Hello TH-cam Creators I am still concern about Nargis allowing this woman in her space. She is giving the baby a lot of attention which is okay. In my opinion it's as if she is trying to get the baby use to her and calculating her time. She is being overly concerned. This is only my opinion. Prayers for Nargis and her children.
Nargis enséñale a tus hijas que no sigan a esa mujer si les pide que la acompañen a ningún lugar. A la hija de Abud se las robó una mujer a la que la aceptaron en su casa. 😊a
Narges did you know that your brother in law's daughter was stolen? Abu Talib is going crazy & he had no family to help him . Why are these brothers so out of touch with each other?? Muhammad is helping his childhood friend on the land that he and Narges own but his brother also needs help because Muhammad's niece is missing. She was stolen by a woman Abu & Alia was helping.
Narges échala te va a robar a la niña, te está ganando confianza y después a llorar 😭😭😭 así está Alía le dio posada a una mujer porque encontró Abu que se fue a trabajar y lo atacaron, se ganó la confianza y se roba a la niña sordo muda 😶, ya te lo han dicho después no estes gritando mi hija mi hija!!!! Me La robó esa ladrona
Mulțumesc operator frumoasă pentru videoclip!!! 💐😘♥️ Cred că această femeie nu este cu gânduri bune, pentru Nargys. S-ar putea să fie trimisă de mama lui Muhamed să fure copilul lui Nargys, s-au pe una din fete.Nargys este foarte încrezătoare în oameni și nu este bine,pentru că oamenii sunt răi. Această femeie a fost trimisă ca o ispită și o hoață. Te rog aveți grijă de copilași. Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze, suflete frumoase!¡! 💐💐🌹🌹🌹❤️♥️ AMEN!!! Din ROMÂNIA cu drag!! 🙋😘
Не случится ничего.. Наверно не первого она вынянчила. Залина от комаров, мух насекомых-вредителей, , всегда надо лицо укрывать когда спит.. Поставка бывает. Когда спит в коляска колылыбель. Палка, веточка, свежее расрутитьокруглить и на кроватку мы ставили.. И всегда пеленочку укрывать от света сонца и вредителей.. И глаз людских.... Бог помощь наргиза..
Je l ai dis elle est pas nette ''en plus elle as toujours besoin de ''boy ''pour lui faire le bouleau ''en plus oui elle couvre la tête du bébé avec un tissu ''pauvre bébé ''on voit bien qu elle n est pas faites pour avoir d enfants ''
Narges çok yanlış yaptın elhami yanına kabul etmekte elham evladını sevseydi dünya nin sıkıntısına çekerdi ama elham çocuğunu çöpe attı bağımlı kardeşi başına çorap örmesin Aklın varsa gönder gitsin geç olmadan
Vou aqui deixar meu comentário também amo vcs deste canal e também essa operadora. Bom seria que compra uma barraca de lona daquele bem legal que mesmo com chuva ou neve não molha .
@@henrietteberg1246 C'est ce que j'ai penser aussi c'est pas normal un bébé qui dort tout le temps 🤔et avec les nouveaux jouets qu'ils fonts maintenant les poupées (bébés ) ont l'air vraiment réels !!
@@elisabethlefevre9751 ça je suis sur et certaine ces faux bébé ce sont des newborn et certains bougent..nargis avait des coussins pour faire voir qu’elle était enceinte 🤰 tout ça c’est un feuilleton avec plusieurs épisodes.....c’est pire que dallas 😂😂😂😂😂
Что вы все печетесь за ребёнка? . На то и фильм. Ребёнок больше похож на куклу. Не плачет, спит сутками. По сценарию может так и задумано чтоб эта дама навредила Наргиз. Надо же заинтриговать зрителей особенно тех кто верит будто это в действительности.
Esa señora está ahí vigilando que Mohamed no le ayude a narges...para que no tenga casa y Mohamed no se vaya con ella...mucho cuidado narges, están en peligro tu y tus hijas ..😮😮😮
Se roubar alguma criança narges não liga , porque tem uma filha dela morando com um parente e ela disse que a menina morreu Uma a mais ou uma a menos para narges é indiferente 😅
Nargis por favor hecha a esa mujer, Ali Tabú, le dio posada a una mujer que parecía buena ,y ayer le robo la niña , no te vaya a pasar lo mismo, esa mujer es mala , una mujer que abandona a su hija no puede tener buenos sentimientos
Можно же выбрать дом обгоревший, там есть хорошие комнаты, можно зиму там перезимовать. Всё же лучше чем в палатке, пока хозяевы не вернулись. Сколько раз об этом писали, а вам всё по барабану, чтобы больше жалели тебя и помогали. А Мухамед тебе не обязан или он тебе как домработник нужен, прислуга уже есть Эльхам.
Verdade Nargis.está mulher pode tá falando ou pode testá mentindo,tem muito cuidado com suas filhas.Não deixa elas sozinhas com está mulher que vc está ajudando...não dar para confiar...Cuidado. Deus abençoe vcs❤❤❤❤. Deus abençoe Zainab a sinegrafista❤❤❤
That woman went to apalazise saijad and he didn't accept or say yes bcz he can't trust her,and wy narzes trust her,and she staying there not working and narzes feed her with the viwers support,is it fair,im one of her supporter so im cmplain😡
Такое впечатление, что Наргис недалекая женщина, у неё замедленное мышление, почему эта женщина постоянно берет грудного ребенка, лезит к нему в лицо. Ну хоть немногг надо думать о том что от этой женщины можно ожидать какой-то гадости. От куда она пришла именно к Наргис, ей надо вымаливать прощения у мужа и няньчить свою дочку. Смотреть уже не хочется всю это билибирду. 😮😮😮
She wants to nurse Nargis’s baby, that’s why she is interested in Nargis’s breastfeeding habits. If she does feed the baby, then she is getting ready to take the baby……
@@НинаИльяшенко-н5ы It's all scripted that is why they don't listen. The same crap is happening on all the other channels. this one is stolen that one is missing. This one went to get firewood in the mountains and never came back. This one has a rabbit that one has a rabbit this one has a dog that one has a dog and no one knows how to take care of the animals. They all copying each other, nothing is original
Yea I’m with all the other viewers, I would not trust Elham, she could steal your baby, whether working w Mohammad’s mom or not. Elham is missing her baby with Sujjad, she can’t have, so she might just take Nargis’s baby from her. Did you see her rush into the tent and grab the baby when she first came. Poor baby was asleep and she just grabbed her, and Nargis got mad at her. Idk why she trusts her, I don’t yet. 😮
I’m starting to think, that, she may take the baby for herself. She is delusional and needs to have a baby to substitute her loss. Now, Mohammad’s mother could have put it in her head, since she was following behind her. Twisted storyline……something is about to happen, we just have to wait and see.
انهم ممثلون وكاذبون مستحيل ان يكون شخص من بينهم ينوي ان يغدر بهم لكنه لو كان كذلك لن يظهر في القناة ويترك دليل ضده ماذا تظنون انفسكم هل تظنون إنكم اذكى شعب في العالم كفاكم كذبا وتحايلا على المشاهد
This channel has got over 49,000 views so this channel is making pretty good money there's no need for them to be in a tent in a field. Why is Narges taking other people's property and throwing it over the wall. Maybe the owner had that there to put a roof over it in the winter for the chickens.
Hola .me gusta mucho su canal operadora usted es un angel ...yo veo muchos canales .....forlon...parvaz...dinesht...y me doy cuenta q esas familias ya tiene su casita y abona sj terreno...en el canal dinesht su operador le compro un condominio ..xq usted no le compra a ella un condomio mire su canal...bendiciones😊
Если женщина осталась по сценарию и лицо ребенка ласкает руками грязными, то, Наргис, ты своими руками перекрыла ребенку кислород! В такую жару и ребенку нечем дышать. Объяснений не может быть никаких, я сама многодетная мать.
Hola que narguis sé cuide con su nueva inquilina al hermano de mahoma uma mujer también estaba con ellos viviendo y le dijo a alia ya vengó llevo a la niña al baño y se la robo a alia y a el hermano de Mohamed cu
😅❤amu seu vídeo .e sua família.vc não precisa do murhamed seja vc sozinha .ele não trabalha ...continuo só q vc será mais feliz...hoje esse vídeo está muito bom adoro ver vc 😀😂alegre e divertida..seu BB e linda.e suas filhas .sinto q a mia e triste.....nargis vc e show 👏🙏🏽❤️
الڤيديو جميل ولكن يكون اجمل بدون الهام اللئيمه الانانيه الشريرة التي تخلت عن طفلتها من اجل المال وسيكون من السهل. عليها اختطاف طفلة نرجس وبيعها لتكسب المال ةغير بعيد عنها اي شيئ اطرديها يانرجس ولاتثقي بالهام ابدا ابدا ابدا فلتذهب وتراعي طفلتها وتطلب السماح من زوجها سجاد وليس من نرجس 😮😮😮😮
@@فيحاءاقبالI agree with you leave her out of the script but they want pitty and fir viewers to pitty nargesand send money in seeing that now in this channel so sad if they do this.
Zainab I want you to tell Narges that yesterday Mohamed brother who was attack during the fight Alia she was very worried about him not been home for some time, she went looking for him she found him injured unable to walk with a woman name Zara who came home with them yesterday she stole his daughter they searched all over the place they were unable to find this woman, I want Narges to have this in mine it could be her new born in this situation, this people are trusting of people who they know might have an interior motive towards there children.
Narges,why do you always keep trouble with you. When sajjad didn't believe ilham, how do you allow her to be with you. You don't listen to your viewers too. It's very annoying to see ilham with you. Surely, she has a plan behind this. Sorry i am unsubscribing
Just look around there is all kinds on Material to build your house. You have rocks, you have bricks. You have sand you have cement. Everything you need is right there.
Because Nargis will lose her baby….the mother already said that , the baby will be put in an orphanage. If that happens, she may not ever see her baby again.
Give It up guys Narges is never going to listen to anyone. This woman shouldn't have babies because she really doesn't know how to take care of children .Narges is too busy walking around with airs and entitlement to even bother what anybody else thinks or wants.
I got it wrong before when I thought the other lady was trying to take Muhammad away, but the love was to strong for Nargis, but are you sure this is the mother wanted Muhammad to married ❤❤❤❤
It’s amazing how they just take over pieces of land they don’t own and try it make it their own…. Why didn’t she go back to the land that they had already purchased????
There was a lace net that came with the baby cot when they purchased it, it was used briefly in that storeroom when baby was newborn, but it's missing now 😮just when it's needed most!!!!! Also the little pink tent they bought to put baby into it when it's warm and it prevent insects /mosquito etc from biting the little one, Nargis said it is in Ismail car from when they went to the park, she asked camerawoman to contact him to return it yesterday.
Вместо того чтоб искать мужа и просить прощения у него ,эта женщина приходит жить в палатку к Наргиз .Однако это никак не настораживает Оператора и Слабоумную Наргиз .Они хотят показать из себя добрых леди .Какой же это абсурд!
Ola meninas Nargis vc consegui viver com suas filhinhas sozinha monamed viver com aquela mãe mal dele ele não trabalha siga sozinha com fé em Deus e tudo vai dar certo ❤❤❤❤❤
Ельхам не хотела жить с мужем в палатке бросила ребенка, ей роскошь подавай, вот теперь есть тебе роскошь рядом с Наргис прислужничай ей. Там хоть муж для тебя всё делал. Надо уметь ценить что имеешь. Бумеранг не долго заставил себя ждать.
Despide a esa mujer Narges agarra la bebé con mucha ansiedad ella tiene su bebé que no valoro. Saijad ha sido su amigo realmente y le deben dar su lugar y a su amistad el apoyo que les ha dado y el se puede retirar de visitarte x esa.mujer a ella no tienes ningún compromiso de tenerls
Zainab and Nagis please listen to the viewers comments from yesterday x Elham needs to go ASAP before she does something bad like steal your little baby 😢
Nargis manda pegar lajota no seu terreno e faz um piso de tijolos e cimento para atravessar as chuvas, e compra ou manda fazer na cidade uma barra de lona e ferro para atravessar o frio e a chuva aí se o dono do terreno aparecer tente comprar.
Mii de aprecieri si mii de succese canalului Ghazal 2000 Dumnezeu så vå binecuvinteze si så vå dea multå sånåtate la toti de pe canalul Ghazal 2000 în special la frumoasa Narcces și fetele ei frumoase frumoasei operatoare Zainab si alți care o ajutå pe frumoasa Narcces și fetele ei frumoase Succes canalului Ghazal 2000
Why Mohammad hasn’t offer to pay for her to move to the city in a house no man that loves a woman is going let her suffer and he is wanting to marry her to what’s wrong with him if not paying all maybe half he live off her for a long time he not going put his mother in her place so put your woman you love in a clean place I guess I am old school when your parents told you to do something you did and you didn’t leave when they told you to stay and watch your sibling Nargis tell the girls to do something they don’t listen and it sad because when they go to school the teacher tell them something she’s going expect them to follow directions making your kids follow what you tell them could safe them from hardships one day in there life I had four boys and one daughter you most not spare being the parent you only will hurt your kid when they go into the real world 😢
Buenas tardes, Zainab dígale a Narges que no construya nada en ese terreno vendrán los dueños y la echaran de ahí, alquile una casa o compre en otro lugar habitable un terreno hace tiempo los suscriptores se lo pedimos. O por lo menos compre le una buena carpa de esas cuadradas qué tienen un buen forro para que aguanten la llavia AYUDELA, porfavor haga caso a nuestros comentarios para poder seguir viéndola.
They just killing time making contents for TH-cam she don’t actually lives there but they just film there . People figure it out as yet. It’s just contents for TH-cam like a movie they all acting
Наргис пожалуйста не подпускал Элхам к ребенку, пусть она готовит по дому, но к ребенку ни в коем случае не подпускай. И за ней глаз и глаз нужен, чтобы она не навредила. Пусть идёт лучше к своему мужу и просит, и молит о прощении. Ненужно тебя стеснять, это не правильно, ты сама живёшь в таких неблагоприятных условиях и ещё она тут.
Uma mulher que abandonou o filho nas condições que essa mulher abandonou sem nem um motivo, ela é uma pessoa nômade sem lugar nem destino certo merece confiar nela !
agree - and she are leaving her alone, while she know that someone are after her baby to harm t - at the same time she thinks that Elham comes from M. mother...crazy .
@@liliansgaardwogensen481bilmiyorum korkutucu cunku sinsi bakislari var ve surekli nergiz deyip duruyor guvenini kazanacak ve bebegi yada kizlari zarar verecektir en kotusu bebegin savunmasiz olmasidir bunlar neden boyledirler oyun yada deyil en son cocuklara asla zarar verilmez ve amaclari icin kulanamazlar
Please Nagraie don't leave baby alone this doughter s should stay close to baby when mother is Bessie, they need to obey mother's orders someone can take the baby
Hello TH-cam Creators
I am still concern about Nargis allowing this woman in her space. She is giving the baby a lot of attention which is okay. In my opinion it's as if she is trying to get the baby use to her and calculating her time. She is being overly concerned. This is only my opinion. Prayers for Nargis and her children.
Nargis enséñale a tus hijas que no sigan a esa mujer si les pide que la acompañen a ningún lugar. A la hija de Abud se las robó una mujer a la que la aceptaron en su casa. 😊a
Por sus mentiras no lla acepta cuando va a ver a su hija no se queda Sajjjad no confía en ella
بابو، المرأة التي بقيت معهم بكل أمانة، سرقت ابنته، لذا كن حذرًا، لا تثق في هذه المرأة، هذه المرأة
Narges did you know that your brother in law's daughter was stolen? Abu Talib is going crazy & he had no family to help him . Why are these brothers so out of touch with each other?? Muhammad is helping his childhood friend on the land that he and Narges own but his brother also needs help because Muhammad's niece is missing. She was stolen by a woman Abu & Alia was helping.
Narges échala te va a robar a la niña, te está ganando confianza y después a llorar 😭😭😭 así está Alía le dio posada a una mujer porque encontró Abu que se fue a trabajar y lo atacaron, se ganó la confianza y se roba a la niña sordo muda 😶, ya te lo han dicho después no estes gritando mi hija mi hija!!!! Me
La robó esa ladrona
Verdade nao deve deichar nen un segundo nen uma das meninas nen con esa mulher eqcon ninguen que ja tenha prosedensia má
Don't give the operator any ideas...
Да что его красть это немая кукла
Как можно вас поддерживать если Вы не читаете наших коментов и не слушаете их советов.😊
Mulțumesc operator frumoasă pentru videoclip!!! 💐😘♥️
Cred că această femeie nu este cu gânduri bune, pentru Nargys. S-ar putea să fie trimisă de mama lui Muhamed să fure copilul lui Nargys, s-au pe una din fete.Nargys este foarte încrezătoare în oameni și nu este bine,pentru că oamenii sunt răi. Această femeie a fost trimisă ca o ispită și o hoață. Te rog aveți grijă de copilași.
Dumnezeu să vă binecuvânteze, suflete frumoase!¡! 💐💐🌹🌹🌹❤️♥️ AMEN!!!
Din ROMÂNIA cu drag!! 🙋😘
Зачем положила пеленку на лицо маленького ребеночка, он ведь может задохнуться, на улице жарко, оператор скажи этой горе мамаши😮
Je comprends pas c'est mère il fait chaud et elle couvre énormément kes enfants😢
Не случится ничего.. Наверно не первого она вынянчила. Залина от комаров, мух насекомых-вредителей, , всегда надо лицо укрывать когда спит.. Поставка бывает. Когда спит в коляска колылыбель. Палка, веточка, свежее расрутитьокруглить и на кроватку мы ставили.. И всегда пеленочку укрывать от света сонца и вредителей.. И глаз людских.... Бог помощь наргиза..
Pourquoi tu couvre trop le bébé il fait très chaud et tu lui as couvert son visage il peut être suffoqué c'est pas bien
Je l ai dis elle est pas nette ''en plus elle as toujours besoin de ''boy ''pour lui faire le bouleau ''en plus oui elle couvre la tête du bébé avec un tissu ''pauvre bébé ''on voit bien qu elle n est pas faites pour avoir d enfants ''
Narges çok yanlış yaptın elhami yanına kabul etmekte elham evladını sevseydi dünya nin sıkıntısına çekerdi ama elham çocuğunu çöpe attı bağımlı kardeşi başına çorap örmesin Aklın varsa gönder gitsin geç olmadan
Vou aqui deixar meu comentário também amo vcs deste canal e também essa operadora. Bom seria que compra uma barraca de lona daquele bem legal que mesmo com chuva ou neve não molha .
이유트브 작가가시나리오입니다
가짜삶. 그냥보기만하세요.
Wow con el calor que hace y la bebé tan tapada.. increíble.que nadie hace nada
C’est pas un vrai bébé .. il ne bouge jamais ne pleure jamais il n’est jamais changé....
@@henrietteberg1246 C'est ce que j'ai penser aussi c'est pas normal un bébé qui dort tout le temps 🤔et avec les nouveaux jouets qu'ils fonts maintenant les poupées (bébés ) ont l'air vraiment réels !!
@@elisabethlefevre9751 ça je suis sur et certaine ces faux bébé ce sont des newborn et certains bougent..nargis avait des coussins pour faire voir qu’elle était enceinte 🤰 tout ça c’est un feuilleton avec plusieurs épisodes.....c’est pire que dallas 😂😂😂😂😂
@@henrietteberg1246 Oui 🤣😂🤣
Nargis tenga mucho cuidado con esta señora porque puede haber sido enviada por la mamá de Mousamat para robarle la bebe.
Зачем старухе ребенок?Ей нужно выяснить,встречается Муххамед с Наргиз или нет
Что вы все печетесь за ребёнка? . На то и фильм.
Ребёнок больше похож на куклу. Не плачет, спит сутками.
По сценарию может так и задумано чтоб эта дама навредила Наргиз. Надо же заинтриговать зрителей особенно тех кто верит будто это в действительности.
Esa señora está ahí vigilando que Mohamed no le ayude a narges...para que no tenga casa y Mohamed no se vaya con ella...mucho cuidado narges, están en peligro tu y tus hijas ..😮😮😮
Es cierto esa mujer les BA Aser daño le robara ala bb ella está en cómplice con la malvada madre de Mohammad
Se roubar alguma criança narges não liga , porque tem uma filha dela morando com um parente e ela disse que a menina morreu
Uma a mais ou uma a menos para narges é indiferente 😅
Nargis por favor hecha a esa mujer, Ali Tabú, le dio posada a una mujer que parecía buena ,y ayer le robo la niña , no te vaya a pasar lo mismo, esa mujer es mala , una mujer que abandona a su hija no puede tener buenos sentimientos
Nargis por favor no le tapes la cara de la bebé se va ahogar 😮sumado el calor 🥵 es un peligro!!!!😮
It seems Nargis is OFF MENTALLY & can’t process: SAFETY. THE OPERATOR GIVES ADVICE & keeps her SAFE ! Sad 😢😮
@@noemifitzpatrick6039ya se lo han dicho muchas veces. Pero ella no escucha. Es terca !
Nice job!! And you two seem to be enjoying yourselves at the same time...I am hoping this sisterhood continues without any drama!
Можно же выбрать дом обгоревший, там есть хорошие комнаты, можно зиму там перезимовать. Всё же лучше чем в палатке, пока хозяевы не вернулись. Сколько раз об этом писали, а вам всё по барабану, чтобы больше жалели тебя и помогали. А Мухамед тебе не обязан или он тебе как домработник нужен, прислуга уже есть Эльхам.
Verdade Nargis.está mulher pode tá falando ou pode testá mentindo,tem muito cuidado com suas filhas.Não deixa elas sozinhas com está mulher que vc está ajudando...não dar para confiar...Cuidado.
Deus abençoe vcs❤❤❤❤.
Deus abençoe Zainab a sinegrafista❤❤❤
Ребёнка зачем накрыла тряпкой на голову ребёнок задахнется
Боже,Наргиз сказала что ветер очень холодный и малышка тоже замерзла
Так там уже кукла лежит
Oui c’est pas un vrai bébé ...il bouge pas ne pleure jamais elle ne le change jamais ...
ถ้าให้แอลแฮมพักอาศัยอยู่ด้วย สักวันเด็กน้อยจะถูกขโมย
Ей об этом все пишут, но они вместе с оператором игнорируют, нет уважения к подписчикам,
E para que vai roubar uma criança,se a pessoa não tem nem um pé de pau para se abrigar ?
Да, так и будет.
Asi es no hay que pensar solo en lo negativo 😊@@janenery7614
That woman went to apalazise saijad and he didn't accept or say yes bcz he can't trust her,and wy narzes trust her,and she staying there not working and narzes feed her with the viwers support,is it fair,im one of her supporter so im cmplain😡
Такое впечатление, что Наргис недалекая женщина, у неё замедленное мышление, почему эта женщина постоянно берет грудного ребенка, лезит к нему в лицо. Ну хоть немногг надо думать о том что от этой женщины можно ожидать какой-то гадости. От куда она пришла именно к Наргис, ей надо вымаливать прощения у мужа и няньчить свою дочку. Смотреть уже не хочется всю это билибирду. 😮😮😮
She wants to nurse Nargis’s baby, that’s why she is interested in Nargis’s breastfeeding habits. If she does feed the baby, then she is getting ready to take the baby……
It's all scripted that is why they don't listen. The same crap is happening on all the other channels. this one is stolen that one is missing. This one went to get firewood in the mountains and never came back. This one has a rabbit that one has a rabbit this one has a dog that one has a dog and no one knows how to take care of the animals. They all copying each other, nothing is original
Наргиз не доверяй от ние все можно ожидать😮
Nargis don’t let that lady stay longer, you don’t know what she’s up to. Why don’t she go back to her husband!
Yea I’m with all the other viewers, I would not trust Elham, she could steal your baby, whether working w Mohammad’s mom or not. Elham is missing her baby with Sujjad, she can’t have, so she might just take Nargis’s baby from her. Did you see her rush into the tent and grab the baby when she first came. Poor baby was asleep and she just grabbed her, and Nargis got mad at her. Idk why she trusts her, I don’t yet. 😮
I’m starting to think, that, she may take the baby for herself. She is delusional and needs to have a baby to substitute her loss. Now, Mohammad’s mother could have put it in her head, since she was following behind her. Twisted storyline……something is about to happen, we just have to wait and see.
انهم ممثلون وكاذبون مستحيل ان يكون شخص من بينهم ينوي ان يغدر بهم لكنه لو كان كذلك لن يظهر في القناة ويترك دليل ضده ماذا تظنون انفسكم هل تظنون إنكم اذكى شعب في العالم كفاكم كذبا وتحايلا على المشاهد
This channel has got over 49,000 views so this channel is making pretty good money there's no need for them to be in a tent in a field. Why is Narges taking other people's property and throwing it over the wall.
Maybe the owner had that there to put a roof over it in the winter for the chickens.
viewers are not stupid
Hola .me gusta mucho su canal operadora usted es un angel ...yo veo muchos canales .....forlon...parvaz...dinesht...y me doy cuenta q esas familias ya tiene su casita y abona sj terreno...en el canal dinesht su operador le compro un condominio ..xq usted no le compra a ella un condomio mire su canal...bendiciones😊
Narges por favor no dejes a las niñas solas, te las pueden robar
Zainad you are also a part of Nargis' life story as you are the closest person on this earth to her and the girls...when can we actually see you??❤
Essa mulher muito organizada.
Наргис ты чего,закрыла лицо ребёнку он задахнется
Наргес не доверяй Илхам
Эльхам теперь прислуга у Наргис, принеси, унеси, сделай.
Que buenoooooo 😂😂😂
Muchas bendiciones para todas las mujeres de este canal siga cuidando de Narges y sus hijas Zainab,Dios la va recompensar.🙏♥️
Esa Bebe esta hermosa. Las 4 son hermosas!!!
Non piange mai il piccolo come mai?
Bo w porę jest nakarmiony i ma suchą pieluchę więc nie płacze ❤❤❤❤❤
@@BelkisCasique-p8s qué cuatro si solamente son tres niñas o lo dices también por la madre
I am so glad you showing Nigel how to be clean cuz she doesn't care
Если женщина осталась по сценарию и лицо ребенка ласкает руками грязными, то, Наргис, ты своими руками перекрыла ребенку кислород! В такую жару и ребенку нечем дышать. Объяснений не может быть никаких, я сама многодетная мать.
Todo el mundo sentado esperando que les traigan comida...
Подскажи, а что им делать? У Наргиз маленький ребенок. Что с ним идти работу искать?
Жить хорошо и жизнь хороша.Весь мир кормят всех не работающих кочевников😂😂😂
Te cuidado con esa mujer 😮
@@НурзияГафиатулинаВам, жалко?
Nargis, Forgiveness, DOES NOT mean "Let your Guard down, but to let the Love of Father God Guide You ❤
Hola que narguis sé cuide con su nueva inquilina al hermano de mahoma uma mujer también estaba con ellos viviendo y le dijo a alia ya vengó llevo a la niña al baño y se la robo a alia y a el hermano de Mohamed cu
Si le robaron la niña mudita a Abu
Y se la robo una que le dieron un ladito porque no tenía donde vivir
Теперь у Наргиз есть служанка😂
Que bueno😂😂😂 ya era hora😊😊😊
Да, служанка ,пусть искупает свои грехи она бросила своего ребенка, но верить и доверять ей нельзя это лживая лицемера она за одно с бабкой
Mucha fuerza para estas dos mujeres. Juntas podrán hacer un techo para vivir mejor ❤
😅❤amu seu vídeo .e sua família.vc não precisa do murhamed seja vc sozinha .ele não trabalha ...continuo só q vc será mais feliz...hoje esse vídeo está muito bom adoro ver vc 😀😂alegre e divertida..seu BB e linda.e suas filhas .sinto q a mia e triste.....nargis vc e show 👏🙏🏽❤️
الڤيديو جميل ولكن يكون اجمل بدون الهام اللئيمه الانانيه الشريرة التي تخلت عن طفلتها من اجل المال وسيكون من السهل. عليها اختطاف طفلة نرجس وبيعها لتكسب المال ةغير بعيد عنها اي شيئ اطرديها يانرجس ولاتثقي بالهام ابدا ابدا ابدا فلتذهب وتراعي طفلتها وتطلب السماح من زوجها سجاد وليس من نرجس 😮😮😮😮
@@فيحاءاقبالI agree with you leave her out of the script but they want pitty and fir viewers to pitty nargesand send money in seeing that now in this channel so sad if they do this.
Zainab I want you to tell Narges that yesterday Mohamed brother who was attack during the fight Alia she was very worried about him not been home for some time, she went looking for him she found him injured unable to walk with a woman name Zara who came home with them yesterday she stole his daughter they searched all over the place they were unable to find this woman, I want Narges to have this in mine it could be her new born in this situation, this people are trusting of people who they know might have an interior motive towards there children.
глупые люди . это же все делается для просмотров !
This lady is up to no good. She want to make your life a living hell on earth. Don't let her stay. Love you, Narges.
Hola sos una madre muy buena no tenga esa persona en tu casa vasa terminar llorando
No dejes sola a esa mujer con las niñas
I agree 👍
Ia și a părăsit propriul copil cum credeți că dorește unul care nu este al ei? E bine că Nargis nu este singura
Por Dios que no tape al bebé tanto lo afisiara. Y esas😮niñas qno town tanto bb tiene las manos sucisima. Negra y sucias.....
Narges sua bebê é muito linda, que Deus abençoe ele e suas duas filhas.
❤❤Аллах сизлери корусун кютюлюктен шимди юч кадън олдунуз бир олун0заман ишлериниз гидер
Me encanta verte sonreir narges me gusto el video Dios quiera esra mujer se arrepienta de verdad y sean amigas seran de gran ayuda entre las dos🙏🙏🙏
❤❤❤you ladies in your country are very reliable to do hard work very strong bless you ❤❤❤London UK 🎉
Narges,why do you always keep trouble with you. When sajjad didn't believe ilham, how do you allow her to be with you. You don't listen to your viewers too. It's very annoying to see ilham with you. Surely, she has a plan behind this. Sorry i am unsubscribing
Spot on ❤
Для чего тряпка на лице в ребенка,а дишать чем??😢
Она кукла положила вы не поняли
Zainab es maravillosa 😘🫶
Zainab, nargis est aveugle ilam va lui prendre le bébé
Mettez cette femme dehors écouter le téléspectateur avant un drame
Dios les bendiga a todos por allá❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
If Nargis not listen from viewers, do not watch her channel anymore!….because the viewers don like watch that lady stay with Nargis!
Narges seu bebê é lindo. Esta mulher vai roubar seu bebê! Acho inacreditável vocês aceitarem esta mulher aí. Ela é cúmplice da mãe de Mohamed.
Narges no se ingenua. Como inspiración te encontró a ver piensa ?❤
Just look around there is all kinds on Material to build your house. You have rocks, you have bricks. You have sand you have cement. Everything you need is right there.
Obrigado pela tradução, em português, amo vocês!
Oi de onde vc é? Eu sou de Curitiba Paraná
Very beautiful baby. I love her
Zaynab, please tell her to listen to her viewers
She won’t bc that will be the new storyline.
Because Nargis will lose her baby….the mother already said that , the baby will be put in an orphanage. If that happens, she may not ever see her baby again.
Give It up guys Narges is never going to listen to anyone.
This woman shouldn't have babies because she really doesn't know how to take care of children .Narges is too busy walking around with airs and entitlement to even bother what anybody else thinks or wants.
I got it wrong before when I thought the other lady was trying to take Muhammad away, but the love was to strong for Nargis, but are you sure this is the mother wanted Muhammad to married ❤❤❤❤
Ya Ilam. Se esta ganando su comida ayudando a nargis
Эта женщина молодая бросила ребенка и Саджат ухаживает А она не мать А кукушка!!!😮
Почему не попросить Мухаммеда,чтобы помог построить дом,скоро начнутся холода,чем лежать ему дома,пусть поможет,он же строитель.
Estoy de acuerdo que trabaje la mujer apenas tiene ella para comer
It’s amazing how they just take over pieces of land they don’t own and try it make it their own…. Why didn’t she go back to the land that they had already purchased????
That’s too easy
I think other people have settled on their land..🤷♀️
Как в таких развалинах жить то..самим не смешно нас дурачить? давно бы дом нашли в аренду-сколько сил тратите без толку..
There was a lace net that came with the baby cot when they purchased it, it was used briefly in that storeroom when baby was newborn, but it's missing now 😮just when it's needed most!!!!! Also the little pink tent they bought to put baby into it when it's warm and it prevent insects /mosquito etc from biting the little one, Nargis said it is in Ismail car from when they went to the park, she asked camerawoman to contact him to return it yesterday.
يانرجس اربطي الخرقه ( قطعة القماش جيدا ولاتبقيها متدايه هكذا ليكون عملكي متقنا ضعي كتلتين ولحده فوق الاخرى واربطيها جيدا وبشكل مضبوط 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Вместо того чтоб искать мужа и просить прощения у него ,эта женщина приходит жить в палатку к Наргиз .Однако это никак не настораживает Оператора и Слабоумную Наргиз .Они хотят показать из себя добрых леди .Какой же это абсурд!
Nargis if something bad happen to u the viewer wil not sorry u dont listen get that woman out
Ola meninas Nargis vc consegui viver com suas filhinhas sozinha monamed viver com aquela mãe mal dele ele não trabalha siga sozinha com fé em Deus e tudo vai dar certo ❤❤❤❤❤
That woman that stayed with Abu and Alia stole Abu’s daughter!
Cuidado con esa mujer q te acompsña no me fio de ella. Desea con desesperacion un hijo y te lo robará.
Narges im scared to see you wake up in the morning elham is gone with your baby do something before is late
It’s gonna happen……🤕
Es hermosa tu bb n nagis bendiciones no te rindas mujer
Ельхам не хотела жить с мужем в палатке бросила ребенка, ей роскошь подавай, вот теперь есть тебе роскошь рядом с Наргис прислужничай ей. Там хоть муж для тебя всё делал. Надо уметь ценить что имеешь. Бумеранг не долго заставил себя ждать.
Hola Ya Se Cansó De Ayudarla Mahoma Ho La Mamá Ya Lo Descubrió Y Lo Tiene Encerrado 🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Despide a esa mujer Narges agarra la bebé con mucha ansiedad ella tiene su bebé que no valoro.
Saijad ha sido su amigo realmente y le deben dar su lugar y a su amistad el apoyo que les ha dado y el se puede retirar de visitarte x esa.mujer a ella no tienes ningún compromiso de tenerls
Saludos desde Chile 🇨🇱🇨🇱
Zainab and Nagis please listen to the viewers comments from yesterday x Elham needs to go ASAP before she does something bad like steal your little baby 😢
Kadin bebege okadar baksana bebek pesinde bunu biz net goruyoruz ama o girmuyor
Нас не слушает потом поздно будет
Комедия зачем такой высокий????
@@СветланаМаслова-ы6рaynen oynuyorlar ama sonucta bebegin ustunde mahsum ustunde oyun oynayamazlar oparator dinlemiyor bu ne ya
Nu is het twee lui frauwen ,ze doen niets, aleen zitten 😂
Nargis manda pegar lajota no seu terreno e faz um piso de tijolos e cimento para atravessar as chuvas, e compra ou manda fazer na cidade uma barra de lona e ferro para atravessar o frio e a chuva aí se o dono do terreno aparecer tente comprar.
Mii de aprecieri si mii de succese canalului Ghazal 2000 Dumnezeu så vå binecuvinteze si så vå dea multå sånåtate la toti de pe canalul Ghazal 2000 în special la frumoasa Narcces și fetele ei frumoase frumoasei operatoare Zainab si alți care o ajutå pe frumoasa Narcces și fetele ei frumoase Succes canalului Ghazal 2000
Why Mohammad hasn’t offer to pay for her to move to the city in a house no man that loves a woman is going let her suffer and he is wanting to marry her to what’s wrong with him if not paying all maybe half he live off her for a long time he not going put his mother in her place so put your woman you love in a clean place I guess I am old school when your parents told you to do something you did and you didn’t leave when they told you to stay and watch your sibling Nargis tell the girls to do something they don’t listen and it sad because when they go to school the teacher tell them something she’s going expect them to follow directions making your kids follow what you tell them could safe them from hardships one day in there life I had four boys and one daughter you most not spare being the parent you only will hurt your kid when they go into the real world 😢
Buenas tardes, Zainab dígale a Narges que no construya nada en ese terreno vendrán los dueños y la echaran de ahí, alquile una casa o compre en otro lugar habitable un terreno hace tiempo los suscriptores se lo pedimos. O por lo menos compre le una buena carpa de esas cuadradas qué tienen un buen forro para que aguanten la llavia AYUDELA, porfavor haga caso a nuestros comentarios para poder seguir viéndola.
They just killing time making contents for TH-cam she don’t actually lives there but they just film there . People figure it out as yet. It’s just contents for TH-cam like a movie they all acting
Scamming for funds.
Зачем строить какую нибудь хибару , если полно брошеных домов и комнат вполне пригодных для жилья?
Зачем Наргиз взяла эту женщину к себе?Оператор и ее должен кормить ?Может у нее не хороший замысел ,хватит быть добренькой,устраивай свою жизнь!
Наргис пожалуйста не подпускал Элхам к ребенку, пусть она готовит по дому, но к ребенку ни в коем случае не подпускай. И за ней глаз и глаз нужен, чтобы она не навредила. Пусть идёт лучше к своему мужу и просит, и молит о прощении. Ненужно тебя стеснять, это не правильно, ты сама живёшь в таких неблагоприятных условиях и ещё она тут.
Uma mulher que abandonou o filho nas condições que essa mulher abandonou sem nem um motivo, ela é uma pessoa nômade sem lugar nem destino certo merece confiar nela !
No fiarse de esta mujer,dará problemas con esas lágrimas de cocodrilo.
نرگس جانبچه ها رو تنها نزار اصلا😮
Operateri vam vrijede Zzlataa❤ Narges lijepo se slažete
thank you dear ❤❤
А может это кукла. Сейчас делают такие куклы что не отличишь.
agree - and she are leaving her alone, while she know that someone are after her baby to harm t - at the same time she thinks that Elham comes from M. mother...crazy .
@@liliansgaardwogensen481bilmiyorum korkutucu cunku sinsi bakislari var ve surekli nergiz deyip duruyor guvenini kazanacak ve bebegi yada kizlari zarar verecektir en kotusu bebegin savunmasiz olmasidir bunlar neden boyledirler oyun yada deyil en son cocuklara asla zarar verilmez ve amaclari icin kulanamazlar
Evet hava almiyir zaten sicak orasi cahilik basa bela ya
ΤΟ Μ ΩΡΟ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΨΕΥΤΙΚΟ.......😢😢😢😢😢 ❤❤
You put blocks around the stick when winter comes to protect from colds,you have many blocks from your previous land
Please Nagraie don't leave baby alone this doughter s should stay close to baby when mother is Bessie, they need to obey mother's orders someone can take the baby
Посмотрите, как не охотно Наргиз кормит ребенка. Он ей совсем не нужен
Cinegrafista eu acho esses cobertores são tão lindos aqui no Brasil não tem desses cobertor são muito bonitos
Nagis get rid of her run far away from her
Hello Zainab, Narges!
hello ❤❤
Narges vc não tem medo dela esperar vc dormir para roubar a criança , fica atenta
A menina não obdesse Nargis disse pra ficar ela, a menina subiu