Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@Putong_IradAllah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@markadamso8321Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Allahu akbar !! As salam aleykum has all my brothers and sister from Morocco to Indonesia via Mali, Senegal, Turkey and Afghanistan. Everywhere! Salam of Tunisia my brothers 🇹🇳
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@psycho8_653 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This nasheed is well done. When talking about cutting down the enemy like a sickle, they cut the air with their breath. When talking about unity, they all sang in unison. When talking about the waves of the ocean, their voices started rolling and also sounded submurged. Very powerful stuff and inspiring
@@adisyauqi8497 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@xixins_ Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@Mo7mdsal7 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@user-qzk Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤@@bareqn8626
هبت رياح العاصفة على الأيادي الخاطفة واقتلعت جذورها مع السيول الجارفة اليوم ويل من بغى اليوم ذل من طغى اليوم يوم الإنتقام منه في ساح الوغى اليوم يوم الغضبة اليوم يوم الوثبة فساعة الصفر أتت لسحق تلك العصبة هبت رياح صرصر عاتية تمزجر تحالفت ووسطها إعصارنا المدمر سمائنا تلبدت بغيمها ورددت نشيدنا غاضبة فأبرقت وأرعدت والأرض تحت الأرجل غلت كغلي المرجل فثار بركان الثرى يحصدهم كالمنجل ومن دمانا هدرت سيولنا وانحدرت تسحقهم كأنها قنبلة وانفجرت والبحر جاء بالمدد يقود موج البحر مد يقصفهم بموجه فموجه بلا عدد ترى الغزاة الكفرة كالحمر المستنفرة لكنما المقلاع قد ودعهم بالمجزرة بلادنا تحررت قيودنا تكسرت أفواهنا صادحة قد هللت وكبرت شمس الكويت اشرقت وفي سمائنا ارتقت ورفرفت رايتنا حيث الطيور حلقت هب النسيم ناعماً داعب ثغراً باسماً ثغر الكويت بعدما داهم لصاً غاشماً
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@marcosrobertocordeiromagal1656 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
❤الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر ❤
@@thelordknight3491 أي دول مجاورة؟! هي دولة واحدة بدأت بالبغي والعدوان في ليلة غادرة وبطشت بالابرياء من كويتيين ووافدين بصورة ما تخيل احد ان الصهاينة يفعلوها
@@حسينالتميمي-ن6ه Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@MAKARIBuilds Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@sharepizza Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
السلام عليكم عندي شغلة وارجو منكم تشوفون شجاي اتكلم اني اتسننت واهديت والحمدلله وشفت طريق الحق لكن اهلي يردون يطردوني من البيت بسبب هدايتي لطريق الحق وما اعرف شنو اسوي صعدو تعليقي رجاء
الله سبحانه و تعالى يقول يقول في سوره لقمان بعد بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " و إن جاهداك على ان تشرك بي ما ليس لك به علم فلا تطعهما وصاحبهما في الدنيا معروفا واتبع سبيل من اناب الي ثم الي مرجعكم فانبئكم بما كنتم تعملون " ، أبدا لا تخلي أحد يردك عن الحق و لو كانوا والديك ، و لا تنسى فضلهم عليك طبعا .. ما راح تعاديهم مثل العداوة بين المسلمين و الكفار معاذ الله ، ما أدري قد ايش الموضوع صعب عليك حاليا لكن تذكر أن مع العسر يسرا ، ربك ما رح يضيّعك دامك أقبلت عليه بكل صدق 🤍 أحبك في الله أخي و إستمر في السير على سبيل الهدى يا رجل
@@BimiBami-q7k Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
The storm winds blew The storm winds blew On the hands of the blitzkrieg On the hands of the blitzkrieg The storm winds blew The storm winds blew On the hands of the blitzkrieg On the hands of the blitzkrieg and uprooted roots it with the Sweeping torrents and uprooted roots it with the Sweeping torrents Today woe to the unjust Today woe to the unjust Today is humiliation to the Oppressors Today is humiliation to the Oppressors the day .. day Revenge on him in ..Arena of clash the day .. day Revenge on him in ..Arena of clash the day .. day the anger the day .. day the capering Because the zero hour came to crush that group the day .. day the anger the day .. day the capering Because the zero hour came to crush that group blew chilling winds Harsh and snarling Allied..And in the middle.. Our destructive hurricane Allied..And in the middle.. Our destructive hurricane Our sky is faded... Our sky is faded... by the Pull..And I repeated by the Pull..And I repeated ..... (Follow the line that follows) ...our anthem and she is angry ... So I lightninged and thundered our anthem and she is angry ... So I lightninged and thundered And the ground under the legs... It boiled like boiling the cauldron until volcano erupted the Dust He harvests them like a sickle And the ground under the legs... It boiled like boiling the cauldron until volcano erupted the Dust He harvests them like a sickle And from our blood ...Our floods moving ...and descended....crush them as if it was a bomb that exploded ...And the sea brought aid ..Drive them...And bombards them with its waves... Its waves are infinite .......These corrupt invaders..Like runaway donkeys...But the observer said goodbye to them in the massacre.... Our country been liberated ... Our chains are broken....And our mouths screamed.... I cheered .... And venerated God...The sun of the country has risen...And in our sky I rose... And our flag fluttered where the birds flew...The breeze blew caressing the entrance to the city...After he wrestled with a brutal thief......
Muslim from Honduras 🇭🇳☪️
I'm sorry bro, I've never heard of it before, there are so many of us and we're useless anyway, someday well return inshallah
@مننسلالراكبكلمطهمٍ don't worry, Honduras is a small country located in Central America 🇭🇳💙
Salam alikoum brother in islam ❤@@lemz7879
Mashallah from Switzerland 🇨🇭
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@ inshallah and thank you very much I wish the same for you❤️
Muslim from UK & Pakistan 🇬🇧🇵🇰
Muslim from perú 🇵🇪 🏴☝🏽
Assalamullaikom brother from Bangsamoro, Philippines 🇵🇭
Salam from Chechnya my brother
@@Putong_IradAllah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@markadamso8321Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Muslim from Moldova 🇲🇩👆🤲 As Salam Aleykum
Wa aalaykom al salem 🇹🇳
@@airjordan798 Allah bless you
This is a Kuwaiti chant in 1991 at the time of the Iraqi invasion, the brutal treachery
Salam alaikum from Turkiye to all Muslim Sunni Brothers! 🇹🇷🏴☝🏻 Congratulations to our 8 December Revolution in Syria!
Allah akbar
Sünnit kardeş ALLAHU AKBAR Allah korusun
Merhaba kardesim
Allahu Akbar !
Muslim from Azerbaijan 🖤🇦🇿
Greetings from Kurdistan (Arbil ) to the whole .
Allah is one ☝️☝️
سوريا حرة 🇸🇾
اشهد ان لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له
الحمد لله
2:16 حقيقه
Allah is the greatest ☝️🇹🇷 Salam Aleykum
Allahtan başka ilah yoktur ☝️☪️🇹🇷
Allahu akbar !!
As salam aleykum has all my brothers and sister from Morocco to Indonesia via Mali, Senegal, Turkey and Afghanistan. Everywhere! Salam of Tunisia my brothers 🇹🇳
🇮🇩 من إندونيسيا يا أخي
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Müslim form turkey❤
Do u have instagram?
Muslim from Uzbekistan 🇺🇿 ❤️
Peace to you and your home from the Scandinavian mountains🇳🇴
Saludos desde Kurdistán a todo el mundo islámico, feliz Miraç Kandil
Sağol kardeşim
Türkiyeden aleyküm selam
🇹🇷اَشْهَدُ اَنْ لاَ اِلٰهَ اِلاَّ اللّٰهُ وَاَشْهَدُ اَنَّ مُحَمَّدًا عَبْدُهُ وَرَسُولُهُ
@@psycho8_653 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@mjama2132 amen brother you too insha'Allah
@@psycho8_653 and ummah aswell ameen
Stop sending Tagut flags our banner is black and white
@@Abdirisaaqabdullahi-n9y huh
A Very Powerful Nasheed Indeed I Pray That Allah Keeps Us All Strong In Our Faith ❤
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@mjama2132 Alhamdulilah May Allah Bless Us All With Strength And Love May We All Go To Jannah Al Firdaus ❤
This nasheed is well done. When talking about cutting down the enemy like a sickle, they cut the air with their breath. When talking about unity, they all sang in unison. When talking about the waves of the ocean, their voices started rolling and also sounded submurged. Very powerful stuff and inspiring
Damn, this is more poetic than at first sight.
@@JackSeries44 It really is. I am not Muslim, but the artistry of the Islamic world is beautiful
@@DavidBarton2wait how do you understand arabic.
@@chanvax2111he may not be muslim, but be arab
Muslim from Azerbaijan 🇦🇿
Аллох буйик Аллохга хамду санолар болсин Расуллилохга саловоту саломлар болсин омин
🇲🇾لاَ إِلَهَ إِلَّاالله ☝️
Excepto para las tierras católicas de América VIVA MÉXICO!! 🇲🇽🦅
@@azt-kассяляму алейкум бро
няма друг бог освен Аллах
@@adisyauqi8497 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@ХасанЦечоев-ц9с huh
The victory in Syria brought me here
Visca Barca
ليحل السلام في البلدان والشعوب وكل دين، وليبارك الله كل من يحتاج إليه، آمين
Merci 💪
لن يحل السلام حتى قيام الساعه
اللهم انصر الاسلام تحياتي من العراق ❤
@@xixins_ Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
هذا النشيد كويتي
Even kuffar can enjoy the beauty of a good Nasheed
Les nasheed son haram bro
@@Krz_rv05 les musiques et les instruments musicaux sont haram mais les nasheeds sans musique ne sont pas haram .
la ilahe illallah muhammeden resulullah 🇹🇷
علي ولي الله
Todo fiel chora ao ouvir esse nasheed bismiala 😢🕋🙌🏻
القدس لنا الحريه لفلسطين تحياتي لأخوتي اهل اليمن والجزائر وليبيا وافغانستان وفلسطين 🫡☝🏽
@@Mo7mdsal7 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
هذي عن دوله الكويت وقت الغزو
@@user-qzk Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Allah(c.c.) İslamın zaferine bizi de ortak eder İnşallah.
The best relax song ever. Allah is one 🙏
this aint no song akhi
@@BeroKral-we7of maybe he's new revert he will learn
Not a song it’s a nasheed
@@the_doctor01 and what is a nasheed then?
@@mistaketired.5294 Islamic Poetry
لا اله الا الله ، محمد رسول الله 🕋☝️
الله أكبر الله أكبر الله أكبر
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له و أشهد أن محمد عبده ورسوله🕋☝️
Ashadu an la ilaha ilallah wa ashadu an muhammadan rasool Allah
لا الله هاالله ماهمدن
Islam is true @@AyangKmj
Allahu Ekber ☝️🇹🇷☪️☝️
Selam aleyküm arkadaşlar from Tunus 🇹🇳❤️✨🇹🇷
@@malekaltayari3936 aleykümselam bro 🇹🇷🇹🇷👍
Allahu Akbar 🇬🇪☪️❤️
Muslim from Japan
are you native japanese
@laserbeam3836 yeah
@@fantachannel5253 well .. sorry i am a muslim but i think you are here for ingagmint farming .. there is no chance you are japaness
@laserbeam3836 I don't care about your opinion, I'm sorry
You are among
لا اله الا الله ☝🏻
محمد رسول الله
@@bareqn8626 Wa Isa-Ibn-Maryam Nabi-Ullah
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤@@bareqn8626
علي ولي الله
تحية لاسود اهل السنة والجماعة على امتداد هذه البسيطه باذن الله ستعود امجادنا مره اخرى ☝🏻
هبت رياح العاصفة
على الأيادي الخاطفة
واقتلعت جذورها
مع السيول الجارفة
اليوم ويل من بغى
اليوم ذل من طغى
اليوم يوم الإنتقام
منه في ساح الوغى
اليوم يوم الغضبة
اليوم يوم الوثبة
فساعة الصفر أتت
لسحق تلك العصبة
هبت رياح صرصر
عاتية تمزجر
تحالفت ووسطها
إعصارنا المدمر
سمائنا تلبدت
بغيمها ورددت
نشيدنا غاضبة
فأبرقت وأرعدت
والأرض تحت الأرجل
غلت كغلي المرجل
فثار بركان الثرى
يحصدهم كالمنجل
ومن دمانا هدرت
سيولنا وانحدرت
تسحقهم كأنها
قنبلة وانفجرت
والبحر جاء بالمدد
يقود موج البحر مد
يقصفهم بموجه
فموجه بلا عدد
ترى الغزاة الكفرة
كالحمر المستنفرة
لكنما المقلاع قد
ودعهم بالمجزرة
بلادنا تحررت
قيودنا تكسرت
أفواهنا صادحة
قد هللت وكبرت
شمس الكويت اشرقت
وفي سمائنا ارتقت
ورفرفت رايتنا
حيث الطيور حلقت
هب النسيم ناعماً
داعب ثغراً باسماً
ثغر الكويت بعدما
داهم لصاً غاشماً
Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
لكنما المطلاع* المطلاع منطقة شمال الكويت تم قصف وتدمير جميع قوات الاحتلال فيها على طريق 80 المسمى بأسم (طريق الموت) بسبب المجزره التي حدثت فيه
اللهم انصر اسلام و مسلمين في انحاء العالم 🤲🏼 يا اله العالمين ليس لنا الى سواك 😢 لا تنسوا دعاء و اتمنا لكل مسلمين خير اتمنا اتلقى مهكم فالجنة 😢😢😢
It’s for Kuwait 🇰🇼
няма друг бог освен Аллах❤
Bende Adanali ARABim cok guzel muzuk bu Seyhandan ARAPlara selam soyluyorum❤❤ En sevdiyim yer fi sa3t alsifr adat lishbe tilkel usfeti⚔️⚔️
Adananin arablari mardinden gelmedir
Assalomu aleykum Ibrohim Halilulloh millati Turkistondan salomlar 🎉❤
@@РавшанбекСаидахмедов Aleykum selam kardesim benim ADANA dan selamlar
Ashadu an La ilaha ila allah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasulluallah 🇦🇱🇽🇰☪️☪️☪️❤️❤️
🫂 Assalamu Alaikum brother. From Chechnya 🤍💯
Hajde shqipe Edhe Unë Musliman Edhe shqiptar
@@Polsowatel_waaaaaalejkum Selam noxhi borz 🫂🐺
Im ✝️ but i respects Muslim sisters and brothers ❤
the better u do is joining Islam
We are not brothers..
Never say that@@kivendanfe5526
Thank you so much, I respect you and other Christians as well. ❤
Tekbir ☝️🦁
Allah u akbar ❤❤
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Ekber 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Du freust dich an dem Lied, wo es doch vom IS. Ja genau der IS der türkische Soldaten lebendig verbrannt hat
People from Kuwait must be proud while listening to this and so i am , greetings from morocco . The desert storm will be remembered
Allahuuu akberr ahadun ahad
لا اله إلا الله محمد رسول الله، أللهم أعز الإسلام والمسلمين، يا قوي يا متين، لا إله إلا أنت سبحانك إني كنت من الظالمين
আল্লাহু আকবার ☝🏼🇧🇩🏴
Allah Ekber ☝️🇸🇦
O yeşil paçavra ne la
انها لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله ايهو التركي
Muslim from india assalam walekum
Və əleyküm salam🇦🇿🫂
الله يعز الكويت 🔥🇸🇦🇰🇼❤️
لا الله يعز الأسلام فقط
🇹🇯 Kurdistan .
Xweda yek e ☝️
kürdistan yok
Allahtan başka ilah yoktur🕋
muslim from jordan
Assalam alaikum from Kazakhstan 🇰🇿
Və əleyküm Salam🇦🇿🫂
This is a Kuwaiti chant in 1991 at the time of the Iraqi invasion, the brutal treachery
سُبْحَانَ اللّٰه 💛 الْحَمْدُ لِلّٰه 💙 لَاْ إِلٰهَ إِلَّاْ اللّٰه 🖤 اللّٰهُ أَكْبَر 🤎 أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللّٰه ❤️🩹 اللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَىٰ مُحَمَّد وَعَلَىٰ آلِ مُحَمَّد 💚
Субhан Аллаh
Альhамдули Ллаh
Ля иляhа иля Ллаh
Allah Akbar
Xwedaye ku zehf keremkar û dilovane. La ilahe illAllah
Não há divindade além de Deus. E Muhammad é seu servo e seu mensageiro. 🤲🏼
sai fora
@@marcosrobertocordeiromagal1656 Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@PopóLindoRodrigues Sai fora você...
لا اله الا الله! محمد رسول الله!
@@BrunoFerreira-rr1tz huh
I, Orthodox! ☦️🇺🇦
But I really like to listen, this nasid.
You should not brother, it is a great heresy.
@@JasperOrthodox why are you here then?
@@mjama2132 came from another video that was showing the sects of islam
@@mjama2132Because I like to listen to it.
@@valentin4026 I don't mean you
Bismillahrahim Allah Ekber ya ali ya Muhammed ya Ömer 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷💪💪💪💪💪 Allah birdir tektir kuranı kerim
I am Armenian Orthodox I love my Muslim brothers our religions and cultures are very similar🇦🇲☦️❤️
There is only one religion, and it is the religion of the one and only God. The Lord is one, the religion is one, and the path to heaven is one
I am Kazakh I respect Armenian and Christians
@@Murrad873 azerbaijan is jawesh land 😂👋
@@SlotBlog01 Armenia was destroyed in 44 days
We ain’t brothers, just cousins
❤الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر الله اكبر ❤
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول الله ☝️🕋☪️
الله اكبر KUWAIT IS FREE
kelab al kuwait
its not free wake tf up
كيف هي حرة والقواعد الأمريكية موجودة في بلادكم وتقتل الأبرياء في الدول الحوار
@@thelordknight3491 أي دول مجاورة؟! هي دولة واحدة بدأت بالبغي والعدوان في ليلة غادرة وبطشت بالابرياء من كويتيين ووافدين بصورة ما تخيل احد ان الصهاينة يفعلوها
بعد ما غدرتوا بينا واغرقتونا بل ديون وسبيت نسائنا شنو تتوقع رد العراق مثلا؟
Люблю ислам☪️ сильно ❤ братя 🫂 я христіан ✝️
شكرآ لك على حب المسلمين
انصحك بأن تتعرف على الإسلام أكثر
وان تصبح مسلم ❤
Read about Islam Read Quran, Brother see the truth with your eyes not from TV , Islam is true life its light in darkness roads .
اشهد ان لااله الا الله وأشهد أن محمد رسول
الله وأشهد أن علي ولي الله🇮🇶🇮🇶
اسأل الله أن يهديك و يهدينا اجمعين الى طريق الحق
@@حسينالتميمي-ن6ه Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@@MAKARIBuilds Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@sharepizza Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
واشهد ان عمر فاتح بلاد الفرس وبلاد الرافدين
الله أكبر ♥
Illahey is the king of all kings❤️
لا إلہ إلا اللّٰہ محمد رسول اللّٰہ
اله* الله*
لا اله الا الله محمد رسول علي ولي الله
العراق سحل داعش امس و اليوم وغداً
Ve göze perde iner kul kadar yazar
Soy Católico 🛐, pero mis respetos a mis hermanos del oriente
I do as Well as a lutheran.
Cousins* not brothers
@@xuserakx huh
@@mjama2132 what part of my comment did u not understand? I said what I said
الله اكبر🇩🇿👆🏻
تباا للأعلام والاوطان فهي من فرقت شملنا
الله أكبر 🔥🇰🇼🤍
الله يعز كويتنا براية الاسلام
شمس الكويت 🇰🇼✌🏻
الله يعز الكويت براية الاسلام
Мы любим свою религию и мы будем это снимать Аллаху Акбар Аллах велик❤❤❤🕋🕋🕋
няма друг бог освен Аллах
السلام عليكم عندي شغلة وارجو منكم تشوفون شجاي اتكلم اني اتسننت واهديت والحمدلله وشفت طريق الحق لكن اهلي يردون يطردوني من البيت بسبب هدايتي لطريق الحق وما اعرف شنو اسوي صعدو تعليقي رجاء
لايردعك عن الحق احد
اصبر وتمسك فأنت على الحق وربك الحق لا يتركك
اصبر على الحق
انا كذلك تسننت من سنتين، المفروض ما تقول لأهلك لأن معروفة رد فعلهم، على كل حال، الله يثبتك، صبرا جميلا والله المستعان
الله سبحانه و تعالى يقول يقول في سوره لقمان بعد بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم " و إن جاهداك على ان تشرك بي ما ليس لك به علم فلا تطعهما وصاحبهما في الدنيا معروفا واتبع سبيل من اناب الي ثم الي مرجعكم فانبئكم بما كنتم تعملون " ، أبدا لا تخلي أحد يردك عن الحق و لو كانوا والديك ، و لا تنسى فضلهم عليك طبعا .. ما راح تعاديهم مثل العداوة بين المسلمين و الكفار معاذ الله ، ما أدري قد ايش الموضوع صعب عليك حاليا لكن تذكر أن مع العسر يسرا ، ربك ما رح يضيّعك دامك أقبلت عليه بكل صدق 🤍 أحبك في الله أخي و إستمر في السير على سبيل الهدى يا رجل
thx while im play kogmaw or blitzcrank always listen this song
Assalamu alaikum jazak Allahu khair☝️
@@BimiBami-q7k Allah swt is the most merciful and most forgiving may Allah swt guide to Islam and forgive all you sins make you go jannat al firadus highest rank of heaven and you family and friends as well may Allah swt guide them both and you aswell Ameen❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Amin brother inshallah with you and all muslims in around this world❤
الله أكبر والعزة لله ولرسوله وللمؤمنين ❤
La havla vala quvata illa billah Allohu akbar 🇺🇿
The storm winds blew
The storm winds blew
On the hands of the blitzkrieg
On the hands of the blitzkrieg
The storm winds blew
The storm winds blew
On the hands of the blitzkrieg
On the hands of the blitzkrieg
and uprooted roots it with the Sweeping torrents
and uprooted roots it with the Sweeping torrents
Today woe to the unjust
Today woe to the unjust
Today is humiliation to the Oppressors
Today is humiliation to the Oppressors
the day .. day Revenge on him in ..Arena of clash
the day .. day Revenge on him in ..Arena of clash
the day .. day the anger
the day .. day the capering
Because the zero hour came to crush that group
the day .. day the anger
the day .. day the capering
Because the zero hour came to crush that group
blew chilling winds
Harsh and snarling
Allied..And in the middle.. Our destructive hurricane
Allied..And in the middle.. Our destructive hurricane
Our sky is faded...
Our sky is faded...
by the Pull..And I repeated
by the Pull..And I repeated ..... (Follow the line that follows)
...our anthem and she is angry ... So I lightninged and thundered
our anthem and she is angry ... So I lightninged and thundered
And the ground under the legs...
It boiled like boiling the cauldron
until volcano erupted the Dust
He harvests them like a sickle
And the ground under the legs...
It boiled like boiling the cauldron
until volcano erupted the Dust
He harvests them like a sickle
And from our blood ...Our floods moving ...and descended....crush them as if it was a bomb that exploded ...And the sea brought aid ..Drive them...And bombards them with its waves... Its waves are infinite .......These corrupt invaders..Like runaway donkeys...But the observer said goodbye to them in the massacre....
Our country been liberated ... Our chains are broken....And our mouths screamed.... I cheered .... And venerated God...The sun of the country has risen...And in our sky I rose...
And our flag fluttered where the birds flew...The breeze blew caressing the entrance to the city...After he wrestled with a brutal thief......
not very accurate. some verses are completly wrong
@@ThusHeComplained then give us an accurate translation
@@ThusHeComplained بعض الكلمات مستعصية حولت معناها لمصطلح يسهل فهمه بالإنجليزية+لست جيدا في الإنجليزية
@@zou1333 عوافي
Salam from Pakistan
লা ইলাহা ইল্লাল্লাহ
মুহাম্মাদুর রাসুলুল্লাহ
لا إله إلا الله الله أكبر بسم الله الحمد لله يارب العالمين
Нет Бога достойного поклонения кроме Аллаха
لا إله إلا الله
Elhamdülillah 🇹🇷☪️
Allah Akbar ☝️☝️☝️
MachAllah. La ilaha illa Allah wa Mohamadan rassoul Allah.
Allah akber ☝️💯🇹🇷❤️🐺💎
الكلمات تتكلم عن حرب الخليج و تحرير الكويت لانه في النهاية قال شمس الكويت أشرقت
هم أي نشيد يحسبونه عن الاسلام، على نياتهم
نشيد اسلامي عن الكويت
تعرف المنشد؟
للأسف انه المعتدي اخوك المسلم
@@vito7828 أين المسلمين بالضبط حزب البعث كفره
Allah u ekber ♥️☀️💚
Uzbekistan Allohu Akbar 🇺🇿🇺🇿
تحياتي من تركيا
This is a Kuwaiti chant in 1991 at the time of the Iraqi invasion, the brutal treachery
Thank you for information ❤@@kuwait1296