I can’t believe your channel hasn’t blown up yet. I love that you take into account your menstrual cycle and fertility. It’s so rare to get information on health for the female body!
Thank you so much Kayla, this is so deeply insightful. I went through awful eczema and an ectopic pregnancy and so it’s lovely to have access to this information - I believe that both of those events have taught me so so much about healing naturally, looking after the body and of course working through trauma. You’re a huge role model!!
Finally! I've been following the content of Bryan Johnson, but it never fully connected to me as a woman...your protocol really speaks to me. Your website is wonderful too, thank you for the information and content!
Hello Kayla. If you didn't have time for this long morning routine but let's say you had only 30 minutes. What would be the most important things to do? Thank you
Thank you for sharing this! It’s so great to see what your normal routine is, and seeing how we can make small adjustments and compare to think about what changes we can make! Your insight into everything you do is also super informative!
When you say you only cold plunge during the follicular phase and ovulation, does that include during your bleed? I've always felt (and been told) that cold is hard on the female body during the bleed, but technically the follicular phase begins right when we start bleeding... so can you please clarify? 🙏🫶🏼
For HBOT how many session do you need for it to be effective? There is a clinic near me that has one and I would like to try but is once a week okay or does it need to be more often? It is expensive so trying to me mindful
It depends on what it is for! If it is acute, a few sessions can help, but for longevity you want to do 40 sessions. We are filming on hyperbaric today and it will be out in the next week or so with all of the details.
Dear Kayla, Thank you so much for sharing all this! I am from Brazil and love your content. I didn’t understand the info about cold plunge for us, women. May you please detail it, when we should do it and when not according to our cycle? Thank you in advance ❤️
Thank you for this interesting video. I have a question. Since your doing sunlight and red light therapy will you do your skincare with spf after your morning routine ? When to incorporate those steps? Greetings from germany❤
Do you recommend having a clean face with no skin care product or sun screen on when doing red light therapy? Also is it imperative that we wear goggles? Thank you so much for this information I’m so excited to curate a better morning routine!
YES! Do red light with clean skin! Re: goggles it depends on the brand, they will say. There are actually some studies to support improving vision with red light therapy when in peripheral, but you shouldn't start directly into it and consult with the brand!
Such a great content, i have a request about the water been wasted while your do your oral routine, there are many places in the world where scarcity of water is high... So, pls close the tap when you dont need the water mam... Thank you... Love the content...
I bought Celtic salt and just use that for electrolytes in my water. I did away with LMNT bc I wasn't crazy about how the flavor made me feel. I feel like salt is just easier. Does that work?
Since your aim is to become very old, I would definitely skip the sauna part to achieve that goal. Sauna heats you up, thereby accelerating your general metabolism, and with that probably make your individual cells aging much faster. That is, they divide faster, and with each division, the telomeres of the chromosomes become shorter. After about 52 divisions, the telomeres are chewed up and the cell dies. - Aging! (There is a scientific paper by Oei et al., which states: "The highest heat sensitivity can be observed during the M-phase, with damage of cellular mitotic apparatus leading to inefficient cell division and polyploidy. Hyperthermia induces a 'slow mode of cell death' in S- and M-phase, while cells heated during G1-phase may enter a 'rapid mode of death'.)
Aloha Kayla, thank you so much for sharing your morning routine. After you do oil pulling where do you dispose of the oil? Weird question but thinking you dont dispose it down the drain.
Tanto que queremos vivir en mundo vacío y cada día peor solo lo que tenemos hijos sabemos que no hay futuro para ellos que estamos luchando con algo más grande cada día para tener el mismo destino que es la muerte
I’m happy for her but only 10% of the US population has “time and money” to maintain the routine. It’s hard enough to get people to move their body.😩 But, I love seeing it though. We need a woman Liver King without the steroids.
HUGE fan from Instagram and I had no idea you had a TH-cam channel, I’m in heaven
I love this! Just started posting!
Love the video! If I was rich and unemployed I would totally follow this morning routine too
She's wealthy but I wouldn't say unemployed. She's a busy woman
I can’t believe your channel hasn’t blown up yet. I love that you take into account your menstrual cycle and fertility. It’s so rare to get information on health for the female body!
Thank you so much! Please subscribe and share if you can! I would love to get this information out
Love this Kayla, obsessed with bio hacking my morning routine and it feels so good to be optimising it. Thankyou
I feel blessed that you’re sharing all of this with us
Please also do an evening routine
@@sallysimpson77 working on it ❤️
The value this video provides is truly exceptional!
Thank you so much for sharing! 🙏
more of these videos please this was amazing!!!! would love to see your evening routine
Yes! We are filming that next! Thank you for being here!
Thanks for this episode!
The quality tier of this content is outstanding. Thanks!
Glad you enjoy it!
This was only the beginning!
Thanks so much. Very interesting, I like 😊
Thank you so much Kayla, this is so deeply insightful. I went through awful eczema and an ectopic pregnancy and so it’s lovely to have access to this information - I believe that both of those events have taught me so so much about healing naturally, looking after the body and of course working through trauma. You’re a huge role model!!
@@zarax8203 thank you so much for watching and commenting!! I’m so glad you’re here!
@@KaylaBarnesLentz aww me too! Please open a practice in the UK one day, would love that 😊
Such a good and helpful video
This is amazing! Thank you for your knowledge and guidance.
@@Bbbdddeeeii Thank You for Watching!
Finally! I've been following the content of Bryan Johnson, but it never fully connected to me as a woman...your protocol really speaks to me. Your website is wonderful too, thank you for the information and content!
Thank you so much! I love to hear this!
I feel the same way
Thank you for this!
What brand of toothpaste?
Sharing this with everyone I know. Top tier content creation.
Loved this Kayla. What stainless steal pan brand is the best price in your opinion?
Just found your channel, thx for covering longevity
So happy you are here!
Underrated. Needs more views
@@NathanPascua Thank You!
Hello Kayla. If you didn't have time for this long morning routine but let's say you had only 30 minutes. What would be the most important things to do? Thank you
Thank you for sharing this! It’s so great to see what your normal routine is, and seeing how we can make small adjustments and compare to think about what changes we can make! Your insight into everything you do is also super informative!
Thank you Kayla. Its so great! Hugs from Argentina! 💜
Hugs back! Thank you for being here!
I thoroughly enjoyed every second of this. Thank you for sharing your lifestyle & tips. ❤
You are amazing! It has nothing to do with your video but I just need to let you know: your hair is goals!!!
@@CassiaTavares ah thank you!!!
Are there any other PEMF devices you recommend that are more affordable? These range from 13-31k 🤯 Or anything else for mitochondria health? Thanks!
Thank you for sharing! On a regular day, how long does it take you from wake up to finishing breakfast? Do you always workout while fasting?
I loved this video. Very informative and good vibes. Im gonna try LMNT with your code.
Love it!
Yay I love that!!! Looking forward to more incredible content 😍
Thank you Kayla! Role model for sure! ❤
Love this! Thank you for being here!
When you say you only cold plunge during the follicular phase and ovulation, does that include during your bleed? I've always felt (and been told) that cold is hard on the female body during the bleed, but technically the follicular phase begins right when we start bleeding... so can you please clarify? 🙏🫶🏼
For HBOT how many session do you need for it to be effective? There is a clinic near me that has one and I would like to try but is once a week okay or does it need to be more often? It is expensive so trying to me mindful
It depends on what it is for! If it is acute, a few sessions can help, but for longevity you want to do 40 sessions. We are filming on hyperbaric today and it will be out in the next week or so with all of the details.
Dear Kayla, Thank you so much for sharing all this! I am from Brazil and love your content. I didn’t understand the info about cold plunge for us, women. May you please detail it, when we should do it and when not according to our cycle? Thank you in advance ❤️
Thank you for this interesting video. I have a question. Since your doing sunlight and red light therapy will you do your skincare with spf after your morning routine ? When to incorporate those steps? Greetings from germany❤
Adore this thank you xxx
I love it! Thanks for sharing ❤ can’t wait to implement all of it into my routine with time :)
Do you recommend having a clean face with no skin care product or sun screen on when doing red light therapy? Also is it imperative that we wear goggles? Thank you so much for this information I’m so excited to curate a better morning routine!
YES! Do red light with clean skin! Re: goggles it depends on the brand, they will say. There are actually some studies to support improving vision with red light therapy when in peripheral, but you shouldn't start directly into it and consult with the brand!
Such a great content, i have a request about the water been wasted while your do your oral routine, there are many places in the world where scarcity of water is high... So, pls close the tap when you dont need the water mam... Thank you... Love the content...
Great video!
I bought Celtic salt and just use that for electrolytes in my water. I did away with LMNT bc I wasn't crazy about how the flavor made me feel. I feel like salt is just easier. Does that work?
Please turn the water off during your oral health routine next time :)
love love love! thank you for sharing! one note, the raw milk is no longer raw when heated with eggs :)
Is Primal Life Organics the brand you mentioned? ❤
Love it!
Thank you!
can you please recommend any mouth wash and a tooth paste?
I'm curious, what do you do in relation to birth control, when you not trying to get pregnant?
Since your aim is to become very old, I would definitely skip the sauna part to achieve that goal. Sauna heats you up, thereby accelerating your general metabolism, and with that probably make your individual cells aging much faster. That is, they divide faster, and with each division, the telomeres of the chromosomes become shorter. After about 52 divisions, the telomeres are chewed up and the cell dies. - Aging! (There is a scientific paper by Oei et al., which states: "The highest heat sensitivity can be observed during the M-phase, with damage of cellular mitotic apparatus leading to inefficient cell division and polyploidy. Hyperthermia induces a 'slow mode of cell death' in S- and M-phase, while cells heated during G1-phase may enter a 'rapid mode of death'.)
Aloha Kayla, thank you so much for sharing your morning routine. After you do oil pulling where do you dispose of the oil? Weird question but thinking you dont dispose it down the drain.
What was the brand of the redlight for your mouth/gums?
Where do you find time to watch Gilmore Girls?
what toothpaste do you use?
What machine do you use to obtain all of your biometrics?
You’re so elegant 😍
I understand the motivation to live better, but sometimes I feel people is too afraid of death.
It’s not always about longevity for everyone, rather the number of years spent in health and no chronic illness
Im from India, Your Thumbnail is Very attractive, 😍 eye catchy who is your desiner?
Tanto que queremos vivir en mundo vacío y cada día peor solo lo que tenemos hijos sabemos que no hay futuro para ellos que estamos luchando con algo más grande cada día para tener el mismo destino que es la muerte
Hey Kayla, could you please share your biolagical dentist site/contact so I can reach out? Thanks!
S Tier Consoomer
In a perfect world. So much stress and money. Progress not perfection 🤔
I’m happy for her but only 10% of the US population has “time and money” to maintain the routine.
It’s hard enough to get people to move their body.😩
But, I love seeing it though. We need a woman Liver King without the steroids.
Thank you!
Thought you need acid for digestion. Not alkaline. Alkaline for blood.
Thanks for the content and breaking it down for the people 🫶
@@Jessie-nt2sj thank you for watching!
Lol if this was real you wouldn't be selling anything. Just another health influencer scam
God what a waste of money
Thank you for sharing this informations with us! 🙂🫶🏼🙏🏼
@@stoicafelicia7094 thank you for watching!
Love that I know about your TH-cam channel! Also would love to be considered for the giveaway! Thanks, Kayla!