seeing the scrambled egg joke and knowing i saw it b4 the video released makes me feel special tee hee (also junkerqueen hottest overwatch character right next to lifeweaver ong)
Finally someone appreciates Zarya 😌❤ As a lady myself, I have to go with Hanzo. Hanzo all day, every day. Young Gabriel Reyes and Cass are also nice 😊 As for the women, young Ana would have the potential to make me a lesbian ngl.
i fucking SWEAR i was subscribed to you and then i realised i wasn't getting any of your videos recommended to me anymore. It said i wasn't subscribed so i did it again. This has recently happened to me with ither channels as well and its fucking annoying.
congrats bro, you’ve came along way 🙌 you prolly don’t remember me but I subbed when u did skate 3 vids and u had like 300 subs. Your content is majestic 🤌
Who do you think are the hottest Overwatch characters?
Junkerqueen and wrecking ball tbh 🥵
Captain Amari Ana
the training bots obviously
The fan at the end was so wholesome
thank you pookie
Bro that top 3 Overwatch women is a tragedy, also pharah deserves minus 100 points for pharmercy comps
Haters are in shambles
8:24 this caught me so off guard lmaoooo
Can’t wait to sip that drank! 🤭🤪
the wheeze LMAO
Pookie: *Thinks having Widow as his top 3 women makes him a freak*
1:50 I laughed so hard my sides hurt
This was such a perfectly paced, well-crafted OW video. Well done my man
Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed :)
Zarya pick is so real
You have great taste
lifeweaver is in my top 3 overwatch women
I personally like the "Zweeee Doo Doo Zee Zee" voice line but I also like "Dwoo Hoo Hoo" voice line as well
Babe arise new TDO BorrisJohnson upload
It’s a great day
My pick will always be Ashe, but anyways the part at the end with the fan was so fucking funny and sweet! Your friend group is hilarious
Ashe is a great pick, glad you enjoyed the video🙌🏾
3:38 was so stupid I love it
Top 1 hottest overwatch character is lifeweaver imo, but I am also obsessed with that man in ways that are probably unhealthy
ur so real for this
Pookie is so valid about hanzo hes so fine 😩
Yall are honestly some of the funniest mfs I’ve seen
Thank you!
you can’t change my mind
Completely fair and valid
I loved this vid laughed like a crazy thanks :)
So happy you enjoyed!
favorite part was last part, funny sub, also baron u should have ur outro be fan art
5:08 Why he made a Bad Piggys ahh laugh 😭
Another great video!
Thank you!
I love the longer videos
Thats my boi!!
yes its me
All wrong answers… Torbjorn
Another banger 🔥🔥
My top 3 as a woman is definitely
1. Reaper
2. Genji
3. Ramattra
Love the non-human characters
Broncodad approved.
Friggin sweet
Chat is this real 😮😮
I chose the woo voice line
If I ended up in a call with you, I'd probably look like this: 😩
black history pride month😭
I can't believe no one said torb is hot 😣
That’s a given
It’s road hog🗿🗿
seeing the scrambled egg joke and knowing i saw it b4 the video released makes me feel special tee hee (also junkerqueen hottest overwatch character right next to lifeweaver ong)
1:48 o_o
Finally someone appreciates Zarya 😌❤
As a lady myself, I have to go with Hanzo. Hanzo all day, every day. Young Gabriel Reyes and Cass are also nice 😊
As for the women, young Ana would have the potential to make me a lesbian ngl.
I am typing this comment out on my Amazon Firestick. (I’ve been here for an hour)
Embrace the bi
So close! You were 189th 🥰
i fucking SWEAR i was subscribed to you and then i realised i wasn't getting any of your videos recommended to me anymore. It said i wasn't subscribed so i did it again. This has recently happened to me with ither channels as well and its fucking annoying.
Pls More Gta V videos
congrats bro, you’ve came along way 🙌 you prolly don’t remember me but I subbed when u did skate 3 vids and u had like 300 subs. Your content is majestic 🤌
I do remember you! Thanks for sticking with me