I’m blessed to have lived through and witnessed MJ’s, Kobe’s, and LeBron’s careers. Being a Laker fan, Kobe’s my all time fave tho. I was a freshman in HS when Kobe was a rookie. I remember this game like it was yesterday, it aired on a Sunday during the second semester of my Junior Year of HS. RIP Mamba.
What class did you have Monday morning when you got there? Did you have home room? Were you dating anyone and met them outside of home room before? More details about where you were in high school when this game was on
Man stop dude leads the Lakers in nothing and shot 44 percent for his career. Wasn't efficient at all, plus gasol and artest saved yll game 7 against Celtics. When shoot em up shot 6/24 😆😂😆
@@joedavidson6556 Bro if we’re talking about Centers, I’ll never forget the day I saw Shaq break a backboard when I was in 5th grade. Instantly became my favorite center over Patrick Ewing. Shaq was from another planet when it comes to centers.
As a life long Bulls fan I hated on how cold Kobe was. He played every game with ice in his veins. Not to mention he was a real sniper from behind the arc in clutch moments 💯 Bulls fans loved you, rest up Kobe 🙏🏾
Brother, you verbatim typed out my thoughts exactly. Listen, I’m from Olympia, WA--I miss having a basketball team to rally behind so much. I appreciate the Portland Trail Blazers, but it doesn’t fill the void of Seattle’s Sonics being gone. I watched The Last Dance documentary about 57 times just to make sure I didn’t like it. 😂 Even back during this era, I was proud of being a Washingtonian because of ALL the big name athletes who came out of Seattle during this timeframe. I SPECIFICALLY loved the 90’s Mariners, and the 90’s Sonics
Kobe was all time great...but incase you didn't know...that was older, and oft injured Scottie who had not long before that had surgery. U wanna see Scottie at his best defensively, watch 91 through 93 Finals. Especially what he did against Magic
im looking at theior numbers when scottie was in houston and % wise scottie was doing a great job on him. he was shooting well under his career averages or evena decent shooting percentage.
Young Kobe with the mini fro going! What a sight to watch he was, dude has that look and focus that just made you brelieve he was going to be something special and his skillset was unbelievable. I am glad to have witnessed it all.... RIP.
Closest we might ever get to seeing another jordan play, kawhi was close til the injuries...his style of play mirrors jordan and kobe whether he admits it or not
@@jasonreyna7615 one of the most mj like performance I have seen from kawhi was when he was dominating against superteam warriors in 2017 wcf in game 1, that game told me mj would obliterate todays league
That was one of the best years of my life, and to have shared those years while watching Kobe doing his thing is part of the reason why I feel like he’s my brother. You were an inspiration Kobe🙏
And that's part of the why all the Legends (current and former) all seem to love Kobe. Kobe gave Pippen what he felt (wrongly IMHO) Jordan never did, and what the "sidekick" label took; real respect. Kobe said ""If I'm a young player coming to the league today, I would really focus on the defensive end of the floor and look at Scottie Pippen. I mean, he was a genius." Pippen waited a long, long time to feel that kind of love, and it just happened to come from the closest thing we'll ever see to MJ again. He did similar things for Paul Pierce, Tracy McGrady, and more. Highlighting his respect for them in a way they felt others never had.
@@theonlygoodonehere2259 In his book. You can find on TH-cam where Paul Pierce was on the old NBA today show on ESPN with Rachel Nichols, and they were talking about what Kobe said in the book, and Paul Pierce was absolutely thrilled. LIKE HE WAS FINALLY GETTING RESPECT. 😀
Yeah, Rodman played for the Lakers and Mavericks and could have played longer. He basically got blacklisted from playing (same with Rasheed Wallace for getting ejected so often) but Rodman was still a solid player. He could have played a few more seasons in the NBA, what got him in trouble was his history in San Antonio when he had a feud with David Robinson. My neighbor's dad was his limo driver (no saying much, because he had several), but Rodman lived in Newport Beach (California) at the time. I remember he told me Rodman got paid way better when he played overseas.
Rodman wanted the lakers to let him go to Vegas to get right, after he took a week to sign with them partying in LA lol. He always hustled but dude was a head case.
I really think if had had Rodman to play against Detroit when we had Malone and Payton on our team, it would have made the difference despite all the injury problems the Lakers had throughout that one year and all the way through the post season, where just btw they still made the NBA Finals in a very competitive western conf.
@@wmmitchell3494 Yeah really. People act like they miss him so much 🙄 Like they ever thought about him 1/2 second after posting their boo-hoo comment. 🤮
At this very exact moment is when MJ realized he wasn’t done with the game of basketball, and came back as a Wizard just to be able to play against Kobe
@@dfudge1449lol Kobe was an All Star in 98. He was actually the best looking player in that all star game. He was dominating and talking trash but coach benched him for entire 4th and East came back and won which is why Kobe didn't get that AG MVP. You didn't watch basketball in 98 if you think Kobe was a benchrider.
In that game, Kobe barely guarded Pippen. R. Fox was on Pippen all night and did a great job defensively on him. On the other hand, Pippen guarded Kobe half of the basically every time that a switch occurred between Kobe and Fox due to screens. Also, by 1999, Olajuwon was 37 year old, Barkley was 36 years old, Pippen was 33-34 years old, and Rodman was 38 years old. In this particular game Kobe ended with 18pts and 40% from FG.
Lived every moment of Magic and Showtime and then Kobe and Shaq. What really throws me off is watching videos like this and recalling that the Shaq/Kobe Lakers played a couple of seasons in the Forum. Looks so odd seeing them there rather than Staples, it's like they went back in time.
@holdmyweight3597 hahaha always MJ and pippen are old once they get smoked but eluent y'all praise MJ that one game he outplayed Kobe at age 18 😂 fk outta here
Yeah…Scottie’s back at that point was a problem. He looked a shell of himself driving to the bucket. Didn’t have any explosion left. I would have liked to see them both battle in their prime.
21 year old Kobe. Viewed as probably the second best player ever by many. 34 year old Pippen. Viewed as the Batman to Michaels Superman. “DESTROYED” is unbelievably hyperbolic and slanted.
scottie came in the league in 1987. he was 14 years in the leauge. and still lead portland trail blazers to a number 1 in the west. and game 7 against a 3peat la lakers in 2001. so lets not act like kobe was so much better. not only did he have shaq,rick fox,derker fisher. he had dennis rodman,ron harper, horace grant,john stalley. micheal jordan 1996 to 1998 roster. 3 peat roster.
No surprise, Lakers also won their playoff match that yeear againts 4th seeded Houston 3-1. Kobe handled Pip in 99, 00, 01 and 02. He even repeated that cross over againts pip in 2000 4th qtr wcf when he lob to shaq for the elephant slam.
Bro they Rob Portland that yr in 2000portland would handle the Lakers every time by 10 + the Lakers only could win 2 or 4 point they couldn't handle Portland
Lakers won the regular season series when they to Portland and won 90-87. In WCF, Lakers won by a big margin, game 2 was 106-77, game 3&4 Lakers one of those games was won by a block by Kobe againts Sabonis 93-91, game 5&6 Lakers loss and in game 6 Kobe was the one really fought till the end. Game 7 Lakers again sank in the 3rd quarter but Kobe and Shaw lead the charge to comeback and won the game for Shaq. You see Pjax teams has a habbit of winning by a couple of points but still winning the series. In 93, Bulls team defeated Suns in a couple of points but won the series. And pjax teams also has a habbit of they lose double digits they don't care how large it is. And that gave Pjax 11 titles as a coach, Mike 6 of 6, Pip 6 of 6 and Kob 5 of 7.
Young Koke bested Old Pippen didn’t diminish Pippen’s greatness nor Kobe’s brilliance. It would be awesome to see all the greats playing in the same era when they all peak at the same time assume they were all have same age but that scenario only exists in video game.
Pippen was actually 1 win away from possibly facing the Pacers in the finals and winning his 7th ring and most importantly, a ring without Jordan. Pippen was also a win away from the ECF in '94 without Jordan. Jordan cant laugh at Pippen because Jordan has never seen past round 1 without Pippen. Pippen has without him though. Also Pippen accumulated more rebounds, assists, blocks & steals than Jordan in their 6 finals together. Pippen also took the more difficult defensive assignments. Magic put a triple double on Jordan's head. Pippen got on Magic and Lakers didnt win another game that series. Can't be out here disrespecting Pippen.
jordan can be compared only with players who lead teams.cant compare jordan with pippen.its like comparing a prime minister to a dustman.just because dustman collects more garbage doesnt mean that he contributes more than the prime minister.pippen was a sidekick in bulls,he was the 3rd best player in rockets and was the 4th best player in portland.portland was a team that had better overall roster than the bulls but failed to win.this just speaks volumes to how much carry jordan did.anyway,pippen didnt lead any team.he was a better robert horry.its an insult comparing him with jordan.
If Jordan have to do the defensive work and rebounding then who is there to fill his Void of scoring more than 30 points? Not Pippen cause his averige is 17 a game, so ofcourse the Bulls would loose in such a game but if you Let Jordan do the scoring and Pippen the defending, that's when the winning begins.
@@hensali78 Jordan also did the defending up to 1993.It was during the second 3 peat when jordan didnt went full on defense but he picked his moments and that was because he wasnt young anymore and because bulls had more defensive players than before.But in crucial moments it was jordan who always took the assignment of stopping opponents best perimeter player.pippen wasnt great 1 on 1 defender and perimeter players gave him the blues many times.he was great team/help defender.
Close but no cigar he had his chance agains the Lakers when he was with Portland..he blew that as well. He is not and never was Batman he is Robin. ..and not even NightWing.
@@bondson0094 The proof is in the pudding. Pippen has more success outside of Jordan than Jordan does without Pippen. Jordan has not a single playoff series win without Pippen.
Funny how yall mentioned pippin being old but wasn't mj old when he played against kobe while still being on the bulls when kobe had 33 off the bench and mj had 36?? My point is pippen being older shouldn't be an argument because Jordan was in his 30s during the 2 3 peat and still got busy against kobe...but I'm not knocking pippen because he was still a good player on Houston and blazers while being older
Gm edagdwg God bless them all love seeing basketball players taking over to win the game Kobe Bryant didn't care I'm here to win love and miss him a forever loving fan Linda j. Peace
You can't stop a guy like Kobe or Jordan with one defender. I remember a young Rodman getting destroyed by Larry Bird and badly. Bird was talking all kinds of trash. Rodman was all over him like a blanket but Bird was calling for the ball saying nobody was guarding him. As great a defender as Dennis was he had no chance to stop Bird 1v1.
I remember that game I was 18yrs old...me and my teammates were bunched up in front of the T.V. like vultures. 😂 MJ over smiling in his Empreror Palpatine voice "Good, Good...my apprentice!"😅
@ante Because the clip didn't showed how many times kobe blocked or steal the ball from pip in this game. Clearly you didn't watched this whole game. Hahahaha!
no one could guard him but im looking at all the numbers from kobe in thier head to head matchups when scottie was in houston and he actually held kobe to pretty average splits. 8-21,8-20,3-14,5-9,8-15,5-17 and 9-25. kobe had 2 ok games at best percetage wise and the others were objectively bad shooting nights. shot like 40% in those games. honestly speaking scottie for all intents and purposes had kobe under control. he was a volume shooter forcing shots
Stop it, you’ll ruin the narrative. Don’t bring facts to the table, just go with the BS narratives people have to make up about Kobe to try and force him into conversations he doesn’t belong in.
MJ is my goat,better defender than Kobe ever could be,MJ played both ends of the court.Phil Jackson called Hobe uncoachable in his auto-book,that tells you alot about Kobe ( thought he knew it all after winning a couple rings )
Pippen was only 33. He was still much older (with a lot more miles on his body) but not by 20yrs and Kobe only outscored Pippen by 2pts in this game. Kobe finished with 18pts.
I'll have to double check the stats, but I think Kobe only had 18 in that game (and Pippen had 16), so I don't know if that's really enough points to qualify as bulling someone. Especially if all 18 weren't on Pippen.
In the nba, scorers score. Pippens’ objective was to keep Kobe from driving to the basket, which he did pretty effectively. Pick your poison. You accept Kobe taking jumpers, if he makes them, oh well. There’s no shutting down a skilled scorer.
Come on though. If that was a younger Scottie around Kobe's age. It would have been much different. Kobe just came into the league, Scottie been a work horse for over a decade. You can't really go off of this. It would have been a real battle had Kobe met a young lockdown defender Scottie.
Jordan used pettiness and real, or sometimes fabricated slights, to fuel his game! I loved watching him play and dismantle other players that had no idea the level of competitor they were dealing with! 😅❤
They did know! A lot of those players talk about it in interviews. The memories is almost like they are still having nightmares of playing against MJ. He was their Boogieman. 🤣🤣
Let's be honest. Did Kobe give it to him, yeah obviously. A couple of things though... Pippen was on his decline, Kobe was ascending. Also we're talking about the arguably the second best player of all time. Remember, Jordan wasn't the only one that Kobe studied, Pippen is on that list as well. ~IJS~
here´s the thing. kOBE was maybe the only player who could truly understand michael jordan´s techniques. AND WAS OBSESSED WITH IT. in other words, the world never saw the true kobe, but only another version of michael,,just like the street fighter versions RYU/KEN .
Realize that Pippen straight up had Kobe’s number in game 3 of their series that year and that is after having back surgery during the previous year. Plus he is 13 years older than Kobe.
Scottie destroyed Kobe in that playoff series! After a passive game 1, Pip responded and bullied the whole Laker team! The final two games! Hakeem didn’t show up!!!
I've been a Bulls fan for 33yrs, Kobe pissed me off a lot but I loved watching him. I remember Kobe cooking MJ and Pippen in the same game, I was pissed but it was great to watch
People forget Shaq created alot of room for people out there. Kobe shot alot, made alot but missed alot as well. Pippen to me in his prime sacrificed alot of offense for his team to win.
Yeah,Kobe was a black-hole,you give him the ball and won't give it back. LOL.Even Gary Payton knew the deal when he played for the Lakers and he said so in an interview.
Kobe took a starting five that has Smush, Luke and Kwame to playoffs twice in a tough western conference. Even without Shaq, Kobe would have done this against Pippen
@@ericcrane4871 he was goated for sure. But I’m talking about overall as a player. Kobe had that Mamba mentality, that work ethic that nobody had. Mj definitely goated. As long as you don’t say crybaby Lebron. that Mj and Kobe debate is up there.
Dude, totally agree !!! Ko is the only one who has got all MJ legacy and pushed it even further !!! That only one dude who has sth beyond basketball !!!
@@BooBooDaFoo330 better no! I’m glad he won us a ring in 2020. Never cared for Lebron, but thankful for 2020 ring. But not better than Kobe. It’s not ok to cry on the court for a foul, it’s not ok to flop all the time. Kobe brought greatness and integrity to the game.
Young Kobe and iversin are the reason I started watching the nba 🏀🏀⛹🏽♂️⛹🏽♂️
I was lucky to have seen both Jordan and Bryant play through their careers.
Anything at Chicago Stadium??
Yet lebron on top😊
@@trvisxxs On what championship rings? just make it clear whos on top on what XD. Stats don't matter the RING does? ^_^.
@@trvisxxs of Savannah, absolutely 😂
Yep especially not in you tube
I’m blessed to have lived through and witnessed MJ’s, Kobe’s, and LeBron’s careers. Being a Laker fan, Kobe’s my all time fave tho. I was a freshman in HS when Kobe was a rookie. I remember this game like it was yesterday, it aired on a Sunday during the second semester of my Junior Year of HS. RIP Mamba.
You should replace Lebron with Shaq.
What class did you have Monday morning when you got there? Did you have home room? Were you dating anyone and met them outside of home room before? More details about where you were in high school when this game was on
Man stop dude leads the Lakers in nothing and shot 44 percent for his career. Wasn't efficient at all, plus gasol and artest saved yll game 7 against Celtics. When shoot em up shot 6/24 😆😂😆
@@joedavidson6556 Bro if we’re talking about Centers, I’ll never forget the day I saw Shaq break a backboard when I was in 5th grade. Instantly became my favorite center over Patrick Ewing. Shaq was from another planet when it comes to centers.
@@Somethingwittyxs4ku wasn’t dating anyone, US history II was my first class on Monday Morning - we had block periods the entire week.
As a life long Bulls fan I hated on how cold Kobe was. He played every game with ice in his veins. Not to mention he was a real sniper from behind the arc in clutch moments 💯 Bulls fans loved you, rest up Kobe 🙏🏾
kobe was a man on a mission and he accomplished the mission!!! 💯💫
Bulls fans tend to like Kobe a lot more than other fanbases. Real recognizes real
@@samdiaz7074 That's because we know Kobe is the one who came closest to MJ.
We Lakers fans acknowledge that MJ is the goat no matter the media say✊🏾✊🏾
We got the chance to watch Kobe really grow into a man father and husband and gave his all to the game RIP mamba
The first clip of MJ talking is actually in regards to when George Karl ignored him in the 96’ Finals
Yep! But it still works MJ takes EVERYTHING personally
@@kyledamron lol no doubt. I love those fabricated stories he created just to “make it personal”. 🤣
Yes we know
Brother, you verbatim typed out my thoughts exactly. Listen, I’m from Olympia, WA--I miss having a basketball team to rally behind so much. I appreciate the Portland Trail Blazers, but it doesn’t fill the void of Seattle’s Sonics being gone.
I watched The Last Dance documentary about 57 times just to make sure I didn’t like it. 😂
Even back during this era, I was proud of being a Washingtonian because of ALL the big name athletes who came out of Seattle during this timeframe. I SPECIFICALLY loved the 90’s Mariners, and the 90’s Sonics
Kobe was all time great...but incase you didn't know...that was older, and oft injured Scottie who had not long before that had surgery. U wanna see Scottie at his best defensively, watch 91 through 93 Finals. Especially what he did against Magic
Jordan out there like “look at my son” 😂😂😂
R.I.P Kobe always will b miss…
Was Jimmy butler there?
@@jordanzdebski5132have to win in order to be Jordan’s heir 🤣
@@jordanzdebski5132the way jimmy be losing he might be the next lebron
Little brother*
@@ChromeHeart-hx2msif being the next lebron means winning 4 championships how could that be a knock? 🤡
That smile on MJ's face. Watching lil bro!
The smile on MJs face says ...DAMN...thats a young me killing them.out there......MJ wanted to be in that game sooooo badddd.....love this clip.
im looking at theior numbers when scottie was in houston and % wise scottie was doing a great job on him. he was shooting well under his career averages or evena decent shooting percentage.
You can see Jordan still takes it personally when he talks about memories 🤣🤣🤣
Yeah.he was talking about BJ
@@NarTay-jc7vkNo he was talking about George Karl not acknowledging him out in public.
Young Kobe with the mini fro going! What a sight to watch he was, dude has that look and focus that just made you brelieve he was going to be something special and his skillset was unbelievable. I am glad to have witnessed it all.... RIP.
His skillset worked well on the basketball court but I wouldn't use it for anything else. Like accounting. Or math.
fro was different
@@lightbeforethetunnelOr being a husband , or a friend, or a co worker etc etc
@@jonnyblayze5149 Exactly. Those are even better examples.
@@lightbeforethetunnel I mean dude could play basketball but .....well......that's about the limit of his "greatness" if you ask me
He was incredible. I love these Kobe highlights
It really hurts to what happened in that crash. All of them. God please let them rest in peace forever. It makes me tearfully sad.
Shut up
Kobe was as close to Jordan as your’e going to get. Merciless, fearless.
Michael jordan the greatest of all time, kobe bryant the number 2 greatest of all time
Closest we might ever get to seeing another jordan play, kawhi was close til the injuries...his style of play mirrors jordan and kobe whether he admits it or not
Close? Kobe supass Jordan. The only reason Kobe never speak about it that much is cause of his respect for MJ his teacher.
@@jasonreyna7615 one of the most mj like performance I have seen from kawhi was when he was dominating against superteam warriors in 2017 wcf in game 1, that game told me mj would obliterate todays league
Kobe face 29teamd is in the hardest era. Jordan 22. If anything, Jordan is the weaker version of Kobe
Bryant 8, the only jersey I've ever owned.
Kobe 8 was better than 24. 24 was for the punk media that wanted to see Kobe post up and pass like MJ. 8 Kobe was free Goat
Bird 33.
I sat behind him in History class at Lower Merion. No Big Deal.
@@silkboxing4454 wow! What! What was he like
@@Commentsofthemonth Bean was cool. Shy as hell.
What we all missed was him and MJ enjoying retirement
Man that comment actually kinda broke my heart.
@@chasewhodatis1112 oh please 🙄
Was it Karma when he died
@@donarthiazi2443 chill😂😂😂🤣😄
@@Almonds7 I believe a sacrifice... He had said he wasn't afraid to die. Black Mamba was his alter ego
That was one of the best years of my life, and to have shared those years while watching Kobe doing his thing is part of the reason why I feel like he’s my brother. You were an inspiration Kobe🙏
Kobe was my Goat
He’s not the goat. He The MAMBA
Was carried by shaq 3/5 rings
Kobe didn't need Shaq bro he proved that
@@arizonaFIREent hurr durr
@@arizonaFIREent u sound krazy bro u better go look at the finals records they both was scoring 28+ points so shut up
The ending had me on the floor. God bless Dennis.
The fact that Dennis Rodman really forgot his wife’s name is crazyyyy🤣🤣
And that Ahmad knew it right away. Like we all did back then. She was the hottest star for a while 😂
if you're hittin' 80 women a week, it's not crazyyyy...
He came from all night long party directly to the game
Wait did Rashad say Carmen? And then Rodman says tera Patrick? Rofl!
@FIGHT + 🤣 so tera Patrick is Carmen electras real name? Rofl 😂 that's even funnier good one!
Dennis didn't have a new haircut 😂😂😂 he just changed the color
RIP Kobe
That Fro Kobe was straight nasty! He was that dude. Miss this brother. RIP, Kobe and Gigi. 😢
😢😢 rip kobe
Kobe made a study about how brilliant Pippen is with his defense in a video.
And that's part of the why all the Legends (current and former) all seem to love Kobe. Kobe gave Pippen what he felt (wrongly IMHO) Jordan never did, and what the "sidekick" label took; real respect. Kobe said ""If I'm a young player coming to the league today, I would really focus on the defensive end of the floor and look at Scottie Pippen. I mean, he was a genius." Pippen waited a long, long time to feel that kind of love, and it just happened to come from the closest thing we'll ever see to MJ again.
He did similar things for Paul Pierce, Tracy McGrady, and more. Highlighting his respect for them in a way they felt others never had.
Crazy how kobe gave players their flowers yet kobe seems to be the one player to receive the most disrespect…
@@ktbeatty what did he say about paul pierce? never heard him say anything about him
@@ktbeatty then whats this? th-cam.com/video/YfTz7qqNe78/w-d-xo.html&ab_channel=Don%E2%80%99sHooplifeSportsAndEntertainment
@@theonlygoodonehere2259 In his book. You can find on TH-cam where Paul Pierce was on the old NBA today show on ESPN with Rachel Nichols, and they were talking about what Kobe said in the book, and Paul Pierce was absolutely thrilled. LIKE HE WAS FINALLY GETTING RESPECT. 😀
Yeah, Rodman played for the Lakers and Mavericks and could have played longer. He basically got blacklisted from playing (same with Rasheed Wallace for getting ejected so often) but Rodman was still a solid player. He could have played a few more seasons in the NBA, what got him in trouble was his history in San Antonio when he had a feud with David Robinson.
My neighbor's dad was his limo driver (no saying much, because he had several), but Rodman lived in Newport Beach (California) at the time. I remember he told me Rodman got paid way better when he played overseas.
Rodman wanted the lakers to let him go to Vegas to get right, after he took a week to sign with them partying in LA lol. He always hustled but dude was a head case.
He lost some athleticism and focus/passion. He became easily replaceable for what he gave you at that point.
I really think if had had Rodman to play against Detroit when we had Malone and Payton on our team, it would have made the difference despite all the injury problems the Lakers had throughout that one year and all the way through the post season, where just btw they still made the NBA Finals in a very competitive western conf.
Man how much we miss kobe. Big time loss
Big 🧢 .No one liked Kobe as person even his parents
@@wmmitchell3494 because they didn’t want him to be with Vanessa hating on a dead person is crazy
and she left with every dime he earned and didn’t give his family wine dime
Yeah really. People act like they miss him so much 🙄 Like they ever thought about him 1/2 second after posting their boo-hoo comment. 🤮
Big L
This happens when u play in the GOAT’s presence.
This almost looks more like a all-star game
At this very exact moment is when MJ realized he wasn’t done with the game of basketball, and came back as a Wizard just to be able to play against Kobe
He played against Kobe in 96 97 and 98
@@flossysportstv98 but not THAT Kobe
@@flossysportstv98yea a rookie bench riding kobe not mamba
@@dfudge1449lol Kobe was an All Star in 98.
He was actually the best looking player in that all star game. He was dominating and talking trash but coach benched him for entire 4th and East came back and won which is why Kobe didn't get that AG MVP.
You didn't watch basketball in 98 if you think Kobe was a benchrider.
Man really pippen had been in the league since 87 Kobe was like 9 at the time pippen one my all time defender tell Kobe to have to said that9 yr ago
Kobe just showing his Mamba Mentality in the game.
I love the way Kobe played. But he had 18 points in this game and barely even guarded Pippen. This video is complete fabrication.
@@camiloorsini9674Bryant made baskets just like any other player. Big deal. Mambas are mortal.
@@RHINOTEJASmambas are a perfect moniker for him.....a snake
7:10 lakers up by 16 with 2 mins to go and kobe plays lockdown D on pippen 😂
he treated this game like it was the finals, dude was different 🐐
In that game, Kobe barely guarded Pippen. R. Fox was on Pippen all night and did a great job defensively on him. On the other hand, Pippen guarded Kobe half of the basically every time that a switch occurred between Kobe and Fox due to screens.
Also, by 1999, Olajuwon was 37 year old, Barkley was 36 years old, Pippen was 33-34 years old, and Rodman was 38 years old. In this particular game Kobe ended with 18pts and 40% from FG.
Scottie Pippen was 33 and Kobe was only 20 years old
That's all 18? Wow
Wouldn’t say that he “DESTROYED” Pippen
Pippen was well past his prime by this point. If Kobe could’ve destroyed 1990-1996 Pippen, that’s a different story
7/18 from the field is not destroying somebody.
I remember this game back in the 90s. Brings back memories of my brother. RIP
Not a Pipen fan but Pipen was 33 and Kobe was like 23
kobe was not that old!!!!!!
Kobe was only 20 in that game
@@NoobServbot that makes it even worse!
@@dsanchez9703 It does, lol
@Michael Elam yup, you know bro!
Lived every moment of Magic and Showtime and then Kobe and Shaq. What really throws me off is watching videos like this and recalling that the Shaq/Kobe Lakers played a couple of seasons in the Forum. Looks so odd seeing them there rather than Staples, it's like they went back in time.
The reason you forgot these three played together was chuck and dream were almost 40 and pippen, at 33, had already left his prime behind as well.
This youtuber guy is just a casual
@holdmyweight3597 hahaha always MJ and pippen are old once they get smoked but eluent y'all praise MJ that one game he outplayed Kobe at age 18 😂 fk outta here
Scottie was in his mid 30's and on the down slope of playing
He was still good enough to be a starter on a NBA roster.
yea, he didn't have the legs to stay with Kobe. woulda been dope to see him play defense on Kobe in his youth
Kobe played against Scottie and Jordan while he was still with the bulls.
Yeah…Scottie’s back at that point was a problem. He looked a shell of himself driving to the bucket. Didn’t have any explosion left. I would have liked to see them both battle in their prime.
It’s the wcf the slope wasn’t tht bad
Class play from both sides... Kobe.... Unbelievable 💪🤘
The REAL Superman, Michael Jordan in his best Clark Kent disguise courtside.
Kobe offensive game was insane
21 year old Kobe. Viewed as probably the second best player ever by many.
34 year old Pippen. Viewed as the Batman to Michaels Superman.
“DESTROYED” is unbelievably hyperbolic and slanted.
scottie came in the league in 1987. he was 14 years in the leauge. and still lead portland trail blazers to a number 1 in the west. and game 7 against a 3peat la lakers in 2001.
so lets not act like kobe was so much better. not only did he have shaq,rick fox,derker fisher. he had dennis rodman,ron harper, horace grant,john stalley. micheal jordan 1996 to 1998 roster. 3 peat roster.
Hahaha Kobe was 19 smoking his ass fk outta here he clears MJ and pippen
Love how all those dudes min had yet you praise his ass 😂 Kobe would destroy MJ
Stop the lying
Kobe 18pts 8-20 400pct 5reb 3ast 1stl 1blk
Pippen 16pts 6-18 333pct 6reb 8ast 5stl
So what? He was still the best 2 way player at the time.
No surprise, Lakers also won their playoff match that yeear againts 4th seeded Houston 3-1. Kobe handled Pip in 99, 00, 01 and 02. He even repeated that cross over againts pip in 2000 4th qtr wcf when he lob to shaq for the elephant slam.
Bro they Rob Portland that yr in 2000portland would handle the Lakers every time by 10 + the Lakers only could win 2 or 4 point they couldn't handle Portland
Pipen was already 33-34
Lakers won the regular season series when they to Portland and won 90-87. In WCF, Lakers won by a big margin, game 2 was 106-77, game 3&4 Lakers one of those games was won by a block by Kobe againts Sabonis 93-91, game 5&6 Lakers loss and in game 6 Kobe was the one really fought till the end. Game 7 Lakers again sank in the 3rd quarter but Kobe and Shaw lead the charge to comeback and won the game for Shaq. You see Pjax teams has a habbit of winning by a couple of points but still winning the series. In 93, Bulls team defeated Suns in a couple of points but won the series. And pjax teams also has a habbit of they lose double digits they don't care how large it is. And that gave Pjax 11 titles as a coach, Mike 6 of 6, Pip 6 of 6 and Kob 5 of 7.
@d sanchez
Kob was 33 and 34 he still average almost 28 pts and played tough D and don't sit our games and leading the Lakers to the playoffs.
Prince had KOBE on-LOCK-DOWN-in the finals against Detroit,Kobe had only one good game where he scored 38 ,don't remember which game tho.
Young Koke bested Old Pippen didn’t diminish Pippen’s greatness nor Kobe’s brilliance. It would be awesome to see all the greats playing in the same era when they all peak at the same time assume they were all have same age but that scenario only exists in video game.
How many points did Pippen have be clear they couldn't stop him from getting into the lañe.
Rodman forgetting his wife’s name was hilarious 🤣🤣🤣
You are completely ignoring that the Lakers were young but experienced enough and Scottie was at retirement age.
KOBE you Great
Rodman forgetting his wife’s name lmao 🤣
I laughed at the same 💩
Pippen was actually 1 win away from possibly facing the Pacers in the finals and winning his 7th ring and most importantly, a ring without Jordan. Pippen was also a win away from the ECF in '94 without Jordan. Jordan cant laugh at Pippen because Jordan has never seen past round 1 without Pippen. Pippen has without him though. Also Pippen accumulated more rebounds, assists, blocks & steals than Jordan in their 6 finals together. Pippen also took the more difficult defensive assignments. Magic put a triple double on Jordan's head. Pippen got on Magic and Lakers didnt win another game that series. Can't be out here disrespecting Pippen.
jordan can be compared only with players who lead teams.cant compare jordan with pippen.its like comparing a prime minister to a dustman.just because dustman collects more garbage doesnt mean that he contributes more than the prime minister.pippen was a sidekick in bulls,he was the 3rd best player in rockets and was the 4th best player in portland.portland was a team that had better overall roster than the bulls but failed to win.this just speaks volumes to how much carry jordan did.anyway,pippen didnt lead any team.he was a better robert horry.its an insult comparing him with jordan.
If Jordan have to do the defensive work and rebounding then who is there to fill his Void of scoring more than 30 points? Not Pippen cause his averige is 17 a game, so ofcourse the Bulls would loose in such a game but if you Let Jordan do the scoring and Pippen the defending, that's when the winning begins.
@@hensali78 Jordan also did the defending up to 1993.It was during the second 3 peat when jordan didnt went full on defense but he picked his moments and that was because he wasnt young anymore and because bulls had more defensive players than before.But in crucial moments it was jordan who always took the assignment of stopping opponents best perimeter player.pippen wasnt great 1 on 1 defender and perimeter players gave him the blues many times.he was great team/help defender.
Close but no cigar he had his chance agains the Lakers when he was with Portland..he blew that as well. He is not and never was Batman he is Robin. ..and not even NightWing.
@@bondson0094 The proof is in the pudding. Pippen has more success outside of Jordan than Jordan does without Pippen. Jordan has not a single playoff series win without Pippen.
Jordan must've been happy seeing Pippen get fu**ed up 😂
Only one to get the nod from MJ.
Nah top 10
All hall of famers in the court. Rest in peace to late Kobe Bryant
Kobe is a beast but Scottie was old at that point
Funny how yall mentioned pippin being old but wasn't mj old when he played against kobe while still being on the bulls when kobe had 33 off the bench and mj had 36?? My point is pippen being older shouldn't be an argument because Jordan was in his 30s during the 2 3 peat and still got busy against kobe...but I'm not knocking pippen because he was still a good player on Houston and blazers while being older
Gm edagdwg God bless them all love seeing basketball players taking over to win the game Kobe Bryant didn't care I'm here to win love and miss him a forever loving fan Linda j. Peace
If you're familiar with MJ's voice you can hear him at 4:13 - "Come on Scottie!"
That wasn't Jordan
@@yoursportsnow9729 That was def Mike. He was right there court side and that was def his voice.
Good call. And yea he was right there courtside. Sound just like him.
There is no question that is not MJ. It doesn't sound anything like him.
@@88mphDrBrown You never heard MJ talk. I was raised in that era. That is MJ.
R.I.P Kobe😢😢😢
You can't stop a guy like Kobe or Jordan with one defender. I remember a young Rodman getting destroyed by Larry Bird and badly. Bird was talking all kinds of trash. Rodman was all over him like a blanket but Bird was calling for the ball saying nobody was guarding him. As great a defender as Dennis was he had no chance to stop Bird 1v1.
Nobody stopped Bird. Including MJ
Jordan was smiling like a proud papa.. lol
RIP Kobe B. 🙏
young kobe had that hesi and cross similar to iverson. he got away from it as he got older, and size you up more
Not similar , he got it from Iverson !
Not that Iverson was the originator cause he got it from someone he knew !
“You can fit the shoes but you will never fill them”
I remember that game I was 18yrs old...me and my teammates were bunched up in front of the T.V. like vultures. 😂
MJ over smiling in his Empreror Palpatine voice "Good, Good...my apprentice!"😅
The fact that people say pippen got bullied is ridiculous this game Kobe had 18 pippen 16 😂😂😂😂
Took starter out
@@BENZODABEAST both teams did
Because the clip didn't showed how many times kobe blocked or steal the ball from pip in this game. Clearly you didn't watched this whole game. Hahahaha!
@@pmirpd8874 Kobe had 1 steal and 1 block in the game pippen had 5 steals and 1 block so apparently u didn't watch the right game
@@anteongoestill8068 BOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @pmirpd8874
MJ was a beast, but Kobe was a beast in his prime too!
Eeeeeeeeeeeh👋. Not Air Jordan good. Especially in the 80s dux✌🏿
no one could guard him but im looking at all the numbers from kobe in thier head to head matchups when scottie was in houston and he actually held kobe to pretty average splits.
8-21,8-20,3-14,5-9,8-15,5-17 and 9-25. kobe had 2 ok games at best percetage wise and the others were objectively bad shooting nights. shot like 40% in those games. honestly speaking scottie for all intents and purposes had kobe under control. he was a volume shooter forcing shots
Stop it, you’ll ruin the narrative. Don’t bring facts to the table, just go with the BS narratives people have to make up about Kobe to try and force him into conversations he doesn’t belong in.
I miss kobe so much 😢
Yeah, sure you do 🙄
Pippen played against Jordan only one time when he was in Portland and Pippen won that match both were way beyond their prime s great stuff
It was Jordan's smiles for me 😂😂😂
We not gone talk about shaqs free throw at 7:09
Kobe will always be goat to me he was the most exciting player and brought in the golden years of bball
I totally agree! Him and the answer AI
@@merrick7189 agreed they were both killers ... that's what they had that's very rare in athletes... no one else really has had that but them both..
Only them 2, not Jordan? 🤔
@@jacquezjoseph922 what about Jordan?
MJ is my goat,better defender than Kobe ever could be,MJ played both ends of the court.Phil Jackson called Hobe uncoachable in his auto-book,that tells you alot about Kobe ( thought he knew it all after winning a couple rings )
If Kobe didn't put up 40, he didn't destroy anybody
This proved nothing. A 20 yr old young man playing against a 40 yr old old man, what do you expect
Pippen was only 33. He was still much older (with a lot more miles on his body) but not by 20yrs and Kobe only outscored Pippen by 2pts in this game. Kobe finished with 18pts.
40? Always them haters exaggerating on the age of people because they got schooled
33 year old Kobe would have destroyed any version of Pippen he was only 20 could still been in college
What a special game pipen Hakeem and Barkley, bryant and Rodman and Shaq is a historical match
More impressed with Shaq making a Free-throw! 😮
Time for us Kobe fans to stand up and let these lefloppers know!!! KOBE THE GOAT!!!
Pippen was a team soul and doesnt matter how much Bryant makes pts he could NEVER "destroy" Pippen
Pippen overrated
Jordan smiling like Palpatine when he saw Anakin execute Dooku 💀
Yeah, but that was an older pippen
Good video man
Kobe never bullied PIP .
very true. but did pip stop kobe??
@joey middleton better question who did? Who could? Pip done better than most.
I'll have to double check the stats, but I think Kobe only had 18 in that game (and Pippen had 16), so I don't know if that's really enough points to qualify as bulling someone. Especially if all 18 weren't on Pippen.
In the nba, scorers score. Pippens’ objective was to keep Kobe from driving to the basket, which he did pretty effectively. Pick your poison. You accept Kobe taking jumpers, if he makes them, oh well. There’s no shutting down a skilled scorer.
How I wish I could go back to 1999
Come on though. If that was a younger Scottie around Kobe's age. It would have been much different. Kobe just came into the league, Scottie been a work horse for over a decade. You can't really go off of this. It would have been a real battle had Kobe met a young lockdown defender Scottie.
Imagine a prime MJ and prime Kobe in the league at same time.
Jordan used pettiness and real, or sometimes fabricated slights, to fuel his game! I loved watching him play and dismantle other players that had no idea the level of competitor they were dealing with! 😅❤
Why would you think you know the level of a competitor that MJ was... but an NBA players did not know??
They did know! A lot of those players talk about it in interviews. The memories is almost like they are still having nightmares of playing against MJ. He was their Boogieman. 🤣🤣
Yeah really. That guy clearly knows nothing about the NBA 🤭
Naw, the fabrications came from Shaq 😅
In their prime MJ, Kobe and LBJ played offense and defense that was a scary sight.
Let's be honest. Did Kobe give it to him, yeah obviously. A couple of things though... Pippen was on his decline, Kobe was ascending. Also we're talking about the arguably the second best player of all time. Remember, Jordan wasn't the only one that Kobe studied, Pippen is on that list as well. ~IJS~
He didn't even give it to him the next game pippen had 27 Kobe 9 and pippen dropped 37 on them in the playoffs
@@anteongoestill8068 and that's an old pip. I don't know why they keep going in on pip! If pip wanted to average 30 points a game he probably could
@@nathanielflar4941 yea but the whole video is a lie and fabricated 🤣🤣
Lol, "second best player" 😹
@@gangstagummybear3432 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Pippen was a shadow of himself when he was with the rockets(34) and he still hung with a 21 year old Kobe.
Bro Kobe was good but come on.... 18pts in reg season game...what a performance, what a legend
Kobe came off the bench the coach didn't want to start Kobe
MJ watching Kobe & Scottie go at it like, "Awe... That's cute... Hold my beer..."
here´s the thing. kOBE was maybe the only player who could truly understand michael jordan´s techniques. AND WAS OBSESSED WITH IT. in other words, the world never saw the true kobe, but only another version of michael,,just like the street fighter versions RYU/KEN .
I think you mean mortal Kombat
Young Kobe giving the best defender the business he was born for it. If Shaq works out in summer they get 7.
Realize that Pippen straight up had Kobe’s number in game 3 of their series that year and that is after having back surgery during the previous year. Plus he is 13 years older than Kobe.
Kobe is the better player so who cares.
@@John-jm4nv Apparently you care that is why you commented! Plus you have no clue!
Scottie destroyed Kobe in that playoff series! After a passive game 1, Pip responded and bullied the whole Laker team! The final two games! Hakeem didn’t show up!!!
@@kevinvandyke365 3-1 Lakers 😂
I've been a Bulls fan for 33yrs, Kobe pissed me off a lot but I loved watching him. I remember Kobe cooking MJ and Pippen in the same game, I was pissed but it was great to watch
People forget Shaq created alot of room for people out there. Kobe shot alot, made alot but missed alot as well. Pippen to me in his prime sacrificed alot of offense for his team to win.
Yeah,Kobe was a black-hole,you give him the ball and won't give it back. LOL.Even Gary Payton knew the deal when he played for the Lakers and he said so in an interview.
How many lakers game have y'all went to?
Kobe took a starting five that has Smush, Luke and Kwame to playoffs twice in a tough western conference. Even without Shaq, Kobe would have done this against Pippen
Michael Jordan was like: Now scottie have you saw my reflection in the mirror
Kobe is the G.O.A.T! Nobody had that work ethic and got better in age.
You must mean Jordan is the GOAT. Luckily for his NBA opponents, MJ didn’t get better with age.
@@ericcrane4871 he was goated for sure. But I’m talking about overall as a player. Kobe had that Mamba mentality, that work ethic that nobody had. Mj definitely goated. As long as you don’t say crybaby Lebron. that Mj and Kobe debate is up there.
Dude, totally agree !!! Ko is the only one who has got all MJ legacy and pushed it even further !!! That only one dude who has sth beyond basketball !!!
@@bofadeez7553 Lmao Bron a cry baby but still better than Kobe.
@@BooBooDaFoo330 better no! I’m glad he won us a ring in 2020. Never cared for Lebron, but thankful for 2020 ring. But not better than Kobe. It’s not ok to cry on the court for a foul, it’s not ok to flop all the time. Kobe brought greatness and integrity to the game.