Recovery of Japanese Midget Off Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 18 ธ.ค. 2024
- Creator(s): Department of Defense. Department of the Navy. Naval Photographic Center. (12/1/1959 - ca. 1998) (Most Recent)
Series: Moving Images Relating to Military Activities, ca. 1947 - 1980
Record Group 428: General Records of the Department of the Navy, 1941 - 2004
Production Date: 7/13/1960
Shot List:
1) ECU Crewmembers of USS CURRENT (ARS-22) handling cables at stern in preparation for salv aging sunken midget Japanese sub, which participated in December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.2) CU Cables passes over stern roller. G3) HA CU Stopper put on cable. G4) HA MS SCUBA diver in water alongside ARS. G5) CU LCDR HENRY R. MENNARD, CO & SERVPAC Salvage Officer during conference aboard ARS. G6) MLS Midget sub alongside ARSI floating crane; ships at dock. G7) MS Same as before; men walk alongside sub; cables attached to sub. G8) MS Floating crane; men aboard crane, look toward sub; men on wooden float alongside sub; Pan, to right, around strbrd. side of sub, held by cables (SV) different angles. G9) M S Japanese sub alongside strbrd. side of ARS; men on deck of ARS, other men on float alongside sub as preparations are made for picking it up from water. G10) MS Slings, attached to floating crane, prepared to pick up sub (SV).11) MS Slings pick sub slowly from water; men on bow of ARS look down on sub. G12) MS ARS, floating crane, midget sub; crane picks sub from water G13) MS Sub hanging over water from slings of crane. G14) MCU PAN Around strbrd. side of midget sub, lifted clear by floating crane; men on strbrd. bow of ARS look down over sub; Pan, to right, men on float. G15) MLS Midget hanging 5" above water, off strbrd. bow of ARS. VG16) CU PAN Cables wrapped around midget sub as it hangs from floating crane. VG17) MCU Sub lowered to deck of barge (floating crane); men walk about side of sub to look it over. G18) ECU Midget sub conning tower. G19) ECU After quarter of sub, barnacles, rust. G20) ECU Four-bladed twin screw, rotating propellers. VG21) ECU Shoe sticking out of side of under part of sub, oil drips out of stern section. VG22) ECU Same as above. G23) MS Heavy cables wrapped around sub, which is sitting on deck of floating crane. VG24) CU UNDERWATER: Japanese midget submarine in 80" of water; diver inspects hulls & torpedo tubes in which torpedes are still in firing position. G25) CU UNDERWATER: SCUBA diver inspecting sub as it rests on bottom. G26) CU Diver swimming past sail of sub; Pan, diver looks over top of sail. G27) CU Diver examining periscope of sub, attempting to scrape away dirt from glass. G28) HA CU Diver swims around side of sub; steel cables attached around sub, ready for lifting it; diver swims along length of sub onto bow; several small fish swim near diver as he inspects torpedo in position for firing, second terpedo, below, also ready for firing. G29) CU Diver swims past sail (sub is encrusted with barnacles, sea shells, moss). G30) CU Deep-sea diver walking along bottom toward side of sub. G31) CU Midget sub. P32) CU Two midget sub torpedo tubes in firing position. FtoP33) HA MS Sub resting on bottom. F34) HA MS Underwater photographer swimming alongside sub, taking still photos (SV). F35) MS Photographer treads water near side of sub sail. GtoF36) CU Strbrd. quarter of sub; Pan, to right, along strbrd. sids of hull. GtoF37) CU Counter-rotating screws of sub; fish swim about after part (SV) different angles.
Contact(s): National Archives at College Park - Motion Pictures (RDSM), National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001
Phone: 301-837-3540, Fax: 301-837-3620, Email:
National Archives Identifier: 83216
Local Identifier: 428-NPC-28716
National Archives Catalog: catalog.archiv...