I came back to this video to show you some respect I go the boss monster route and played one Trish just in case I made it once in awhile but the extra deck was tight you made your boss monster Trish and that was my first expensive syncro it’s cool to see it still be powerful to this day I like that you played the lower level synchros for more toolbox effect I will try this extra and the sacky boss monster one
a japanese player fried me on master duel with something similar, he was running hyper librarian as well, handlooped me for 3 and set-up 2 omninegates alongside some backrow and since the librarian drew him 4 or 5, probably had handtraps to boot you guys are gods for being able to pilot these decks fr
I recommend trying Arms of Genex return zero in this deck. Accel Synchron and assault synchron are both dark tuners you can use for it, and you can make accel into a 9 to tune with the token. I also run the level 10 majestic star to summon with crimson dragon off of chengying or dis pater. You can revive it after using it's effect with assault synchron
I play a similar build to you but instead of hyper librarian, supernova, and blazar, I run chaos angel, shen shen, and ancient fairy dragon. The deck is so much fun!
Wheel synchron is pretty good especially since it can be a non tuner when used for a synchro summon so it can get you farther extended maybe even make trishula earlier
i went x-1 at locals using a different build that uses punisher + crimson to make two shooting majestics (soft opt) + assault synchron in gy which can revive one of them (3 omnis in total + 2 monster negates and double hand rip)
@@tomdaniliuc8301 in the normal combo you rip 3 cards out of their hand and if they interact with you during the combo that’s 4 cards out of their hand and if you have talents that’s a full 5 card rip
nice Decklist :) but i think, 2x SMSD is better than Blazar and Supernova ^^ , because the times you can go to Supernova & Blazar , you can go the SMSD Line :) , then you had 2 Big Omni Negates , that banish , and can attack 3 times :)
try shooting majestic star dragon(lvl 11) its probably better than blazar, standard endboard is crystal wing shooting majestic(2 omnis bcs of assault synch) dis pater punisher and hand rip2,you can still play under dark ruler/droplets if punisher is part of your endboard xddd
I came back to this video to show you some respect I go the boss monster route and played one Trish just in case I made it once in awhile but the extra deck was tight you made your boss monster Trish and that was my first expensive syncro it’s cool to see it still be powerful to this day I like that you played the lower level synchros for more toolbox effect I will try this extra and the sacky boss monster one
a japanese player fried me on master duel with something similar, he was running hyper librarian as well, handlooped me for 3 and set-up 2 omninegates alongside some backrow and since the librarian drew him 4 or 5, probably had handtraps to boot
you guys are gods for being able to pilot these decks fr
Mr Trishula came home with the milk
I recommend trying Arms of Genex return zero in this deck. Accel Synchron and assault synchron are both dark tuners you can use for it, and you can make accel into a 9 to tune with the token. I also run the level 10 majestic star to summon with crimson dragon off of chengying or dis pater. You can revive it after using it's effect with assault synchron
Useful if they run a deck with similar attributes.
I play a similar build to you but instead of hyper librarian, supernova, and blazar, I run chaos angel, shen shen, and ancient fairy dragon. The deck is so much fun!
Wheel synchron is pretty good especially since it can be a non tuner when used for a synchro summon so it can get you farther extended maybe even make trishula earlier
i went x-1 at locals using a different build that uses punisher + crimson to make two shooting majestics (soft opt) + assault synchron in gy which can revive one of them (3 omnis in total + 2 monster negates and double hand rip)
Can u make a combo video for this deck 🤩?
yea sure
Loved the deck list but what is the hand rip 5 combo in the thumbnail?
@@tomdaniliuc8301 in the normal combo you rip 3 cards out of their hand and if they interact with you during the combo that’s 4 cards out of their hand and if you have talents that’s a full 5 card rip
@@KamonYGO got it cool. Will you post another combo video post calamity ban?
@@tomdaniliuc8301 maybe!
Have u thought about playing nat beast in the deck
I have!
@@KamonYGO i am intrested in playing the card but just worried i will be making a stupid mistake
Nice video. Tins suck so diabellstar is still expensive. What would you recommand to run instead? Try out unicorn and birth?
you can but you deff NEED her in this deck! she's a free lvl 7 body that gets you into your jet so she's too good to pass up tbh
she is due for another reprint in banaza
nice Decklist :)
but i think, 2x SMSD is better than Blazar and Supernova ^^ , because the times you can go to Supernova & Blazar , you can go the SMSD Line :) , then you had 2 Big Omni Negates , that banish , and can attack 3 times :)
What would be the ratios if you want to try with unicorn, birth?😊
3 unicorn and 1 birth c:
@@KamonYGO will try it till diabellstar gets next reprint xD
try shooting majestic star dragon(lvl 11) its probably better than blazar, standard endboard is crystal wing shooting majestic(2 omnis bcs of assault synch) dis pater punisher and hand rip2,you can still play under dark ruler/droplets if punisher is part of your endboard xddd
How do you pplay under dark ruler?
Hand rip 2 and punisher banish or is there something else
@@tomdaniliuc8301 it is cool play with Visas on extra deck. The trap card stops dark ruler
what the punisher do?