Täällä on kohtalotoveri.Sain massiivisen aivoinfarktin v 2009 ja näkökenttäpuutos on minullakin.Kortti meni ja nykyisin liikun taksilla tai mopolla,kun olen syntynyt ennen vuotta 1985.Asian käsittely on vaatinut aikaa ja osiltaan en ole hyväksynyt sitä vieläkään
Hello how are you? I want to share you This is a message from your loving God. God is a loving God and want to save us all. God dont want anybody to suffer or have a hard life. Meaning of life is love and that's what God wants. Thats the meaning of life. If we would take care and love each other that would solve all the problems. But world is not like that. World is a sinful world. God dont destroy this world but we humans do. His immediately ready if you want to serve him. God will show you the right path what leads to life. Its a path of love. God made us and have eternal love and mercy. This world is not what God wanted. But he gave us free will. You can choose good or bad. Thats why he send he's only son Jesus that we had mercy. Jesus is God too because he is God's only son. Now this world have went to very wicked and our God is crying. So many peoples are on the path of destruction. World have allways been wicked but now is extremely bad times going on. God want's peoples to come back to serve him and he wants to give forever life and happiness. God is a God of love, mercy, justice and a judgment. He love us peoples as much as hes son Jesus. There is one big lie going on this world. Its an evolution lie. First please think this thing. Why all the fruits, berrys and vegetables taste so good? Anybody can go to own home kitchen and try to do the same taste. Then look up please and watch those extremely beautiful birds. Do you really believe birds came from dinosaurs? We need very light bones, right size, correct shape, a bird's beak and feathers. And the same time birds are very beautiful. I send only these two questions to evolution professor and nothing came back(Why berries taste so good and how those little birds survived without wings) Then they say evolution gave animals camoflash to survive. Well if we look black panther. They say it's black because it's a night-time hunter and that black color also give it protection during night-time. First thing: evolution dont have brains and it gave that black color they say. Second thing: Please think how many shades of colors are and all animal have to be black. Third thing: Then they say there were many panthers with another color also and the best color was left. Because it's the best color in the nigh time. This is a lie also because: if you think like evolutionist's: the animals system also have to know to do black anymore. Rabbit is also brown when it's a summer and white when it's a winter. We need intelligence to do that. They say also evolution develops animals or Humans what kind of element we live. Why then fish have gills and whale have lungs? They say first came the first cell and that was finally a fish. And then finally fish came to land and it was frog or something. But thats inpossible because gills should also transform to lungs under the water. They brake their own logic when they say that. And how about a whale. Whale proves also God is real because it have lungs. Theory of evolution tells everything started from ocean. They also say that plants came from ocean and thats why we have now. Thats a lie because: The plants have an underwater pollination system. If something comes to the beach it will die for it. And they are breaking their logic again. Fish and other water animals and plants belong to sea. Only our loving God can create life and everything what we humans and animals need. People can try to think but the deeper we try to dig the more lost we are. We cant ever create life from nothing. A simple car engine also needs its maker, parts, fuel and the right structure to work. I had health problems about six years ago. Finally it was so bad i thought im gonna die. My heart was beating fast. My blood pressure was high. Then i started to lose my energy. When i try to walk my legs felt heavy and my stamina went very bad also. Then i started losing my sleep. Eventually i crashed a little into the road and asked God and Jesus to help. Finally I started to run in the toilet all the time too. Then the very awful thing came. I lost fastly almost all my ability to sleep and I started to loose my weight. Blood came out of my nose and I started to lost my hairs too. I visit hospitals and private hospitals too but they couldn't help me. They gave me beta blockers to my heart and finally medicine to my high blood pressure too. I wanted to get inside the hospital but they refused to take me in. In private hospitals they couldn't understand why they dont take me in the main hospital. Finally I contact to other country and I asked can you take me in the hospital. Then they asked where are you here? I told im in the other country and I need a help. But they told me we cant take you in because you dont live here. So I can tell you money didnt help me. Later I told my family im gonna die very soon because I felt completely awful. Finally I asked again God to help me. Then finally my Mother saw one Angel vision and three Jesus vision. After that it took few days and my health came back. I got my sleeping back and my heart started to calm down. I started to gain weight. Blood pressure went back to normal and finally I got all my hairs back. This Is very short version what happend to me but I was close to death. God Is real and loves us very much. When you begin to seek God you Will find True love. Read the Bible too please because its a perfect book. Thats how you know God Is real💕🙏. Read what Jesus told because its perfect talk💕🙏
Ajatella asiaa vaikka näin, ihmisille tapahtuu muillekkin vastaavia, pysäyttäviä asioita, yrittää rauhallisesti sopeutua uuteen tilanteeseen, aluksi tietenkin on vaikeaa, mutta kun elämää on elettävä eteenpäin!
Tsemppiä! Kyllä se siitä, elämässä pärjää ilman ajokorttiakin. On tuo todella harmillinen tapaus, että kirurgit vaurioittaneet näkökermoa. Asiaa ei varmasti ole helppo hetkessä hyväksyä, vie oman aikansa käsitellä tämmöiset asiat. Voimia ja kaikkea hyvää jatkoon!
Tiiän tunteen oikeen hyvin. Ite sain vuonna 2015 epileptisen kohtauksen, kaaduin sillon tänne mun oman huoneen lattialle ja porukat soitti sillon ambulanssin. Heräsin sairaalasta enkä ollu mitenkään orjentoitunu, en niinku uskonu että missä oon jne. Sillon määrättiin kans mulle vuoden ajokielto, ja onneks se jäi ainutkertaseks epilepsia kohtaukseks ja sain kortin 1v päästä takas. Lyricaa syön edelleen 600mg päivässä epilepsiaan ja hermokipuun. Tsemppiä sulle tosipaljo jatkoon, ja kaikkea hyvää!
Kiitos että kerroit. Toivon ja uskon, että tulevaisuus tuo hyviä asioita mukanaan ja paremman nökökyvyn. Kaikki ei ole aina miltä näyttää. Pitää saada uudet silmät. Minä olen 43. Ei ole korttia. Tuli muuta väliin. Ihmiset ovat puuttunut vähän liikaa eri (huonoja)interventioita on tehnyt minusta raajarikon. Mikä se nyt on.
Tampere on nykyään todella huono, moni ystävä sinne tapatettu hoitovirheen vuoksi. Sinunkin tapauksessa tässä on myös kyse hoitovirheestä, suosittelen tekemään kantelun, ottamaan yhteyttä oikeusasiamieheen, aluehallinto virastoon.
mutta sä oot äijä vielä hengissä ja pystyt nauttimaan asioista, sen sijaan että oisit kuollu ! nii älä lannistu ku kyllä siihen ajankans tottuu vaikka nyt vituttaa.
Hello how are you? I want to share you This is a message from your loving God. God is a loving God and want to save us all. God dont want anybody to suffer or have a hard life. Meaning of life is love and that's what God wants. Thats the meaning of life. If we would take care and love each other that would solve all the problems. But world is not like that. World is a sinful world. God dont destroy this world but we humans do. His immediately ready if you want to serve him. God will show you the right path what leads to life. Its a path of love. God made us and have eternal love and mercy. This world is not what God wanted. But he gave us free will. You can choose good or bad. Thats why he send he's only son Jesus that we had mercy. Jesus is God too because he is God's only son. Now this world have went to very wicked and our God is crying. So many peoples are on the path of destruction. World have allways been wicked but now is extremely bad times going on. God want's peoples to come back to serve him and he wants to give forever life and happiness. God is a God of love, mercy, justice and a judgment. He love us peoples as much as hes son Jesus. There is one big lie going on this world. Its an evolution lie. First please think this thing. Why all the fruits, berrys and vegetables taste so good? Anybody can go to own home kitchen and try to do the same taste. Then look up please and watch those extremely beautiful birds. Do you really believe birds came from dinosaurs? We need very light bones, right size, correct shape, a bird's beak and feathers. And the same time birds are very beautiful. I send only these two questions to evolution professor and nothing came back(Why berries taste so good and how those little birds survived without wings) Then they say evolution gave animals camoflash to survive. Well if we look black panther. They say it's black because it's a night-time hunter and that black color also give it protection during night-time. First thing: evolution dont have brains and it gave that black color they say. Second thing: Please think how many shades of colors are and all animal have to be black. Third thing: Then they say there were many panthers with another color also and the best color was left. Because it's the best color in the nigh time. This is a lie also because: if you think like evolutionist's: the animals system also have to know to do black anymore. Rabbit is also brown when it's a summer and white when it's a winter. We need intelligence to do that. They say also evolution develops animals or Humans what kind of element we live. Why then fish have gills and whale have lungs? They say first came the first cell and that was finally a fish. And then finally fish came to land and it was frog or something. But thats inpossible because gills should also transform to lungs under the water. They brake their own logic when they say that. And how about a whale. Whale proves also God is real because it have lungs. Theory of evolution tells everything started from ocean. They also say that plants came from ocean and thats why we have now. Thats a lie because: The plants have an underwater pollination system. If something comes to the beach it will die for it. And they are breaking their logic again. Fish and other water animals and plants belong to sea. Only our loving God can create life and everything what we humans and animals need. People can try to think but the deeper we try to dig the more lost we are. We cant ever create life from nothing. A simple car engine also needs its maker, parts, fuel and the right structure to work. I had health problems about six years ago. Finally it was so bad i thought im gonna die. My heart was beating fast. My blood pressure was high. Then i started to lose my energy. When i try to walk my legs felt heavy and my stamina went very bad also. Then i started losing my sleep. Eventually i crashed a little into the road and asked God and Jesus to help. Finally I started to run in the toilet all the time too. Then the very awful thing came. I lost fastly almost all my ability to sleep and I started to loose my weight. Blood came out of my nose and I started to lost my hairs too. I visit hospitals and private hospitals too but they couldn't help me. They gave me beta blockers to my heart and finally medicine to my high blood pressure too. I wanted to get inside the hospital but they refused to take me in. In private hospitals they couldn't understand why they dont take me in the main hospital. Finally I contact to other country and I asked can you take me in the hospital. Then they asked where are you here? I told im in the other country and I need a help. But they told me we cant take you in because you dont live here. So I can tell you money didnt help me. Later I told my family im gonna die very soon because I felt completely awful. Finally I asked again God to help me. Then finally my Mother saw one Angel vision and three Jesus vision. After that it took few days and my health came back. I got my sleeping back and my heart started to calm down. I started to gain weight. Blood pressure went back to normal and finally I got all my hairs back. This Is very short version what happend to me but I was close to death. God Is real and loves us very much. When you begin to seek God you Will find True love. Read the Bible too please because its a perfect book. Thats how you know God Is real💕🙏. Read what Jesus told because its perfect talk💕🙏
Pidä silti pieni toivo. Joskus kuntoutumista tapahtuu enemmän, vaikka lääkäri arvioi toisin. Ja juttele sun tilanne Jeesukselle. Hänelle saa kertoa kokonaan tuon vihan ja pettymyksen täysin avoimesti. Jopa sen saa kertoa, jos puuttuu koko usko Häneen. Kaikkea hyvää toivotan, ja muistan rukouksin. 🙏 Jeesuksella on valtuudet auttaa meitä kokonaisvaltaisesti. Myös terveyden suhteen. Ja ennenkaikkea Hän pyyhkii synnin ja syytöksen pois sekä kerran avattavista kirjoista, että sydämestä ja omaltatunnolta. 🙏👍 Ja tämön Hän tekee tässä ja nyt, kun käännymme Jeesuksen puoleen.
Ne on aina nuo jeesukset ja puusukset vähä semmosia mielenterveyspuolen juttuja. Käy kerran kattomassa lasten veri- ja syöpätautien osastolla, miten se jeesus auttaa. Saatat tulla vaikka järkiisi.
@88Mikko1 Synti ja kirous ja sairaudet on ihmisen omaa syytä syntiin lankeamuksessa ne tuli ihmiskuntaan ei Jumalan tahdosta!! . Jumala on valkeus eikä hänessä ole mitään pimeyttä niinkuin sana opettaa. Mutta Jeesus on kantanut syntimme ja kirouksemme sairautemme ja hänen haavojensa kautta me voimme kokea terveyden. Jes.53 luku. Ennen kaikkea pelastuksen. 1.Joh.2:2 Tutki Raamattua löydät vastauksen moniin askartaviin kysymyksiin mutta älä syytä Jumalaa lasten kärsimyksistä tai sairauksista ne synti toi maailmaan..tai sodista tai nälästä. Jumala kerran vaatii ihmisen tilille pahuudestaan ja jokainen saa tekojensa mukaan. Jos Herra olisi paha kuinka juuri hän voisi tuomita meidät pahuudestamme. Mutta niitä jotka ovat saaneet armahduksen ei tuomita kadotukseen.. Room.8:1
Terve, Matias. Elämässä on monia selittämättömiä asioita, joita on vaikea ymmärtää, ihminen joutuu kohtaamaan monenlaista epäoikeudenmukaisuutta elämänsä aikana. Kuitenkin parasta mitä ihminen voi tehdä, on kääntyä Jumalan puoleen, suosittelen, että alat etsimään yhteyttä elävään Jumalaan, jotta saisit avun vaikeuksien keskellä. Yhteys Jumalan kanssa on rukoilemista, puhumista Jumalalle, ensin on kuitenkin löydettävä yhteys, ennen kuin voi alkaa keskustella Jumalan kanssa, on löydettävä oikea taajuus, lähettää ja vastaanottaa tietoa langattomasti. Ne laitteet, joilla Jumalaan saa yhteyden on sisäänrakennettu ihmisruumiiseen, ne on vain otettava käyttöön. Raamatun lukeminen on myös hyvä, mutta sitä kirjaa voi olla aluksi hankala ymmärtää, siksi on hyvä ensin etsiä yhteyttä Jumalaan ja varmistua siitä, että Jumala todella on olemassa ja että Hän kuulee rukouksemme ja että Hän tahtoo auttaa meitä.
Mutta ajattelepa Matias; sä et vie kenenkään henkeä liikenteessä,koska olisihan se vaarallista ajella siellä . Toki ymmärrän nuoren miehen "kruisailun"halun, mutta ei olis ollut hyvä jättää aivokasvainta leikkaamattakaan. Oot hyvä tyyppi❤
Täällä on kohtalotoveri.Sain massiivisen aivoinfarktin v 2009 ja näkökenttäpuutos on minullakin.Kortti meni ja nykyisin liikun taksilla tai mopolla,kun olen syntynyt ennen vuotta 1985.Asian käsittely on vaatinut aikaa ja osiltaan en ole hyväksynyt sitä vieläkään
Hello how are you? I want to share you
This is a message from your loving God.
God is a loving God and want to save us all.
God dont want anybody to suffer or have a hard life. Meaning of life is love and that's what God wants. Thats the meaning of life. If we would take care and love each other that would solve all the problems. But world is not like that. World is a sinful world. God dont destroy this world but we humans do. His immediately ready if you want to serve him. God will show you the right path what leads to life. Its a path of love. God made us and have eternal love and mercy. This world is not what God wanted. But he gave us free will. You can choose good or bad. Thats why he send he's only son Jesus that we had mercy. Jesus is God too because he is God's only son. Now this world have went to very wicked and our God is crying. So many peoples are on the path of destruction. World have allways been wicked but now is extremely bad times going on. God want's peoples to come back to serve him and he wants to give forever life and happiness. God is a God of love, mercy, justice and a judgment.
He love us peoples as much as hes son Jesus.
There is one big lie going on this world. Its an evolution lie. First please think this thing. Why all the fruits, berrys and vegetables taste so good? Anybody can go to own home kitchen and try to do the same taste. Then look up please and watch those extremely beautiful birds. Do you really believe birds came from dinosaurs? We need very light bones, right size, correct shape, a bird's beak and feathers. And the same time birds are very beautiful. I send only these two questions to evolution professor and nothing came back(Why berries taste so good and how those little birds survived without wings)
Then they say evolution gave animals camoflash to survive. Well if we look black panther. They say it's black because it's a night-time hunter and that black color also give it protection during night-time. First thing: evolution dont have brains and it gave that black color they say. Second thing: Please think how many shades of colors are and all animal have to be black.
Third thing: Then they say there were many panthers with another color also and the best color was left. Because it's the best color in the nigh time. This is a lie also because: if you think like evolutionist's: the animals system also have to know to do black anymore. Rabbit is also brown when it's a summer and white when it's a winter. We need intelligence to do that.
They say also evolution develops animals or Humans what kind of element we live. Why then fish have gills and whale have lungs? They say first came the first cell and that was finally a fish. And then finally fish came to land and it was frog or something.
But thats inpossible because gills should also transform to lungs under the water. They brake their own logic when they say that. And how about a whale. Whale proves also God is real because it have lungs. Theory of evolution tells everything started from ocean.
They also say that plants came from ocean and thats why we have now.
Thats a lie because:
The plants have an underwater pollination system. If something comes to the beach it will die for it. And they are breaking their logic again. Fish and other water animals and plants belong to sea.
Only our loving God can create life and everything what we humans and animals need. People can try to think but the deeper we try to dig the more lost we are. We cant ever create life from nothing.
A simple car engine also needs its maker, parts, fuel and the right structure to work.
I had health problems about six years ago. Finally it was so bad i thought im gonna die. My heart was beating fast. My blood pressure was high. Then i started to lose my energy. When i try to walk my legs felt heavy and my stamina went very bad also. Then i started losing my sleep. Eventually i crashed a little into the road and asked God and Jesus to help. Finally I started to run in the toilet all the time too. Then the very awful thing came. I lost fastly almost all my ability to sleep and I started to loose my weight. Blood came out of my nose and I started to lost my hairs too. I visit hospitals and private hospitals too but they couldn't help me. They gave me beta blockers to my heart and finally medicine to my high blood pressure too. I wanted to get inside the hospital but they refused to take me in. In private hospitals they couldn't understand why they dont take me in the main hospital. Finally I contact to other country and I asked can you take me in the hospital. Then they asked where are you here? I told im in the other country and I need a help. But they told me we cant take you in because you dont live here. So I can tell you money didnt help me. Later I told my family im gonna die very soon because I felt completely awful. Finally I asked again God to help me. Then finally my Mother saw one Angel vision and three Jesus vision. After that it took few days and my health came back. I got my sleeping back and my heart started to calm down. I started to gain weight. Blood pressure went back to normal and finally I got all my hairs back. This Is very short version what happend to me but I was close to death. God Is real and loves us very much. When you begin to seek God you Will find True love. Read the Bible too please because its a perfect book. Thats how you know God Is real💕🙏. Read what Jesus told because its perfect talk💕🙏
Tsemppiä! Parempi, että meni vain kortti eikä näkö. Liikkumistapoja onneksi löytyy.
Kiitos videosta Matias... Tsemppii kaikinpuolin. 👍
Tsemppiä! Vaikutat hyvältä ihmiseltä. Elämä ei ole aina reilua mutta ehkä voi miettiä jotain korvaavia liikkumismuotoja missä ei korttia tarvitse.
Ajatella asiaa vaikka näin, ihmisille tapahtuu muillekkin vastaavia, pysäyttäviä asioita, yrittää rauhallisesti sopeutua uuteen tilanteeseen, aluksi tietenkin on vaikeaa, mutta kun elämää on elettävä eteenpäin!
Tsemppiä! Kyllä se siitä, elämässä pärjää ilman ajokorttiakin. On tuo todella harmillinen tapaus, että kirurgit vaurioittaneet näkökermoa. Asiaa ei varmasti ole helppo hetkessä hyväksyä, vie oman aikansa käsitellä tämmöiset asiat. Voimia ja kaikkea hyvää jatkoon!
Tiiän tunteen oikeen hyvin. Ite sain vuonna 2015 epileptisen kohtauksen, kaaduin sillon tänne mun oman huoneen lattialle ja porukat soitti sillon ambulanssin. Heräsin sairaalasta enkä ollu mitenkään orjentoitunu, en niinku uskonu että missä oon jne. Sillon määrättiin kans mulle vuoden ajokielto, ja onneks se jäi ainutkertaseks epilepsia kohtaukseks ja sain kortin 1v päästä takas. Lyricaa syön edelleen 600mg päivässä epilepsiaan ja hermokipuun. Tsemppiä sulle tosipaljo jatkoon, ja kaikkea hyvää!
Itellä kävi samoin n10v sitten samalla meni myös työpaikka ja jäin eläkkeelle 58v
Kiitos että kerroit. Toivon ja uskon, että tulevaisuus tuo hyviä asioita mukanaan ja paremman nökökyvyn. Kaikki ei ole aina miltä näyttää.
Pitää saada uudet silmät.
Minä olen 43. Ei ole korttia. Tuli muuta väliin.
Ihmiset ovat puuttunut vähän liikaa eri (huonoja)interventioita on tehnyt minusta raajarikon. Mikä se nyt on.
Ei ole varsinkaan nuorella iällä tuollaiset uutiset helppoja hyväksyä ja käsitellä.
Tsemppiä 😊
Jaksamista sulle.koita nauttia muusta liikunnan ilosta.Hyvää uutta vuotta😊
Tsemppiä kyl se siitä oot vahva jätkä!
Tsemppiä sinulle hyvää Uutta Vuotta ❤❤❤❤❤😂😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Tampere on nykyään todella huono, moni ystävä sinne tapatettu hoitovirheen vuoksi.
Sinunkin tapauksessa tässä on myös kyse hoitovirheestä, suosittelen tekemään kantelun, ottamaan yhteyttä oikeusasiamieheen, aluehallinto virastoon.
mitäpä toikaan hyödyttää kun suomessa noi joudu maksamaan korvauksia ja saavat jatkaa edelleen lääkäreinä.
mutta sä oot äijä vielä hengissä ja pystyt nauttimaan asioista, sen sijaan että oisit kuollu ! nii älä lannistu ku kyllä siihen ajankans tottuu vaikka nyt vituttaa.
Harmi, mukava liikkua itse mutta ei se muiden kyydissä olo katastrofi ole. 🙂🙃
Tsemppiä , en minäkään saa korttia takaisin , ennenkuin käyn harmaakaihi leikkauksessa.
Hello how are you? I want to share you
This is a message from your loving God.
God is a loving God and want to save us all.
God dont want anybody to suffer or have a hard life. Meaning of life is love and that's what God wants. Thats the meaning of life. If we would take care and love each other that would solve all the problems. But world is not like that. World is a sinful world. God dont destroy this world but we humans do. His immediately ready if you want to serve him. God will show you the right path what leads to life. Its a path of love. God made us and have eternal love and mercy. This world is not what God wanted. But he gave us free will. You can choose good or bad. Thats why he send he's only son Jesus that we had mercy. Jesus is God too because he is God's only son. Now this world have went to very wicked and our God is crying. So many peoples are on the path of destruction. World have allways been wicked but now is extremely bad times going on. God want's peoples to come back to serve him and he wants to give forever life and happiness. God is a God of love, mercy, justice and a judgment.
He love us peoples as much as hes son Jesus.
There is one big lie going on this world. Its an evolution lie. First please think this thing. Why all the fruits, berrys and vegetables taste so good? Anybody can go to own home kitchen and try to do the same taste. Then look up please and watch those extremely beautiful birds. Do you really believe birds came from dinosaurs? We need very light bones, right size, correct shape, a bird's beak and feathers. And the same time birds are very beautiful. I send only these two questions to evolution professor and nothing came back(Why berries taste so good and how those little birds survived without wings)
Then they say evolution gave animals camoflash to survive. Well if we look black panther. They say it's black because it's a night-time hunter and that black color also give it protection during night-time. First thing: evolution dont have brains and it gave that black color they say. Second thing: Please think how many shades of colors are and all animal have to be black.
Third thing: Then they say there were many panthers with another color also and the best color was left. Because it's the best color in the nigh time. This is a lie also because: if you think like evolutionist's: the animals system also have to know to do black anymore. Rabbit is also brown when it's a summer and white when it's a winter. We need intelligence to do that.
They say also evolution develops animals or Humans what kind of element we live. Why then fish have gills and whale have lungs? They say first came the first cell and that was finally a fish. And then finally fish came to land and it was frog or something.
But thats inpossible because gills should also transform to lungs under the water. They brake their own logic when they say that. And how about a whale. Whale proves also God is real because it have lungs. Theory of evolution tells everything started from ocean.
They also say that plants came from ocean and thats why we have now.
Thats a lie because:
The plants have an underwater pollination system. If something comes to the beach it will die for it. And they are breaking their logic again. Fish and other water animals and plants belong to sea.
Only our loving God can create life and everything what we humans and animals need. People can try to think but the deeper we try to dig the more lost we are. We cant ever create life from nothing.
A simple car engine also needs its maker, parts, fuel and the right structure to work.
I had health problems about six years ago. Finally it was so bad i thought im gonna die. My heart was beating fast. My blood pressure was high. Then i started to lose my energy. When i try to walk my legs felt heavy and my stamina went very bad also. Then i started losing my sleep. Eventually i crashed a little into the road and asked God and Jesus to help. Finally I started to run in the toilet all the time too. Then the very awful thing came. I lost fastly almost all my ability to sleep and I started to loose my weight. Blood came out of my nose and I started to lost my hairs too. I visit hospitals and private hospitals too but they couldn't help me. They gave me beta blockers to my heart and finally medicine to my high blood pressure too. I wanted to get inside the hospital but they refused to take me in. In private hospitals they couldn't understand why they dont take me in the main hospital. Finally I contact to other country and I asked can you take me in the hospital. Then they asked where are you here? I told im in the other country and I need a help. But they told me we cant take you in because you dont live here. So I can tell you money didnt help me. Later I told my family im gonna die very soon because I felt completely awful. Finally I asked again God to help me. Then finally my Mother saw one Angel vision and three Jesus vision. After that it took few days and my health came back. I got my sleeping back and my heart started to calm down. I started to gain weight. Blood pressure went back to normal and finally I got all my hairs back. This Is very short version what happend to me but I was close to death. God Is real and loves us very much. When you begin to seek God you Will find True love. Read the Bible too please because its a perfect book. Thats how you know God Is real💕🙏. Read what Jesus told because its perfect talk💕🙏
Ajokorttihan ei sinua estä ajamasta vaan sinä itse :) Voit vaikka mennä ajelemaan jonnekkin suljetuille alueille tms jos siltä tuntuu
Pidä silti pieni toivo. Joskus kuntoutumista tapahtuu enemmän, vaikka lääkäri arvioi toisin.
Ja juttele sun tilanne Jeesukselle. Hänelle saa kertoa kokonaan tuon vihan ja pettymyksen täysin avoimesti. Jopa sen saa kertoa, jos puuttuu koko usko Häneen.
Kaikkea hyvää toivotan, ja muistan rukouksin. 🙏 Jeesuksella on valtuudet auttaa meitä kokonaisvaltaisesti. Myös terveyden suhteen. Ja ennenkaikkea Hän pyyhkii synnin ja syytöksen pois sekä kerran avattavista kirjoista, että sydämestä ja omaltatunnolta. 🙏👍 Ja tämön Hän tekee tässä ja nyt, kun käännymme Jeesuksen puoleen.
Ne joilla on Lievä älyllinen kehitysvamma selvittämättä niillä on liitännäinen diagnoosi epilepsia tai Autismi
En minäkään taitaisi korttia pysyy ihmiset elossa
Mönkijä on kiva, kortilla ei ajeta..
25 kommenttia näkyy vaikka pitäisi olla 33. Missä ja miksi ei näykään kaikki, alapeukku sen vuoksi.
siihen en pysty vaikuttamaan, videossa kuitenkin kaikki kommentit sallittu.
Herra Jeesus auttakoon sinua ja koskettakoon myös terveydellä ja ennen kaikkea pelastuksella❤
Ne on aina nuo jeesukset ja puusukset vähä semmosia mielenterveyspuolen juttuja. Käy kerran kattomassa lasten veri- ja syöpätautien osastolla, miten se jeesus auttaa. Saatat tulla vaikka järkiisi.
@88Mikko1 Synti ja kirous ja sairaudet on ihmisen omaa syytä syntiin lankeamuksessa ne tuli ihmiskuntaan ei Jumalan tahdosta!! . Jumala on valkeus eikä hänessä ole mitään pimeyttä niinkuin sana opettaa. Mutta Jeesus on kantanut syntimme ja kirouksemme sairautemme ja hänen haavojensa kautta me voimme kokea terveyden. Jes.53 luku. Ennen kaikkea pelastuksen. 1.Joh.2:2 Tutki Raamattua löydät vastauksen moniin askartaviin kysymyksiin mutta älä syytä Jumalaa lasten kärsimyksistä tai sairauksista ne synti toi maailmaan..tai sodista tai nälästä. Jumala kerran vaatii ihmisen tilille pahuudestaan ja jokainen saa tekojensa mukaan. Jos Herra olisi paha kuinka juuri hän voisi tuomita meidät pahuudestamme. Mutta niitä jotka ovat saaneet armahduksen ei tuomita kadotukseen.. Room.8:1
Morjens! Ikävä kuulla, että elämä on murjonut!
Tsemppiä sulle Matias!
73 de OH8UBJ/Juha
Ei sitä kortilla ajeta!
J̌aksamista sulle. Ikävää tommonen.
Terve, Matias.
Elämässä on monia selittämättömiä asioita, joita on vaikea ymmärtää, ihminen joutuu kohtaamaan monenlaista epäoikeudenmukaisuutta elämänsä aikana.
Kuitenkin parasta mitä ihminen voi tehdä, on kääntyä Jumalan puoleen, suosittelen, että alat etsimään yhteyttä elävään Jumalaan, jotta saisit avun vaikeuksien keskellä.
Yhteys Jumalan kanssa on rukoilemista, puhumista Jumalalle, ensin on kuitenkin löydettävä yhteys, ennen kuin voi alkaa keskustella Jumalan kanssa, on löydettävä oikea taajuus, lähettää ja vastaanottaa tietoa langattomasti.
Ne laitteet, joilla Jumalaan saa yhteyden on sisäänrakennettu ihmisruumiiseen, ne on vain otettava käyttöön.
Raamatun lukeminen on myös hyvä, mutta sitä kirjaa voi olla aluksi hankala ymmärtää, siksi on hyvä ensin etsiä yhteyttä Jumalaan ja varmistua siitä, että Jumala todella on olemassa ja että Hän kuulee rukouksemme ja että Hän tahtoo auttaa meitä.
Kyllä sitä voi silti ihan hyvin ajaa autolla vaikka ei ole korttia.
No ne joilla epilepsia niillä on oikeus saada taksikortti
tsemppii äijälle kokeile kirkkoa, jeesus kristusta.
just niin
Turpa kiinni hörhö
Mutta ajattelepa Matias; sä et vie kenenkään henkeä liikenteessä,koska olisihan se vaarallista ajella siellä . Toki ymmärrän nuoren miehen "kruisailun"halun, mutta ei olis ollut hyvä jättää aivokasvainta leikkaamattakaan. Oot hyvä tyyppi❤
@@irenepirttilampi6663 älä lässytä
Mitäs se kirkko auttaa?
vituttais muakinnn😂
Tämmönen rusakkohattu tälläkertaa. V.tun idiootti.