I have been using the Bullet for 5 years now as I have a hard time casting an open face reel due to arthritis in my hands. I use them in salt water fishing the Flats in Florida. I have used mono, fluorocarbon and braid, all cast well ( mostly use Fluoro.) 2 of my reels have well over 14k casts (47.... 7 hour days). I rinse the reel inside and out including the line. I have had no problems with these. Just my experience using the reel probably more that 95% of the folks out there. We mostly cast 1/4 oz jig with Gulp bait with and without a popping cork. I load with 12lb line (will hold about 130') and really like the 12 drag. The only draw back is it is a little heavy for casting 350-400 times a day. Be sure to wash inside out including the line after being in salt water. Enjoyed your video .....not many out there on the Bullet.
@@leroyabernathy307 Hey there🤠 I usually don’t find myself spending that kinda money on a reel, specifically a Spincast reel but I seriously saw an opening, had the money, and gave it a shot.. I’ve used it many times but mostly for top water action baits like whopper ploppers and buzz baits.. I also like crank baits, deep divers, square bills, and rattle traps. It’s smooth, casts far, can hold braided line, and seems to be a well thought out. I truly enjoy using it. I have more of a habit of using vintage equipment..Sorta what I’m known for but when it comes to new Spincast reels, the older Delta ZD2, the older (around 2015)Abumatic 170, and this Bullet are my go to’s.. Thanks so much for watching and commenting!! Thanks for letting know how you use it, gives me some ideas🤔🤠. I very much appreciate it!! Willie
I just bought a Zebco 33 “Platinum”! It is better than I could have imagined. The reason I bought it: Because I got tired of “wind knots”, when using a spinning rod in a stiff breeze. So, I bought another, just a regular 33, and the accompanying rod for my grandsons when we go fishing. Thus reducing reel problems immensely. I think I would like to fish a tournament with a Zebco. Just to see how well it works in that scenario.
@@jebbohanan2626 Hey there🤠, I’ll have to look into this “Platinum” series… I had two 33 golds and one of them never made it out of the house.. It broke on the table.. I’ve used so many reels in the last 4 years that I’ve figured out a lot of the little things that make one great or terrible or just manageable .. There’s a few vintage reels that I’d love to do a tournament with.. maybe one day.. I’m just not a competitive angler.. I enjoy the relaxing nature of fishing, whether I catch anything or not but adding the extra challenge of using a vintage piece of equipment that I brought back to life, makes it even more enjoyable.. I think the Zebco Bullet up to this point has been my favorite. Followed by the Delta ZD2… I’m very happy with their performance.. but now I need to look for a platinum edition 33, thanks🙄.. 😂😂😂
@ I use a vintage zebco reel 606 1952 and a Zebco rod 1965, for playing around when I’m at a jobsite that has a pond… I’ve surprisingly caught several huge bass on it! No telling how many bream. lol
@@jebbohanan2626 Now that’s right up my alley.. I’ve got several vintage Zebcos.. Hard to say what my favorite is but the 33 Spinner with “no anti-reverse has got to be close..
Watching this episode made my day a little better. I enjoyed the comparison but think I'll stick with my older Delta...the newer reels are out of my price range! That's why I like the vintage stuff I guess, because it is most times fixable and those old reels last and last. Maybe noisy, maybe slow, but they still get the job done. By the way, you caught a couple nice ones! Keep putting out the good videos, Willie, we really enjoy them.
Great video, Willie, nice comparison of the two reels, I kind of think I'd lean a little more toward the Bullet for the 9 bearings and the quicker retrieve ratio, they both seemed to perform great and landed a nice mix of fish. Oh-by -the -way, I really like the new look of the "man cave", it really complements your passion for vintage fishing equipment! Take care and be safe!
Hey CJ, I believe I’m leaning more towards the Bullet as well but that’s only because of what I paid for it.. they’re both over priced in my opinion if you pay full price.. The Headquarters has a tendency to change from time to time but when I use the GoPro to record with it gives a wider view than the Sony.. I was just tired of the Sony cutting off on me.. not as good of a picture with the GoPro but it worked without shutting down. Thanks for watching CJ!! Willie
Thanks for the comparison video. I watched a few of your others as well. I had some gift cards and picked up a bullet 20 for my 8 yr old son as an upgrade to an older 33 that was a little too big for his hands and giving us some fits. We’ve got 3 trips on it and so far he is hanging with me cast for cast and I don’t have to stop and help work out any issues. The Zebco website says the 20 is 12 lb braid ready, may give that a shot too.
Hey there and thank you for this comment!! I checked the Zebco website and you’re definitely right about the braid.. It’s actually capable of handling 80yds of “20lb” braided line.. I have no idea why they avoided putting it on the reel or on the box the reel came in.. I’ll be sure to include that in my next video on the Bullet, or at least a quick info bulletin during an episode.. They took the time to stamp it on the Delta and even print it on the bubble pack that it came in.. again, it baffles me why they’d do that for the cheaper reel and not the more expensive one.. Again, thanks for the info and watching!! I wish you and your son many happy fishing trips!! Willie🤠
Hi Willie, both reels seemed to be worth the price. They both caught fish. Being able to cast further is a plus. Both reels are from China. I'd use both too. Tell All Hi and meow. Take care. ❤❤❤❤❤
I noticed you didnt change your retrieval speed when switching back amd forth. That means you were bringing the bait back in way quicker with the bullet. Did you notice any more/less bites on one that day?
Hey there🤠, It was actually quite hard to catch those few fish I caught that day. I was out there for over 2 hours just to catch what you saw.. I actually tried a bunch of different baits and techniques in that 2+ hour time frame.. sadly, when you make a 20 or 30 minute episode, you guys only really get to see the catches. Kinda like those old Saturday morning fishing shows of the 70s and 80s, the viewer only gets to see the good stuff😄. A lot of the time, I end up with a pile of used baits at the end of recording that no one e ever sees. All from trying different things to catch a fish.. I do change many different speeds, baits, and techniques to catch a fish, it’s just that you guys, the viewer just see what catches the fish, which may make it seem like I’m not doing anything any different with one than I am the other.. That day, the fish were being a bit picky and I tried crank baits, worms, spinner baits, and jigs/grubs.. but again, they took their time hitting on anything but worms and jigs/grubs were all they would make a move on. I can tell you that those reels cast pretty well, because I probably made 1000 casts with each in that 2+ hour period.. sometimes I question why I decided to have a fishing channel.. 😉😄 Thanks for watching!! I may bring this up in an upcoming episode!! 😃 Willie
I never thought I would see a $100 dollar spincast reel. They are beginner fishing reels . I still love them ! I think the last I bought was a $45 abu garcia. I never liked spinning reels and wasnt willing to spend the time to learn baitcasters . Throwing everything from buzzbaits,spinner baits, crankbaits, carolina rig, plasic jigs , of course plastic worms. fishing In a a small bass club. I think they are best for bobber or cat fishing. Not cranking. My best was a 12 3/4 pound largemouth Bass caught on 4 1/2 inch red zoom worm, Zebco 33, 12 pd line. A great day with The Lord !!!
🤠Hey there! I’m very glad you commented because it’s been going around in my head for quite some time, the differences in people’s perception of spin cast reels.. Today’s version of the Spincast reel has definitely been “cheapened” for the sake of sales to a younger or “beginner” generation but I just don’t believe that’s what the earlier versions were.. I guess I’ll get into that in a later video but thanks for lighting that fire😂. I think paying full price for either of those Zebcos is a bit much.. I think “what I paid” was fine because the Delta at $44 what ok and the Bullet at $65 was right on the border of their worth. I mean, if you buy 2 chic-fillet combos you’re looking at almost $30 so at least you get to keep the reels😂. Sounds like you’ve made some nice catches with yours!! God gave us a lot of things to keep us occupied, I thank him everyday for it all. Fish are one of those things.. Thanks for watching!! 🤠Willie
@@michaeljennings6647 I’m still in the process of testing them.. I recently put braided line on the Bullet and it’s performing well but I can cast it completely out of line so I have to be careful how far I fling it.. The Delta hasn’t impressed me much.. it’s chunky, noisy, uncomfortable to hold.. However, I’m currently using an older version of the Delta that’s honestly better all the way around than the new one.. The omega I haven’t bought yet, maybe during next years Bass Pro trade in sale I’ll pick one of them up..
Out of the two Deltas I’ve used, I have to say, the Bullet has surpassed both of them.. My Delta ZD2 started off great but unfortunately has been giving me issues the last couple times I’ve taken it out..
Willie. Where can I send my reels off or maybe drop off my reels for repair...have different reels with different problems..and BP does not provide this service any longer...need a reel repair person..do you know of any ???? Thank You Keep up the great work. Really enjoying the content. Local to your area. "757"
Hey there 🤠, Bishops on J Clyde Morris Blvd was the last place I knew of in the area and they told me that the folks who use to do it, have stopped. They mentioned someone on the other side of the tunnel in the Va. Beach/Norfolk area but I have no idea who that was.. So at this point, I have no idea. Might be able to call Greentop in Ashland or Bobs Bait and tackle in Norfolk/Va. Beach.. Wish I could tell you more.. Thanks so much for watching Willie
Howdy Paul!🤠 I understand what you mean. These two reels are a bit high and hard on the wallet. But you know me, I’m a flea market, yard sale, antique store guy.. The old ones are more my speed and price..
I came close to getting one of the Kastking spin cast reels.. Pisifun stopped making their version… I may grab an Omega next year when Bass Pro does the “trade in” thing again and I can get it cheaper.. It’s been on my mind for sure..
I had a special bicentennial "Spirit of 76" Vega. It was a terrible piece of machinery that I absolutely loved. If the Delta was green it would be a clear winner! LOL
@@TheGraytOutdoors a lot of Vegas ended up on a drag strip with a 350 in them! Mine was literally falling apart with rust. Holes big as a grapefruit all over it!
Good morning Willy , Skip here. Enjoyed the video as usual. I was in an Ollie's yesterday and saw a Jebco 808 combo for about $35.00. Is that a good deal, and do you have an opinion on the reel?
Hey there Skip! I’ll try to get up to Ollie’s and take a look at that combo. Gotta be honest though, there may be better choices, as a matter of fact, I know there is but I’ll let you know…
Skip, I went to Ollie’s today, I saw the 808 and it “might” do what you need to do but personally I wouldn’t touch the thing with the 7’ pole it comes on.. it’s massive and most likely not going to stand up to much.. I don’t know how much fishing or what type of fishing you’re wanting to attempt with it but if you’re going that large, with 20lb line, I’d suggest a spinning reel combo instead.. I can help you find something if you’d like.. if you’re looking for something new..
@TheGraytOutdoors Willy thanks for the info. My fishing experience has been limited to Salt Water fishing while living in Florida. I can count on one hand the number of times I have Fresh water/bank fished. What I want to do is have equipment that I can use at the various campgrounds I visit. Any recommendations you could provide will greatly appreciated.
They most definitely were… the Delta was a good reel and would make a nice piece of equipment for anyone but the Bullet does appear to be more about luxury..
🤠Well, I don’t own one but I will definitely start looking for one out there.. There is a certain one that’s been on my mind.. but I promise, the very second I get one, they’ll be a video..
Hello!! Yes, you were correct in what you heard. The Delta was most definitely loud. Not as much in person as it was on camera. Using the “chest mount” for my GoPro puts the reel right in front of the camera so it picked up the sound really well.. It definitely was loud.. Thank you so much for watching!! Willie
both seem like a pair of good reels for the money, especially for the price you got em at! those hot air balloon looking handles look like they'd knock against the joint in your thumb all day, not fun.
They both definitely have their goods and bads but even though the Delta seems to be able to do it all, I liked the comfort of the Bullet. Just had to get used to the gear ratio…
I have been using the Bullet for 5 years now as I have a hard time casting an open face reel due to arthritis in my hands. I use them in salt water fishing the Flats in Florida. I have used mono, fluorocarbon and braid, all cast well ( mostly use Fluoro.) 2 of my reels have well over 14k casts (47.... 7 hour days). I rinse the reel inside and out including the line. I have had no problems with these. Just my experience using the reel probably more that 95% of the folks out there. We mostly cast 1/4 oz jig with Gulp bait with and without a popping cork. I load with 12lb line (will hold about 130') and really like the 12 drag. The only draw back is it is a little heavy for casting 350-400 times a day. Be sure to wash inside out including the line after being in salt water. Enjoyed your video .....not many out there on the Bullet.
@@leroyabernathy307 Hey there🤠
I usually don’t find myself spending that kinda money on a reel, specifically a Spincast reel but I seriously saw an opening, had the money, and gave it a shot..
I’ve used it many times but mostly for top water action baits like whopper ploppers and buzz baits.. I also like crank baits, deep divers, square bills, and rattle traps.
It’s smooth, casts far, can hold braided line, and seems to be a well thought out.
I truly enjoy using it.
I have more of a habit of using vintage equipment..Sorta what I’m known for but when it comes to new Spincast reels, the older Delta ZD2, the older (around 2015)Abumatic 170, and this Bullet are my go to’s..
Thanks so much for watching and commenting!! Thanks for letting know how you use it, gives me some ideas🤔🤠.
I very much appreciate it!!
I just bought a Zebco 33 “Platinum”!
It is better than I could have imagined.
The reason I bought it:
Because I got tired of “wind knots”, when using a spinning rod in a stiff breeze.
So, I bought another, just a regular 33, and the accompanying rod for my grandsons when we go fishing. Thus reducing reel problems immensely.
I think I would like to fish a tournament with a Zebco.
Just to see how well it works in that scenario.
@@jebbohanan2626 Hey there🤠,
I’ll have to look into this “Platinum” series… I had two 33 golds and one of them never made it out of the house.. It broke on the table..
I’ve used so many reels in the last 4 years that I’ve figured out a lot of the little things that make one great or terrible or just manageable ..
There’s a few vintage reels that I’d love to do a tournament with.. maybe one day.. I’m just not a competitive angler.. I enjoy the relaxing nature of fishing, whether I catch anything or not but adding the extra challenge of using a vintage piece of equipment that I brought back to life, makes it even more enjoyable..
I think the Zebco Bullet up to this point has been my favorite. Followed by the Delta ZD2… I’m very happy with their performance.. but now I need to look for a platinum edition 33, thanks🙄.. 😂😂😂
I use a vintage zebco reel 606 1952 and a Zebco rod 1965, for playing around when I’m at a jobsite that has a pond…
I’ve surprisingly caught several huge bass on it!
No telling how many bream. lol
@@jebbohanan2626 Now that’s right up my alley.. I’ve got several vintage Zebcos.. Hard to say what my favorite is but the 33 Spinner with “no anti-reverse has got to be close..
Watching this episode made my day a little better. I enjoyed the comparison but think I'll stick with my older Delta...the newer reels are out of my price range! That's why I like the vintage stuff I guess, because it is most times fixable and those old reels last and last. Maybe noisy, maybe slow, but they still get the job done. By the way, you caught a couple nice ones! Keep putting out the good videos, Willie, we really enjoy them.
Price is in the wallet of the beholder!!
But I understand completely.. I ate cold butter bean sandwiches for a week after I bought them reels..
The bullet looks cool! Thanks for sharing Ole Fella! Hope all is well!
All is good and busy.. nothing out of the ordinary.. Thanks!!
Great video, Willie, nice comparison of the two reels, I kind of think I'd lean a little more toward the Bullet for the 9 bearings and the quicker retrieve ratio, they both seemed to perform great and landed a nice mix of fish. Oh-by -the -way, I really like the new look of the "man cave", it really complements your passion for vintage fishing equipment! Take care and be safe!
Hey CJ,
I believe I’m leaning more towards the Bullet as well but that’s only because of what I paid for it.. they’re both over priced in my opinion if you pay full price..
The Headquarters has a tendency to change from time to time but when I use the GoPro to record with it gives a wider view than the Sony.. I was just tired of the Sony cutting off on me.. not as good of a picture with the GoPro but it worked without shutting down.
Thanks for watching CJ!!
Thanks for the comparison video. I watched a few of your others as well. I had some gift cards and picked up a bullet 20 for my 8 yr old son as an upgrade to an older 33 that was a little too big for his hands and giving us some fits. We’ve got 3 trips on it and so far he is hanging with me cast for cast and I don’t have to stop and help work out any issues. The Zebco website says the 20 is 12 lb braid ready, may give that a shot too.
Hey there and thank you for this comment!!
I checked the Zebco website and you’re definitely right about the braid.. It’s actually capable of handling 80yds of “20lb” braided line..
I have no idea why they avoided putting it on the reel or on the box the reel came in.. I’ll be sure to include that in my next video on the Bullet, or at least a quick info bulletin during an episode.. They took the time to stamp it on the Delta and even print it on the bubble pack that it came in.. again, it baffles me why they’d do that for the cheaper reel and not the more expensive one..
Again, thanks for the info and watching!! I wish you and your son many happy fishing trips!!
Hi Willie, both reels seemed to be worth the price. They both caught fish. Being able to cast further is a plus.
Both reels are from China. I'd use both too.
Tell All Hi and meow. Take care.
Howdy Skye,
Yes in deed.. They seem to be pretty good.. for “new” reels anyway.. lol 😂
I’ll stick with my relics!!
Everyone says Hi Skye and meow🐈⬛
went and picked up a delta and it's my favorite reel yet
Hey there,
The Delta is definitely a good reel and being able use braid makes it a nice choice.. I’m looking forward to trying braid on it..
I noticed you didnt change your retrieval speed when switching back amd forth. That means you were bringing the bait back in way quicker with the bullet. Did you notice any more/less bites on one that day?
Hey there🤠,
It was actually quite hard to catch those few fish I caught that day. I was out there for over 2 hours just to catch what you saw.. I actually tried a bunch of different baits and techniques in that 2+ hour time frame.. sadly, when you make a 20 or 30 minute episode, you guys only really get to see the catches. Kinda like those old Saturday morning fishing shows of the 70s and 80s, the viewer only gets to see the good stuff😄. A lot of the time, I end up with a pile of used baits at the end of recording that no one e ever sees. All from trying different things to catch a fish.. I do change many different speeds, baits, and techniques to catch a fish, it’s just that you guys, the viewer just see what catches the fish, which may make it seem like I’m not doing anything any different with one than I am the other..
That day, the fish were being a bit picky and I tried crank baits, worms, spinner baits, and jigs/grubs.. but again, they took their time hitting on anything but worms and jigs/grubs were all they would make a move on. I can tell you that those reels cast pretty well, because I probably made 1000 casts with each in that 2+ hour period.. sometimes I question why I decided to have a fishing channel.. 😉😄
Thanks for watching!! I may bring this up in an upcoming episode!! 😃
I never thought I would see a $100 dollar spincast reel. They are beginner fishing reels . I still love them ! I think the last I bought was a $45 abu garcia. I never liked spinning reels and wasnt willing to spend the time to learn baitcasters . Throwing everything from buzzbaits,spinner baits, crankbaits, carolina rig, plasic jigs , of course plastic worms. fishing In a a small bass club. I think they are best for bobber or cat fishing. Not cranking. My best was a 12 3/4 pound largemouth Bass caught on 4 1/2 inch red zoom worm, Zebco 33, 12 pd line. A great day with The Lord !!!
🤠Hey there!
I’m very glad you commented because it’s been going around in my head for quite some time, the differences in people’s perception of spin cast reels..
Today’s version of the Spincast reel has definitely been “cheapened” for the sake of sales to a younger or “beginner” generation but I just don’t believe that’s what the earlier versions were..
I guess I’ll get into that in a later video but thanks for lighting that fire😂.
I think paying full price for either of those Zebcos is a bit much.. I think “what I paid” was fine because the Delta at $44 what ok and the Bullet at $65 was right on the border of their worth. I mean, if you buy 2 chic-fillet combos you’re looking at almost $30 so at least you get to keep the reels😂.
Sounds like you’ve made some nice catches with yours!!
God gave us a lot of things to keep us occupied, I thank him everyday for it all. Fish are one of those things..
Thanks for watching!!
who says theyre only for beginners?
@@livewithnick Exactly!! You may have just given me an idea for a video!! 🤔🤠
Zebco has a pro line, ie the bullet, delta, and omega, they are not for kids. Happy to see more TH-camrs using them.
@@michaeljennings6647 I’m still in the process of testing them.. I recently put braided line on the Bullet and it’s performing well but I can cast it completely out of line so I have to be careful how far I fling it..
The Delta hasn’t impressed me much.. it’s chunky, noisy, uncomfortable to hold.. However, I’m currently using an older version of the Delta that’s honestly better all the way around than the new one..
The omega I haven’t bought yet, maybe during next years Bass Pro trade in sale I’ll pick one of them up..
My 12 year old delta is still my favorite, but I really haven't used my $139 bullet me, enough to compare even though I've had it over a year.
Out of the two Deltas I’ve used, I have to say, the Bullet has surpassed both of them..
My Delta ZD2 started off great but unfortunately has been giving me issues the last couple times I’ve taken it out..
That's was a massive crappie 😮
There’s some really big ones in there but they can be a little hard to catch at times..
Where can I send my reels off or maybe drop off my reels for repair...have different reels with different problems..and BP does not provide this service any longer...need a reel repair person..do you know of any ????
Thank You
Keep up the great work.
Really enjoying the content.
Local to your area. "757"
Hey there 🤠,
Bishops on J Clyde Morris Blvd was the last place I knew of in the area and they told me that the folks who use to do it, have stopped.
They mentioned someone on the other side of the tunnel in the Va. Beach/Norfolk area but I have no idea who that was.. So at this point, I have no idea.
Might be able to call Greentop in Ashland or Bobs Bait and tackle in Norfolk/Va. Beach..
Wish I could tell you more..
Thanks so much for watching
Morning willy nice video great catches both great reels some might be hard on my budget love to you and yours always frome paul in p.a
Howdy Paul!🤠
I understand what you mean. These two reels are a bit high and hard on the wallet.
But you know me, I’m a flea market, yard sale, antique store guy..
The old ones are more my speed and price..
Try the Omega Pro (between the Delta and Bullet) and the Kastking Brutus please sir!
I came close to getting one of the Kastking spin cast reels.. Pisifun stopped making their version… I may grab an Omega next year when Bass Pro does the “trade in” thing again and I can get it cheaper.. It’s been on my mind for sure..
I had a special bicentennial "Spirit of 76" Vega. It was a terrible piece of machinery that I absolutely loved. If the Delta was green it would be a clear winner! LOL
Man you should’ve kept that thing, we could’ve put a small block 350 in that thing and you could still be traveling the world in it today..
@@TheGraytOutdoors a lot of Vegas ended up on a drag strip with a 350 in them!
Mine was literally falling apart with rust. Holes big as a grapefruit all over it!
@@oldmanoldtruck sadly, that was a problem with a lot of 60/70s vehicles..
Good morning Willy , Skip here. Enjoyed the video as usual. I was in an Ollie's yesterday and saw a Jebco 808 combo for about $35.00. Is that a good deal, and do you have an opinion on the reel?
What you fishing for?
Hey there Skip!
I’ll try to get up to Ollie’s and take a look at that combo. Gotta be honest though, there may be better choices, as a matter of fact, I know there is but I’ll let you know…
Skip, I went to Ollie’s today, I saw the 808 and it “might” do what you need to do but personally I wouldn’t touch the thing with the 7’ pole it comes on.. it’s massive and most likely not going to stand up to much..
I don’t know how much fishing or what type of fishing you’re wanting to attempt with it but if you’re going that large, with 20lb line, I’d suggest a spinning reel combo instead..
I can help you find something if you’d like.. if you’re looking for something new..
@TheGraytOutdoors Willy thanks for the info. My fishing experience has been limited to Salt Water fishing while living in Florida. I can count on one hand the number of times I have Fresh water/bank fished. What I want to do is have equipment that I can use at the various campgrounds I visit. Any recommendations you could provide will greatly appreciated.
One other thing try McCoys copoly line limp and cast very smooth.
I’ll look into that.. I’ve never heard of them but I’m always looking for the world’s greatest line..
thanks for the tip!!🤠
I really like copoly line also.
I have the Bullet it's the best spincast you can buy.
@@mikecarr1378 At this point, I would have to say, as far as the Zebcos go, I have to agree, I like the Bullet better..
Gears sound quieter in the Bullet
They most definitely were… the Delta was a good reel and would make a nice piece of equipment for anyone but the Bullet does appear to be more about luxury..
Do a video on daiwa gold cast
🤠Well, I don’t own one but I will definitely start looking for one out there..
There is a certain one that’s been on my mind.. but I promise, the very second I get one, they’ll be a video..
Мне показалось что Дельта шумела при вываживании рыбы, как будто у нее плохое сопряжение шестерёнок...
Yes, you were correct in what you heard. The Delta was most definitely loud. Not as much in person as it was on camera. Using the “chest mount” for my GoPro puts the reel right in front of the camera so it picked up the sound really well..
It definitely was loud..
Thank you so much for watching!!
both seem like a pair of good reels for the money, especially for the price you got em at! those hot air balloon looking handles look like they'd knock against the joint in your thumb all day, not fun.
They both definitely have their goods and bads but even though the Delta seems to be able to do it all, I liked the comfort of the Bullet. Just had to get used to the gear ratio…
@@TheGraytOutdoors I always find more luck with smaller gear ratios! That's a bonus with the older reels, I find :)