Tips are traditionally for sit down service at a table, where you are waited on. Not for placing your order while standing at a counter. That makes as much sense as tipping at Burger King. If something's going on though that makes you want to tip, go for it. But don't be pressured.
It’s not my job to pay the employee. It’s also not my responsibility to pay for something that I already paid for. If these people are unhappy with the life they chose they should either take it up with their bosses or choose a better life.
Damn straight.....I guess is this is their only employment option because they dropped out of high school, got their GED and were stoned most of their high school years
@@therock8288 I do. Im just not a pushover like you. If you’re scared people are gonna spit in your food then that says more about your common sense and gullibility than anything else. You clearly have never worked in food services before.
I support it! My fiance hates it when I don't tip but I don't care people have grown accustomed to getting tipped for simply doing what their job requires. If the service sucks don't tip! If the food sucks don't tip! If I have to worry about my food getting spit in over a couple bucks then ill simply refuse to eat there. Get rid of tipping!!!
I don't mean to sound cheap but I dislike the concept of tipping. I visited the US and felt like if I didn't tip I would receive passive-aggressive hostility from the restaurant. Why call it tipping if it's NOT really optional? I'd rather sit at home and eat something cheap. I'm from the UK and thankfully nobody ever expects a tip. I never feel any pressure eating out in England. No Serial Killer.
American here - you're not wrong, our tip culture is borderline bullying anymore. I wish we didn't get nagged for tips - it's eyeroll-worthy anymore especially when the person asking just swiped a card or walked 10 feet.
I don't tip, I don't care. I work too. I'm a single mom of two toddlers. No child support or anything else. I work hard for what I earn. Not my problem on anyone else's income. I have a crappy, low paying job just like everyone else just about.
As long as you don't eat out in restaurants where the government implemented a system that allows employers to pay below minimum wage, I'm all with you.
@@jcsjcs2 it’s a misconception; everyone walks out with at least the minimum wage at the end of the day. If a server makes below minimum for the day the business owner has to come up with the difference.
Yes lmao 🤣 it's the American way. Where we ALL want to be millionaires, all want to create a buisness where we don't give a crap about paying their employees money lol, entrapanuers lmao more like con men.
@@GuapoJhimi Ha! I was at a classic NY diner once and stretched my arms out to far into the aisle (apparently). The old waitress told me to go outside if I wanted to do yoga!....Really nice impression she left!
@@therock8288 If it says A. 15% .. B. 20% .. C. 25% ... it gets to the point of stupidity. My first job was as a courier, and I ran around like a chicken with its head chopped off for customers, and never received a single tip in three years!
I got a request for tip at a self service car wash. I refused. Utterly ridiculous. She wanted a tip for processing my sale. If she has vacuumed the car it’d be a different story.
That’s fucking crazy. Hell no ain’t tipping if I’m doing it myself. If it was the other way around people cleaning my car of course I’ll give them a tip.
@@fatalradius You'd be surprised how many young adults feel entitled to tips just for walking 5 feet or for swiping a card. I give tips out of feeling thankful for good service - I've left no tips before due to poor service or poor attitude (I'm talking purposefully getting orders wrong or ignoring the table).
@@AmberTurdsShittyBedsheet It’s not that they feel entitled it’s that the tip screen is a default pet of the program right before you sign. No one expect you to tip for stuff like that it’s just how the program is.
It’s weird how people laughed off tip jars as absurd but the iPad thing pressures them into tipping where tipping isn’t traditionally the norm. Tipping for counter service is ridiculous. Don’t do it.
Yes. They were unable to differentiate between the messed up restaurant business, where tipping is required because lawmakers made it so, and other businesses, where tipping is requested just because more money is always better...
They have a book to sell. They're purposely touting both lines to attract the largest number of sales possible while saying nothing of importance so as not to be offensive. It's intellectually dishonest.
@jcsjcs2. "Restaurants where tipping is required "? Tipping is NEVER required. All tipped servers make at least the same min wage as anyone else, even if nobody tips. The cost of service is included in the menu prices.
Tipping for counter service has been standard in my area for over a decade. What's new is an indoor playground in my area that charges an admission fee of $15 for kids, then when you give your card, they flip the screen at you and ask how much you want to tip. The options are 20%, 25%, and 30%. FOR PAYING AN ADMISSION FEE. Then they sell packaged snacks and bottled soda inside, and they ask for a tip each time you buy a Twix or a coke. I do not even know how you would satirize this. They are literally asking you for a tip for charging you a fee.
It’s not that their asking you for a tip it’s just that that seems to be a default setting in square space and the like so there is an option to tip for when a business that uses it needs that. It’s just a default setting that shows up when they need you to sign.
@@kevinmoynihan5118 It is not a default setting. You set up tipping and how much the options are. And flipping the screen is sure as hell not mandated by Square.
Our system is BROKEN. It shouldn't be up to the CUSTOMER to pay restaurant staff. The damn EMPLOYER should be paying them a proper, living wage! Tipping should be OPTIONAL, for when a patron wants to show appreciation or gratitude for service above & beyond. Things are horribly out of whack!
Tip IF you want, and HOW MUCH you want, and let the haters hate. No customer is obligated to tip anyone. A tip is a generosity, not an obligation. Also bear in mind that the people who keep pushing this 15%, 18%, 25% tipping nonsense, are normally the ones working at jobs where people usually tip. Never feel bad about refusing to shovel your hard earned money at another person because they demand it. Not saying not to tip, just don't fall for the hype many of these self entitled brats seem to be advocating.
Pressure timing is a huge problem here in the US. We all work and we all strive to excel in our fields. But not for the tip. I should not be expected to compensate for someone else’s salary. I am not their employer.
I don't tip anyone but waitstaff. If you're already getting paid a regular wage and all you're doing is YOUR JOB, you don't get tipped unless you did something extraordinary. And if a company makes it too hard to opt out of tipping, I never go back. It's a great exercise in ignoring social pressure. If a person isn't paying your bills and wouldn't visit you in the hospital, their opinion means nothing. Be strong!
@howtosober. All tipped waitstaff is making at least the same min wage as anyone else, by law. Tip, Don't tip, they still make min wage. Do is all a favor and never tip for poor service.
My thing is this. Why is the tip based on the price of the food? You could pay more for smaller portions and less for something that took more work for the waitress to bring you.
3:16 Completely wrong information. They don’t earn living based on tips, they earn based on hourly rate of minimum $7.25 an hour. The restaurant is legally obligated to pay the difference of the earnings and the minimum hourly wage if the earnings including tips don’t make up $7.25 an hour. Tipping essentially narrows down that difference for the restaurant, hence by tipping you are actually paying more to the restaurant than you are legally obligated to.
Soon they'll just remove the 'no tip' option and make it 18% or 20%. Y'know, because the fast food brats are crying again and all of us who work actual demanding jobs have to support their lives.
Rules of thumb. NEVER eat at a restaurant that wants a "service fee". That's a 100% a scam. If employers can't pay their employees properly, that's not your responsibility to pay the employees for them. Tell restaurants that demand tips to go to hell. You are not legally obligated to give a tip. Don't let restaurant owners tell you to pay their employees for them.
I ve been asking and noone seems to know and answer. Is this legal? Can you tell them to subtract this charge off of the bill right before you pay or you call the police???
I picked up a pizza today when i scanned my card it gave me an option to tip , I skipped it . this tipping for someone handing me something is ridiculous.
You don't tip your garbage man, mail carrier etc. So because the restaurant industry doesn't want to pay, we have to? Why is a person an asshole for not tipping wait staff but if I don't tip the cable guy no one bats an eyelash? #Mr.Pink
@@beepboop9464 Don't you think a buisness who rely on a culture and consumer to pay your salary technically not be created in the first place? Why can S. Korea, London, Italy, Costa Rica and many others able to create a restaurant where they have a structure system that works. But not in greedy states of ignorance America lol. Hello!!!! I am an entrepreneur lol no way in hell would I have the balls to come up with that buisness model. With out ever getting consuquences lol 😆
It seems like it's becoming where you need a 2nd income for tipping. Maybe if a place is going to charge $20 for coffee they pay their employees. Pretty soon they are going to be asking if you want to wear your drink or drink your drink, then passing the receipt back to you.
Im not tipping a waiter that gives terrible service. Busy is one thing, bad service is not worthy of is a incentive for good service..not mandatory.
Meanwhile, if the government added a twenty five percent coffee tax everyone would go nuts! But it’s okay for the coffee shops to try to charge an extra 25 percent on top of taxes just to buy a drink even in the drive thru. It’s absolutely nuts.
I don’t understand tipping. I ALWAYS leave a good tip no matter what but I think if restaurant owners paid their employees a normal wage, we wouldn’t have to worry about leaving a tip. They’re just doing their job - taking orders, bringing out the food, checking up if we need anything, etc. That is their job. We shouldn’t have to go out of our way to pay more but instead, they should price their food a little more to pay their employees better. It just frustrates me because I don’t get tipped at work for doing MY job at the office. It’s gotten ridiculous now, to pick up my coffee, pick up to go orders, basically everywhere now.
I disagree. A cash tip is 20% higher than increased wages and quality of service. A bartender in NYC can pull in $100k + a year. At a $2/hour pay rate. Make their rate $20/hr no tip. They are now making $40,000 per year . But getting paid better hourly. Tipping is better
Servers are entitled to at least minimum wage if the tip credit minimum plus tips is not equal to at least the untipped minimum wage, so the idea that they are essentially forced to beg for their livelihood isn’t accurate. Beyond that a tipping culture gives them a greater opportunity to earn money because they can make 15-20% on almost every table/tab/drink and can make significantly more than minimum wage. If you get rid of the tip credit and change the prices then things may shift to a culture where tipping is far less significant and more optional leading servers to miss out on the potential for higher earnings on busy nights. With that aside, even if we assume that smaller tips would still be left and getting rid of tipping culture wouldn’t make servers lose money, I still don’t get the anti-tipping sentiment. It’s just moving the money around on paper. The money all ultimately comes from the customer. If I buy a $10 burger and tip $2 or I buy $12 burger and tip $0 it’s all the same amount of money.
Folks, if you are tipping in 2023 at places where tipping was not a norm before, you are effectively helping the business owner/company generate MORE PROFIT FOR THEMSELEVS ON YOUR DIME as employers will use "tip" as a reason/excuse to give their employees a much smaller raise or defer a raise. I know of several business acquaintances who quietly admitted to me in person that what I said here is not totally untrue.
If I am not sitting down at your restaurant or you are not delivering the food directly to my home I am not tipping. I have walked out of places that force tipping for takeout. This shit is just out of control.
For take out food, I’ve notice more than a few times lately that when I leave no tip, things are left out of the order. My family has practically ended eating out.
I say we just get rid of tipping all together! I will only tip if the service is good, other than that there is no need to they're just doing a job like everyone else.
Here's the thing though...when at places where you pay before your food is made and they spin the screen around for a tip while they wait for you to spin it back, that is indeed intimidating. Especially when they walk over to the people making your order right afterward. I'd rather tip at the end when when service has been dealt out equally, not pre-based on how you treat the guy at the register.
Oh, brother. I do not do that. I have worked in restaurants and we ALL know what happens. Anyplace that requests your tipping percentage BEFORE your food is made is a place I do not frequent. I have no problem walking right back out.
@@GuapoJhimi if you go to a restaurant where they spit in your food. That's on you. Go somewhere you can actually trust the restaurant. I spent the better part of 30 years in the industry and I can say that type of shit got you fired on the spot. I have seen 3 people do it and they never worked with anyone I know again. That's not something you do. It's a myth told by people to justify giving in to peer pressure. If a place did that regularly they would be shut down so fast your head would spin. Ffs. stop and think for just one minute. adding bodily fluids to a persons meals. That's tantamount to assault. The potential to pass on viral contaminates alone, beyond the rest of the issues.
@echochildus2441. Last year some idiot Gen x waitress did 90 days in jail when caught intentionally adding fluids to a customer's meal, thinking it would be "funny". Have fun with that criminal record, dufus!
Baristas aren’t paid sub-minimum. Why should you tip them for doing their job, regardless of the effort. The kid that bags my groceries or makes my sandwich at subway does more work for less money and I don’t tip them.
Tipping has gotten completely out of hand in the U.S. There seriously needs to be a movement toward no tipping or at least limit it to sit down restaurants only. Now, even some fast food restaurants are asking for tips, like little caesars. All they do is hand me the food. Am supposed to tip them because they heated the food they are trying to sell. By that logic we would have to tip the deli worker, the bakery worker, McDonald's employees, etc. Hell, maybe we should be tipping the poor souls that stock grocery store shelves and the produce section. This so called expert thinks its acceptable that people are now expecting a minimum of between 18% and 20% and up to 25% to 30%. Give me a break... If you tip somebody 20% for handing you food, you're a damn fool.
Embarrassed? Lmao. I am too old and been around too much to be embarrassed by some Gen Z dork/dorkess, with pronouns, chartreuse hair, and 5 nose rings. I know who should be embarrassed. It ain't me.
I can't tell you how many times I tip on take out and get home and the order is wrong. I've now started saying comically when they check me out.....if I get home and my order is right, I'll tip next time. I'm not tipping for something I went to pick up.
Let me see if I get this straight. They give you lousy service or no service at all… but because that is the way they make their living you should give them a tip anyway? I think I’ll just eat at home and give myself the tip.
Tips in a work situation are a company's easy way out of paying employees a REAL WAGE... And puts the responsibility on the CUSTOMERS It saves a company more than most people realise... Meanwhile the business makes 100% profit and all of the money because they only pay employees a fraction of minimum wage... Saves them money at tax time, again making close to 100% profit To be made to pay 20% gratuity is insane... Just so that business reaps all the money and employees are made to FEND FOR THEMSELVES Tips are not EVER propery accounted for and total tips made while working are NEVER accurate or true... This becomes "TAX EVASION" JUST LIKE PAYING SOMEONE "UNDER THE TABLE".... IT IS ILLEGAL!! But society looks the other way and then wonders why this country is so messed up right now and tries to put blame on everything rather than the actual truth
Enough !!! It cost too much to go get a small sandwich these days. Are the vendors that supply the food to the resteraunts going to start putting their cashapp on those now also??
Tipping is a personal choice and nobody should feel obligated to give one. If you're in the food industry and you don't like not receiving a tip maybe you need to find a different line of work.
I think it ridiculous. Every employee gets a minimum wage. So, if you don’t like that rate, get a new job. You don’t feel bad about the Taco Bell worker only earning minimum wage and leave them a tip! So, tip traditionally were left for servers that did a great job, did extra service, etc. Not an expected added salary to their salaries paid by their employers. If you want a higher hourly wage, talk to your employer. Me… the Customer- I’m already paying for the eating at your establishment.
The great news is when they kill off cash all the tips will be taxed YAY! And when you go to sell your used lawn mower to the neighbour guess what? The digital systmw is gonna tax that too welcome to the cashless society
Listen! I’m a good tipper when I eat inside the restaurant or getting my hair done or when I get food/groceries delivered. However, I will not tip when all I am doing is picking up a bag to go. All you’re doing is handing me a bag of food. 🤷♀️
@@chynadaniels4744 their job is to pack the bag and check it’s all in order. But you want to give them a tip for packing the bag and checking it’s all in order? Do you tip the grocery store workers for stocking the shelves as well?
The case is that the time to pack the order would be better spend on waiting tables that actually tip. Especially on busy days every minute matters. But I agree with you and I don’t tip on take outs. Source: I was a waitress.
Tipping a percentage on the tab can quickly become completely insane when you go to higher end restaurants. De-corking a $500 bottle of whine takes as long as de-corking one for $20 -- but suddenly instead of a $4 tip it's a $100 tip? For one minute of work?
Why is not tipping not appropriate? Why can't the business pay their people a proper wage and tipping is only left for good service. Why should I reward someone for only doing their job (I did not hire them) or some times doing a bad job?
@@GuapoJhimi For most of my life I assumed - big mistake - tipping was common in Europe. Nope. They actually think it's odd. Employers just pay their employees more.
Stop eating out at fast food stores and restaurants until they learn respect. 10% at restaurants and 15% for good service. Never more or you are to blame. And never tip on the total, it is the sub total, so never hit custom or percentage. Always put in amount value yourself based on sub total or else you are paying tips on taxes which means you are a fool and actually paying about 20% plus on all your tipping. Tell them the recession hits all of us.
Isn’t the more work or effort they put in called their job? How come warehouse workers don’t get tips? Cooks? Cart people at grocery stores, meat cutters, food packagers, pilots, news people, store managers, architects, presidents? It’s because you don’t actually see them, they work just as hard, maybe even harder. Tipping is for morons. It’s like winning $20,000 at a casino and giving the person who handed you your money $1000 which I see constantly. How far was the walk? My god!!
So the way it goes is businesses rely on tips so that their employees make a living wage. Then they got us arguing about the crumb's. Realistically we should do away with tiping. Having some rich entitled white woman tell us how to spend our money and what the norm should be😂
Lol culture war lol shits crazy. 16 years this shift happen lol 😆 so embarrassed to be alive. Don't even care if I die. Like wtf is the point. Shit is actually funny as hell not giving a crap any more. So on that note, I might just order New York strip, eat it all, take my time, and just leave with out paying. How does that sound you God dam greedy CEOs, owners. Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂
It's completely out of control & discourages us from patronizing businesses using these tablets. I think I'm going to start paying in cash again. Please take your tablet & shove it ## #### ###.
Yes, tips are optional, all menu prices include service unless specifically stated otherwise, and all tipped employees still make at least the same min wage as anyone else who isn't tipped.
Bad service = no tip. People are so entitled now a days. Many have such poor attitudes towards you because people just can't be bothered anymore, and they expect a tip afterwards. Why reward bad behavior? On the other hand good pleasant service gets really good tips from me.
It's a conspiracy by the companies that manage payment processing. Square and others. They profit from tipping as well since merchant fees are higher for the larger purchase amount. They are behind the ipad pressure tip.
Wrong: It's not my job to pay peoples salary, needs to be removed and workers need to be paid fairly. In Canada they receive minimum wage for $10-$15 at least. Plus tips are based on after tax. I the $US the laws around tipped workers not getting minimum wage is just wrong and needs to be fixed. I only tip at sit down restaurants, else no tips. If I stand to get food, no tip, if i pay before getting my food no tip. I am done with tipping, it needs to disappear. I eat out less because of tipping. I rather get take out or cook myself to avoid paying just to eat out. For someone to bring me my food doesn't mean I should tip someone for doing their job. Lots of low wage workers don't get tips, homedepot, walmart etc why is the food industry obsessed with tipping. Cheap restaurant owners, pay your staff fairly, stop being cheap. I would rather eat at a restaurant that doesn't support tipping over one that does.
This woman sounds like a sheep. I'll never understand the notion that "you never skip tipping, even if it's garbage service" in a restaurant. They would be lucky to even get full payment from me and if they insist, they would pay it back in a devastating fashion in the form of a lawsuit.
Why is it the consumers job to make the employees wage more comfortable, if your own employer doesn’t care why should I ? If you can’t live off whatever your wage is then find another job or get a second job. Stop trying to pressure people into making your own finance situation better by leaving a tip !
This tipping stuff is getting out of control. I’m a generous tipper but, some of these tipping requests are just outrageous. I guess it’s a store’s way pf passing pay raises of their employees onto customers w/o raising prices. It just gets inappropriate at a certain point. And the ones who really need the tip’s don’t present these kiosks lol
More and more things in 0our lives, that used to be a "choice" are now a "demand". But, that is your socialist state in action. Just wait. It is gonna get worse. A lot worse.
Tipping just makes no sense at all. You didn't ask for any special service that they would consider "tippable". So why should they expect you to pay for it? The most they should expect is "thank you for your great service".
If you hate giving tips, never go to the US. It’s that simple. There are so many other countries. You don’t have to feel miserable while doing what Americans are required to do. Japan does not have the tipping culture. Why not visit Japan instead?
Or we can stick with the culture that already had excist. You tip for good service as generosity, That's why you say THANK you, when you recieve one, not a " oh I'm entitled to this even though I was slow " and tip at resturants you sit and actually are being waited on lmao. No more disrespecting the consumer by asking them to constantly be the ones to pay for CEO, owner of the place you are waiting. I promise you, it's that simple. Over my dead body am I going to allow this new culture shift to manifest merely bc the place you are working has a POOR buisness model. A terrible entrepreneur.
Common sense says “don’t give your money to people just because you feel pressured.”
That’s bullying.
That’s iPad pressure.
At sit down restaurants they walk away while you fill out the receipt
Tipping has become no different to the guy on the street harassing passersby for money. the only different is with tipping you feel more forced.
Tips are traditionally for sit down service at a table, where you are waited on. Not for placing your order while standing at a counter. That makes as much sense as tipping at Burger King. If something's going on though that makes you want to tip, go for it. But don't be pressured.
or when you get your hair done
No, tipping is for better than normal service
I second that!
It’s not my job to pay the employee. It’s also not my responsibility to pay for something that I already paid for. If these people are unhappy with the life they chose they should either take it up with their bosses or choose a better life.
Damn straight.....I guess is this is their only employment option because they dropped out of high school, got their GED and were stoned most of their high school years
Or job for that matter.
These guys in California is making $20 hr. Newson made sure of this. Tipping is a joke.
Tipping + delivery feee + service fee = I just go get my own food.
Don't forget tax!
They still want you to tip now when you pick up your own food
@@craigclermond8001 lmao what they want and what they get are two different things.
You have to tip when you go get it
@@ParuAp nah.
Easiest rule of thumb is to always tip 0%. It’ll be hard the first 3 times,but then you gain muscle memory and it just becomes automatic.
Damn I wouldn't go out to eat with you. I like my food without spit in it
@@therock8288 If you're easily influenced and bullied into giving a tip for no reason, that says more about you than anything lol.
You definitely don't go to the same restaurant more than once or at all.
@@therock8288 I do. Im just not a pushover like you. If you’re scared people are gonna spit in your food then that says more about your common sense and gullibility than anything else. You clearly have never worked in food services before.
I support it! My fiance hates it when I don't tip but I don't care people have grown accustomed to getting tipped for simply doing what their job requires. If the service sucks don't tip! If the food sucks don't tip! If I have to worry about my food getting spit in over a couple bucks then ill simply refuse to eat there. Get rid of tipping!!!
I don't mean to sound cheap but I dislike the concept of tipping. I visited the US and felt like if I didn't tip I would receive passive-aggressive hostility from the restaurant. Why call it tipping if it's NOT really optional? I'd rather sit at home and eat something cheap. I'm from the UK and thankfully nobody ever expects a tip. I never feel any pressure eating out in England. No Serial Killer.
You're not cheap, your money your choice
American here - you're not wrong, our tip culture is borderline bullying anymore. I wish we didn't get nagged for tips - it's eyeroll-worthy anymore especially when the person asking just swiped a card or walked 10 feet.
If you go and have sit down service experience you need to tip.
I hope a robot will replace their work, al of it.
they just add 12.5% to your bill in the UK
I don't tip, I don't care. I work too. I'm a single mom of two toddlers. No child support or anything else. I work hard for what I earn. Not my problem on anyone else's income. I have a crappy, low paying job just like everyone else just about.
And you don't have to. That's " their " job. I'm 100% agreeing with you.
As long as you don't eat out in restaurants where the government implemented a system that allows employers to pay below minimum wage, I'm all with you.
@@jcsjcs2 And if I do, and don’t tip? Gtfo, I’ll eat where I want, and will make that choice to give a tip.
@@jcsjcs2 it’s a misconception; everyone walks out with at least the minimum wage at the end of the day.
If a server makes below minimum for the day the business owner has to come up with the difference.
@@jcsjcs2I agree. I always tip at restaurants but Starbucks, places that aren't sit down where I know they don't rely on tips? No way.
Are businesses using this as a way to not pay their workers a fair wage?
@@GrowingUpMixed what are the non tip stations?
@@azureavocado5195 actually coats the business owner to process theses tips
Yes lmao 🤣 it's the American way. Where we ALL want to be millionaires, all want to create a buisness where we don't give a crap about paying their employees money lol, entrapanuers lmao more like con men.
I was in Japan and there was no tipping there. It's an insult. Instead the staff thanked us for choosing their place for dinner.
If the whole world worked like Japan, then the world would be a better place, but we'll be underpopulated.
You're right.
That's the Asian culture for you....I love Japan
Just like NYC, huh?
@@GuapoJhimi Ha! I was at a classic NY diner once and stretched my arms out to far into the aisle (apparently). The old waitress told me to go outside if I wanted to do yoga!....Really nice impression she left!
Tipping should be eliminated
Says the man no one wants to wait on in a restaurant.
@@therock8288 Says an iliterate nobody.
@therock8288. So, you ADMIT that tipping is extortion? The business makes fsr more profit from repeat customers than from big tippers.
@@therock8288 If it says A. 15% .. B. 20% .. C. 25% ... it gets to the point of stupidity. My first job was as a courier, and I ran around like a chicken with its head chopped off for customers, and never received a single tip in three years!
I got a request for tip at a self service car wash. I refused. Utterly ridiculous. She wanted a tip for processing my sale. If she has vacuumed the car it’d be a different story.
That's insane. These places pay their workers hourly to do their tasks. You shouldn't pay them for their tasks.
That’s fucking crazy. Hell no ain’t tipping if I’m doing it myself.
If it was the other way around people cleaning my car of course I’ll give them a tip.
@@fatalradius You'd be surprised how many young adults feel entitled to tips just for walking 5 feet or for swiping a card. I give tips out of feeling thankful for good service - I've left no tips before due to poor service or poor attitude (I'm talking purposefully getting orders wrong or ignoring the table).
@@AmberTurdsShittyBedsheet I had bad service before and in my mind I didn’t want to leave a tip but I just left $3 and left.
@@AmberTurdsShittyBedsheet It’s not that they feel entitled it’s that the tip screen is a default pet of the program right before you sign. No one expect you to tip for stuff like that it’s just how the program is.
It’s weird how people laughed off tip jars as absurd but the iPad thing pressures them into tipping where tipping isn’t traditionally the norm. Tipping for counter service is ridiculous. Don’t do it.
Not only should they not do it, but they should ALWAYS complain on the spot.
Don’t be pressured to not tip but don’t skip tipping… what an advice…😮
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. What a lousy segment. “You should always tip something, but never feel obligated to do so”😂
Yes. They were unable to differentiate between the messed up restaurant business, where tipping is required because lawmakers made it so, and other businesses, where tipping is requested just because more money is always better...
They have a book to sell. They're purposely touting both lines to attract the largest number of sales possible while saying nothing of importance so as not to be offensive. It's intellectually dishonest.
@jcsjcs2. "Restaurants where tipping is required "? Tipping is NEVER required. All tipped servers make at least the same min wage as anyone else, even if nobody tips. The cost of service is included in the menu prices.
Tipping for counter service has been standard in my area for over a decade.
What's new is an indoor playground in my area that charges an admission fee of $15 for kids, then when you give your card, they flip the screen at you and ask how much you want to tip. The options are 20%, 25%, and 30%.
Then they sell packaged snacks and bottled soda inside, and they ask for a tip each time you buy a Twix or a coke.
I do not even know how you would satirize this. They are literally asking you for a tip for charging you a fee.
Now that is just pure greed. Does this indoor playground have staff out on the playground or is it just like a park playground?
It’s not that their asking you for a tip it’s just that that seems to be a default setting in square space and the like so there is an option to tip for when a business that uses it needs that. It’s just a default setting that shows up when they need you to sign.
It is not a default setting.
You set up tipping and how much the options are.
And flipping the screen is sure as hell not mandated by Square.
It's a park playground.
I would not go back, and tell the manager why!
What pressure? I have zero problem not tipping. You don't get a tip. You EARN a tip. If you haven't earned one, you don't get one.
Our system is BROKEN. It shouldn't be up to the CUSTOMER to pay restaurant staff. The damn EMPLOYER should be paying them a proper, living wage! Tipping should be OPTIONAL, for when a patron wants to show appreciation or gratitude for service above & beyond. Things are horribly out of whack!
Tipping is ALWAYS optional. Anyone suggesting otherwise is lying.
They said even if the service is awful to tip. Lmao. *AINT NO WAY!*
The customary practice is leave a penny for bad service.
Tip IF you want, and HOW MUCH you want, and let the haters hate. No customer is obligated to tip anyone. A tip is a generosity, not an obligation. Also bear in mind that the people who keep pushing this 15%, 18%, 25% tipping nonsense, are normally the ones working at jobs where people usually tip. Never feel bad about refusing to shovel your hard earned money at another person because they demand it. Not saying not to tip, just don't fall for the hype many of these self entitled brats seem to be advocating.
Well said
If you deny a tip BEFORE you receive your are an idiot. A fool.
Pressure timing is a huge problem here in the US. We all work and we all strive to excel in our fields. But not for the tip. I should not be expected to compensate for someone else’s salary. I am not their employer.
Now I see that I’m being prompted to tip for simply making an online order? Bro “NO!”
I don't tip anyone but waitstaff. If you're already getting paid a regular wage and all you're doing is YOUR JOB, you don't get tipped unless you did something extraordinary. And if a company makes it too hard to opt out of tipping, I never go back. It's a great exercise in ignoring social pressure. If a person isn't paying your bills and wouldn't visit you in the hospital, their opinion means nothing. Be strong!
@howtosober. All tipped waitstaff is making at least the same min wage as anyone else, by law. Tip, Don't tip, they still make min wage. Do is all a favor and never tip for poor service.
Hahaha so nice this last sentence of yours. And so true.
My thing is this. Why is the tip based on the price of the food? You could pay more for smaller portions and less for something that took more work for the waitress to bring you.
Percentage of purchase is B.S. I’m 💯 with you.
Same thing with real estate brokers. Should be flat fee service.
What used to be a genuine offer of generosity, is now a forced or pressured obligatory burden
Not to me. Hasn't been for 50+ years.
It's always optional. Just ignore it, if you do not feel like tipping. Ever.
3:16 Completely wrong information. They don’t earn living based on tips, they earn based on hourly rate of minimum $7.25 an hour. The restaurant is legally obligated to pay the difference of the earnings and the minimum hourly wage if the earnings including tips don’t make up $7.25 an hour. Tipping essentially narrows down that difference for the restaurant, hence by tipping you are actually paying more to the restaurant than you are legally obligated to.
In their nice voice:
the key pad is gonna ask you a few questions.....
IPAD: 13% 15% 18% 20%
No Tip
👁️👁️ when u hit no tip 😂
@@explorationgmer1336 I'm a no tipper if they didn't bring my food or drink
Soon they'll just remove the 'no tip' option and make it 18% or 20%. Y'know, because the fast food brats are crying again and all of us who work actual demanding jobs have to support their lives.
@@AmberTurdsShittyBedsheet than we just stop eating out period and they burn to the ground.
@Liam Miller "Hateful cheapskate." Lol, buddy, people work hard for their money, unlike you burgerflippers who want $30 just for showing up.
Rules of thumb. NEVER eat at a restaurant that wants a "service fee". That's a 100% a scam. If employers can't pay their employees properly, that's not your responsibility to pay the employees for them. Tell restaurants that demand tips to go to hell. You are not legally obligated to give a tip.
Don't let restaurant owners tell you to pay their employees for them.
I ve been asking and noone seems to know and answer. Is this legal? Can you tell them to subtract this charge off of the bill right before you pay or you call the police???
I picked up a pizza today when i scanned my card it gave me an option to tip , I skipped it . this tipping for someone handing me something is ridiculous.
Strongly agree
They should tip the customer for giving them business
Tipping is ridiculous. Employers need to pay their employees, not the customers.
You don't tip your garbage man, mail carrier etc. So because the restaurant industry doesn't want to pay, we have to? Why is a person an asshole for not tipping wait staff but if I don't tip the cable guy no one bats an eyelash? #Mr.Pink
I wouldn't be surprised if we're expected to tip those people, as well, in the future.
I don’t tip because of pressure, no matter what. If I see a grouchy waitress there is no need to tip.
America agrees
It's the fee if we pay for patronizing an unethical business that doesn't pay their wait staff enough
Because they are allowed to. Servers literally make far below minimum wage generally, they rely on tips.
@@beepboop9464 Don't you think a buisness who rely on a culture and consumer to pay your salary technically not be created in the first place? Why can S. Korea, London, Italy, Costa Rica and many others able to create a restaurant where they have a structure system that works. But not in greedy states of ignorance America lol. Hello!!!! I am an entrepreneur lol no way in hell would I have the balls to come up with that buisness model. With out ever getting consuquences lol 😆
@@beepboop9464only in America. Other countries are doing just fine.
@@beepboop9464 Servers literally chose to take a job knowing the base pay is far below minimum wage.
It is the price of patronizing a business that considers you a focking moroon. Period.
It seems like it's becoming where you need a 2nd income for tipping. Maybe if a place is going to charge $20 for coffee they pay their employees. Pretty soon they are going to be asking if you want to wear your drink or drink your drink, then passing the receipt back to you.
Let me be clear, not tipping is absolutely appropiate if that is what YOU chose to do.
If tipped workers aren't making a sufficient amount of income then they should find another line of work.
A valued employee should not be shy about requesting a raise.
If your a push over, I feel sorry for you. The rest of us won't be pressured into ANYTHING
Lmao. Why would you feel "pressured"? Just leave and never go back. Period. Is that the ONLY place to eat?
Im not tipping a waiter that gives terrible service. Busy is one thing, bad service is not worthy of is a incentive for good service..not mandatory.
Meanwhile, if the government added a twenty five percent coffee tax everyone would go nuts! But it’s okay for the coffee shops to try to charge an extra 25 percent on top of taxes just to buy a drink even in the drive thru. It’s absolutely nuts.
If the gumment did that, I would just give up coffee.
Tips are always optional. Taxes are not. Bad comparison fail.
I don’t understand tipping. I ALWAYS leave a good tip no matter what but I think if restaurant owners paid their employees a normal wage, we wouldn’t have to worry about leaving a tip. They’re just doing their job - taking orders, bringing out the food, checking up if we need anything, etc. That is their job. We shouldn’t have to go out of our way to pay more but instead, they should price their food a little more to pay their employees better. It just frustrates me because I don’t get tipped at work for doing MY job at the office. It’s gotten ridiculous now, to pick up my coffee, pick up to go orders, basically everywhere now.
I stand with you. 👊
I 100% agree!
I disagree. A cash tip is 20% higher than increased wages and quality of service. A bartender in NYC can pull in $100k + a year. At a $2/hour pay rate. Make their rate $20/hr no tip. They are now making $40,000 per year . But getting paid better hourly. Tipping is better
Servers are entitled to at least minimum wage if the tip credit minimum plus tips is not equal to at least the untipped minimum wage, so the idea that they are essentially forced to beg for their livelihood isn’t accurate.
Beyond that a tipping culture gives them a greater opportunity to earn money because they can make 15-20% on almost every table/tab/drink and can make significantly more than minimum wage. If you get rid of the tip credit and change the prices then things may shift to a culture where tipping is far less significant and more optional leading servers to miss out on the potential for higher earnings on busy nights.
With that aside, even if we assume that smaller tips would still be left and getting rid of tipping culture wouldn’t make servers lose money, I still don’t get the anti-tipping sentiment. It’s just moving the money around on paper. The money all ultimately comes from the customer. If I buy a $10 burger and tip $2 or I buy $12 burger and tip $0 it’s all the same amount of money.
Folks, if you are tipping in 2023 at places where tipping was not a norm before, you are effectively helping the business owner/company generate MORE PROFIT FOR THEMSELEVS ON YOUR DIME as employers will use "tip" as a reason/excuse to give their employees a much smaller raise or defer a raise. I know of several business acquaintances who quietly admitted to me in person that what I said here is not totally untrue.
and provide shitty service
If I am not sitting down at your restaurant or you are not delivering the food directly to my home I am not tipping. I have walked out of places that force tipping for takeout. This shit is just out of control.
More than once, mi amigo. Don't have to. Ain't gonna.
The waiter standing over you while you select a tip percentage is rude. I'll pay cash next time.
For take out food, I’ve notice more than a few times lately that when I leave no tip, things are left out of the order. My family has practically ended eating out.
Yes! Same
I hope you tip when you go out to eat or you will get extra items in your food
@@therock8288 Difference is eating out at a sit down, you tip at the end of the experience. By that time they have already picked their nose of bugers
@@therock8288 I hope people like you who promote this toxic and BS culture don't end up with a decent wage.
I say we just get rid of tipping all together! I will only tip if the service is good, other than that there is no need to they're just doing a job like everyone else.
Right on.
Here's the thing though...when at places where you pay before your food is made and they spin the screen around for a tip while they wait for you to spin it back, that is indeed intimidating.
Especially when they walk over to the people making your order right afterward.
I'd rather tip at the end when when service has been dealt out equally, not pre-based on how you treat the guy at the register.
Oh, brother. I do not do that. I have worked in restaurants and we ALL know what happens. Anyplace that requests your tipping percentage BEFORE your food is made is a place I do not frequent. I have no problem walking right back out.
@@GuapoJhimi if you go to a restaurant where they spit in your food. That's on you. Go somewhere you can actually trust the restaurant. I spent the better part of 30 years in the industry and I can say that type of shit got you fired on the spot. I have seen 3 people do it and they never worked with anyone I know again. That's not something you do. It's a myth told by people to justify giving in to peer pressure. If a place did that regularly they would be shut down so fast your head would spin. Ffs. stop and think for just one minute. adding bodily fluids to a persons meals. That's tantamount to assault. The potential to pass on viral contaminates alone, beyond the rest of the issues.
@echochildus2441. Last year some idiot Gen x waitress did 90 days in jail when caught intentionally adding fluids to a customer's meal, thinking it would be "funny". Have fun with that criminal record, dufus!
Nurses give the ULTIMATE service, literally cleaning up your body. And get tipped ZERO. Their salary goes to pay massive student debt.
Tipping is now a scam
Baristas aren’t paid sub-minimum. Why should you tip them for doing their job, regardless of the effort. The kid that bags my groceries or makes my sandwich at subway does more work for less money and I don’t tip them.
If the barista looks woke, I want to help them go broke. I don't subsidize my own cancellation. They hate "me". Ask them.
Tip is not mandatory. Its optional. Tip if you want and thats it.
Tipping has gotten completely out of hand in the U.S. There seriously needs to be a movement toward no tipping or at least limit it to sit down restaurants only. Now, even some fast food restaurants are asking for tips, like little caesars. All they do is hand me the food. Am supposed to tip them because they heated the food they are trying to sell. By that logic we would have to tip the deli worker, the bakery worker, McDonald's employees, etc. Hell, maybe we should be tipping the poor souls that stock grocery store shelves and the produce section. This so called expert thinks its acceptable that people are now expecting a minimum of between 18% and 20% and up to 25% to 30%. Give me a break... If you tip somebody 20% for handing you food, you're a damn fool.
If they think that's going to pressure me into tipping them or make me feel embarrassed in front of people they have another thing coming 🤣😂
Embarrassed? Lmao. I am too old and been around too much to be embarrassed by some Gen Z dork/dorkess, with pronouns, chartreuse hair, and 5 nose rings. I know who should be embarrassed. It ain't me.
They are really going to be mad when it's 25 cents.
Always tip when you're in America. Because you never know when your Waiter will pull out a gun. 🙂
I can't tell you how many times I tip on take out and get home and the order is wrong. I've now started saying comically when they check me out.....if I get home and my order is right, I'll tip next time. I'm not tipping for something I went to pick up.
That’s the restaurant’s fault not the driver.
He’s stating that he went to the restaurant and picked it up and went home. He’s his own delivery driver…
Same, almost always something is missing/wrong.
why tip?
What’s also bad is the fact that the credit card companies get a cut of the tip if made with a plastic card. It’s horrible. Tip CASH if you must tip.
If I do tip, I ALWAYS give it directly to my server. NEVER, never do I add it to the bill. Sucker play, that.
Let me see if I get this straight. They give you lousy service or no service at all… but because that is the way they make their living you should give them a tip anyway? I think I’ll just eat at home and give myself the tip.
Tips in a work situation are a company's easy way out of paying employees a REAL WAGE... And puts the responsibility on the CUSTOMERS
It saves a company more than most people realise... Meanwhile the business makes 100% profit and all of the money because they only pay employees a fraction of minimum wage... Saves them money at tax time, again making close to 100% profit
To be made to pay 20% gratuity is insane... Just so that business reaps all the money and employees are made to FEND FOR THEMSELVES
Tips are not EVER propery accounted for and total tips made while working are NEVER accurate or true...
This becomes "TAX EVASION"
But society looks the other way and then wonders why this country is so messed up right now and tries to put blame on everything rather than the actual truth
Enough !!! It cost too much to go get a small sandwich these days. Are the vendors that supply the food to the resteraunts going to start putting their cashapp on those now also??
I couldn't care less what they think. It's an automatic No Tip for me for years. Served a meal at a table? Yes; I'll tip. Otherwise, no way.
I no longer tip unless you brought my food and drinks to me
I tip according to the level of service. I will not tip at fast food. subway ect.
but you already pay more at a restaurant, service is already included
Tipping is a personal choice and nobody should feel obligated to give one. If you're in the food industry and you don't like not receiving a tip maybe you need to find a different line of work.
But the morons keep writing and saying "if u don't want or have money to tip, don't eat out, stay at home and eat there"
You could also tell Bryan wanted the lady to say that tipping is pressure and bad for customers and the lady said the opposite
I don’t even want to tip waiters let alone someone handing me a coffee
Do you really have to tip 15% for a coffee or mcdonalds? Is it okay to refuse?
So annoyed when they hand me a bag and ask me for a tip. WHAT!!!!?????
The pressure is they will know if you tipped or not and THEN they make your food….
Yep. Patooey.
It's become a form of bribery.
Usually we have to make our own coffee at the coffee houses and still expected to tip.
I refuse to do that.
"Expected to tip"? Nobody should ever EXPECT a tip -- it is an optional bonus for good service, if they care.
I think it ridiculous. Every employee gets a minimum wage. So, if you don’t like that rate, get a new job. You don’t feel bad about the Taco Bell worker only earning minimum wage and leave them a tip! So, tip traditionally were left for servers that did a great job, did extra service, etc. Not an expected added salary to their salaries paid by their employers. If you want a higher hourly wage, talk to your employer. Me… the Customer- I’m already paying for the eating at your establishment.
The great news is when they kill off cash all the tips will be taxed YAY! And when you go to sell your used lawn mower to the neighbour guess what? The digital systmw is gonna tax that too welcome to the cashless society
Listen! I’m a good tipper when I eat inside the restaurant or getting my hair done or when I get food/groceries delivered. However, I will not tip when all I am doing is picking up a bag to go. All you’re doing is handing me a bag of food. 🤷♀️
Wrong they have to bag that food up make sure it's correct and take the to go order so please yes tip your togo person
@@chynadaniels4744 their job is to pack the bag and check it’s all in order. But you want to give them a tip for packing the bag and checking it’s all in order? Do you tip the grocery store workers for stocking the shelves as well?
@@User-hg1jk I absolutely will because one it's a job that's exhausting you don't know half it's not just packing trust me
@@User-hg1jk I tip them 60 percent every time I do the job on my Sundays I know how annoying and crazy it can get
The case is that the time to pack the order would be better spend on waiting tables that actually tip. Especially on busy days every minute matters. But I agree with you and I don’t tip on take outs. Source: I was a waitress.
here in China .. me coming back to your business is the tip
Tipping a percentage on the tab can quickly become completely insane when you go to higher end restaurants. De-corking a $500 bottle of whine takes as long as de-corking one for $20 -- but suddenly instead of a $4 tip it's a $100 tip? For one minute of work?
That's the aspect of tipping that always bothered me.
I don’t get tipped I get taxed. I’m not tipping at all anymore. Not my boss not my problem.
Why is not tipping not appropriate? Why can't the business pay their people a proper wage and tipping is only left for good service. Why should I reward someone for only doing their job (I did not hire them) or some times doing a bad job?
Works in Europe. Look it up.
@@GuapoJhimi For most of my life I assumed - big mistake - tipping was common in Europe. Nope. They actually think it's odd. Employers just pay their employees more.
I stopped tipping a few years ago in Washington state the servers are paid 15 per hour enough is enough
so, do you feel there is a difference in their attitude on no tipping given this fact?
Stop eating out at fast food stores and restaurants until they learn respect. 10% at restaurants and 15% for good service. Never more or you are to blame. And never tip on the total, it is the sub total, so never hit custom or percentage. Always put in amount value yourself based on sub total or else you are paying tips on taxes which means you are a fool and actually paying about 20% plus on all your tipping. Tell them the recession hits all of us.
Isn’t the more work or effort they put in called their job? How come warehouse workers don’t get tips? Cooks? Cart people at grocery stores, meat cutters, food packagers, pilots, news people, store managers, architects, presidents?
It’s because you don’t actually see them, they work just as hard, maybe even harder. Tipping is for morons. It’s like winning $20,000 at a casino and giving the person who handed you your money $1000 which I see constantly. How far was the walk? My god!!
Gamblers do have a very different semiotics code about doing it. It's a whole other issue that one.
So the way it goes is businesses rely on tips so that their employees make a living wage. Then they got us arguing about the crumb's. Realistically we should do away with tiping. Having some rich entitled white woman tell us how to spend our money and what the norm should be😂
Lol culture war lol shits crazy. 16 years this shift happen lol 😆 so embarrassed to be alive. Don't even care if I die. Like wtf is the point. Shit is actually funny as hell not giving a crap any more. So on that note, I might just order New York strip, eat it all, take my time, and just leave with out paying.
How does that sound you God dam greedy CEOs, owners. Lol 😆 🤣 😂 😹 😆 🤣 😂
It's completely out of control & discourages us from patronizing businesses using these tablets. I think I'm going to start paying in cash again. Please take your tablet & shove it ## #### ###.
I'm not responsible for paying the employee a fair wage. My responsibility is to pay for my product.
Yes, tips are optional, all menu prices include service unless specifically stated otherwise, and all tipped employees still make at least the same min wage as anyone else who isn't tipped.
Bad service = no tip. People are so entitled now a days. Many have such poor attitudes towards you because people just can't be bothered anymore, and they expect a tip afterwards. Why reward bad behavior? On the other hand good pleasant service gets really good tips from me.
It's a conspiracy by the companies that manage payment processing. Square and others. They profit from tipping as well since merchant fees are higher for the larger purchase amount. They are behind the ipad pressure tip.
I never feel pressured to tip 😂, if it’s takeout I hit $0 & continue with my day.
If it’s delivery or dine it, tip depends on the service.
Wrong: It's not my job to pay peoples salary, needs to be removed and workers need to be paid fairly. In Canada they receive minimum wage for $10-$15 at least. Plus tips are based on after tax. I the $US the laws around tipped workers not getting minimum wage is just wrong and needs to be fixed. I only tip at sit down restaurants, else no tips. If I stand to get food, no tip, if i pay before getting my food no tip. I am done with tipping, it needs to disappear. I eat out less because of tipping. I rather get take out or cook myself to avoid paying just to eat out. For someone to bring me my food doesn't mean I should tip someone for doing their job. Lots of low wage workers don't get tips, homedepot, walmart etc why is the food industry obsessed with tipping. Cheap restaurant owners, pay your staff fairly, stop being cheap. I would rather eat at a restaurant that doesn't support tipping over one that does.
This woman sounds like a sheep. I'll never understand the notion that "you never skip tipping, even if it's garbage service" in a restaurant. They would be lucky to even get full payment from me and if they insist, they would pay it back in a devastating fashion in the form of a lawsuit.
I only tip servers if I’m sitting at a table! I will not tip for counter service
Tipping just became begging in alot of cases...
I have no problem with tipping where appropriate.
I just hate the idea of it being a percent of the bill.
I'm not tipping anymore
Why is it the consumers job to make the employees wage more comfortable, if your own employer doesn’t care why should I ? If you can’t live off whatever your wage is then find another job or get a second job. Stop trying to pressure people into making your own finance situation better by leaving a tip !
I always choose the NO TIP option when presented with this crap.
If they’re getting paid a standard hourly wage, they have no business begging for tips, and they’re not getting one from me.
This tipping stuff is getting out of control. I’m a generous tipper but, some of these tipping requests are just outrageous. I guess it’s a store’s way pf passing pay raises of their employees onto customers w/o raising prices. It just gets inappropriate at a certain point. And the ones who really need the tip’s don’t present these kiosks lol
More and more things in 0our lives, that used to be a "choice" are now a "demand". But, that is your socialist state in action. Just wait. It is gonna get worse. A lot worse.
These corporations and businesses expecting us to pay their employees too
Tipping just makes no sense at all. You didn't ask for any special service that they would consider "tippable". So why should they expect you to pay for it? The most they should expect is "thank you for your great service".
The purpose of Uber and Lyft was to do away with tipping taxi drivers, don’t go back.
I bought a loaf of bread and got pressured to tip.
I can believe it
what happened to "the customer is always right?"
My new policy, zero tipping.
If you hate giving tips, never go to the US. It’s that simple. There are so many other countries. You don’t have to feel miserable while doing what Americans are required to do.
Japan does not have the tipping culture. Why not visit Japan instead?
Go ahead
Go ahead
I worked in fine dining and can honestly say the Japanese patrons more then not tip generously.
Or we can stick with the culture that already had excist. You tip for good service as generosity, That's why you say THANK you, when you recieve one, not a " oh I'm entitled to this even though I was slow " and tip at resturants you sit and actually are being waited on lmao. No more disrespecting the consumer by asking them to constantly be the ones to pay for CEO, owner of the place you are waiting. I promise you, it's that simple. Over my dead body am I going to allow this new culture shift to manifest merely bc the place you are working has a POOR buisness model. A terrible entrepreneur.
They are not required to do. They are brainwashed into it. So they turned themselves into useful idiots. The proud kind.