Woordenlijst ============================= baas (de) - the boss bevredigend - satisfying boot (de) - the boat doorzettingsvermogen (het) - the perseverance ervaring (de) - the experience fornuis (het) - the stove gast (de) - the guest gerechten (de) - the dishes gereedschap (het) - the tool hopelijk - hopefully mes (het) - the knife pannen (de) - the pans passie (de) - the passion oplossen - to solve sfeer (de) - the atmosphere snijden - to cut snijplank (de) - the cutting board souschef (de) - the sous chef spannend - exciting trots - proud uitdagend - challenging uitdagingen en voordelen - challenges and benefits vermoeiend - tiring, exhausting mijn droom kan waarmaken - can make my dream come true
baas (de) - the boss
bevredigend - satisfying
boot (de) - the boat
doorzettingsvermogen (het) - the perseverance
ervaring (de) - the experience
fornuis (het) - the stove
gast (de) - the guest
gerechten (de) - the dishes
gereedschap (het) - the tool
hopelijk - hopefully
mes (het) - the knife
pannen (de) - the pans
passie (de) - the passion
oplossen - to solve
sfeer (de) - the atmosphere
snijden - to cut
snijplank (de) - the cutting board
souschef (de) - the sous chef
spannend - exciting
trots - proud
uitdagend - challenging
uitdagingen en voordelen - challenges and benefits
vermoeiend - tiring, exhausting
mijn droom kan waarmaken - can make my dream come true
And for intermediate level?
The next one about couriers will be more advanced 😉. For now, we focus on the basics. Intermediate content will come later.