Mr. Haelian TH-cam sir, I know we as the viewer don't know you outside of your streams/videos, but seeing your chill vibes motivates me to be more relaxed towards life as I get older. Your content is always fantastic to watch, thank you.
I recently did a run where I had Strength (-50% damage taken), The heph dual boon (brave face) where you would use some magic when hit to reduce the damage you took, (also -50% damage taken, but it might be worded that it reduces even more idk how it is all calculated) AND the Selene hex upgraded where you would reduce damage taken for the encounter by 10% per cast. End of the run the most damage received from an enemy was 18 from Heph during a trial. Chronos didn't even make the list lol.
Mel axe is my fave axe, the damage buff gives free kills on small fry off a dash attack, and the HP buff feels really good, too. The slower swing compared Than and the lack of a damage chore like Charon gives it a more focused, methodical feel, too.
I would call Mel axe a great choice for “general play”. its versatile and doesnt lock you into a specific ballpark of boons. This lets you run non-god keepsakes from the first zone and just get through a run without a particular “goal” in mind. For Dan i can see this being a negative since most of his livestream/youtube content revolves around “fun runs” and speedruns which both generally necessitate a bit more planning and manipulation of the RNG to truely take off. whether that be a Moros speedrun or a silly One Button Build.
I still think the way to fix Bell keepsake is to make it persistent between runs Every encounter gives +1% dealt and taken, built percents persist from run to run, damage bonus racks up to +100% where it caps permanently. The catch? Damage received penalty NEVER caps, after a few runs you're taking quadruple damage permanently and it just gets worse and worse This opens an entirely new way to play, Bell streaking, where players compete to see who can get the highest number of consecutive Bell wins before inevitably losing a run to a 5000 damage stray hit from Cerberus Accumulated bonuses and penalties reset on death or on equipping a different keepsake
On discordent bell: i feel like there is 2 ways they can improve the way it works without making it just worse. Option 1: make it an arcana card and give the keepsake another effect. The idea of the double edged sword that stacks over time is cool, but not on a keepsake. The keepsake could also be something more befitting "strive", where it is something like "you get X bonus if you clear an encounter in X seconds" or "without taking damage" or something. Something that makes you PUSH yourself to keep playing better and better. Option 2: make it "fully stacked" from the start. I already established that stacking on a keepsake is, in my opinion, non-desirable. So just make it "You deal and take X amount more damage" its up to the devs if they want to make it crazy, like 40 or 50 each. Or it starts out with a bad split, and once you rank it up, it starts shifting in you favor. Like 1* deal 30 but take 50. Then 2* is take and deal 40 and 3* is deal 50 take 30. Obviously just random numbers but that would be some better options in my opinion.
Bell is the worst keepsake, yes, but Hecate says a unique voice line if you equip it. And Evil Eye is best for new players learning how to deal with certain bosses. Edit: Hecate says something about being upset that Meilnoe relies on the Olympians. I'd like to see a voice line where we prove her wrong via boonless build.
Not sure if you've done this before, but I've been having A LOT of fun using Torch Moros with Apollo attack and Bloodline from Hera, with Poseidon omega splashes and Apollo legendary for good measure. The damage output from Bloodline and Omega Attack on torches is abusrd, but you do need Born Gain. So much fun to watch a million purple lasers firing, hammers also are nuts with this
A different take on this build would be working in the new Hera x Hestia duo. Grab as much max magic as possible, I ended the run with over 300 magic, so Born Gain was triggering the duo for 1500+ damage novas. As Born Gain primes more and more magic the damage will be smaller, but it also triggers faster and faster as a result. Bloodline does a ton of persistent damage as well, like you mentioned, but this way you turn Born Gain into a reliable nuke as well.
There's a run you should do that I think would be fun. Get the hephaestus magick regen boon, as high a rarity you can get, and try to go for the duo with hera. In theory, with the strength card, you should take 110% less damage, so long as you have the magick. The magick regen will work to counteract it as well. You could also go for the self healing infusion boon, and light smite from Apollo, and divine vengeance from Zeus if you want to go further with the build, but it isn't necessary. I used the thanatos axe and got the hammer that reduces damage by 20% while attacking, so I had 140% damage resistance, plus 30% of that damage taken being healed. Chronos did 6 damage max, but I didn't test his insta-kill move. You'll need a crapolla of magick to utilize the duo more.
congrats on boonless, almost trolled by that time bubble at the end, that would've been *hilarious* if you couldn't survive that xD really hoping they change Discordant Bell to be +3%/+3%, at least it'd be interesting then haha I think you got the stone element from that Artemis boon and then it didn't go away when you sold it? I know digging also gives you stone, but I didn't see it when you did any digging, so maybe I missed it but who knows :P
With how many well items seem to be in this game, it makes me wish they brought over the hourglass from the first game and somehow made it stackable or amplifying single use effects to almost every item in the wells. Like stacking uses from breath of Eros or more levels gained from Sacrificial Hymn
On the Fig Leaf, it depends what you mean by "playing casually". I don't speed run but I used it on my 32 heat runs. Probably wouldn't do it on a regular run though.
I feel like the Bell would be more impactful if it was more like Eris's "blessing" while she's impeding your underworld runs - I think that caps at +100% damage if you make it to Chronos; maybe it should be possible to do that for your attack also. Even 50/100 would be interesting!
I use the fig leaf when I have been doing my 32 fear runs on the surface. I have been running Moros torches, and I usually get Poseidon, Hestia, Zeus, and Hera, so I can often get the +1 keepsake as well. Haven't been able to beat it though. 32 fear surface is the last thing I have, apart from upgrading weapons with Nightmare.
Hey Haelian. I just tried a pretty silly build with Thana axe, aphro attack, hell splitter and exe chop. I also got lucky by getting artemis's deal crit to enemies in my cast. Huge damage! Maybe something you could try as well.
Guys how do you unlock the thing that allow to sell the boons at the end of each zone. I only have it between field of Morning and Tartarus but apparently, it possible to have it between every zone
"how often does evil eye ever target the thing you want it to" Mr streamer has clearly never been killed by chronos several times in a row, I think not seeing the usefulness is a skill issue - by which I mean, you're much better at the game than the average player 😅
@@xaviertradewell-hutchins6811 ideally you cast and then run away some so you don’t get hit while doing the omega move since you don’t have innate slow down from an arcana card, at least for me because I play +40% enemy speed, need that distance
@@xaviertradewell-hutchins6811 and I actually did this exact build on 32 fear on the surface yesterday with level 5 heroic aphro special, and island getaway duo made it much safer xD
how about this for d-bell: it increases your attack and defence by a big number, maybe 5 or 10% per chamber, but it also disables the effects of armor and defensive boons like mint condish, athena's deflects etc. so by the end you're flattening everyone, but you're in constant danger of getting one shot with no way to mitigate it. could disable dds as well if that's still not enough of a nerf. would be fun for speedruns, massively speeding up the boss kill time while making it so you have to play out of your skin at all times
Mr. Haelian TH-cam sir, I know we as the viewer don't know you outside of your streams/videos, but seeing your chill vibes motivates me to be more relaxed towards life as I get older. Your content is always fantastic to watch, thank you.
4:46 Charon really just said "Naaaah" 🗣️🔥
Honestly, make the Discordant Bell 5% per encounter - like it is when you're trying to go too far on the first night.
melo axe isnt bad, its just kinda outclassed
I feel like alot of the melinoe aspects have the same issue
It should also give bonus special damage.
@@thetoxicraptorz3482I always saw them as placeholder aspects, good enough to get you through the game until unlocking other aspects
@@thetoxicraptorz3482exactly like the zag aspects of the first game, cheap to upgrade with only subpar effects but still useable
Just so you know I really like your content it has gotten me through tough times thank you❤
I recently did a run where I had Strength (-50% damage taken), The heph dual boon (brave face) where you would use some magic when hit to reduce the damage you took, (also -50% damage taken, but it might be worded that it reduces even more idk how it is all calculated) AND the Selene hex upgraded where you would reduce damage taken for the encounter by 10% per cast.
End of the run the most damage received from an enemy was 18 from Heph during a trial. Chronos didn't even make the list lol.
Mel axe is my fave axe, the damage buff gives free kills on small fry off a dash attack, and the HP buff feels really good, too. The slower swing compared Than and the lack of a damage chore like Charon gives it a more focused, methodical feel, too.
I would call Mel axe a great choice for “general play”.
its versatile and doesnt lock you into a specific ballpark of boons. This lets you run non-god keepsakes from the first zone and just get through a run without a particular “goal” in mind.
For Dan i can see this being a negative since most of his livestream/youtube content revolves around “fun runs” and speedruns which both generally necessitate a bit more planning and manipulation of the RNG to truely take off.
whether that be a Moros speedrun or a silly One Button Build.
I still think the way to fix Bell keepsake is to make it persistent between runs
Every encounter gives +1% dealt and taken, built percents persist from run to run, damage bonus racks up to +100% where it caps permanently. The catch? Damage received penalty NEVER caps, after a few runs you're taking quadruple damage permanently and it just gets worse and worse
This opens an entirely new way to play, Bell streaking, where players compete to see who can get the highest number of consecutive Bell wins before inevitably losing a run to a 5000 damage stray hit from Cerberus
Accumulated bonuses and penalties reset on death or on equipping a different keepsake
Fantastic idea
On discordent bell: i feel like there is 2 ways they can improve the way it works without making it just worse. Option 1: make it an arcana card and give the keepsake another effect. The idea of the double edged sword that stacks over time is cool, but not on a keepsake. The keepsake could also be something more befitting "strive", where it is something like "you get X bonus if you clear an encounter in X seconds" or "without taking damage" or something. Something that makes you PUSH yourself to keep playing better and better. Option 2: make it "fully stacked" from the start. I already established that stacking on a keepsake is, in my opinion, non-desirable. So just make it "You deal and take X amount more damage" its up to the devs if they want to make it crazy, like 40 or 50 each. Or it starts out with a bad split, and once you rank it up, it starts shifting in you favor. Like 1* deal 30 but take 50. Then 2* is take and deal 40 and 3* is deal 50 take 30. Obviously just random numbers but that would be some better options in my opinion.
Bell is the worst keepsake, yes, but Hecate says a unique voice line if you equip it. And Evil Eye is best for new players learning how to deal with certain bosses.
Edit: Hecate says something about being upset that Meilnoe relies on the Olympians. I'd like to see a voice line where we prove her wrong via boonless build.
Not sure if you've done this before, but I've been having A LOT of fun using Torch Moros with Apollo attack and Bloodline from Hera, with Poseidon omega splashes and Apollo legendary for good measure. The damage output from Bloodline and Omega Attack on torches is abusrd, but you do need Born Gain.
So much fun to watch a million purple lasers firing, hammers also are nuts with this
A different take on this build would be working in the new Hera x Hestia duo. Grab as much max magic as possible, I ended the run with over 300 magic, so Born Gain was triggering the duo for 1500+ damage novas. As Born Gain primes more and more magic the damage will be smaller, but it also triggers faster and faster as a result. Bloodline does a ton of persistent damage as well, like you mentioned, but this way you turn Born Gain into a reliable nuke as well.
I did a similar build with blood line and born gaim, but born gain expired during the Chronos fight and that's what did me in.
Bigger whirlwind would be great
It would be a great hammer boon asswell
Today I learned that Experimental Hammer still applies even if you change keepsakes.
You can put it on after the first zone and it will last till the end if you take all the shop/npc/chaos rooms and no extra chambers in the last zone
Same with the chaos boon! Bonus if it lands on something you need, like extra elements or attack increase.
There's a run you should do that I think would be fun. Get the hephaestus magick regen boon, as high a rarity you can get, and try to go for the duo with hera. In theory, with the strength card, you should take 110% less damage, so long as you have the magick. The magick regen will work to counteract it as well. You could also go for the self healing infusion boon, and light smite from Apollo, and divine vengeance from Zeus if you want to go further with the build, but it isn't necessary.
I used the thanatos axe and got the hammer that reduces damage by 20% while attacking, so I had 140% damage resistance, plus 30% of that damage taken being healed. Chronos did 6 damage max, but I didn't test his insta-kill move. You'll need a crapolla of magick to utilize the duo more.
discordant bell is gonna be so good once they buff it because Demeter's Infusion exists, bonus damage doesn't matter if it's still just 15 :P
He's hangry in this video I can tell
congrats on boonless, almost trolled by that time bubble at the end, that would've been *hilarious* if you couldn't survive that xD
really hoping they change Discordant Bell to be +3%/+3%, at least it'd be interesting then haha
I think you got the stone element from that Artemis boon and then it didn't go away when you sold it? I know digging also gives you stone, but I didn't see it when you did any digging, so maybe I missed it but who knows :P
With how many well items seem to be in this game, it makes me wish they brought over the hourglass from the first game and somehow made it stackable or amplifying single use effects to almost every item in the wells. Like stacking uses from breath of Eros or more levels gained from Sacrificial Hymn
On the Fig Leaf, it depends what you mean by "playing casually". I don't speed run but I used it on my 32 heat runs. Probably wouldn't do it on a regular run though.
I feel like the Bell would be more impactful if it was more like Eris's "blessing" while she's impeding your underworld runs - I think that caps at +100% damage if you make it to Chronos; maybe it should be possible to do that for your attack also. Even 50/100 would be interesting!
The bell can be funny in an endless mode
I use the fig leaf when I have been doing my 32 fear runs on the surface. I have been running Moros torches, and I usually get Poseidon, Hestia, Zeus, and Hera, so I can often get the +1 keepsake as well.
Haven't been able to beat it though. 32 fear surface is the last thing I have, apart from upgrading weapons with Nightmare.
I never knew you can unlock locked room in Oceanus...
Hey Haelian. I just tried a pretty silly build with Thana axe, aphro attack, hell splitter and exe chop. I also got lucky by getting artemis's deal crit to enemies in my cast. Huge damage! Maybe something you could try as well.
Mel axe is really fun, but I like Than axe cuz it looks freaking awesome
meanwhile my stupid ass, using evil eye every time I go for No liver boi: 👁👄👁
Dan, do you know what is the current patch maximum fear clear record is?
When will you be trying an afk final boss build? There are many good counter dmg boons :D
Guys how do you unlock the thing that allow to sell the boons at the end of each zone. I only have it between field of Morning and Tartarus but apparently, it possible to have it between every zone
selene should be legal for this, since her hex is described as a Gift and not a boon
I feel like antler and evil eye fit into the same role as a glass cannon keepsake. One being good will make the other one have so much less value
"how often does evil eye ever target the thing you want it to" Mr streamer has clearly never been killed by chronos several times in a row, I think not seeing the usefulness is a skill issue - by which I mean, you're much better at the game than the average player 😅
Did Maurader stop working once he got Psychic?
Did they remove spiteful strength?
Run idea: Aspect of pan + heroic Aphro spesh.
You need the duo boon from poseidon for this to work because aphro bonus damage applies only in melee range
Or you can just… get close to them? They have to be close enough already if you’re casting during the omega special.
@@xaviertradewell-hutchins6811 ideally you cast and then run away some so you don’t get hit while doing the omega move since you don’t have innate slow down from an arcana card, at least for me because I play +40% enemy speed, need that distance
@@xaviertradewell-hutchins6811 and I actually did this exact build on 32 fear on the surface yesterday with level 5 heroic aphro special, and island getaway duo made it much safer xD
The return of the boring run!
Good old Cuckcast
I mean given the item's name is literally "Dan-aid Dagger" i assume there's specific game code to detect @haelian meme runs and offer it accordingly.
no special dialogue… devastating…
thirdddddd boiiii
A Haelian thumbnail with young Mel? What a surprise.
how about this for d-bell: it increases your attack and defence by a big number, maybe 5 or 10% per chamber, but it also disables the effects of armor and defensive boons like mint condish, athena's deflects etc. so by the end you're flattening everyone, but you're in constant danger of getting one shot with no way to mitigate it. could disable dds as well if that's still not enough of a nerf. would be fun for speedruns, massively speeding up the boss kill time while making it so you have to play out of your skin at all times
With the strength changes though it doesn’t change much since you have massive dmg reduction
@aperson6562 -50% vs +200 or so is still gonna be rough against the bosses