Decided to scrap a timestamp list together since nobody else's done it and I had the time to try Might be off by some seconds, I went solely off of the song lengths listed in the Discogs page, combining them with a time calculator and adding the length of each song to the last. Doesn't account for gaps between songs. 0:00 Dancehall Devastation 7:46 Get So ExXxcited!!! 12:09 Ole Olew Junkyard Remix 18:38 New Breed 23:25 Untouchables 27:55 Labba Labba 32:22 Distorted Species 38:15 Meloko Dolomo 44:23 Black Flag 49:10 One Sharp Knife 54:37 Can't Sleep 59:48 Ouh Ahh, Fucking More! 1:05:02 Lewd Violence 1:07:01 Outro
@@birdlover8968 no problem! i think it does get more and more inaccurate as the video goes on, due to song gaps and stuff, but at the very least it's a tracklist, so that's something
The first track is called "Dancehall Devastation." I guess I didn't bother with timestamps back in 2016, but I'll put them there eventually. You can always check the Discogs link in the desc as well!
This is one of the heaviest and most insanely produced albums I've ever heard!!! Super impressive!!!
it is ridiculous, also worth checking out is: Cardopusher - Unity Means Power
@@sherekahnn that’s my favorite album!!!! Yes totally recommend that aswell
Welcome to Rennes city
Dude I am in love with the bass in this
I fookin miss this label!
Decided to scrap a timestamp list together since nobody else's done it and I had the time to try
Might be off by some seconds, I went solely off of the song lengths listed in the Discogs page, combining them with a time calculator and adding the length of each song to the last. Doesn't account for gaps between songs.
0:00 Dancehall Devastation
7:46 Get So ExXxcited!!!
12:09 Ole Olew Junkyard Remix
18:38 New Breed
23:25 Untouchables
27:55 Labba Labba
32:22 Distorted Species
38:15 Meloko Dolomo
44:23 Black Flag
49:10 One Sharp Knife
54:37 Can't Sleep
59:48 Ouh Ahh, Fucking More!
1:05:02 Lewd Violence
1:07:01 Outro
ay thanks bro!
@@birdlover8968 no problem! i think it does get more and more inaccurate as the video goes on, due to song gaps and stuff, but at the very least it's a tracklist, so that's something
Super wow!
This album fucks so hard
This sounds pretty good
Last tune Awesome! So strong!
Unbeatable !!! Go frank !!!
l'apogée de la musique
Dance hall devastated.
Does this artist have an alias
Mr. Kill is the only other one I actually know of, though I assume he has many others
ye, the most popular one being "Repeater"
24:35 song?
22:47 Rotator - Untouchables
whats the first song hngnngnh
The first track is called "Dancehall Devastation." I guess I didn't bother with timestamps back in 2016, but I'll put them there eventually. You can always check the Discogs link in the desc as well!
@@drunkyokaiTHANK YOUUU
Ca c'est pour les Bretons!