Why always konyak tribes use to list and found sometimes wife leftover husband sometimes husband use to live wife n children sometimes divorce n sometimes having relationship with others husband and wife specially this year. Hoho union and students union must take strict action.. don't mind please it's konyak tribes habit.
When poor knock the door. Love run away from the window. that s happened in this family and more to be happen in the future.becos they married too early with out any sources to run the family especially eastern area. don't mind but what I saw I share.
This youtuber think his viewers are paggal. He failed to mention the reason for missing and how and why she went to Assam state and lodge in kaziranga hotel. 😊
Etu mai ki to Hotel khan logot kiman den kiman night enjoy kori say etu be question ask kori be tay. Aro mota para be reason phal para na ja ne kina ahi le be except na kori le phal asy.
Valueless video withou details story, how and why she is missing? Don't repeated your words, one word 20-30 times repeated what reporter. Do you know the meaning of reporter?
Himaan phal pacha aro amaa tu pakli huise??? Na ki hui kena haraise kokai???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
What is this! Without detail and important information. Must upload the reason of how, where, when and why. Next time I guess i won't press your channel to watch because outcome result will be annoying.
Thank God baby n her mother found.but what's meant of uploading video without reason behind how she disappeared n how she was found n where is the hotel kaziranga ? It's a waste of time n unnecessary video.
Hotel te ki ne ka pai say aro hotel khan para ki ne ka koi say aro maiki para eku koi se na nai. Etu to clear koi le phal asy reason to ki hava asy jane bol lage tay social media platform te show kora pheje te to reason to koi re book lage tay kile apune laga news te hotai sai eto para kuva asy . Apune laga subscribe khan k koi tebe tay.( ating pa a hotel me hang ngao iyange pei aih she she hotel nokpu lan te tonge nyao ya ai. Hatao a apong taowe ngao tam pu mei lak yang. Alam je ngoh nang peih she teih nangki.)
A very good news that she has been found regarding her disappearance but why and what is the reason behind her disappearance ?? There is a reason behind this, without any reason she will never leave her husband, that's redicolous
Which 1 is the correct pronunciation? Phan or phal n bell icon or ben icon... U will B highly awarded bro if u answer the correct word or pronunciation..
Happy that she is back.. But reason behind the missing should be your video..This is called incomplete video.
Absolutely true, why she gone missing n tell us about her missing behind the reason.
You information is not complete because you did not give proper reason why she was missing
Eto ka koi Ranti Maike .😂
Why there is no reason missing? Incomplete video
What's the meaning.Full Detail about missing story hopeless
Reason should be update tonight itself... Without any reason what do you mean updating missing fund?
Hosa ase... This guy used to make only bla bla unnecessary video always
Hosa ase
Why did you not share all the Details why?? you're not fit to report any news from now on🤣
Hosa ase
Need money tu....😂😂😂 Let's wait for next episode
The reason why she went kaziranga hotel.,..not full details story/useless video
Yes this guy has gone mad. 😊
Kaziranga hotel 5 days fasting thakise kua😂
@@AchobeniImchen hahaha kaziranga prayer centre te neki
Without detail better not to make video.
We want to know full details and reason????
Ur very tired but the information is always incomplete why?
Very true.
Incomplete video don't upload this kind of video.
Why always konyak tribes use to list and found sometimes wife leftover husband sometimes husband use to live wife n children sometimes divorce n sometimes having relationship with others husband and wife specially this year. Hoho union and students union must take strict action.. don't mind please it's konyak tribes habit.
Everyone is not same. Even Sumi people have that kind of problem 😢 before you comment or before you say anything first think about ur tribe too
Konyak maike khan du Non local khan k bise bhan bai na 🤣🤣🤣
Aya..... What a full details?
All the missing young mother are konyak what happened
Money hunter 😂 if u know u know 😂
Yes money hunter.
You should not say like that.
@@SPARK-i4g right points.
Make video with full details
Information incomplete why
Improper information. Without given detail is no use.
Hotel te toh ki kore takha?
Please let us know all details information about her missing on next video. Ex: why she gone missing n how to u got her n where she was found?
When poor knock the door. Love run away from the window. that s happened in this family and more to be happen in the future.becos they married too early with out any sources to run the family especially eastern area. don't mind but what I saw I share.
Over ase konyak makikhan
Reason kubina
Tikai shi hoili kinika harashi eto to kopo laki enika video to nupona pi eko matalap nai
Bro abmi to eman tok para kotha koi ase hoi lee b meaningless ase eko reason nai
Reason ,why she s going to kaziranga, n to with whom
This youtuber think his viewers are paggal. He failed to mention the reason for missing and how and why she went to Assam state and lodge in kaziranga hotel. 😊
Kon loogot ty thakhe se maike 5 day to??
How she found?
Did Somebody gave money to spend some nights in hotel?
It will be good if u interview her why she got missing where she went details
In complete video.what is the reason?found in hotel means,run away with other guy.very loose character.👎
Sure , 💯☑️👍
Incomplete video don't upload plz.... what is the reason
Next time dont tke up any risk about missing case...if the dont want to exposed the reason after found....very bad
Konyak Maki Khan toh miya manu nahoi le satisfied nai ho😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Konyak guy are small size that is yyyy....
hllo I'm new subscriber 😊
Without details is Like a tea without suger 😂😂 need details ech evy1
Next te enigalaga video upload nekorebi soram lagi
Kinika kinika hoise details to kovina
Etu mai ki to Hotel khan logot kiman den kiman night enjoy kori say etu be question ask kori be tay. Aro mota para be reason phal para na ja ne kina ahi le be except na kori le phal asy.
Etu mota bi pagela ase naki
Without reason please don't unload next time please.
Reason to nokoi le to koda lamba nokoi na kam nai paishe koi le hoishe ,reason to he laki moikan
Detail reason kobina,unnecessary video tu naponabina, sorom kuribi.manu family tu business nisina kile?
Aru inika mesamese information netibe teeee mesamesee
Why bro Tonpha only incomplete..give it details report
New subscriber here Kumghavlog. Thanks for information.
As you said their is nothing information in this video and is useless. Don't misuse media platform.
Your information is incomplete , why n how she reached there?
Where is details??
Thre might be some reason behind..Why don' t you update full information? Unsubscribe kuri bo.
Valueless video withou details story, how and why she is missing? Don't repeated your words, one word 20-30 times repeated what reporter. Do you know the meaning of reporter?
If no reason why to update. This days married women become horrible like devil.
Himaan phal pacha aro amaa tu pakli huise??? Na ki hui kena haraise kokai???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
What is Messing reason moral toh ki ase etu reason nathaki kena toh video peshi nabona vi reason thaki vo lage
What is this! Without detail and important information. Must upload the reason of how, where, when and why. Next time I guess i won't press your channel to watch because outcome result will be annoying.
Oh tired this mon ladies thinks that they are becoming celebrity if their video goes viral shameless, this shows and testify their loss characters 😅
Very true. Shameless celebrities
How she reached direct Hotel?
Without reason kine ka missing hopo? Famly member ke reason to ko b na? Hotel ty paise koilea to....etu maiki to thik na thaki po!?
Moi eku nabuja hoishe itu reporter to action song kuri ashe naki😂😂😂😂😂😂
Tonpha kani ku v na 😅😅no opiom😅😅sir thank you u video 👍👍👌
Why she left him ...
Etu ki la details asey mesa mese
reason nokoi ka na ki video banaise.mesamese
Video bunai ase koile reason details dibina misa mishi video nopunabi de .
Reason ki ase???? Should b giving full details...
Good job brother 🎉
Thank God baby n her mother found.but what's meant of uploading video without reason behind how she disappeared n how she was found n where is the hotel kaziranga ? It's a waste of time n unnecessary video.
Ki hoise ho kobi na
Talking about healthy baby
Where is the details?????
What is the reason, mention some reason. Incomplete video 👎
Tizit town to koyla Assam Osor sa naa, eto pra meiki pese harei 😂 eto p Adha puree khan😂Purna Khan to sop Assam falaa dede p hoo😂😂😂
Bro plz tell the reason why she staying hotel tell truth
Hotel te ki ne ka pai say aro hotel khan para ki ne ka koi say aro maiki para eku koi se na nai. Etu to clear koi le phal asy reason to ki hava asy jane bol lage tay social media platform te show kora pheje te to reason to koi re book lage tay kile apune laga news te hotai sai eto para kuva asy . Apune laga subscribe khan k koi tebe tay.( ating pa a hotel me hang ngao iyange pei aih she she hotel nokpu lan te tonge nyao ya ai. Hatao a apong taowe ngao tam pu mei lak yang. Alam je ngoh nang peih she teih nangki.)
Pato paise ki hoi taka pa?misa mise alak kam pa nai haaaa
Without givng reason of mssng instead repeatng the same sentens!!... Hilarious😂😂😂
Sorram b nai nage ho? Eto maike , baby ga tak morram hobo laga😘
A very good news that she has been found regarding her disappearance but why and what is the reason behind her disappearance ??
There is a reason behind this, without any reason she will never leave her husband, that's redicolous
Why she was missing? Please
What reason?
Misa mishi tumikhan kihoishe ho,why n what happened ho shameful 🤮
Wt reason update detail plz..in complete..... ?
Mesa mese uncompleted update next video k Tu nasa bo😡👎
Tell us why did she went there full details.
Detail and complete information pls mr utuber
What was the motive behind her missing please.
Sooop manu reason reason reason, details, details,details ,5 days fasting Hotel thakisi kuise nahoi😂😂😂
Brother if you want to be a professional news reporter thn to not be afraid ! 😊
Kaziranga hotel te kon loko fasting loi thaki si 😂mia loko na .....alak chad
Thie days Konyak news are so viral
Reason behind?????
How she was lost pls mention the reality as how she went missing?
Ke karne ja sei . reason?
Which 1 is the correct pronunciation? Phan or phal n bell icon or ben icon... U will B highly awarded bro if u answer the correct word or pronunciation..
Worry not.she earning money for family.
She needs Assamese guy's 😂😂😂
Assamese too bhal sa ko v naa, kala meia Assam lokor ko v😂😂😂
Might be 😅😢
Assam flood dey mas dangor pai hetokhan pisariwole jaishea na ki
What is the reason behind the missing wife.
Polai le pi papole ase no problem itu ki koi ase nobuje bro😂
May God bless you
What is the reason behind?
But who took her there please share the details