) AVI-CHOL Contains biotin, methionine, choline chloride. For molting periods, in case of administration of color pigments for the plumage or to strengthen the liver.
      b) NUTRIBIRD C15. It is not a protector, it is a granulated maintenance feed with a scientifically proven composition based on selected cereals, fresh fruit and 50% canary seed (that is, without fatty seeds!), which also includes tryptophan, Florastimul and the following lipotropic liver protectors: methionine, choline, lysine, biotin, threonine.
      - Another brand that also includes liver protectors in its poultry foods is HAGEN GROUP.
      - By LATAC Laboratories: CALCICOLINE - P. Choline, calcium and phosphorus chloride. Very well known and indicated above all as a cure for fatty liver and during reproductive periods.
      - By AVIZOON: COLINA Ca-P, similar to the previous one.
      - By LEGAZIN: TOTAL CALCIUM Calcium + Vitamins + Choline Chloride
      Compensates for calcium and vitamin deficiency states, digestive and liver problems
      Other brands of lipotropic protectors plus vitamins, it are:
      - By the PAX PHARMA laboratory, AMINOPROTÁN. Vitamin complex that contains the following lipotropic liver protectors: lysine, methionine, carnitine and is indicated during the breeding period, after an illness or treatment with antibiotics, as an anti-stress treatment during competitions, transfers and changes in the aviary.
      - TABERNIL TOTAL from the DIVASA-FARMAVIC, S.A. laboratory: Vitamin complex that also includes the lipotropic protectors methionine and choline chloride. Indicated for breeding and growth periods, to strengthen the general condition and during the course and convalescence of any disease, both infectious and parasitic, to improve laying and hatchability, in the preparation of the breeders before and after mating, in periods of shedding, after prolonged treatments with antibiotics or sulfonamides.
      a) DAX Liver Protector, from Canariz2, contains milk thistle, boldo and artichoke extract. It can be administered continuously.
      b) LEGAZÍN Liver Protector, similar to DAX, can also be administered all year round.
      And some "ALL IN ONE" PROTECTORS, with lipotropic and detox/regenerative properties:
      a) ACIDCARE from Avianvet. It contains betaine, which is a precursor to carnitine, creatine and increases the availability of methionine and choline. It is a novel product with multiple properties for birds that is administered in drinking water. An "all-in-one" product that acts as an acidifier, antibacterial and antifungal, immune system stimulant, detoxifier and liver protector and is highly effective against coccidiosis in birds. It can be administered daily.
      b) APASYL from GreenVet. This brings together detoxifying, regenerating and lipotropic liver protectors in a single product. Apasyl contains extracts from plants such as milk thistle, artichoke and boldo. It also has choline that prevents the accumulation of fat in the liver.
      Whatever the liver protector or protectors used, always administer following the instructions on the leaflets of the respective laboratories. A lipotropic protector and a detoxifying / regenerating protector can be administered at the same time (even Acidcare and Apasyl combine both types of liver protectors in a single product). But, logically, two or more liver protectors of the same type should not be given at the same time, to avoid excessive intake.
      I hope these comments are useful to you, save your birds from an absurd and sad death and keep them with basic well-being.

  • @pamnosworthy1581
    @pamnosworthy1581 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My canary loves baby bokchoy..Broccoli and cucumber as well

  • @johns.9819
    @johns.9819 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    kale my canary goes crazy
    for it

  • @lilsangarden
    @lilsangarden 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    My canary wont touch kale, and i home grow.

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes they can be very fussy

  • @treedeblue
    @treedeblue 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    One of my canary hates veggies how can I make him eat the greens :-(

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I have quite a few birds that will only eat seed, just give them extra vitamins in their water

  • @pinkpuffin187
    @pinkpuffin187 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    kale, broccoli, apples, and cucumbers

  • @zinniahardy8887
    @zinniahardy8887 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I feed my canaries with baby spinach. They live for it lol they eat literally everyday 💚

    • @lilsangarden
      @lilsangarden ปีที่แล้ว

      Spinach is high in oxalate, be careful it can lead to kidney stone

  • @bumblebee6594
    @bumblebee6594 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you for this video very helpful.

  • @zafarali8314
    @zafarali8314 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    M uh canery also singing like yours canery. How and when it would be properly sing

  • @paulgabolinscy2502
    @paulgabolinscy2502 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Very informative thanks

  • @maartenveekens5440
    @maartenveekens5440 7 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    chickweed is the favorite, when there are seeds on it even more.

  • @shayclarke
    @shayclarke 7 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    lovely video lots of tips

  • @ALGfunk
    @ALGfunk 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    What about goldfinch mules.do thru follow goldfinch or canary diet? Very little info about them

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I feed all my birds the same diet

  • @rbcanary2749
    @rbcanary2749 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Greeting from Indonesia

  • @patriciajswanmenke4381
    @patriciajswanmenke4381 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Us people that want to make home made food need recipes please.

  • @ellmonroe3664
    @ellmonroe3664 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Beautiful birds!

  • @trevgoodwin7900
    @trevgoodwin7900 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just found you Redfactor Man thanks for the good, informative advice.

  • @theonlypinky
    @theonlypinky 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Mine also love pea shoots! They go nuts over it!

  • @sudarsansampath9385
    @sudarsansampath9385 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Super video

  • @arjunpkumar9166
    @arjunpkumar9166 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    .Informative video.. Thank you so much! where did u get the small treat feeder... I checked it in my local store and online. couldn't find it! tell me what you call that! is it called a "treat feeder"?

    • @Henry94Smith
      @Henry94Smith 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      They are called a finger feeder mate, they are available on eBay.

  • @aminsayedmaqsud5494
    @aminsayedmaqsud5494 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Big fun of yours from Sweden

    • @dikgroen7324
      @dikgroen7324 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Mag de kanarie ook rozemarijn

  • @AmandaWRU
    @AmandaWRU 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I grow micro greens in small punnets and they Iove them, sunflower and brocolli sprouts seem to be their favourites

    • @lilsangarden
      @lilsangarden ปีที่แล้ว

      Canary will devour brassica seed, I accidentally spill some when I was planting it, growing the flower and give it as a spray will be awesome

  • @sandyd2527
    @sandyd2527 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for the information. I have a yellow canary and it's been a couple of weeks that it seems depressed. He just wants to be in a corner and has not been singing, he's eating very little and does not want to perch on the sticks. He just wants to be on the floor. I went to the pet store and got him some new food. I'm planning on getting him something so that he can built a nest because lately I have caught him laying on top of his food. that's where he sleeps. I read something about when they act like that is because they're sick. They suggested for me to just leave him rest and to leave the cage covered with his blanket even during the day. I did that and he seems a bit better. He's eating more now but again he does not perched on the sticks and when he does move he hops. I think maybe he hurt a wing. I miss him being so perky and I really miss him singing. What do you think it's wrong with him.

    • @mickowen568
      @mickowen568 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      is there a draught getting at the cage

    • @RDens4d
      @RDens4d 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I hope you took your bird to a vet?

  • @mariamelafia7449
    @mariamelafia7449 7 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Oh ok thank you

  • @Thecrankybarber132
    @Thecrankybarber132 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Brilliant thank you .....

  • @erichart1180
    @erichart1180 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Very good video 👍

  • @jisoosstan4230
    @jisoosstan4230 6 ปีที่แล้ว

    What a cruel cage!!

  • @oriannachristina3628
    @oriannachristina3628 7 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thankyou for the video! Now I know what greens to feed my canary. Thank you 😊👍

  • @francisamakye-ansah994
    @francisamakye-ansah994 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, how about feeding of canary nestlings?
    Can I give them fish powder mixed with little drops of water to form a paste?
    And how often should I feed them?

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi, I have never heard of fish powder, I would go with egg food made into a powder and some water and place in a syringe, you can also by weaning food.

    • @francisamakye-ansah994
      @francisamakye-ansah994 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redcanaryman thank you.
      To correct myself, it is powdered fish, that is fish dried and grinded or milled into powder or something like flour.

  • @shadijabeh9236
    @shadijabeh9236 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hi, do you sell birds ? How can I get in touch?

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi lonely when I have over the amount required for the next year's Breeding Season, and this year I only wanted to breed a few so sorry no birds for sale

  • @Thecrankybarber132
    @Thecrankybarber132 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Love the videos thanks a million ....can I ask did you ever feed em wheatgerm oil ? Someone told me it's very good for them but not sure or how to give it ...any help really appreciate it

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi, thanks for the kind comments, no I haven't had any dealings with wheatgerm oil and the first time I've heard you can feed it to your birds, I would think you would sock a small amount of seed in the oil and feed in a finger draw

    • @Thecrankybarber132
      @Thecrankybarber132 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redcanaryman appreciate the reply yeah think I might leave it always think less is more .... just had a problem with air sac mite and it shook me thinking I'm missing something afraid of losing the birds ye know

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Thecrankybarber132 try s76 in the water

    • @Thecrankybarber132
      @Thecrankybarber132 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redcanaryman will do thank you

  • @tonio6261
    @tonio6261 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    can you use cauliflower leafs?

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      May be but I think they are a bit tough to eat

  • @sudarsansampath9385
    @sudarsansampath9385 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    Hello sir
    My female canary lose their feathers on the neck but bird's healthy only regularly singing and playing taking food
    What is the reason

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi, usually it's the cock bird that pulls out the feathers when he keeps trying to mate, if not that check for red mites and treat if found.

    • @sudarsansampath9385
      @sudarsansampath9385 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redcanaryman thanks u sir
      Male bird is vigorously singing all the time so this may be the reason
      If red mite means,how to treat in natural way like neem oil or turmeric powder ?

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@sudarsansampath9385 hi if there are mites you should be able to see them, but its more than likely the cock, I have never used turmeric powder but I may give it a go.

  • @nofacebadman7207
    @nofacebadman7207 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    I have a question what does it mean when I give my canary some apple and it eats it but later on it deficates on it? Thanks in advance

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bird's will defecate over food if it is on the floor so make sure it's in the cage bars or a eating frame

    • @nofacebadman7207
      @nofacebadman7207 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redcanaryman ok thanks

    • @nofacebadman7207
      @nofacebadman7207 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@redcanaryman also quick question can I give it green beans and spinach chopped up?

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@nofacebadman7207 Hi spinach and peas would be good

  • @mariamelafia7449
    @mariamelafia7449 7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    can you please do one about finches

    • @redcanaryman
      @redcanaryman  7 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hi as canaries are finches all the same applies​

  • @mickowen568
    @mickowen568 5 ปีที่แล้ว

    would it b ok 2 give them a spray of water

  • @كناريكناري-ل2ج
    @كناريكناري-ل2ج 6 ปีที่แล้ว
