Mother's Sacrifice- Chapter-4, Class-8, Irish Delight, Hindi Explanation and Question Answers

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 2 มิ.ย. 2024
  • I. Organize a group discussion in your classroom. Also, say something about the causes and types of pollution.
    Ans- Causes of Pollution
    Industrial Emissions: Factories and power plants release large amounts of pollutants, including greenhouse gases, particulate matter, and toxic chemicals, into the air and water.
    Vehicle Exhaust: Cars, trucks, and buses emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter, contributing significantly to air pollution.
    Deforestation: Clearing forests for agriculture or urban development reduces the number of trees that can absorb carbon dioxide, leading to increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
    Agricultural Activities: The use of pesticides and fertilizers can lead to the contamination of soil and water bodies. Livestock farming also produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
    Waste Disposal: Improper disposal of household and industrial waste leads to land pollution and the contamination of water sources. Landfills produce methane as waste decomposes.
    Urbanization: The expansion of cities leads to increased pollution from construction activities, increased vehicle use, and greater energy consumption.
    Mining Activities: Extraction of minerals and fossil fuels can result in soil, water, and air pollution due to the release of toxic substances and heavy metals.
    Chemical Spills: Accidental or improper handling and storage of chemicals can lead to contamination of soil and water bodies.
    Types of Pollution:
    Air Pollution:
    Causes: Vehicle emissions, industrial discharges, burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation.
    Effects: Respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, acid rain, and global warming.
    Water Pollution:
    Causes: Industrial waste, sewage discharge, agricultural runoff, and oil spills.
    Effects: Contaminated drinking water, destruction of aquatic ecosystems, and waterborne diseases.
    Soil Pollution:
    Causes: Use of pesticides and fertilizers, industrial waste disposal, deforestation, and mining activities.
    Effects: Loss of soil fertility, contamination of crops, and health issues in humans and animals.
    Noise Pollution:
    Causes: Traffic, industrial activities, construction work, and loud music.
    Effects: Hearing loss, stress, sleep disturbances, and wildlife disruption.
    Light Pollution:
    Causes: Excessive use of artificial light in urban areas.
    Effects: Disruption of ecosystems, human sleep patterns, and astronomical observations.
    Plastic Pollution:
    Causes: Disposal of plastic waste in the environment.
    Effects: Harm to marine life, contamination of food chains, and long-term environmental damage.
    L. If you were to organize the celebration of 'Earth Day', then what are the six activities that you would encourage? Discuss in groups and design a notice for your school notice board.
    Ans: Suggested Activities:
    Tree planting
    Recycling drive
    Cleanup campaign
    Environmental awareness workshops
    Art competition on environmental themes
    Eco-friendly crafts fair
    Earth Day Celebration
    Date: April 22, 2024
    Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    Venue: School Grounds
    Join us in celebrating Earth Day with a series of exciting activities:
    Tree Planting Ceremony
    Recycling Drive - Bring your recyclables!
    School Cleanup Campaign
    Environmental Awareness Workshops
    Art Competition - "Our Earth, Our Future"
    Eco-Friendly Crafts Fair
    Let's make a difference together!
    Additional Activities Suggested by Students:
    Nature Walk
    Organic Gardening Workshop
    Solar Energy Demonstration
    Green Pledge Signing
    Wildlife Documentary Screening
    Sustainable Cooking Class

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  • @summaryandfactmaster
    @summaryandfactmaster  หลายเดือนก่อน

    I. Organize a group discussion in your classroom. Also, say something about the causes and types of pollution.
    Ans- Causes of Pollution
    Industrial Emissions: Factories and power plants release large amounts of pollutants, including greenhouse gases, particulate matter, and toxic chemicals, into the air and water.
    Vehicle Exhaust: Cars, trucks, and buses emit carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, and particulate matter, contributing significantly to air pollution.
    Deforestation: Clearing forests for agriculture or urban development reduces the number of trees that can absorb carbon dioxide, leading to increased CO2 levels in the atmosphere.
    Agricultural Activities: The use of pesticides and fertilizers can lead to the contamination of soil and water bodies. Livestock farming also produces methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
    Waste Disposal: Improper disposal of household and industrial waste leads to land pollution and the contamination of water sources. Landfills produce methane as waste decomposes.
    Urbanization: The expansion of cities leads to increased pollution from construction activities, increased vehicle use, and greater energy consumption.
    Mining Activities: Extraction of minerals and fossil fuels can result in soil, water, and air pollution due to the release of toxic substances and heavy metals.
    Chemical Spills: Accidental or improper handling and storage of chemicals can lead to contamination of soil and water bodies.
    Types of Pollution:
    Air Pollution:
    Causes: Vehicle emissions, industrial discharges, burning of fossil fuels, and deforestation.
    Effects: Respiratory problems, cardiovascular diseases, acid rain, and global warming.
    Water Pollution:
    Causes: Industrial waste, sewage discharge, agricultural runoff, and oil spills.
    Effects: Contaminated drinking water, destruction of aquatic ecosystems, and waterborne diseases.
    Soil Pollution:
    Causes: Use of pesticides and fertilizers, industrial waste disposal, deforestation, and mining activities.
    Effects: Loss of soil fertility, contamination of crops, and health issues in humans and animals.
    Noise Pollution:
    Causes: Traffic, industrial activities, construction work, and loud music.
    Effects: Hearing loss, stress, sleep disturbances, and wildlife disruption.
    Light Pollution:
    Causes: Excessive use of artificial light in urban areas.
    Effects: Disruption of ecosystems, human sleep patterns, and astronomical observations.
    Plastic Pollution:
    Causes: Disposal of plastic waste in the environment.
    Effects: Harm to marine life, contamination of food chains, and long-term environmental damage.
    L. If you were to organize the celebration of 'Earth Day', then what are the six activities that you would encourage? Discuss in groups and design a notice for your school notice board.
    Ans: Suggested Activities:
    Tree planting
    Recycling drive
    Cleanup campaign
    Environmental awareness workshops
    Art competition on environmental themes
    Eco-friendly crafts fair
    Earth Day Celebration
    Date: April 22, 2024
    Time: 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
    Venue: School Grounds
    Join us in celebrating Earth Day with a series of exciting activities:
    Tree Planting Ceremony
    Recycling Drive - Bring your recyclables!
    School Cleanup Campaign
    Environmental Awareness Workshops
    Art Competition - "Our Earth, Our Future"
    Eco-Friendly Crafts Fair
    Let's make a difference together!
    Additional Activities Suggested by Students:
    Nature Walk
    Organic Gardening Workshop
    Solar Energy Demonstration
    Green Pledge Signing
    Wildlife Documentary Screening
    Sustainable Cooking Class