Hey Spen and Alex, I really appreciate the fact you took us along with you on your spa day and took the time to vlog as much as you could! I felt as if I was there enjoying it too haha, hope you had the best time
+Spencer & Alex hey I think you make some of the best vids on the whole of youtube and you deserve to have over 999,999,999,999,999 subscribers and I think it's great that you do these vids for your viewers and you make us feel really special thanks and I totaly agree with Marcus
+Spencer & Alex Guys I really appreciate you taking us You didn't need too, you could just go on a Holliday without vlogging Thanks for taking us Your best fan
Love this video love you guys and love your videos love you soo much hope you have a great time with Joey and hope you two have a great time with each other
You guys are awesome! I'm new too his channel and I absolutely love your videos (: im not from London / England :( I'm American! But sometimes I use your language or the phrases you say by accident. Haha that's how much I watched your videos the past week (: keep up the good work! Ms.R
Damn Alex back at it again with another upload
+wojciech skuzybut Please get cancer
It's both of them idiot
Jeez its only a joke
Hey Spen and Alex, I really appreciate the fact you took us along with you on your spa day and took the time to vlog as much as you could! I felt as if I was there enjoying it too haha, hope you had the best time
That's so sweet of you to say, thanks for watching!
It's people like you that make other people's day keep being you 🎉
+Spencer & Alex hey I think you make some of the best vids on the whole of youtube and you deserve to have over 999,999,999,999,999 subscribers and I think it's great that you do these vids for your viewers and you make us feel really special thanks and I totaly agree with Marcus
+Spencer & Alex Guys I really appreciate you taking us
You didn't need too, you could just go on a Holliday without vlogging
Thanks for taking us
Your best fan
Love the stuff with joey! Keep it up guys!
Charlie! Love you on full time devils 👍👍
7:19 - the most genuinely disturbing sound i've heard in a long time.
I checked the comment section when I heard that noise
Another great video, keep it up guys!
Think we all know what happened first night at the hotel...
Spencer played FIFA
Ha Ha
+WreckTard we all know
Also their making a new video called Alex is having a baby
+WreckTard spen just left the nuts hanging out
Isn't the savoy from the older Italian Job??? Shout out if you've seen that film
Amazing film
You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!
Was thinking that too
3:50 "that's our big bed", spencer thinks, "not the only big thing in here tonight"
Yeah sure 👍
What even.
Joey is growing up so quick
That hotel looks like a true "Game Changer"!
it looked 'decent'
Think we all know what happened in the hotel...
+Callum j more like 👌👈😂
The food and the hotel was probably "decent"
You know it!
+Spencer & Alex cheeky
+Spencer & Alex ur channels amazing u deserve more sub's
I love it when they say that
Spen, your parents house is massive!! Awesome video :)
Uncle spenny got himself some
please do more videos with joey! he's so adorable!
Hey Spen and Alex amazing video your so lucky to have each other's humour and creativity! Upwards and onwards!
Another great video;)- is there going to be a Alex's birthday vlog??
I love you guys keep up the good work
I've been to the Savoy once. Amazing! Didn't go it to the hotel but had tea. Lovely place, hope you enjoyed yourself Spen and Alex
It was ridiculously nice! Afternoon tea looked great, got to try it one day!
You are the cutest match ever, you fit each other sooo well.
you guys are like the nicest couple I've seen on youtube and keep up with the good work!!
Nice, hope you guys had a good time!
Did I just hear benchwarmers!?!?!? so excited for the next episode :)
1:51I laughed so hard at that. Am I the only one?
You arent....
Nah mate ;)
7/8 billion people in the world. You're not gonna be the only one
+AFMakers Yeah, because 7/8 billion people will watch this video
+AFMakers yes but do 7/8 billion people watch their vids. Noooooo!!!😝😝😝😎😎😎
It's so good how you can vlog week your a way having a good time it felt like I was with yous you make your videos so good ! X
You guys are goals!
Spencer propose to Alex already!
like he would propose on camera
Tara Curran s
Wish came true
U guys make my day thank you for never failing to make me happy
thank you spen and Alex for being the best TH-camrs ever 😃😃😃😃
5:06 Spen looked like Joachim Löw😂
Well edited, Alex!!
Spencer was loving that jet 😂😂
such a good video man. you deserve millions of subs
the food looked amazing
You should upload more on this channel because the videos are so good
Love this video love you guys and love your videos love you soo much hope you have a great time with Joey and hope you two have a great time with each other
You guys are pure goals, I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but here's another anyway :)
I have stayed in the savoy and used to live so near there!
Great to see that you both had a good time. And Come on you Irons
You guys are awesome! I'm new too his channel and I absolutely love your videos (: im not from London /
England :( I'm American! But sometimes I use your language or the phrases you say by accident. Haha that's how much I watched your videos the past week (: keep up the good work!
This channel is amazing
Love the vlogs! Keep it up!
Spencer's parents garden is HUGE!
you two should consider doing daily uploads/vlogs only for a couple weeks youd get great feedback
Another great video x
When Alex said spen I thot she said seb and I was LIKE WHAT did I miss :( and then I heard Spencer's voice so then I was relieved
Nice vlog, you should do this more!
I think this should be the Alex channel because she does all the vlogging
Great vid guys :) Keep up the work!
Please could you upload more because this is my favourite channel
the food you guys eat looks so good. I wish I had lobster
how do u keep the romance alive ;)
Looks great!
i wanted to see joey moreee :( haha he looks so grown upp
Hi, does anyone know what the soothing music is at 5:07? Thanks.
joey goes for the spear...
Such a cute couple!! 😍😍😍
I luv u guys sooooo much and joey is super cute
1:51 slow the speed down to 0.25 RKO outta NOWHERE
Another great video :)
Looked amazing, hope you had the best time Spencer and Alex. Wish I could be lucky and win a night at that spa/hotel. :D
spencer so enthusiastic 0:35
And again a great vid
I didn't know you guys watched Nashville! I live there and y'all should totally come here sometime.
Damn the lawn outside of spencer's parent's house is massive! Their dog is also gorgeous
Hey guys I love you both your awesome keep up good work
Great video spencer COYI ⚒
Great video!
Are you uploading on spen FC today
+Spencer &Alex I went there last week!!! its awesome!
Shame u split ur channel and u two are amazing
Hi Spen when are u putting up another game academy vid
First night alone after having your first child! haha :P
+DanoToast i see you on the sidemen videos
LOVE Big Easy!
I couldn't think you guys could get more perfect, and then you said you watched Nashville. Can I just come and move in please?
The intensity level of that workout wasn't a one Alex or even a 2 Alex, but a full 3 Alex workout. Nice job
spen really likes that red sweater
Do more videos on joey!!
I love you guys and your dog is so cute you two are a great couple and I love watching yous with videos on holiday and just your videos
Hotel looks really nice
like allways fun to look at your video :D
That cheered me up.
Great video
Imagine if every you tuber was like Alex, quick edit and upload time
Hey Spandex,
Just wondering, which town do you live in?
+Kickers David London isn't a town mate 😂😂
hi Spencer and Alex just saying I love your videos and you are the best👌👌👌
9 months later :a new bany is born!
brilliant grammar mate
*baby...whats my mistake? English is not my main language?
tariq ali sorry didn't know English wasn't your main language. Sorry mate
+tariq ali Yeah, Imagine.
+tariq ali But yeah,imagine
Joey is cute!! do more vids with him!:)
Can't wait for benchwarmers
How would you say the food was? Decent by any chance?
do more like these :D
Your my favorite youtuber
When is bench warmers and how's the tattoo
Who thought that when Alex got Joey as her surprise that her reaction was like she didn't like it but actually they both love it
6:05 spencer you cheeky boy😜✌️🍾
What if Joey is actually the fifa playa...
+Metovoltz that's what they want you to believe
but what if joey is illuminaty?
+Metovoltz prove it
+eduardo serrano LOL
speny and your a great youtuber and i love your wheel of futune series all the best
That place looks so fancy! Did the massage come with the room cost or was it a separate thing? Either way, very jealous of that pampered 24 hours!
The hotel was a game changer make sure u hashtag it
Alfie Marlborough ####### I hashtag it