I'm beginning my freshman year at UCLA for the upcoming fall quarter, and I was honestly torn between Saxon Suites and Hitch Suites, but I think this video definitely made the final decision much easier! Hitch all the way!
Going to UCLA for the upcoming fall quarter and was offered the Hitch suites to live in. This was a fantastic and informative video, thanks for making the decision easier!
This is the best tour of Hitch Suites so far!!! Thank you so much!! Do you by any chance know if the fans will be provided for next year students as well or will we have to file a complaint/protest like you did? Also what are the main dining halls you use being in Hitch? Thank you again! So excited to be a bruin!
+Maggie Marazita Thank you so much!!! I'm not 100% sure about the fans but I assume that they will be provided again. Also, my favorite dining hall is Covel, located just down the stairs behind Hedrick (about a 4 minute walk.) I'm glad your excited to be a Bruin☺️
Jesus, I can’t imagine how expensive that is for the school year... Also, do a lot of freshmen live in residential suites? I’ve heard that most of the freshmen live in regular residential halls.
Right! SO expensive. But thank God for scholarships! Freshmen can live in any of the dorms! Most live in halls because they are cheaper. But you have the option to apply for any UCLA housing :)
@@tntcreations Thank you! Also, I find it so weird that suites don't have air. I've heard that plazas and the more expensive halls have AC. You'd think that for the amount of money you're paying, you'd at least get AC. I mean, c'mon, it's SoCal for goodness sakes.
I have 8 years until college and I been planning and thank god I have a free education so that lifts a lot of my chest and I’m probably going to stay in dorms for my first few years. I HOPE I GET INTO UCLA💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛
Currently on summer break but gonna be a senior in August. I can't wait for college, I've been so interested with UCLA, UC Berkeley, and Cal Poly. (I don't think I have a chance for cal tech :P). I'm so nervous yet excited for when this day comes where ever I decide to go. Anyways thanks for your informative videos :)
Some people do! It's honestly your preference and whatever option is in the best price range for you. I know a couple of 4th years who still live in the dorms! However, most people move into an apartment their 3rd or 4th year
Thank you for supporting! And I suggest that you contact admissions now to start preparing for your application! You got this! It's always great to start early.
Thanks so much! This was great and thoroughly comprehensive. The only issues I've heard about Hitch is that it is far away from campus and isn't as social as some of the other living options. Are there social events to attend at Hitch and is the place mostly populated by upperclassmen? Thank youu.
+Dylan Dsouza Hey Dylan! Thank you for watching. I will be honest Hitch at times can be anti-social because were located in an outside setting instead of a hall. However, there are weekly events like building meetings, game nights, and family dinners. So it will be what you make it! The majority of my building are all first years! Also, you will get used to the walk!
This video was really helpful, I just finished sophomore year and would really like to go to UCLA after I graduate. It seems like such an amazing school! Would you be able to do a video on how you got into UCLA and things that you think are really important in getting in? Thanks!
can you get a single room in a suite at hitch? like have suite mates but you get your own room? i’m a bit of an introverted extrovert and i go crazy without that alone time 😩😩 i hope to go to ucla after i graduate in 2022!!
If the other dorms don't have kitchens then how do they cook food? Also, sorry if you've already made a video about this but can you do a video of how you got into UCLA/application tips?
Hey love, thank you for watching! In order to live in the dorms you must also have a meal plan that gives you access to all dining halls & other eateries on campus. Each dorm varies & price which also depends on you personal financial aid. Here's a link to application tips: th-cam.com/video/cPEylw0u_ZU/w-d-xo.html
It's nice to see how different each housing is! I'm a Bruin living in Hedrick Hall, which I believe is pretty near to Hitch. I might be moving to Hitch pretty soon though.
omg this was super helpful! I am moving into hitch Hall triple suite/shared bath in the fall. It cleared up a lot of questions for me, so thank you! I still do have one question though... I saw only two closets with hanging space in your room, even though there are three beds. Do they not give one tall hanging closet unit per person?
You'll only get bunk beds if you live in a triple & separate beds if you live in a double. You can apply for which type of dorm you want to live in when you fill out your housing application😊
Can you PLEASEEE do a video about applying to ucla for an out of state student and a video about the process of moving all your stuff across the country?
I just received my housing offer and I got Hitch Suites ! :) I'm a incoming freshman so I'm kinda anxious about the distance from campus and social life. (I tried finding more about Hitch but people keep saying the social life is kind of d e a d @ Hitch )I hope freshman year won't be rougghh :( . THANK YOU FOR THE VID!!
I'm excited for you! It's all what you make it! Hedrick Hall & Hedrick Summit are right next door & you can meet plenty of friends there as well :) Hitch is great because you have more space than most students! I hope you have a great first year!!
Hey love! That's not a dumb question at all! When your accepted you get to pick your top 10 dorm/room choices. You can also request roommates. Then the university will make the final decision from your top choices☺️
UCLA is the reason why im going to study hard to achieve my A's! Now I feel even more conviced to get mostly A's because Ucla is indeed heaven! I have so much years till college like 7 years. I bet studying hard and achieve all the A's is worth it. Girl, ucla seems like student heaven! You're so lucky! but i have a question, (stupid maybe but) does have like art education and animation education?
Keep studying and working hard in school! You will be successful! UCLA has an art major and digital design. I'm pretty sure there are specific courses for what you want to do :)
Well, I’ve wanted to go to UCLA, but if I do get accepted, I hope my roommates don’t mind me taking my shoes off when inside the dorm and cleaning all the time. 😅
Lol I believe most people will prefer a clean roomate over someone who is dirty! I would've loved having a roomate who took their shoes off & cleaned all the time! I wish you the best with everything :)
I have a full ride scholarship but out of state tuition is usually around an extra 20,000. But tuition changes from year to year and financial aid is different for everyone☺️
I believe so! You should try your hardest on your personal statement and contact an admissions counselor for more advice! Also check out my video on college application and scholarship tips!
Aidan Ng No. Hitch and Hedrick are at the top of the hill, and are somewhat far away from all of the dining halls and grab and go places. They are supposed to be putting a new restaurant in at Hedrick though!
can i get into to UCLA without a language because my school wouldn't let me pick my subjects? (i am international student and want to study psychology)
Check with UCLA financial aid for more information. There are scholarships and loans that can help with the cost. The price per year is divided into 3 quarters
i honestly have no idea why ive been watching all of these i have like 5 or 6 years till i go to college
Trust me, it's never too early to start thinking about and preparing for college. Your ahead of the game lol
It's the same with me, I'm only 13
Lol I'm 16 and have 2 more years. It's early but still good that I'm watching these videos because college will be here before I know it.
Ya'll are right on track! You should try to visit some campuses and start applying for scholarships and you'll really be ahead of the game
+TNT Creations what state are you from ?
this is literally the Best UCLA Tour i've watched. And I've Seen a Lot!! ❤
Thank you so much!
Same! UCLA is my dream school! :D ♥️
Gurrrlll You are living the dream! 😍
I'm beginning my freshman year at UCLA for the upcoming fall quarter, and I was honestly torn between Saxon Suites and Hitch Suites, but I think this video definitely made the final decision much easier! Hitch all the way!
Going to UCLA for the upcoming fall quarter and was offered the Hitch suites to live in. This was a fantastic and informative video, thanks for making the decision easier!
Thank you! You're going to love it!
love your energy!!
Thank you!!
That was the best tour I’ve seen
Thank you!!
i love ur personality
Thank youuuu
Sweet! I'm moving into Hitch this upcoming fall as a transfer. So excited!!
Great VLOG! Very informative and you definitely made it fun to watch!
Thank you!
You got Hitch?!? LUCKY
Hope you're having fun :D
How did you get in?make a video about that
awww ur dorm looks so fun!
this was so informative & u seem like such a chill person, ty 💞
Thank you!
omg this is so nice compared to the Dykstra Triple im going to be staying in this fall lol
This is the best tour of Hitch Suites so far!!! Thank you so much!! Do you by any chance know if the fans will be provided for next year students as well or will we have to file a complaint/protest like you did? Also what are the main dining halls you use being in Hitch? Thank you again! So excited to be a bruin!
+Maggie Marazita Thank you so much!!! I'm not 100% sure about the fans but I assume that they will be provided again. Also, my favorite dining hall is Covel, located just down the stairs behind Hedrick (about a 4 minute walk.) I'm glad your excited to be a Bruin☺️
Jesus, I can’t imagine how expensive that is for the school year...
Also, do a lot of freshmen live in residential suites? I’ve heard that most of the freshmen live in regular residential halls.
Right! SO expensive. But thank God for scholarships!
Freshmen can live in any of the dorms! Most live in halls because they are cheaper. But you have the option to apply for any UCLA housing :)
@@tntcreations Thank you! Also, I find it so weird that suites don't have air. I've heard that plazas and the more expensive halls have AC. You'd think that for the amount of money you're paying, you'd at least get AC. I mean, c'mon, it's SoCal for goodness sakes.
I’ve been watching these I’m not even in middle school
Honestly more youtubers at UCLA should learn from this video :p
Wow your college is so nice!!! Your so beautiful ! I love your smile ,your dorm is very nice ! Hope your enjoying college ❤️
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
My new fav youtuber besides Lucas
I have 8 years until college and I been planning and thank god I have a free education so that lifts a lot of my chest and I’m probably going to stay in dorms for my first few years. I HOPE I GET INTO UCLA💙💛💙💛💙💛💙💛
Awww this is so exciting You got this💙💛
i really hope i get in!!! hoping to transfer fall 2018 :D
Zeina R Good Luck!
Zeina R same
Same here!! Good luck :)
Did u get in
I'm a new fan of yours. good job. I love the video.
Her smile😍😍😍
Thank you love❤️
Love your skin😍
Thank you💛
I live in LA and im a freshman next year a junior and i have a couple years till i start applying but UCLA is my dream school!!
That's awesome! I wish the best for you!
I love this but I live in Long Beach which isn't that far from LA and it seems kinda pointless but at the same time this just looks awesome
all I literally see watching this is Zoey 101: PCA awwwww
i loved Zoey 101 lol
+TNT Creations what do you mean out of state
+TNT Creations I'm in Maine is that out of state
Maine is out of state. Anywhere, outside of California counts as "out of state" at UCLA
TNT Creations Thxs 😄
this is honestly so extra but I love it
Great Tour! How often do upperclassmen stay in the dorms?
Thank you! Some upperclassmen stay in the dorms, but most stay in university apartments
Currently on summer break but gonna be a senior in August. I can't wait for college, I've been so interested with UCLA, UC Berkeley, and Cal Poly. (I don't think I have a chance for cal tech :P). I'm so nervous yet excited for when this day comes where ever I decide to go. Anyways thanks for your informative videos :)
Thank you for watching! Good luck on your journey to college! And have a great senior year!
does the room come with the couch/sofa?
Yes! It comes with all the furniture in the living room!
Was that a Slytherin poster outside the dorm?!? I love Slytherin,😁
Yes! The theme for the forms were Harry Potter lol
I still have 7 years until college. But when it’s time, I hope to go to UCLA! But what if I want to move into my own apartment after my 1st year?
Good luck! You got this, it's great that you're looking into it early. Yes, you can move into an apartment after your first year :)
You don't need air conditioning a fan is perfect, at my house we have only fans and it still stays cool and I live in Southern California
I need AC
I live in Texas, and trust me, an AC is much needed
Yeah.... I live in the SoCal area too and I would've died this summer if it weren't for the AC. its gotten to 90 degrees INSIDE my house
Yeah.... I live in the SoCal area too and I would've died this summer if it weren't for the AC. its gotten to 90 degrees INSIDE my house
what socal do you think you live in? AC is a NECESSITY
The dorm food at ucla us really good. I wouldn't bother planning on cooking if I were staying at on campus housing.
True, I never used the kitchen when I lived on campus lol
Anyone else love tnt? And have been newly binging her?? 🥰😋
Awww thanks! I love you 2!
Do people stay in the dorms all 4 years?
im pretty sure you can move into an apartment after freshman year
Some people do! It's honestly your preference and whatever option is in the best price range for you. I know a couple of 4th years who still live in the dorms! However, most people move into an apartment their 3rd or 4th year
Cute shoes!!!
I'm a new subscriber, I loved this video, I would like to go to ucla but I go to college in 3 years
Thank you for supporting! And I suggest that you contact admissions now to start preparing for your application! You got this! It's always great to start early.
im watching this video now and curious, what college did you end up at?
Thanks so much! This was great and thoroughly comprehensive. The only issues I've heard about Hitch is that it is far away from campus and isn't as social as some of the other living options. Are there social events to attend at Hitch and is the place mostly populated by upperclassmen?
Thank youu.
+Dylan Dsouza Hey Dylan! Thank you for watching. I will be honest Hitch at times can be anti-social because were located in an outside setting instead of a hall. However, there are weekly events like building meetings, game nights, and family dinners. So it will be what you make it! The majority of my building are all first years! Also, you will get used to the walk!
Did anyone else notice at 3:55 how she was outside the building then she walked in and she was on the couch in 0.2 seconds.
Lmao that's the magic of editing
This video was really helpful, I just finished sophomore year and would really like to go to UCLA after I graduate. It seems like such an amazing school! Would you be able to do a video on how you got into UCLA and things that you think are really important in getting in? Thanks!
Thank you for watching! And yes I'll start working on that soon😊
can you get a single room in a suite at hitch? like have suite mates but you get your own room? i’m a bit of an introverted extrovert and i go crazy without that alone time 😩😩 i hope to go to ucla after i graduate in 2022!!
I don't think they have singles in Hitch, but they do have singles in Hedrick Summit! I wish you the best & I'm excited for your future :)
TNT Creations no worries and thank you!!✨
If the other dorms don't have kitchens then how do they cook food? Also, sorry if you've already made a video about this but can you do a video of how you got into UCLA/application tips?
Also, how much do the dorms cost? And do they vary depending on which ones?
Hey love, thank you for watching! In order to live in the dorms you must also have a meal plan that gives you access to all dining halls & other eateries on campus. Each dorm varies & price which also depends on you personal financial aid.
Here's a link to application tips: th-cam.com/video/cPEylw0u_ZU/w-d-xo.html
Thank you!
sadly cause in the state of CA they require heaters for when it does get cold and not air but it happens.
Damn UCLA No Air ) But Yall Get A Fan #PliesVoice
Is UCLA really good?
Yes, I think it's a great school! Please check out my other videos for more information & content on UCLA :)
@@tntcreations thanks😄
It's nice to see how different each housing is! I'm a Bruin living in Hedrick Hall, which I believe is pretty near to Hitch. I might be moving to Hitch pretty soon though.
Thanks for watching!! Hitch is dope! I loved it & a lot more room than Hedrick Hall :)
hòla I live in Florida and I was just wondering if it's better to fly or drive to UCLA
Hey! It's all a personal preference. Flying is a lot quicker & easier in my opinion.
omg this was super helpful! I am moving into hitch Hall triple suite/shared bath in the fall. It cleared up a lot of questions for me, so thank you! I still do have one question though... I saw only two closets with hanging space in your room, even though there are three beds. Do they not give one tall hanging closet unit per person?
Theres two closets in the room for the bunk bed. For the individual bed the closet is underneath next to the desk!
Great video! I love your hair!
Do you know if Saxon has a community kitchen?
Thank you love! And Saxon doesn't have a community kitchen, but they have outside grills and a really cool study lounge!
Did I see a DECA diamond!? 🔷👀👀
Do you always get bunk beds and also can you chose how many people you have in your dorm
You'll only get bunk beds if you live in a triple & separate beds if you live in a double. You can apply for which type of dorm you want to live in when you fill out your housing application😊
Can you PLEASEEE do a video about applying to ucla for an out of state student and a video about the process of moving all your stuff across the country?
I'll see what I can do😊
did you get one of These this year again?
Not this year, I'm living in a different dorm.
TNT Creations do another tour
Useful THX!!!!
I just received my housing offer and I got Hitch Suites ! :) I'm a incoming freshman so I'm kinda anxious about the distance from campus and social life. (I tried finding more about Hitch but people keep saying the social life is kind of d e a d @ Hitch )I hope freshman year won't be rougghh :( . THANK YOU FOR THE VID!!
I'm excited for you! It's all what you make it! Hedrick Hall & Hedrick Summit are right next door & you can meet plenty of friends there as well :) Hitch is great because you have more space than most students! I hope you have a great first year!!
Do you have to pay to use the community kitchen and can you have coffeepots/kuerigs in your suite
No, technically its included in your housing payments. And yes, I believe so but you may have to double check
Awesome video! Is hitch the same as saxon?
+SweetThing734 Thank you! They're very similar. However, Saxon has a really cool study lounge instead of a kitchen!
+TNT Creations ok thank you! And again this was an AMAZING video!! All your vids are extremely helpful and well done!
3:16 - time stamp for myself
It's ONLY 3 stories!!! I can barely get up 1!
This may sound like a dumb question but do you get to choose what dorm hall you get to live in?
Hey love! That's not a dumb question at all! When your accepted you get to pick your top 10 dorm/room choices. You can also request roommates. Then the university will make the final decision from your top choices☺️
+TNT Creations Thank you so much! I am so thankful that you are safe and okay from Wednesday❤️
Thank you💕
I'm afraid of elevators anyway
ya me too
UCLA is the reason why im going to study hard to achieve my A's! Now I feel even more conviced to get mostly A's because Ucla is indeed heaven! I have so much years till college like 7 years. I bet studying hard and achieve all the A's is worth it. Girl, ucla seems like student heaven! You're so lucky!
but i have a question, (stupid maybe but) does have like art education and animation education?
Keep studying and working hard in school! You will be successful!
UCLA has an art major and digital design. I'm pretty sure there are specific courses for what you want to do :)
I forget if it's called residential or plaza suites, but how much are the singles with private /shared with a few others bathroom
I'm not sure, you would have to check on the UCLA housing website or call for more info!
I'm not sure if this was mentioned, but what is the price for living in a Hitch Suite? :)
Sorry, I'm not sure the exact price. The amount you pay will also vary depending on your financial aid.
I'm paying. 14000 with a meal plan for hitch suites
well damn... i thought my dorm was expensive
Is it true that you have to stay in a dorm with your same gender?
I'm not sure. You would have to contact housing to ask!
is laundry free ? or do you have to pay for each load ?
+kayla garcia Hey, laundry isn't free but you can pay with your bruin card or go to another laundry room if you want to use quarters!
+TNT Creations ok okay thank you for the info !!
How much time do you normally spend in class?
Most students take 12 units or more, meaning about 12 or more hours per week of class. You can choose your own schedule & classes
I was in eighth grade when this video was released
Is there a chance that a freshman can be placed into a room with upperclassmen through the random roommate system?
yes but it is rare
Well, I’ve wanted to go to UCLA, but if I do get accepted, I hope my roommates don’t mind me taking my shoes off when inside the dorm and cleaning all the time. 😅
Lol I believe most people will prefer a clean roomate over someone who is dirty! I would've loved having a roomate who took their shoes off & cleaned all the time! I wish you the best with everything :)
since you were out of state how much did it cost to go to UCLA?
I have a full ride scholarship but out of state tuition is usually around an extra 20,000. But tuition changes from year to year and financial aid is different for everyone☺️
TNT Creations what was your full ride scholarship?
The Gates Millennium Scholarship
TNT Creations How do you apply for full ride scholarships?
Can you get your own room there at ucla
Yes! Check out my single room tour :)
do you get to chose with suite you want to stay in?
is this a double or triple suite?
I subscribed
Can you have a gpa of 3.7 and still have a good chance of getting in?
I believe so! You should try your hardest on your personal statement and contact an admissions counselor for more advice! Also check out my video on college application and scholarship tips!
Does hitch have a dining hall
Aidan Ng No. Hitch and Hedrick are at the top of the hill, and are somewhat far away from all of the dining halls and grab and go places. They are supposed to be putting a new restaurant in at Hedrick though!
Please Anwser: do every dorm room in hitch have a living room
And is there anywhere I could possibly get access to a volleyball court
Yes, all hitch dorms have a living room. Also, there is access to sand volleyball courts in Sunset Rec for all UCLA students.
Make another dorm building tour
Hi do you have to get really good grades to go there
You will have a much better chance of getting in if your grades are higher
can i get into to UCLA without a language because my school wouldn't let me pick my subjects? (i am international student and want to study psychology)
I would call UCLA admissions to talk to them, I'm not sure. Good luck!
With a full ride scholarship, can an athlete live in these dorms?
You would have to ask the athletic department, but I'm assuming yes any type of student can apply to live in these dorms.
Can you get a singles suites for just you?
Yes, it depends on how many are available or if the student needs special accommodations.
If u are an international student
How should i pay the whole sum?64,000$ are per year?
Check with UCLA financial aid for more information. There are scholarships and loans that can help with the cost. The price per year is divided into 3 quarters
I was thinking about UCLA or at least when I get older but when she said that they DONT have air!? Deal breaker
LOL some dorms have air & some don't. It's a great university, don't let that be the deal breaker!
But do you get wifi?
Yes, there's wifi almost everywhere on campus lol
What's your major at UCLA?😊
I'm majoring in Communication Studies!
TNT Creations That's so cool.😊 I hope to major in it as well.💛🐻💙
I love this video but what killed me was when the camera shook its head after finding out there is no air
Do you like UCLA? 💗
+Saartje I love UCLA! Every school has it's pros and cons. But I'm making the best out of my time here☺️
plz answer back is ucla medical school?
UCLA has a medical school
I love your voice
Thank you!!
have any advice for applying here?
Check out my college & scholarship application tips video😊
How much is rent?
I don't have an exact price, but you can look up the different prices of housing at UCLA on the UCLA Housing website.
We have the same name! But mine is spelled "Tiara"
Is Hitch Suites on campus??
Yes, it's a Residential Dorm☺️
so can u live in singles at hitch
I don't think there are singles at hitch, double check with housing😬