So for the floating button, you need a calibrated skulk sensor. A skulk sensor with an amethysts shard sticking out the top. The calibrated skulk sensor can only detect one sound at a time. Based on the redstone input to the calibrated sensor, that one sound it detects can change.
Your channel has all sorts of content! Not just "any content" you make content that make us not fall for clickbait, we can create amazing things for our world, and lastly you create amazing content for people around the whole world! You deserve many followers, fans, subscribers, and so much more! You are the best! Keep up the good work and maybe, just maybe you can create your own Eystreem Crew! I love your videos you are the best, Eystreem!😊❤
Jordan , You should TOTALLY keep on pranking Ethan , it is just too funny when I see ethan's reaction 😂😂😂 Pls prank him again for your next video , and if you do then could i please get a shoutout , im not forcing you to do it thiugh 😊
You know you could have used a calibrated skulk sensor with a book and lecturn. That would have allowed you to choose what type of sounds it will pick up on. I actually use it to make a key to get to my secret base. All I have to do is eat an apple and my 3x3 piston door is open
By far one of the best videos on this channel, I have been here for years, not on this account but I have, and he's come very far. (Hair keep changing lol)😂
9:00 you have to use calibrated sculk senser because normal sculk sensers catch every noise but calibrated sculk.senser with the power of 16 stacks of items will only detect button
I love ey's videos the= the best vid I came across. When I was looking for Minecraft vids I saw ey and I love it. He's my favorite Minecraft TH-camr now 🎀💓💓💓🎀
I think in Minecraft bedrock it's possible to bring down lightning with channeling trident even if it's just normal rain or thunder storm but for some reason every one do it in thunder Norman rain could work
I have a miss that the wheat that makes bread in Minecraft has something hidden Was reading an official book it about Minecraft blocks, and I saw like the evolution about the wheat. It looked like a golem.
Who here remembers og eystreem👇👇 and his scary survival series make another season but not as childish but instead of thaumcraft try some other mods but thaumcraft was still good tho
HEY man I know it's been so Long that you posted fam high and I thought it was so interesting and I think you should get back on it man please I beg of you to make fam high season 2 I really want to know what happind next
Why are you taking so long to send a video every day I looked at the TH-cam everyday looking if you send the video🥺 now thank you for making video I'm so happy that you make video
Now I can hide these on my Realms! These are actually gonna be hilarious
How did you get 1M subs when u only have 1 video like wth
Lmao 😭😂
Bro,I see you everywhere 💀🖕
So for the floating button, you need a calibrated skulk sensor. A skulk sensor with an amethysts shard sticking out the top. The calibrated skulk sensor can only detect one sound at a time. Based on the redstone input to the calibrated sensor, that one sound it detects can change.
This is how I want to be a TH-camr. Mr Eystreem/Jordan your the best❤
Your channel has all sorts of content! Not just "any content" you make content that make us not fall for clickbait, we can create amazing things for our world, and lastly you create amazing content for people around the whole world! You deserve many followers, fans, subscribers, and so much more! You are the best! Keep up the good work and maybe, just maybe you can create your own Eystreem Crew! I love your videos you are the best, Eystreem!😊❤
Jordan , You should TOTALLY keep on pranking Ethan , it is just too funny when I see ethan's reaction 😂😂😂 Pls prank him again for your next video , and if you do then could i please get a shoutout , im not forcing you to do it thiugh 😊
Thank u for making my day EYstreem!
I love your videosEYstreem😊
Me too I love you EY
Eyestreem never Let hes views Down! 💯
You know you could have used a calibrated skulk sensor with a book and lecturn. That would have allowed you to choose what type of sounds it will pick up on. I actually use it to make a key to get to my secret base. All I have to do is eat an apple and my 3x3 piston door is open
My fortnite videos are better then eyestreem😂😂😂😂
By far one of the best videos on this channel, I have been here for years, not on this account but I have, and he's come very far. (Hair keep changing lol)😂
9:00 you have to use calibrated sculk senser because normal sculk sensers catch every noise but calibrated sculk.senser with the power of 16 stacks of items will only detect button
What if he was playing in 1.19
@@Ecosystemedibles123 He spawnes sniffet and used bambo blocks
I love ey's videos the= the best vid I came across. When I was looking for Minecraft vids I saw ey and I love it. He's my favorite Minecraft TH-camr now 🎀💓💓💓🎀
Every time I see eys vids I am SO HAPPY
Lets Appreciate how much time and effort ey puts into his videos
yes he puts alot of effort in his videos
100% agreed
Mr.eystreem can you make another scary myth?
yeah pls
I swear EY, is gonna change this video Thumbnail. 🤓
Hey EY, the composter trick you can also do it on java but it needs redstones
Gosh!, finally I was so worried because you haven't posted anything yet,that's why I'm just glad
Can you please post more often I wanna watch more of your vids I learn alot for some reason but please post more often
Hey eystreem, when are you going to start some minecraft roleplay series? Ive been waiting for years.
Jus bout some EY Merchhhhhhhhh lez goo
I wish ey upload every day it's would make every ey fans so happy for real
Do another scary myths video next!
I really like his videos! I am a big fan❤❤
Love your videos
I miss eystreem's build battle with ethan 😢
I think in Minecraft bedrock it's possible to bring down lightning with channeling trident even if it's just normal rain or thunder storm but for some reason every one do it in thunder Norman rain could work
So happy for ur vids
When stupid, hilarious videos, all it takes to make me watch you for a week
0:18 Can you make a video where you playing craftsmen?It's a rippoff of minecraft for people who can aford it.
It uses a sculk sensor to connect to an ender pearl stausus chamber which will tell a port you 7:22 love your vids
you can just hold middle mouse button and drag across the slots of a chest and it quickly fills it
please make a survival series with the old gang
I love the videos. EY always entertains me😂😀
Thank you thank you THANK YOU! To be honest, I had almost given up. I'm glad you took a break from trends. I'm glad I subscribed.
remember when you had a talent show with brianna? you said: im not the best at minecraft but you're actually good
The composter trick was so op its very simple
Edit:I liked this video!
Yoo your server is fire!!🔥
finaly ey posted
I have a miss that the wheat that makes bread in Minecraft has something hidden Was reading an official book it about Minecraft blocks, and I saw like the evolution about the wheat. It looked like a golem.
Thank you for the amazing videos
Eystreem is the best
Man got a haircut. It looks great
He did? it looks the same, I can’t even tell!
Wow that was a amazing hack🤩
Is that guy wearing ey merch? He must be a ey fan
That is good that your members are sending you videos to test 😊
Ey is the best TH-camr ever ❤🎉
Eystreem the thing that he climbed on was scaffolding, did you know the textures of scaffoldings, it's familiar to that
his video's are the most best and he is a amazing TH-camr
The guy who dose the click bait Minecraft myths hates click bait how ironic
I’ve seen powdered snow a little bit different texture than normal snow
Love your video's ther are the best
Who else loves Eystreem's videos?❤️
I was waiting 4 day for ey video it always make me 😂
this is the same ey who once did a myth busting for dripleafs making you crawl
I wish you to be at 10 million subs soon!😀😊
If you’ve the new gorilla tag update
👇 it’s soooo good, you blink and talk now, and there’s even a shreck map
Me: I love building!
Mumbo jumbo: Do u mean red stone?
Me: No
Mumbo jumbo:>:(
Who ever want the Scary Survival season 3 😢
Who miss scary survival i love scary survival who love to❤❤
Your video are the most amazing 🤩
finally after so many days
Eystream is good at this
i love the bed one so much
Who's watching this video in the middle of the day
Ey more scary myths please
Finally you make a video
You are the best youtuber ever❤
Day 1 of me asking eystreams that whether he is going to continue fame high or magic of kuma series anytime soon or in the near future
Hi Ey good job on your vids
Ey haven't done these in so long
You are so smart I can’t even imagine how hard this Channel
Who here remembers og eystreem👇👇
and his scary survival series make another season but not as childish but instead of thaumcraft try some other mods but thaumcraft was still good tho
What’s more annoying is how all TH-camrs either quit or make clickbate thumbnails and use not accounts to make comments
Like rage plays
Is the Ey merch going to be available in February?
You forgot to put the saddle on the horse bty You're the best😊
Hi eystreem. I've been a fan for a while now and I rlly want to meet u 1 day. U r literally my childhood
Me to
🎉 sniffer = torch flower seed
A minute gang
Ur the best TH-camr ever eystreem
EYSTREEM will their be Scary survival season 3 pls make it we miss the nostalgia😢
EY if you see this just so you know I love your channel
Who loves Eystreem?🤗
eystreem you are my favorite youtuber fun fact, making epic fails=many views
I'm a fan of u Eystreem I'm at Philippines❤❤❤😊
The drip leaf thingy is very good for hide and seek
hey man i love your videos❤
my name is Alexander and I am using my grandma's account. I am a big fan and I love your awsome videos I watch you every day!!
I love your videos❤
🤣this was such a funny vid🤣
More more more!!!
Eystreem I miss your other videos.Your intro,your voice,ella and your little sister
HEY man I know it's been so Long that you posted fam high and I thought it was so interesting and I think you should get back on it man please I beg of you to make fam high season 2 I really want to know what happind next
Love the vids jordan
EY do scary myths videos plz
Man all of these look easy to build but hard to find😅😅😅
Good luck I hope you get to 10 mil subs
3:09 use scaffolding!
omg you posted finally
Why are you taking so long to send a video every day I looked at the TH-cam everyday looking if you send the video🥺 now thank you for making video I'm so happy that you make video