Sturgill has talked about playing this song with John as one of his favorite moments I would love to see colter and Sturgill sit down together and do it
I play a weekly show in my town, it’s an hour and a half, 45 minutes of my own music and 45 minutes Colter and Prine covers so I am rightfully in tears right now
It's just being simply true about how life is a a chance for real George Jones type County Music to come back..... Love the way your feelings are in it. Thank you
First time I heard this song, Nancy Griffith sang it on her album, Other Voices Other Rooms. I learned the words quickly because I loved the song. God, I was juts a kid then. Thanks for the walk down memory lane Colter.
Same here! I still listen to that album on a regular basis-- it introduced me to John Prine and Townes Van Zandt and others when I was an ignorant kid who didn't know who those folks were, but I grew to love their music, thanks to Nanci.
Wow, I love that album. I’ve just never met another soul who knew it. I listened to it many years ago on a road trip with my mom and brothers. I can listen now and it takes me right back. Such a fantastic record.
So proud of Colter covering John here of late, showing respect. John's been my mainstay 'bout all my life, Colter someone to finish out with. If he ever plays out west here in California, I'll be in line to see him as I was with John. May the circle remain unbroken.
Artists change and evolve over time naturally. Many miss his old sound but for it was great for what it was. Those old songs will forever be gems but this is great too.
He can probably still sing like that he’s gone back and forth with it on his previous stuff. I think recently it’s been more a style/preference choice. Either way incredible.
I love the fact that he gets the words mixed up. This happens to me every other time I attempt a Colter song. Too much poetic genius to remember all at once in any one of his tunes.
Saw John play 3 different times at the Ryman a few years back, great songwriter, great entertainer too. My brother turned me on to Colter and as a starving artist myself (cause I just can’t bring myself to play today’s so-called “country music” I’m thinking of just giving music up. Cause if ya ain’t at the right place at the right time & don’t know the right people...well that explains why I’m a starving artist haha. I digress, keep it up Colter, ya give me hope that truly good music ain’t dead yet. Still pissed that the goddamned virus killed Prine though, at least I got to see him at the mother church in Nashville a few times. Seems like a lot of singers are dying from covid, compared to actors etc...which is a damn shame. Not that I want anybody to get sick and die with it but just seems like it’s especially hazardous for musicians.
@@manueldumon509 this is going to sound really weird for the uninitiated but it’s a mixture of tomato juice, clam juice and spices. It comes out tasting like tomato juice with more salt. It’s the key ingredient in the Caesar cocktail which is Canada’s national cocktail. It’s also common practice to mix it with beer as a hangover cure which I assume is what Colter and friends are doing in the video
Listen to John Prine every day. Lately it’s been the same with Colter. Love this raw footage just sitting around playing great covers. Keep it up. As real as it gets
Colters voice has changed a lot recently. Its not as low, guttural, and grumbly as it used to be. Still my favorite artist. But I miss that sound he had in 2017-2018.
He's still trying to find his voice and what sticks. I agree with you on some level. I think his newer voice suits songs like this one, but his newer performances of songs like Kate McCannon are missing that deep gravely voice
Bob's a nerd the thing about colter is that this voice seems so, restricted now. Like he’s not projecting it like he did. That’s why he was so damn mesmerizing to everyone when he first was getting some recognition. He had this boisterous and haunting voice that echoed. Kate McCannon and the Devil wears a suit in tie are the prime examples of him being something that no one has ever seen before. It’s eerie, dark and low. But sounds beautiful. I’m really down for more of the western style music. But I REALLY don’t want his voice to change. His deep and gravely voice still fits it. Like an old western coal miner/ cowpoke. Still love him. Just want his voice to stay like it did
@@CowpokeCannoneer he couldn't control his voice as well as he can now and it makes a difference to how the song sounds. Even at this point his voice still sounds deeper or just as deep as Johnny cash
It's because he sings so much more now than he used to. When you don't talk or sing much, your voice gets deeper. The contrary happens now because he's always playing shows
I think i love colters covers more then his own. Dont get me wrong, his are something elts. But his ability to capture the raw emotion in others songs in such a unique way time and time again, is nothing short of amazing.
Love this ol tune. Hey Colter, I see you sang that song I recommended quite a while back (Is anybody Going to San Antone- Charley Pride) .... Hey a couple More, Wolverton Mountain, Tom Dooley, The Letter Edged in Black, A Soldiers Last Letter.... ) Love your tunes man!!!
I've always been a massive fan of Jon Prine and I've always loved your voice. This is a perfect cover with the John Prine video style. I can't wait to see you in concert in the future.
lots of comments about how his singing style has changed- loved his early stuff but this new more country style is great - he has moved to Nashville and I think they have convinced him to move to a style that will make him appeal to more people - still loved his old style with that twangy guitar and kick drum and deep gutteral vocals
I wish people would realize how epic this man is .
Both of them.
That’s the beauty of it....
@@shawng9956 man, you said it, brother! @Aaron Maguire hat's off to you as we for being the 1st to put it out there
John or Colter?
He's just gotten better. He's maturing into that huge voice without having to dig for it.
I dunno if hes maturing more hes sinking more ciggies but he Is bloody good alright
@@resultofboredomowo950 You must be from the UK brother. Much love from the US.
@Brett Goym I think the overall tone is lower but it deceives the ear as he is singing more gently and natural now.
I wish he would keep it digging for it though.. I want them old blues back he started off on
He really is perfecting his voice. I think his last 2 albums are unbelievable and they sound incredibly natural.
I really appreciate whoever shot this. It genuinely felt like I was there.
Sturgill has talked about playing this song with John as one of his favorite moments I would love to see colter and Sturgill sit down together and do it
Then it would not be Colter.
2 amazing artist
Sturgill stinks
@@jarivesterinen i'm looking for that "eye-roll" emoji.
This is my comfort TH-cam video
He's just a man. Seeing the flaws of our heroes makes them even better. Colter Wall forever
I play a weekly show in my town, it’s an hour and a half, 45 minutes of my own music and 45 minutes Colter and Prine covers so I am rightfully in tears right now
You just earned yourself a new subscriber. Your ability to play Colter's tunes is very impressive.
Isaac Shouldice now I see where you came from!
I just wanna be friends with you guys cuz you commented on this video.
@@houstonhughes40 me too friend
Isaac Elliot
One of the neatest Prine covers I’ve heard yet. I sure do miss you John but you’ve influenced so many musicians. It’s awesome to see.
absolutley !!
Reminds me a lot of Townes Van Zandt. Colter absolutely kills it
Colter is the spiritual heir of Townes 110% you can see the style of TVZ absolutely permeated throughout Colter's albums .
praying for a Colter Wall album of John Prine covers.
I've been watching this every night for about three night and I think I've become a happier person
That may be the first time I have seen Colter Wall smile. It's a beautiful one to match that voice. Awesome cover
"How could a love that'd last forever, get left so far behind!" Great cover, great cinematography. Thank you
Colter will always be real man. He’s one of the best artists out there. Hope he’s around for a long time.
my favorite musician of the summer singing my favorite song of the summer
Few yrs back I heard your music n told me buds that in times to come u will be looked upon as one of the greats …. My opinion hasn’t changed , cheers
Only recently have it started listening to Colter and told my ma and my pa "This guy sounds like John Prine". And now to find
I wish he’d release a cover. My favorite one yet. Love what you do colter
Love he did ole JP. John Prine was sooo underrated
How can a love that will last forever get left so far behind?!
It's just being simply true about how life is a a chance for real George Jones type County Music to come back..... Love the way your feelings are in it. Thank you
First time I heard this song, Nancy Griffith sang it on her album, Other Voices Other Rooms. I learned the words quickly because I loved the song. God, I was juts a kid then. Thanks for the walk down memory lane Colter.
Same here! I still listen to that album on a regular basis-- it introduced me to John Prine and Townes Van Zandt and others when I was an ignorant kid who didn't know who those folks were, but I grew to love their music, thanks to Nanci.
Same. Except I was not a kid, and just never paid attention to who wrote what & for that, shame on me.
Wow, I love that album. I’ve just never met another soul who knew it. I listened to it many years ago on a road trip with my mom and brothers. I can listen now and it takes me right back. Such a fantastic record.
"Lay me down easy....lay me down hard...."
Couldn't help but notice the similarity
So proud of Colter covering John here of late, showing respect. John's been my mainstay 'bout all my life, Colter someone to finish out with. If he ever plays out west here in California, I'll be in line to see him as I was with John. May the circle remain unbroken.
This is legit the best song ever written. Thanks for doing a tribute to John.
I am a Musican and songwriter let me say I forget lyrics all the time. Love this guy !
Artists change and evolve over time naturally. Many miss his old sound but for it was great for what it was. Those old songs will forever be gems but this is great too.
He can probably still sing like that he’s gone back and forth with it on his previous stuff. I think recently it’s been more a style/preference choice. Either way incredible.
Whoa. He's growing into something greater than what he is now.
Props, son.
im addicted to this dude
I just love the 3:51 part so much. Its not the low notes that he is doing there, but the quality of the voice is just amazing.
You caught that too?! Right when I heard it I thought WOW!
I love the fact that he gets the words mixed up. This happens to me every other time I attempt a Colter song. Too much poetic genius to remember all at once in any one of his tunes.
Love the jar of Govt, bud on the table. Great way to start the day.
God, this is unbelievable. Just one of them artists where the music just flows out. Sounds so natural
Hopefully colter can feature this cover just as good in his new album
Definitely put a smile on my face......enjoyed the beer and the clam too..👍🇨🇦😉🍻
His voice just sucks you in for the ride even when he’s just jamming and funnin around, geez! Monster natural talent! Makes me proud to be Canadian ❤️
Brad Wall's kid is just about the only good thing to ever come out of a Canadian politician.
😂 too funny
This is the first song I’ve heard from this man, and damnit. This is good.
I think your awesome. I could sit and look at you and listen to you play til the sun came up..
I'm a big fan of natural singers. This is at the top of my list. Thanks bud
what a breathtakingly beautiful boy
I REALLY want him to record this song. Just him and the guitar like this. And Cowpoke with just him and the guitar.
Howdy from grande prairie, AB.
Great cover, RIP John Prine. One of the best of all time 🙏
Two of my favorite artists how have I not heard this sooner
That B roll was gorgeous imagery
Two of my favorite things colliding.
I love this kid, he's so wildly talented. I miss handsome Johnny Prine terrible though, Covid sucks!
i sure like this young man.
Doing John Prine Justice with this version. Beautiful
God damn just truly amazing, breathholdingly good. Colter just makes the world slow down one song at a time.
Saw John play 3 different times at the Ryman a few years back, great songwriter, great entertainer too. My brother turned me on to Colter and as a starving artist myself (cause I just can’t bring myself to play today’s so-called “country music” I’m thinking of just giving music up. Cause if ya ain’t at the right place at the right time & don’t know the right people...well that explains why I’m a starving artist haha. I digress, keep it up Colter, ya give me hope that truly good music ain’t dead yet.
Still pissed that the goddamned virus killed Prine though, at least I got to see him at the mother church in Nashville a few times.
Seems like a lot of singers are dying from covid, compared to actors etc...which is a damn shame. Not that I want anybody to get sick and die with it but just seems like it’s especially hazardous for musicians.
Love love love Colter Wall. He is the best!!
Another incredible artist that understands the great loss in John Prine not only as a songwriter but as a person on this planet
Something new from Colter Wall, Christmas came early!
I see that beer Clamato and government bud, a very Canadian morning
the clamato and beer thing is not just Canadian. i heard girls in Missouri like that too 😊
Haha beer Clamato . Sounds about right.
@@stardust4225 my wife, who is English, drinks it all the time but she picked up the habit here in Canada
friends would you be so kind to explain what Clamato is?
@@manueldumon509 this is going to sound really weird for the uninitiated but it’s a mixture of tomato juice, clam juice and spices. It comes out tasting like tomato juice with more salt. It’s the key ingredient in the Caesar cocktail which is Canada’s national cocktail. It’s also common practice to mix it with beer as a hangover cure which I assume is what Colter and friends are doing in the video
Always go with the first take. Nothing but heart.
i listened to this at least 20 times. Just beautiful.
Love his voice hope to hear more of it.
I seen colter and john this past summer both great musicians in my life
Listen to John Prine every day. Lately it’s been the same with Colter. Love this raw footage just sitting around playing great covers. Keep it up. As real as it gets
Kinda reminds me of Transcendent Ramblin' Railroad Blues
Just thinking that 👍
Yep yep light my cigarette
Colters voice has changed a lot recently. Its not as low, guttural, and grumbly as it used to be. Still my favorite artist. But I miss that sound he had in 2017-2018.
Hes really refining it though. I feel it's sounding much closer to Merle Haggard and Marty Robbins but still much deeper
He's still trying to find his voice and what sticks. I agree with you on some level. I think his newer voice suits songs like this one, but his newer performances of songs like Kate McCannon are missing that deep gravely voice
Bob's a nerd the thing about colter is that this voice seems so, restricted now. Like he’s not projecting it like he did. That’s why he was so damn mesmerizing to everyone when he first was getting some recognition. He had this boisterous and haunting voice that echoed. Kate McCannon and the Devil wears a suit in tie are the prime examples of him being something that no one has ever seen before. It’s eerie, dark and low. But sounds beautiful. I’m really down for more of the western style music. But I REALLY don’t want his voice to change. His deep and gravely voice still fits it. Like an old western coal miner/ cowpoke. Still love him. Just want his voice to stay like it did
@@CowpokeCannoneer he couldn't control his voice as well as he can now and it makes a difference to how the song sounds. Even at this point his voice still sounds deeper or just as deep as Johnny cash
It's because he sings so much more now than he used to. When you don't talk or sing much, your voice gets deeper. The contrary happens now because he's always playing shows
Often what's most difficult to do is the most worthwhile. Thanks, John.
Hey Jack. Can you please make more videos of Colter like This?
We all need This in our life
All I need right now.
Weed, rolling papers and cigarettes. I think I love him!
Good ole outlaw
@@nickbecerra9360 that bud is government of Canada approved
Thanks for this video. Encouraging for all of us who forget a line in the middle of a song. Nice recovery
It’s going to be really interesting to see how he sounds when he’s in his older years. Keep making music Colter, you’re one of the greats
I love all of these old videos of colter just hanging out and jamming. I love this song
Can't get enough of this version by Colter !
3:17 reminded me of Tyler Childers for a second
That's because it is Tyler Childers
Ya, pretty sure it is🤔
Soon as I heard this man I was blown away. Immense in my humble opinion. Have not found a song of his I do not like.
I think i love colters covers more then his own. Dont get me wrong, his are something elts. But his ability to capture the raw emotion in others songs in such a unique way time and time again, is nothing short of amazing.
yeeeeeup - littlejack x cw...there is nothing better. Wish I could taste that fine smoke you got up'ere ! cheers boys
Love this song. This is the best version Ive heard!!!!
never stop
Stay medicated colt I listen to you all day helps me get thru them
Great job Colter!!
One of the beast Prine covers I’ve ever heard, but I have OCD and all I am thinking when watching this is - gosh this table needs cleaning :)
It's great, love alabama 3 too though
Rip john colter wall has got it from here
John Prine is one of the best songwriters around, so sad he never got much public recognition. Well done colter🙏
Love this ol tune. Hey Colter, I see you sang that song I recommended quite a while back (Is anybody Going to San Antone- Charley Pride) .... Hey a couple More, Wolverton Mountain, Tom Dooley, The Letter Edged in Black, A Soldiers Last Letter.... ) Love your tunes man!!!
Great version!
One man’s B roll is another man’s treasure. Amazing song, covered by an amazing young talent.
Even when he goofs up it's still awesome. How?! lol
The Mark of genius there, bc this ain’t his song or in a studio, and yk this is true musical genius trying to please a request
A real talent
Good tune - sounds great > great to keep John Prine's music going.
I feel like I just drove a thousand miles
Would love for Colter to record this, just the way he sings it here. Best version ever. With the verses in the right order, of course. ;)
Colter youre awesome. Thanks for the good music. You're blessed to sing it. Im blessed to hear it. And wow at that 3:54.
One of a kind
what an amazing Voice he have got
Just sooo good!
I've always been a massive fan of Jon Prine and I've always loved your voice. This is a perfect cover with the John Prine video style. I can't wait to see you in concert in the future.
well done from alberta
This is the way to play this song !! Thank You Sir !
lots of comments about how his singing style has changed- loved his early stuff but this new more country style is great - he has moved to Nashville and I think they have convinced him to move to a style that will make him appeal to more people - still loved his old style with that twangy guitar and kick drum and deep gutteral vocals
That makes me sad that he moved to Nashville. It taints unique country talent.
Nashville misses you John Prine
I love that bassline
One heck of a tribute, thanks my man . ! .