Global Ethics Forum: A Conversation with Dambisa Moyo

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 7 ก.ย. 2024
  • Aid has failed to create economic growth, says Moyo, and allows governments to evade their responsibilities. So when people say that aid provides essential services, they're missing the point. Except when disaster strikes, governments should be responsible for their citizens, not the international community.
    For complete transcript and audio and video clips of this event, please go to www.carnegiecou....

ความคิดเห็น • 24

  • @inder19852000
    @inder19852000 8 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Finally an economist from Africa to say the reality. She is intelligent and sophisticated

  • @siyabongahiltma3489
    @siyabongahiltma3489 8 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    charity begs charity....truly there is a need to introspect the issue of foreign aid in Africa....well said by Dambisa.....

  • @jahlov
    @jahlov 9 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Women are the future. Africa and the world need more educated women

  • @phaniceshamalla1822
    @phaniceshamalla1822 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    OMG! I am amazed! As we say in Africa "my eyes are open"

  • @fetauAdu
    @fetauAdu 11 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    We need a woman (or man) like her!

  • @12godslove
    @12godslove 11 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am crazy about this woman!

  • @coyoluo
    @coyoluo 6 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    God! she's got a big brain!

  • @DavidSpence-davidgadol
    @DavidSpence-davidgadol 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    AHHHhhh, my indisputable, salient, HERO!!!!

  • @dukehines
    @dukehines 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    She is very good

  • @hiprichhiprich
    @hiprichhiprich 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Go Moyo! This lady is damn good!
    Just that I disagree with the China issue.

  • @petersindway2862
    @petersindway2862 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This sister is good

  • @assedmomo8384
    @assedmomo8384 10 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    damn shes good, yea let them know whats up

  • @Trader797
    @Trader797 11 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Can you please let me know where and when the next book signing for Dambisa Moyo

  • @alegarceau12
    @alegarceau12 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @kgaogelomabina4554
    @kgaogelomabina4554 11 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I disagree with some of the things she says., though I age with her for the most part

  • @jahlov
    @jahlov 9 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Mr Sachs is a hypocrites

  • @RahulPatel-wn8gv
    @RahulPatel-wn8gv หลายเดือนก่อน

    What's your beef with A i D, Baroness Dambis Moyo ?
    What prompted u to authoring 2 books, instead of continuing to enjoy life in the fast lane, Wall st, Bond st, Banking, finance & economics in Nyork & City of London?
    irresistible itch /urge of "giving back" to ur roots /home country /continent - Zambia / Afrika...?
    Precisely, my Afrikan friends were dismayed as i announced my plan to pen a book on how Afrikan & developing countries are being harmed more by Western Aid than being helped.
    Their shicked resoponse was, that this is a world wide known-known phenomenon... sooh whats new that Inv banker, economist D Moyo's book would be shinning light onn...?
    What eaxctly do u mean by Aid...?
    My book Dead Aid, does not include, charity, humanitarian assistance, flock of proverbial NGOz rushing predictably to a "natural disaster" struck spot, u see, Peter, like post 2004, Tsunami or the major earthquakes during that period, in Nepal, Orussa, Gujarat...
    Aid includes, Term lian assistance, investments by western MNCz in global south.
    Why do i say, Aid is obstructing the real economic growth of Afrikan countries in particular, besides elsewhere in global south, pushing the continent further down the spiral mired in dife straits.
    Simpky look at the hard & cold data for over past 3 &, more decades.
    Poverty levels hv alarmingly & steeply increased from single digit 7 % to more than 62 %..
    All over Afrikan continent what do we witness? never ending brutal civil wars, be it Eritrea, Ethiopia, Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, DRC, Western Afrikan countries or southern Afrika, not to spk of Northern Afrikan region at all...
    Do i really need to reel out the utterly depressing data of each & every country... its all there in my book.
    What's ur gripe against the celebrities, propagating awareness about the dire impoverishment, extraction, exploitation of entire Afrikan contunent...?
    2005 Davos resort - Switzerland : fmr US president Bush, Clinton, then UK - PM Tony Blair, 2 South Afrikan presidents, & the U2 rock band super celebrity were addressing abt 2000 super creamy global wealthy - miniscule yet utmost powerful crowd & announcing the...
    "Time for Afrika to rise has arrived"....
    U must listen /read, Tony Blair's speech, his blunt comments abt the LOOT, plundering of Afrikan continent by the Imoerial conglomerates, extraction, exploitation of resources, etc etc & yet Afrikan nations languishing at the bottom in the global pecking order....
    Mr Bono U2, pledged his commitment to draw the global attn to the plight of Afrikans, by raising awareness levels, raising funds, doung his bit to alleviate the unmitigated Afrikan misery...
    And in the process didn't he earn a Nobel prize, Baroness Dimbisa Moyo...?
    Indeed he was vestowed with the most coveted Nobel prize, &, his NGO, - ONE, raised millions of dollars in the name of "spreading awareness" abt the plunder, loot of Afrika.... over the next decade....
    He advocated, preached of transparency in trade practices, shutting down of bogus shell companies,in tax havens, dodging milliins of dollars of taxes every year.
    Contrast that with his personal cinduct. Why did he move his musucal company & all his albums from Ireland to Amsterdam...?
    Is it not a fact of Irelands generous low tax regume /exemption on royalty income ciming to an end he shifted to a newer tax friendly city of Amsterdam...?
    Besides his shell companies in tax-havens, exposed in Paradise papers?
    Sheer brazen hypocrisy, double spk of Mr Bono is unmatched....
    His visit ti a village in Timbouktu, Mali - Tuareg tribal music festival celebration - - in 2011, alongwith his wife & daughters, heavily protected by ovt militia, separated frim the lical Afrikans by metal barricade, positioned on a bleached olatform he railed n ranted against, delivering a rhetorical "music is not for war" lecture to a bemused audience, bursting out, singing in French, & leaving hurriedly....
    What hppnd nxt... over the nxt 2 weeks the locals renewed their pledge to pafticipate in the revolution against the despit regime & Al Qaeda wiped out the entire region, seizing the farm lands altogether....
    Several incidents u'll fund, well documented, publisged in global magazines.... of pvt militia marching in villages, ransacking, shooting indiscriminately, massacring locals, driving them out forcibly, seizing all the land...
    Why's the glibal south mired in a bind like never ending debt - trap?
    is it not because of this so called generously showered Aid in the form of loans?
    What are the numbers like? inflow &, outflow, end use of the generous Aid...?
    If 2 trilliion USD/yr Aid has flown into Afrika, how much has gone out of Afrika?
    5 trn USD/yr. !
    Are the Aid for Afrika, champions , cheer leaders, going to deny of the unmitigated disaster, increasing levels of poverty, gloim & doom in Afrika, over the past 3 decades in particular...?
    ever sunce the foundation of the W T O on January 1, 1995...? the trumpeted grand reforms in the conduct of global trade...?
    Who diminates the WTZo org?
    Aren't they the same global north countries who dominate the IMF, WB & the UN...?