How lang will they stay? Will these Ikarus 280T be in service next summer? Were the 5 pieces out on the past workdays? I'm asking, because I'm on the way to Sofia to catch the Ikarus 280T-s. Oh yeah and how old exactly are the Duewag GT8 Trams? Are these 50 or more like 60 years old? I heard both.
Hello! Is this Ikarus still in service? And also, how many 280Ts are in service in Sofia?
Good Video! How many Ikarus 280T trolleybuses are still in service in Sofia, and how long will they stay?
for now 5 won't be around much longer sadly
How lang will they stay? Will these Ikarus 280T be in service next summer? Were the 5 pieces out on the past workdays? I'm asking, because I'm on the way to Sofia to catch the Ikarus 280T-s. Oh yeah and how old exactly are the Duewag GT8 Trams? Are these 50 or more like 60 years old? I heard both.
@@oldbusfan796 They will probably stay to 2026
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