So you are not pointing out the Bug/Feature that is in your Thumbnail? If you add up the gold prices zhonyas is at 3500g as stopwatch from runes is not taken into account right...Zhonyas may be kinda broken but stopwatch Rune literally is.
The thing I dislike about Zhonyas is that, compared to GA, is that it's way more flexible and reliable than GA. There's such a huge gap between the viability of these two items even though they should be on an equal playing field.
What do you mean, a barely viable AD Armor item that gives you a revive after you've.. died and probably aren't in the best position.. is definitely as viable as a a solid AP item that gives you complete control over an "oops, fix this for me" button.
Literally, all the other defensive choices for carries are much worse. Literally you can be against a lot of ap champs and still going zhonya over veil is usually the right choice. GA also is more situational in how it buys time and you can't really make enemy waste abilities they would just have to make the mistake of trying to overkill you.
@@lussor1 you can compare them! I'm also the person to compare effectiveness of hammers vs mallets for their tasks too. Anything a mallet can do, a hammer could do with some care. Anything you could accomplish with a GA outside of saving you from inting a Zhonya's can also do, with better stats, and more control given to you as to when you use it. Taking control of a GA proc.. is inting. And you're probably not actually going to get much from it in practice.
The stopwatch from runes doesn't decrease the overall cost of the item. It would make more sense for the item CD to remain the same but for players to purchase (~150G) another usage of the item in fountain like they would a vision ward
Zhonyas is such a strong item that even some AD champs, if they have at least some decent AP ratios, will go it anyways. You can't say the same about GA.
i mean, compare to AD's, one of the few things AP can build some protection/bruiser is Zhonya. While AD has Death Dance & GA for Armor, and Wits End & QSS & Maw for Magic Resist. Oh also AD can build Hydra's for AoE effects that either give u ton of VAMP or HP scale.. Oh also AD has TONS of HP items and with Pen as well such as Black Cleaver, heck even Trinity force give HP for some reason.
except almost every adc suffers exponentially from not building crit. Having to build 80% crit to make room for a GA already feels bad. GA+ another defensive item is pretty much unplayable for most adc, as 60% means your damage is pathetic. Merc scim is good, but pretty situational, it wont stop me from getting one shot like a maw will. Adcs really only have access to one defensive item from the list in practice, and all of them are situational. Zhonyas is not.
Ye but none of those items come close to doing what zhonyas does. Turn zhonyas into a lifeline item. Heck maybe give the full invincibility time but freeze cooldowns. The amount of games I've seen a sylas just drop zhonyas in a 1v5 just to get back spinning and healing straight away. It's just a get out of jail free card, exclusive to AP builds. And there's not enough cost to the offensive capabilities of a mage for building this defensively, as the ap is still decent.
@@hrodvithit go play WildRift, your wish is been granted there. Zhonya is boot upgrade/active item in WR ... n they replace with mediocre AP Armor item that has kind-of-useless passive
I think Zhonya's needs to be split up into multiple items. Different champs buy it for different reasons, and it varies from "useful" to "mandatory." Split it into: - An expensive "outplay button" that gives lots of offensive stats and a short-duration stasis, but no defenses. For champions that want a high-skill way to avoid damage. Potentially a mythic. - A cheap AP + health item with an active that lets you stand your ground (e.g., a fat shield and bonus resistances, but you're slowed) for champions like Foddlesticks, Kennen, and Morgana that want to maximize their time in combat and get off their key spells - A moderately-costed AP + armor item that builds out of Seeker's Armguard designed to give burst protection, making it useful against assassins
There are simply better ways to answer the problems that Zhonya's solves. The purpose of Zhonya's is to allow a squishy champion some survivability or counter to extreme burst. GA solves it better but honestly the better answer is to nerf burst or provide some kind of item that activates a brief damage immunity in a situation wherein more than 50% of your health was done in a couple second period for example. Cap that percentage of damage to something like only losing 80% of your health in a 2 second period through an item. It gives squishys the chance to counterplay extreme burst but any competent team/player can spread their damage out over 3 seconds or something so that you can still be killed easily enough when you are caught out or something. So boom counterplay available without being busted.
The fresh hell of watching your videos is that I enjoy them so much.... they make me want to play League. Then the cycle of loathing begins again lmao. Riot have never been able to balance to save their lives so, no surprises.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 You think Jihn is OP? Jihn is probably one of the best desgined champs in the game. His kit works well, it's all thematic, and he's not OP, if you're losing to a Jihn it's a skill diff. He's strong, no doubt, but he's not broken. He's not like Ekko (also August) where you have to completely rework a whole class of items because otherwise he just breaks the game (those that remember tank Ekko remember the pain).
@@justanothercommenterwithan9089 Basically any adc that has to play against jhin and doesn't have insane amounts of burst... Jhin is an anti carry, because his style is to hit you and then run away, where most adcs want to keep hitting you. It's like playing vayne in the top lane. . To the guy who responded before @lime, your assumption that I must be bad for not thinking he is a good champ is the reason I will not respond to you.
To compare it to other mobas, Zhonyas simply lasts too long. Dota has much slower fights, most fights dont resolve in half your team getting 1 shot by the enemy adc (though PA can be like that sometimes) Dota has some abilities that have stasis however, a lot of the time using one defensively only delays the death of the hero as the team has enough time to focus on someone else. As a result its far more situational (if you are trying to keep someone alive there are normally better options too). Since you have effectively removed yourself or an ally from the fight you often get pushed back then the target who was in stasis is surrounded by enemies (which might be a good thing) but generally ends up in immediate death. Hots (RIP) has a wide variety of stasis durations, though these are character specific so its not mass obtainable. They are kind of gimmicky but with good skill can be used to dodge a skillshot or an annoying point and click ability. Fights tend to last a long time in that game so stasis can be kinda weak, the strongest ones have high duration but you are not doing damage or healing for that duration (you can normally end them early though) In league you have the ability (generally speaking) to dump all your damage at once which can result in you tower diving, 1 shotting someone and stasis to save your life, or to bait with its long duration. I think if they shortened the duration to be 0.5s in league that would be plenty, defensively you can use it to not get ruined by a rengar's opening attack and can leave before the 2nd one hits but it wont be as useful for baiting as by the time you have eaten the tower shot you dont have long left before the hero comes in and ruins your day. They could just make it so the tower shot still hits the target too as it does with other defensive abilities.
new DD is trash compared to old, new passive is garbage we already have that passive in yellow runes its called triumph, old lifesteal passive 15% was way better and in today league as of right now for how much dmg it is in game it would be then best broken item thats offensive and even more defensive with lifesteal/dmg mitigation/armor ,plus to have similliar stats of old DD you need to have lifesteal of some sort either on champion or on other items, new one does not have it so you missing big part of why it was superior in every way cus you got lifesteal from item just for buying it.
No we don't cause zhonyas is infinitely better than dd. But I'm sure the 20/0 irelia/riven 1v5ing is because dd is more broken than zhonyas. The reason zhonyas was even "adjusted" is that supports like Leona or Nautilus built it first item.
@@georgelucas8772 we ain't playing the same game then... 30% instant damage reduction, heal AND damage pool clear on kill? That's one hell of a snowball item.
I like how someone points out that mages' mistakes such as bad positioning are supposed to be punishable by assassins like Zed, totally not like Zed can dash himself into the backline, kill a mage in under three seconds and then return to his previous position as if THAT'S a fair play.
Ok so I guess only mages get a counter to that then. ADC's can just keep dying instantly and then rezzing in the middle of the enemy team that has now walked up on top of them as their team retreats. . What exactly is your point? Zhonyas is a broken item. Maybe if zhonyas was gone they could then see how annoying and broken zed is and possibly fix him. But he is going to remain like he is while zhonyas is in the game to counter him.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 because ADCS have alot better itemisation.agains t AP burst so to counter act that they gave them practically nothing VS ad assassins but for ap champs litterally the only defense they have is a useless spell shield item and zhonyas
@@dreamergamer9291 First off... no they really don't (mercurial scimitar is super situational requiring hard cc, and immortal shieldbow doesn't even really do anything unless you are somehow keeping up with solo lanes in xp... then theres maw of malmortius, no crit, and edge of night, no mr and no crit). And secondly, ADC's should have more defense because think about it. A mage does x amount of damage in 0.2 seconds spamming their abilities. The ADC does that same x amount of damage over 3 seconds. The mage shouldnt have any defensive items at all imo. Their entire kits are based around one shotting people in 0.2 seconds. So they don't need to stay alive to be effective. The ADC actually has to remain alive for a period of time to be even remotely useful.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 because once the mage uses all of their abilities they re useless for 4-5 seconds while in that time the ADC will have outdamaged them so giving adcs more defense will just be bad for the game because they re a very hight prio target so making it THAT much harder to reach them is gonna suck
@@dreamergamer9291 Exactly, they are useless in that time so they can just run away to safety if their positioning isn't complete shit. Basically a mage never has to be in danger for more than .2 seconds to be fully effective. They are like a long range assassin basically... . And yea, pure dps an ADC will win. But everyone isn't just standing around like target dummies. The mage does x amount of damage over 5 seconds in two rotations while putting themselves in danger for a whopping 0.4 seconds. The ADC does that same x amount of damage while putting themselves in danger for 3-4 seconds... It's a big difference in a game like this where it only takes a split millisecond mistep or cc hit to end you.
In wild rift, hourglass is an optional upgrade for your uograded boots. But they also made it so you cant rush hourglass until after 6 minutes into games.
There are far worse items than zhonyas hourglass. I play mostly combo champs and I can usually bait it out. When I do get roasted by it, it's usually because the other person just outplayed me. Not really a fault of the item. On the other hand, hullbreaker, deaths dance, or any of the crazy healing items, the strength in an item to keep fighting while using it while surviving is much stronger in my opinion. Especially since heal cut isn't as strong an ignite is more necessary.
What does hullbreaker even have to do with any of this. And also you need to get dd resets to keep fighting. If you don't get kills dd just keeps you alive for slightly longer, a way shorter amount of time than zhonyas in fact. But yeah an item that makes you immortal for 2 secs so you can dodge important abilities and/or get your CDs back is for sure weaker than dd and hull, yeah.
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 Deaths dance isn't to keep you alive by itself, it's an item that synergizes with healing, which is how you use it. If you can't use it well, you suck at the game. Zhonya's doesn't just make you immortal for 2 seconds, it makes you stationary, and unable to use abilities for 2 seconds, and if you are any good, you should have the end of that 2 seconds timed pretty easily. Hullbreaker is an item that just gives you survivability, and it keeps you alive for a whole lot longer than 2 seconds. The only drawback is having to be alone, which is what you want on champs that use it. The people that complain about zhonya's don't do anything to try to counter it. They use all their spells at once get roasted by it, and then they do it again, and again, and again. Learn how to play around zhonya's and you wont have to bitch about it all the time.
@@Poshriel Ah yes my bad let me just hold my spells so sylas or akali can just kill me without me even forcing their zhonyas. Like I'm sorry but you're so fucking delusional. Probably some gold stuck mage player. There's like 3 champs that still build hullbreaker and 2 of them are fucking dogshit.
@@jukkininth4837 Chances are you use ZG at the moment your opponent cast an ability meaning their CD is 5s to 2 minutes. Meanwhile the reason you had to use the stasis in the first place is because you used you ability much earlier and therefore 2 seconds actually makes a difference. Not to mention enemies mistiming when you'll exit stasis and further wasting cooldowns. People who argue for this item so hard know that their success is inflated because of it.
I hate that there is literally no limitation for anything in this game. Tanks can build full damage, assassins can go bruiser, anyone can buy a fucking hourglass even though they might no have any AP in their kit or need for it (especially if they have 10 dashes every 2 secs or a skill that makes them go untargettable aka FIZZ). I wish there was more limitation to what items you can build according to what champ you're playing.
There very much so is limitation just no set ruleset. If you want to build zhonyas on renekton nobody is gonna stop you from it but you're gonna get so little value out of it.
With how fast paced league became Zhonya legit needs to be like second long. The only reason they don't nerf duration on it is that players are too used to 2.5 seconds. Changing that would be like nerfing flash, won't fly.
If they upped the cost of hour glass to 5,000 I am very certain that it would still see just as much use. They need to make it like a 5 minute cooldown like guardian angel. That is one of the best nerfs I could see happening for it.
It could be reworked I guess, but removing it from the game would mean any mage is getting one shot by an assassin, and thats more overpowered than the item.
I think the main issue with Hourglass is the fact that it's a lot of the time literally the only option. It's broken because it sort of has to be with how few choices a mage has.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 adcs at least have options. Shieldbow for defense or galeforce to avoid things better, multiple lifesteal items, GA for more or less a worse hourglass, etc. Not to mention they don't even have to stick to their own item tab if they don't want to.
Zhonyas didn't even give low ap, 65 is very fucking reasonable, especially since shadowflame is kinda a dead item now so wtf else was there even to build that you ignored zhonyas for
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 idk man, all those items that give better stats than 65 AP and 15AH. It's not a fact, is an opinion so chill. I play what better suits my playstyle
I get the hate but more often than not Zhonya's is just a delay of the inevitable, it only saves you if your team is able to get to you and are able to keep the enemy team from jumping you, or you have some escape skill like Shaco's Q ready to get you out, and even then it's never a guarantee, if they time it right you might just get knocked out as soon as the invincibility ends.
If used correctly there are a large amount of situations it can save you from. There are also the times where you still die but your team is able to clean up because you stalled just long enough. It’s basically an item that is almost on par with flash but way lower cd
Negativity bias means people remember all the times they got fucked over because the enemy had stopwatch, and forget the many more times it did literally nothing but waste an extra couple seconds. I hate stopwatch too, but it’s more often than not pretty much worthless.
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 One, your reading comprehension is shit, two, 90+% of all League players are gold or plat peakers, so it's worthless for 90% of everyone in your opinion?
I've never minded Zhonya's personally, but never liked how the AD variant Guardian Angel is far weaker; it has a far longer cooldown, doesn't offer cooldown reduction, damaging aura spells don't do damage while resurrecting, and rather than being able to use it when you like to avoid damage and wait for abilities to come off cooldown you have to die. I don't think Guardian Angel should have it's cooldown reduced (though I think it could do with some cooldown reduction) but I do think Zhonya's should have it's cooldown increased a bit more and perhaps disable damaging aura spells.
But it’s more useful for ad Since ad can heal their self because of GA and because of their item in late game, and it also during more than Zonhya. GA is more a late game item, zonhya is like an early game situational item (could save you or not depends on you) and it last less longer
People say its broken but they forget most mages just dont work late game without it. Any dumbass assasin can instantly kill a xerath and walk away free of consequence if the xerath dosent have hourglass
I have been saying that zhonyas is broken for years. Not sure what is so difficult for people to understand about this. Mages are generally built with a certain playstyle in mind. Do all your abilities and then survive until your abilities come back... So what happens when the mage can do two full rotations of abilities without you even being able to fight back because the time spent waiting for cds and being able to be punished is spent golden... Let's just put this into perspective for a second... . Essentially zhonyas allows mages to do 95% of their damage (the 5% is their autos they don't get cuz they are in zhonyas) over a 6-7 second period while having no chance of being stopped from doing that damage. This would be like having an item that gives taric ult on use for adcs... Because adcs damage is split over a long period rather than in short bursts. So the equivalent of protecting that damage that zhonyas provides for mages would literally just give them a taric ult as an on use item... if that sounds broken... it's because it would be very broken. And it's just as broken for mages. Zhonyas should function exactly like guardian angel. Or it just shouldn't exist at all.
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So you are not pointing out the Bug/Feature that is in your Thumbnail? If you add up the gold prices zhonyas is at 3500g as stopwatch from runes is not taken into account right...Zhonyas may be kinda broken but stopwatch Rune literally is.
Rav imagine zhonyas would become a boot enchantment like in wr so every champion can buy it
y u making me reinstall RAID i just got out of RAID AND LEAGUE! ;-;
ok but actually great ad integration, it's actually fun enough to watch o.o
best promo code out there. tayrel is the best champion for starting out.
The thing I dislike about Zhonyas is that, compared to GA, is that it's way more flexible and reliable than GA.
There's such a huge gap between the viability of these two items even though they should be on an equal playing field.
What do you mean, a barely viable AD Armor item that gives you a revive after you've.. died and probably aren't in the best position.. is definitely as viable as a a solid AP item that gives you complete control over an "oops, fix this for me" button.
@@drflannelxd904 you cant compare revive and probably surrounded by 5 enemies than stasis
@@lussor1 It was sarcasm m8.
Literally, all the other defensive choices for carries are much worse. Literally you can be against a lot of ap champs and still going zhonya over veil is usually the right choice. GA also is more situational in how it buys time and you can't really make enemy waste abilities they would just have to make the mistake of trying to overkill you.
@@lussor1 you can compare them! I'm also the person to compare effectiveness of hammers vs mallets for their tasks too. Anything a mallet can do, a hammer could do with some care.
Anything you could accomplish with a GA outside of saving you from inting a Zhonya's can also do, with better stats, and more control given to you as to when you use it.
Taking control of a GA proc.. is inting. And you're probably not actually going to get much from it in practice.
The stopwatch from runes doesn't decrease the overall cost of the item. It would make more sense for the item CD to remain the same but for players to purchase (~150G) another usage of the item in fountain like they would a vision ward
Hide this comment you are making me look stupid
... what?
Yeah, what? Pretty sure it does make it cheaper
.. what?
I thought it decreased it by like 250 or something
"The only thing league players hate more than yuumi is other league players" TRUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Zhonyas is such a strong item that even some AD champs, if they have at least some decent AP ratios, will go it anyways. You can't say the same about GA.
Yepp. On the rare occasion I go AD varus due to team comp I will still usually get a zhonyas.
Idk man i used to go both zhonyas and GA on fizz, he's an AP champ who does somewhat benefit from the AD, and hugely benefits from the revive
I play Viego and my favorite build is BORK into Kraken into Zhonyas
Zhonyas rush on Leona 😳
@@blueleaftuber I mean that's valid though. Tank item and she benefits from AP.
*Fiddlesticks stomping team fights with Ult/Zhonyas since the dawn of time*
Riot: "Let's give it a little more juice."
i mean, compare to AD's, one of the few things AP can build some protection/bruiser is Zhonya.
While AD has Death Dance & GA for Armor, and Wits End & QSS & Maw for Magic Resist. Oh also AD can build Hydra's for AoE effects that either give u ton of VAMP or HP scale.. Oh also AD has TONS of HP items and with Pen as well such as Black Cleaver, heck even Trinity force give HP for some reason.
except almost every adc suffers exponentially from not building crit. Having to build 80% crit to make room for a GA already feels bad. GA+ another defensive item is pretty much unplayable for most adc, as 60% means your damage is pathetic. Merc scim is good, but pretty situational, it wont stop me from getting one shot like a maw will. Adcs really only have access to one defensive item from the list in practice, and all of them are situational. Zhonyas is not.
@@Ohwhataguy sounds more like a crit problem than a zhonya problem. Now imagine if crit items gave 25% crit chance instead :O
Ye but none of those items come close to doing what zhonyas does. Turn zhonyas into a lifeline item. Heck maybe give the full invincibility time but freeze cooldowns. The amount of games I've seen a sylas just drop zhonyas in a 1v5 just to get back spinning and healing straight away. It's just a get out of jail free card, exclusive to AP builds. And there's not enough cost to the offensive capabilities of a mage for building this defensively, as the ap is still decent.
@@hrodvithit go play WildRift, your wish is been granted there. Zhonya is boot upgrade/active item in WR ... n they replace with mediocre AP Armor item that has kind-of-useless passive
I think Zhonya's needs to be split up into multiple items. Different champs buy it for different reasons, and it varies from "useful" to "mandatory."
Split it into:
- An expensive "outplay button" that gives lots of offensive stats and a short-duration stasis, but no defenses. For champions that want a high-skill way to avoid damage. Potentially a mythic.
- A cheap AP + health item with an active that lets you stand your ground (e.g., a fat shield and bonus resistances, but you're slowed) for champions like Foddlesticks, Kennen, and Morgana that want to maximize their time in combat and get off their key spells
- A moderately-costed AP + armor item that builds out of Seeker's Armguard designed to give burst protection, making it useful against assassins
I don't have any interest in Raid, but I still watch the ads because of them amount of time and effort Rav puts into them to make them entertaining.
Yeah those ads are actually funny.
more entertaining than the game itself
Fucking consumer lol
That edited 0 KILLED ME, u are just a comedy god!!!
After all these years, rav finally learns to use an item. Truly an amazing video
"Samira was released after Aphelios so we win" 🤣🤣🤣
The thing that gets me about hour glass is it cd resets when upgraded. But hexdrinker does not.
i promise im not stalking you
ok cool
Kid named finger:
I am.
@@RevokFarthis based
There are simply better ways to answer the problems that Zhonya's solves. The purpose of Zhonya's is to allow a squishy champion some survivability or counter to extreme burst. GA solves it better but honestly the better answer is to nerf burst or provide some kind of item that activates a brief damage immunity in a situation wherein more than 50% of your health was done in a couple second period for example. Cap that percentage of damage to something like only losing 80% of your health in a 2 second period through an item. It gives squishys the chance to counterplay extreme burst but any competent team/player can spread their damage out over 3 seconds or something so that you can still be killed easily enough when you are caught out or something. So boom counterplay available without being busted.
I found your channel recently and have loved every video I’ve seen. They always get a few laughs out of me. Appreciate you and your work, good sir
The fresh hell of watching your videos is that I enjoy them so much.... they make me want to play League. Then the cycle of loathing begins again lmao. Riot have never been able to balance to save their lives so, no surprises.
Pick urf is up on pbe if you wanted to play non serious games
the enemy team had their brains running at their noses at the end holy shit.
Rav - "They still dont have skins for Zhonya's hourglass".
RIOT - "Wait, we don't? How did it happen?"
Every time August designs a campion, the gods flip a coin. You either get another Jihn, or another Viego.
So op as shit or op as shit? Kinda missin the point here. Seems like both sides of the ocin are the same here.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 You think Jihn is OP? Jihn is probably one of the best desgined champs in the game. His kit works well, it's all thematic, and he's not OP, if you're losing to a Jihn it's a skill diff. He's strong, no doubt, but he's not broken.
He's not like Ekko (also August) where you have to completely rework a whole class of items because otherwise he just breaks the game (those that remember tank Ekko remember the pain).
@@anthonyfaiell3263 who dislikes jhin? he's like the most well rounded and best designed champs in the game?
@@justanothercommenterwithan9089 Basically any adc that has to play against jhin and doesn't have insane amounts of burst... Jhin is an anti carry, because his style is to hit you and then run away, where most adcs want to keep hitting you. It's like playing vayne in the top lane.
To the guy who responded before @lime, your assumption that I must be bad for not thinking he is a good champ is the reason I will not respond to you.
They’re both weak asf do I dunno what y’all talking abt
To compare it to other mobas, Zhonyas simply lasts too long.
Dota has much slower fights, most fights dont resolve in half your team getting 1 shot by the enemy adc (though PA can be like that sometimes) Dota has some abilities that have stasis however, a lot of the time using one defensively only delays the death of the hero as the team has enough time to focus on someone else. As a result its far more situational (if you are trying to keep someone alive there are normally better options too). Since you have effectively removed yourself or an ally from the fight you often get pushed back then the target who was in stasis is surrounded by enemies (which might be a good thing) but generally ends up in immediate death.
Hots (RIP) has a wide variety of stasis durations, though these are character specific so its not mass obtainable. They are kind of gimmicky but with good skill can be used to dodge a skillshot or an annoying point and click ability. Fights tend to last a long time in that game so stasis can be kinda weak, the strongest ones have high duration but you are not doing damage or healing for that duration (you can normally end them early though)
In league you have the ability (generally speaking) to dump all your damage at once which can result in you tower diving, 1 shotting someone and stasis to save your life, or to bait with its long duration.
I think if they shortened the duration to be 0.5s in league that would be plenty, defensively you can use it to not get ruined by a rengar's opening attack and can leave before the 2nd one hits but it wont be as useful for baiting as by the time you have eaten the tower shot you dont have long left before the hero comes in and ruins your day. They could just make it so the tower shot still hits the target too as it does with other defensive abilities.
The edited "0" over the deaths was gold
You're the only League youtuber who I always watch anytime I see a new video
Appreciate it :)
I can relate xD we need more boosted betty videos thoo
5:34 ....ah... so Rav be knowing about all the Twitch drama I see xD
`... crawls up people's ass holes when he gets frightened` xD LMAO
If anyone thinks zhonyas is more op than death dance we have a problem
new DD is trash compared to old, new passive is garbage we already have that passive in yellow runes its called triumph, old lifesteal passive 15% was way better and in today league as of right now for how much dmg it is in game it would be then best broken item thats offensive and even more defensive with lifesteal/dmg mitigation/armor ,plus to have similliar stats of old DD you need to have lifesteal of some sort either on champion or on other items, new one does not have it so you missing big part of why it was superior in every way cus you got lifesteal from item just for buying it.
No we don't cause zhonyas is infinitely better than dd. But I'm sure the 20/0 irelia/riven 1v5ing is because dd is more broken than zhonyas. The reason zhonyas was even "adjusted" is that supports like Leona or Nautilus built it first item.
@@georgelucas8772 we ain't playing the same game then...
30% instant damage reduction, heal AND damage pool clear on kill? That's one hell of a snowball item.
Why is it a contest? How about we just get rid of all the op shit and let champions exist on their own merits? Imagine that.
@@Keln02 It literally isn't a snowball item. To snowball you build more damage you build dd later.
"... We're just taking a group poop on this statue when..." This is gold 🤣
I like how someone points out that mages' mistakes such as bad positioning are supposed to be punishable by assassins like Zed, totally not like Zed can dash himself into the backline, kill a mage in under three seconds and then return to his previous position as if THAT'S a fair play.
Ok so I guess only mages get a counter to that then. ADC's can just keep dying instantly and then rezzing in the middle of the enemy team that has now walked up on top of them as their team retreats.
What exactly is your point? Zhonyas is a broken item. Maybe if zhonyas was gone they could then see how annoying and broken zed is and possibly fix him. But he is going to remain like he is while zhonyas is in the game to counter him.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 because ADCS have alot better itemisation.agains t AP burst so to counter act that they gave them practically nothing VS ad assassins but for ap champs litterally the only defense they have is a useless spell shield item and zhonyas
@@dreamergamer9291 First off... no they really don't (mercurial scimitar is super situational requiring hard cc, and immortal shieldbow doesn't even really do anything unless you are somehow keeping up with solo lanes in xp... then theres maw of malmortius, no crit, and edge of night, no mr and no crit). And secondly, ADC's should have more defense because think about it. A mage does x amount of damage in 0.2 seconds spamming their abilities. The ADC does that same x amount of damage over 3 seconds. The mage shouldnt have any defensive items at all imo. Their entire kits are based around one shotting people in 0.2 seconds. So they don't need to stay alive to be effective. The ADC actually has to remain alive for a period of time to be even remotely useful.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 because once the mage uses all of their abilities they re useless for 4-5 seconds while in that time the ADC will have outdamaged them so giving adcs more defense will just be bad for the game because they re a very hight prio target so making it THAT much harder to reach them is gonna suck
@@dreamergamer9291 Exactly, they are useless in that time so they can just run away to safety if their positioning isn't complete shit. Basically a mage never has to be in danger for more than .2 seconds to be fully effective. They are like a long range assassin basically...
And yea, pure dps an ADC will win. But everyone isn't just standing around like target dummies. The mage does x amount of damage over 5 seconds in two rotations while putting themselves in danger for a whopping 0.4 seconds. The ADC does that same x amount of damage while putting themselves in danger for 3-4 seconds... It's a big difference in a game like this where it only takes a split millisecond mistep or cc hit to end you.
8:25 Bro I died when I looked at the KDA 🤣🤣🤣
In wild rift, hourglass is an optional upgrade for your uograded boots. But they also made it so you cant rush hourglass until after 6 minutes into games.
"more stale than bread that snaps" that was the best one in a while 🤣
"hey guys you know what is more fun than vandalism? cold blooded murder"
Dam Viegar isn't the only peson throwing shots at, that was dirty Rav.
Good video, but my pisspit of Elo teammate usually just use Zhongya to cosplay a sitting duck on a reverse day feeding 5 other dude in the park
Wow I wouldnt expect a CrazySlick reference to fit that well in a league video xD
I appreciate you picking the least annoying text to speech voice. Truly, I thank you
9:06 you had hour glass don’t tell me you died there
A few clowns short of a circus.
Glad he reminded me to brush my teeth. I would have entirely forgotten
The 0 over the deaths *chefs kiss*
There are far worse items than zhonyas hourglass. I play mostly combo champs and I can usually bait it out. When I do get roasted by it, it's usually because the other person just outplayed me. Not really a fault of the item.
On the other hand, hullbreaker, deaths dance, or any of the crazy healing items, the strength in an item to keep fighting while using it while surviving is much stronger in my opinion. Especially since heal cut isn't as strong an ignite is more necessary.
What does hullbreaker even have to do with any of this. And also you need to get dd resets to keep fighting. If you don't get kills dd just keeps you alive for slightly longer, a way shorter amount of time than zhonyas in fact. But yeah an item that makes you immortal for 2 secs so you can dodge important abilities and/or get your CDs back is for sure weaker than dd and hull, yeah.
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 Deaths dance isn't to keep you alive by itself, it's an item that synergizes with healing, which is how you use it.
If you can't use it well, you suck at the game.
Zhonya's doesn't just make you immortal for 2 seconds, it makes you stationary, and unable to use abilities for 2 seconds, and if you are any good, you should have the end of that 2 seconds timed pretty easily.
Hullbreaker is an item that just gives you survivability, and it keeps you alive for a whole lot longer than 2 seconds. The only drawback is having to be alone, which is what you want on champs that use it.
The people that complain about zhonya's don't do anything to try to counter it. They use all their spells at once get roasted by it, and then they do it again, and again, and again.
Learn how to play around zhonya's and you wont have to bitch about it all the time.
@@Poshriel Ah yes my bad let me just hold my spells so sylas or akali can just kill me without me even forcing their zhonyas. Like I'm sorry but you're so fucking delusional. Probably some gold stuck mage player. There's like 3 champs that still build hullbreaker and 2 of them are fucking dogshit.
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 bro "get your CD back" .. yeah so does for the enemy CD.. it just delay the inevitable.
@@jukkininth4837 Chances are you use ZG at the moment your opponent cast an ability meaning their CD is 5s to 2 minutes. Meanwhile the reason you had to use the stasis in the first place is because you used you ability much earlier and therefore 2 seconds actually makes a difference. Not to mention enemies mistiming when you'll exit stasis and further wasting cooldowns. People who argue for this item so hard know that their success is inflated because of it.
Thanks, I keep forgetting to brush my teeth before bed.
"But Samira was released after Aphelios so we won" It rlly do be feelin like that sometimes tho lol
Star Guardian Zhonya is my new jam
The Miz drama insert in the video, I was not prepared
"I bet you're listening to evanescence" belongs on r/rareinsults
Congrats on the 500k my guy
The edited 0 in that second game was hilarious tbh
Lmaooo did he say “goku meets Ellen degeneress” talking bout ezreal
I was dieing on "will be right back"
I like how he photoshopped the 0 on top of right when the scene cut where he should die with brand haha
I hate that there is literally no limitation for anything in this game. Tanks can build full damage, assassins can go bruiser, anyone can buy a fucking hourglass even though they might no have any AP in their kit or need for it (especially if they have 10 dashes every 2 secs or a skill that makes them go untargettable aka FIZZ). I wish there was more limitation to what items you can build according to what champ you're playing.
There very much so is limitation just no set ruleset. If you want to build zhonyas on renekton nobody is gonna stop you from it but you're gonna get so little value out of it.
That raid shadow legends ad was smooth af i gotta say.
THE AD is legendary
nostalgia blast seeing the schfifty five guy in the jury for the raid ad!
The rare view below 2 minutes after upload and its still at 300 views already. You've definitely got a following rav.
Thanks for being a part of it
With how fast paced league became Zhonya legit needs to be like second long.
The only reason they don't nerf duration on it is that players are too used to 2.5 seconds.
Changing that would be like nerfing flash, won't fly.
If they upped the cost of hour glass to 5,000 I am very certain that it would still see just as much use. They need to make it like a 5 minute cooldown like guardian angel. That is one of the best nerfs I could see happening for it.
If zhonyas cost 5k it would literally never be built.
It could be reworked I guess, but removing it from the game would mean any mage is getting one shot by an assassin, and thats more overpowered than the item.
4:31 Obama's wife got a giant gun in game just like in real life
I think the main issue with Hourglass is the fact that it's a lot of the time literally the only option. It's broken because it sort of has to be with how few choices a mage has.
Yeah without it you are basically signing up to be farmed
Or they could idk... just die like adc's and other squishies have to do when making a mistake.
@@anthonyfaiell3263 adcs at least have options. Shieldbow for defense or galeforce to avoid things better, multiple lifesteal items, GA for more or less a worse hourglass, etc. Not to mention they don't even have to stick to their own item tab if they don't want to.
@@lackinggnat mage items tend to give a lot more hp as a secondary stat then pure damage ad items do.
@@lackinggnat my point is mages also have something adcs don’t get.
I love just listening to your videos as background sound. It is so distracting but funny.
Yooo Rav, when doing Brands combo cast Q then immediately cast E. Garenteed stun ;)
but what if the Q is missed?
@@Jay9966 we dont talk about that
@@Jay9966 You were prob gonna miss it either way in that situation, lol. Hitting E usually is enough to make them back off though
@@mynamewastakin my stun combo has always been WQ because E is shorter
my Qs have social anxiety, they avoid contact with other players
The only reason I didn't but Zhonias every game was the low AP value it had, now there's no reason to not build it.
Zhonyas didn't even give low ap, 65 is very fucking reasonable, especially since shadowflame is kinda a dead item now so wtf else was there even to build that you ignored zhonyas for
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 After the durability patch 65AP is nothing, believe me. I had to stop playing so much mages like Lux and Annie for that reason
@@alekanzus okay then maybe tell me what other item you could've built instead of zhonyas that gives you better value.
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 idk man, all those items that give better stats than 65 AP and 15AH. It's not a fact, is an opinion so chill. I play what better suits my playstyle
Ravs raid ad was interrupted with a raid ad lmao
sett: i bet your listening to eversence.
Well I literally went swimming with friends 2 weeks ago and I wore a shirt while swimming.
First time I actually watched someone’s ad on raid. You’re a legend
hourglass is objectively the worst item you can play against. Like it is mind numbingly broken, be it early game or late
I don’t have a problem with going gold, just have to play around it like a Trynd ult, Zillian Ult, GA, etc
Just when I was about to sleep, Rav comes 🥲
peta would be proud saving the dragon so you can kill it that is just like what peta does
I get the hate but more often than not Zhonya's is just a delay of the inevitable, it only saves you if your team is able to get to you and are able to keep the enemy team from jumping you, or you have some escape skill like Shaco's Q ready to get you out, and even then it's never a guarantee, if they time it right you might just get knocked out as soon as the invincibility ends.
If used correctly there are a large amount of situations it can save you from. There are also the times where you still die but your team is able to clean up because you stalled just long enough. It’s basically an item that is almost on par with flash but way lower cd
Fizz fucks say hello
Negativity bias means people remember all the times they got fucked over because the enemy had stopwatch, and forget the many more times it did literally nothing but waste an extra couple seconds. I hate stopwatch too, but it’s more often than not pretty much worthless.
@@Limrick1029 yeah it's pretty much worthless if you're like a gold or plat peaker.
@@eredinbreaccglas8396 One, your reading comprehension is shit, two, 90+% of all League players are gold or plat peakers, so it's worthless for 90% of everyone in your opinion?
Binge watch any 6 rav videos.
Any time he makes a coke and mentos joke take a shot.
If he wins the game, take two.
Thanks for confirming why I don't play raid shadow legends
The fucking zero drawn over your death count XD
Im waiting for the day everyone just gets free flash so we dont have to bother with picking it as a spell LOL
Leave the same price, make it one time use like stopwatch? If you want to use it again you have to buy it again.
Hg should always break after use, but pay a sum of gold to repair it in shop.
league players have plenty of mental fortitude as they ignore the pleas of loved ones to take a shower and yet they still just q up.
They should make zhon like heal where if multiple people use it, if they’re near each other, the CD is longer.
I 100% approve of this message and Appreciate the final recommendations
Star guardian Zhonya's legit took me out.
Rito keeps the item bc they can't climb without it
Imagine how good the game would be without stopwatch
Should be a mythic with a 5 minute CD
I've never minded Zhonya's personally, but never liked how the AD variant Guardian Angel is far weaker; it has a far longer cooldown, doesn't offer cooldown reduction, damaging aura spells don't do damage while resurrecting, and rather than being able to use it when you like to avoid damage and wait for abilities to come off cooldown you have to die. I don't think Guardian Angel should have it's cooldown reduced (though I think it could do with some cooldown reduction) but I do think Zhonya's should have it's cooldown increased a bit more and perhaps disable damaging aura spells.
But it’s more useful for ad
Since ad can heal their self because of GA and because of their item in late game, and it also during more than Zonhya.
GA is more a late game item, zonhya is like an early game situational item (could save you or not depends on you) and it last less longer
Realized he edited the zero where a death should be
How long on does it take you to write the script for these videos?
Too long, I miss sleep
The picture you showed of the designer and all his champs, the only one I didn't like was viego... all the rest are pretty great!
zhonyas is... Zhonyas, whatever its been in the game forever. But stopwatch has to go
Attention Gamers came back?
What did I miss in my cryosleep?
I pee sitting down also! Don't worry about it Rav
The fact that i haven't gotten a single notification for your videos for a month wtf
If you pop sweeper lense straight after popping Herald, the sweeper won't go on cooldown. Bug?
People say its broken but they forget most mages just dont work late game without it. Any dumbass assasin can instantly kill a xerath and walk away free of consequence if the xerath dosent have hourglass
You have the best promotion part in viedos on YT
That pyke mid looked like iron 4
I have been saying that zhonyas is broken for years. Not sure what is so difficult for people to understand about this. Mages are generally built with a certain playstyle in mind. Do all your abilities and then survive until your abilities come back... So what happens when the mage can do two full rotations of abilities without you even being able to fight back because the time spent waiting for cds and being able to be punished is spent golden... Let's just put this into perspective for a second...
Essentially zhonyas allows mages to do 95% of their damage (the 5% is their autos they don't get cuz they are in zhonyas) over a 6-7 second period while having no chance of being stopped from doing that damage. This would be like having an item that gives taric ult on use for adcs... Because adcs damage is split over a long period rather than in short bursts. So the equivalent of protecting that damage that zhonyas provides for mages would literally just give them a taric ult as an on use item... if that sounds broken... it's because it would be very broken. And it's just as broken for mages. Zhonyas should function exactly like guardian angel. Or it just shouldn't exist at all.