I feel like hybrid builds should be the real anti-tank tech for the game. Or at least one of the main ones. With how widespread %health damage and true damage has became, it feels like everyone can cheese their way around tank stats to the point healing and shielding are pretty much the best tank stats in the game. It is harder to kill someone with Goredrinker/Sterak's than it is to kill someone with Sunfire/Thornmail.
Tanks these days seem to be more about their powerful teamfight ultimates. However, Tahm and Mundo are somewhat "tanks" and have managed to stay relevant due to their extreme durability and damage increases from building hp (something I feel all tanks should have these days to some capacity.) Sion has kinda stuck around although I feel like he's slipped more into a juggernaut role. As someone who enjoys defensive play these past few seasons have been pretty frustrating.
Gunblade wasnt the only hybrid item. Before the items rework Rageblade used to give both AD and AP, and for a long time Triforce also gave AP since the sheen gave AP.
I personally enjoy hybrid champions, because of the theorycrafting aspect, you really could build anything on hybrid champions and change their playstyle massively (if it's viable is another story).
I think shyv is one of the best examples for change their playstyle massively. While bruisar shyv is supposed to ult in and be ur frontline while holding the enemies down and doing aoe damage, her ap build is supposed to maintain a good gap with her mobility while poking with her damage. She still needs a rework though
you have a fair point, but i personally dont really enjoy hybrid champions that much, bc it gives path to something like the new kai'sa itembuild, were you build almost full ap (and halving the hp of squishy champs with your W) and still win most duels with other adc (even without your W), because your autos and Q still do an incredible amount of damage. I dont think that its healthy to have an adc, who pokes you for 800 damage per W with gigantic range and about 2 to 3 seconds of cooldown while simultaniously having an incredible all-in and big AoE damage. now that probably only applies to kai'sa, however i still think that you should be able to build amor against yone and mr against ap kai'sa to prevent them from one-shotting you, and dont need to use up two item slots, just for defensive purposes bc I, as an adc main, dont really have the place in my inventory to build even one defensive item, since there is (besides shieldbow) none that also provides you with crit.
@@fIayff I’m a Shyv’ OTP and the only reason people don’t like her is because she’s weak and she’s not overloaded. She’s a juggernaut and so she will be very tanky but she lacks mobility because she only has her W and her ultimate which is unstoppable and comes back really quickly and that’s totally fine like that ! But people do not play her as a juggernaut like she is, they play her full AP which should be a trolly playstyle to pick in specific conditions, not the main path. Shyvana is fine, it’s not her fault or her kit’s fault, it’s just the community. She’s old and very simple, she’s not mechanic, her difficulty comes from itemization, matchup knowledge, your ability to adapt playstyle and to apply fundamentals. She’s not a braindead stat stick like Nasus and she’s not overloaded either. For me, she’s fine, she doesn’t need a rework but more like a quality of life mini-rework (like adding slow on her Q), some buffs and a visual rework. (only two of her skins have recalls and they’re bugged) Reworking her entirely is admitting that WE, players, are the problem and we just want overloaded broken champs, I love you Shyvana...
@@sagirem I thought the reason people don't like Shyvana was because she's a statstick, she can't reliably and quickly snowball like the likes of Garen or Jax. Because when scaled properly, tank Shyvana can simultaneously have high ap, MR , armour and health which makes her very difficult to itemize against. The problem is how do you get to that point.
I think it's also important to point out that there's really two types of hybrid champions: Champions that can 'go either way' like Shaco or Shyv, and champs that need to go both at the same time, like Kayle. AD Shaco vs. AP Shaco are vastly different playstyles, pretty much being two different champions, while AP Kayle or AD Kayle or mixed Kayle are effectively the same champion, just with slightly different numbers on each ability. I think hybrid champs are balanced fine as it is, in the same way bruisers are balanced. Bruisers are flexible, and depending on the matchup they can lean more into more damage or more durability (or stay in the middle). It works well for them, but the kicker is they don't have all the tools they need to do only one role. For example, Vi is a fantastic bruiser, she has good damage scaling, good engages, decent flat damage, some CC/lockdown, and good durability. If you go full-damage, your high scalings will absolutely let you destroy squishy targets in 1v1 like an assassin, and if you go full tank, your durability + good base damage allows you to survive long enough to contribute in a teamfight. But if you go full damage, you lose out on your durability, and you become a glass cannon, except since you aren't built as a proper assassin you're going to get stuck after you engage, and focused down quickly. And if you go full tank, you don't have the kit that tanks have to REALLY stay in the fight long-term and draw aggro off of your team, or to properly peel for your carries. She can fill other roles, but she's best played as a diver who has enough damage to focus down a single target, but enough survivability that if she gets turned on she can still finish the job. Similarly we have Kayle. You can go full marksman on her, and have superior DPS, or you can go full AP on her and have good burst damage and great utility. But if you go full AD you lose out on your utility, and if you go full AP you lose out on your DPS, so barring certain comps that require you to fill different roles, you should realistically go some sort of hybrid build. (Also I wanna give a shoutout to Varus, which I'm pretty sure is the only champion where you have better DPS if you build his AP build and better burst if you build his AD build)
Unlike Shaco - Shyv can go with a hybrid build as well. While I don't main her, I've been liking Frostfire/Demonic Embrace/BotRK as a standard 3 item build on her, especially against tankier foes.
@@SpyroX.I Its backloaded damage on AP Varus, think like Darius. His initial damage isnt that impressive but if he keeps attacking you he starts hitting like a truck, aka hits Q or E on a 3 stack passive, or Darius getting 5 stacks on you then ulting you for 1.2k true damage because he bought a whopping total of 75 bonus AD from Triforce and Steraks.
@@SpyroX.I I mean his damage is backloaded. It's a solid burst in the literal sense, but I wouldn't call it traditional burst the same way I wouldn't call Darius burst.
For me, Hybrid Champs are okay as long as their play style is different based on the build so the game will be more fun than just having the same play styles while having different builds
I remember in Dota there was a guy called Omniknight who could literally go any build and it would be somewhat decent, he usually goes for mana oriented items so that he can be a strong support but going full ADC and tank with him, ignoring his spells, is really fun. Point being hybrid builds good if they are all different enough
I remember just before the item rework, a hybrid build for TF was really good. Early revolver into Triforce, then Gunblade and Guinsoos. Was so much fun
I honestly think hybrid Champs should stay in the game because it adds another layer of strategy and mind games onto the game, which is what I love about the game
Personally, I feel hybrid champions (the ones that need to choose between ad and ap, not the ones that get the best if both worlds) should be the norm in League. This will encourage players to always be on the lookout for enemy build paths. This will effectively add more "champions" into the game and bans will feel more impactful when a ban effectively eliminates multiple play styles at once
@@m32c50 I fully agree with you! Nowadays often 3 champions feel the same and boring because their playstyle is basically the same just with slightly different abilities
People are definitely overreacting Fighting against a new build is the most fun thing in league, figuring out a strategy is the intresting part I have little respect for my teamates who immediately cry when they see Kai'sa build a Nashors tooth and Muramana, just look at it like a new champion and find the strategy to beat them, play the build if you cannot figure it out and see how other people deal with it
You mean you have little respect for people who complain that kaisa is a better adc and a better artillary mage than any adc or artillary mage simultaniously..... how dare they
The only character I would never have a problem with in terms of hybrid damage is Kayle, because she is desined to be the strongest character pass level 16.
just a small reminder 3:10 Yone does not scale with ap but instead splits the damage on second autos by half (in both physical and magic damage) [AP% aint magical damage]
INNATE - STEEL AND SPIRIT: Yone's Basic Attack.png basic attacks alternate between using his Steel Sword and Azakana Sword Lulu Pix, Faerie Companion.png on-attack. Yone begins attacking with his Steel Sword, and basic attacks with the Azakana Sword deal 50% AD physical damage and 50% AD magic damage.
@@Darksilver740 yup and riot actually mentions that, if you look at the in-game description for ability power it says “Most commonly increases damage with abilities”, so not necessarily always
3:10 I just wanna point out that Yone has no ap ratio in any of his abilities, his ap ult damage scales with 80% of his ad, 40% of which goes to magical and the rest to physical. Apart from that, I love your videos on both genshin and LoL Vars. Thanks for the countless hours of fun, entertainment and actual useful knowledge about any of the two games
As someone who was mostly into vainglory before playing league of legends I always wondered why some champs benefit nothing from ability power. In vainglory they have weapon power (ad) and crystal power (ap). All champions were designed in a way where pretty much all abilities to an extent will benefit from ap no matter how little it does for the specified champion. With the exception of mages, the majority of the champs are still ok if you go ap like maybe not as great as shaco but close in my opinion. An example champion would be Lance he can root units with a frontwards stab, bash units with his shield and stuns if they hit terrain and a roll. The way Lances scaling works was that all his abilities do increased damaged based on ad and ap increases the duration of cc of which he applies. Its probably because vainglory is a much smaller game in comparison (i dunno im dumb). I dont remember the item count but it was around something like 7AD, 7AP, 6 "Tank" items, 3 support items and 3 types of boots. And yes adding ap to all champions in league probably wont help but make everything worse especially with the 100+ champions in the game.
A lot of champions actually have some amount of alternate scaling for that exact reason. Ap champions can of course still auto, meaning they can use ad, while ad champions frequently have some ap scaling on utility abilities. A couple examples of this are sion's w, which is a shield that scales with both hp and ap, or viego w, which scales off ad and ap
@@aaronscott7467 I don't think the ap scaling are enough to make them viable in a competitive setting, moreso a gimmick than an actual viable build path. Correct me if I'm wrong tho. Another example I can give from Vainglory would be Kestrel. With an ad build, she's an adc that is able to burst assassins down before they can even get close to her. With an ap build, she's basically ranged Evelyn that either oneshots squishes or gets oneshot herself. Both paths used to be equally viable competitively but her ap path has been nerfed to make her more balanced in a 5v5 setting. Edit: the way I worded that made it seem like she had no counters lmao, her ad path is easily countered by tank builds (due to the aforementioned flexibility of the heroes here, you aren't as punished for building defence early). Her ap path however has the same counter as Evelyn, a ton of vision
Honestly, that probably was the main reason why the game was so fun for me and I liked it so much. The combination of skill overdrive system and hybrid scalings on passives/abilities that actually affected much more than just the basic stuff like damage/shield/healing meant that most characters in the game could be equally viable when leaning into either of damage sources. ADCs going full-on poke mages, on-hit mages playing as ADCs, supports designed with alternative carry capabilities as ADC/APC/bruisers in mind, assassins and bruisers being able to build either AD or AP and take on each other’s roles to some extent when needed. The lack of diversity in scalings was pretty much one of the very first things that hugely surprised me in League besides skill upgrades doing nothing more than increasing the base stats and boots doing absolutely nothing compared to what I got used to.
League used to be designed in such a way that all abilities scaled with AP, hence the name ABILITY POWER. That changed with Yi, because having AP Scaling on his Alpha strike, AP Scaling true damage on Wuju style, meant that he'd also benefit from the AP scaling on his self-heal, resulting in a champ that chewed through any resists, dealt insane burst in an AoE, got easy access to Cooldown reduction, AND could go semi-invulnerable while recovering literally his entire healthbar, and 1 kill reset all of those abilities.
as someone that really enjoys theorycrafting i can say that hybrid scaling makes me so much more interrested in any champ cuz of the infinite possibilties of build that you can go for
If you build AP on Jax you become a pseudo-assasin, because nobody expects a bonk for 500-600 magic damage from only w. Then factor in nashor's passive and passive on r and you are looking at solid 1500-1800 damage before stun from his e wears off.
I feel like Shyvana didn’t get enough acknowledgement lol. She’s one of the real hybrids where you literally can’t itemize against her if she goes bruiser. Her max hp% shred is too good on top of bork and is one of my most favorite builds for fun. Auto to Q to proc pta and bork with E debuff is soooooo satisfying imo lol. Anyways, just wanted to drop this here, great video tho. I think Hybrids are healthy for diversity, not always balance tho
6:56 "You have to first figure out if the Twitch on the enemy team is going Crit or AP burst." me: builds kraken with full on-hit build not to mention AP twitch can't be countered with just a single MR item, the dangerous part of his damage is true damage through the passive that scales with AP.
And he can delete half your hp from the other side of the screen, risk free. You can only win by running from the fight and he can literally go invisible and catch up anyway.
Not really a hybrid champion but Amumu with ALL of the true damage items and runes is the funniest thing I have ever done in a regular game, Demonic Embrace proccing like 4 other true damage effects will never be not absurd
@@oogabooga4108 Dark Harvest Cheap Shot (True Damage) Eyeball Collection Ultimate Hunter IF a lot of meat bois/CC Legend:Tenacity Cut Down/Last Stand If a lot of fast bois Magical Footwear Approach Velocity Item Build Riftmaker (9% True Damage) Any Boots really Horizon Focus (10% Damage Amp not True damage whoops) Demonic Embrace Everything else like Zhonya's, Rylai's, Lichbane or some tank items Summoner Spell IF not jungle, Flash/Ignite (True Damage) IF jungle, Flash/Smite Level Path just don't max W, I always go E for the sustained damage but Q is good if you want to one shot somebody with a Q R E combo. (Edited comment to make it a little bit more sense)
two things 1) yone wouldn't belong on the list of "characters with both ap and ad ratios" as while he deals magic damage, all of his abilities scale off of AD 2) true damage CAN be increased, horizon focus's hypershot, prowler's claws's sandswipe, and Riftmaker's void corruption can all raise the damage that true damage can deal. true damage simply can't be lowered below its stated value. the reason Press the attack exempts the bonus to true damage is that while horizons, prowlers, and riftmaker all only boost your own damage, PTA will boost the damage the target takes from ALL sources, meaning teammates would benefit from it.
hextech gunblade and guinso guinso was build by kat and kayle i was also the msot gold efficient item for a period at the condition of having hybrid scaliong and good AA build
@@suham5132 because vars cant go a single damn video without ranting about a champ with a 48% winrate, its so fucking annoying. rant every 5 videos or so, but why mention him in a video about how good eves rework was?
"no one stops braum from going lethal tempo", hearing this phrase from vars just after playing 3 games of lethal tempo braum has made me laugh and my day. Awesome vid!!
9:47 fun fact: when they made katarina onhit shen became a hardcounter for her since his zone blocked on hit effects (it even blocks stuff like viego ult) they had to "bugfix" shen afterwards so this didnt happen anymore. (and yes I mean only for katarina).
A lot of random AP scaling's aren't just there just for fun. It's so champions can benefit external sources of AP like Baron buff and the buff from Staff of Flowing Water. Originally the biggest one was Trinity Force which is why a lot old bruisers and pre-work fighters have the seemly random AP scaling. TF was are core item for so many of them were many were given small AP-ratios on minor parts of their kit so small amount of AP didn't feel like wasted gold.
I was so sad when they removed Gunblade. Champions like Jax, Kayle and Shaco suffered alot under it and Kog'Maw literally died. I hope theyre bringing Gunblade back sometime soon.
As a shaco enjoyer, I find that in cases such as my main, where the playstyles of the two build paths vary a lot, I think that hybrid damage is a lot more manageable since it's nice to have a specialist "absorb" elements of each damage type (application through autos and strong early, assassin but squishy, or magic damage, needs setup, but can itemize zhonyas really well and is extremely hard to catch, but weak early, can't dive backline like ad, and needs to act in response)
Yeah, I feel like the inclusion of hybrid champs is also a big part of the reason why we can't get proper ap bruiser items (aside from demonic and abyssal), since the hybrid champs would likely abuse them harder than the actual bruisers could.
I think the best way to fix this problem is for scaling to be adaptive. Hybrid scaling in a champion kit makes the game interesting and requires more conscious decision making from the player, however, the problems with being able to "counter" tank options can be alleviated by having the other damage form's scaling be negated or decreased based on which one is more prominent. This way, we can have the interaction of enemies guessing if they should itemize against the ad twitch or ap burst twitch without giving the twitch infinite freedom in mixing and matching his items, requiring commitment and strategy from both sides.
Twitch isn't even an hybrid champion for me. Riot just had the shitiest idea to give him ap ratiod instead of ad. They could just nerf his ult and attack speed on Q to give him more ad ratios.
@@kur0nezumi315 He is literally Rat Playstyle. Skulk around, don't engage directly, hit fast and run away. AP Twitch is similar but instead he just burns you with ridiculous true damage and executes you with his E from across the screen.
I'm pretty sure Katarina only applies spellblade to the nearest enemy when applying through daggers. I'm fairly certain the bruiser or tank builds relied more on the titanic interaction with sunderer just being the best mythic supplement to it with the best mythic passive for a hybrid damage dealer.
Daggers proc on hit effects on everyone. Meaning spellblade damage is applied inside the whole radius. You can try it with minions in a practice tool game too
I thought of a champion who's passive was simply "Deals Physical or Magic damage based on the lowest of the foe's Armor or Resistance". So simple yet so strong.
@@fitmotheyap as cool as the idea is, it sadly isn't. There are a couple of issues facing that design that can't really be addressed. First, it would result in some real user clarity issues. Imagine you're trying to learn how to play tanks, and you get matched against this person. One time you die because they did too much physical damage, and then the next time you die because they did too much magic. Second, pen would not function at all on that champion. As much as I hate to admit it, and as a tank main I do with the current state of it, but pen is a necessary part of the game. What happens when you face someone like a Jax, who can just stack a ton of both armor and Mr? You're kind of just out of luck.
Being Hybrid damage can also open up different playstyles for different champions. Shaco AD and AP are 2 very different ways of playing Shaco and Twitch AD and AP changes him from a ADC to a burst mage. It's cool to have it as a alternate playstyle but just casually having both damages simultaneously is when you have the issue of trying to build tank against it.
around 8:00 you forgot about Runaan's Hurricane when talking about items. Melee champions still can't build it. I think it'd be cool if it was allowed on melee but had a minimum range of like 300, so all the melee champions with 125-175 range would instead have runaan's proc with a range of 300
3:02 "This combination consists of a champion building both AD and AP items." "We are lacking yone here" While is true that yone can enter into that category due to his passive, he has no benefits from building AP since he has no AP ratios on any of his skills. Q is pure ad scaling and can't apply his passive (even though its also a basic attack), W is enemy's max HP, E is purely damage dealt by him and R is also only AD ratio
I love the flexibility I have with the different Shyvana builds. It's nice to have the possibility to adapt for each game. I choose between 3 playstyles since last year. Full ap, carry ad and ap bruiser. And there are some games better for one build and other games better for another. Some games will be bad for Shyvana no matter the builds (bad ganks, bad when behind, ...) and many times you will carry or get behind regardless of the build, because of the mistakes, but having that flexibility really helps, and it's something that worries me if they decide to rework her. I really don't want Shyvana to get reworked.
It's the old Trio of hybrid items Trinity Force(change and AP scaling removed 5.22), Hextect Gunblade(removed 10.23), and Guinsoo's Rageblade (changed and AP scaling removed on 10.23).
Another hybrid item that I can think of is the old Guinsoi's, it is built with a pickaxe and blasting wand. I remember when Jax and Yi mains would build Sated Devourer and Guinsoi's then steamroll the whole game. Also, I really miss that ghost wolf pet that you get when using Sated Devourer.
I honestly love hybrid champions and its one of the reasons Kai'Sa is my favourite champ since her release. I hope that with the addition of Zeri and riot putting hybrid scaling on her deliberately, Riot is rethinking hybrids and will add a hybrid item or two back in the game, something that will tie together both types of items that those champs can build.
A good example of hybrid scaling is volibear… since both paths are fair to fight and play as. Ap make his passive and heal him since you go riftmaker. And his E shield and damage a lot more. But you don’t have any front loaded damage. While ad allows you to go straight into combat and heal a ton with w. But make his e not shield him a lot. That’s what a hybrid scaling should be. You sacrificed something to gain something else.
5:43 guinsoo gave ad + ap and bonus ad and ap per guinsoo stack (before the rework) Also my favorite way to itemice against a hibrid champ is anathemas's.
I would like to ephasize that there is one exepction the whole "true damage always does no more, no less" - if its proced by an autoattack (on-hits like camille's spellblade interaction count too) then steelcaps will reduce it.
@@TheRealGrubii no the only reason it works on camille q is its based on the damage her q does and in some wierd calculation since its not all true damage tabi's passive does reduce it while vayne and kraken just add damage based on ad
I think the key to hybrid champs is items. Think about it, when axiom arc first came out it was being built on Karthus. Why? Because he has ad scaling? No! because the passive was broken. Ap Kai'sa is back because of how broken crown of the shattered Queen is. Think about it the problem with hybrid builds is not the different damage then what you expect, but the different bonuses you get with it. No one expects Karthus to use his ult two time in 30 seconds. No one expects Kai'sa to be unkillable for the first ten seconds after taking damage. Hybrid damage I can live with, hybrid passive effect, now that is dangerous.
If anything, hybrid damage is actually better than hybrid scaling for that exact reason. You can build against hybrid damage, but you can't build against an adc getting an anti-burst shield
There were more Hybrid Items in Season 9 Besides Gunblade, we also had Rageblade, giving AD, AP and Attack Speed We also had items that gave AD, but also dealt Magical Damage to counter Armor (even Botrk used to work like that)
Honestly with the changes to champs like kat and twitch id love if they added scalings to certain champs. Like my biggest proponent is ad ekko scalings. Ppl have already been building ad items on him even tho he doesnt have ad scalings but there's so many ad items thatd work well with him like manamune and the sheen items. Itd be nice if he had a more bruiser focused ekko playstyle
Rageblade was a strong hybrid item. It gave 25ad 25ap and 25as and was used on cheese builds like as neeko and as nidalee while also being a core item for master yi and jax and kayle and kai'sa
I love hyprid champs. Building AP or ad on a champ is so much bless and opens up new ways to play them. And also I love your comparisons to pokemon. Plz do pokemon videos as well 😍😍
i like the fact that i can just play udyr even tho my team is full ad/ap. But i guess if you see it like that i'm not playing as hybrid because my runes influence if i go ad/ap before the match even started.
3:10 "we're missing some like Yone and Zeri" But yone has no AP ratios... The section you're looking at is what items the champions could efficiently buy, and Yone gets essentially nothing out of ability power. 5:43 Guinsoo's Rageblade before season 11's item rework gave ad, ap, attack speed, armor pen, magic pen, _and_ after 6 stacks would double your on-hits every 3 autos. Basically it was _the_ Jax item, but now it's more uniquely about on-hit.
Before the video is even out, I wanna shit on Katarina a bit. She is 100% capable of building like a bruiser, whilst still oneshoting enemies and having the mobility of an assassin. Literally the reason why bruisers are allowed to be tanky and deal damage is because theyre supposed to be immobile and not be able to kill run you down, unless you get into their very short range. Katarina just says FUCK THAT, gains a huge speedboost with W and has an instant blink on her E. These abilities also RESET on kill/picking up daggers, making her very hard to get rid of. It almost makes me happy to see an AP Kat from time to time, as then I atleast know I will have enough damage to kill the fucker
If maw + dd make any champ unkillable it is not fault of Katarina. Also, why the fuck that pathetic item of dd gives also magic dmg mitigation if it gives only armor, remove this shit
Literally just don't step on the daggers and you win the matchup, it's so free I played Kayle and Katarina for a long time and their laning phases are comparable
i think you pointed it out really accurately, im ok with hybrid champions as long as they cant snowball like yone. yone scales but its easily managable to deal with him that way, but if you have 0/10 yasuo in the mid lane its a lot easier to deal with kayle than it is with yone
I feel like hybrid builds should be the real anti-tank tech for the game. Or at least one of the main ones. With how widespread %health damage and true damage has became, it feels like everyone can cheese their way around tank stats to the point healing and shielding are pretty much the best tank stats in the game. It is harder to kill someone with Goredrinker/Sterak's than it is to kill someone with Sunfire/Thornmail.
Especially if they are slow/low mobility and have a Huge hitbox .
I really wish Riot would dial down the %hp dmg
Tanks these days seem to be more about their powerful teamfight ultimates. However, Tahm and Mundo are somewhat "tanks" and have managed to stay relevant due to their extreme durability and damage increases from building hp (something I feel all tanks should have these days to some capacity.) Sion has kinda stuck around although I feel like he's slipped more into a juggernaut role. As someone who enjoys defensive play these past few seasons have been pretty frustrating.
ahem ahem.
Thinking tanks should be tanky while tanks are balanced through damage
Gunblade wasnt the only hybrid item. Before the items rework Rageblade used to give both AD and AP, and for a long time Triforce also gave AP since the sheen gave AP.
Triforce gave everything lol. Crit and ap on the same item? There you go 😭
@@guillaumearth4726 It gave all offensive stats, ence why there's the tons of damage meme from way back when Phreak started casting.
Ah good old days when I went 6 triforce on Jax
@@BeaneChunz I miss item stacking man I once went full infinity edge on gp and one shot everyone on the enemy Team
@@xaniyat9491 and now you only need one infinity edge to do that lmao
I personally enjoy hybrid champions, because of the theorycrafting aspect, you really could build anything on hybrid champions and change their playstyle massively (if it's viable is another story).
I think shyv is one of the best examples for change their playstyle massively. While bruisar shyv is supposed to ult in and be ur frontline while holding the enemies down and doing aoe damage, her ap build is supposed to maintain a good gap with her mobility while poking with her damage.
She still needs a rework though
you have a fair point, but i personally dont really enjoy hybrid champions that much, bc it gives path to something like the new kai'sa itembuild, were you build almost full ap (and halving the hp of squishy champs with your W) and still win most duels with other adc (even without your W), because your autos and Q still do an incredible amount of damage. I dont think that its healthy to have an adc, who pokes you for 800 damage per W with gigantic range and about 2 to 3 seconds of cooldown while simultaniously having an incredible all-in and big AoE damage.
now that probably only applies to kai'sa, however i still think that you should be able to build amor against yone and mr against ap kai'sa to prevent them from one-shotting you, and dont need to use up two item slots, just for defensive purposes bc I, as an adc main, dont really have the place in my inventory to build even one defensive item, since there is (besides shieldbow) none that also provides you with crit.
@@fIayff I’m a Shyv’ OTP and the only reason people don’t like her is because she’s weak and she’s not overloaded. She’s a juggernaut and so she will be very tanky but she lacks mobility because she only has her W and her ultimate which is unstoppable and comes back really quickly and that’s totally fine like that ! But people do not play her as a juggernaut like she is, they play her full AP which should be a trolly playstyle to pick in specific conditions, not the main path. Shyvana is fine, it’s not her fault or her kit’s fault, it’s just the community. She’s old and very simple, she’s not mechanic, her difficulty comes from itemization, matchup knowledge, your ability to adapt playstyle and to apply fundamentals. She’s not a braindead stat stick like Nasus and she’s not overloaded either. For me, she’s fine, she doesn’t need a rework but more like a quality of life mini-rework (like adding slow on her Q), some buffs and a visual rework. (only two of her skins have recalls and they’re bugged) Reworking her entirely is admitting that WE, players, are the problem and we just want overloaded broken champs, I love you Shyvana...
@@sagirem i really love building BRK, Frostfire/Sunderer and Embrace; then depending on the matchup go ap, or tank. as an otp what do u think?
@@sagirem I thought the reason people don't like Shyvana was because she's a statstick, she can't reliably and quickly snowball like the likes of Garen or Jax. Because when scaled properly, tank Shyvana can simultaneously have high ap, MR , armour and health which makes her very difficult to itemize against. The problem is how do you get to that point.
I think it's also important to point out that there's really two types of hybrid champions: Champions that can 'go either way' like Shaco or Shyv, and champs that need to go both at the same time, like Kayle. AD Shaco vs. AP Shaco are vastly different playstyles, pretty much being two different champions, while AP Kayle or AD Kayle or mixed Kayle are effectively the same champion, just with slightly different numbers on each ability.
I think hybrid champs are balanced fine as it is, in the same way bruisers are balanced. Bruisers are flexible, and depending on the matchup they can lean more into more damage or more durability (or stay in the middle). It works well for them, but the kicker is they don't have all the tools they need to do only one role. For example, Vi is a fantastic bruiser, she has good damage scaling, good engages, decent flat damage, some CC/lockdown, and good durability. If you go full-damage, your high scalings will absolutely let you destroy squishy targets in 1v1 like an assassin, and if you go full tank, your durability + good base damage allows you to survive long enough to contribute in a teamfight. But if you go full damage, you lose out on your durability, and you become a glass cannon, except since you aren't built as a proper assassin you're going to get stuck after you engage, and focused down quickly. And if you go full tank, you don't have the kit that tanks have to REALLY stay in the fight long-term and draw aggro off of your team, or to properly peel for your carries. She can fill other roles, but she's best played as a diver who has enough damage to focus down a single target, but enough survivability that if she gets turned on she can still finish the job.
Similarly we have Kayle. You can go full marksman on her, and have superior DPS, or you can go full AP on her and have good burst damage and great utility. But if you go full AD you lose out on your utility, and if you go full AP you lose out on your DPS, so barring certain comps that require you to fill different roles, you should realistically go some sort of hybrid build.
(Also I wanna give a shoutout to Varus, which I'm pretty sure is the only champion where you have better DPS if you build his AP build and better burst if you build his AD build)
Unlike Shaco - Shyv can go with a hybrid build as well. While I don't main her, I've been liking Frostfire/Demonic Embrace/BotRK as a standard 3 item build on her, especially against tankier foes.
The whole point of Ap Varus is to oneshot enyone (even tanks) with r q, so I wouldn't say he has worse burst then AD
@@SpyroX.I Its backloaded damage on AP Varus, think like Darius. His initial damage isnt that impressive but if he keeps attacking you he starts hitting like a truck, aka hits Q or E on a 3 stack passive, or Darius getting 5 stacks on you then ulting you for 1.2k true damage because he bought a whopping total of 75 bonus AD from Triforce and Steraks.
I think AP kayle has better dps than AD kayle? AP does more because e + passive scale from AP as well as nashors and you get more AP on average
@@SpyroX.I I mean his damage is backloaded. It's a solid burst in the literal sense, but I wouldn't call it traditional burst the same way I wouldn't call Darius burst.
For me, Hybrid Champs are okay as long as their play style is different based on the build so the game will be more fun than just having the same play styles while having different builds
I can agree with that 😅
So literally Kog'Maw since his is the most polarizing playstyle change. W Varus as close second.
I remember in Dota there was a guy called Omniknight who could literally go any build and it would be somewhat decent, he usually goes for mana oriented items so that he can be a strong support but going full ADC and tank with him, ignoring his spells, is really fun.
Point being hybrid builds good if they are all different enough
Katarina is different when u go AD instead of AP
She can just go Sunderer Wits End
BRK and hybrid dmg that is
@@hatakekakashi3228 then it's the same, just more ult reliable
I remember just before the item rework, a hybrid build for TF was really good. Early revolver into Triforce, then Gunblade and Guinsoos. Was so much fun
I honestly think hybrid Champs should stay in the game because it adds another layer of strategy and mind games onto the game, which is what I love about the game
Personally, I feel hybrid champions (the ones that need to choose between ad and ap, not the ones that get the best if both worlds) should be the norm in League. This will encourage players to always be on the lookout for enemy build paths. This will effectively add more "champions" into the game and bans will feel more impactful when a ban effectively eliminates multiple play styles at once
@@m32c50 I fully agree with you! Nowadays often 3 champions feel the same and boring because their playstyle is basically the same just with slightly different abilities
Build variety good, same meta build 20 games in a row bad.
People are definitely overreacting
Fighting against a new build is the most fun thing in league, figuring out a strategy is the intresting part
I have little respect for my teamates who immediately cry when they see Kai'sa build a Nashors tooth and Muramana, just look at it like a new champion and find the strategy to beat them, play the build if you cannot figure it out and see how other people deal with it
You mean you have little respect for people who complain that kaisa is a better adc and a better artillary mage than any adc or artillary mage simultaniously..... how dare they
The only character I would never have a problem with in terms of hybrid damage is Kayle, because she is desined to be the strongest character pass level 16.
**Kassadin wants to know your location**
**Veigar is preparing his ultimate**
*aphelios infernum would like to know your location*
*1k stacks nasus is coming to bonk you*
All the comments listing characters weaker than than kayle pass 16. Except maybe kassadin
just a small reminder
Yone does not scale with ap but instead splits the damage on second autos by half (in both physical and magic damage) [AP% aint magical damage]
This guy will find any way to mention Yone in his video, It’s almost like his parents got murdered by the champ or something.
As a Yone main I was gonna add this. AP scaling does not equal Magic damage.
INNATE - STEEL AND SPIRIT: Yone's Basic Attack.png basic attacks alternate between using his Steel Sword and Azakana Sword Lulu Pix, Faerie Companion.png on-attack. Yone begins attacking with his Steel Sword, and basic attacks with the Azakana Sword deal 50% AD physical damage and 50% AD magic damage.
Yone would still fall under hybrid, not AD and AP items but physical and magical danage
@@Darksilver740 yup and riot actually mentions that, if you look at the in-game description for ability power it says “Most commonly increases damage with abilities”, so not necessarily always
3:10 I just wanna point out that Yone has no ap ratio in any of his abilities, his ap ult damage scales with 80% of his ad, 40% of which goes to magical and the rest to physical. Apart from that, I love your videos on both genshin and LoL Vars. Thanks for the countless hours of fun, entertainment and actual useful knowledge about any of the two games
As someone who was mostly into vainglory before playing league of legends I always wondered why some champs benefit nothing from ability power. In vainglory they have weapon power (ad) and crystal power (ap). All champions were designed in a way where pretty much all abilities to an extent will benefit from ap no matter how little it does for the specified champion. With the exception of mages, the majority of the champs are still ok if you go ap like maybe not as great as shaco but close in my opinion. An example champion would be Lance he can root units with a frontwards stab, bash units with his shield and stuns if they hit terrain and a roll. The way Lances scaling works was that all his abilities do increased damaged based on ad and ap increases the duration of cc of which he applies. Its probably because vainglory is a much smaller game in comparison (i dunno im dumb). I dont remember the item count but it was around something like 7AD, 7AP, 6 "Tank" items, 3 support items and 3 types of boots. And yes adding ap to all champions in league probably wont help but make everything worse especially with the 100+ champions in the game.
WP Taka critting you for half your health with spammable stealth invulnerability and dashes or CP Taka deleting you with just X-retsu xdddd
A lot of champions actually have some amount of alternate scaling for that exact reason. Ap champions can of course still auto, meaning they can use ad, while ad champions frequently have some ap scaling on utility abilities. A couple examples of this are sion's w, which is a shield that scales with both hp and ap, or viego w, which scales off ad and ap
@@aaronscott7467 I don't think the ap scaling are enough to make them viable in a competitive setting, moreso a gimmick than an actual viable build path. Correct me if I'm wrong tho.
Another example I can give from Vainglory would be Kestrel. With an ad build, she's an adc that is able to burst assassins down before they can even get close to her. With an ap build, she's basically ranged Evelyn that either oneshots squishes or gets oneshot herself. Both paths used to be equally viable competitively but her ap path has been nerfed to make her more balanced in a 5v5 setting.
Edit: the way I worded that made it seem like she had no counters lmao, her ad path is easily countered by tank builds (due to the aforementioned flexibility of the heroes here, you aren't as punished for building defence early). Her ap path however has the same counter as Evelyn, a ton of vision
Honestly, that probably was the main reason why the game was so fun for me and I liked it so much. The combination of skill overdrive system and hybrid scalings on passives/abilities that actually affected much more than just the basic stuff like damage/shield/healing meant that most characters in the game could be equally viable when leaning into either of damage sources. ADCs going full-on poke mages, on-hit mages playing as ADCs, supports designed with alternative carry capabilities as ADC/APC/bruisers in mind, assassins and bruisers being able to build either AD or AP and take on each other’s roles to some extent when needed.
The lack of diversity in scalings was pretty much one of the very first things that hugely surprised me in League besides skill upgrades doing nothing more than increasing the base stats and boots doing absolutely nothing compared to what I got used to.
League used to be designed in such a way that all abilities scaled with AP, hence the name ABILITY POWER.
That changed with Yi, because having AP Scaling on his Alpha strike, AP Scaling true damage on Wuju style, meant that he'd also benefit from the AP scaling on his self-heal, resulting in a champ that chewed through any resists, dealt insane burst in an AoE, got easy access to Cooldown reduction, AND could go semi-invulnerable while recovering literally his entire healthbar, and 1 kill reset all of those abilities.
as someone that really enjoys theorycrafting i can say that hybrid scaling makes me so much more interrested in any champ cuz of the infinite possibilties of build that you can go for
If you build AP on Jax you become a pseudo-assasin, because nobody expects a bonk for 500-600 magic damage from only w. Then factor in nashor's passive and passive on r and you are looking at solid 1500-1800 damage before stun from his e wears off.
I feel like Shyvana didn’t get enough acknowledgement lol. She’s one of the real hybrids where you literally can’t itemize against her if she goes bruiser. Her max hp% shred is too good on top of bork and is one of my most favorite builds for fun. Auto to Q to proc pta and bork with E debuff is soooooo satisfying imo lol. Anyways, just wanted to drop this here, great video tho. I think Hybrids are healthy for diversity, not always balance tho
I used to love getting the old Trinity Force on her when it gave AP.
@@DarthRadical those were the daaaaays! Old tri force was so fun
Props to the editor on this one! There were a lot of fun edits in this vid.
6:56 "You have to first figure out if the Twitch on the enemy team is going Crit or AP burst."
me: builds kraken with full on-hit build
not to mention AP twitch can't be countered with just a single MR item, the dangerous part of his damage is true damage through the passive that scales with AP.
And he can delete half your hp from the other side of the screen, risk free. You can only win by running from the fight and he can literally go invisible and catch up anyway.
Not really a hybrid champion but Amumu with ALL of the true damage items and runes is the funniest thing I have ever done in a regular game, Demonic Embrace proccing like 4 other true damage effects will never be not absurd
The exact build?
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot (True Damage)
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter
IF a lot of meat bois/CC
Cut Down/Last Stand
If a lot of fast bois
Magical Footwear
Approach Velocity
Item Build
Riftmaker (9% True Damage)
Any Boots really
Horizon Focus (10% Damage Amp not True damage whoops)
Demonic Embrace
Everything else like Zhonya's, Rylai's, Lichbane or some tank items
Summoner Spell
IF not jungle, Flash/Ignite (True Damage)
IF jungle, Flash/Smite
Level Path
just don't max W, I always go E for the sustained damage but Q is good if you want to one shot somebody with a Q R E combo.
(Edited comment to make it a little bit more sense)
@@TerminaBroTheFirst Horizon Focus doesn't deal true damage though, it is only a 10% damage amp
@@Abdurrahman_Mahayni Oh really? damn I must have given myself a placebo effect will all of those white numbers
@@TerminaBroTheFirst mm riftmaker and amumu passive apply post mitigation true damage I believe
3:01 yone doesn't actually scale off of ap, he does have mixed damage types but he only scales off of ad.
@zahando he is still balanced after that.
Guinsoo's Rageblade used to give AP and AD for a while, and up until sheen gave mana in season 6 or 7 so did trinity force
two things
1) yone wouldn't belong on the list of "characters with both ap and ad ratios" as while he deals magic damage, all of his abilities scale off of AD
2) true damage CAN be increased, horizon focus's hypershot, prowler's claws's sandswipe, and Riftmaker's void corruption can all raise the damage that true damage can deal. true damage simply can't be lowered below its stated value. the reason Press the attack exempts the bonus to true damage is that while horizons, prowlers, and riftmaker all only boost your own damage, PTA will boost the damage the target takes from ALL sources, meaning teammates would benefit from it.
hextech gunblade and guinso
guinso was build by kat and kayle
i was also the msot gold efficient item for a period at the condition of having hybrid scaliong and good AA build
0:55 I actually know 4 with the 4th one being mental dmg. Deal enough of them and the enemy leave the game or FF.
10:20 katarina daggers only apply spellblade effects to the closest target to katarina
Ok, imma guess a solid 15 seconds of this video will go over Yone's mixed damage
Literally if he talks about yone once i’m leavin ive had enough
@@Andrews13channel yone deserves it
@@Andrews13channel whats wrong with that? Sounds like a yone main
@@suham5132 because vars cant go a single damn video without ranting about a champ with a 48% winrate, its so fucking annoying. rant every 5 videos or so, but why mention him in a video about how good eves rework was?
@@jynxed66six54 What champs are ok to rant? I want to know what champs does the yone players hate
5:40 In season 10 Guinsoo's Rageblade gave you AD, AP, AS, Magic Pen. and Armor Pen.
5:32 S10 guinsoo also gave both ad and ap and its on-hit damage also scaled with both bonus ad and ap
"no one stops braum from going lethal tempo", hearing this phrase from vars just after playing 3 games of lethal tempo braum has made me laugh and my day. Awesome vid!!
9:47 fun fact: when they made katarina onhit shen became a hardcounter for her since his zone blocked on hit effects (it even blocks stuff like viego ult) they had to "bugfix" shen afterwards so this didnt happen anymore. (and yes I mean only for katarina).
I really hope there will be Varus in this video. AP AD👌
3:08 How is Yone supposed to "scale efficiently" with AD and AP?
5:45 you forgot guinsoo rageblade
A lot of random AP scaling's aren't just there just for fun. It's so champions can benefit external sources of AP like Baron buff and the buff from Staff of Flowing Water. Originally the biggest one was Trinity Force which is why a lot old bruisers and pre-work fighters have the seemly random AP scaling. TF was are core item for so many of them were many were given small AP-ratios on minor parts of their kit so small amount of AP didn't feel like wasted gold.
I was so sad when they removed Gunblade. Champions like Jax, Kayle and Shaco suffered alot under it and Kog'Maw literally died. I hope theyre bringing Gunblade back sometime soon.
This is how you properly pronounce Xin Zhao 1:56
5:40 There was the old trinity that give kinda all stats, when back in the day shine gave ap dmg. I can't remember when they change that tho
As a shaco enjoyer, I find that in cases such as my main, where the playstyles of the two build paths vary a lot, I think that hybrid damage is a lot more manageable since it's nice to have a specialist "absorb" elements of each damage type (application through autos and strong early, assassin but squishy, or magic damage, needs setup, but can itemize zhonyas really well and is extremely hard to catch, but weak early, can't dive backline like ad, and needs to act in response)
Yeah, I feel like the inclusion of hybrid champs is also a big part of the reason why we can't get proper ap bruiser items (aside from demonic and abyssal), since the hybrid champs would likely abuse them harder than the actual bruisers could.
I think the best way to fix this problem is for scaling to be adaptive. Hybrid scaling in a champion kit makes the game interesting and requires more conscious decision making from the player, however, the problems with being able to "counter" tank options can be alleviated by having the other damage form's scaling be negated or decreased based on which one is more prominent. This way, we can have the interaction of enemies guessing if they should itemize against the ad twitch or ap burst twitch without giving the twitch infinite freedom in mixing and matching his items, requiring commitment and strategy from both sides.
this one might be a good revisit/follow-up to do
Nice video bro keep it up!
4:48 there's actually an ap support Zeri build that is getting more popular recently :3
5:31 guinsoo's and trinity force used to give AD and AP as well
Kaisa is really good imo, you can build full ap full ad or hybrid, and her passive evolutions makes you choose your playstyle
Twitch isn't even an hybrid champion for me. Riot just had the shitiest idea to give him ap ratiod instead of ad. They could just nerf his ult and attack speed on Q to give him more ad ratios.
I love him he is my main but what the fuck was the idea of making him useless in teamfights without his ult ?
@@kur0nezumi315 He is literally Rat Playstyle. Skulk around, don't engage directly, hit fast and run away.
AP Twitch is similar but instead he just burns you with ridiculous true damage and executes you with his E from across the screen.
I'm pretty sure Katarina only applies spellblade to the nearest enemy when applying through daggers. I'm fairly certain the bruiser or tank builds relied more on the titanic interaction with sunderer just being the best mythic supplement to it with the best mythic passive for a hybrid damage dealer.
^^^^ Exactly this, and you're more likely to apply the spellblade on shunpo first ANYWAYS when dashing to a dagger that someone is on top of.
Daggers proc on hit effects on everyone. Meaning spellblade damage is applied inside the whole radius. You can try it with minions in a practice tool game too
My favourite example of this is Nasus, because he has two builds. Nasus(common tank/AD) and anti-counter Nasus(The almighty AP build).
I thought of a champion who's passive was simply "Deals Physical or Magic damage based on the lowest of the foe's Armor or Resistance".
So simple yet so strong.
This is 10x better than the aids true damage
@@fitmotheyap as cool as the idea is, it sadly isn't. There are a couple of issues facing that design that can't really be addressed. First, it would result in some real user clarity issues. Imagine you're trying to learn how to play tanks, and you get matched against this person. One time you die because they did too much physical damage, and then the next time you die because they did too much magic. Second, pen would not function at all on that champion. As much as I hate to admit it, and as a tank main I do with the current state of it, but pen is a necessary part of the game. What happens when you face someone like a Jax, who can just stack a ton of both armor and Mr? You're kind of just out of luck.
Yey one topic that i want so much. i expect that would be one of the features more important of league
Triforce and rageblade used to be hybrid items too, they both had ap and ad stats
Being Hybrid damage can also open up different playstyles for different champions. Shaco AD and AP are 2 very different ways of playing Shaco and Twitch AD and AP changes him from a ADC to a burst mage. It's cool to have it as a alternate playstyle but just casually having both damages simultaneously is when you have the issue of trying to build tank against it.
around 8:00 you forgot about Runaan's Hurricane when talking about items. Melee champions still can't build it.
I think it'd be cool if it was allowed on melee but had a minimum range of like 300, so all the melee champions with 125-175 range would instead have runaan's proc with a range of 300
3:05 Yone does not have any ap scaling. He just deals magic damage
Yet he still does like a third of his damage as magic damage, because fuck you he has a demonic sword.
@@milonchello1643 shut up
@@yone8715 I mean... are they wrong?
3:02 "This combination consists of a champion building both AD and AP items." "We are lacking yone here"
While is true that yone can enter into that category due to his passive, he has no benefits from building AP since he has no AP ratios on any of his skills.
Q is pure ad scaling and can't apply his passive (even though its also a basic attack), W is enemy's max HP, E is purely damage dealt by him and R is also only AD ratio
i think he forgor
Trinity Force used to give both AD & AP. It was amazing on old-school Shyvanna. Just checked - the AP was removed back in 5.22.
Hey Vars! I love your content keep it up!
5:42 Rageblade used to give both AD and AP a few seasons ago
5:38 my boi forgot old Guinsoo's. Had both AD and AP
I love the flexibility I have with the different Shyvana builds. It's nice to have the possibility to adapt for each game. I choose between 3 playstyles since last year. Full ap, carry ad and ap bruiser. And there are some games better for one build and other games better for another. Some games will be bad for Shyvana no matter the builds (bad ganks, bad when behind, ...) and many times you will carry or get behind regardless of the build, because of the mistakes, but having that flexibility really helps, and it's something that worries me if they decide to rework her. I really don't want Shyvana to get reworked.
It's the old Trio of hybrid items Trinity Force(change and AP scaling removed 5.22), Hextect Gunblade(removed 10.23), and Guinsoo's Rageblade (changed and AP scaling removed on 10.23).
Another hybrid item that I can think of is the old Guinsoi's, it is built with a pickaxe and blasting wand. I remember when Jax and Yi mains would build Sated Devourer and Guinsoi's then steamroll the whole game.
Also, I really miss that ghost wolf pet that you get when using Sated Devourer.
5:40 old Guinsoo's Rageblade gave both
I like it for playstyle changes, like AP kogmaw plays like a xerath vs the AD ADC playstyle, that I think is how hybrids should be made
I honestly love hybrid champions and its one of the reasons Kai'Sa is my favourite champ since her release. I hope that with the addition of Zeri and riot putting hybrid scaling on her deliberately, Riot is rethinking hybrids and will add a hybrid item or two back in the game, something that will tie together both types of items that those champs can build.
A good example of hybrid scaling is volibear… since both paths are fair to fight and play as.
Ap make his passive and heal him since you go riftmaker. And his E shield and damage a lot more. But you don’t have any front loaded damage.
While ad allows you to go straight into combat and heal a ton with w. But make his e not shield him a lot.
That’s what a hybrid scaling should be. You sacrificed something to gain something else.
5:43 guinsoo gave ad + ap and bonus ad and ap per guinsoo stack (before the rework)
Also my favorite way to itemice against a hibrid champ is anathemas's.
“You can build anything you want”
Why can’t I buy all the tear of the goddess items?
Rageblade used to be a hybrid item too, its stacks gave you both AD and AP per a stack. Its undergone many changes since.
Old rageblade had both ad and ap. The buildpath was blasting wand, pickaxe and recurve bow. Only like 3 champs built it at the time
I would like to ephasize that there is one exepction the whole "true damage always does no more, no less" - if its proced by an autoattack (on-hits like camille's spellblade interaction count too) then steelcaps will reduce it.
Does it? I know that bone plating will reduce it, but I don't think steel caps do
@@aaronscott7467 specifically for camille it will due to how her q works
@@justanothercommenterwithan9089 but doesnt it reduce vayne's passive and kraken too?
@@TheRealGrubii no the only reason it works on camille q is its based on the damage her q does and in some wierd calculation since its not all true damage tabi's passive does reduce it while vayne and kraken just add damage based on ad
I think the key to hybrid champs is items. Think about it, when axiom arc first came out it was being built on Karthus. Why? Because he has ad scaling? No! because the passive was broken. Ap Kai'sa is back because of how broken crown of the shattered Queen is. Think about it the problem with hybrid builds is not the different damage then what you expect, but the different bonuses you get with it. No one expects Karthus to use his ult two time in 30 seconds. No one expects Kai'sa to be unkillable for the first ten seconds after taking damage. Hybrid damage I can live with, hybrid passive effect, now that is dangerous.
If anything, hybrid damage is actually better than hybrid scaling for that exact reason. You can build against hybrid damage, but you can't build against an adc getting an anti-burst shield
You have named played steelcaps Ninja tabi. I respect that
Old Trinity also gave both AP and AD back in the day, as I remember. Also Rageblade.
Rageblade used to be a hybrid on hit item before it got reworked to scale with crit, was a real nightmare on old Kayle
Rage blade used to give AD/AP and Attack speed and was so fun on Jax!
6:45 "the game would get rather stale if every assassin did physical damage and every tank did magic damage" cough cough smite cough cough
Old rageblade used to give both AP and ad + attack speed, also gave armor reduction with magic penetration
There were more Hybrid Items in Season 9
Besides Gunblade, we also had Rageblade, giving AD, AP and Attack Speed
We also had items that gave AD, but also dealt Magical Damage to counter Armor (even Botrk used to work like that)
Honestly with the changes to champs like kat and twitch id love if they added scalings to certain champs. Like my biggest proponent is ad ekko scalings. Ppl have already been building ad items on him even tho he doesnt have ad scalings but there's so many ad items thatd work well with him like manamune and the sheen items. Itd be nice if he had a more bruiser focused ekko playstyle
Rageblade was a strong hybrid item. It gave 25ad 25ap and 25as and was used on cheese builds like as neeko and as nidalee while also being a core item for master yi and jax and kayle and kai'sa
"We haven't seen AP Master YI since the dinosaur age" funny, i faced one last week lmao. he went liandrys and had arcane comet as his rune
The only item i know that you can build that counters all damage is gargoyle plate (60armor 60mr, and Activ 100[+100 bonus max HP] for 2 sek)
Nice editing
5:05 that ult hurt me
he could easily use E to kill kindred bc "they" had the mark from E on "them"
I love hyprid champs. Building AP or ad on a champ is so much bless and opens up new ways to play them.
And also I love your comparisons to pokemon.
Plz do pokemon videos as well 😍😍
The music used is "Roaming the wastes" from xenoblade. I wish vars would name the music used more often
3:10 just a correction - yone doesnt belong on this list, he has no ap scalings in his kit
i like the fact that i can just play udyr even tho my team is full ad/ap. But i guess if you see it like that i'm not playing as hybrid because my runes influence if i go ad/ap before the match even started.
Katarina? More like Fatarina! Amirite…?
Next champion that comes out will have true dmg basic attacks and abilities and new ttue dmg items will also release along with them
5:35 Vars did you forget Guinsoo used to give AP ad AD?
5:30 just me a Kaisa main mourning the loss of season 9 Guinsoos
3:10 "we're missing some like Yone and Zeri"
But yone has no AP ratios... The section you're looking at is what items the champions could efficiently buy, and Yone gets essentially nothing out of ability power.
5:43 Guinsoo's Rageblade before season 11's item rework gave ad, ap, attack speed, armor pen, magic pen, _and_ after 6 stacks would double your on-hits every 3 autos. Basically it was _the_ Jax item, but now it's more uniquely about on-hit.
Before the video is even out, I wanna shit on Katarina a bit.
She is 100% capable of building like a bruiser, whilst still oneshoting enemies and having the mobility of an assassin.
Literally the reason why bruisers are allowed to be tanky and deal damage is because theyre supposed to be immobile and not be able to kill run you down, unless you get into their very short range.
Katarina just says FUCK THAT, gains a huge speedboost with W and has an instant blink on her E. These abilities also RESET on kill/picking up daggers, making her very hard to get rid of.
It almost makes me happy to see an AP Kat from time to time, as then I atleast know I will have enough damage to kill the fucker
To be fair Olaf kinda says fuck that too, just without a dash
If maw + dd make any champ unkillable it is not fault of Katarina. Also, why the fuck that pathetic item of dd gives also magic dmg mitigation if it gives only armor, remove this shit
Literally just don't step on the daggers and you win the matchup, it's so free
I played Kayle and Katarina for a long time and their laning phases are comparable
pov: u don't know how to not step on her daggers
Dude katarina sucks I shit on her with Yone and Sylas all the time
Would love to see more videos on runes :DDD
Rageblade used to give both ap and ad before item rework too
5:27 *me being a kat and akali main crying in the background*
3:19 yone doesn’t have any ap scaling it’s simply magic damage
i think you pointed it out really accurately, im ok with hybrid champions as long as they cant snowball like yone. yone scales but its easily managable to deal with him that way, but if you have 0/10 yasuo in the mid lane its a lot easier to deal with kayle than it is with yone
pre item rework (season 10) Guinsoo's Rageblade also gave both AP and AD