This family is so screwed up and the grandma is wrong telling armin to hit his uncle that is why this kid is so disrespectful to his mom and he never listens to her this is a disgrace
I was thinking the same thing. The poor child doesn’t stand a chance. The way his parents fight in front of him and grandma encourages the boy to hate and beat the uncle. Not that Hojjat doesn’t deserve it, but you don’t teach your children to be mean and abusive towards others.
@cindygere exactly that is why the boy's grow up and be abusive to the mothers and wives. If nasbi wasn't such a liar and dictator and was not a thief him and his wife wouldn't fight
Pero como este tipo le va decir a su madre que porque no le pidieron permiso a el y dándole golpe pero saque lo del vídeo señor camarógrafo si no toman medidas vamos ha escribir TH-cam para q lo cierren.por falta de respeto.
Those goats should have been sold long time ago because Hotjat is being greedy with goats but he has no plan b where to keep them and what to feed them.Hotjat should remove all the concrete that you people built there in the landlord’s land.You people are ungrateful,you found a clean land and messed it up.
Привет из Казахстана 🇰🇿,я не могу понять, почему этот безработный на вас всех жалуется,а вы ничего не делаете? он мать бьёт, Хосейна бьёт, или это нормально для вас.
Она и на Хосейна так же кидалась😅 И камень хотела кинуть, Немат не дал. И в машину Насиба камни швыряла, когда он с женой приезжал. Эта женщина с головой не дружит😮
Concordo,manda este vadio preguiçoso embora da casa,de paz a esta mulher,meu Deus tanto se metem e nada fazem,Nasib gosta muito de dar ordens desnecessária em casa com a esposa mas com a sua mãe deixa a desejar,e amim assistindo brigas e discussões mesmo depois de shakinan dar ordem pro menino ficar em casa,amim está se tornando agressivo ,da chutes no pai,na mãe e em quem tiver por perto se ele se zangar,joga brinquedos nas paredes,era um menino doce e amável mas de uns tempos pra cá tá mudado,os homens deste país são criados para mostras autoridade e isso já tá influenciado na criação de amim,Sr Nasibulah mostre sua autoridade com este seu irmão inútil e livre sua mãe deste estorvo 🤷sr Nasib sua mãe também é uma senhora estúpida,agressiva,ensina coisas erradas pro seu filho que ainda está em formação de caráter,ele precisa da edução que shakinan lhe dá,ela é uma boa mãe e sabe o que é bom para amim
Этот дурак Насиб продал коз чтоб помочь Немату,ты себя сначало обеспечь,намат кушает еду с ресторана,его лентяйка жена не может отварить даже рис,а ты кушаешь консервы🤮
Nasib, I don’t really understand how you allow Hojjat to do that to your mother. You are more mouth than you are action. You seem scared of Hojjat, what oldest son allows his brother to beat his mother. You both are a sorry excuse of a son. You both disrespect women, you don’t know how to treat them, all you both do is boss them around and order them to either help you or serve you. I would be ashamed to call you both my son.
Они такие потомучто у них мать такая, чуть, что она сразу в драку, как видели в семье так и оги делают, дети берут пример от родителей, вот теперь Сорая и получает. У них не на словах, а на драке решаются все проблемы
These families are not a full shilling, the men do not know how to treat woman, Armin does nothing he is told and is very naughty, infact he is going to be just like his uncle. The mother doesn’t treat animals right or her younger son, she has been starving poor Jenny and pup for ages, now she is conveniently forgetting them altogether. There was only The youngest son worth watching, but he hasn’t bothered about Jenny either, and it supposed to be his dog. I’m unsubscribing., good by. Before I go I would like to wish all the viewers a happy and healthy 2025 ❤
This is so true but unfortunately that culture cares very little about the animals pity that there isn’t a government body that protects and fines humans (if you can call them that) for mistreating them it makes my blood boil when that little 💩 Armin tries to hit or throw stones at the animals but he’s never been taught different!
Huyy que padre tan maravilloso llevándo a su hijo donde solo va a ver maltrato y violencia para que siga ese ejemplo y Nasib bien que maltatatas a tu esposa pero a tu hermanito le tienes tanto miedo que ni reaccionas cuando pega delante de tus ojos a tu propia madre que gallito eres con tu esposa pero ahí se te cae la cabeza. Tremendo ejemplo a tu hijo pero ni siquiera lo corriges cuando le falta el raspeto a Saquine es que todos van por el mismo camino que vergüenza y desastre de familia 🤪
Io non do la colpa al bimbo ma la do a chi gli permette di comportarsi così, i bimbi sono intelligenti ma se non insegnano a loro le buone maniere e le basi di una buona educazione per loro è normale non obbedire, i genitori non solo hanno l'obbligo di nutrire i figli ma anche di insegnare l'educazione e imporre anche le buone regole se non vengono rispettate....i bimbi non sono colpevoli 🤷♀️
Un scénario, si il vire Hojjat tous le monde va se faire chier,le héros du film c’est Hojjat, Soraya ne sait pas s’occupé des annimaux, Fatima qui ne sait pas du tout s’occupé des enfants, surtout qu’autour d’eux il y a beaucoup d’enfants, j’espère qu’elle ne le fait pas exprès pour faire parlé d’elle ...En fait c’est les gamins qui tard les gamins vont porté plainte contre les parents pour violation d’image -🔞)....😅😅😅
Someone needs to rescue Jenny and her pup, Soraya starves them and they have no shelter, what’s wrong with these people?? This channel needs to be shut down immediately! These poor dogs will never survive if they stay with Soraya! Nemit is the one who gifted Housan this dog and the kid never gave her any attention!! Shame on everyone on this channel!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡
Nasibe proč necháš Armina aby tě kopnul, když jsi mu řekl že ať zůstane s matkou Armin je rozmazleny a neposlusny spratek žádnou dobrou výchovu Arminovi nedáváš je ho rozmazlujes, proto je to roazleny a uknuceny neposlusny spratek který potřebuje velmi tvrdou disciplínu.
Concordo,estou indignada por Nasib levar armim junto mesmo depois de shakinan dizer-lhe para não levar,Nasib ficou na porta induzindo amim a ir junto,vai perder inscritos por certas atitudes,o menino tá se tornando estupido até com a mãe 😢
Al final de todo Hojjat se robo las cabras de Nemat y Nassib permite que el Hojjat trate mal a la madre y al he mano ahora el da ordenes a la madre y alli siguen manteniendo al vago dan tristeza
Hojjat told his mother that if he finds out she went to Nemat, he won't let her stay in the house she built. That is crazy. Kicked him out. That's why he wants the house in his name. So he can kick his own mother and brother out.
Do you think Nesbi listens to us I don't think so, ,Nesbi wife is right Nesbi is scared of Hojjet, he stood there and let Hojjet put his hands on his mother and his younger brother any good son would have beat the crap out of Hojjet that he would not be able to stand. Nesbi can only bully his wife . Soraya why don't you call the police for Hojjet?? also you telling your grandson to say things to Hojjet no wonder the child does not listen to his mother or father, like today he kicked his dad and nothing was said to him. Nesbi you let your son away with too much, and you like your mother is doing wrong in front of your son. To think your son to his mother when she was sitting in another room and he wanted his mother to come to his new room and the mother said stay here and Nesbi your son said to your wife'' did dad beat you''. Shame on yous.
ნემატიმ რატომ მიცა ჩეკი,შეაშინა ჰოჯატმა არ აძლევ თხებს ყველაფერს იმისებს დედას არ უშვებს შვილთან ,რა უკანონო ქვეყანაში ცხოვრობენ , როცა ჰოჯატი მიდის სადმე ის თხები ნასიბმა მიუყვანოს ფატიმას,საჭმელს ვინ ყიდულობს მართლა დადგმული სცენარია
Ходжат, такие ребята как ты молодые оаботают видеооператорами и работа не пыльная и не тяжелая, найди себе такую работу или свою семью снимай. Вот тебе и работа.
Señor camarógrafo debería informarle a Nasib que ese hijo no es la primera vez que maltrata a su madre. Yo creo que no deberían dejarlo que viva con ella que lo saquen de la casa. Habrá alguna ley que la proteja a ella y a Houssein?
Poor Hossein, a good child who had the misfortune of being born into that family. I hope that his father will be able to take him with him and let him live a life suited to his age. Poor Armin who, with the terrible example he has, will grow up believing that violence in the family is normal. Poor Sakineh and Nemat who chose to join that family. Poor Jenny.
Насиб только со своей женой может приказывать, требовать и грубо говорить, может и побить, а перед братом- трус. Этот паразит руку поднимает на мать, угрожает, а Насиб слушает и в рот воды набрал. Как так можно?
Quiero comentar algo muy duro es difícil para nosotros que somos con diferentes costumbres y principios ver todo esto qué pasa aquí pero no perdamos nuestra tranquilidad y tampoco podemos cambiar la vida de Otros es nuestra elección si seguimos viendo o no
Развели непорядок,где жили,теперь на новом месте тоже самое.Сама дерется с Ходжатом и внука учит драться!Собак жалко,сначала приручили а потом голодом морят!Они вон как лезут к Насибу,есть просят!Какие-то бездушные!
Я тоже такого же мнения. Стоит и видит, как этот наркоша безработный приказывает матери не ходить к дочери. Насибо стоит и смотрит, как его брат хватает её за шею и он ничего не принемает никаких мер. Только грозится, что если ещё мать тронешь, я тебя изобью, а сам даже не подлетел к нему, чтобы по бошке ему надавать. Ещё этого не хватало, чтобы у этого ублюдка спрашивать разрешение.
Looks like they have not fed Jenny and her son. The dogs look like they are starving for food and attention. Can they get some dry dog food and water for them!!!!
Exatamente👏👏👏👏você tem razão,Nasib é estupido com sua linda esposa , com amir não sabe educar este menino que faz o que tem vontade,shakinan tenta dar educação rigorosa e Nasib não permite,ela sim é digna de respeito de todos,to indignada com Nasib, só não cancelo minha inscrição porque gosto muito de shekinah
استغفر الله العظيم……واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضااا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداااد كلماااته……… لاحول ولاقوة الا بالله العلي العظيم....... اللهم صل وسلم وبارك💐 على محمد واله💐 واصحابه💐 اجمعين💐
Hay mi querido nasibullah leo tan malos comentarios hacia tu persona y me da tristeza.tu eres un buen hombre .haz algo x cuidar tu familia y el de tu mamita denunciando a merece estar ahi golpeando a tu madre y a hoseinfrente a ti y tu solo miras.echalo a la calle q soraya nunca mas lo reciba .pero ella como madre hace todo lo contrario .permite q ese vago garrapata .traicionero .golpeador etc siga ahi como amo y sr.que derecho tiene mandar a su mamá a q haga lo q el diga.ahora otra cosa .tanto poder tiene hojat? Que ni las cabras pudieron llevarse? Xq dijeron con fatima q volverian con la policia y aun estan ahi haciendole reverencia a hojat aun ? Nasibul.... X favor lee los msjes haz algo .la casita de soraya y hosein que muy linda .felicidades y este año 2025.sea ya de romper los miedos .las mentiras y las angustias.saquen a hojat xfa ...nasibul...ya no sigas creando mas mala reputacion hacia tu persona demuestra .que eres y sigues siendo un valorioso hombre...una chilena de corazon ...UN FELIZ AÑO NUEVO A TODOS LOS QUE COMENTAMOS .🎉🎉🎉🎉no los conozco pero ya los leo como compañeros 🥳 de comentarios.buena salud y bendiciones soy de chile .un gran saludo tambien para ud camarográfo.y su familia .una chilena q no se pierde los videos
Все кашляют и ходят раздетые. А потому что нет надлежащей одежды. Насиб купил белую тонкую не по сезону курточку. Боится измазать , но она не греет его, вот и простыл. Ходжат тоже полураздетый ходит. А мамаша, новую куртку , что купил Немат, всю вдребезги изнахратила. У них нет понятия, что вещи должны быть рабочим и выходные. Как у нас у русских говорят, все в коли мели превратили. Вот такие они люди.
I noticed that the Nadeem didn't say anything to Hoijit when he said that he had a right to tell his mother and who's on what to do and where they can go and that they have to ask permission to go visit Fatima and Nimat. They need to get rid of him operator get him to move away and give him a camera guy of his own.
Make a lean - to on the leeward side of the house for the dogs.After winter (or before if he misbehaves) LEND Hojjat the tent as a starter home. He can train as a plasterer with the master whom he helped. Let him find land away from the family. Cheap land in the mountains NO CAR! The car must BE SOLD and the proceeds used to finish the house. It is the law for Hossein to be with his father.Children need both a father and a mother. Soraya should not break the law. That is what Hojjat lacked to become a proper man. HIS FATGERS UPBRINGING !
Ya creo que me voy a retirar de ver sus vídeos pues la señora se hizo grosera y el otro tipo solo pegándole al hermano y quire todo gratis mientras los demás se rompen el lomo tratando
You deleted my comment, it doesn't matter. The truth hurts. You just like to talk big. Won't even defend your mother. He grabbed her by the throat and you did nothing. It was obviously vicious enough that they wouldn't show us.
Ibu Soraya , hojjat , naseeb fatime satu keluarga watak nya sama 😂 sakine , nemat statusnya menantu semoga kebiasaan buruk mereka gak nurun ke cucu cucunya
I think hojiat has been influenced by his friends to turn against Nemat like he has he wasn't like that until he started hanging back with his so called friends, but when he gets himself in some trouble those friends will be nowhere around
Yo no se porque no lo echan ala arcel para que descansen de ese grosero ablenle ala policía es esque su canal es verdadero y si no le ablan ala policia o lo echan ala cárcel al Hojjat su canal es pura mentira y chou
Yes I like the Peren and the Darals family, they family orientation and much respect for each other and work together as a family, this family is dysfunctional and have no room for respect, they like to fight, maybe you can see the mum Soraya hitting everyone so I guess that's how they were raised and taught when they grew up anyway everyone have their differences of raising their family and you can see it's going from generation to generation, Soraya is very violence than Hojjat and Naseebraising their hands on each other, Fatima got and ugly attitude, Hussein is starting to fight and yell, now its passed on to Naseebs son that everyone is teaching him to hit the older people and the wife with the finger pointing 😂😂😂
Señora por qué su hijo el mayor permite que el otro le pegue y usted se deje córralo de la casa es su casa suya por qué permite que la maltrate y delante del otro hijo que no hace nada también es un inútil
Señor Nasib, denuncie a Hojjiat metalo en la carcel, demaciado agrecivo con su madre y su hermano menor que apenas es un niño.
This family is so screwed up and the grandma is wrong telling armin to hit his uncle that is why this kid is so disrespectful to his mom and he never listens to her this is a disgrace
I was thinking the same thing. The poor child doesn’t stand a chance. The way his parents fight in front of him and grandma encourages the boy to hate and beat the uncle. Not that Hojjat doesn’t deserve it, but you don’t teach your children to be mean and abusive towards others.
@cindygere exactly that is why the boy's grow up and be abusive to the mothers and wives. If nasbi wasn't such a liar and dictator and was not a thief him and his wife wouldn't fight
Pero como este tipo le va decir a su madre que porque no le pidieron permiso a el y dándole golpe pero saque lo del vídeo señor camarógrafo si no toman medidas vamos ha escribir TH-cam para q lo cierren.por falta de respeto.
Il lui apprennes les bonnes manières...d’ailleurs le gamin fait pareil....d’ailleurs il ne sait plus le vrai du faut ...
@@MariaGomez-e7d No esperes MariaGomez. reportalo, yo ya lo hice y lo hago cada vez que este tipo abusa de Hossein o de su madre. Reportenlo
Those goats should have been sold long time ago because Hotjat is being greedy with goats but he has no plan b where to keep them and what to feed them.Hotjat should remove all the concrete that you people built there in the landlord’s land.You people are ungrateful,you found a clean land and messed it up.
Привет из Казахстана 🇰🇿,я не могу понять, почему этот безработный на вас всех жалуется,а вы ничего не делаете? он мать бьёт, Хосейна бьёт, или это нормально для вас.
Мать бросается на сына как тигрица, это нормально? Где материнские чувства, ещё и внука учит драться. Это не женщина а изверг.
Она и на Хосейна так же кидалась😅 И камень хотела кинуть, Немат не дал. И в машину Насиба камни швыряла, когда он с женой приезжал. Эта женщина с головой не дружит😮
Concordo,manda este vadio preguiçoso embora da casa,de paz a esta mulher,meu Deus tanto se metem e nada fazem,Nasib gosta muito de dar ordens desnecessária em casa com a esposa mas com a sua mãe deixa a desejar,e amim assistindo brigas e discussões mesmo depois de shakinan dar ordem pro menino ficar em casa,amim está se tornando agressivo ,da chutes no pai,na mãe e em quem tiver por perto se ele se zangar,joga brinquedos nas paredes,era um menino doce e amável mas de uns tempos pra cá tá mudado,os homens deste país são criados para mostras autoridade e isso já tá influenciado na criação de amim,Sr Nasibulah mostre sua autoridade com este seu irmão inútil e livre sua mãe deste estorvo 🤷sr Nasib sua mãe também é uma senhora estúpida,agressiva,ensina coisas erradas pro seu filho que ainda está em formação de caráter,ele precisa da edução que shakinan lhe dá,ela é uma boa mãe e sabe o que é bom para amim
Добрый вечер,я с Кыргызстана, пожалуйста не верьте в эту драму, это всё ложь сценарий
Этот дурак Насиб продал коз чтоб помочь Немату,ты себя сначало обеспечь,намат кушает еду с ресторана,его лентяйка жена не может отварить даже рис,а ты кушаешь консервы🤮
Nasib, I don’t really understand how you allow Hojjat to do that to your mother. You are more mouth than you are action. You seem scared of Hojjat, what oldest son allows his brother to beat his mother. You both are a sorry excuse of a son. You both disrespect women, you don’t know how to treat them, all you both do is boss them around and order them to either help you or serve you. I would be ashamed to call you both my son.
Они такие потомучто у них мать такая, чуть, что она сразу в драку, как видели в семье так и оги делают, дети берут пример от родителей, вот теперь Сорая и получает. У них не на словах, а на драке решаются все проблемы
He is jack of all trades master of none
Nasib put your money were your mouth is
People that are commenting about the abuse of women? Look at the Laws of Iran. Woman are second class citizens. That's why men treat women like that.
@@ziliagodbolt3299 he is a coward and and abusive himself especially towards his wife
У них в семье скандалы ругань как в порядке вещей. И мать хоть что сразу в драку.
These families are not a full shilling, the men do not know how to treat woman, Armin does nothing he is told and is very naughty, infact he is going to be just like his uncle. The mother doesn’t treat animals right or her younger son, she has been starving poor Jenny and pup for ages, now she is conveniently forgetting them altogether. There was only The youngest son worth watching, but he hasn’t bothered about Jenny either, and it supposed to be his dog. I’m unsubscribing., good by. Before I go I would like to wish all the viewers a happy and healthy 2025 ❤
Aku juga berhenti kasihan jeni
This is so true but unfortunately that culture cares very little about the animals pity that there isn’t a government body that protects and fines humans (if you can call them that) for mistreating them it makes my blood boil when that little 💩 Armin tries to hit or throw stones at the animals but he’s never been taught different!
Huyy que padre tan maravilloso llevándo a su hijo donde solo va a ver maltrato y violencia para que siga ese ejemplo y Nasib bien que maltatatas a tu esposa pero a tu hermanito le tienes tanto miedo que ni reaccionas cuando pega delante de tus ojos a tu propia madre que gallito eres con tu esposa pero ahí se te cae la cabeza. Tremendo ejemplo a tu hijo pero ni siquiera lo corriges cuando le falta el raspeto a Saquine es que todos van por el mismo camino que vergüenza y desastre de familia 🤪
Feliz Año Nuevo🎉🎉🎉🎉
I can’t stand that kid of Nasib, he’s a little brat if things doesn’t go his way he’s crying acting a fool.
💯 correct 👍🏻
Io non do la colpa al bimbo ma la do a chi gli permette di comportarsi così, i bimbi sono intelligenti ma se non insegnano a loro le buone maniere e le basi di una buona educazione per loro è normale non obbedire, i genitori non solo hanno l'obbligo di nutrire i figli ma anche di insegnare l'educazione e imporre anche le buone regole se non vengono rispettate....i bimbi non sono colpevoli 🤷♀️
If the child hasn't the violence, maybe he wouldn't act out.😢
СОРАЯ сама провоцирует Ходжата на драку потомучто подписчики❤ возмущаются и пишут коментарии и этим зарабатывают деньги это все бизнес ничего личного
@@СарияМухаметшина-е6м 100%
Un scénario, si il vire Hojjat tous le monde va se faire chier,le héros du film c’est Hojjat, Soraya ne sait pas s’occupé des annimaux, Fatima qui ne sait pas du tout s’occupé des enfants, surtout qu’autour d’eux il y a beaucoup d’enfants, j’espère qu’elle ne le fait pas exprès pour faire parlé d’elle ...En fait c’est les gamins qui tard les gamins vont porté plainte contre les parents pour violation d’image -🔞)....😅😅😅
Ну бабуля не зависимо от роли психичка😅 Это же видно.
Someone needs to rescue Jenny and her pup, Soraya starves them and they have no shelter, what’s wrong with these people?? This channel needs to be shut down immediately! These poor dogs will never survive if they stay with Soraya! Nemit is the one who gifted Housan this dog and the kid never gave her any attention!! Shame on everyone on this channel!!!!!😡😡😡😡😡
Nasibe proč necháš Armina aby tě kopnul, když jsi mu řekl že ať zůstane s matkou Armin je rozmazleny a neposlusny spratek žádnou dobrou výchovu Arminovi nedáváš je ho rozmazlujes, proto je to roazleny a uknuceny neposlusny spratek který potřebuje velmi tvrdou disciplínu.
💯 💯 💯 👍🏻 correct,
Привет из РОССИИ! А когда вырастит ,он будет отца воспитывать ,и правильно сделает, потому что НЕМАТ ,его сделал таким.
Армин будет Сорайя номер 2!!!
Muy cierto
Concordo,estou indignada por Nasib levar armim junto mesmo depois de shakinan dizer-lhe para não levar,Nasib ficou na porta induzindo amim a ir junto,vai perder inscritos por certas atitudes,o menino tá se tornando estupido até com a mãe 😢
What will happen to the dogs?... they look so hungry!!!!!
Бедных собак оставили , они голодные , так жаль их . Еду не привезли им
Ну бродячие собаки как то выживают. Люди подкармливают. Это еще повезло, что щенков раздали. Хотя Дженни скоро новых принесет.
Poor Jenny and her pup need a house!
Вокруг дома такая срач.
Теперь пришли новую территорию засерать.
Ам давно сказано --- выгнать Ходжата и пусть ть живёт в той палатке, которую тоже купил Немат
Да он ее не купил одолжил.
Никуда он не уйдет😅
@@ОльгаОрт-ь2к Την αγορασε την σκηνη απο τον φιλο του το ειπε στο βιντεο.
У вас нет помещения для коз. Где они ночевать будут? Вот тот случай когда их продать нужно.😊
They have an inside stable that they spend the night in.
They will leave that land where they’ve been living a mess and won’t clean it up.
Hi you took the words right out of my mouth, you are 💯 correct.
Like their lives in a mess
Así mismo, que se puede esperar son todos iguales
Al final de todo Hojjat se robo las cabras de Nemat y Nassib permite que el Hojjat trate mal a la madre y al he mano ahora el da ordenes a la madre y alli siguen manteniendo al vago dan tristeza
А Насиб украл коз у своей жены Два одинаковых ублюдка. Нет разницы
Hojjat told his mother that if he finds out she went to Nemat, he won't let her stay in the house she built. That is crazy. Kicked him out. That's why he wants the house in his name. So he can kick his own mother and brother out.
This kids hits and kicks
Time to STOP it
Armin has seen many violent within the family. He is now walking on his dad’s footsteps. Sad,if he grows up to be like Hoijjat.
He will be in jail when he reach 14 years old due to his bad attitude & arrogance thanks to his bad temper father
А каким ему вырости, где хороший достойный пример. Насиб трус и врун. Скоро и сам будет поднимать руки на Сакине.
Triste destino el que le espera a esa criatura con semejante familia 🙄🤔
Send hojjat away. He is grown. He has money from nemats check. Tell him it's time to grow up and move out.
Do you think Nesbi listens to us I don't think so, ,Nesbi wife is right Nesbi is scared of Hojjet, he stood there and let Hojjet put his hands on his mother and his younger brother any good son would have beat the crap out of Hojjet that he would not be able to stand. Nesbi can only bully his wife . Soraya why don't you call the police for Hojjet?? also you telling your grandson to say things to Hojjet no wonder the child does not listen to his mother or father, like today he kicked his dad and nothing was said to him. Nesbi you let your son away with too much, and you like your mother is doing wrong in front of your son. To think your son to his mother when she was sitting in another room and he wanted his mother to come to his new room and the mother said stay here and Nesbi your son said to your wife'' did dad beat you''. Shame on yous.
I agree
ნემატიმ რატომ მიცა ჩეკი,შეაშინა ჰოჯატმა არ აძლევ თხებს ყველაფერს იმისებს დედას არ უშვებს შვილთან ,რა უკანონო ქვეყანაში ცხოვრობენ ,
როცა ჰოჯატი მიდის სადმე ის თხები ნასიბმა მიუყვანოს ფატიმას,საჭმელს ვინ ყიდულობს მართლა დადგმული სცენარია
Ходжат, такие ребята как ты молодые оаботают видеооператорами и работа не пыльная и не тяжелая, найди себе такую работу или свою семью снимай. Вот тебе и работа.
Señor camarógrafo debería informarle a Nasib que ese hijo no es la primera vez que maltrata a su madre. Yo creo que no deberían dejarlo que viva con ella que lo saquen de la casa. Habrá alguna ley que la proteja a ella y a Houssein?
Poor Hossein, a good child who had the misfortune of being born into that family. I hope that his father will be able to take him with him and let him live a life suited to his age. Poor Armin who, with the terrible example he has, will grow up believing that violence in the family is normal. Poor Sakineh and Nemat who chose to join that family. Poor Jenny.
Насиб только со своей женой может приказывать, требовать и грубо говорить, может и побить, а перед братом- трус. Этот паразит руку поднимает на мать, угрожает, а Насиб слушает и в рот воды набрал. Как так можно?
Сорая сама виновата во всём
Это все кино. Насиб вообще в этой семье никто. Он родной брат Немата.Ходжату досталась роль не благодарная, все его лупят.
Это видно что Немат и Насиб братья ,
Это все для того что бы все больше писали возмущались-все для комментариев и как ни странно это работает😅 они это знают
@@НинаСуремко да хватит уже бредни из космоса распостранять.
Quiero comentar algo muy duro es difícil para nosotros que somos con diferentes costumbres y principios ver todo esto qué pasa aquí pero no perdamos nuestra tranquilidad y tampoco podemos cambiar la vida de Otros es nuestra elección si seguimos viendo o no
Развели непорядок,где жили,теперь на новом месте тоже самое.Сама дерется с Ходжатом и внука учит драться!Собак жалко,сначала приручили а потом голодом морят!Они вон как лезут к Насибу,есть просят!Какие-то бездушные!
Насиб ты не мужчина ты не можешь справиться с братом который издевается над твоей матерью
Я тоже такого же мнения. Стоит и видит, как этот наркоша безработный приказывает матери не ходить к дочери. Насибо стоит и смотрит, как его брат хватает её за шею и он ничего не принемает никаких мер. Только грозится, что если ещё мать тронешь, я тебя изобью, а сам даже не подлетел к нему, чтобы по бошке ему надавать. Ещё этого не хватало, чтобы у этого ублюдка спрашивать разрешение.
Разруха кругом и она будет до тех пор, пока разрушитель рядом.
Happy New Year to your family. Hope this year brings you lots of joy and happiness
А как же собаки? Ульи пчелиные ,куры козы.где всех держать?.Туалета нет😊
До соседов ходить туалет.
Kész Átverés Show!!!!Még mindig nem látjátok,Emberek,kihasználnak,becsapnak Titeket😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Nasibullah is afraid of Hojjat so he goes home and bullies Sakine. This family is screwed up.
Точно, это так. Он может только женой командовать, трус не мужик
Armin tiene buena Escuela la abuela y el papá son iguales de pelioneros
Looks like they have not fed Jenny and her son. The dogs look like they are starving for food and attention. Can they get some dry dog food and water for them!!!!
These people are neglecting their pets!!
odeio esse canal ninguém merece......nada vou denunciar
faz igual eu....tenho uma cachorrinha GG eles não eu estou Demunciando
Y la momia está parada y no hace nada !
Es verdad párese momia no hace nada solo derepente le sale un grito
Sorhaia voce vai ter wue fazer casinha prs os cachorros 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Quién dice que una madre tiene que pedir permiso a un hijo para ir donde tenga que ir, esto es insoportable
الف مبروك البيت الجديد
Сорая убери хлам вокруг своего дома , ты ничего не делаешь , каждый день убери понемножку всё , подметай вокруг дома ,а то сидишь и ворчишь.
Для начала нужно убрать на поле, где палатка была. Обделали чужую землю.
Either the TH-cam is fake, or you scare your little brother he hit your mother in front of you. I cannot believe it.
Насибула трус и может только женой командовать. Скоро и он и его сын будут бить Сакину. Такое воспитание.
Hojjat desabrigou toda a família, Nemat devia proibir Hojjat de morar na casa. Ele é maldiçoado, tire Hojjat do canal
Nasib you are not real man hundred percent
Lui sempre gentile con tutti difatti non saluta mai maleducato come sua madre
Mi anno stancato che porcilaia buon anno
Насиб только может орать на Сакинэ, а с ходжатом не может справиться, видимо боится его!
Трасс и не мужик
Он же жалобы пишет😅
Exatamente👏👏👏👏você tem razão,Nasib é estupido com sua linda esposa , com amir não sabe educar este menino que faz o que tem vontade,shakinan tenta dar educação rigorosa e Nasib não permite,ela sim é digna de respeito de todos,to indignada com Nasib, só não cancelo minha inscrição porque gosto muito de shekinah
С новым годом счастья радости здоровья желаю
استغفر الله العظيم……واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضااا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداااد كلماااته……… لاحول ولاقوة الا بالله العلي العظيم.......
اللهم صل وسلم وبارك💐 على محمد واله💐 واصحابه💐 اجمعين💐
Hay mi querido nasibullah leo tan malos comentarios hacia tu persona y me da tristeza.tu eres un buen hombre .haz algo x cuidar tu familia y el de tu mamita denunciando a merece estar ahi golpeando a tu madre y a hoseinfrente a ti y tu solo miras.echalo a la calle q soraya nunca mas lo reciba .pero ella como madre hace todo lo contrario .permite q ese vago garrapata .traicionero .golpeador etc siga ahi como amo y sr.que derecho tiene mandar a su mamá a q haga lo q el diga.ahora otra cosa .tanto poder tiene hojat? Que ni las cabras pudieron llevarse? Xq dijeron con fatima q volverian con la policia y aun estan ahi haciendole reverencia a hojat aun ? Nasibul.... X favor lee los msjes haz algo .la casita de soraya y hosein que muy linda .felicidades y este año 2025.sea ya de romper los miedos .las mentiras y las angustias.saquen a hojat xfa ...nasibul...ya no sigas creando mas mala reputacion hacia tu persona demuestra .que eres y sigues siendo un valorioso hombre...una chilena de corazon ...UN FELIZ AÑO NUEVO A TODOS LOS QUE COMENTAMOS .🎉🎉🎉🎉no los conozco pero ya los leo como compañeros 🥳 de comentarios.buena salud y bendiciones soy de chile .un gran saludo tambien para ud camarográfo.y su familia .una chilena q no se pierde los videos
Coincido con este comentario cien porciento ❤❤❤
Happy New Year from New Zealand. I hope this new year brings you renewed happiness for your family. 💖💖💖💖
Feliz Ano Novo 🎉🎉🎉
🎉🎉🎉 feliz año
Where is jenny house poor jenny
Günaydın hayırlı mutlu sağlıklı bereketli günler dilerim yeni yılınız kutlu olsun ❤❤❤
حالًا ميتوانيد بز ها را بفروشيد❤❤❤
Feliz año a todo el que me leea 🎉🎉🎉
Happy new year to all
Happy New Year. God Bless
Put him in jail
هميشه موفق و سلامت باشيد عزيزانم ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Feliz Año Nuevo 🎉🎉🎉
You brought everything but the toilet?
Все кашляют и ходят раздетые. А потому что нет надлежащей одежды. Насиб купил белую тонкую не по сезону курточку. Боится измазать , но она не греет его, вот и простыл. Ходжат тоже полураздетый ходит. А мамаша, новую куртку , что купил Немат, всю вдребезги изнахратила. У них нет понятия, что вещи должны быть рабочим и выходные. Как у нас у русских говорят, все в коли мели превратили. Вот такие они люди.
Надоели с этими скандалами и в этом виновата мать ,провоцирует мать должна объединять детей
Сорайя постройте туалет и душ хороший
Que Deus abençoe vocês meus queridos 👍 🇧🇷 🙏 💛🥰❤️❤️❤️🌼🌼💕💕💕💛💛💛💛💛
Без Ходжада им ничего показывать. Кому интересно смотреть как они ноги под одеялом греют. Угарят еще.
Вообще ужас какой то,21 век живут как пещерные люди !
I noticed that the Nadeem didn't say anything to Hoijit when he said that he had a right to tell his mother and who's on what to do and where they can go and that they have to ask permission to go visit Fatima and Nimat. They need to get rid of him operator get him to move away and give him a camera guy of his own.
Вот это точное решение. Пусть бездельник сам станет оператором и снимет фильм как я оказался в тюрме😂😂😂
This rude boy says his mother should ask permission from him to visit Nemat and Fatima! Who is a parent here?
Бедныи хозяин земли , как он будет рад ,
Чему? Что там срач? 😅 поле бетоном залили
❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 I love it when they get along 😊
Usted ya se acostumbro a los golpes el dia que no se pelean y se golpean no estan agusto
بارك الله فيك يا نصيب وهدا لك زوجتك سكينه
انت زوج صالح وابن صالح لامك رعاك الله ❤
Nasib is such a coward.. standing there and letting Hojjat beat on his Mother… what a coward!!!
He always beat soraya ,and yelled at her,this is a bad example for young children who washing those behaviors
Hola feliz Año Nuevo bendicion
Make a lean - to on the leeward side of the house for the dogs.After winter (or before if he misbehaves) LEND Hojjat the tent as a starter home. He can train as a plasterer with the master whom he helped. Let him find land away from the family. Cheap land in the mountains NO CAR! The car must BE SOLD and the proceeds used to finish the house. It is the law for Hossein to be with his father.Children need both a father and a mother. Soraya should not break the law. That is what Hojjat lacked to become a proper man. HIS FATGERS UPBRINGING !
Ya creo que me voy a retirar de ver sus vídeos pues la señora se hizo grosera y el otro tipo solo pegándole al hermano y quire todo gratis mientras los demás se rompen el lomo tratando
You deleted my comment, it doesn't matter. The truth hurts. You just like to talk big.
Won't even defend your mother. He grabbed her by the throat and you did nothing. It was obviously vicious enough that they wouldn't show us.
Ibu Soraya , hojjat , naseeb fatime satu keluarga watak nya sama 😂 sakine , nemat statusnya menantu semoga kebiasaan buruk mereka gak nurun ke cucu cucunya
Hasip o çocuğu hojatın olduğu yere getirme kavga öğreniyor ,yarın hojat gibi olacak.
او وقاحت را از چاقوی خود آموخت
He learned impudence from his knife
I think hojiat has been influenced by his friends to turn against Nemat like he has he wasn't like that until he started hanging back with his so called friends, but when he gets himself in some trouble those friends will be nowhere around
He was always bad
Happy new year to all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
А где стол,студья,телевизор,шкаф, велосипед,мы не виднли как она индюков и кур резала,Это все вопросы к Сораей.
Proč hojata nevyhodí
Соберите палатку пусть там живёт. ХАДЖАТ. ☝️😳😂😂😂
What about Jenny?
Why are u takin all the junk to thr new house
Yo no se porque no lo echan ala arcel para que descansen de ese grosero ablenle ala policía es esque su canal es verdadero y si no le ablan ala policia o lo echan ala cárcel al Hojjat su canal es pura mentira y chou
🎉Happy new year 2025 God bless beautiful family.🎉❤
Ojalá le hagan una casa a Jenny y su hijita ,es lo menos q pueden hacer ya q el inútil de Nemat's se olvido de ellas
Perdón Nematno es ningún inútil el no tiene por qué hacerles todo
У Ходжата уже привычка распускать руки на мать и Насибул не заступился,могбы Ходжата побить.Сорая зачем ты учишь Армина к плохим поступком.
Armin is getting more and more spoiled and a crybaby he cry’s every time he doesn’t get his way. He hit everyone he is very disrespectful
They can’t keep them goats there, ppl will move and build on both sides of her.
Although scripted...Daral and Peren familys are enjoyable to watch. They show respect to all members of their familys. I recommend to viewers .
Yes I like the Peren and the Darals family, they family orientation and much respect for each other and work together as a family, this family is dysfunctional and have no room for respect, they like to fight, maybe you can see the mum Soraya hitting everyone so I guess that's how they were raised and taught when they grew up anyway everyone have their differences of raising their family and you can see it's going from generation to generation, Soraya is very violence than Hojjat and Naseebraising their hands on each other, Fatima got and ugly attitude, Hussein is starting to fight and yell, now its passed on to Naseebs son that everyone is teaching him to hit the older people and the wife with the finger pointing 😂😂😂
Señora por qué su hijo el mayor permite que el otro le pegue y usted se deje córralo de la casa es su casa suya por qué permite que la maltrate y delante del otro hijo que no hace nada también es un inútil
La madre se hace tonta siempre le encaswueta al chamaco es muy lista...
Можно сказать очень наглая
Soraya stop teaching Armin how to fight (Hojat)
The dogs are being starved!!