Great breakdown! As a Drummer/singer The KSM8 is great because it keeps the cymbals to a minimum and keeps up with me bouncing around better then my beta58 does. I don't think I would ever use it to mic a guitar cab though. It's probably just normalcy bias but the 57 just sounds right and the KSM8 doesn't.
Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it! For most of the video it is connected directly to a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 as I wan t to show the mic’s character without processing through a transparent preamp (Guitar and Bass amp tests are using an 18i20). For the hardware processed demonstration I am using a Universal Audio 710 TwinFinity preamp with compression (optical-vactrol), EQ, de-esser, and expander from the ART VoiceChannel. Other combinations I recommend for this microphone are a 1073EQ preamp with either an LA-2A (optical) or 1176 (FET) compressor. I personally use a WA-1073EQ and WA-2A.
EXCELLENT REVIEW!! Using Sony 7506 headphones & a Motu M2 Interface here. Also listening with my laptop headphone output with the Sonys. Thank you for this review. It has steered me away from considering the KSM8. The upper midrange on this mic is killing me. It really shined on shaker and acoustic guitar, but I give it a thumbs down on vocal. Harsh scratchy midrange? Absolutely. In general, I love Shure microphones; just not this one.
Thanks! The KSM8 gets a lot of use in Pop to help cut through during live performances in loud venues. It is best suited to darker voices imo and without a question that upper mid push can be heard loud (too loud) and clear on 7506s...
@@askdrtk Yeah. You've heard the term "cuts through the mix"? Well that's exactly what I don't want to do! I mostly do live sound reinforcement / recording of vocal groups. Most modern microphones seem to be voiced to cut though. When I get back from a show I've done and then have to mix the recording, I find myself fighting that over abundance of mid range. Not fun!!
You said it! I know I sound like a broken record (bad pun), but there is a reason I am always going on about natural / neutral voicing for microphones and headphones / monitors. Dealing with so many venues with terrible acoustics, live sound and mixing later is a nightmare. You would think neutral setup (as much as possible), process for the venue, and record both wet and dry, but it almost never happens...
shure is going down a bad road they produced new capsules and none are good. ksm8, ksm9, ksm11, nexadyne 8 s c. and starr models are bad sm58 57, 87 beta 58 87 and others. at this point no one knows what is good.
Awesome Review. Thanks for the info
Thanks, glad it was helpful! Cheers!
Great breakdown! As a Drummer/singer The KSM8 is great because it keeps the cymbals to a minimum and keeps up with me bouncing around better then my beta58 does.
I don't think I would ever use it to mic a guitar cab though. It's probably just normalcy bias but the 57 just sounds right and the KSM8 doesn't.
57 is very close I sing on a 57 with a filter on live and just love on vocals.. now Just purchased the KSM8 Happy Camper
Great video! Can you tell me please, which preamp you use with your Ksm8? Any hardware compressor? Sounds great! :)
Thanks, I am glad you enjoyed it! For most of the video it is connected directly to a Focusrite Scarlett 8i6 as I wan t to show the mic’s character without processing through a transparent preamp (Guitar and Bass amp tests are using an 18i20). For the hardware processed demonstration I am using a Universal Audio 710 TwinFinity preamp with compression (optical-vactrol), EQ, de-esser, and expander from the ART VoiceChannel. Other combinations I recommend for this microphone are a 1073EQ preamp with either an LA-2A (optical) or 1176 (FET) compressor. I personally use a WA-1073EQ and WA-2A.
Using Sony 7506 headphones & a Motu M2 Interface here. Also listening with my laptop headphone output with the Sonys. Thank you for this review. It has steered me away from considering the KSM8. The upper midrange on this mic is killing me. It really shined on shaker and acoustic guitar, but I give it a thumbs down on vocal. Harsh scratchy midrange? Absolutely. In general, I love Shure microphones; just not this one.
Thanks! The KSM8 gets a lot of use in Pop to help cut through during live performances in loud venues. It is best suited to darker voices imo and without a question that upper mid push can be heard loud (too loud) and clear on 7506s...
@@askdrtk Yeah. You've heard the term "cuts through the mix"? Well that's exactly what I don't want to do! I mostly do live sound reinforcement / recording of vocal groups. Most modern microphones seem to be voiced to cut though. When I get back from a show I've done and then have to mix the recording, I find myself fighting that over abundance of mid range. Not fun!!
You said it! I know I sound like a broken record (bad pun), but there is a reason I am always going on about natural / neutral voicing for microphones and headphones / monitors. Dealing with so many venues with terrible acoustics, live sound and mixing later is a nightmare. You would think neutral setup (as much as possible), process for the venue, and record both wet and dry, but it almost never happens...
This shure KSM8 is Phantom Powered?
It is a dynamic mic, no phantom power required.
@@askdrtk thank you for the information . You got really good videos
Thanks, glad to help out!
shure is going down a bad road they produced new capsules and none are good. ksm8, ksm9, ksm11, nexadyne 8 s c. and starr models are bad sm58 57, 87 beta 58 87 and others. at this point no one knows what is good.