i don’t remember being pulled out of my car but i remember being moved from the stretcher to the bed and having 6 people picking me up to move me (i’m 140lbs) and i was SCREAMING because it hurt so bad (i also don’t remember the pain). i shattered my femur
@@misseselise3864 When I broke my ankle dropping half pool for the first time I remember everything. From thinking I only sprained it, to hearing bodily humor as korny as mine by the emts, to getting into the ER fully awake and hearing and communicating with the team on my case (all pun intended) debating about putting me under GA for setting the bone.
Very true. I flipped a truck, that landed on my arm. I used to be a firefighter, so I was not freaking out. I was worried about my arm, but I could still move most of my fingers, so I knew it wasn't too bad. The emts needed to tell me I needed stitches over my eye. I denied the ambulance 3 times, anyway. The firefighters and emts kept telling me I need to go and were surprised how calm and cognitive I was. The neighbors thought I was dead, till they heard me calling 911. When I heard them ask if I was alive, I literally said, "Yeah... Anybody call the fire department, yet?" I felt like everybody was freaking out, except for me. Don't get me wrong. I should've been dead. I ran fatalities that happened at much lower speeds, in newer and safer vehicles, and with no air-time involved. I was lucky. But pain is good, when you just faced the odds. Pain means feeling. Feeling means brain-function. Brain-function means heartbeat. Heartbeat means you are alive. People. If anybody can learn or take anything from this video: do not think you are immortal. Do not take life for granted. Not your's, not mine, not anyone's...
It takes a lot of mental strength to be an emergency medical technician. I thank each and every one of them, having someone talk to you calmly when you’re injured changes everything
@@johnrussell9836 You can take it to a firehouse and they’ll secure it for you. I’m pretty sure it’s every firehouse in the United States. I went with mine to a couple different ones bc we move a lot.
Worst car accident I've ever seen way in 2002. I was in high school and we were all out on a Saturday night @ 2am heading to Denny's.Some guy in a red convertible sports car (Not sure the make or model) came flying around a bend in the road, he lost control, slammed sideways into a telephone pole, rolled the car and was decapitated by his car door when it rolled. A cop was driving through a few seconds after it happened. He was so freaked out, he vomited and sat with his head between his legs. I will never forget that sight as long as I live. I've seen 3 people die in front of me, each of them in a vehicle accident speeding. Slow down and drive safely
Summer of 2019 I was driving home from work on a windy Adirondack road, it's a 45 area and the bikers really book it sometimes. I was coming up on a turn around 7:15pm and saw a man waving his arms so I slowed down and asked if they needed help but they said they had it handled. A year or two before this my sister had hydroplaned off the road on that same turn and collided with a telephone pole (she was okay btw) so I had an idea someone crashed there again. There were several people out on the side of the road standing behind a few parked cars, one car was scratched but seemed fine. As I began to leave I saw a biker lying in the road with his helmet on, but he was lying in a really strange position and saw a big laceration on his side. I drove home and felt this fear start to settle over me as I worried about the bikers health. My mom and I kept checking the news to see what happened and finally found an article. The accident happened around 7:19pm so I was right on top of it, the biker was named Samir and he was just 25, he had lost control of his bike as he came around the corner and slid into the oncoming lane. I had passed his dead body moments after he died, I couldn't drive to work the next day and for the next few days I nearly cried as I drove past that spot.
@@pizzapizza7950 It bothered me for a while, it was hard for me to look at a bike driving in the opposite lane. I still don’t really like motorcycles but I’m doing fine. Thanks 🍕
12:48 - that little girl plucked at my heart there, she is in agony and has been through a horrific incident and still has the manners to say thank you. Bless her soul, her parents should be proud. People show their genuine inner self when in pain especially to those who help, she is a saint
And honestly? Those jokes are relatable. Tattoos are expensive. yall better go find that skin, it's got a few thousand $ worth of art on it! (Then again I'm also the morbid type that would preserve the skin and display it after I've recovered from the accident.)
Watching the kids in pain and hurt from that crash just broke my heart. I got teary watching those poor hurt kids, I hope they and their mom is OK now and healed smoothly.
When that little one asked for her 'baby' and Keeley thought she meant the sister but she meant her dolly, the lump in my throat turned to some tears in my eyes. Thank you thank you thank you to all first responders for the way they handle children. My 16 month old had her finger slammed in a door and it was bleeding a lot. The EMTs gave her a little teddy bear wearing a t shirt with the local hospital logo on it and I'm sure they were as gentle and kind in the ambulance as these folks were.
A little bitty child who says "thank you" in tears...when a first responder compliments her tennis shoes...while she's lying in the back of an ambulance: that's a child that's been brought up right! 💜💙💚💛🧡❤
props to Nick in that first call. he was so calm and sweet and reassuring to her even though it looked horrible and everyone else didn't really wanna look at it. and Keely with the baby was so cute!
Being in a car accident as a child is something you never quite forget. I was in a bad one when I was 4 years old, myself, my mom, and my 2-year-old sister was uninjured. I still don't understand how we're alive when our minivan was t-boned at 55mph by a pickup truck. It happened 16 years ago and I still remember every second of it. I'm low key afraid of driving because of it.
Ever since I became Pregnant watching this show and as soon as it gets to babies and children I start crying so bad but I'm relieved knowing they are getting the best help and are ok. I'm so happy that 3 day old and 3 year old are ok and their Mother ❤️
@@_Https.maddie morphine is no joke it’s also a huge reason they have to train so much on proper dosage. I had a steroid shot and another I had to take from a pretty severe respiratory infection and it’s crazy how good that works. No morphine yet and hopefully I don’t have so much pain I need it. My brother had to get it after breaking his leg in a wreck and said it was crazy
I love how kind they all are even though they're on camera you can see it in their eyes they do truly care and have not let burn out get to them thanks guys you are appreciated
I hate seeing someone injured bad. My girlfriend was attacked by this monster invading our home one nite and hearing her cry killed me and now if i see anyone injured and screaming or crying it takes me right back to that nite. Thank God she is fine now and i hope i never see or hear that again
I LOVE Nightwatch!! If I ever have an accident or any issue requiring an ambulance in New Orleans, I would hope that Nick, Holly and Keely are the paramedics that respond
Nightwatch will be coming back on I believe it's March 25th On A & E I stopped watching A&E after they took off live PD and live rescue I will return for this show nightwatch is a great show love all the EMTs
I love how they censor the areas with a ton of blood so it doesn’t cause anyone to have a seizure or worse..! I’m new to this show and I ready respect it.
Ik this ain’t even a cop episode but I started watching these and I’m tryna turn my life around I quit smoking stopped running away and to be honest man this show might have just saved my life since running from the cops one wrong move it’s possible you die And if I kept going with this life I’d probably be locked up 4 life since I’m only 12 so I just wanted to tell everybody that it ain’t worth it
Only you can determine your destiny. It's never too late to be what you might have been. Every new day is the first day of the rest of your life! These are things my dad always told me before he passed away that I repeat to myself daily.
One of my favourite parts of watching these is seeing the people improve significantly from the time they're removed from the scene and into the ambulance. The exercise teacher lady for example, she was screaming in pain to the point I was almost in tears hearing her poor wails. Next thing I know, she seems significantly better emotionally once safe in the back of the ambulance. Praise to these workers!
that one major crash just shows you how safe today’s cars are. if that crash happened 20+ years ago, the cars would all be fine but the passengers would take all the impact, most likely ending in fatality for every single person involved. but today’s cars are build to crumple and take the force of the impact so that its passengers won’t… thus why we see everyone walk away unscathed.
This is one thing I'll never understand about people gravitating toward those old "tank-like" Volvos. "The car's a tank!" Yeah, bro, but YOU aren't. There's a reason new Volvos crumple like an accordion while being the safest things on the road.
I don't know how they do it but I heard they make the engines sit in the car so in it impact they don't fly into the front seat but go out onto the street I've seen that more and more worth it engine is sitting outside of the car that alone would save many lives
Miss Holly , Mr. Nick , Miss Keely need there own show , I Love Them !!! They are the best , I do love everyone else also , but they are the best !!!!! Thank You. 😁
This guy had a broken neck an really trying to be brave. Paramedic said rate your pain on a scale of one to ten. Ten being getting your testicles ripped off. Guy said six
Good job momma!! I see so many children especially in my area, for some reason that aren’t strapped into car seats or a seatbelt for that matter, it’s insane. So glad that momma did her job to make sure her babies were safe.
I followed your documentations always, in the days they were shown in German TV. I always was impressed how you Medics handled all these Injuries with lot´s of Patience. Incredible for me to do so. To see all these pictures of real horror, day by day, demand my highest respect to you. I wish you all the best, especially in the times of the horrible C 19. Stay healthy³ and keep on with your work of Humanity. Wishes from Berlin.
These people are amazing. They work so hard and push so much just to save people. Not everyone does that. They leave positive impacts. No matter what happens they helped. They deserve so much more
I love these paramedics... they always know how to keep the patient calm and can even make a joke about the situation which makes the darkness of the situation alittle bit lighter. The fact that they were joking about the first one saying if they were in that situation they’d make them wait till they found their piece of skin with their tattoo on it had me laughing alittle too hard, but also same 😅
I remember when my dad was in a freak car accident. He was driving down the highway and a tree branch fell and landed right in front of his car. He went head on into the branch and the branch got stuck in the radiator of the car. Unbelievably the airbags didn’t go off. Dad said that had he been just a second ahead of where he was the branch would have landed on top of his car and probably would have killed him. It’s a miracle my dad walked away from that completely unscathed. I’m so grateful that he did.
Y’all are just amazing! Love the TLC you give to each patient, & especially how you can calm down babies & children in a snap. Heroes of America saving lives on the streets of N’orleans & across the country -Thank you!!! ❤️
@@Vize_Iron still two very different things lol one is hair one is a whole organ coming out your skull😂but I see what you mean since it was dark. That’s jus weird asf to assume his brains are out when you don’t kno for sure lol kinda sum they need to kno is true or not , not jus a guess
@@alixandriagrace4350 if you’re scared/nervous and you see a guy in the dark who just got out of a car involved in a crazy bad collision with stuff hanging off the back of his head, it’d be easy to confuse his hair on the back of his head for his brains.
@@Jzwiz I would just like someone to say "The guy was in the hospital for a week and now he's home" or "He passed." I don't want to see it, I just wish them the best recovery.
Its so strange to see the paramedics prospective of a crash. Experiencing a crash myself you know the people in the crash are just in pure shock and distress and its so surreal to see how calm the first responders are.
I rolled my husband's truck at 18 weeks pregnant with our son. Thank God our baby was okay, and I walked away from it completely fine. I'm 24 weeks now with the same baby and he's doing perfectly fine 💙
wow, you could see the progress of that morphine on that poor lady. One minute she's shaking the next she's starting to ease off a bit. When that baby and the little girl cried I lost it. So glad there are kind people out there doing this job.
Let me tell you good paramedics are angels. I shattered my ankle last year and the two guys that picked me up off the ice were awesome. These paramedics are terrific. It’s a very difficult job
I adore the relationship that Nick and Holly have! They work well together which is something people can sense when they end up in the back of the ambulance! But when you see bad things daily, having a sense of humor is a requirement! And Holly has two of my favorite lines... referring to Nick as ‘Tall and Lucious’ and then the clip they use in the previews where she say “they’re not dead, I can work with that!” (On a side-sarcastic-note... folks should be very grateful that they don’t require patients to not be brain dead... there’d never be passengers in that ambulance!)
My mother and I were in a car accident when I was young and I remember hearing my mom ask the paramedics not to let me know that she was crying. We both wound up being totally okay, but it was scary.
Yeah ii belive there trained to be that way because when I got into a car crash the paramedics and police was just nice and they ask u questions non stop to distract u from your injuries
The gal with the glasses is a top-notch paramedic. She handled the situation with the injured kids very well; very comforting. ❤️
Her name is Holly, and I love her
@@nolandblack9034 I'm pretty sure it's Keely hun
@@caseydykes117 keeley is the older one. Holly is the one in the ambulance
@@nolandblack9034 its keely, keely dealed with the mva including the kids
This is what I was gonna to comment. What a great person!
Seeing the second woman whimpering and shaking in pain more worried about her kids broke my heart 🥺
Hearing her shaking and crying broke my heart
🥺 poor Mama. She just wanted to know her baby’s were okay.
That pfp makes me happy 🤘
ayy! love ur pfp! i saw kill switch when slipknot was here in georgia in september, they’re sick!
@@timklafke4712 slipknot is great too
i got into an accident in december and i learned that your arm hurting is better than not being able to feel it
i don’t remember being pulled out of my car but i remember being moved from the stretcher to the bed and having 6 people picking me up to move me (i’m 140lbs) and i was SCREAMING because it hurt so bad (i also don’t remember the pain). i shattered my femur
@@misseselise3864 When I broke my ankle dropping half pool for the first time I remember everything. From thinking I only sprained it, to hearing bodily humor as korny as mine by the emts, to getting into the ER fully awake and hearing and communicating with the team on my case (all pun intended) debating about putting me under GA for setting the bone.
Hopeur ok
@@bevcamren1316 yeee
Very true. I flipped a truck, that landed on my arm. I used to be a firefighter, so I was not freaking out. I was worried about my arm, but I could still move most of my fingers, so I knew it wasn't too bad. The emts needed to tell me I needed stitches over my eye. I denied the ambulance 3 times, anyway. The firefighters and emts kept telling me I need to go and were surprised how calm and cognitive I was. The neighbors thought I was dead, till they heard me calling 911. When I heard them ask if I was alive, I literally said, "Yeah... Anybody call the fire department, yet?" I felt like everybody was freaking out, except for me. Don't get me wrong. I should've been dead. I ran fatalities that happened at much lower speeds, in newer and safer vehicles, and with no air-time involved. I was lucky. But pain is good, when you just faced the odds. Pain means feeling. Feeling means brain-function. Brain-function means heartbeat. Heartbeat means you are alive. People. If anybody can learn or take anything from this video: do not think you are immortal. Do not take life for granted. Not your's, not mine, not anyone's...
It takes a lot of mental strength to be an emergency medical technician. I thank each and every one of them, having someone talk to you calmly when you’re injured changes everything
I know....you have to stay calm and also calm them down and treat them!
And a paramedic as well
So glad the driver mom secured her 2 kids in their little chairs with seatbelts. Good job mom, u saved your childrens loves
If I ever have kids, that's gonna be one of my biggest fears, not securing their car seats properly.
@@johnrussell9836 You can take it to a firehouse and they’ll secure it for you. I’m pretty sure it’s every firehouse in the United States. I went with mine to a couple different ones bc we move a lot.
@@ShanaLawson wow thanks for the info!!
Worst car accident I've ever seen way in 2002. I was in high school and we were all out on a Saturday night @ 2am heading to Denny's.Some guy in a red convertible sports car (Not sure the make or model) came flying around a bend in the road, he lost control, slammed sideways into a telephone pole, rolled the car and was decapitated by his car door when it rolled. A cop was driving through a few seconds after it happened. He was so freaked out, he vomited and sat with his head between his legs. I will never forget that sight as long as I live.
I've seen 3 people die in front of me, each of them in a vehicle accident speeding. Slow down and drive safely
I agree bro, people speeding causes so many accidents
Summer of 2019 I was driving home from work on a windy Adirondack road, it's a 45 area and the bikers really book it sometimes. I was coming up on a turn around 7:15pm and saw a man waving his arms so I slowed down and asked if they needed help but they said they had it handled. A year or two before this my sister had hydroplaned off the road on that same turn and collided with a telephone pole (she was okay btw) so I had an idea someone crashed there again. There were several people out on the side of the road standing behind a few parked cars, one car was scratched but seemed fine. As I began to leave I saw a biker lying in the road with his helmet on, but he was lying in a really strange position and saw a big laceration on his side. I drove home and felt this fear start to settle over me as I worried about the bikers health. My mom and I kept checking the news to see what happened and finally found an article. The accident happened around 7:19pm so I was right on top of it, the biker was named Samir and he was just 25, he had lost control of his bike as he came around the corner and slid into the oncoming lane. I had passed his dead body moments after he died, I couldn't drive to work the next day and for the next few days I nearly cried as I drove past that spot.
@@shannonphelan7727 Hope you're feeling better
Sorry about that 🙏🏾💚
@@pizzapizza7950 It bothered me for a while, it was hard for me to look at a bike driving in the opposite lane. I still don’t really like motorcycles but I’m doing fine. Thanks 🍕
Nick: “everything’s fine” me: “yep everything’s good just some big chunks off ur arm.
Why did this make me laugh
Yeah your arm's just fine, only it happens to still be there on the road.
12:48 - that little girl plucked at my heart there, she is in agony and has been through a horrific incident and still has the manners to say thank you. Bless her soul, her parents should be proud.
People show their genuine inner self when in pain especially to those who help, she is a saint
Even when they’ve seen a chunk of an arm missing, they still manage to make jokes, I love it
Gotta stay positive. If you're negative you start to really hate your job and start making mistakes more often
At least that's how I see it
It’s how we deal with things. A chunk of flesh missing is far better than many things we see
If a professional of this level is joking you’re “okay”, it’s when they stop you have to worry
And honestly? Those jokes are relatable. Tattoos are expensive. yall better go find that skin, it's got a few thousand $ worth of art on it! (Then again I'm also the morbid type that would preserve the skin and display it after I've recovered from the accident.)
Those poor little kids. I like that EMS was so sweet and calming to them both in the ambulance.
Watching the kids in pain and hurt from that crash just broke my heart. I got teary watching those poor hurt kids, I hope they and their mom is OK now and healed smoothly.
When that little one asked for her 'baby' and Keeley thought she meant the sister but she meant her dolly, the lump in my throat turned to some tears in my eyes. Thank you thank you thank you to all first responders for the way they handle children. My 16 month old had her finger slammed in a door and it was bleeding a lot. The EMTs gave her a little teddy bear wearing a t shirt with the local hospital logo on it and I'm sure they were as gentle and kind in the ambulance as these folks were.
Pain is good, yall. If you can feel it, it’s (likely) still attached and you still have nerves working.
If it’s not attached, that would probably not be good
@@gatlinggun511 or just get flex tape 🙄🙄
@@itouchdeadpigeons flex tape solves everything 🤩🤚
A little bitty child who says "thank you" in tears...when a first responder compliments her tennis shoes...while she's lying in the back of an ambulance: that's a child that's been brought up right! 💜💙💚💛🧡❤
props to Nick in that first call. he was so calm and sweet and reassuring to her even though it looked horrible and everyone else didn't really wanna look at it.
and Keely with the baby was so cute!
Being in a car accident as a child is something you never quite forget. I was in a bad one when I was 4 years old, myself, my mom, and my 2-year-old sister was uninjured. I still don't understand how we're alive when our minivan was t-boned at 55mph by a pickup truck. It happened 16 years ago and I still remember every second of it. I'm low key afraid of driving because of it.
Ever since I became Pregnant watching this show and as soon as it gets to babies and children I start crying so bad but I'm relieved knowing they are getting the best help and are ok.
I'm so happy that 3 day old and 3 year old are ok and their Mother ❤️
Wow congrats
"I like your tennis shoes"
"thank you"
Wow, you did not have to do that to my heart
Sweet little girl, still says thank you even in so much pain. ♥️♥️
First responders are the best humanity has to offer ... thank you so much for the work you do
When she said "Are my kids okay?" that made me teary-eyed. Despite everything, still shaking from the shock, she still thought of her kids. 🥺
I can’t imagine the pain these people have been through
What a blessing. Eh?
Adrenalin definitely alleviated much of it. Not discounting it. But if not for adrenaline,many would've simply passed out.
But at least they have the pain killers like morphine I was put on morphine when I had a kidney stone that stuff made me feel like I’m on clouds lmao
@@_Https.maddie morphine is no joke it’s also a huge reason they have to train so much on proper dosage. I had a steroid shot and another I had to take from a pretty severe respiratory infection and it’s crazy how good that works. No morphine yet and hopefully I don’t have so much pain I need it. My brother had to get it after breaking his leg in a wreck and said it was crazy
I love how kind they all are even though they're on camera you can see it in their eyes they do truly care and have not let burn out get to them thanks guys you are appreciated
I hate seeing someone injured bad. My girlfriend was attacked by this monster invading our home one nite and hearing her cry killed me and now if i see anyone injured and screaming or crying it takes me right back to that nite. Thank God she is fine now and i hope i never see or hear that again
monster- huh 😳?
@@karla8869 the person who broke in was probably a monster since he yk broke in
@@EdenXO122005 nah im pretty sure bigfoot broke in
I LOVE Nightwatch!! If I ever have an accident or any issue requiring an ambulance in New Orleans, I would hope that Nick, Holly and Keely are the paramedics that respond
Nightwatch will be coming back on I believe it's March 25th On A & E I stopped watching A&E after they took off live PD and live rescue I will return for this show nightwatch is a great show love all the EMTs
I love how they censor the areas with a ton of blood so it doesn’t cause anyone to have a seizure or worse..! I’m new to this show and I ready respect it.
@@AustinFogel2112 ???
Also it can just be hard to watch sometimes so it’s a lot easier on ours stomachs
Blood doesn’t cause ppl to have seizures. Inntense red or blue lights will make u have seizure well one of the reasons
i'd rather see the injuries
“I want my dolly” had me in TEARS that just hit so hard 😭❤️
Mans dreads looked like brains hanging out lmao
Both Keeley and Holly are amazing Paramedics. They and the other first responders are so compassionate.
12:45 The little "Thank you!' Broke my heart, what a sweetie!
Little kid calls were hard because they don't understand what's happening. Love this crew.
Ik this ain’t even a cop episode but I started watching these and I’m tryna turn my life around I quit smoking stopped running away and to be honest man this show might have just saved my life since running from the cops one wrong move it’s possible you die And if I kept going with this life I’d probably be locked up 4 life since I’m only 12 so I just wanted to tell everybody that it ain’t worth it
Only you can determine your destiny. It's never too late to be what you might have been. Every new day is the first day of the rest of your life! These are things my dad always told me before he passed away that I repeat to myself daily.
You got this remember!!!
Great job 💪🏾
Proud of ya kid! That’s the best mindset you can have!!!
im very proud of you sir ❤️
One of my favourite parts of watching these is seeing the people improve significantly from the time they're removed from the scene and into the ambulance. The exercise teacher lady for example, she was screaming in pain to the point I was almost in tears hearing her poor wails. Next thing I know, she seems significantly better emotionally once safe in the back of the ambulance. Praise to these workers!
Every time I watch this I always hope somebody don’t die or even if they do I pretend they where ok.
K person
@@TellCookie rude
why is that rude? I just said k person
@@TellCookie it was unnecessary
i was just bored so i wanted to comment
The second lady still asking for her kids even after being in so much pain it really is heartbreaking. 😭
that one major crash just shows you how safe today’s cars are. if that crash happened 20+ years ago, the cars would all be fine but the passengers would take all the impact, most likely ending in fatality for every single person involved. but today’s cars are build to crumple and take the force of the impact so that its passengers won’t… thus why we see everyone walk away unscathed.
This is one thing I'll never understand about people gravitating toward those old "tank-like" Volvos.
"The car's a tank!"
Yeah, bro, but YOU aren't. There's a reason new Volvos crumple like an accordion while being the safest things on the road.
@@joachimvzm4274 absolutely!
I don't know how they do it but I heard they make the engines sit in the car so in it impact they don't fly into the front seat but go out onto the street I've seen that more and more worth it engine is sitting outside of the car that alone would save many lives
Miss Holly , Mr. Nick , Miss Keely need there own show , I Love Them !!! They are the best , I do love everyone else also , but they are the best !!!!! Thank You. 😁
Love nicks attitude it’s always important to tell them it’s ok just a minor cut even if there leg fell off
At first I didnt like the fact that they were enjoying themselves at times but, theyre saving lives! Why shouldnt they be happy?
They also probably really need the humor with how dark the job can be at times
They’re not robots
Right I would be joking all day after all the stuff they be seen
This guy had a broken neck an really trying to be brave. Paramedic said rate your pain on a scale of one to ten. Ten being getting your testicles ripped off. Guy said six
Seriously. Imagine going to a job and be dealing with that. Not fun. They are definitely underpaid and underappreciated.
This makes my heart melt how they come to the rescue.
Good job momma!! I see so many children especially in my area, for some reason that aren’t strapped into car seats or a seatbelt for that matter, it’s insane. So glad that momma did her job to make sure her babies were safe.
Omg seeing the children in pain made me teary 😭
I followed your documentations always, in the days they were shown in German TV. I always was impressed how
you Medics handled all these Injuries with lot´s of Patience. Incredible for me to do so. To see all these pictures
of real horror, day by day, demand my highest respect to you. I wish you all the best, especially in the times of the
horrible C 19. Stay healthy³ and keep on with your work of Humanity. Wishes from Berlin.
I have so much respect for first responders.
These people are amazing. They work so hard and push so much just to save people. Not everyone does that. They leave positive impacts. No matter what happens they helped. They deserve so much more
I’m addicted to this videos and I’m a ER doctor 😂
@@zephaniahwilliams1131 omg😂
So very refreshing - I have not seen one racist or derogatory statement about the show, I think it was just fine.
why would there be?
Wtf 😂
2 16 hour shifts in a row, you people are true hero’s. I hope yous are doing ok to cause that amount of work can be real bad for you.
I love these paramedics... they always know how to keep the patient calm and can even make a joke about the situation which makes the darkness of the situation alittle bit lighter. The fact that they were joking about the first one saying if they were in that situation they’d make them wait till they found their piece of skin with their tattoo on it had me laughing alittle too hard, but also same 😅
I remember when my dad was in a freak car accident. He was driving down the highway and a tree branch fell and landed right in front of his car. He went head on into the branch and the branch got stuck in the radiator of the car. Unbelievably the airbags didn’t go off. Dad said that had he been just a second ahead of where he was the branch would have landed on top of his car and probably would have killed him.
It’s a miracle my dad walked away from that completely unscathed. I’m so grateful that he did.
Y’all are just amazing! Love the TLC you give to each patient, & especially how you can calm down babies & children in a snap. Heroes of America saving lives on the streets of N’orleans & across the country -Thank you!!! ❤️
Yeah!! Hollie and Nick are back again !! 🧡🧡🧡🧡💜💜💜💜
I wanna kno why that woman said his brains were hanging out when he wasn’t injured at all😂how do you confuse that
I guess it was some sort of "saying" that he's mental perhaps? Or that he's out of his mind? Idk.
no he had his hair braded or whatever it is dreads and she might have thought it was his brain bc she scared
@@Vize_Iron still two very different things lol one is hair one is a whole organ coming out your skull😂but I see what you mean since it was dark. That’s jus weird asf to assume his brains are out when you don’t kno for sure lol kinda sum they need to kno is true or not , not jus a guess
@@alixandriagrace4350 yea idk tbh lol
@@alixandriagrace4350 if you’re scared/nervous and you see a guy in the dark who just got out of a car involved in a crazy bad collision with stuff hanging off the back of his head, it’d be easy to confuse his hair on the back of his head for his brains.
Keeley a real one 💯 very professional and very comforting person with kids
Wow. Mucho respect for those doing this job. The physical and emotional drain must be enormous. If in need, call a champion...and these are champions.
I used to be so scared of this show because of the injuries
love their positive vibes right after seeing some graphic stuff it’s what keeps them going I bet
Wow working 2 16 hours in a row is amazing considering how much they really do and see.
Imagine the ones they can’t show
It's bound to be horrific
My brother is going to be a paramedic I’m so scared
@@lilainmann2754 mad respects to your brother, and it’s gonna be okay he is doing good for people
Yea I imagine they aren't allowed to show fatalities, I wonder what the ratio of calls where the people are alive or dead in car accidents is
I want to know how that lady thought she saw his brains hanging out ?!😂
awe the way they take care of the baby is jus so cute :’)
I would like to know if the accident victims came out of this ok.
They post the episodes, dont think they show deaths in the comp though
@@Jzwiz I would just like someone to say "The guy was in the hospital for a week and now he's home" or "He passed." I don't want to see it, I just wish them the best recovery.
At the very end of the episodes they usually have a reflection segment that gives a little information on the pt.
The actual episodes tell u at the very end
Its so strange to see the paramedics prospective of a crash. Experiencing a crash myself you know the people in the crash are just in pure shock and distress and its so surreal to see how calm the first responders are.
12:49 That kid saying "thank you" after the paramedic compliments her shoes is still so polite while being in pain and shock.
I rolled my husband's truck at 18 weeks pregnant with our son. Thank God our baby was okay, and I walked away from it completely fine. I'm 24 weeks now with the same baby and he's doing perfectly fine 💙
Imagine how much the hospital bills will be !!!
Charge it to the Game.
They took an Oath to Save our Lives if needed no matter.
Universal health care should be mandatory. What kind of country doesn’t look after it’s citizens?
It would be horrible! God bless America.
Bet the hospital bills hurts more than the accident itself.
I feel bad for all of them and I hope they are all okay
Why do injury’s feel a bit worse at night-😣
when that child wiggles there feet, i'm laughing and like awwwhhh so sweet and cute!
Great team work!!! God bless you all!
Nick and holly have to be my favorite people 😂😂 love how they’re personalities collide and make a perfect pair
wow, you could see the progress of that morphine on that poor lady. One minute she's shaking the next she's starting to ease off a bit. When that baby and the little girl cried I lost it. So glad there are kind people out there doing this job.
i don’t remember the car crashes i was in with my mom as a child, but when i heard that momma shaking and crying it gave me some sorta flashbacks 💔
12:30 has me SOBBING she does so well with the kids 🥺🥺🥺 her bedside manner is so good
good job on the mama too for havin' her babies secured so well!!
Thank you for looking after the children
Been waiting for this!
That Mexican on the last one looked happy even tho he ain’t understand wtv they were saying 😂
God bless these police officers firemen and paramedics who help all these people. God please help all those injured people & help them get better
The older sister of the newborn was so sweet asking the paramedic to hold the ice and saying thank you after she complimented her shoes
I am so glad that we have emt's and good people.
That poor child when she said "I want my dolly" I sobbed so much
Those emts are very professional. First thing is to calm the children. Great job. Real heros.
I like these vids, no dumb commentary, just following the action.
Let me tell you good paramedics are angels. I shattered my ankle last year and the two guys that picked me up off the ice were awesome. These paramedics are terrific. It’s a very difficult job
I adore the relationship that Nick and Holly have! They work well together which is something people can sense when they end up in the back of the ambulance!
But when you see bad things daily, having a sense of humor is a requirement! And Holly has two of my favorite lines... referring to Nick as ‘Tall and Lucious’ and then the clip they use in the previews where she say “they’re not dead, I can work with that!” (On a side-sarcastic-note... folks should be very grateful that they don’t require patients to not be brain dead... there’d never be passengers in that ambulance!)
You need a sense of humour to cope with all the heartbreaking thing we see in the Emergency services. Well done to everyone
It's something to make a grown man cry giving a kid their comfort item when they need it the most
Bring this show back!!!
It breaks my heart to see people in this much pain 🥺😭
His voice is so calming!!!
Yeah !! Now Dan and Titus are back !! 🧡🧡🧡🧡💜💜💜💜
If i ever need a ambulance, I would be very lucky to get a pro like Nick.
Having a dolly or teddy bear is always good support I had in my accident and I’m 16 and it helped me so much
The girl that was shaking in the back seat of the car and her voice was shaking I felt so bad. Almost brought me to tears
My mother and I were in a car accident when I was young and I remember hearing my mom ask the paramedics not to let me know that she was crying. We both wound up being totally okay, but it was scary.
Watching from japan , good partners I love your tattoo guys
If I need help...I would love to see this crew
At my side! As a critical care nurse I can see
They are highly skilled!
Ok but I love the paramedics vibes. Love their energy and would defo comfort me if I was injured 😌✌️✨
Yeah ii belive there trained to be that way because when I got into a car crash the paramedics and police was just nice and they ask u questions non stop to distract u from your injuries
My name is Keeley too, and this made me so happy to see someone with such a cool job with the same name
Great heroes thank you for your services