LUANG POR LIEM: The Lightness of Letting Go | Trsl Alex Oliver | Buddhist Dhamma Talk at Dhammagiri

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 ก.พ. 2025
  • If you prefer reading 📖, we have now published a complete edited transcript of this Talk on the 'Dhamma Reflections' blog of our Dhammagiri website:
    Luang Por Liem is the successor of Ajahn Chah as the abbot of Wat Nong Pah Pong, Ubon, Thailand. He is the leading senior monk of the international lineage of Ajahn Chah, and one of the most revered meditation masters of the whole Thai Forest Tradtion.
    Luang Por encourages us to move away from all that's evil and unwholesome, to clearly understand the disappointing nature of sensuality, and to mindfully observe liking and disliking arising and passing away, so that we can detach and let go of all that burdens our heart.
    This talk was recorded at the public evening session with Luang Por at Dhammagiri Forest Hermitage. An excellent translation was provided by Alex Oliver, who had been ordained as a bhikkhu for more than 10 years, serving for many years as the attendent monk ('upatag') and interpretor for Luang Por. He kindly came specially for this occasion, to help looking after Luang Por and providing very fluent and accurate ad-hoc translations.
    It is not easy to serve as interpretor for Luang Por Liem, as he usually speaks for a long time without interruption, in this talk actually for about 45 minutes. The interpretor has to take notes while Luang Por is speaking, and then translate the entire talk from his memory supported by the notes he has taken.
    Due to limitations of the recorded video quality, we have published this Dhamma talk with a slideshow instead.
    If you're interested in the Thai original, the full Thai version is included on our podcast version of the event:
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    #ajahnchah #lettinggo #dhammatalk #lightness #dhamma

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