rhmh tegaru kab hzbawi gnbar zitemaharwo u eti n gedli b fkadka miwxae nska gn nezi hji zelo natna weledo eka tirie zeleka hji dia knhad ena ember entay dia kngebr kem baria b 500 nakfa n werhi tekefilna sdrana kiniali aynkiel wala hiwetna kemrhana zeykiela domoz enahabe kid aytibelo kem zikeyd gbero tegeruna entay kngebr delika ente eti kdm n slenaxnet sleznebere kulu seb b fkadu u zkeyd neru sdrana gefefu sahl zewredom yeblomn bzkone hawey hji kbleka zdeli zihalefe yiakl nhna ahwat ena hade hzbi ena hade kanka haymanotna wn hade slezi eti zhalefe halifu u ab ztekaewe may zeyhfes aynzareb ahwat nkun nezom mflilay zgebru ayashu tigrigna eritrean ethiopian nimiadom ember aynhrekelom b mimiead u eti hwnet zfter kemiu elka kim hizka n dekika amehalalifka temotka eti neger ena kefia ember ena hashe aymexien u n haymanotnan kbrinan wn ab hadega zewdk u netom areminat kia dil aynhabom christian temesilom ab mongo ahwat baesi zeetiwu meliom yom tigrigna temesilom wn ab mongo ezi tigrigna neger zesawru maeleya yeblomn nezi felitna anxar ezom kemiziom ena tegaazna neta kedem zneberet hwnet nmlesa ye zblkum yekeneley
GG MM ; Isn't it sad that the russian and cuban trained fathers of yours were defeated badly by such stone hearted elementary school drop out kids? These same young and vibrant heroes also defeated the the back bones of ELF(Jebha), EPLF(shabia), EPRP and other chauvinistic groups. Was it just a fluke or has any historical and cultural reasons?
Hito Aloni, don’t flatter yourself. Derg was defeat in Eritrea by EPLF-Wekaw, Nadew, Fenkil, etc. TPLF was created, trained and handheld all the way to Addis by EPLF. I wish your TPLF what it deserves, for better or worse. I suspect it is the later. Will wait and see!
ETHIOPIA AGERE nah there is not BS on our part, I just mentioned a real fact but I guess you don't like to hear facts! All you people talk 24/7 is BS and blatant lies! How do you like it where your country is going now? enjoy the demise while we sit and cheer when you guys disintegrated apart, can't wait for that time! it's sad that we have a malicious neighbor in the south, very unfortunate! what goes around comes around!!!! we Eritreans don't forget what you did to us!
Matt Fish , As for the heroic history of tigreans i would refer you to your previous masters- the italians, the turks and the egyptians. You can as well take a tour in and around roma to have a look at the erected monuments in memory of their badly routed and annihilated soldiers in kufit, dogali and gurae and guess by who? not by your banda forefathers ofcourse, who were serving their italian masters both as canon fodders and sex slaves (i dont need to remind you the fact that the italian soldiers were notoriously known for their abusive nature to the extent of forcing your forefathers and mothers to bend over for bafankulu). This was your history while our forefathers like Yohannes and Alula with their thousands of tigrean heroes were beating your masters over and over again in your own land. Can you see th contrast? As to the current and recent history of tigreans please ask your tigrean masters in eritrea (Baba Issayas, Hagos Kisha, Yemane Charly And Monkey) who led the eritrean struggle by using the eritrean youth as their askaris to die on their behalf so that they become kings, makers and breakers in your own land. By the way you eritreans are very loyal and determined in serving your masters as bandas, askaris and canon fodders. Issayas had very deep knowledge of this very nature and character of you shallow mined eritreans, and he effectively utilized it to galvanize the rather emotional eritreans to die for his personal ego to become a king but Only in the name of freedom. Now where is that freedom, except the brave and tactful tigrans have become kings, princess and masters of 5MILLION eritreans. No sign of freedom but new iron-fisted masters as usual. Adious eritre!
Weyane is not ashamed when they lie, they do not have a good conscience, they think they are well educated. They boast an empty story. They are talking in front of the camera 🎥 like a Superman. But we Eritreans specially shaebiya know you weyin wiegin well. There is an old saying on tigrina ( Deki adina alewu do kinhisu. Weyane they do not care when they lied. Shaebiya has learned how to shoot how to fight enemy, how to drive cars trucks and tanks but l do not think You have forgotten without being ashamed to tell the truth. Agame you will vanish from earth surface. You do not have long time left Ethiopians will burn you to hell Viva Eritrea 🇪🇷 viva shaebiya 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Adam Samuel kkkk Adam yegerm eu kulu gize shabia abyina hankulina misgana zayblom sebat.seb tilam telamat eyom dehar ke eti kunat mostly ab Eritrea eu neru hanti biseli zitedegefe yeblomn.any way tray miknay
ክብርን ሞጎስን ልጀጋኑ ስዋአትና ብደምና
ብቅልፅምና ሀለዋትና ምንነትና ክናረጋግፅ እና
1000 ዓመት ንበር በዓል ሰለስተ ምዕራፍ ጀግና !!
God bless the hero people off Tigray
ፍስሃዋይ ኩርዓት ኣታ ተባዕ እንካዕ ናተይ ኮንካ
ጀጋኑ ደቂ ትግራይ!!!!
አይ ጀግኖች
መፎከር የለም
መሸሽ የለም
ላገራችን ትዋደቃላችሁ
ኣያታት ትግራይ ተጋደልቲ ህዝባዊ ወያነ ሓርነት ትግራይ!
13 ክፍለር ሲመረ ስንት ወጣት እንዳስጨረሰ ብትጠይቂው ጥሩ ነበረ ጉራ ብቻ።
አንተ በቁምህ የሞትከው እያለህ
Schabiya abegisatom
Nhizbi Eritrea vs tigray
ኣዛዚ ፖሊስ ኢትዮጵያ ዝነበረ፡ ጀነራል ፍስሃ ኪዳኑ(ፍስሃ ማንጁስ) ዝተበሃለ ወያናይ፡ ምስቲኣ ዝሓረረት ኣንቴኖቭ፡ ናብ በአል ሰዩም መሰፍን ተላኢኩ::
Gezahegn Gebremariam
አየ ጅግንነት ተጋሩ ሸጥ ምዓጣ መናእሰይ ተጋሩ ብፍቃዶም ክንጋደል ኢና ኢሎም ይከዱ እስኩም ትሕቲ ዒድመ እኩም ተባሂሎም ይክልከሉ መናእሰይ ኤርትራ ድማ ከይጋደሉ ሃገሮም ገዲፎም ስደት ይወጺ
rhmh rhmh atea resah nehina shiger yabilnane sedat tewxana adena selam eu Tegaru endiyom abi gezai hagrom zehradu. Zergaxu zekitalu zelawu faswite xahixahite hije eska tekalsu hijeska nabeskumne wagnkumene hagezu hadamite .
rhmh tegaru kab hzbawi gnbar zitemaharwo u eti n gedli b fkadka miwxae nska gn nezi hji zelo natna weledo eka tirie zeleka hji dia knhad ena ember entay dia kngebr kem baria b 500 nakfa n werhi tekefilna sdrana kiniali aynkiel wala hiwetna kemrhana zeykiela domoz enahabe kid aytibelo kem zikeyd gbero tegeruna entay kngebr delika ente eti kdm n slenaxnet sleznebere kulu seb b fkadu u zkeyd neru sdrana gefefu sahl zewredom yeblomn bzkone hawey hji kbleka zdeli zihalefe yiakl nhna ahwat ena hade hzbi ena hade kanka haymanotna wn hade slezi eti zhalefe halifu u ab ztekaewe may zeyhfes aynzareb ahwat nkun nezom mflilay zgebru ayashu tigrigna eritrean ethiopian nimiadom ember aynhrekelom b mimiead u eti hwnet zfter kemiu elka kim hizka n dekika amehalalifka temotka eti neger ena kefia ember ena hashe aymexien u n haymanotnan kbrinan wn ab hadega zewdk u netom areminat kia dil aynhabom christian temesilom ab mongo ahwat baesi zeetiwu meliom yom tigrigna temesilom wn ab mongo ezi tigrigna neger zesawru maeleya yeblomn nezi felitna anxar ezom kemiziom ena tegaazna neta kedem zneberet hwnet nmlesa ye zblkum yekeneley
ጅግና ወድ ኘሕፎሮም
ሰብ እሞ ሰብ ኢኻ ሂወት ከም ሃገርካ "
ጎቦ ወያናይ ፅንዓት
ኣላጀ ትመስክር
መስመር ህዝብይ ሒዝካ (ሰብስ * ሓፅን ትስዕር ::
(ሰቲ D "K)
The Legendary Generation TPLF You Deserve Golden Thanks TPLF My Hero
Anti Ethiopia terrorists that made Ethiopia landlocked and divided our country along ethinic lines.
Apparently it was announced he is no more as of 08/30/22 🇪🇹
You mean he is dead ?
መንጋ ❗️
ስንቱን ገላችሁ ጨረሳችሁ
ተቃጠል አንጂ ትግራይ ሁሌም ጀግና አላት
ተጋደልቲ ጀጋኑ ኢኩም ብጣዕሚ ነይርኩም። ግና ታይ ዋጋ ኣለዎ ነበለት እንተትሪኣ ሀዚ ከምታ ሻዓ ዝገደፍካያ እያ ዘላ ። ንኢሃፓ ኣብ መሬቶ ደርዕምዕ ዘበለ ህዝቢ። ሀዚ ተመሊሱ እንትራገም ትሰምዖ ብጣዕሚ የጉሂ ። ኣብ ነበለት ናይ መንግስቲ ትካል እታ ክሳብ 3ይ ክፍሊ ተማሂረላ እትብላ ዘለካ ቤት ት/ቲን ሓንቲ ጣብያ ጥዕና እየን ዘለዋ ንሰን እካ ናይ ዘበነ ሃይለስላሰ እየን ግና ምንም ንሰን እውንከምታ ዝነበረኣ እየን ምንም ለውጢ የብለንን ። ውፈርየ ውፈርየ ከም እምባ ስነይቲ ከም ዘይተብሃለ
ኣብ ሓንቲ ጽሓይ 3500 ዝኣክል መንእሰይ ከም ዘይ ኣወፈየ
ሎሚ እህህህህህህህህ እናበለ ይራገም ኣሎ
ሃቅ ኢዩ ግን ግዚኡ አይኮነን
Ertrean tv yesterday news
ጸጋይ ወዲ ስገናይ ትብሃል ወድ ኮምሪት ጾማቂት ስዋ ባንድ ጭፍራ ተሽካሚ ግይሶ አርይ ኩዕንቲ ነቃዕ ርእሲ ወዲ ማሕበር ለመንት ትግራይ ሳሕስሕ ዓጋመ ።
Suk bel mehaym
He is one of the 3rd grade major general. Oh yay, he beat the iletrate major general Yohannes W/Giorgis (medid)!
GG MM ; Isn't it sad that the russian and cuban trained fathers of yours were defeated badly by such stone hearted elementary school drop out kids? These same young and vibrant heroes also defeated the the back bones of ELF(Jebha), EPLF(shabia), EPRP and other chauvinistic groups. Was it just a fluke or has any historical and cultural reasons?
Hito Aloni, don’t flatter yourself. Derg was defeat in Eritrea by EPLF-Wekaw, Nadew, Fenkil, etc. TPLF was created, trained and handheld all the way to Addis by EPLF. I wish your TPLF what it deserves, for better or worse. I suspect it is the later. Will wait and see!
GG MM so what bitch ass, jealousy, tigraway only can do that struggle and sacrifice and liberty and justice...jeganuTegaru
Hiji tray n nay abi halengi kidalewlu alewom zmhrom iymesln
Abzia dw ab 2 awlaelo tabiya kihen kdmi 8 amet mebrahti kefilom aymetsalomn mengsti abtsuhulna
Terweoe Heswe
Ethiopia it's, better without Woyane!
ጨርቂ ለለዎ ጨርቂ ለብሉ እንበልኩም ከመዘይ ተዓሉምኩም ረስዒኩሞ ወይ ትህራዋይሲ ሉቡ ጥውይዋይ ከምዝብሃል ናይ ብሐቂ አነ ኤርትራ ይፈልጣን እየ ግን ኤርትራውያን አብ ኤርትራ ልቢ ትግራይ አሎ ይብልዎ ናይ ብሐቂ ዩ ?
dmu hlkus kem aboka kem aboka tegonbah nsu eyu zemhrelka
Leba leba🐷
ጋዜጠኛ ግን ዓቕሊ ይጎድለኪ እዩ ዝሓተትክዮ ሕቶ ሙሉእ ብሙሉእ ከይመለሶ ካሊእ ኣይትሕተትዮ ህድእ በሊ ዋእ
ለጥፍ ልጥፍ ብዘይ ዋጋ በርገደር ጀነራል ክክክክክ
ዓሻ ዒራዒሮ!!!! ኪድ ግዳ ክም ኣመልካ ናይ ጥልያን ማዓኮር ልሓስ!!!
አይ ሻቢያ 🐬🐬🐬🐬
የካቲት 11ፀልማት ህዝቢ ትግራይ ብትብል ቀይርዋ ብስም ህዝብን ስዋአትን አህዋትናን ምሽቃጥ ይአክል ዝሰምዐኩም የለን ሐሰውን ለያው ከማኩም አየርአየንን ቻው ደጊም ዐይንኩም አየሪአና ሌያው ወራዳታት
ዓሻ ዒራዒሮ!!!! ኪድ ግዳ ክም ኣመልካ ናይ ጥልያን ማዓኮር ልሓስ!!!
ካብ ተጋሩ ሓሶትን ስርቅን እምበር ሓቅን ጅግንነትን ኣይትመሉቅን እያ ።
እብ ክመንቲ ምፃሓፍ ወይ ክዓ መፅርፍ ናትክም እያ እንተድሊካ ክምቲ ትፍክሮ ናዓ ኮራክርካ ሒዝካ ትርክባ እመብር ክሉ ስላ ዝፅሓፍካዮ እይኮነን ንመንታይ ኢክም ትቃንኡ ክሎም ዘኮንስ እንትም ትፅራፍ ትሪፍ ቅንኢ እያ ክምዛእ ትግብር
ዓሻ ዒራዒሮ!!!! ኪድ ግዳ ክም ኣመልካ ናይ ጥልያን ማዓኮር ልሓስ!!!
ባድመ ወሪርክን ሃፍቲ ንብረት ሰሪቕክን ክትፍክራ ከለኽን ኢድክን ኢድክን ካብ ዝኸርሙኽን ጀጋኑ ሓደ እዩ
ፍስሃ ኢዶእ ንስካ እውንዶ
ጠሊምካና ወይዛ ብዘት
ባል ዓድያ ሓጋረጋ ካብ ቀደሙ ናይ ንኡስ ወረዳ ብዘት እዩ እን ኣሎ
እፍተራሪ ፋንታ እባ ከምዝ
ኢልካ እናተዛረብካ ተዘሰምዑካ ሓሳዊ ንስካ
ኪድ ንዓዲ ኣሕፎሮምካ
እንተ ዓድያ ሓጋረጋ ግን
ብዘት ነይረን ብዘት ኣለዋ
ፈራሕ ሸያጢ ባቶኡ ማሓረኒ
ክርስቶስ እዚ ሓለፍነት
ተስኪምካስ ትሕሱ
ናዓካ ዝክልክለካ የለን
ኪድ ንዓዲ ኣሕፎሮምካ
እንተ ዓድያ ሓጓረጋን ግን
ባይቶና እየን ደሁል እና ሓሰወ ገድዩ ስልጣን
ተዋሂቡ ብዘት ከይብል
ወዲ ዓዱ ንብርሃነመስቀል ረዳ እዩ ስልጣን ኣይትሃብዎ
ከይባሃል ሽም ባይቶኡ ሒዙ
ንዓዲ ኣሕፎሮም ከይዱ።
መበል 43 ዓምት ወያኔ ዝለመነትሉ ጉሓፋት ጅግና ክትብሊ ሕፈሪ ሃደምቲ ኢዮም
ክፍቲ ኣፍ ረሓቅ ሃዳሚንስኻ ኢኻ ድድዕ ጅግናካብ ጅግናእዩ
Ata wedi maemin kide entay tgeber aleka abezi korkoro gahaf lemanis neska eka et nabaelikas nesb thibo deneze
@@lmlmhou2187 ጉሓፍ ወያኔ ንርኤየክን ገና ክትበኽያ ኢኺን
Anta gunuf zeyi nabotatna tflita eki weyane tarik nay weyane anebeb riesi tahaliyika denkoro
Oy b arsna Ethiopia tekoxaxirnaya ko u zbl zelo. Shaebya tezekiratlu nefixu kikeda u
ካብ ታሊሞም መስ ተምልሱ ደፋት ሰርሆም ሰርዊቶ ካብ ሞት ከድህኑ ኪሎም
እዋይ ሓሶት ባህሊ እዩ፡ ኣብ ትግራይ፡ ጎረቤትኩም ፡ምኻንሲ፡ከም ኣብ ጥቃ ጭዓ ፡ከምዝ ተጸግዐት ቆልቃል እይ፡ ሓሶትን ጥልመትን፡ናብ ኤርትራ ምእንቲ ከይትእትዉ Visa ጥራይ ዘይኮነ ከድልየኩም፡መመርመሪ ናይ ሓሶት እትምርምር Machine ኣብ ዶብ ክንገብር ኢና።ምኽንያቱ ሓሶትን ጥልመትን ዘይኮንካዮ ምኻንን፡ ዘይገበርካዮ ጌረ ምባልን ነውሪ ሰለዝኾነ ፡ኣብ ኤርትራ ሒዝኩሙልና ምእንቲ ከይትእትዉ፡ነዚ ውን መመርመሪ Machine ክንገብር ኢና። ኣብ Encyclopodia,ብሓሶትን ጃህራን ክብረ ወሰን Record ክትሕዙ ትኽእሉ ኢኹም፡ምኽንያቱ ኣብ ዓለም ምሳኹም ክወዳደር ዝኽእል ክህሉ ብፍጹም ኣይክእልን እዩ።
Very good interview but TPLF regime ended
Your life same Derg military.
ንዓመታ ከምዚ ዓይነት ቃለ ምሕተት የለን
Gal Ere gual Ere kemay deaya izaguday? intay dea nay 98 2000 qunat zeytezarebelu resiwo dyu?
kxedfuna delyom kkkk 🇪🇷🇪🇷🇪🇷
Gal Ere 😂😂😂😂
ዘበጠ ለን! 😂😂😂😂
Gal Ere ፈሳም ናይ ባዕልኪ ግበሪ። ምንድብሬታ ዘይ ኮስተረትስ ምንድርቤት ጎረበታ ዶ በሉ
mish do sekti wedi 7dikala hush
Manjus nay hizbawi ginbar mexewui shem koynu, abti gizeti tihti 18 Amet kigadel elu ente keydu hizbawi ginbar manjus elom nab sidriu eyom zimelsuwo nerom that's way hizbawi ginbar kemzialemuka Kab kalka aregagixna alena
ኣቱም ኤርትራውያን ናይ ሃለውለው ታሪክ ገዲፍኩም ብጭቡጥ ክንደይ ተጋደልቲ ኤርትራውያን ወይ ኣባላት ሻዕብያ ኣብ ኢትዮጵያ ንወያነ ክሕግዙ ተሰዊኦም። እዚኣ ሕተቱ ካብኡ እቲ ሓቂ ክበርሃልኩም እዩ።
ሕንጊዱ ቅሱን ተጋሩ አብ ሳሕል ቡዘሕት ተጋሩም ክምዝተስውኡስ ትፈልጡዶ
sara godafa hasas ane ke entay do ele eye?
An defltom 13 kab agr serawit enda 52 tankena 5 ezom besm defltom eyom 1 nay xent mekina mes serawet be ayer nay derg
Seori fexm hasewt serkt eyom
ወያን ሃሳዊ ወድብ አዩ አስክ በሰል ወይ ቪዶ የረይና ካልሶም ናይ ገብሃ ከኣ ካብ ስሃል ተኣሊም አንድ ተምልስ ወያን 300 ተግድልት ናይ ወያን ኣብ 1 ረፍድ ደምሣቶም አይ ሃክና ታሪክ ኣይዝርቡን አዮም ሃሰውት
Hizbawi ginbar b1961 biretawi kalsi jemirom niskum gin dhri 17 amet b 1978 ekum nikalsi jemirkum, kab hizbawi ginbar dima buzuh hagez enda tegebrelkum ekum kisab naxinet mexikum.
AG hisabna kingebir Alena weregna hizbawi ginbar 60 tegadelti aseltinom eyom nay weyane! Weyane dima Eritrea 🇪🇷 Nexa gera ya! Men yaqeniyelna kibil zelewo?
ሚ/ጀነራል ፍሰሃ ኢንድሕር ኣብ ከባቢ ሰብዓታት ተሰልፍካ ኢት ኩሉ ተ' ሓ ' ኢ ሓገዝ ትገብሮ ዝነበረት ግለጽ
worede tegadlo harnet dia nab sahil nab hzbawi gnbar n keywerdu ab kebesa koyna tkilklom nera ember entay kithgzom
Fekue terwoe
aye inda weyane, belu iske tegadaly nay shaibia (inda commando, kebid biret) nizigeberlkum azentiulu, ab beal shire, gonder, bahirdar, debrebrhan, welega, ambo,arat kilo(addis abeba) nizifesemo jigninet kurub iba belu. mechem hagizna imber tehagizna aytefltuwan.
Matt Fish ,aye enda shabiya natkum jigninet eko ab shire, gondern bahridarn tirah meas koynu.,ab bademe, bure, bada, alitena kemuewin geza gerelassie eko terayu eyu. Bezikone zigeberkumlna nizimeslekum hagezat kulu eko ekul misgana ab bedeme hibnakum ina...ziterefe entelo kea ab ewanu kibetshekum eyu. kkk
Matt Fish hahaha I wonder that u guys don't have any idea how portrayed u are....we don't wanna hear your bullishit
Hito Aloni shabiya tifelt ika jigna ambesa beal sire u unlike you weyane hademti n ferahatin. nay beal bure, badme, bada kab tezarebkas inka iti haki, badme nimihaz kendey seb atfikum? tifelt dika? beynay meleki nay wetehaderawi science u weyane jigna kibhal? shisho seb hizka kurub meret silezihazkas weyane jigna u tibl? ab bure serawit weyane kemti zeyele tedemsisu, ab tsorona imo intay kinbil ina, tanktatkum kulom harirom serawitkum ab difa'e shabia haliku. ab adi quala keman kem hisum tewedikum.kem weyane dihur serawit yelen, azeztu ykun wala iti tera wetehader. kem iti natikum fekeran bzhi serawitin axwarn si aykonen Eritrea n sudan keman mehazkum gin sire n wetehadrawi ki'elt silezeyblkum ab barentu terifkum. plus dima abti kuinat sala amharun oromon imbery tegarus sakt ikum LMAO!!! Shabiya goitaka u!!!! mis shabya neger jemirkum ab gudguawd kikbrekum u gizekum tirah texebyeu mealtikum akila ya inda weyane...LOL!!!
ETHIOPIA AGERE nah there is not BS on our part, I just mentioned a real fact but I guess you don't like to hear facts! All you people talk 24/7 is BS and blatant lies! How do you like it where your country is going now? enjoy the demise while we sit and cheer when you guys disintegrated apart, can't wait for that time! it's sad that we have a malicious neighbor in the south, very unfortunate! what goes around comes around!!!! we Eritreans don't forget what you did to us!
Matt Fish , As for the heroic history of tigreans i would refer you to your previous masters- the italians, the turks and the egyptians. You can as well take a tour in and around roma to have a look at the erected monuments in memory of their badly routed and annihilated soldiers in kufit, dogali and gurae and guess by who? not by your banda forefathers ofcourse, who were serving their italian masters both as canon fodders and sex slaves (i dont need to remind you the fact that the italian soldiers were notoriously known for their abusive nature to the extent of forcing your forefathers and mothers to bend over for bafankulu). This was your history while our forefathers like Yohannes and Alula with their thousands of tigrean heroes were beating your masters over and over again in your own land. Can you see th contrast? As to the current and recent history of tigreans please ask your tigrean masters in eritrea (Baba Issayas, Hagos Kisha, Yemane Charly And Monkey) who led the eritrean struggle by using the eritrean youth as their askaris to die on their behalf so that they become kings, makers and breakers in your own land. By the way you eritreans are very loyal and determined in serving your masters as bandas, askaris and canon fodders. Issayas had very deep knowledge of this very nature and character of you shallow mined eritreans, and he effectively utilized it to galvanize the rather emotional eritreans to die for his personal ego to become a king but Only in the name of freedom. Now where is that freedom, except the brave and tactful tigrans have become kings, princess and masters of 5MILLION eritreans. No sign of freedom but new iron-fisted masters as usual. Adious eritre!
He is dead
Ezi natika major General binay Eritrea shemet kinmezno kelena cobral eyou wediza borkuak. Hagez nay hizbawi ginbar abey teresiu????? Hizbawi ginbar Cherki zelata cherki zeybila enda belu gaman kebilukum kelewu, nimntay deyzekerkayo? man fit gam fit turgumu entay mukanu tifeltuwo sile zey neberkum that's way hizbawi ginbar ab egrukum cherki asiru zialemekum aygelexkayon
AG hisabna kingebir Alena ክክክክክክክክክክክክክክክክክክ
sara godafa, ehi shukorina tegagiye diye xibktey
AG hisabna kingebir Alena እወ ተጋግካ
sara godafa, shukorina emo taric sile zogdele bitaemi akorini
Weyane is not ashamed when they lie, they do not have a good conscience, they think they are well educated. They boast an empty story. They are talking in front of the camera 🎥 like a Superman. But we Eritreans specially shaebiya know you weyin wiegin well. There is an old saying on tigrina ( Deki adina alewu do kinhisu.
Weyane they do not care when they lied. Shaebiya has learned how to shoot how to fight enemy, how to drive cars trucks and tanks but l do not think
You have forgotten without being ashamed to tell the truth.
Agame you will vanish from earth surface.
You do not have long time left Ethiopians will burn you to hell
Viva Eritrea 🇪🇷 viva shaebiya
Biniam Habte wishetam lerash temar adel ltastemr
binam habte ኣነ ተጋዳላይ ናይ ህዝባዊ ግንበር ዝነበርኩ ኣብቲ ዝብሎ ግዜን ቦታን ዝነበርኩ ተጋዳይ ነበር'የ ቅንጣብ ሓሶት የብሉን ኩሉ ሓቂ'ዩ ዝዛረቦ ዘሎ ከመይ ዕድመን ጥዕናን ይሃቦ ቆራጽ ተጋዳለይ ወያነ ነበር ንስኻ ግን ኣብዘይትፈልጦ ኣቲኻ ሕማቅ ኣይትዛብ ዝሓወይ
You nail it
ስለምንታይ እዮም መራሕቲ ተጋሩ ኣብ ቃለመጠየቖም ኣብ ኤርትራ ከምዝተዓለሙ ህዝባዊ ግንባርን ህዝቢ ኤርትራን ዕጥቕን ስንቅን ኮይኑ ኣብዚ ዘሎዎዎ ደረጃ ከምዘብጽሖም ዋላ ብጌጋ ገሊጾሞ ዘይፈልጡ ።ስለምንታይ ነቲ ሓቂ ዘይዛረብሉ ተመፓጠጥ መሊሶም ዝመጹ ኮንጎ ን ስረን ዘዕጠቖም ሻዕብያ ምዃኑ የሕፍሮም ድዩ ኮይኑ።
Adam Samuel * አብ ኤርትራ ይታዓለሙ አብ ሱዳን ይታዓለሙ በዘይ የገድስ ንደርጊ ሲዕሮም አብ ሰሚናዊ ሳሕል ከቢድ ምርብራብን ከቢድ መስውእትን ከፊሎም ኢዮም አብ ናቕፍ ጥራይ ልዕሊ ዓሰርተ ሽሕ መስውእቲ ከፊሎም ዝውዓሉ ሕተት ጫፍ ሒዝካ አብ ስደት ተሓቢእኻ አይትሃውትት።
Etitrea dea entay etqin sinqin kithibu n bealukum qeleb asa konkum zelekum.
Adam Samuel kkkk Adam yegerm eu kulu gize shabia abyina hankulina misgana zayblom sebat.seb tilam telamat eyom dehar ke eti kunat mostly ab Eritrea eu neru hanti biseli zitedegefe yeblomn.any way tray miknay
efr em 10000 hifret zayblom sebat ata akinkia zaythsu kab 200 entekoynom keman
Michael J nskum ke fooo elkum hizbi Ethiopia bejeka hasotin minchibirbar sirkin terara yanketekte kkkk eti kunat ab tigrai du neyru welas ab Eritrea alem biabaya xebibatkum abta nay kedemekum nabra
Ertrawyan hasada belen aynkum. Kefue lementi. Ejera lemano tebelu kidu. Wexu. Kab Ethiopia. Sheramut fak 🖕🖕🖕
Wiro Hode ክክክክ
Wiro Hode Zim bel yeshormuta lij
Amara game over!!!! Down down Abbiy (ሚኒሊክ)!!!! ታርጋችሁ ራሱ ኣማ ይላል። ኣማ = ኣግኝቶ ማጣት ። እድሜ ለወያኔ---ለኦነግ ከእንግዲህ ቦሃላ ኣማራ (ሚኒሊክ) የኢትዮጵያውያንን ደም ዳግመኛ ኣይጠጣም!!! ምሊኒክ የኣፍሪቃ ሄትለር ነው ባንዳ ሃገርሻጭ ጡጥ ቆራጭ ከሃዲ ታሪኩ ለዓለም መነገር የግድ ነው!!! ነፍጠኛ ኣማራ (የሚኒሊክ ቡችሎች) የሚፈልግዋት ኢትዮጵያ ሁለተኛ አትኖርም። አሜን ብለው ተከባብረው መኖር ወይም እድሜ ልካቸው እያለቀሱ ኡኡ እያሉ መኖር ነው ያላቸው ኣማራጭ!!!!!!!!!።
ኣንተ ዉሸታም ኣሮጊት ዉሻ ኣጋሜ ዝም በል! ያልሆነ ታሪክ ኣታዉራ። ታድያ ሃገራችን ትታችሁ ሂዱልን ወደ ድንጋያማ ደረቅ ደረቅ ኣገራቹ!
amharay edkan egrkan akib nhna tigrigna ena ena eritrea tigray hade hzbi yom bsenki menelik bsenkukum ena tefelalina
koala10ish ካንተ አባትና ከዚህ ጀነራል ማናቸው ያረጃሉ? kkkk
ኣንተ ዉሸታም ኣሮጊት ዉሻ ኣጋሜ ዝም በል! ያልሆነ ታሪክ ኣታዉራ። ታድያ ሃገራችን ትታችሁ ሂዱልን ወደ ድንጋያማ ደረቅ ደረቅ ኣገራቹ!
ers be ersachu endemtbalu ergtegna negn shintam kondaf tenkuay buda
Fuck you Amhrich
Abzia dw ab 2 awlaelo tabiya kihen kdmi 8 amet mebrahti kefilom aymetsalomn mengsti abtsuhulna