Best time to go to Kundasang is when it is not during public holiday 😂. I usually will choose on the weekdays instead. My favourite place for accommodation will be the Ausvilla. It is located at Mesilou Hill. Driving distance to Desa Dairy Farm and Sosodikon too. Lots of restaurants along the way too n even Bataras is nearby too 😂. Ausvilla is just beside the Golf club and it is so near to the Mount Kinabalu with beautiful scenery. Best time to view the mountain is normally around 5.30 am to 9.30 am. Often around 4pm to 6 pm too. Other than that it is normally covered by the clouds 😂. Another recommended place to stay is the Mountain Valley Resort. Beautiful n windy environment plus good view of Mount Kinabalu from a distance. Overall everything at Kundasang is quite expensive especially on the meals. Even the goods at the market too are way more expensive compared to Cameron Highlands 😂. Driving further to Ranau to Sabah Tea Plantation ( cafe) n Poring Hot Spring is recommended too.
@@gracefamsabahIt is actually reasonable . We stayed in a suite room which is comfortably for 6 persons and it cost us around RM550 per night. Honestly it is a wonderful place to stay especially with the beautiful view of Mount kinabalu from my room balcony itself. Very cooling and peaceful 😂. Strongly recommended . The place is owned by Datuk Au and his family.
@@gracefamsabah 是滴,可惜相机拍不出来。只能肉身观赏啦
Best time to go to Kundasang is when it is not during public holiday 😂. I usually will choose on the weekdays instead. My favourite place for accommodation will be the Ausvilla. It is located at Mesilou Hill. Driving distance to Desa Dairy Farm and Sosodikon too. Lots of restaurants along the way too n even Bataras is nearby too 😂. Ausvilla is just beside the Golf club and it is so near to the Mount Kinabalu with beautiful scenery. Best time to view the mountain is normally around 5.30 am to 9.30 am. Often around 4pm to 6 pm too. Other than that it is normally covered by the clouds 😂. Another recommended place to stay is the Mountain Valley Resort. Beautiful n windy environment plus good view of Mount Kinabalu from a distance. Overall everything at Kundasang is quite expensive especially on the meals. Even the goods at the market too are way more expensive compared to Cameron Highlands 😂. Driving further to Ranau to Sabah Tea Plantation ( cafe) n Poring Hot Spring is recommended too.
@@lolololollololol1686 Ausvilla 好像很多人说不错,就是贵了点。
@@gracefamsabahIt is actually reasonable . We stayed in a suite room which is comfortably for 6 persons and it cost us around RM550 per night. Honestly it is a wonderful place to stay especially with the beautiful view of Mount kinabalu from my room balcony itself. Very cooling and peaceful 😂. Strongly recommended . The place is owned by Datuk Au and his family.
@@lolololollololol1686 哦!😍👍
@@gracefamsabah LAW在大馬原來是劉。對不起!
好!下次帶一支好的日本清酒去一起enjoy !
@@mariopoon5282 哈哈哈!会喝醉
@@gracefamsabah 其實這次回到K K最後那天的確想再去名凰閣吃飯聊天的,可惜整個行程吃太多了,女兒得了腸胃炎,結果去了geneagles hospital急診,花了600馬幣!很好的經驗學習!😂🤣😂🤣
上次我舅舅有带我们去, ANOOH 环境真的不错 很舒服,我还看到完美的神山
Grace, 神山種的草莓不好吃, 蘆笋兵南邦 Servay 經常有看到, 肥美也不貴. 我和 Grace 一樣美美的花買回去肯定種不生😅 (買了很多盆了)感謝 Grace 的分享😊
@@gracefamsabah 😁👍
你們是去了茶煲附近玩吧!😂KK感覺很不錯也很宜居,清閒之餘又充滿活力動感,華人的消費力也很強,好吃的店都滿是華人在排隊!發記魚雜的蕃茄湯頭很不錯。這次在K K很多想吃但吃不到的,太可惜了!下次有機會一定再去名鳳閣吃飯!
@@gracefamsabah 對不起,原來是名凰閣!馬來西亞的確是很不錯的,其實我們五年前已取得西馬的M M2 H的批准函,只是某些原因最後沒有去領取VISA,現在修例後門檻太高了。個人很喜歡東南亞的印馬泰,幾乎走遍,年輕時也在雅加達生活過!有緣再見!
@@gracefamsabah 話又說回來,榴蓮還是檳島的好,沙巴的貓山王肉較白色'果核大也不夠檳𡷊的香。(不知道是否被騙了😂🤣😅)
@@mariopoon5282 我觉得应该不是猫山王,这里是都是沙巴的土榴莲比较多,我上次去云顶吃到了真的猫山王,太好吃了,沙巴的不一样。
@@gracefamsabah 沙巴超市物資很豐富,大陸的缶頭選擇多,真的有豆豉鯪魚呢!而且大陸同様的缶頭價格比香港買平宜很多呢!我9歲女兒居然說得出,感覺生活品質比越南高很多。🤣😂😅
连假的时候听说Kundasang Town 塞到Desa Farm 要两个小时,真的太疯狂了!
哈,這次倆公婆可以渡蜜月,女兒沒有跟著來。 我以前回去時也是常與同學朋友一起上Nabalu, Kundasang, Kokol Hill,神山國家公園餐廳,還有Kimanis,丹南和根地咬吹涼風。現在想起還非常津津有味。
Tenom 要去 yit foh. Yong farmstay & fat choi. Keningau 要去 bandukan resort
@christinejo2937 好!先做功课。
aik 那个tuktuk tomyam 在那边也有开啊 我现在才知道, 他们的食物很好吃下的 每次是在sutera avenue隔壁那边吃的, sabah 泰国餐他们数一数二的如果在亚庇。
我不知道原来Sutera Avenue 原来有Tuk Tuk Tomyam,原来这么出名,我们都不知道,
@@gracefamsabah 他是在sutera avenue 隔壁 那座楼 在zara boutique hotel 隔壁罢了的小间店, 开了很多年的了最少有6-7 年那是他们第一间店, 对很出名的如果说泰餐的话, 另外一个更出名的是在putatan 的 在屋子做生意的 忘记什么名了, 如果sabah 人要吃泰国餐都会去这两间
你好!如果想吃火鍋,kundasang bataras supermarket 買的到豬肉片,牛肉片之類的火鍋料嗎?海蟹和蝦之類的食材是不是要在kk fish market 買先比較好?😊
@@lawrencefu4464 Kundasang Bataras 的冷冻食物选择不多,建议在亚庇买上去,Foodtown Kolombong 的火锅料很多,可以去那边买好带上去。切好了的猪肉和牛肉。各种海鲜也有。
@@gracefamsabah 謝謝你😘👍
哦,就在roundabout隔壁,会冷咩?通常都是要进去比较远的才冷,当然进去就比较麻烦,尤其peak hour,大把车
Next month I will go to Sabah one week,u have free time that we can meet
U can meet us at Phoenix Restaurant, Menggatal Plaza.
@@gracefamsabah OK see you at Sabah
@@rickytee8112 u are welcome
@gracefamsabah ✋😅
@@aiyolim722 我们自己起的火
@@aiyolim722 民宿有准备小型的Gas炉,可以免费用。
@@gracefamsabah 谢谢你。我真的太喜欢沙巴了,一年去两次😂
@@aiyolim722 欢迎你们来玩
nice vlog 我也是亚庇人 有机会一起合作拍片