Internet Police I understand the logic behind that. I don't know how good a move it was to do that though. The game itself is pretty dark when inside. I still feel there should be a little more balance to that. Either that or I'll just keep jumping my settings around whenever I decide to grab the game.
When you play hostage. Activate fuze's cluster charge and let a team mate kill you before the grenades explode which must kill the hostage, it'll say the enemy killed the hostage and you'll win
Mat, you should refer to Murphy's Military Law:
If a plan is stupid but works, it isn't stupid.
I'll admit I miss battlefield somewhat, but I come here for Matt, and if Matt enjoys himself, I enjoy myself ;)
LevelCaps screaming when he fell off the roof was amazing lmao
The window breaching at 4:00 was a completly awesome and perfect breach.
"I'm doing something stupid, Level!!!!". Hahahahahha.
"A slight rustling of the britches" 😂😂
Reminds me of the Battlefield Friends video where they are debating about killing the enemy whose legs are sticking out of the building.... LOL
5:15 when Mat still doesn't know there's a bedroom in Chalet
"I'M DOING SOMETHING STUPID, LEVEL" -As he CalloDootiez through the window
I love your funny moment videos Matimi0, keep it up :)
So mat when are you going to make MMM shirts?
The sun glare in the windows looking outside is ridiculous.
0:36 . This was something I had an issue with on the betas. I can never see anything outside the windows.
+Mr. Rain well they still havent done anything about it. just mess with the brightness and gamma settings and you will be able to see
Internet Police I understand the logic behind that. I don't know how good a move it was to do that though. The game itself is pretty dark when inside. I still feel there should be a little more balance to that. Either that or I'll just keep jumping my settings around whenever I decide to grab the game.
After this video I don't even need mother to milk me
Matimi0 will you make a video about 2WW Insurgency mod called Day of Infamy?
What do you think of having a movement acceleration to make the gameplay more realistic and to slow it down slightly
+ashton fussman
You mean like have a build up to sprint from prone, rather than instantly going "gotta go fast?"
+cptTK421 I mean from standing or Crouching it takes a few steps before you reach top speed
That will just be annyoing when you trying take cover behind a Wall or something
Day 12 : still waiting for Milk Me Mother t-shirts
0:35-0:45 my issue with the lighting you can't see through windows...too bright or too dark..
Slight rustling of the britches. ahahahahahahahaha
you guys should have a custom match... your squad vs Levels squad, with team speak...that would be hilarious I bet
Matt are you gonna do a 500k vlog or celebration video?
What's the camo on f2 in the beginning called
Juice me! Juice me brother!
matimi0 what brightness do u play on?
How did he noticed that guy on 1:15 ?
nice video mat!
LevelCap's "Phil Collins Effect" mic...
What camo is that for the mp5
I think it's the one they gave u for playing beta
What sensitivity do u do
Imagine if Payday and Rainbow Six Siege had a baby
Milk me paysixsiege
How do you type in game on Any device? I'm very confused...
can you make video of your favorite operators?
Will you be still playing R6Siege after the release of the division?
Mp5 melts people's faces, best gun in my opinion
whats your kd and win/loss in rainbow six?
Matimio always cries for levelcap
You should try Verdun i am sure you'll like it
What is your field of view at?
When you play hostage. Activate fuze's cluster charge and let a team mate kill you before the grenades explode which must kill the hostage, it'll say the enemy killed the hostage and you'll win
+CrazyDutchArchitects Lolz!! Does this really work?
What's up with Level's audio?
has anyone seen the battlefield friends episode where they debate the morality of the wall glitch kill?
Who's better u or Macie jay?
could someone link me that MILK ME clip? I wanna see it for myself
+zeeshan EgoIsWar actually it was on twitch, I don't see this clip on yt.
+RyNiuu I think he had it in a comp vid a few weeks ago.
+zeeshan EgoIsWar /watch?v=Y_yvTMxdAM0
you can thank me later
level cap at 4:06 to 4:10
This game is so fucking addicting.
Do you ever die in this game?
Yes... He died in this video aswell lol...
Rarely, I once encountered him in Chalet and I Sledged him from behind, it was hilerious
+J.T.A. Essers Hilarious*
+J.T.A. Essers no you didnt
+andrej novakovic To me the people on casual are harder than the people on rank..
Dang, i see quite a few of the guys you face in my matchmaking which makes me curious why i haven't face you and Lvl yet.
great video
Aww come on we need some Battlefield content.
I'm sure mat will do more battlefront when more content comes out for it..
+Ross Jordan I feel as if he means Battlefield, like Battlefield 3 or 4, or even bad company 2
ahaha no worries m8
I want to milk levelcap with you
sick skilz
how much is this game it look awesome
i saw nukem dukem
"5 minutes ago"
Dam, so early
I have a challenge for you play as twitch and only get kills with her drone sisy.
Milk me M.... M.... M.... better not do this
I can't stand Levelcap's laugh :D
3:32 yeah level karma is a bitch.
milk me milk me milk me mother
i like your voice mat!!!!!!
how are you so good
Master Bedroom?
I miss Battlefield.......
for some reason a youtuber hacker channeling put u on their related channel list weird
like before watching crew
Milk my sea lion...
levelcrap would be better at this game if it took 10 headshots to kill someone. Then it would be all skill.
You should mute LevelCap in game so you don't hear him double !
lol elephant skin
Rip Vahvuus
luv you
but is it... eeeemerrsssivvve?
How did you get famous
+Insainity SkUllZ deez nutz
by asking his mother to milk him
I don't play that game so why is there a little kids voice screaming "reloading"?
+RezzillaraX Myby he just really likes pie ?
+Klunhaaf true story
Name chef
Milk me mat
I have done that to some one
Whoever reads this, have a great day. :)
isnt the new one something seal? actually milk me mother was funnier
Confirmed: lvlcap sucks
milk me mother
Uhhh mat im done. I dont wanna see r6 ffs. Go on with it but dont expect any veteran on your channel to instantly love it. Bai
Then wait for battlefield content to come out
+Shadowdeath 915 it pretty much turned into an r6 channel
An african Kid We got BF4 videos for 2 years. You're telling me that you can't handle a few months of Rainbow Six ang BF4 mixed?
you should be ashamed of yourself.
+Shadowdeath 915 dude we get one bf vid every month. Now leave me alone. This isnt gonnna make me sub back
milk me now
lmao saying stupid shit, someone automatically knows who you are xD
stop playing rss
You titled the video Wall Glitcher, there was no wall glitcher you just lied wtf i watched this bwcause of that. Unsubscribing
How is this a funny montage
Juice me! Juice me brother!
+Brayden Eckert and?
great video