It was the mother Fatima, who taught her daughters very well how to cook, clean and shop. She did a very good job. They watched their mother and that’s how they Learned to do these things❤
Opérateur contemple grand-père entrain de gémir de faim,de fatigue et de froid comme s'il se réjouit de cette situation. Faites quelque chose avant qu'il ne meurt achetez leur de la nourriture ,du gaz et du lait pour la petite.
No algo paso con el ingeniero el jamás dejaba a los niños solos pero el cámaro grafo deve de tomar cartas en este asunto y que pena poros niños padre muerto madre muerta el ingeniero tan bueno no está los niños solos que triste porque Dios mio
Si pero quien se hizo cargo de 4 niños no siendo suyos porque la familia hasta la abuela abandonó al abuelo y quien se ocupaba de todos y ahora el tío carroñero le quita todo a los niños estafador preso debe ir ya había estafado al ingeniero secuestró a los niños mala gente bicho malo ese tío que esa palabra le queda grande
Привет из Казахстана!Дай Аллах чтобы инженер был жив и здоров.Мы все переживаем за него,он бы так запросто не оставил бы детей и старика,что-то конечно с ним случилось.Девочки молодцы,да и малыши себя держат хорошо,не плача.А где Али Аскар и мужчина который помогал поначалу?Хотя бы дров распилили,разрубили бы,во дворе их много лежат столбы,оператор поруби им дров,пожалей хотя бы деда,он так долго может не выдержать.Держитесь детки,все будет хорошо Аумин!Альхамдулиллях!
@@SharonRoseElizabethClaassenEl ingeniero es solomun personaje, ha hecho mentira a los niños antes, es más creo que lo deomsexuestro era parte de la novela
@@murieljah5480100% true and I can’t believe that people think this is true. Grandpa has got a phone and hi could call someone to help ,hi already spoke to police and hi could call engineer brother or sister or a friend.All this people coming constantly and now there is no one ,how convenient .
Yo acabo de denunciar en TH-cam. Esos niños deben tener comida y una higiene que no se ve por ningún lado. El tío que graba porque no les da dinero a los niños para comer? O es mentira? Sea como sea no voy a parar de denunciar
Also report the misfortune of the children and elderly in your own and surrounding communities…. Charity begins at home …just saying…:: And this is a tv drama
@@sandrasuite1535 Yes, is TV drama, mystery, disappearance, murders, kidnappings, suspicions, dozens of suppositions something like Agatha Christie's movie but a high level. Poor people, what a life...
Señores porfavor los que estamos viendo este video, juntemos para orar para el Inginiero llegue bueno y sano esperamos que no le alla pasado nada grave , ni la familia del Inginiero los va aver los niños que poco umidad tienen esta gente me acuerdo que la hermana del Inginiero no queria a los niños por ende No los va a verlos , esperamo que este vídeo No sea falso ,por en mi persona me ase muy mal psicológicamente me parte el alma , bendiciones mis queridos niños, desde CHILE 🇨🇱 🤷♀️💁♀️🧍👭🤱👼🏦
El ingeniero los amaba a estos niños les dio de todo de lo mejor ❤amor, nunca les haria este daño hacerlos sufrir asi ni al abuelo q tanbien se ocupo de el, cuando el tio de los robo, lloraba desconsolado, entonces no hablen pavadas, se ve cuando una persona es buena,generosa
He visto canales falsos pero este es el canal más falso q yo he visto en esta plataforma esa gente tiene tremendas casas y andan acá haciendo creer q así viven cuanta mentira para obtener mas vistas y generar mucho dinero es un fraude para nosotros los subscriptores será la ultima ves q yo vea este canal falso y sin fundamento ese viejito se presta para hacer semejante mentira q barbaridad q ay gente q crea en eso
Si el ingeniero tuvo un accidente y murió, ¿dónde están su madre, su hermana y su hermano? ¿Qué es este juego? El fotógrafo debe responder las preguntas.
It is not possible that so many people came to the engineer for money and food and now no person comes to the help with this family, I am worried about my little Sahel, who is so small and needs a warmth Of a father or a mother, the other ones are already older, but I had to think in them, and that someone with a good heart comes to them🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😞😞😞
What a nonsense this story. Bad acting. What is the purpose of this all? Perhaps we feel pitty for this family so they get more youtube money? False!!!
Бедный мой детей!!❤❤❤ Детям некому помочь.потому что отца больше нет!!!Дорогой Инженер Бабазадех помог многим людям, бедным матерям.. А где они матерям которая день ночь стоит в черной одежде у деверей его дома???
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم إلي من غير أم حالة يغم اللهم سهل عليهم الحياة غزال مثل أمها جدعة وشطرة بس لسة صغيرة وأين الجدة التي كانت تشاغب مع المهندس علي أخذ الأولاد
Gazelim nekadar akıllısın canım kardeşlerine sahip çıkıyor annesının küpelerini satıp yiyecek aldı yapacak başka çaresi yokki çocuklar aç kısa sürede babanızdan haber alırsınız inşallah❤😔
اون مغازه دار در اصلا باوجدان بود اگر گوشوارهها طلا بود باید کلی مواد غذایی بهشون میداد غزال بجای اینکه با یک بزرگتر میرفت آنها میفروخت که سرش کلاه نرود متاسفانه جامعه از هر طریقی سواستفاده میکنند
A todos los espectadores, creo que han estado jugando con nuestros sentimientos desde ayer mientras esperábamos noticias sobre el ingeniero, pero nadie dijo nada.
I wish i could adopt these children. They need love and attention. If the engineer isn’t coming back, it’s horrible to keep filming this family go through all these unnecessary cruel filming scenes. Please don’t let this family suffer just because you still want to make a few dollars 💵 from their sad situation camera man as it’s cruel and evil to them and to us the viewers.
اين أهل القريه اللذين ساعدهم المهندس الجاحدين هل عميت ابصارهم عن هؤلاء الأطفال والجد ؟؟ايها المصور خاف الله وساعد هذه للعائله بالطعام والدفء .انت تستغل الضروف وتكسب المال هذا حرام لا سامحك الله ايها السيء يا ليت أحد يتبنى هذه العائله ويكسب بهم الأجر جاعو الأطفال وضاعو اشفقو عليهم لقد قست قلوبكم
Wishful thinking doesn’t help , the wish drowns in the water . Can you think of something positive to contribute towards helping this potentially dire situation 🥲?like having knowledge of the Iranian legal system and getting in touch with them directly?that is where we are all at . Impotent to help/ change the situation . If is a fake story you are wasting your tears and your time .
Donde esta el Jovencito qué siempre los apoyó qué tristeza tanta gente que ayudaron no hay quien se apiade de esa familia, ese hombre de la cámara debería llevarles algo para alimentarse...
Daughter two shows signs of growing with selfish behavior. It’s been there since the beginning. Daughter one is going to grow up to be a mature adult like Fatima wants for her children. So sad, I know that if you’re okay you are trying to find your way back to the children. In the name of ✝️ and love we send prayers ❤ 🥰🤤✝️
La verdad que nostalgia con estos niños. En el pueblo el ingeniero casi TDO mundo lo conocía a pero cuando él repartía despensas y ayudó a tanta gente tda esas personas de ese pueblo son muy mal agradecidos hinumanos perversos vieron CMO la señora CMO corrió al abuelo y los niños ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
What did the camera person do films them doesn't bring food gas the money should be to help grandpa and the children and also find out what happen to the father of the children this is cruel come camera person do something about this people❤❤❤❤
The channel is owned by the engineer and because it does not earn much views and low subscribers, the salary from You Tube is equally low. Hence this channel did not present much good contents.
K palhaçada parem com isso Vcs não vão conseguir mais escritos com este sumiso do engenheiro. Vcs achan bonito o sofrimento dos outros. Fechem este canal chega
Operator why didn't help this orphaned children, you keep on filming for them, they need tools for them to live🙏💖 please help them, what happened to their father engineer Babazadeh, he helps a lot of people now nobody has to help the children
Yo creo que el ingeniero algo grave pasó con el el operador deve dar noticia como grava a estos angelitos es bien cruel yo también lo voy a denunciar por abusivo
Wow these girls have their heads on trading the earrings for food ladies we can learn a thing or two from the children earrings jewellery can be used to keep us fed and some would not sell or trader their jewellery now this is common sense you can always get back the earrings so good for you my children good thinking survival mode is in gear Resa and Sahil playing on a see saw he took care of his little sister now this is truly a beautiful sight and I AM SO PLEASED WITH THEM ALL love from Barbados always ❤❤❤❤
Yo lo siento pero voy a dejar de seguir viendo esto videos porque se me parte el alma ver a unos niños y un abuelo pasar hambre mientras el camorografo no hace nada y denunciaré estos videos si no aparece el ingeniero hagamos los todos por favor 😭😭
Eu acho que o engenheiro nao seria capaz desta ação para conseguir mais audiências. Continuo a acreditar que é uma pessoa integra. Agora que é uma situação muito estranha, é. Mesmo que estivesse internado, faria os possíveis para entrar, ele, ou alguém, em contacto com a familia. Será que foi raptado? E ninguém o procura ativamente? Meu Deus, que situação estranha! E a familia dele não reage? Veremos o que acontece. Que Deus o proteja e às crianças e avô
Lembra-se do homem que lutou contra o Engenheiro e seus trabalhadores no passado? A POLÍCIA deveria investigar e ir até a casa desse homem mau. Nos episódios anteriores, esse homem feio quer as terras do Engenheiro. Ele é para mim a pessoa mais suspeita e talvez o responsável pelo desaparecimento do Engenheiro. Por favor, alguém ajude esta família. Mais uma coisa, tenho certeza que o Engenheiro não abandonou essas crianças e fez essa história cruel só para criar mais visualizações. Por favor, à POLÍCIA e ao governo para fazê-los trabalhar o mais rápido possível e fazer uma investigação séria. 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
Já comentei mais de uma vez sobre esse homem que queria as terras a força e também o tios das crianças que muito dinheiro pegou do Sr Babazadhe com ameaças, até sequestrou as crianças e pediu muito dinheiro e terras em troca das crianças. Mas equipe do canal, cinegrafista não lê nossos comentários. Eu confio no Sr Babazadhe, porém desses vídeos 98% são de só mentiras
А где дядя Али и бабушка, которым господин инженер долго и серьёзно помогал??? ОНИ очень хотели забрать всех детей себе... не плохо было бы вспомнить что с детьми их престарелый муж и отец Али, который нуждается в помощи вместе с детьми
Инженер попал наверное под подозрение власти, у него в США живут родственники, а Иран и США враги, летом приезжали родственники и инженер хотел с детьми поехать в США , его тихо и молча закрыли наверное 😢, СЕЙЧАС МЕЖДУ США И ИРАН ОЧЕНЬ НАТЯНУТОЕ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ , А так он не мог оставить детей и уехать 😢😢😢‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
پس باید کمکشون کنیم تا بایستند شما کجای دنیا هستید هر جا که هستین فقط کمک بفرستید تا از آوارگی خلاص شوند خونه ی سرد بچهها غذا ندارند 😢😢 از همه کمک بخواهید کمک ها را جمع کنید و بفرستید بچهها خیییلی ناراحتن و گرسنه 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
A možda je Babazadeh negdje u bolnici možda nije pri svjeti.Dali je itko pretražio ili se raspitivao po bolnicama?Očito da je imao neku nesreću dok su i njegovi dokumenti pronađeni u tom džipu a on nije među poginulim. Bože dragi daj da se pojavi ovo više nije normalno.I da baš nitko ne dolazi obići djecu i dedu. Prestrašno 😪😪😪😪
vai ter que procurar um orfanato, pra essas crianças, porque o avô não tem mais condições de cuidar,se é de viver nessas condições é melhor ir pra o orfanato, vive em uma condição extrema, passando fome tudo sujo a bebê toda suja isso é demais.
He's not the real father, I believe..Why would he get a consent from the grandfather to get custody of the children?Mr. Engineer came to Fatimas life, when all the 4 children were born. Watch all the episodes and find out the real story.
I’ve heard they make money from our comments. They don’t seem hungry so they are getting food. When the show first started there was a guy that lived with the engineer who he said was his brother. After the accident he no longer came around. If he is a brother he should be contacted and his mother. Of all the people he helped where are they to help? It wouldn’t happen here.
Hello dear Mr. Engineer, I wish you well wherever you are. The people you had helped disappeared, not even those who would come kissing our hand and promising complete friendship. In your need you will know who in fact is your friend. Dear grandfather is amazing and the children too, they are so helpful to each other. Thanks for the video. Hope you can come back soon.
If Eran near in the Philippines, i want to visit the children and gave them a foods or contact vloger in thd Philippines very kind , and gave all the necessary needs.
These poor children have no food. Can someone take them food? What about the sister of the engineer? Where is everyone that the engineer has helped. His workers? Ali asgha?
Yo escribí un mje reclamando a todos empezando x el q filma, la flia q no aparece, los albañiles q les daba de comer la madre el hermano, ni hablar la hermana el cuñado y todos los q recibían desesperados los bolsones q les entrego, toda esa gente menos el ingeniero son gente sin sentos no les importa nada x eso viven en ese desastre😮
Si yo también sospecho de ese hombre q le ofrecia el triple fe lo q valia su tierra y se fue furioso xq el le decia q no vendia q era su hogar y se fue amenazandolo, q lo iba a dejar sin nada😮😮😮
Инженер попал наверное под подозрение власти, у него в США живут родственники, а Иран и США враги, летом приезжали родственники и инженер хотел с детьми поехать в США , его тихо и молча закрыли наверное 😢, СЕЙЧАС МЕЖДУ США И ИРАН ОЧЕНЬ НАТЯНУТОЕ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ
Помните человека, который в прошлом сражался с Инженером и его рабочими? ПОЛИЦИЯ должна провести расследование и отправиться в этот дом плохого человека. В предыдущих сериях этот ловкий человек хотел землю Инженера. Для меня он самый подозрительный человек и, возможно, ответственный за исчезновение Инженера. Пожалуйста, кто-нибудь помогите этой семье. И еще: я уверен, что Инженер не бросил этих детей и не создал эту жестокую историю только для того, чтобы создать больше просмотров. Пожалуйста, ПОЛИЦИИ и правительству, чтобы они как можно скорее приступили к работе и провели серьезное расследование.🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
Boa noite familia Saihel que tristeza ver voceis sosinhos sem mãe e sem pai misericordia aonde se encotra Babazade senhor ele que sustenta as criancas 😮😢😢😢😢😢
JE SUIS PRATIQUEMENT SUR QUE C EST DU CINEMA TOUT EST INVENTE.....MEME LE DECES DE FATIMEH.......rien n est vrai ici, dommage car on y a cru.....POURQUOI mettre au debut de chaque video l exclusion de la grand mere......C EST DU CINEMA DE LA COMEDIE...................Sinon prouvez moi le contraire en commentaire......pour l instant j ai demande au cameran qui n a jamais repondu.................D habitude je n ai aucune traduction du resumé et là j en ai : c est du mauvais cinema mais C EST DU CINEMA....RIEN EST REEL
Оператор я смотру много каналов Иранские этих каналох памогають оператори дажа строй матерял пакупають каждое утро приносят и еду и дажа собакам еду ави дажа нисможете хлеб купит вы что за человек вам нестидно их снимат сколько дней они голодни седять дажа хлеба нет уних оператор вас надо судить увас нет жалости ониже дети авы навшоть их денги делаеш дай Бог чтоби Инженер вернулас🤲🤲🤲🤲❤❤❤❤патерпите деточьки Папа вернёца квам
Grand Pa , where are your family ? Why they didn't help you while Engineer is not arround you and the kids , you are too old to feed the children they are too small without Mother and Father to look after them ?So Sad to see everytime I open this Channel of Sahel 😢😢😢
It was the mother Fatima, who taught her daughters very well how to cook, clean and shop. She did a very good job. They watched their mother and that’s how they Learned to do these things❤
Oysaki mühendis o nankör köylülere ne kadarda yardım etmişti tek birkişi bile gelip bir paket süt bile getirip o küçüklere vermedi
الان ما ها باید کمکشون کنیم 😢😢😢😢😢😢
So very true
آقا شما کجا کار هستی مهندس دارد فیلم بازی می کند برای اینکه از مردم پول بگیرد
You are not obligated to watch, but you still are… so couldn’t be that bad
K no lo vea nadie está mentira
Todo falso falso falso falso falso falso entiendan por qué apoyan las mentiras 💩💩😡😡😡😡
Opérateur contemple grand-père entrain de gémir de faim,de fatigue et de froid comme s'il se réjouit de cette situation. Faites quelque chose avant qu'il ne meurt achetez leur de la nourriture ,du gaz et du lait pour la petite.
Вашему провительству надо позванить что вы издеваетесь над этими детьми чтоб вас наказали
Shahil always barefoot on frozen ground
For two young sisters they are smart and know how to care for the family…awesome 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
No algo paso con el ingeniero el jamás dejaba a los niños solos pero el cámaro grafo deve de tomar cartas en este asunto y que pena poros niños padre muerto madre muerta el ingeniero tan bueno no está los niños solos que triste porque Dios mio
ขอพระเจ้าคุ้มครอง ครอบครัว Sahel สาว ๆ ทำหน้าที่ได้ดีมาก ๆ คุณวิศวกรเลี้ยงลูกได้ดี รีบกลับมาเร็ว ๆ นะคะ ด้วยความรัก
Não se esqueça que quem criou,foi Fátima,o Sr Babazadeh só ensinou o consumismo
Si pero quien se hizo cargo de 4 niños no siendo suyos porque la familia hasta la abuela abandonó al abuelo y quien se ocupaba de todos y ahora el tío carroñero le quita todo a los niños estafador preso debe ir ya había estafado al ingeniero secuestró a los niños mala gente bicho malo ese tío que esa palabra le queda grande
The engineer didn't teach them to 💩 their mother did
Reminder: you are all being deceived. Don’t confuse reality with storyline. This is entertainment only.
Привет из Казахстана!Дай Аллах чтобы инженер был жив и здоров.Мы все переживаем за него,он бы так запросто не оставил бы детей и старика,что-то конечно с ним случилось.Девочки молодцы,да и малыши себя держат хорошо,не плача.А где Али Аскар и мужчина который помогал поначалу?Хотя бы дров распилили,разрубили бы,во дворе их много лежат столбы,оператор поруби им дров,пожалей хотя бы деда,он так долго может не выдержать.Держитесь детки,все будет хорошо Аумин!Альхамдулиллях!
These children need us now more than ever! Something is terribly wrong!! 😢😢 Engineer would NEVER do this to his Family! 😢
Maybe he is not missing, just part of the script to attract more sympathy soap opera
@@SharonRoseElizabethClaassenEl ingeniero es solomun personaje, ha hecho mentira a los niños antes, es más creo que lo deomsexuestro era parte de la novela
@@murieljah5480100% true and I can’t believe that people think this is true. Grandpa has got a phone and hi could call someone to help ,hi already spoke to police and hi could call engineer brother or sister or a friend.All this people coming constantly and now there is no one ,how convenient .
請你不要鼓吹觀眾取消訂閱!你有問題嗎?自己不想看 就別看了!大家的眼睛是雪亮的!
Artıık abonelikten çıkıyırorum hepsi sahte 👎👎👎👎
نه اصلا اینجا گرونی هست تحمل نداره دیگه مهندس دلمون باید بسوزه برای مهندس و بچهها و پدر بزرگ 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
قضاوت نکنیم اینها محتاج هستند تو رو خدا کمکشون کنید ❤❤😢😢😢😢
Eu também
Este sumisso igual do Hamid é seu irmão, depois q dizem q está preso 😅
Agora k vc percebeu 😅😅😅
Yo acabo de denunciar en TH-cam. Esos niños deben tener comida y una higiene que no se ve por ningún lado. El tío que graba porque no les da dinero a los niños para comer? O es mentira? Sea como sea no voy a parar de denunciar
Also report the misfortune of the children and elderly in your own and surrounding communities…. Charity begins at home …just saying…::
And this is a tv drama
@@sandrasuite1535 Yes, is TV drama, mystery, disappearance, murders, kidnappings, suspicions, dozens of suppositions something like Agatha Christie's movie but a high level. Poor people, what a life...
Pero no veis que todo es un cuento
You do realize they only show us 1 hour of their life. Why would you report this to TH-cam?
Señores porfavor los que estamos viendo este video, juntemos para orar para el Inginiero llegue bueno y sano esperamos que no le alla pasado nada grave , ni la familia del Inginiero los va aver los niños que poco umidad tienen esta gente me acuerdo que la hermana del Inginiero no queria a los niños por ende No los va a verlos , esperamo que este vídeo No sea falso ,por en mi persona me ase muy mal psicológicamente me parte el alma , bendiciones mis queridos niños, desde CHILE 🇨🇱 🤷♀️💁♀️🧍👭🤱👼🏦
El ingeniero los amaba a estos niños les dio de todo de lo mejor ❤amor, nunca les haria este daño hacerlos sufrir asi ni al abuelo q tanbien se ocupo de el, cuando el tio de los robo, lloraba desconsolado, entonces no hablen pavadas, se ve cuando una persona es buena,generosa
He visto canales falsos pero este es el canal más falso q yo he visto en esta plataforma esa gente tiene tremendas casas y andan acá haciendo creer q así viven cuanta mentira para obtener mas vistas y generar mucho dinero es un fraude para nosotros los subscriptores será la ultima ves q yo vea este canal falso y sin fundamento ese viejito se presta para hacer semejante mentira q barbaridad q ay gente q crea en eso
É nojento um velho nesta idade , fazendo este papel de falsidade 🤮
I am beginning to believe you 😮
Si el ingeniero tuvo un accidente y murió, ¿dónde están su madre, su hermana y su hermano? ¿Qué es este juego? El fotógrafo debe responder las preguntas.
Talvez ele esteja preso.
It is not possible that so many people came to the engineer for money and food and now no person comes to the help with this family, I am worried about my little Sahel, who is so small and needs a warmth Of a father or a mother, the other ones are already older, but I had to think in them, and that someone with a good heart comes to them🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😞😞😞
C est du cinema.....une des filles peut porter un plateau d oeufs pendant un grand parcours..???????
É sobre isso que eu ando comentando cadê as pessoas que o dinheiro ajudou?
@@gerciliarios974 C est du cinema, pas reel l ingenieur fait ceci pour gagner de l argent car il aurait des problemes d argent
@@ClaudiaMora-lp9lj they were asking him to pay them back his debts
His bank account was locked due to people's promise to pay back the loans for rents and a tractor he brought for them
C'est quoi cette histoire ? Les gens sont malhonnêtes
What a nonsense this story. Bad acting. What is the purpose of this all? Perhaps we feel pitty for this family so they get more youtube money? False!!!
Бедный мой детей!!❤❤❤ Детям некому помочь.потому что отца больше нет!!!Дорогой Инженер Бабазадех помог многим людям, бедным матерям.. А где они матерям которая день ночь стоит в черной одежде у деверей его дома???
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله العلي العظيم إلي من غير أم حالة يغم اللهم سهل عليهم الحياة غزال مثل أمها جدعة وشطرة بس لسة صغيرة وأين الجدة التي كانت تشاغب مع المهندس علي أخذ الأولاد
Gazelim nekadar akıllısın canım kardeşlerine sahip çıkıyor annesının küpelerini satıp yiyecek aldı yapacak başka çaresi yokki çocuklar aç kısa sürede babanızdan haber alırsınız inşallah❤😔
اون مغازه دار در اصلا باوجدان بود اگر گوشوارهها طلا بود باید کلی مواد غذایی بهشون میداد غزال بجای اینکه با یک بزرگتر میرفت آنها میفروخت که سرش کلاه نرود متاسفانه جامعه از هر طریقی سواستفاده میکنند
A todos los espectadores, creo que han estado jugando con nuestros sentimientos desde ayer mientras esperábamos noticias sobre el ingeniero, pero nadie dijo nada.
This chanel its fake
100% fake
Everyone you must remember that the engineer was not paying for the items he was getting from the store and that's why the kids can't get anything now
Дедушка держитесь крепче вся надежда на вас придет помощ добрых людей много детей жалко
I wish i could adopt these children. They need love and attention. If the engineer isn’t coming back, it’s horrible to keep filming this family go through all these unnecessary cruel filming scenes. Please don’t let this family suffer just because you still want to make a few dollars 💵 from their sad situation camera man as it’s cruel and evil to them and to us the viewers.
Maybe this money could provide for them for food for the children and grandfather so let him film it God protect them always
اين أهل القريه اللذين ساعدهم المهندس الجاحدين هل عميت ابصارهم عن هؤلاء الأطفال والجد ؟؟ايها المصور خاف الله وساعد هذه للعائله بالطعام والدفء .انت تستغل الضروف وتكسب المال هذا حرام لا سامحك الله ايها السيء يا ليت أحد يتبنى هذه العائله ويكسب بهم الأجر جاعو الأطفال وضاعو اشفقو عليهم لقد قست قلوبكم
اذا تبنيت هذه الأطفال لك الإجر العظيم عن الله ..اسرع في انقاذ هؤلاء الأطفال من الجوع والظلم
Wishful thinking doesn’t help , the wish drowns in the water . Can you think of something positive to contribute towards helping this potentially dire situation 🥲?like having knowledge of the Iranian legal system and getting in touch with them directly?that is where we are all at . Impotent to help/ change the situation . If is a fake story you are wasting your tears and your time .
Yep Fatima tough the children cooking cleaning care for animals ect we all loved her miss her ❤️
Donde esta el Jovencito qué siempre los apoyó qué tristeza tanta gente que ayudaron no hay quien se apiade de esa familia, ese hombre de la cámara debería llevarles algo para alimentarse...
Daughter two shows signs of growing with selfish behavior. It’s been there since the beginning. Daughter one is going to grow up to be a mature adult like Fatima wants for her children. So sad, I know that if you’re okay you are trying to find your way back to the children. In the name of ✝️ and love we send prayers ❤ 🥰🤤✝️
La verdad que nostalgia con estos niños. En el pueblo el ingeniero casi TDO mundo lo conocía a pero cuando él repartía despensas y ayudó a tanta gente tda esas personas de ese pueblo son muy mal agradecidos hinumanos perversos vieron CMO la señora CMO corrió al abuelo y los niños ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Where is Mr. Babazadeh?
What did the camera person do films them doesn't bring food gas the money should be to help grandpa and the children and also find out what happen to the father of the children this is cruel come camera person do something about this people❤❤❤❤
The channel is owned by the engineer and because it does not earn much views and low subscribers, the salary from You Tube is equally low. Hence this channel did not present much good contents.
offcourse other camera men in other documentaty help this type of suffering families.
Ese camargrafro no sirve más para filmar otros ayudan pero el no mueve ni un dedo saquenlo
You won’t get any views with this cruel behavior to the kids and grandpa 😢
K palhaçada parem com isso
Vcs não vão conseguir mais escritos com este sumiso do engenheiro.
Vcs achan bonito o sofrimento dos outros.
Fechem este canal chega
Operator why didn't help this orphaned children, you keep on filming for them, they need tools for them to live🙏💖 please help them, what happened to their father engineer Babazadeh, he helps a lot of people now nobody has to help the children
Reza tan responsable con su hermanita,se me rompe el corazón de verlos tan desamparados😢
Reza cuida muito bem da irma❤🙏
Yo creo que el ingeniero algo grave pasó con el el operador deve dar noticia como grava a estos angelitos es bien cruel yo también lo voy a denunciar por abusivo
If its fake so they send the children to beg for food that's dusgusting😂😂😂😂
Fake,all scripted this not happen
It’s all acts.
Bende Abonelikten çıkıyorum 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
This was my favourite channel. This story line is ridiculous. I thought it was genuine, silly me. I’m unsubscribing
Wow these girls have their heads on trading the earrings for food ladies we can learn a thing or two from the children earrings jewellery can be used to keep us fed and some would not sell or trader their jewellery now this is common sense you can always get back the earrings so good for you my children good thinking survival mode is in gear Resa and Sahil playing on a see saw he took care of his little sister now this is truly a beautiful sight and I AM SO PLEASED WITH THEM ALL love from Barbados always ❤❤❤❤
The store owner asked for the earrings and she said no because her father bought them for her. So it wasn't her bright idea
Yo lo siento pero voy a dejar de seguir viendo esto videos porque se me parte el alma ver a unos niños y un abuelo pasar hambre mientras el camorografo no hace nada y denunciaré estos videos si no aparece el ingeniero hagamos los todos por favor 😭😭
나자닌과 가잘이 정말 똑똑하군요!!
어제는 엄마무덤에 가져갈 과자를 얻기위해 가게 청소 아르바이트를 했구요!!
영리하고 생활력도 있군요!!
Mi fe esta puesta en Dios y se que el ingeniero ba a aparecer y bendra com mas fuezas para todos quellos que no creen en este canal
Hugs and kisses children and grand father be strong the family that ties together can surrvive together may god bless yuo all
Оператор на столько жестокий, он даже хлеб не приносить детям, это очень грустно.
Not beleavable at all. This intelligent man makes this programme ridiculous.
Eu acho que o engenheiro nao seria capaz desta ação para conseguir mais audiências. Continuo a acreditar que é uma pessoa integra. Agora que é uma situação muito estranha, é. Mesmo que estivesse internado, faria os possíveis para entrar, ele, ou alguém, em contacto com a familia. Será que foi raptado? E ninguém o procura ativamente? Meu Deus, que situação estranha! E a familia dele não reage? Veremos o que acontece. Que Deus o proteja e às crianças e avô
Si es cine ,para que te lamentas..y comentas..
報警有屁用啊!依朗國家很窮 人民生活困苦 政府才懶得理會吧!
Lembra-se do homem que lutou contra o Engenheiro e seus trabalhadores no passado? A POLÍCIA deveria investigar e ir até a casa desse homem mau. Nos episódios anteriores, esse homem feio quer as terras do Engenheiro. Ele é para mim a pessoa mais suspeita e talvez o responsável pelo desaparecimento do Engenheiro. Por favor, alguém ajude esta família. Mais uma coisa, tenho certeza que o Engenheiro não abandonou essas crianças e fez essa história cruel só para criar mais visualizações. Por favor, à POLÍCIA e ao governo para fazê-los trabalhar o mais rápido possível e fazer uma investigação séria. 🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
Já comentei mais de uma vez sobre esse homem que queria as terras a força e também o tios das crianças que muito dinheiro pegou do Sr Babazadhe com ameaças, até sequestrou as crianças e pediu muito dinheiro e terras em troca das crianças. Mas equipe do canal, cinegrafista não lê nossos comentários.
Eu confio no Sr Babazadhe, porém desses vídeos 98% são de só mentiras
Q madurez 😢las felicito tuvieron q ellas solitas solucionar la situación, las amoo. Merecen un premio son un ejemplo ❤❤❤❤
А где дядя Али и бабушка, которым господин инженер долго и серьёзно помогал??? ОНИ очень хотели забрать всех детей себе... не плохо было бы вспомнить что с детьми их престарелый муж и отец Али, который нуждается в помощи вместе с детьми
Que grande esta Reza,como se nota que ahora no lo.mima nadie
Инженер попал наверное под подозрение власти, у него в США живут родственники, а Иран и США враги, летом приезжали родственники и инженер хотел с детьми поехать в США , его тихо и молча закрыли наверное 😢, СЕЙЧАС МЕЖДУ США И ИРАН ОЧЕНЬ НАТЯНУТОЕ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ , А так он не мог оставить детей и уехать 😢😢😢‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Grandfather we love you dearly ❤️
Curiosa para ver até onde vão com esse drama.😮
پس باید کمکشون کنیم تا بایستند شما کجای دنیا هستید هر جا که هستین فقط کمک بفرستید تا از آوارگی خلاص شوند خونه ی سرد بچهها غذا ندارند 😢😢 از همه کمک بخواهید کمک ها را جمع کنید و بفرستید بچهها خیییلی ناراحتن و گرسنه 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
@@Zahra-c1x5v Stop this propaganda. Donate yourself
Isto já esta virando palhaçada
@@Zahra-c1x5v beggars
❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ caro ingegnere è ora che riappari per favore così e triste ❤❤❤❤❤❤ amiamo la tua famiglia ❤❤❤
What are they doing for diapers for Sahil?
A možda je Babazadeh negdje u bolnici možda nije pri svjeti.Dali je itko pretražio ili se raspitivao po bolnicama?Očito da je imao neku nesreću dok su i njegovi dokumenti pronađeni u tom džipu a on nije među poginulim.
Bože dragi daj da se pojavi ovo više nije normalno.I da baš nitko ne dolazi obići djecu i dedu.
Prestrašno 😪😪😪😪
vai ter que procurar um orfanato, pra essas crianças, porque o avô não tem mais condições de cuidar,se é de viver nessas condições é melhor ir pra o orfanato, vive em uma condição extrema, passando fome tudo sujo a bebê toda suja isso é demais.
Where is the engineers brother in America, in Iran, Sister and Brother -law. All the people he has helped.
Дети неделю не ели, бодры и веселы. Играют, поют . Люди вас дурят 😅
你在說什麼話呢?一週沒吃飯早就餓死了!應該是 “三餐不繼”!
These children are not orphans. The engineer is their real father. For him to just go off and leave them is a disgrace. He is probably in prison.
He's not the real father, I believe..Why would he get a consent from the grandfather to get custody of the children?Mr. Engineer came to Fatimas life, when all the 4 children were born. Watch all the episodes and find out the real story.
Молодцы девочки продукти купили умницы
I’ve heard they make money from our comments. They don’t seem hungry so they are getting food. When the show first started there was a guy that lived with the engineer who he said was his brother. After the accident he no longer came around. If he is a brother he should be contacted and his mother. Of all the people he helped where are they to help? It wouldn’t happen here.
They know each other, they are all fake.
Bendiciones🎉 linda fam Dios las ayude y todo vuelva hacer como cuando estaba el ingeniero
Hello dear Mr. Engineer, I wish you well wherever you are. The people you had helped disappeared, not even those who would come kissing our hand and promising complete friendship. In your need you will know who in fact is your friend. Dear grandfather is amazing and the children too, they are so helpful to each other. Thanks for the video. Hope you can come back soon.
If Eran near in the Philippines, i want to visit the children and gave them a foods or contact vloger in thd Philippines very kind , and gave all the necessary needs.
These poor children have no food. Can someone take them food? What about the sister of the engineer? Where is everyone that the engineer has helped. His workers? Ali asgha?
This is character building..
No one is there to spoil them !
What a cruel person you are...
Exijo al que está grabando que lleve comida a los niños
It is not nice to fool people. The engineer will never left the children.
Donde estan esas personas que el ingeniero ayudo para puedan ayudar a los hijos y abuelo gente mal agradecida pobres niños
Yo escribí un mje reclamando a todos empezando x el q filma, la flia q no aparece, los albañiles q les daba de comer la madre el hermano, ni hablar la hermana el cuñado y todos los q recibían desesperados los bolsones q les entrego, toda esa gente menos el ingeniero son gente sin sentos no les importa nada x eso viven en ese desastre😮
No todo es color de rosa la verdad debemos seguir apoyando al canal en ls buens y malas
Верните Бабазаде на сцену, хватить мучать детей и дедушку😢😢😢
Это очень плохой спектакль😊
Si yo también sospecho de ese hombre q le ofrecia el triple fe lo q valia su tierra y se fue furioso xq el le decia q no vendia q era su hogar y se fue amenazandolo, q lo iba a dejar sin nada😮😮😮
Where is Ali Asgar their brother ??❤
Ay nasıl bakiyo kardeşine yavrum daha kendi çocuk ah anacigi olsa böylemi olurdu rabbim sen yardım et😢😢😢😢 içim parcalaniyor
Enfin un marchand gentille 😢😢
Инженер попал наверное под подозрение власти, у него в США живут родственники, а Иран и США враги, летом приезжали родственники и инженер хотел с детьми поехать в США , его тихо и молча закрыли наверное 😢, СЕЙЧАС МЕЖДУ США И ИРАН ОЧЕНЬ НАТЯНУТОЕ ПОЛИТИЧЕСКОЕ ОТНОШЕНИЕ
Meu Deus que fez o céu e a terra tem misericórdia desse ancião e das crianças, envie alguém para ajuda-los, em nome de Jesus, amém
Adorable playing on the log totally cuteness ❤️❤️
@ the producer's. Im afraid if there isnt news on Engineer or lack of return soon, you will lose viewers unfortunately.
Как жалко дедушку детей где Инженер ты так ты детей любил больно смотреть наших даже АЛЛАХ что у тебя была всё хорошо
Помните человека, который в прошлом сражался с Инженером и его рабочими? ПОЛИЦИЯ должна провести расследование и отправиться в этот дом плохого человека. В предыдущих сериях этот ловкий человек хотел землю Инженера. Для меня он самый подозрительный человек и, возможно, ответственный за исчезновение Инженера. Пожалуйста, кто-нибудь помогите этой семье. И еще: я уверен, что Инженер не бросил этих детей и не создал эту жестокую историю только для того, чтобы создать больше просмотров. Пожалуйста, ПОЛИЦИИ и правительству, чтобы они как можно скорее приступили к работе и провели серьезное расследование.🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱
Boa noite familia Saihel que tristeza ver voceis sosinhos sem mãe e sem pai misericordia aonde se encotra Babazade senhor ele que sustenta as criancas 😮😢😢😢😢😢
JE SUIS PRATIQUEMENT SUR QUE C EST DU CINEMA TOUT EST INVENTE.....MEME LE DECES DE FATIMEH.......rien n est vrai ici, dommage car on y a cru.....POURQUOI mettre au debut de chaque video l exclusion de la grand mere......C EST DU CINEMA DE LA COMEDIE...................Sinon prouvez moi le contraire en commentaire......pour l instant j ai demande au cameran qui n a jamais repondu.................D habitude je n ai aucune traduction du resumé et là j en ai : c est du mauvais cinema mais C EST DU CINEMA....RIEN EST REEL
Оператор я смотру много каналов Иранские этих каналох памогають оператори дажа строй матерял пакупають каждое утро приносят и еду и дажа собакам еду ави дажа нисможете хлеб купит вы что за человек вам нестидно их снимат сколько дней они голодни седять дажа хлеба нет уних оператор вас надо судить увас нет жалости ониже дети авы навшоть их денги делаеш дай Бог чтоби Инженер вернулас🤲🤲🤲🤲❤❤❤❤патерпите деточьки Папа вернёца квам
Rena is being so sweet to his sister
Умницы девочки❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉
it nice if i understand what is these all about english please
there is a little white box o the right side on top press it twice will be a message in english what they are saying ok
Ужас ,не возможно смотреть на дедушку и детей. 😢😢😢
Deduska chistij i v poriadke, Shahil needs diapers and not to go on frozen ground outside
Deduska chistij i v poriadke, Shahil needs diapers and not to go on frozen ground outside
Tadinho certa meu coração de vê - Lo assim triste,
Poor babies they take care of themselves. Reza loves his little sister.
Grand Pa , where are your family ? Why they didn't help you while Engineer is not arround you and the kids , you are too old to feed the children they are too small without Mother and Father to look after them ?So Sad to see everytime I open this Channel of Sahel 😢😢😢
Câmara que triste Pará essas crianças perderam a mãe i opai está desaparecido que Deus abençoe que oemgeiro volte Pará cuidar das crianças ❤❤❤❤❤
😢😢😢😢😢😢Çok acı insanları üzmek
Proud of you girls ❤️❤️