BY THE WAY OR IN ADVANCE FOR HATERS. We took many stuff from home to give away in Africa. Shoes and all other clothes, second hand laptop and other electronics, some toys and so, so don't take it too seriously! And in other hand Africa is not the same as 10 years ago, now they have everything, good roads, internet, supermarkets, all opportunities for business, if you hand a 10 years old kid an iphone he will know how to use it, so don't be fooled, some people are just too lazy :) Just wanted to show that stereotype and joke about people in Africa eating everything is outdated, have a nice day.
norbefilms Visa tai atrodo įdomu, manau tai viena iš geriausių serijų. Atrodo labai išsiskiriantis iš kitos pilkos masės. Tikėkimes, kad 10 valanda atvykai pas juos ir susukai mums dar viena serija. Manau, kad daug įdomiau jog čia būti ne tik profesionalus driftas, bet ir tai kas kiek susije su automobiliais, galbūt šioks toks humoras, dalis gyvenimo. Laukiu kitų tavo afrikos epizodų ir tikėkimes, kad jų bus nemažai. Manau turėtum pasiekti savo lauktus 100k prenumeratorių gan greitai.
I look every day for new videos from your trip man ! looking forward to go to africa too in dezember! your videos always nice ;) keep drifting fun greetings from Germany !
Damn it! The only reason I watched this your particular video was that I knew you are going to encounter local car enthusiasts! I have watched a bunch of videos from Africa and I know they like to spin (drift), so I was eager to see them in action. Where is the rest of the footage at 10 am ? :)
#NorbeFilms I wanted to add something, I was thinking that this video is gonna be racist but then it turns out that it the opposite. First of all I wanted to thank you, second thing to add people still thinks that their is only black population in Africa . I like your video and hope to see more, a fan from north Africa.
BY THE WAY OR IN ADVANCE FOR HATERS. We took many stuff from home to give away in Africa. Shoes and all other clothes, second hand laptop and other electronics, some toys and so, so don't take it too seriously! And in other hand Africa is not the same as 10 years ago, now they have everything, good roads, internet, supermarkets, all opportunities for business, if you hand a 10 years old kid an iphone he will know how to use it, so don't be fooled, some people are just too lazy :) Just wanted to show that stereotype and joke about people in Africa eating everything is outdated, have a nice day.
ignore them bby this is gold
norbefilms Visa tai atrodo įdomu, manau tai viena iš geriausių serijų. Atrodo labai išsiskiriantis iš kitos pilkos masės. Tikėkimes, kad 10 valanda atvykai pas juos ir susukai mums dar viena serija.
Manau, kad daug įdomiau jog čia būti ne tik profesionalus driftas, bet ir tai kas kiek susije su automobiliais, galbūt šioks toks humoras, dalis gyvenimo.
Laukiu kitų tavo afrikos epizodų ir tikėkimes, kad jų bus nemažai.
Manau turėtum pasiekti savo lauktus 100k prenumeratorių gan greitai.
norbefilms respect! 👊🏼
I can garuantee he came there at 10oclock xdd
a wild multipla 😰😰😰😨😨😂😂😂
hope you went back at 10 o clock sharp ;) these guys are able to put voodoo spells on you
Lol imagine seeing someone walking with a clutch somewhere random xd
Did you go to the ''best garage'' next morning? :D
Yes norbefilms? What happend the next day?
Next day kids ate all BMW parts
so there's gonna be a second video drifting with those guys?
The Legend says that the best garage workers still waiting for Norbe
Damn 44 African kids are pissed they couldn't eat it
2:50 Give Clutch To African Kids ✓
This is the best thing I saw this year so far :D Im dying :D
Hahaha way to call out the comment section! Good effort
Your videos are getting better and better! Keep it up!
4:00 prasau pasakyk kad tu ju nepalikai an ledo xDDD
Dude funniest video especially when the kids were holding the burnt clutch disk like gold.
this video made me somehow super uncomfortable lol
just like the african kids who tried to eat a clutch
And, were you there the next day ?
this is the best video I've seen in a while ahahah , great work mate !
лол кек чебурек
Congrats on first
one word: epic
That was hilarious! Great editing :)
Those mechanics looked at you like: "what dis you say drifting?" My car always go sideways".
"I heard those kids could eat anything" lol
so did you drift with those guys?
Super video, it was so funny :) Nice job Norbe!
I look every day for new videos from your trip man ! looking forward to go to africa too in dezember! your videos always nice ;) keep drifting fun greetings from Germany !
don' stop, please :) you're making great stuff :)
Most epicnest epic car show, seems like African kids know how to deal with the clutch. Disc.
Kids from Africa could have ate the burnt tires, but they chose to eat clutch instead
Damn it! The only reason I watched this your particular video was that I knew you are going to encounter local car enthusiasts! I have watched a bunch of videos from Africa and I know they like to spin (drift), so I was eager to see them in action. Where is the rest of the footage at 10 am ? :)
lol Noberfilms what was that creepy final 😂😂
Did you teach them in Best garage about drifting mods next morning?
Norbe, tai ar parodei jiem kaip šerti?
Niceee video!! Like Bear Grills😂😂 Impatient to see some drifting in Africa bro!!
Please make a video when you teach the african guys to drift. Help them weld the diff on one of the cars :)
That 💯 burnout video was epic! filmed all of that on an RX100 ?
Slavic music in the background 2:42
2:48 the kid from the middle looks like KSI lmao
lo que va a liar er tio con el disco de embrague. te farta un tornillo lokoo jajaja
4:30 is that a ford KA
The real question is: did they actually weld the diff?
So next day?
that ending
Lol the fucking title 😂😂
great video as always!
Wild multipla :DDD dead
If you don't drift with the dudes at the shop you're a lick...
Is he welded diff ? :D
Weld the diff ok ?
Jener Aufwand
HAHAHAHAHHAHA :D Best video ever
funny vid
4:48 song name ??
nothing says your in africa like aussie music with bagpipes
haha nice one Norbe
Jakie to Państwo w Afryce??
Ble man kiausai dega kaip laukiu kito video... :D
Hey norbe this video was shot in my country follow me on gcg carkillers to know more about us and how we drift
Hahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaha wild fiat hahahahahhahahaha
Man i dunno this was real uncomfortable
ar you gonna make them drifters? really? they won't have money even for petrol.....but i respect them, as with no special tools they make cars go.
Which African country is this?
I'd say Gambia
Belly Head Excellent Observation, I wonder how I missed that?
lauksim kitos serijos! 👌 👌 👌 👌
#NorbeFilms I wanted to add something, I was thinking that this video is gonna be racist but then it turns out that it the opposite. First of all I wanted to thank you, second thing to add people still thinks that their is only black population in Africa . I like your video and hope to see more, a fan from north Africa.
You look like Frenchy Sungattack haha
Darysi kadanors kašką lietuviškai :D ?
Haha that was really funny!
this is hilarious
Butu buve idomu pasiziureti kokius patarimus dalinai vietinimas :) bet turbut cia komercine paslaptis :D
poor bmw
tu toks juodas is vidaus :D kaip tie vaikai is isores
AHAHHAAH best thing ever XD how could you ever dislike this especially with that guy on the end ahaha "weld the diff" "yeah"
🙂🙂🙂🤘🤘👍👍 Good video
1:50 :DD
ikelk nauja video
lol kur tu vazineji :D aga jie driftins ,jie tavo pinigus pasivogs ir vsio
bent lietuviskus subtritus
nice video!!
Puiki juoko dozė pirmadieniui,NO HATE PEOPLE PLZZ, laukiu nesulaukiu visos vaizdo medžiagos :Dd
norbi lietuviškai šnekėk
drift with african ? =))
im a fan of older stuff, but wtf is this? content, humor, cars, where is all that stuff? first dislike
this was so funny
Pls norve kalbėk lietuviskai
wild multipla xDDD
Crazy that polak dude xD
How racist is this.....
lmfao 01:45