Next up a Macro guide would be GOATED. Ksante is kinda in an awkward position of being a non-engage Tank but also being a bad splitpusher so it's not always clear on how Macro should look like on a toplaner like him and it feels like this is the main reason why his Solo Q WR is so poor.
honestly it feels that you only wanna push out the wave just enough enemies don't get free towers and prio(you can't take the tower yourself anyways lol) and then hover your team. Also if you're lucky enough to get a flank it's perfect. Might still be interesting to hear more details from the goat tho
He is not in an awkward position AT ALL. He might be the most flexible tank in the game besides splitting. Neutralize waves to neutral/Crash into tier 2 if you win side depending on the time for the objective (if you have TP or a lot of time --> go opposite side of objective) ----> Group for the objective early and help get vision and control ----> peel your carries with E and W then ult when there are no more threats or to peel as well. This is the basic macro but of course there will be circumstances that you need to pay attention in a real game.
And tbh I think the reason soloq ksante is poor is because he is insane at peeling but you need damage in your team. He is a pretty hard champ to solo carry.
As the Description says, if this video SOMEHOW gets 1000 likes, for my next K'Sante video/guide I will do whatever the top comment requests. Good luck!
Hi Aatreus, as a former ADC main I gave up playing the role cause it is really team reliant and being oneshot by everything straight up sucked. I was planning to switch lanes and I don't know why but K'Sante was the champion I always wanted to tryout since it is both tank and deals good damage so more favorable instead of carrying my games. Then I ended up founding you from twitch and wanted to see your content in youtube and man I'm amazed! As a total beginner I had never ever such fun before and the things you mention did really help. I like the way you explain, then do a quick quiz about it is very helpful. I am so eager to learn K'Sante to its full potential and very happy to know that someone like you is guiding me through the journey. Sorry if the comment is too long but just wanted share my thoughts and feelings. Can't wait for your next video and keep up the good work! Much love from Turkiye.
Super solid item video! I've been running this kind of build but rarely go fimbulwinter because it's purely an hp item, but I always thought it's flat shields synergized better with a resistance stacker like ksante then hp stackers which seem to buy it often, your explanation for why you buy it makes a lot of sense honestly, and I'll definitely consider it a lot more in my games, thanks again for the video!
I'd been going Gauntlet, Kaenic, Jak'Sho last season, but fimblewinter actually makes a lot of sense :D Edit: My choice of items vs your gragas was MR cloak, tear, and boots; also your explanation as to why building resists lategame sucks over fimble was so funny
Aatreussy back with it again. Great guide! I do have a question: What do you think about Warmogs/Heartsteel as a last item vs teams who do not have %HP items built or in their kit? (I know that stacking Heartsteel is of course always the best option and you can't really do that if it's potentially the last teamfight of the game; maybe if you're lucky you get 2 - 3 Hearsteel procs. Also Warmogs through its passive gives you a lot more HP instantly, but isn't the ~40 HP you get for hitting an enemy not like a pseudo heal and also the burst damage it provides can be nice in bursting down a carry? A little like Sundered Sky but different. I do also understand that more resists means more damage means bigger Aftershock boosts, means even more damage as well, but I am still wondering) I would really like to know what your opinion on that matter is. Keep up the great work though!
Heartsteel can be bought as a final item if you lack damage, but if you lack damage with ksante your better of building more armor since your damage scales with resistance. If your gonna buy fimbulwinter theres almost no need buy another hp item (unless they lack hp% damage and they arent good users of black cleaver and the ap version) Also one misconception with heartsteel, theres no need to buy it early to begin to stack it, since the more hp you have the faster it stacks
heartsteel is bad, don’t build it if the game goes on long enough ur better off just playing peel for your adc with a knights vow if they’re fed. the damage is nice but you don’t need it, same with warmogs
In macth ups where you need early game power to dominate hard like Garen, Darius and Morde (pretty easy match ups in the end) is going grasp shield bash sudden impact combo adding tear really helped to eliminate early game mana problem what normally lasts till lvl 6-7 before Ksantes mana regen is good So fimbulwinter just adds more dmg for free to this grasp shield bash sudden impact page really well, of course if you want to do aftershock tree for more scaling dmg, i might try adding revitalize as last to test out how much extra dmg it gives. To make garen match up even easier is just get wardens mail asap and garen is done, this can also work vs irelia (bramble is better but it is something you can add if you want if enemy is aa heavy based), riven or any other enemy who wants to attack ALOT so removing 15 dmg per attack plus spell procs, its really good item to get in those match ups In match ups where enemy wants to build Black cleaver or new bloodletters curse, rushing jaksho helps to mitigate some of that armor/mr shred well bloodletter is really rare to see people build so that comes really rarely as a problem Ksante in the end is really versatile in his build paths and many match ups has many different solutions you can just use As long you know your items what you want to build, enemy will hate you
Love your content, i am the Top 2 BR Ksante but i still think my ksante is hella crusty and sometimes i can't even lane against some matchups, idk if that's macro diff or some matchups i don't know how to trade. I plaed against like 4 master aatrox and beat all of em, when it was time to beat a challenger aatrox it felt i couldn't win the lane. Obviously when i bought ice gauntlet the lane was mine btw
first of all being good at the game or high elo doesn't equate to knowing how to build items as seen everyday when watching pro play, secondly great video!
Any chance you make a video about teamfighting with k'sante? I feel like lane is relatively simple but I am completely overwhelmed with options once there's a teamfight.
my beginner guide talks about teamfighting and what your role as k'sante should be, but it seems like this is a common question so I might make a more in depth guide on it
Would love more raw content, since I live in Europe I cant watch your streams that often. Would love some uncut midlane games vs mages like Viktor. Kinda like nemesis on his second acc „nemesis 2“.
In some cases i've opted into full MS ksante with switfties DMS and FON and while it's probably completely int, it does feel like it lets me rotate around the map way better though Also i noticed you went Cosmic insight in that graggy match, think you generally mentioned to usually prefer approach velocity yea?
its preference, but now that i run fimbul + gauntlet, and use the 2 longest cd summoners in the game the item haste and summoner haste it provides is very valuable
Im insanely pisslow but i want to know your opinion on this Aatreus. Whats your opinion on manaflow - scorch 2nd? I run it and it feels pretty nice but you're kinda the messiah of ksante so what do you think
bad, not good. go biscuits cosmic and if u have mana problems get tear. fimbul is very strong right now so almost no reason to be going mana runes, scorch also is useless past laning phase
Have you ever tried weird/greedy item starts like chain vest refillable or null magi mantle 2 pots? They speed your resists up and help with inventory clog, with the obvious downside of course.
I've got a question Aatreus. I've been playing K'Sante since his release, and I've been following your videos ever since I found them way back when you could still aim K'Santes W. You didn't discuss them in this video, but boots have always been pretty self-explanatory (Armor for heavy auto or AD, and Mercs for CC), but I wanted to ask what did you think about the Void Boots if your team has already secured Feats? The movement speed scaling really lets K'Sante roam around the map since he doesn't splitpush as well as other top laners like Garen, Trundle or Fiora. But being able to shove a wave, and then rotate to another lane for the team fight with your MS has been really cool. It's also not a bad buy early because they're relatively cheap and the Impowered Recall lets you reset if you're in a rougher matchup like against a Darius, Renekton or something with % HP dmg like a ranged top (Vayne).
pretty sure its always more worth to just prioritize building resists, void boots have the same issue with heartsteel where you are incentivized to build it as early as possible, but k'sante has more important items he needs to prioritize early. if the enemy team isn't leaning too heavy in the direction of auto attackers or crowd control, I will sometimes build swifties. If you're in a tough matchup like darius or renekton, getting void boots is just delaying your powerspikes which actually makes you weaker since you're prolonging your ability to trade back at your opponent. instead grab a chain vest so you can get q damage, lower q cooldown, lower q cast time, damage resist against your opponent and more W / RP damage.
Hi I just picked up K'sante and I was wondering : -against melee comps, would you EVER consider a Heartsteel 1 or 2 ? -I tried a few games of zeke 1st for the cheap price and slow during ult. I'm understanding that stacking pure resist would be better but was my idea really troll ? (Emerauld mmr) Nice vid !
Ty for the guide, but i have one specific match up that i struggle to itemise for, ap volibear. He autos a lot so deals a lot of ad meanwhile his e and passive deal a lot of mr + his massive lifesteal
cloak > gauntlet > kaenic. you counter volibears kit entirely if you play it smart, don't let him get an extended fight and W him away when he Q + E's at you,
I still think they should give him the hp scaling on the ult omnivamp back abd nerf the base value of it and nerf the attackspeed in ult that would make some hp way better and not beeing 100% resistance locked
Hi @Aayreuslol Im starting to try on your item pathing on Ksante, May I know if you still buy 2 chains + Thornmail vs Aarrox? or Thornmail after Gaunlet? Also is it still Aftershock for the rune? Thank you
Its because i feel like if I try to take aftershock, i pretty much play completely different, which is not trading and give up prior Pre lv6 Is this kind of the playstyle if we take Aftershock?🙏🏻
chain + bramble into gauntlet is good, and yes aftershock is the rune to go, it’s stronger than grasp but requires knowledge on how to utilize effectively. the play style eith aftershock revolves around engaging a trade with W first so your Q becomes maxed out for a few seconds
wow you’re right, i missed the boots section, but basically just see if the enemy team has lots of auto attackers or crowd control and make your choice between steel caps/mercs, if they aren’t heavy on either one then i like swifties as well
warmogs doesnt do anything for you but a bigger E shield. If your team allows you to permanently split push side and they win 4v4 then sure warmogs is a great item for splitpushing since you are way less inclined to leave lane and be more annoying to the enemy team, I guess. but in combat it doesnt do jack, and its expensive as hell
@Aatreuslol yeah I checked it and play about 30 games in new season. Ksante is still strong cause of concept of champ literally tank that have all in his kit and gain damage from resists, but I liked when u went shied build u became a drain tank like aatrox
@@NazumanLawyerIf we take aftershock, does that mean we just give up lane prior and play passive until 6? Feels like cant trade at all, For example vs Aatrox/ Darius, I still dont know if I take grasp or Aftershock
Question, is it viable to build with ksante lord dominik? When using all out you have 90 percent armor penetration. I have tried it and I put it together in a late game and the damage is noticeable
@KSansTe john has 200 armor basestat, and 100 armor from items and other things for a total of 200 (simplified). All out K’Sante has 60% bonus armor pen so he reduces the 100 down to 40. Ldr has total armor pen (30% i think) so it reduces 200 down to 140. I dont know how the calculations actually works but it doesn't reduce 200 down to 20 like you thought
@Aatreuslol having ADHD makes it difficult for me to keep track of a long list of item names. I had to rewatch the video several times and google many of them just to understand what was being said. Visuals are really important for me to grasp the information
Next up a Macro guide would be GOATED. Ksante is kinda in an awkward position of being a non-engage Tank but also being a bad splitpusher so it's not always clear on how Macro should look like on a toplaner like him and it feels like this is the main reason why his Solo Q WR is so poor.
honestly it feels that you only wanna push out the wave just enough enemies don't get free towers and prio(you can't take the tower yourself anyways lol) and then hover your team. Also if you're lucky enough to get a flank it's perfect. Might still be interesting to hear more details from the goat tho
Yeah and maybe showing how to play against some Matchups
THIS please
He is not in an awkward position AT ALL. He might be the most flexible tank in the game besides splitting.
Neutralize waves to neutral/Crash into tier 2 if you win side depending on the time for the objective (if you have TP or a lot of time --> go opposite side of objective) ----> Group for the objective early and help get vision and control ----> peel your carries with E and W then ult when there are no more threats or to peel as well. This is the basic macro but of course there will be circumstances that you need to pay attention in a real game.
And tbh I think the reason soloq ksante is poor is because he is insane at peeling but you need damage in your team. He is a pretty hard champ to solo carry.
As the Description says, if this video SOMEHOW gets 1000 likes, for my next K'Sante video/guide I will do whatever the top comment requests. Good luck!
@Aatreuslol besides whatever the top comment says, could you make video on teamfighting and positioning as ksante?
@@Cactus00011i made a beginner guide that goes over teamfighting recently!
@@Aatreuslol okay, will check it out then thx
i was the 999 like lol
Ive been fiending for this brother thank you
Hi Aatreus, as a former ADC main I gave up playing the role cause it is really team reliant and being oneshot by everything straight up sucked. I was planning to switch lanes and I don't know why but K'Sante was the champion I always wanted to tryout since it is both tank and deals good damage so more favorable instead of carrying my games. Then I ended up founding you from twitch and wanted to see your content in youtube and man I'm amazed! As a total beginner I had never ever such fun before and the things you mention did really help. I like the way you explain, then do a quick quiz about it is very helpful. I am so eager to learn K'Sante to its full potential and very happy to know that someone like you is guiding me through the journey. Sorry if the comment is too long but just wanted share my thoughts and feelings. Can't wait for your next video and keep up the good work! Much love from Turkiye.
Banger video as always 🐐 its often hard to see the value per item in full builds and this video explains it very nicely.
Super solid item video! I've been running this kind of build but rarely go fimbulwinter because it's purely an hp item, but I always thought it's flat shields synergized better with a resistance stacker like ksante then hp stackers which seem to buy it often, your explanation for why you buy it makes a lot of sense honestly, and I'll definitely consider it a lot more in my games, thanks again for the video!
😮This was a really fun and also enjoyable video. Keep it up master❤
your tip saved my life 🙏
Love ur content beast. Idk if u ever would upload stream highlights of games but I’d watch every one of them
@@Blackmagechow i was thinking of uploading more gameplay! i’ll keep this in mind :)
Awesome guide
ty fot the video Aatreus ! very informative.
The quiz portion helps so much u don’t even know
I love how informative this is and I don't even play top
ive been playing ksante for a while now despite having an abyssal
fantastic video!
Insane guide man keep it up
I'd been going Gauntlet, Kaenic, Jak'Sho last season, but fimblewinter actually makes a lot of sense :D
Edit: My choice of items vs your gragas was MR cloak, tear, and boots; also your explanation as to why building resists lategame sucks over fimble was so funny
Nice video bro !I don't play ksante because I heard that is a high elo and need good mechanics . Maybe I'll try k'sante now in normal
Great video!
nice vid bud ty
Aatreussy back with it again. Great guide! I do have a question: What do you think about Warmogs/Heartsteel as a last item vs teams who do not have %HP items built or in their kit? (I know that stacking Heartsteel is of course always the best option and you can't really do that if it's potentially the last teamfight of the game; maybe if you're lucky you get 2 - 3 Hearsteel procs. Also Warmogs through its passive gives you a lot more HP instantly, but isn't the ~40 HP you get for hitting an enemy not like a pseudo heal and also the burst damage it provides can be nice in bursting down a carry? A little like Sundered Sky but different. I do also understand that more resists means more damage means bigger Aftershock boosts, means even more damage as well, but I am still wondering)
I would really like to know what your opinion on that matter is. Keep up the great work though!
Heartsteel can be bought as a final item if you lack damage, but if you lack damage with ksante your better of building more armor since your damage scales with resistance.
If your gonna buy fimbulwinter theres almost no need buy another hp item (unless they lack hp% damage and they arent good users of black cleaver and the ap version)
Also one misconception with heartsteel, theres no need to buy it early to begin to stack it, since the more hp you have the faster it stacks
heartsteel is bad, don’t build it if the game goes on long enough ur better off just playing peel for your adc with a knights vow if they’re fed. the damage is nice but you don’t need it, same with warmogs
In macth ups where you need early game power to dominate hard like Garen, Darius and Morde (pretty easy match ups in the end) is going grasp shield bash sudden impact combo
adding tear really helped to eliminate early game mana problem what normally lasts till lvl 6-7 before Ksantes mana regen is good
So fimbulwinter just adds more dmg for free to this grasp shield bash sudden impact page really well, of course if you want to do aftershock tree for more scaling dmg, i might try adding revitalize as last to test out how much extra dmg it gives.
To make garen match up even easier is just get wardens mail asap and garen is done, this can also work vs irelia (bramble is better but it is something you can add if you want if enemy is aa heavy based), riven or any other enemy who wants to attack ALOT so removing 15 dmg per attack plus spell procs, its really good item to get in those match ups
In match ups where enemy wants to build Black cleaver or new bloodletters curse, rushing jaksho helps to mitigate some of that armor/mr shred well bloodletter is really rare to see people build so that comes really rarely as a problem
Ksante in the end is really versatile in his build paths and many match ups has many different solutions you can just use
As long you know your items what you want to build, enemy will hate you
This was incredibly helpful! If you don't mind, do you think you could possibly provide a code for your custom item build like you did a while back?
added to the description! thanks for pointing that out
Love your content, i am the Top 2 BR Ksante but i still think my ksante is hella crusty and sometimes i can't even lane against some matchups, idk if that's macro diff or some matchups i don't know how to trade. I plaed against like 4 master aatrox and beat all of em, when it was time to beat a challenger aatrox it felt i couldn't win the lane. Obviously when i bought ice gauntlet the lane was mine btw
This really helps out man :) do you also have a K'Sante guide? Wanna try and learn him and I'm still quite new to the game
i have a beginner guide!
For 1000 likes do a guide on ksante jungle , i am curious if you can make this work
please not the pro play build i can’t
godbless u vro god bless...
Guys second video this weeek!!!🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️❤️❤️❤️
first of all being good at the game or high elo doesn't equate to knowing how to build items as seen everyday when watching pro play, secondly great video!
God bro!
thanks for the build
Thanks 🙏
Any chance you make a video about teamfighting with k'sante? I feel like lane is relatively simple but I am completely overwhelmed with options once there's a teamfight.
my beginner guide talks about teamfighting and what your role as k'sante should be, but it seems like this is a common question so I might make a more in depth guide on it
Would be amazing if youd just record your gameplay and make a choaching out of it like AloisNL does for example just with K'Sante
Would love more raw content, since I live in Europe I cant watch your streams that often. Would love some uncut midlane games vs mages like Viktor. Kinda like nemesis on his second acc „nemesis 2“.
got it!
today we eating good
Got all questions true easy.
now pull it off in your real games 🤫
@Aatreuslol bro it really worked but like i was dying super easy when its late team gap i think .i went 16-6
In some cases i've opted into full MS ksante with switfties DMS and FON and while it's probably completely int, it does feel like it lets me rotate around the map way better though
Also i noticed you went Cosmic insight in that graggy match, think you generally mentioned to usually prefer approach velocity yea?
its preference, but now that i run fimbul + gauntlet, and use the 2 longest cd summoners in the game the item haste and summoner haste it provides is very valuable
I got jumpscared 8:03
Im insanely pisslow but i want to know your opinion on this Aatreus. Whats your opinion on manaflow - scorch 2nd? I run it and it feels pretty nice but you're kinda the messiah of ksante so what do you think
bad, not good. go biscuits cosmic and if u have mana problems get tear. fimbul is very strong right now so almost no reason to be going mana runes, scorch also is useless past laning phase
Have you ever tried weird/greedy item starts like chain vest refillable or null magi mantle 2 pots? They speed your resists up and help with inventory clog, with the obvious downside of course.
@@nooneatall5612 i have been testing it recently, yes
@@Aatreuslol How did you find them? I play in piss ELO so I don't know how it works against respectable opponents.
I've got a question Aatreus. I've been playing K'Sante since his release, and I've been following your videos ever since I found them way back when you could still aim K'Santes W.
You didn't discuss them in this video, but boots have always been pretty self-explanatory (Armor for heavy auto or AD, and Mercs for CC), but I wanted to ask what did you think about the Void Boots if your team has already secured Feats? The movement speed scaling really lets K'Sante roam around the map since he doesn't splitpush as well as other top laners like Garen, Trundle or Fiora. But being able to shove a wave, and then rotate to another lane for the team fight with your MS has been really cool.
It's also not a bad buy early because they're relatively cheap and the Impowered Recall lets you reset if you're in a rougher matchup like against a Darius, Renekton or something with % HP dmg like a ranged top (Vayne).
pretty sure its always more worth to just prioritize building resists, void boots have the same issue with heartsteel where you are incentivized to build it as early as possible, but k'sante has more important items he needs to prioritize early. if the enemy team isn't leaning too heavy in the direction of auto attackers or crowd control, I will sometimes build swifties.
If you're in a tough matchup like darius or renekton, getting void boots is just delaying your powerspikes which actually makes you weaker since you're prolonging your ability to trade back at your opponent. instead grab a chain vest so you can get q damage, lower q cooldown, lower q cast time, damage resist against your opponent and more W / RP damage.
@@Aatreuslol Gotcha! Thank you for the reply! Much Love ❤
Hi I just picked up K'sante and I was wondering :
-against melee comps, would you EVER consider a Heartsteel 1 or 2 ?
-I tried a few games of zeke 1st for the cheap price and slow during ult. I'm understanding that stacking pure resist would be better but was my idea really troll ?
(Emerauld mmr)
Nice vid !
heartsteel is terrible because it gives no resists and ksante does not scale as well with health compared to resists
and zekes isnt awful but gauntlet is just better and more consistent/reliable
1K likes idea: Play electrocute (no resolve) K'Sante with a sunfire rush (armor or MR version fine) because I know the build triggers you
9:14 xd
Play attack speed ksante with heartsteel on top.
Ty for the guide, but i have one specific match up that i struggle to itemise for, ap volibear. He autos a lot so deals a lot of ad meanwhile his e and passive deal a lot of mr + his massive lifesteal
cloak > gauntlet > kaenic.
you counter volibears kit entirely if you play it smart, don't let him get an extended fight and W him away when he Q + E's at you,
@Aatreuslol ty sir
I still think they should give him the hp scaling on the ult omnivamp back abd nerf the base value of it and nerf the attackspeed in ult that would make some hp way better and not beeing 100% resistance locked
yea it’s honestly not worth building anything but resists early game, ksante scales so well with it
Sometimes when watching alois i think wow proxying is OP. i wonder if tear Ksante could do that
you can ! ksante waveclear is quite good!
Hi @Aayreuslol Im starting to try on your item pathing on Ksante, May I know if you still buy 2 chains + Thornmail vs Aarrox? or Thornmail after Gaunlet?
Also is it still Aftershock for the rune? Thank you
Its because i feel like if I try to take aftershock, i pretty much play completely different, which is not trading and give up prior Pre lv6
Is this kind of the playstyle if we take Aftershock?🙏🏻
chain + bramble into gauntlet is good, and yes aftershock is the rune to go, it’s stronger than grasp but requires knowledge on how to utilize effectively. the play style eith aftershock revolves around engaging a trade with W first so your Q becomes maxed out for a few seconds
What about tier 2 and tier 3 boots?
wow you’re right, i missed the boots section, but basically just see if the enemy team has lots of auto attackers or crowd control and make your choice between steel caps/mercs, if they aren’t heavy on either one then i like swifties as well
Aatreus how do you feel about spirit visage? I like it because of the fibul + E synergy. as well if I ever wanna go unending
it’s in the video
against a healing ap threat, how would you build against that? should i prioritize mr before bramble? is bramble not worth at all?
just focus on kaenic and ask your team to build anti heal
Is warmogs ever buyable either instead of fimbulwinter or as fifth itrm if the enemy has a lot of shred/pen?
no warmorgs is bad and fimbulwinter is infinitely cheaper and better
warmogs doesnt do anything for you but a bigger E shield.
If your team allows you to permanently split push side and they win 4v4 then sure warmogs is a great item for splitpushing since you are way less inclined to leave lane and be more annoying to the enemy team, I guess.
but in combat it doesnt do jack, and its expensive as hell
R.I.P. shield build you was so broken as fuck but I miss you😢😢😢
check my newest short with this build 👀
@Aatreuslol yeah I checked it and play about 30 games in new season. Ksante is still strong cause of concept of champ literally tank that have all in his kit and gain damage from resists, but I liked when u went shied build u became a drain tank like aatrox
What do you think of Frozen Heart?
it’s a good item if the enemy team has lots of auto attackers
Play Ldr k'sante with the normal build
Terminus my beloved
What about bami's items? Like sunfire cape or the mr one? are theu useless too?
When do you go grasp? And when do you go after shock?
Grasp is only good into fistfight matchups, aftershock is always good
@@NazumanLawyerIf we take aftershock, does that mean we just give up lane prior and play passive until 6?
Feels like cant trade at all, For example vs Aatrox/ Darius, I still dont know if I take grasp or Aftershock
you play ksante, buy anything, it will work out
Vs full AD comps - still build jak sho? Cause of the passive ? Or skip it ?
Replace kaenic
gauntlet steel caps frozen heart/thornmail/randuins then jak sho should do the trick
Play ap k’sante
Rise up
Do you think frozen heart is ever a better item than thornmail?
both items have their strengths, when choosing your Armor item you have to understand what will be the most effective counter against the enemy team
Question, is it viable to build with ksante lord dominik? When using all out you have 90 percent armor penetration. I have tried it and I put it together in a late game and the damage is noticeable
Ksante ult armor pen is only bonus armorpen, the calculations dont work like that sadly
@NazumanLawyer could you explain me better
@KSansTe john has 200 armor basestat, and 100 armor from items and other things for a total of 200 (simplified).
All out K’Sante has 60% bonus armor pen so he reduces the 100 down to 40.
Ldr has total armor pen (30% i think) so it reduces 200 down to 140.
I dont know how the calculations actually works but it doesn't reduce 200 down to 20 like you thought
Are you really just going aftershock everygame? what about matchups where are you just trading perma like sett, jax or trynd
Aatrox too?
Too many items, so little icons on the screen to follow up. I'm confused
which part are you confused on?
@Aatreuslol having ADHD makes it difficult for me to keep track of a long list of item names. I had to rewatch the video several times and google many of them just to understand what was being said. Visuals are really important for me to grasp the information
@Aatreuslol it'd be nice to have a little icon on the screen when you mention an item
NA ksante (rank1 world) XD XD kid playing in the top of worst regiongs
mb bro i’ll just move regions 💔
@@Aatreuslol no need, playing meta champ in pro play since released is nothing special