A strong alliance between European countries was NEVER a bad idea, that isn't the reason why the EU was criticized. The problem with the EU is that it's dictating every member country to follow suicidal immigration policies and idiotic regulations. If we can have an alliance without this nonsense, great idea!
Yes - it's a liberal alliance, which means they serve the conspiracy of privilege and money far more than the people. Uniting the tribes is a good thing, but they must be bound by God.
@helena_5456 remove pensions and any subsidies, remove required education, remove anti-discrimination laws, remove small business regulations, remove universal suffrage, remove real estate corporations and give land to to-be-farmers for free, give local municipalities power and cut the federal government. And there you have it, fertility skyrockets. Rich 👃🏼people just won't let it happen without a fight
@@purpleelemental3955probably worse, we’re in the dark ages which will eventually turn into the golden age. White men are waking up to genetic realities.
Yet the reality is that you are the Greek states while America is Rome. Derivative of the mother culture yet materially superior and the kings of power projection
@@badart3204 Exactly. It really is a perfect Spenglerian analogy, and with America turning right we are seeing it truly unfold. They will get strong again, just how Rome emerged out of the crisis of the republic as an empire. As a German I have to admit though, even though I'm not delusional about Trump and Musk, our political situation is so utterly dire that only Musks support of the AfD can save us from being physically destroyed as a people within a few decades. So I'll honestly embrace the neo-American empire right now.
If you are a young guy in Europe, try to get yourself into a position of political or cultural influence. Especially political. Europe is a lot less resistant to political will than North America. For too long the right-wing advice for every young man was to learn a trade and run away into the woods. The sad truth is this gives you absolutely no ability to influence anything in your society. If you have the inclination and ability, get into politics, whether it's in a mainstream or a smaller party or even some tyoe of administrative role.
And do what exactly? Try to coerce a bunch of money hungry people with no army to agree with your “Europa is based!” Stance? It’s already an exercise in futility to be a world leader, imagine the existential anguish you’d feel in position where you’re just an integer in a lackluster administrative role.
I think things like influence is more important than the positions of power since we now live in a world that worships celebrities so one thing that people can do is try to become those celebrities or the people that run the corporations that create these celebrities and the entertainment then used that to promote correct ideas
This took the wool off of my eyes. The US isnt our ally anymore - silver lining is that this is one of the best arguments(as in to convince others) for a united Europe a sort of "unite or die".
As an American that loves his European brothers and sisters this is a bit of a difficult reality to face. Hopefully what happens (if anything at all) is that the US keeps Greenland away from our enemies, and this is a wake up call for Europe that will result in a stronger West in the future. May the Gods guide us all and help us to protect our families.
USA already has unlimited access to Greenland, and pretty much any European territory. This is purely infighting and greed for minerals. The real question is whether the MAGAtards will turn their masses against Evropa as Trump is suggesting. This does nothing but undermines the West. It is laughable that any 56%s would criticise Europe. Trump is literally using convicts and pathetic anti-colonialist rhetoric to rally the eskimos against the indigenous people on modern Greenland. Either the mutts take over what is rightfully Nordic, or it only strengthens the eskimo nationalist. Great fucking job, anyone who supported Trump after 2016 is a fucking moron.
Always remember that the purpose of NATO is to ‘Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.’ -Lord Ismay, NATO’s first Secretary General
He's a mage and not a common conspirator politician. A mage functions by confusion and mystery, and rarely shows their motives until they have the prize. A mage BLUFFS, all the best magic starts with a bluff and he's making them all over the place as that hides the real action he wants. The people of the west are suffering with a miserable economy and all the feminist baloney, and no way do they want to trolley off to fight for Greenland, what a joke. My hope is he will turn on IS, which he would not even hint at until after he takes power on I think the 20th. We need to address the core of the enemy conspiracy.
We're going back to competition of great powers and EU is not a great power. America will tell what it wants and EU countries will do what it says or they will seek protection elsewhere.
You should design institutions in case your enemies take them. EU should be impotent in relation to its member states, no matter if its right wing, left wing, centrists, technocratic, nationalist, you always should be careful to keep it weak as if tomorrow it was to turn communist. The power of EU should remain in member states' head's of state, not any federal institutions.
I disagree, it will be evidence of the current state of the relationship. I feel it all the more keenly as I am British but the USA is so powerful in comparison to Europe that it is completely overbearing. The Americans will take what they want because they are so absolutely powerful, and now they see the number one spot slipping, they will exercise their power all the more.
“Petty” nationalism IS nationalism. Nationalism is the belief that the nations of the world should have their own territory where they alone can be sovereign. What you’re talking about is federalism.
Just would like to point out losing Greenland seems kind of silly given who is losing Sweden and Norway itself to mass immigration. That said I am completely against the idea. Greenland can be independent and make its own arrangements.Also fine where it is. Don't want it in the US.
Why should France and Germany become one nation? Yes, we should work together but culturally we don't have too much in common in comparison to the other Germanic nations.
Not one nation but European and Western nations should work together to the benefit of White people. Block non-White migration. Create good trade agreements. Military alliances. Etc.
Europe and America are and will always be spiritual brothers. We in America are of Europe and no matter what happens we must unite in spirit once again.
As a euro American, I thought "maybe it would be a good thing for the USA to have Greenland. " but, after hearing you my preference would be a strong Denmark and Europe maintaining control. Well said. You are intelligent and BRAVE!
Interesting way to identify yourself. I feel like white Americans generally feel very detached to Europe even when they become identitarian. I think more should think like you. At the same time I’m curious to know what lead you to this perspective as opposed to going full MAGA
@@mattthelearner2797I mean 3-400 years of ideological and cultural divergence will do that. American identity is fundamentally ideological in its root which is simply a different animal than European identity
Slightly off topic, but Just finished 'Demigod Mentality'. At the very end Marcus comments on the Dionysian pursuit of alcoholic pleasure; the dangers of alcohol abuse. He says he decided to never drink again, and one of the primary reasons was: "I looked at myself in the mirror after one of these revelries, and thought I looked unaesthetic." 😆😆You bet! To use one of my favorite American colloquialisms, Marcus was "Hungover like a Viking!", in the truest sense. I gave up alcohol as well, but for much more severe reasons.
Every strong and honest man should give up that poison as well. In a different time, the strong could afford to get blitzed and dance around; not anymore
Very sane geopolitical analysis. Why Western society don't choose people like you to charge or represent Europe in Brussel ? How is possible that people are so blind and don't recognize that Europe become weaker each year? Is it unawareness or lack of interest in one's own country or maybe people from third world countries become over 50% of population and now they rule in the West? I have lived in NL 4 years and I think native citizens are still more than 50 %. We don't need radicall left or right wings. We need to just back to the roots of what United Europe should be. Need to vote for sane and conservative people. Greetings from Katowice Poland.
It's because the wealthy of the west are devoted to the occult "chosen ones" who fabricated their histories. The USA is a psyops and is not what its seemed - it's a gigantic puppet that serves juice and wears a mason apron.
I'm an American and I agree with your stances. The Greenland issue has a lot to do with the coming North American Union. This will be the undoing of the USA. Once the US brings in Mexico and its severe internal problems along with its peoples, America will collapse into civil war. Canada and Greenland would fit in OK, but not Mexico right now. That's a whole other issue to discuss. Europa does need to unite itself under leadership that supports its peoples and not betray them with the onslaught of 3rd world invasions. I see another bloody war coming to Europe because of it.
I think the American government can handle Mexico’s problems just fine, it’s the people who will suffer, as young people are probably gonna have go move down south to afford moving out of their parent’s homes. Which won’t result in a civil war unless Russia or China sponsors a rebellion, even then I doubt people would side with them over the US.
@sethgaston8347 Russia, China and others will get involved to escalate a civil war. There's no doubt to that. They see what goes on in the US. They watch, study and influence Americans just like the US intelligencia does to its opposition. Good response my friend. The 2030s will be interesting.
Trump wants to go to war with cartels. My guess is he'll put a huge US military presence in Mexico and if their government doesn't like it, he'll overthrow the Mexican government and make Mexico a US puppet state.
It’s to maintain control of the North West Passage trade route, which will likely become a major trade route as the polar ice melts. Same reason why Trump wants to make Canada a state and take the Panama Canal. All about trade routes and money. Not saying it’s right, but that’s the strategic thinking behind it.
How about a Nordic union or Republic for only the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and maybe also Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) instead of the EU? Because let's face it, EU will eventually collapse. It's just a matter of time before it happens. It's a sinking ship.
'We need Crimea for security reasons, and because we used to control it, and it's strategically important, and we fear NATO controlling it. Also, Ukraine is brotherly land, they need protecting and they should be with us, and Crimea wants to join us' 'We need the Panama Canal for security reasons, and because we used to control it, and because it's strategically important, and we fear China controlling it. Also, Canada and Greenland are brotherly lands, and they need protecting and they should be with us, and Greenland wants to be with us'
If the EU takes a hard turn right, and protects the indigenous peoples and cultures of Europe, I would support Canada joining the EU. Or alternatively an Anglo-Union of UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. I will never support Canada becoming American.
@@pixelfu623 Maybe it makes more sense for Canada to be in the US. The US needs to add Greenland first, but nobody is talking about Svalbard, which should also be added. If you (UK) are a good little bro, we will let you keep Rockall.
@@Jelly_Bean_1 Nah, we'll stick with the Anglosphere idea thanks. The last thing we were told would "benefit our economy" has done extreme damage to our culture, safety, security and way of life. We have blood bonds with Canada, Australia and New Zealand, familial ties. Barely half the US is even white - let alone British.
I disagree with you about the EU. History shows that decentralized nations are more prosperous, and can be very strong militarily and diplomatically, since they retain the ability join together for mutual defense. The Greek city states defeated Persia, the largest empire on earth at the time. The confederate Swiss cantons overthrew the Holy Roman Empire. The US colonies defeated Great Britain twice, and had our most prosperous years early in our history, first as a confederacy, then as a very weakly joined federalism. The very disunited, and warring nations of Europe were able to come together and conquer the Levant during the Crusades. The golden age of Japanese history occurred when the emperor had no power, and each state was run as independent countries by their daimyos. Same with ancient China. Independent states simply produce better results.
competition bred greatness. They wont answer to you because many seem to have this united europe fantasy, as if 70 years of union has not weakened the various nations within the eu.
not on the current world. Todays war is made by espionage, bribary and banks, the war has evolved so much, that the ancient world would never understand the situation.jowws have taken europe as their garden and won in war against the famous austrian and napoleon. The current Rome empire is the USA, the only hope the western has to defeat the hidden enemy is to keep breeding stornger men like trump, conquerors. After trump, greater men have to rise into politics in us and europe, so the white folk ( the truest minority of the world, 8% ) have to reach a common ground of respect. Tough trump is not the ideal leader, since he has ties with joowws, he has hinted to not be on the leash, since two days ago when he clearly attack israel on the social media and he survived homicides attempts of the rothchilds.
The US colonies example is a poor one; probably the last time the EU - along with a few colonists - ever defeated a major superpower. But I do agree, European nations independent and decentralised but with a strong defensive pact and much improved understanding of their identity as Europeans is a much better way to go. Either that or it can only ever work as a union of the strongest nations of Europe: Germany, France, UK etc.
It’s probably be noted that the people of Iceland in Greenland were basically strong armed into subservience to Scandinavia where in reality they wanted to just be left alone. They’re more culturally aligned with America than they are with Europe in every way. Plus, let’s not act like these two areas haven’t been being constantly disrespected by Europe for a couple centuries
There is a major difference between centralized power (EU) and military alliances (NATO). Alliances should be formulated between nation states, but centralized power structures such as the EU pose a threat to each nation's national identity an culture.
Greenland is Danish since the early middle ages. Good thing is how quickly all the Nords stood by Denmark. Hopefully now more people understand the predicament Ukraine is in, having it's land stolen by a multiracial empire.
Honestly great video! I have been watching your videos since my late teens over 10 years ago. You was one of my biggest role models and I too dreamed of Europe where individual countries could determine their foreign policy, defence etc. Times have changed and like you said, we need unified strong Europe which needs to stop it's current way of destroying itself. After I had my daughters I kinda stopped watching you, I thought that you were still supporting EU which was not unified and the unions collapse. I also have my tradinional and national values but we need the union to protect all of us and become strong again. Its very refreshing to hear your comments on this video and you have sparked my interested again towards your content. Thanks latsbrah/golden one!
'we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of Russia, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of ruzz-iya, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of Russia, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of russ-i-ya, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
The reason why people divide themselves into countries is because of the huge cultural differences between each region. With those cultural differences comes not only a difference in language, but also values. If the US were to annex Canada, you'd end up with California 2.0-giving political power to undesirable and idealistic idiots who'll change the democratic landscape of the US with the same policies that brought Canada to ruin. Same thing will happen to the EU if it's brought under one country. You'll have the mismanaged social welfare of France, the failed foreign policies of Sweden, the censorship of the UK, and the predatory economic policies of Germany. This new country would hardly benefit anyone apart from a social elite who'll benefit from less foreign policies on taxation and trade. This is not a good idea.
Why can't nations just cooperate on defense issues without being in an official "union" or whatever? You already have advanced defense treaties with NATO. Here in the USA, the states united for these reasons, then slowly the federal government took over and now the states barely have an identity. I now have people from 1000s of miles away dictating how I live my life. It's not a good situation. What do you think about Tate's new BRUV party?
Swedish American here, big fan. But in terms of Europe working together, it seems like Europe was more powerful when they were more competitive, especially with each other. America is not like Europe, we are much less diverse.
Thank you, kind, Sir Always for the content! I cannot believe.I have been following this channel for a decade. I am in the U.S. and would one day love to visit your country of Sweden
I as an American have been against the current order we have. I wish for America and Europe to cooperate and have a prosperous future but as equals. Europe needs to step up their militarization. Europe must be able to protect themselves from any threat including possible American ones...
This situation troubles me. I have always looked up to the Golden One; I am in awe of him, he's a great man and we need more like him. However, as an American, one thing I have never understood the support he gives (along with many others) to Trump. As an American, it seems to me like Trump is not at all a warrior of the West (which is the position I desire my president to fulfill). He is not a good man; his treatment of women is reprehensible (from his affair with a porn star to the sexual harassment/assaults to the horrible comments he makes), he is ignorant of American history, he happily converses with the enemy (dictators of East Asia), he advocates for an isolationist foreign policy (i.e. abandoning Ukraine and Europe as a whole to Russian imperialism) and he denies global warming and thus revels in the destruction of the natural world. Even though some of his policies (economic and immigration for instance) may be good, I can't understand how any patriotic Western man can support him. Perhaps someone who reads this comment can explain it to me? I am open to changing my mind in this regard, but from everything I have seen he is not the kind of man that we need running things
I guess his enemies see him as a collective will of White Americans, and they are afraid of that. Obviously he does not think in these terms since he is a cosmopolitan businessman. But White Americans do rally behind him, and he is kind of a manifestation of their collective conciousness.
@@Nightdiver20 it seems to me that abandoning Ukraine to Russia is giving Putin free reign to push his borders further West. As I love the European people I don't want to see them annexed by communist slavs.
@@gluehandsluke8477 Uh huh. So you're cool fighting an unwinnable war down to the last Ukrainian. While making a gay Jewish actor that suspended elections and is utilizing press gangs rich in the process. That doesn't sound like loving Europeans. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I am a Frenchman living in Denmark with two Danish children. Trump's views on Greenland remind us of our duties. At some point, some ethnic Europeans will come together as one people, despite certain cultural and tribal nuances, to form new entities. Borders change, and states evolve. It is always a pleasure to listen to you; you are well-articulated and thoughtful. Thank you for your work. 🙏🏻
I would have voted Trump but make no mistake he is an egomaniac, and even saying such things against an ally shows his character. Europe needs to rise, we could truly be strong together. I'm a Brit, I would love to be part of a strong union, I love my European brothers and sisters, they're family! I voted though because the EU is in the pockets of the WEF, and seemingly they want to replace us. However, our own (British government) are also, so it made no real difference, at least not yet but it might already be too late.., I think something big is going to happen in 2025
@@mattthelearner2797 a single strong man can make a lot of difference, its easily perceveid when you look upon human history. The real question is, where is this man gonna be born? Will him fight the joows ?
Greenland belongs to those who embody the viking spirit. Sadly, there're more people of this kind in the Western side of the Atlantic than in the Eastern.
You're talking about working together militarily (NATO) that doesn't mean we have to work together economically (EU). Economically a lot of European countries have probably been affected negatively by EU economic policy.
The Vikings conquered and settled Greenland, and now there’s talk of the United States plotting to do the same. The question I have is who are the real inheritors of their legacy? The ones who’ve laid down and allowed themselves to grow weak, or the ones who’ve grown strong and aren’t afraid to go out and conquer? Just food for thought.
Do you think that this is what happened with Europe? Did you forget how Europe made it out of the 1940s? Do you know that the EU was originally an American project together with its demilitarisation and military occupation? Ever heard of operation Gladio? Stop believing your Thiel-Posobiec-MAGA bullshit
Few people in Greenland and Trump must have a short-cut so that he doe not have to sail all around the American continent to get anywhere fast in an emergency, that is why he needs to ensure the Panama canal as well. After all, this also protects Europe besides America itself.
Even with all the hypothetical scenarios where a new Greenland and North American concord work out, unfortunately I don’t think Trump will seriously (or successfully) pursue his repatriation plan. And his silly moves like renaming the Gulf of Mexico will only make this even poorer received. It seems like really bad timing.
Many countries are expanding , Israel in the golan heights , Russia in Eastern Europe and china in South China Sea and eying Taiwan and now USA with Panama, Greenland and Canada
I imagine that the native Eskimo/Inuit populations of Greenland are not mass immigrating to Denmark, and prefer to remain in the land of their ancestors.
As a Canadian my point of view is different because we depend so much on the U.S that we would probably benefit of extra protection in the North Atlantic (We don't have an army we have free healthcare). If you look the population of Greenland it is around 57 thousand people... it is all about the Northwest Passage, Geopolitics and Natural resources.
either a strong independent ( from the joows ) takes canada in to the usa, or marxist joows are gonna shove canada more deep into a gay kink playground even further, a lgbtq nation. jowws have taken europe as their garden and won in war against the famous austrian and napoleon. The current Rome empire is the USA, the only hope the western has to defeat the hidden enemy is to keep breeding stornger men like trump, conquerors. After trump, greater men have to rise into politics in us and europe, so the white folk ( the truest minority of the world, 8% ) have to reach a common ground of respect. Tough trump is not the ideal leader, since he has ties with joowws, he has hinted to not be on the leash, since two days ago when he clearly attack israel on the social media and he survived homicides attempts of the rothchilds.
As a Norwegian i think the Kalmar union would do a lot to this day if it never broke apart and i agree a lot with you on things. Anyway thank you for the information i take you seriously and also care a lot about us and the rest of europe
No it's serious. He's a con artist buffoon straight out of Southpark. He just discovered that the USA borders the gulf of Mexico, so he renamed it the Golf of America in a decisive blow to the price of eggs. Next is lake Ontario, to be renamed lake Melania. He also thinks his cadre of enraged Appalachians are dumb dumbs so he casually renegs on his America first in order to satisfy his new Elon first agenda. Not a leader for White Americans, more like their pied piper.
@@michaelfrieze It's the plain and simple truth. No more talk about *MASS DEPORATIONS* or immigrants criminals overwhelming midwestern towns, that was for the campaign trail........now we switch to this joke about Canada/Greenland joining the union, something that won't happen and isn't what got him to win the election anyway. Hope you imbeciles wake up.
.)•(..}•{..]•[../•\..)•(..}•{..]•[../•\. Just some more comments and a Like for the algo. ****************** Stay s̶h̶r̶e̶d̶d̶e̶d̶ healthy, strong, & virtuous, brahs (and brahettes). ****************** We're all gonna make it. ******************
I'm still voting out of EU. I don't want it. I want united pan-European peoples group but it should be represented by indigenous European groups Swedish Dutch German English Irish Italian etc. I don't want ZOG or Bilderberg Group or WEF having influence over it. Something that can be both a political and cultural alliance.
American states are able to impose change much faster than the feds, but power is limited. If EU individual nations can’t do at your local levels your union will only centralize failure. Also US needs Greenland & let go of NATO.
The EU could function just fine as a customs/trade union with a defensive alliance added on top of it. What it should not be, is an overly bureaucratic busy body that makes all the countries of Europe adopt dumb policies and open their borders to the entire world. Anyway, hope Europe finds a better path forward; the one that it is currently on has no good future.
@TheGoldenOne You should promote yourself in the sense that you are & men like you are what Europe needs in this climate of Russian & American aggression & it's obviously NATO will fall.
A strong alliance between European countries was NEVER a bad idea, that isn't the reason why the EU was criticized. The problem with the EU is that it's dictating every member country to follow suicidal immigration policies and idiotic regulations. If we can have an alliance without this nonsense, great idea!
Yes - it's a liberal alliance, which means they serve the conspiracy of privilege and money far more than the people. Uniting the tribes is a good thing, but they must be bound by God.
@@KingoftheBlackSun A middle eastern deity isn't going to save Europe
Strong Europe? Easy: Europeans first. At least 150 mio need to leave.
150? Is it that bad?
But we also need to increase fertility rates in Europe somehow, most countries are way below replacement rates..
@helena_5456 remove pensions and any subsidies, remove required education, remove anti-discrimination laws, remove small business regulations, remove universal suffrage, remove real estate corporations and give land to to-be-farmers for free, give local municipalities power and cut the federal government. And there you have it, fertility skyrockets. Rich 👃🏼people just won't let it happen without a fight
@@purpleelemental3955probably worse, we’re in the dark ages which will eventually turn into the golden age. White men are waking up to genetic realities.
@@helena_5456 Deportations would free up A LOT of housing and money going to foreigners
I always said that we need some sort of European Union. Not the one we presently have, obviously, but Europe must work together.
Something alike to the HRE. Exclude southern Europe at least.
yes yes apes together strong
Username checks out. Didn't you guys already try that?
@evilcrizzle yup
Europe must act like the ancient greek city-states, united in troubles, but still autonomous. I don't want EVs and immigrants shovel down my throat
You don't want EVs? What a dumbass.
Well thought
Europe is already dying
Yet the reality is that you are the Greek states while America is Rome. Derivative of the mother culture yet materially superior and the kings of power projection
@@badart3204 Exactly. It really is a perfect Spenglerian analogy, and with America turning right we are seeing it truly unfold. They will get strong again, just how Rome emerged out of the crisis of the republic as an empire.
As a German I have to admit though, even though I'm not delusional about Trump and Musk, our political situation is so utterly dire that only Musks support of the AfD can save us from being physically destroyed as a people within a few decades. So I'll honestly embrace the neo-American empire right now.
If you are a young guy in Europe, try to get yourself into a position of political or cultural influence. Especially political. Europe is a lot less resistant to political will than North America. For too long the right-wing advice for every young man was to learn a trade and run away into the woods. The sad truth is this gives you absolutely no ability to influence anything in your society. If you have the inclination and ability, get into politics, whether it's in a mainstream or a smaller party or even some tyoe of administrative role.
And do what exactly?
Try to coerce a bunch of money hungry people with no army to agree with your “Europa is based!” Stance?
It’s already an exercise in futility to be a world leader, imagine the existential anguish you’d feel in position where you’re just an integer in a lackluster administrative role.
@ConcreteJungleSickness if you're asking then you're not that guy so don't worry about it
Anytime someone tries to get into politics and is actually a Nationalist, the small hats will intervene
I think things like influence is more important than the positions of power since we now live in a world that worships celebrities so one thing that people can do is try to become those celebrities or the people that run the corporations that create these celebrities and the entertainment then used that to promote correct ideas
@@finnwraith5319 Are you Jewish, by chance?
This took the wool off of my eyes. The US isnt our ally anymore - silver lining is that this is one of the best arguments(as in to convince others) for a united Europe a sort of "unite or die".
As an American that loves his European brothers and sisters this is a bit of a difficult reality to face. Hopefully what happens (if anything at all) is that the US keeps Greenland away from our enemies, and this is a wake up call for Europe that will result in a stronger West in the future. May the Gods guide us all and help us to protect our families.
The West is nothing without Europe
Well said. I am also American. Agree wholeheartedly with your sentiments.
Your enemies control your country.
USA already has unlimited access to Greenland, and pretty much any European territory. This is purely infighting and greed for minerals. The real question is whether the MAGAtards will turn their masses against Evropa as Trump is suggesting. This does nothing but undermines the West. It is laughable that any 56%s would criticise Europe. Trump is literally using convicts and pathetic anti-colonialist rhetoric to rally the eskimos against the indigenous people on modern Greenland. Either the mutts take over what is rightfully Nordic, or it only strengthens the eskimo nationalist. Great fucking job, anyone who supported Trump after 2016 is a fucking moron.
Theres no threat to greenland from any side, apart from US at the moment. Look where its important instead
Always remember that the purpose of NATO is to ‘Keep the Russians out, the Americans in, and the Germans down.’ -Lord Ismay, NATO’s first Secretary General
All in the service of Cha bad.
Donald Trump says a lot of things.
It might be a part of a larger mad man strategy.
He's also very emotional and impulsive. Anything is possible with him as a president.
He's a mage and not a common conspirator politician. A mage functions by confusion and mystery, and rarely shows their motives until they have the prize. A mage BLUFFS, all the best magic starts with a bluff and he's making them all over the place as that hides the real action he wants.
The people of the west are suffering with a miserable economy and all the feminist baloney, and no way do they want to trolley off to fight for Greenland, what a joke. My hope is he will turn on IS, which he would not even hint at until after he takes power on I think the 20th. We need to address the core of the enemy conspiracy.
Donardo Blormpf.
919D Chess.
Europe or America wont 'become strong' until they go through a lot of suffering. There's no reason to improve when you're comfortable.
stop forcing suffering.
The ''become strong'' part will never happen again.
@@Tardenglobe2346why are you gay?
@@Tardenglobe2346 there's no reason to believe that
@@jung9399 It doesn't matter what you believe, it's a fact.
Your English is excellent.
Best regards from the UK
I hope America and Europe find a common ground.
If this happens it will have catastrophic consequences.
We're going back to competition
of great powers and EU is not a great power. America will tell what it wants and EU countries will do what it says or they will seek protection elsewhere.
Imagine id the EU was in the hands of nationalists from the start, it'd be a force ro be reckoned with on the world stage
You should design institutions in case your enemies take them. EU should be impotent in relation to its member states, no matter if its right wing, left wing, centrists, technocratic, nationalist, you always should be careful to keep it weak as if tomorrow it was to turn communist. The power of EU should remain in member states' head's of state, not any federal institutions.
Too late now, you lose.
@@Tardenglobe2346 calm down shlomo
@@Tardenglobe2346 ok "slowmo"
I think your argument just before min 3 is wrong - "US needs to annex Greenland to protect it" - Greenland is already under US protection via NATO.
If he does it, the relationship between Europe and America will never be the same again.
From de facto vassals to de jure vassals.
I disagree, it will be evidence of the current state of the relationship. I feel it all the more keenly as I am British but the USA is so powerful in comparison to Europe that it is completely overbearing.
The Americans will take what they want because they are so absolutely powerful, and now they see the number one spot slipping, they will exercise their power all the more.
We are becoming less and less white. Or relation is already not the same, unfortunately.
how so? Actually nobody cares about danish feelings
@@zurgesmiecal Speek for yourself.
The strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must!
“Petty” nationalism IS nationalism. Nationalism is the belief that the nations of the world should have their own territory where they alone can be sovereign. What you’re talking about is federalism.
Us Canadians, you Swedes, other small Western Nations, need to work together to find a solution so we don't get devoured.
Just would like to point out losing Greenland seems kind of silly given who is losing Sweden and Norway itself to mass immigration. That said I am completely against the idea. Greenland can be independent and make its own arrangements.Also fine where it is. Don't want it in the US.
Yeah what he didn't mention here was that trump whants to Anex Canada also
You should have your Romanian wife on the channel! Would love to hear her views about the elections in Romania 🇷🇴
Why should France and Germany become one nation? Yes, we should work together but culturally we don't have too much in common in comparison to the other Germanic nations.
Not one nation but European and Western nations should work together to the benefit of White people. Block non-White migration. Create good trade agreements. Military alliances. Etc.
8:50 Quoting a great Indo-African-American Woman philosopher: "To imagine what can be, unburdened by what has been."
The nightmare is almost over
Europe and America are and will always be spiritual brothers. We in America are of Europe and no matter what happens we must unite in spirit once again.
As a euro American, I thought "maybe it would be a good thing for the USA to have Greenland. " but, after hearing you my preference would be a strong Denmark and Europe maintaining control. Well said. You are intelligent and BRAVE!
Interesting way to identify yourself. I feel like white Americans generally feel very detached to Europe even when they become identitarian. I think more should think like you. At the same time I’m curious to know what lead you to this perspective as opposed to going full MAGA
@@mattthelearner2797I mean 3-400 years of ideological and cultural divergence will do that. American identity is fundamentally ideological in its root which is simply a different animal than European identity
I totally understand having skepticism.
Slightly off topic, but Just finished 'Demigod Mentality'. At the very end Marcus comments on the Dionysian pursuit of alcoholic pleasure; the dangers of alcohol abuse. He says he decided to never drink again, and one of the primary reasons was: "I looked at myself in the mirror after one of these revelries, and thought I looked unaesthetic." 😆😆You bet! To use one of my favorite American colloquialisms, Marcus was "Hungover like a Viking!", in the truest sense. I gave up alcohol as well, but for much more severe reasons.
Every strong and honest man should give up that poison as well.
In a different time, the strong could afford to get blitzed and dance around; not anymore
Very sane geopolitical analysis. Why Western society don't choose people like you to charge or represent Europe in Brussel ? How is possible that people are so blind and don't recognize that Europe become weaker each year? Is it unawareness or lack of interest in one's own country or maybe people from third world countries become over 50% of population and now they rule in the West? I have lived in NL 4 years and I think native citizens are still more than 50 %. We don't need radicall left or right wings. We need to just back to the roots of what United Europe should be. Need to vote for sane and conservative people. Greetings from Katowice Poland.
It's because the wealthy of the west are devoted to the occult "chosen ones" who fabricated their histories. The USA is a psyops and is not what its seemed - it's a gigantic puppet that serves juice and wears a mason apron.
not how it works. you cant force people to accept weakness.
I'm an American and I agree with your stances. The Greenland issue has a lot to do with the coming North American Union. This will be the undoing of the USA. Once the US brings in Mexico and its severe internal problems along with its peoples, America will collapse into civil war. Canada and Greenland would fit in OK, but not Mexico right now. That's a whole other issue to discuss. Europa does need to unite itself under leadership that supports its peoples and not betray them with the onslaught of 3rd world invasions. I see another bloody war coming to Europe because of it.
I think the American government can handle Mexico’s problems just fine, it’s the people who will suffer, as young people are probably gonna have go move down south to afford moving out of their parent’s homes.
Which won’t result in a civil war unless Russia or China sponsors a rebellion, even then I doubt people would side with them over the US.
@sethgaston8347 Russia, China and others will get involved to escalate a civil war. There's no doubt to that. They see what goes on in the US. They watch, study and influence Americans just like the US intelligencia does to its opposition. Good response my friend. The 2030s will be interesting.
Trump wants to go to war with cartels. My guess is he'll put a huge US military presence in Mexico and if their government doesn't like it, he'll overthrow the Mexican government and make Mexico a US puppet state.
The dream of a united europe died with Rome. Its time for more sovereignty not servitude. The eu is a nazi concept that failed.
They won't bring in Mexico.
Ah yes, the great Nodric-American war over Greenland's 10 people and 1 sheep.
Exactly, I mean I guess the proximity would make it worth something, but currently it’s empty
@@sethgaston8347 Not empty of minerals
@@sethgaston8347 It's the strategic position of the country and the resources it holds...
It’s to maintain control of the North West Passage trade route, which will likely become a major trade route as the polar ice melts.
Same reason why Trump wants to make Canada a state and take the Panama Canal. All about trade routes and money.
Not saying it’s right, but that’s the strategic thinking behind it.
10 people? 🤣 Try 56.8k
How about a Nordic union or Republic for only the Nordic countries (Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Iceland and maybe also Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) instead of the EU? Because let's face it, EU will eventually collapse. It's just a matter of time before it happens. It's a sinking ship.
'We need Crimea for security reasons, and because we used to control it, and it's strategically important, and we fear NATO controlling it. Also, Ukraine is brotherly land, they need protecting and they should be with us, and Crimea wants to join us'
'We need the Panama Canal for security reasons, and because we used to control it, and because it's strategically important, and we fear China controlling it. Also, Canada and Greenland are brotherly lands, and they need protecting and they should be with us, and Greenland wants to be with us'
The savior mentality! The good guy identity who always stands on the side of justice and fights against evil.
It's almost like Fukuyama was wrong and history didn't stop after all
If the EU takes a hard turn right, and protects the indigenous peoples and cultures of Europe, I would support Canada joining the EU. Or alternatively an Anglo-Union of UK, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. I will never support Canada becoming American.
Or all those anglo-countries (include Ireland) can become US territories. This would make more sense and would benefit their economy.
@@Jelly_Bean_1 I'd never want to be part of the US.
@@pixelfu623 Maybe it makes more sense for Canada to be in the US. The US needs to add Greenland first, but nobody is talking about Svalbard, which should also be added. If you (UK) are a good little bro, we will let you keep Rockall.
@@Jelly_Bean_1 Nah, we'll stick with the Anglosphere idea thanks. The last thing we were told would "benefit our economy" has done extreme damage to our culture, safety, security and way of life. We have blood bonds with Canada, Australia and New Zealand, familial ties. Barely half the US is even white - let alone British.
@@TheWikiGuy I am not British by ancestry but I am white and only speak English. I think that is far more important than "blood bonds".
The Golden One channeling Fukuyama, proclaims "The End of Small Nations"...
Huge amounts of resources under that ice.
Yessir. It’s alot to lose, but this is what happens when other countries surrender control to the US
Yep. Lots of seaweed and fish. The resources are endless.
@JakeMuller-he9qf zinc, lead, gold, iron ore, heavy and light rare earth elements, copper and oil.
You're a bright fellow.
how about leave nature alone.
@@sethgaston8347 doesnt need to be.
I disagree with you about the EU. History shows that decentralized nations are more prosperous, and can be very strong militarily and diplomatically, since they retain the ability join together for mutual defense. The Greek city states defeated Persia, the largest empire on earth at the time. The confederate Swiss cantons overthrew the Holy Roman Empire. The US colonies defeated Great Britain twice, and had our most prosperous years early in our history, first as a confederacy, then as a very weakly joined federalism. The very disunited, and warring nations of Europe were able to come together and conquer the Levant during the Crusades. The golden age of Japanese history occurred when the emperor had no power, and each state was run as independent countries by their daimyos. Same with ancient China. Independent states simply produce better results.
competition bred greatness. They wont answer to you because many seem to have this united europe fantasy, as if 70 years of union has not weakened the various nations within the eu.
not on the current world. Todays war is made by espionage, bribary and banks, the war has evolved so much, that the ancient world would never understand the situation.jowws have taken europe as their garden and won in war against the famous austrian and napoleon. The current Rome empire is the USA, the only hope the western has to defeat the hidden enemy is to keep breeding stornger men like trump, conquerors. After trump, greater men have to rise into politics in us and europe, so the white folk ( the truest minority of the world, 8% ) have to reach a common ground of respect. Tough trump is not the ideal leader, since he has ties with joowws, he has hinted to not be on the leash, since two days ago when he clearly attack israel on the social media and he survived homicides attempts of the rothchilds.
The US colonies example is a poor one; probably the last time the EU - along with a few colonists - ever defeated a major superpower. But I do agree, European nations independent and decentralised but with a strong defensive pact and much improved understanding of their identity as Europeans is a much better way to go. Either that or it can only ever work as a union of the strongest nations of Europe: Germany, France, UK etc.
Who do folks here believe blew up the Nordstream pipeline? Just curious 🧐
America did it and it's obvious
It’s probably be noted that the people of Iceland in Greenland were basically strong armed into subservience to Scandinavia where in reality they wanted to just be left alone. They’re more culturally aligned with America than they are with Europe in every way. Plus, let’s not act like these two areas haven’t been being constantly disrespected by Europe for a couple centuries
There is a major difference between centralized power (EU) and military alliances (NATO). Alliances should be formulated between nation states, but centralized power structures such as the EU pose a threat to each nation's national identity an culture.
Nothing but shenanigans around the Camp of the Saints.
The EU is just a power structure. If it can be captured, it can be used for anything
Bring back European monarchies
Greenland is Danish since the early middle ages. Good thing is how quickly all the Nords stood by Denmark. Hopefully now more people understand the predicament Ukraine is in, having it's land stolen by a multiracial empire.
Used to be part of the Norwegian kingdom before Denmark
Long term follower crew checking in!
@@robertg305 respect to you esteemed comrade. Following him since Latsbrah days!
@@croatianwarmaster7872 Even I don’t go that far back haha! But I’ve been here since 2016 and can confirm I’ve seen you here since the beginning!
@@robertg305 I subscribed to him 22. july 2015 apparently, checked my log. Been here a while as well.
Honestly great video! I have been watching your videos since my late teens over 10 years ago. You was one of my biggest role models and I too dreamed of Europe where individual countries could determine their foreign policy, defence etc. Times have changed and like you said, we need unified strong Europe which needs to stop it's current way of destroying itself. After I had my daughters I kinda stopped watching you, I thought that you were still supporting EU which was not unified and the unions collapse. I also have my tradinional and national values but we need the union to protect all of us and become strong again. Its very refreshing to hear your comments on this video and you have sparked my interested again towards your content. Thanks latsbrah/golden one!
'we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of Russia, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of ruzz-iya, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of Russia, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
we need a strong unified europe' Why? The reason why it is destroying itself is because it is unified, and the destruction is coming from unified destructive leaders in Brussels, ones that are not even democratically elected. If you even suggest this is because of russ-i-ya, I'm going to laugh in your face because that is exactly what those leaders are trying to do, instill fear and irrationality.
I can always expect the best takes from the Golden One.
I've been saying this for 10 years myself. We need to stand together and stand strong.
No. It belongs to Scandinavia. Period.
It belongs to whoever can take and hold it.
@@Tardenglobe2346this. This is how the world works. No other way
@Tardenglobe2346 Wrong.
@@KroiAlbanoiArbanon Tell that to american indians.
@@KroiAlbanoiArbanon you think you could actually hold it? lol
You’ve got it wrong the system is what’s broken 🔥
The reason why people divide themselves into countries is because of the huge cultural differences between each region. With those cultural differences comes not only a difference in language, but also values. If the US were to annex Canada, you'd end up with California 2.0-giving political power to undesirable and idealistic idiots who'll change the democratic landscape of the US with the same policies that brought Canada to ruin. Same thing will happen to the EU if it's brought under one country. You'll have the mismanaged social welfare of France, the failed foreign policies of Sweden, the censorship of the UK, and the predatory economic policies of Germany. This new country would hardly benefit anyone apart from a social elite who'll benefit from less foreign policies on taxation and trade. This is not a good idea.
How about a European Confederation of Sovereign States?
Pretty much the EU
Amazing insight. Magnificent. True to his people and reliable to our people outside his country. The Golden One should lead the EU
Why can't nations just cooperate on defense issues without being in an official "union" or whatever? You already have advanced defense treaties with NATO. Here in the USA, the states united for these reasons, then slowly the federal government took over and now the states barely have an identity. I now have people from 1000s of miles away dictating how I live my life. It's not a good situation.
What do you think about Tate's new BRUV party?
it's true, I agree with 100% with what you said in the video.
Strong Europe? Maybe in the 40's...
Swedish American here, big fan. But in terms of Europe working together, it seems like Europe was more powerful when they were more competitive, especially with each other. America is not like Europe, we are much less diverse.
I've stood in the Throne room and the King's chamber in Kalmar Slot (many tourists have). You speak wisely :). My name is Thor Gustafson, BTW. Hej!
Thank you, kind, Sir Always for the content! I cannot believe.I have been following this channel for a decade. I am in the U.S. and would one day love to visit your country of Sweden
I as an American have been against the current order we have. I wish for America and Europe to cooperate and have a prosperous future but as equals. Europe needs to step up their militarization. Europe must be able to protect themselves from any threat including possible American ones...
This situation troubles me. I have always looked up to the Golden One; I am in awe of him, he's a great man and we need more like him. However, as an American, one thing I have never understood the support he gives (along with many others) to Trump. As an American, it seems to me like Trump is not at all a warrior of the West (which is the position I desire my president to fulfill). He is not a good man; his treatment of women is reprehensible (from his affair with a porn star to the sexual harassment/assaults to the horrible comments he makes), he is ignorant of American history, he happily converses with the enemy (dictators of East Asia), he advocates for an isolationist foreign policy (i.e. abandoning Ukraine and Europe as a whole to Russian imperialism) and he denies global warming and thus revels in the destruction of the natural world. Even though some of his policies (economic and immigration for instance) may be good, I can't understand how any patriotic Western man can support him. Perhaps someone who reads this comment can explain it to me? I am open to changing my mind in this regard, but from everything I have seen he is not the kind of man that we need running things
Why should we keep sending money to Zelensky?
I guess his enemies see him as a collective will of White Americans, and they are afraid of that. Obviously he does not think in these terms since he is a cosmopolitan businessman. But White Americans do rally behind him, and he is kind of a manifestation of their collective conciousness.
@@Nightdiver20 it seems to me that abandoning Ukraine to Russia is giving Putin free reign to push his borders further West. As I love the European people I don't want to see them annexed by communist slavs.
@@Nightdiver20 why do you hate europeans so mcuh?
@@gluehandsluke8477 Uh huh. So you're cool fighting an unwinnable war down to the last Ukrainian. While making a gay Jewish actor that suspended elections and is utilizing press gangs rich in the process.
That doesn't sound like loving Europeans. Quite the opposite, in fact.
I would much rather have the kalmar union than having EU. Just imagine how strong we could be.
Europe needs the emperor.
Europe needs God. Needs Jesus.
@@breatheeasily4013 A middle eastern deity isn't going to save Europe
Im imprisoned but alive. Watch me return and rise.
Western nations need to stay strong and stand together ❤ Support European and Western businesses.
I am a Frenchman living in Denmark with two Danish children. Trump's views on Greenland remind us of our duties. At some point, some ethnic Europeans will come together as one people, despite certain cultural and tribal nuances, to form new entities. Borders change, and states evolve.
It is always a pleasure to listen to you; you are well-articulated and thoughtful. Thank you for your work. 🙏🏻
On ne fait pas d'omelette avec des œufs durs
I second your vision for a bright Pan-European future! Vive l'Europe!
Europe is a place, it is not an ethnicity.
@@SheepWaveMeByeBye Tell em!
@@SheepWaveMeByeBye No, its not simply a "place." Europe is made up of many ethnicities.
I would have voted Trump but make no mistake he is an egomaniac, and even saying such things against an ally shows his character. Europe needs to rise, we could truly be strong together. I'm a Brit, I would love to be part of a strong union, I love my European brothers and sisters, they're family! I voted though because the EU is in the pockets of the WEF, and seemingly they want to replace us. However, our own (British government) are also, so it made no real difference, at least not yet but it might already be too late.., I think something big is going to happen in 2025
Do you think the UK can still be saved?
@@mattthelearner2797 a single strong man can make a lot of difference, its easily perceveid when you look upon human history. The real question is, where is this man gonna be born? Will him fight the joows ?
Afghanistan does not belong to any alliance and has yet to be conquered. Perhaps Sweden and Greenland should take lesson from that playbook.
May the gods bless and strengthen the European peoples.
Greenland belongs to those who embody the viking spirit.
Sadly, there're more people of this kind in the Western side of the Atlantic than in the Eastern.
7:42 bad take. Europe needs less unity and more independence. The “EU” mindset got you into this trouble ❤ 🇸🇪
You're talking about working together militarily (NATO) that doesn't mean we have to work together economically (EU). Economically a lot of European countries have probably been affected negatively by EU economic policy.
The EU will always stifle you. A confederation limited only to defense and free trade, could work, but not this monstrosity.
The Vikings conquered and settled Greenland, and now there’s talk of the United States plotting to do the same.
The question I have is who are the real inheritors of their legacy? The ones who’ve laid down and allowed themselves to grow weak, or the ones who’ve grown strong and aren’t afraid to go out and conquer?
Just food for thought.
The Strong. Everytime. Ride the Tiger
Conquer some ice sheets then, oh mighty warrior.
Do you think that this is what happened with Europe? Did you forget how Europe made it out of the 1940s? Do you know that the EU was originally an American project together with its demilitarisation and military occupation? Ever heard of operation Gladio? Stop believing your Thiel-Posobiec-MAGA bullshit
Oh no
The Golden One goes globalist
We were so back and now it's so over bros
Make Western Civilization Great Again
*white again
@@purpleelemental3955 Same/Same
Read the malleus maleficarum.
not for the E.U. I am for Europa in the old sense with its promise which was extinguished many years ago by the misguided allies in WW2
The EU was not designed to strengthen European nations as individuals or as a whole. It might be a good idea but it's garbage in practice.
He won’t invade it he’ll buy it if they are given the freedom to sell it. The US grew by acquiring land.
I applaud you for calling American Vinland
I always call it Vinland I wish that were its actual name
Few people in Greenland and Trump must have a short-cut so that he doe not have to sail all around the American continent to get anywhere fast in an emergency, that is why he needs to ensure the Panama canal as well. After all, this also protects Europe besides America itself.
Even with all the hypothetical scenarios where a new Greenland and North American concord work out, unfortunately I don’t think Trump will seriously (or successfully) pursue his repatriation plan. And his silly moves like renaming the Gulf of Mexico will only make this even poorer received. It seems like really bad timing.
Many countries are expanding , Israel in the golan heights , Russia in Eastern Europe and china in South China Sea and eying Taiwan and now USA with Panama, Greenland and Canada
Wow! What a good video
I imagine that the native Eskimo/Inuit populations of Greenland are not mass immigrating to Denmark, and prefer to remain in the land of their ancestors.
The winds will change 👌🏻
Also, only 10% of Greenland is Europeans. You guys need to start colonizing harder
yea. make lots and lots and lots of snowmen
We need EU funds for defence.
And 4% of GDP for defence spending in every country.
Only 4% ? 🤔
You guys can barely scrape by 1%, much less the necessary 2% to be a nato member. Don;t get ahead of yourself.
As a Canadian my point of view is different because we depend so much on the U.S that we would probably benefit of extra protection in the North Atlantic (We don't have an army we have free healthcare). If you look the population of Greenland it is around 57 thousand people... it is all about the Northwest Passage, Geopolitics and Natural resources.
It's about controlling the atlantic, the GIUKgap
either a strong independent ( from the joows ) takes canada in to the usa, or marxist joows are gonna shove canada more deep into a gay kink playground even further, a lgbtq nation. jowws have taken europe as their garden and won in war against the famous austrian and napoleon. The current Rome empire is the USA, the only hope the western has to defeat the hidden enemy is to keep breeding stornger men like trump, conquerors. After trump, greater men have to rise into politics in us and europe, so the white folk ( the truest minority of the world, 8% ) have to reach a common ground of respect. Tough trump is not the ideal leader, since he has ties with joowws, he has hinted to not be on the leash, since two days ago when he clearly attack israel on the social media and he survived homicides attempts of the rothchilds.
Let's just say that USA does annex Greenland.
Was Europe actually utilizing Greenland anyway?
This is a legitimate question with no intended rhetoric.
As a Norwegian i think the Kalmar union would do a lot to this day if it never broke apart and i agree a lot with you on things. Anyway thank you for the information i take you seriously and also care a lot about us and the rest of europe
Would you say Norwegians are a patriotic or nationalistic people?
Of course he won't. It's just some saber rattling.
Lmao cope
No it's serious. He's a con artist buffoon straight out of Southpark. He just discovered that the USA borders the gulf of Mexico, so he renamed it the Golf of America in a decisive blow to the price of eggs. Next is lake Ontario, to be renamed lake Melania. He also thinks his cadre of enraged Appalachians are dumb dumbs so he casually renegs on his America first in order to satisfy his new Elon first agenda. Not a leader for White Americans, more like their pied piper.
@@michaelfrieze The cope is from you dopes thinking Zion Don cares about American citizens, the mans been bought out and sold a long time ago.
@@michaelfriezetrumpoids are coping so much they elected him twice
@@michaelfrieze It's the plain and simple truth.
No more talk about *MASS DEPORATIONS* or immigrants criminals overwhelming midwestern towns, that was for the campaign trail........now we switch to this joke about Canada/Greenland joining the union, something that won't happen and isn't what got him to win the election anyway.
Hope you imbeciles wake up.
Just some more comments and a Like for the algo.
Stay s̶h̶r̶e̶d̶d̶e̶d̶ healthy, strong, & virtuous, brahs (and brahettes).
We're all gonna make it.
Greenland is in Nordic hands for over 1000 years
It belongs to those willing to bleed for it
Can Denmark secure Greenland ? Is the overriding question
If the US takes over Greenland It would probably be a economic net benefit for both Denmark and the United States
its painful watching viking descendants lose their woman and their lands to liberalism.
Both countries are in NATO...
We're back!
I'm still voting out of EU. I don't want it. I want united pan-European peoples group but it should be represented by indigenous European groups Swedish Dutch German English Irish Italian etc. I don't want ZOG or Bilderberg Group or WEF having influence over it. Something that can be both a political and cultural alliance.
American states are able to impose change much faster than the feds, but power is limited. If EU individual nations can’t do at your local levels your union will only centralize failure. Also US needs Greenland & let go of NATO.
Instead of an EU wouldn't a good trade and defensive alliance between Europe be better? EU Is kind of... oppressive and awful lol
The EU could function just fine as a customs/trade union with a defensive alliance added on top of it.
What it should not be, is an overly bureaucratic busy body that makes all the countries of Europe adopt dumb policies and open their borders to the entire world.
Anyway, hope Europe finds a better path forward; the one that it is currently on has no good future.
ok bbrics supporter who hates women.
You should promote yourself in the sense that you are & men like you are what Europe needs in this climate of Russian & American aggression & it's obviously NATO will fall.