MC ORSEN - Warning slowed + reverb

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024
  • Use headphones
    Also, MC ORSEN is extremely underrated so make sure to go check him out, all credit where its due.
    photo -

ความคิดเห็น • 201

  • @Notk0
    @Notk0 ปีที่แล้ว +458

    this song makes me want to go and fight 7 dudes, win, and realize it was on easy mode.

    • @draco3186
      @draco3186 ปีที่แล้ว +11


    • @varakas-ita
      @varakas-ita ปีที่แล้ว +11


    • @polarmemes
      @polarmemes ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Why is this so true

    • @ksfet9669
      @ksfet9669 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@varakas-ita О,вы из англии

    • @Majle_Brat
      @Majle_Brat ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah right same filling

  • @LeRatMK52648
    @LeRatMK52648 2 ปีที่แล้ว +118

    Motivation 5000000000000000% 🔥🔥🔥💪🏻🗿

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      ¹² Ainda tenho muito que vos dizer, mas vós não o podeis suportar agora.
      ¹³ Mas, quando vier aquele Espírito de verdade, ele vos guiará em toda a verdade; porque não falará de si mesmo, mas dirá tudo o que tiver ouvido, e vos anunciará o que há de vir.
      ¹⁴ Ele me glorificará, porque há de receber do que é meu, e vo-lo há de anunciar.
      ¹⁵ Tudo quanto o Pai tem é meu; por isso vos disse que há de receber do que é meu e vo-lo há de anunciar.
      ¹⁶ Um pouco, e não me vereis; e outra vez um pouco, e ver-me-eis; porquanto vou para o Pai.
      ¹⁷ Então alguns dos seus discípulos disseram uns aos outros: Que é isto que nos diz? Um pouco, e não me vereis; e outra vez um pouco, e ver-me-eis; e: Porquanto vou para o Pai?
      ¹⁸ Diziam, pois: Que quer dizer isto: Um pouco? Não sabemos o que diz.
      ¹⁹ Conheceu, pois, Jesus que o queriam interrogar, e disse-lhes: Indagais entre vós acerca disto que disse: Um pouco, e não me vereis, e outra vez um pouco, e ver-me-eis?
      João 16:12-19

    • @Ihatemomo
      @Ihatemomo 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Hail our lord and saviour! ✝

  • @mxnzcraft
    @mxnzcraft ปีที่แล้ว +14

    This song makes me wanna listen to it

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      35 E aquele que o viu testificou, e o seu testemunho é verdadeiro; e sabe que é verdade o que diz, para que também vós o creiais.
      36 Porque isto aconteceu para que se cumprisse a Escritura, que diz: Nenhum dos seus ossos será quebrado.
      37 E outra vez diz a Escritura: Verão aquele que traspassaram.
      38 Depois disto, José de Arimatéia (o que era discípulo de Jesus, mas oculto, por medo dos judeus) rogou a Pilatos que lhe permitisse tirar o corpo de Jesus. E Pilatos lho permitiu. Então foi e tirou o corpo de Jesus.
      39 E foi também Nicodemos (aquele que anteriormente se dirigira de noite a Jesus), levando quase cem arráteis de um composto de mirra e aloés.
      40 Tomaram, pois, o corpo de Jesus e o envolveram em lençóis com as especiarias, como os judeus costumam fazer, na preparação para o sepulcro.
      41 E havia um horto naquele lugar onde fora crucificado, e no horto um sepulcro novo, em que ainda ninguém havia sido posto.
      42 Ali, pois (por causa da preparação dos judeus, e por estar perto aquele sepulcro), puseram a Jesus.

  • @zuu44n32
    @zuu44n32 ปีที่แล้ว +109

    This song makes me want to fight ohio's final boss

    • @deathcost822
      @deathcost822 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Yeah, The Backrooms’ final entity

    • @Lucky_razberybun4657
      @Lucky_razberybun4657 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ³⁶ Respondeu Jesus: O meu reino não é deste mundo; se o meu reino fosse deste mundo, pelejariam os meus servos, para que eu não fosse entregue aos judeus; mas agora o meu reino não é daqui.
      ³⁷ Disse-lhe, pois, Pilatos: Logo tu és rei? Jesus respondeu: Tu dizes que eu sou rei. Eu para isso nasci, e para isso vim ao mundo, a fim de dar testemunho da verdade. Todo aquele que é da verdade ouve a minha voz.
      ³⁸ Disse-lhe Pilatos: Que é a verdade? E, dizendo isto, tornou a ir ter com os judeus, e disse-lhes: Não acho nele crime algum.
      ³⁹ Mas vós tendes por costume que eu vos solte alguém pela páscoa. Quereis, pois, que vos solte o Rei dos Judeus?
      ⁴⁰ Então todos tornaram a clamar, dizendo: Este não, mas Barrabás. E Barrabás era um salteador.
      João 18:36-40

    • @zuu44n32
      @zuu44n32 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@martinssegundodidnt understand a single word but i am a muslim

    • @Justin-yt7pi
      @Justin-yt7pi 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Me against Israel’s final boss.

  • @India_is_Dad
    @India_is_Dad 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Power of Russian phonk 🍷🗿🇷🇺🇮🇳

  • @jarrodpunkinman2460
    @jarrodpunkinman2460 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This song makes me feel like ohma🥶

  • @yowassup2506
    @yowassup2506 2 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    when on 1.25 💀

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹¹ Respondeu Jesus: Nenhum poder terias contra mim, se de cima não te fosse dado; mas aquele que me entregou a ti maior pecado tem.
      ¹² Desde então Pilatos procurava soltá-lo; mas os judeus clamavam, dizendo: Se soltas este, não és amigo de César; qualquer que se faz rei é contra César.
      ¹³ Ouvindo, pois, Pilatos este dito, levou Jesus para fora, e assentou-se no tribunal, no lugar chamado Litóstrotos, e em hebraico Gabatá.
      ¹⁴ E era a preparação da páscoa, e quase à hora sexta; e disse aos judeus: Eis aqui o vosso Rei.
      ¹⁵ Mas eles bradaram: Tira, tira, crucifica-o. Disse-lhes Pilatos: Hei de crucificar o vosso Rei? Responderam os principais dos sacerdotes: Não temos rei, senão César.
      ¹⁶ Então, consequentemente entregou-lho, para que fosse crucificado. E tomaram a Jesus, e o levaram.
      ¹⁷ E, levando ele às costas a sua cruz, saiu para o lugar chamado Caveira, que em hebraico se chama Gólgota,
      ¹⁸ Onde o crucificaram, e com ele outros dois, um de cada lado, e Jesus no meio.
      João 19:11-18

  • @qe2i
    @qe2i ปีที่แล้ว +12


    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      ¹³ E disseram-lhe eles: Mulher, por que choras? Ela lhes disse: Porque levaram o meu Senhor, e não sei onde o puseram.
      ¹⁴ E, tendo dito isto, voltou-se para trás, e viu Jesus em pé, mas não sabia que era Jesus.
      ¹⁵ Disse-lhe Jesus: Mulher, por que choras? Quem buscas? Ela, cuidando que era o hortelão, disse-lhe: Senhor, se tu o levaste, dize-me onde o puseste, e eu o levarei.
      ¹⁶ Disse-lhe Jesus: Maria! Ela, voltando-se, disse-lhe: Raboni, que quer dizer: Mestre.
      ¹⁷ Disse-lhe Jesus: Não me detenhas, porque ainda não subi para meu Pai, mas vai para meus irmãos, e dize-lhes que eu subo para meu Pai e vosso Pai, meu Deus e vosso Deus.
      ¹⁸ Maria Madalena foi e anunciou aos discípulos que vira o Senhor, e que ele lhe dissera isto.
      ¹⁹ Chegada, pois, a tarde daquele dia, o primeiro da semana, e cerradas as portas onde os discípulos, com medo dos judeus, se tinham ajuntado, chegou Jesus, e pôs-se no meio, e disse-lhes: Paz seja convosco.
      João 20:13-19

  • @eltamanonoimporta9863
    @eltamanonoimporta9863 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Fuerza, Potencia de golpes, Velocidad de golpes, Combate, Velocidad, Agilidad, Flexibilidad, Reflejos, Reaccion, Durabilidad, Resitencia, Equipamiento, Armas, Artilugios, Conocimiento, Inteligencia, Inteligencia en combate, Experiencia, Experiencia en combate, Habilidad, Adaptabilidad, Ofensiva, Defensiva

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹ Jesus falou assim e, levantando seus olhos ao céu, e disse: Pai, é chegada a hora; glorifica a teu Filho, para que também o teu Filho te glorifique a ti;
      ² Assim como lhe deste poder sobre toda a carne, para que dê a vida eterna a todos quantos lhe deste.
      ³ E a vida eterna é esta: que te conheçam, a ti só, por único Deus verdadeiro, e a Jesus Cristo, a quem enviaste.
      ⁴ Eu glorifiquei-te na terra, tendo consumado a obra que me deste a fazer.
      ⁵ E agora glorifica-me tu, ó Pai, junto de ti mesmo, com aquela glória que tinha contigo antes que o mundo existisse.
      ⁶ Manifestei o teu nome aos homens que do mundo me deste; eram teus, e tu mos deste, e guardaram a tua palavra.
      ⁷ Agora já têm conhecido que tudo quanto me deste provém de ti;
      ⁸ Porque lhes dei as palavras que tu me deste; e eles as receberam, e têm verdadeiramente conhecido que saí de ti, e creram que me enviaste.
      ⁹ Eu rogo por eles; não rogo pelo mundo, mas por aqueles que me deste, porque são teus.
      ¹⁰ E todas as minhas coisas são tuas, e as tuas coisas são minhas; e neles sou glorificado.
      João 17:1-10

  • @16.leminhkhoi40
    @16.leminhkhoi40 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I love this song!

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹¹ E eu já não estou mais no mundo, mas eles estão no mundo, e eu vou para ti. Pai santo, guarda em teu nome aqueles que me deste, para que sejam um, assim como nós.
      ¹² Estando eu com eles no mundo, guardava-os em teu nome. Tenho guardado aqueles que tu me deste, e nenhum deles se perdeu, senão o filho da perdição, para que a Escritura se cumprisse.
      ¹³ Mas agora vou para ti, e digo isto no mundo, para que tenham a minha alegria completa em si mesmos.
      ¹⁴ Dei-lhes a tua palavra, e o mundo os odiou, porque não são do mundo, assim como eu não sou do mundo.
      ¹⁵ Não peço que os tires do mundo, mas que os livres do mal.
      ¹⁶ Não são do mundo, como eu do mundo não sou.
      ¹⁷ Santifica-os na tua verdade; a tua palavra é a verdade.
      ¹⁸ Assim como tu me enviaste ao mundo, também eu os enviei ao mundo.
      ¹⁹ E por eles me santifico a mim mesmo, para que também eles sejam santificados na verdade.
      João 17:11-19

  • @Rip_isaac662
    @Rip_isaac662 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Glock tights Glock tights

  • @linhgia1753
    @linhgia1753 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    excellent 🤯

  • @2004alex
    @2004alex ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @dave.hans1944
    @dave.hans1944 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    suena mejor que la original y casi en 8d

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ²⁷ E Pedro negou outra vez, e logo o galo cantou.
      ²⁸ Depois levaram Jesus da casa de Caifás para a audiência. E era pela manhã cedo. E não entraram na audiência, para não se contaminarem, mas poderem comer a páscoa.
      ²⁹ Então Pilatos saiu fora e disse-lhes: Que acusação trazeis contra este homem?
      ³⁰ Responderam, e disseram-lhe: Se este não fosse malfeitor, não to entregaríamos.
      ³¹ Disse-lhes, pois, Pilatos: Levai-o vós, e julgai-o segundo a vossa lei. Disseram-lhe então os judeus: A nós não nos é lícito matar pessoa alguma.
      ³² (Para que se cumprisse a palavra que Jesus tinha dito, significando de que morte havia de morrer).
      ³³ Tornou, pois, a entrar Pilatos na audiência, e chamou a Jesus, e disse-lhe: Tu és o Rei dos Judeus?
      ³⁴ Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Tu dizes isso de ti mesmo, ou disseram-to outros de mim?
      ³⁵ Pilatos respondeu: Porventura sou eu judeu? A tua nação e os principais dos sacerdotes entregaram-te a mim. Que fizeste?
      João 18:27-35

  • @saymonmoreira4645
    @saymonmoreira4645 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15


  • @kaanhan5423
    @kaanhan5423 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    The world is mine

  • @van5408
    @van5408 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I feel like im a Chad.

  • @Thebeast33524
    @Thebeast33524 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The thinker solos

  • @kaspiankaspian3195
    @kaspiankaspian3195 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    its cool

  • @Kakarot.939.
    @Kakarot.939. 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    0.95 coustum

  • @steel3z3u59
    @steel3z3u59 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    This one doesn’t sound as static as the rest.

  • @downwitthe1876
    @downwitthe1876 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    am i the only one that gets very sad over this song

    • @yougotcaged9744
      @yougotcaged9744 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Heartbroken vibes

    • @yougotcaged9744
      @yougotcaged9744 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Can feel it too

    • @madebygamers-qv8ti
      @madebygamers-qv8ti ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Some days ago me and my friend were angry and we were soo angry at each other at break time i was sitting in front desk. but he comes and sit on the desk "where we put our notebook" i said why are you sitting here .he said what will you do. he punched me in my ribcage bone. at that moment i was soo much angry that my brain said " glock tight". i can't control my tears i punched him. he stands. then i stand and said do you wana fight me he was silent like he had a fear of me. the prefect of the school comes .and i was crying and go and put my notebook in my bag and punched so hard on the desk that there is a crack in the desk. then he took us to head master .when i was going i cleared my tears and then the master said ok do not fight again.

  • @diegogonzalez5852
    @diegogonzalez5852 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    me da energia pa no perder en los juegos xD🤑🤑🤑

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹⁹ E Pilatos escreveu também um título, e pô-lo em cima da cruz; e nele estava escrito: JESUS NAZARENO, O REI DOS JUDEUS.
      ²⁰ E muitos dos judeus leram este título; porque o lugar onde Jesus estava crucificado era próximo da cidade; e estava escrito em hebraico, grego e latim.
      ²¹ Diziam, pois, os principais sacerdotes dos judeus a Pilatos: Não escrevas, O Rei dos Judeus, mas que ele disse: Sou o Rei dos Judeus.
      ²² Respondeu Pilatos: O que escrevi, escrevi.
      ²³ Tendo, pois, os soldados crucificado a Jesus, tomaram as suas vestes, e fizeram quatro partes, para cada soldado uma parte; e também a túnica. A túnica, porém, tecida toda de alto a baixo, não tinha costura.
      ²⁴ Disseram, pois, uns aos outros: Não a rasguemos, mas lancemos sortes sobre ela, para ver de quem será. Para que se cumprisse a Escritura que diz: Repartiram entre si as minhas vestes, E sobre a minha vestidura lançaram sortes. Os soldados, pois, fizeram estas coisas.
      ²⁵ E junto à cruz de Jesus estava sua mãe, e a irmã de sua mãe, Maria mulher de Clopas, e Maria Madalena.
      João 19:19-25

  • @jeval884
    @jeval884 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This song makes me fell like fight all those villian

  • @hollow12345
    @hollow12345 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I played it inside of the class and i saw everyone spamming sigma emotes and faces :|

  • @josefernando9294
    @josefernando9294 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7


  • @heheboy2720
    @heheboy2720 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ²⁶ Ora Jesus, vendo ali sua mãe, e que o discípulo a quem ele amava estava presente, disse a sua mãe: Mulher, eis aí o teu filho.
      ²⁷ Depois disse ao discípulo: Eis aí tua mãe. E desde aquela hora o discípulo a recebeu em sua casa.
      ²⁸ Depois, sabendo Jesus que já todas as coisas estavam terminadas, para que a Escritura se cumprisse, disse: Tenho sede.
      ²⁹ Estava, pois, ali um vaso cheio de vinagre. E encheram de vinagre uma esponja, e, pondo-a num hissopo, lha chegaram à boca.
      ³⁰ E, quando Jesus tomou o vinagre, disse: Está consumado. E, inclinando a cabeça, entregou o espírito.
      ³¹ Os judeus, pois, para que no sábado não ficassem os corpos na cruz, visto como era a preparação (pois era grande o dia de sábado), rogaram a Pilatos que se lhes quebrassem as pernas, e fossem tirados.
      ³² Foram, pois, os soldados, e, na verdade, quebraram as pernas ao primeiro, e ao outro que como ele fora crucificado;
      ³³ Mas, vindo a Jesus, e vendo-o já morto, não lhe quebraram as pernas.
      ³⁴ Contudo um dos soldados lhe furou o lado com uma lança, e logo saiu sangue e água.
      João 19:26-34

  • @nationstremblebeforeme1487
    @nationstremblebeforeme1487 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When Dutch finally gets to Tahiti

  • @aiyomjumaev8880
    @aiyomjumaev8880 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Who is sigma?

  • @barborachristova6532
    @barborachristova6532 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @cheefqueef6494
    @cheefqueef6494 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @Donkeyasskicker
    @Donkeyasskicker ปีที่แล้ว +3

    What application for slow speed

    • @extc3217
      @extc3217  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I use adobe premiere. Most of the songs I do this for I also add low pass to the beginning to make it sound like the song gets louder. The reverb I also tweak with for each song. The ‘stock’ ones are not great for this kinda stuff.

    • @EagleTjYt
      @EagleTjYt ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@extc3217 bro This amazing I’m addicted to it Good job

    • @extc3217
      @extc3217  ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@EagleTjYt thank you brotha 💜

  • @justicedriggs5617
    @justicedriggs5617 ปีที่แล้ว +86

    I'm ready to solo all of the multiverse

    • @hhuy4341
      @hhuy4341 ปีที่แล้ว

      And then get beat by an average American if actually tried

    • @hhuy4341
      @hhuy4341 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Like imagine losing to an average American lol

    • @hhuy4341
      @hhuy4341 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      While he's eating a whole box of pizza

    • @JigsaW-goat
      @JigsaW-goat ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@hhuy4341 lmfaoooooo

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      18 Assim como tu me enviaste ao mundo, também eu os enviei ao mundo.
      19 E por eles me santifico a mim mesmo, para que também eles sejam santificados na verdade.
      20 E não rogo somente por estes, mas também por aqueles que pela tua palavra hão de crer em mim;
      21 Para que todos sejam um, como tu, ó Pai, o és em mim, e eu em ti; que também eles sejam um em nós, para que o mundo creia que tu me enviaste.
      22 E eu dei-lhes a glória que a mim me deste, para que sejam um, como nós somos um.
      23 Eu neles, e tu em mim, para que eles sejam perfeitos em unidade, e para que o mundo conheça que tu me enviaste a mim, e que os tens amado a eles como me tens amado a mim.
      24 Pai, aqueles que me deste quero que, onde eu estiver, também eles estejam comigo, para que vejam a minha glória que me deste; porque tu me amaste antes da fundação do mundo.
      25 Pai justo, o mundo não te conheceu; mas eu te conheci, e estes conheceram que tu me enviaste a mim.
      26 E eu lhes fiz conhecer o teu nome, e lho farei conhecer mais, para que o amor com que me tens amado esteja neles, e eu neles esteja.

  • @elirix2589
    @elirix2589 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    Bro that ford focus in the video looks fire

    • @extc3217
      @extc3217  ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      ¹² Então a coorte, e o tribuno, e os servos dos judeus prenderam a Jesus e o maniataram.
      ¹³ E conduziram-no primeiramente a Anás, por ser sogro de Caifás, que era o sumo sacerdote daquele ano.
      ¹⁴ Ora, Caifás era quem tinha aconselhado aos judeus que convinha que um homem morresse pelo povo.
      ¹⁵ E Simão Pedro e outro discípulo seguiam a Jesus. E este discípulo era conhecido do sumo sacerdote, e entrou com Jesus na sala do sumo sacerdote.
      ¹⁶ E Pedro estava da parte de fora, à porta. Saiu então o outro discípulo que era conhecido do sumo sacerdote, e falou à porteira, levando Pedro para dentro.
      ¹⁷ Então a porteira disse a Pedro: Não és tu também dos discípulos deste homem? Disse ele: Não sou.
      ¹⁸ Ora, estavam ali os servos e os servidores, que tinham feito brasas, e se aquentavam, porque fazia frio; e com eles estava Pedro, aquentando-se também.
      João 18:12-18

  • @DrGglock
    @DrGglock 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    Increíble 👿!!!!

  • @CarterM2008
    @CarterM2008 ปีที่แล้ว +71

    Makes me wanna go to Backrooms and have an entity as a pet.

    • @maxgaming2521
      @maxgaming2521 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      🗿 same

    • @Lazy_Max
      @Lazy_Max ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @GrandpriestmilesTT
      @GrandpriestmilesTT 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Makes me want to fucking workout

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹⁹ E o sumo sacerdote interrogou Jesus acerca dos seus discípulos e da sua doutrina.
      ²⁰ Jesus lhe respondeu: Eu falei abertamente ao mundo; eu sempre ensinei na sinagoga e no templo, onde os judeus sempre se ajuntam, e nada disse em oculto.
      ²¹ Para que me perguntas a mim? Pergunta aos que ouviram o que é que lhes ensinei; eis que eles sabem o que eu lhes tenho dito.
      ²² E, tendo dito isto, um dos servidores que ali estavam, deu uma bofetada em Jesus, dizendo: Assim respondes ao sumo sacerdote?
      ²³ Respondeu-lhe Jesus: Se falei mal, dá testemunho do mal; e, se bem, por que me feres?
      ²⁴ E Anás mandou-o, maniatado, ao sumo sacerdote Caifás.
      ²⁵ E Simão Pedro estava ali, e aquentava-se. Disseram-lhe, pois: Não és também tu um dos seus discípulos? Ele negou, e disse: Não sou.
      ²⁶ E um dos servos do sumo sacerdote, parente daquele a quem Pedro cortara a orelha, disse: Não te vi eu no horto com ele?
      João 18:19-26

  • @NyxRyuk
    @NyxRyuk ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Con esta canción me dan ganas reventarme en el gym el doble de lo que ya me reviento 🔥🔥🔥☠️☠️☠️

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹ Tendo Jesus dito isto, saiu com os seus discípulos para além do ribeiro de Cedrom, onde havia um horto, no qual ele entrou e seus discípulos.
      ² E Judas, que o traía, também conhecia aquele lugar, porque Jesus muitas vezes se ajuntava ali com os seus discípulos.
      ³ Tendo, pois, Judas recebido a coorte e oficiais dos principais sacerdotes e fariseus, veio para ali com lanternas, e archotes e armas.
      ⁴ Sabendo, pois, Jesus todas as coisas que sobre ele haviam de vir, adiantou-se, e disse-lhes: A quem buscais?
      ⁵ Responderam-lhe: A Jesus Nazareno. Disse-lhes Jesus: Sou eu. E Judas, que o traía, estava com eles.
      ⁶ Quando, pois, lhes disse: Sou eu, recuaram, e caíram por terra.
      ⁷ Tornou-lhes, pois, a perguntar: A quem buscais? E eles disseram: A Jesus Nazareno.
      ⁸ Jesus respondeu: Já vos disse que sou eu; se, pois, me buscais a mim, deixai ir estes;
      ⁹ Para que se cumprisse a palavra que tinha dito: Dos que me deste nenhum deles perdi.
      ¹⁰ Então Simão Pedro, que tinha espada, desembainhou-a, e feriu o servo do sumo sacerdote, cortando-lhe a orelha direita. E o nome do servo era Malco.
      ¹¹ Mas Jesus disse a Pedro: Põe a tua espada na bainha; não beberei eu o cálice que o Pai me deu?
      João 18:1-11

  • @stylischelegendeyt
    @stylischelegendeyt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +104

    Got the ; God complex chills

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      20 Lembrai-vos da palavra que vos disse: Não é o servo maior do que o seu senhor. Se a mim me perseguiram, também vos perseguirão a vós; se guardaram a minha palavra, também guardarão a vossa.
      21 Mas tudo isto vos farão por causa do meu nome, porque não conhecem aquele que me enviou.
      22 Se eu não viera, nem lhes houvera falado, não teriam pecado, mas agora não têm desculpa do seu pecado.
      23 Aquele que me odeia, odeia também a meu Pai.
      24 Se eu entre eles não fizesse tais obras, quais nenhum outro tem feito, não teriam pecado; mas agora, viram-nas e me odiaram a mim e a meu Pai.
      25 Mas é para que se cumpra a palavra que está escrita na sua lei: Odiaram-me sem causa.
      26 Mas, quando vier o Consolador, que eu da parte do Pai vos hei de enviar, aquele Espírito de verdade, que procede do Pai, ele testificará de mim.
      27 E vós também testificareis, pois estivestes comigo desde o princípio.

  • @vlflxx
    @vlflxx ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Patrick Bateman has entered the chat 😮‍💨

  • @GrandpriestmilesTT
    @GrandpriestmilesTT ปีที่แล้ว +9

    The Kalashnikov assault rifle, also known to the West as the AK-47 (Avtomat Kalashnikova - 47, Kalashnikov automatic rifle, model of 1947), and its derivatives, also known under the common name of AK, is the most prolific small arm of the 2nd half of the XX century. It had been and still is (in more or less modified form) manufactured in dozens of countries, and used in hundreds of countries and conflicts since its introduction. The total number of the AK-type rifles made worldwide during the last 60 years is estimated at 90+ millions. This is a true legendary weapon, known for its extreme ruggedness, simplicity of operation and maintenance, and unsurpassed reliability even in worst conditions possible. It is used not only as a military weapon, but also as a platform for numerous sporting civilian rifles and shotguns (see Saiga semiautomatic shotguns, for example). The AK is an amalgam of previously known features and solutions, combined in the most effective way. The effectiveness, however, depends on the criteria used to measure it, and the key criteria for any and every Soviet and Russian military arm are: Reliability, Simplicity of operation and maintenance, Suitability for mass production. There never was any significant demand for good ergonomics or superb accuracy, though. The true story of AK began late in 1942, when Soviet troops captured several specimen of the very new German MKb.42(H)machine carbine (assault rifle), along with some 7.92 Kurz ammunition. By mid-1943 the MKb.42(H) along with US-supplied M1 carbine were evaluated by Soviet experts, and it was decided on top level that similar weapons, firing the intermediate power cartridge, must be developed for Soviet army as soon as possible. The task of initial development of new ammunition was accomplished in rather short time. By November 1943 technical specifications for the 7.62x41mm cartridge, having bottle-necked, rimless case and firing 8-gram pointed bullet, were sent out to all Soviet small arms design bureaus and organizations. By the spring of 1944, there were at least ten designs of automatic weapons in the works (not counting semi-automatic carbines that resulted in adoption of SKS and bolt-action carbines that went nowhere). In mid-1944, trials commission selected the AS-44 assault rifle, designed by Sudayev, as the overall best, and ordered a limited production run for troops trials. Some AS-44 rifles were manufactured in spring of 1945, and these were evaluated by troops in summer of 1945, just after the Victory in Europe. Troops generally liked the AS-44, as it has longer effective range compared to PPSh-41 submachine gun, and provided better accuracy in semi-automatic fire. The problem was that AS-44 was overly heavy (more than 5 kg empty), and trials commission ordered next round of development and trials, which started early in 1946.

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹ Tenho-vos dito estas coisas para que vos não escandalizeis.
      ² Expulsar-vos-ão das sinagogas; vem mesmo a hora em que qualquer que vos matar cuidará fazer um serviço a Deus.
      ³ E isto vos farão, porque não conheceram ao Pai nem a mim.
      ⁴ Mas tenho-vos dito isto, a fim de que, quando chegar aquela hora, vos lembreis de que já vo-lo tinha dito. E eu não vos disse isto desde o princípio, porque estava convosco.
      ⁵ E agora vou para aquele que me enviou; e nenhum de vós me pergunta: Para onde vais?
      ⁶ Antes, porque isto vos tenho dito, o vosso coração se encheu de tristeza.
      ⁷ Todavia digo-vos a verdade, que vos convém que eu vá; porque, se eu não for, o Consolador não virá a vós; mas, quando eu for, vo-lo enviarei.
      ⁸ E, quando ele vier, convencerá o mundo do pecado, e da justiça e do juízo.
      ⁹ Do pecado, porque não crêem em mim;
      ¹⁰ Da justiça, porque vou para meu Pai, e não me vereis mais;
      ¹¹ E do juízo, porque já o príncipe deste mundo está julgado.
      João 16:1-11

  • @far6077
    @far6077 ปีที่แล้ว +93

    I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was . That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any piece of bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a piece of bacon I have ever seen especially on 57:42.I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was at 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. Tt absolutely moved my soul , and i don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a piece of bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched. The acting was top tier and very life changing. This is one of the greatest work from a bacon I have ever seen especially on . I am currently crying so hard right now. This is seriously the most beautiful, well put together story ever. I can’t believe how magical it was 1:12. That part truly made me shed a tear. And especially at 6:34 that part was just so truly heart touching words can not describe the series of emotions I felt. I absolutely loved the climax it had insanely excellent detail. Oh and we can’t forget the conclusion. The conclusion was the greatest and saddest conclusion I have ever seen better than any of the books I have read. Thank you so much for creating this absolute masterpiece. This is essentially the most important masterpiece of film history. It is a tragedy that this, it can’t be called a film, but a transcendent emotional experience, will be inaccessible for most. It beautifully encapsulates the human struggle to its basics; suffering, pleasure, faith, despair. The work put in to this is incredibly inspiring. The graphics, the animation, the music, so much thought was put into it. This has remined me that you can do anything you put your mind to. Not even mentioning the memories, this makes me feel like an infant again, just laying my eyes on this beautiful masterpiece gives me all the good feelings in life. I also understand what happiness is again from this. Not even to mention the most incredible part that is 2:10. Bacon spinning has changed my life for the better. It connects with the characters within the viewers, individuals suppressed within our own subconscious. It stays vibrant, fresh, and revolutionizes the art of storytelling and filmmaking while making a damn of statement on what it means to be human. Entertaining, gripping, and simply exhilarating. This might be the most impactful piece of art I’ve come across in my life, and I’m definitely coming back to it in the near future to study it more deeply. this is an absolute masterpiece , I was brought to tears listening to this and seeing the bacon go whirly swirly in a circle countless times. it absolutely moved my soul , and I don't think I can ever be the same. this bacon has changed my entire mental state , I am now at peace with who I am and what I will be doing later in my life. So much great graphic design, so much suspense, so much greatness in this one video. i have forgiven all my enemies and now I am a man of a pacifist life. I will move on , gotta move on , as the song says. the bacon is so inspirational , it shares it vast wisdom with all of us , and we are all so lucky that it would bestow it's great words with us. we are all children on bacon. hail bacon. hail bacon. The spinning bacon, rotating in one direction with this music... This made me tear up. How could such a bacon do such a thing? I'm struck by awe by this masterpiece. Especially when the bacon spins, showing its lightly salt covered tan skin. I can hear the crunch just from here, and so as the beautiful sound of the bacon scraping the dark, smooth velvet floor. The flavor, music and everything can be heard, tasted, seen and felt from a screen. You can really hear the breaths between the music artist, empathizing her love for this rotating bacon. Truly what I call modern art. This was the most legendary performance by any bacon I have ever watched.

    • @extc3217
      @extc3217  ปีที่แล้ว +45

      Yeah bro for sure

    • @mgg36
      @mgg36 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@extc3217 🤣🤣

    • @mihhn_12
      @mihhn_12 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      bruh this shi needs more likes😭😭

    • @Samuraiii_Kun
      @Samuraiii_Kun ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@extc3217 HAHAHAH

    • @ultratoxic1
      @ultratoxic1 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Nah im definitely dont read this shit

  • @luwishamburgerm6083
    @luwishamburgerm6083 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    This song makes me feel like i can solo all my teachers in school

    • @asdasd-dv7rv
      @asdasd-dv7rv ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @Saf.aep01
      @Saf.aep01 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Ayo wdym by that 🗿

    • @ilikedeadmistak7478
      @ilikedeadmistak7478 ปีที่แล้ว

      You can

    • @taxiislem2566
      @taxiislem2566 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Saf.aep01 bro dirty mind people are stupi 💀

    • @JigsaW-goat
      @JigsaW-goat ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@Saf.aep01 get more knowledgeable than them and get more money than them
      Peak satisfaction

  • @demo_venom
    @demo_venom ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This song makes me wanna fight against the world.

    • @Khaled...-zd1ui
      @Khaled...-zd1ui 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @kuvidar
    @kuvidar ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I am two times,back to back,1993,1994 Blockbuster video game champion,AND YOU ARE NOT GONNA DO A DAMN THING 😤😤😤

  • @eltercero22
    @eltercero22 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    smoked out only seing glock tight glock tight

  • @SONGOKU-eo6pb
    @SONGOKU-eo6pb ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Do it just Do it 🗿🗿🗿🗿

  • @tufftuffson
    @tufftuffson ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Who else got oops veesfake first because of Shazam? 😂

  • @AyyJ4y
    @AyyJ4y ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @ungamermas6221
    @ungamermas6221 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Yo y los sigmas cuando suena:

  • @leaveme3559
    @leaveme3559 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I squat 140kg listening to this

  • @ChillyGn314
    @ChillyGn314 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    When you face the boss battle at LV 1000:

  • @munchingvitamins1549
    @munchingvitamins1549 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Makes me wanna fight a class of Kindergarteners

  • @yyy11_121
    @yyy11_121 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Bunu dinleyen 🗿
    Bunu çalma listesine ekleyen🗿
    Motive olan🗿
    Sigma olan🗿
    Bunu dinleyip spor salonuna giden🗿
    Tüm galaksi🗿
    Tüm evren🗿
    Sigma's döner🗿
    Spor aletleri🗿

    • @marcus716
      @marcus716 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Eyvallah yigenim

  • @remastered0cz993
    @remastered0cz993 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    im have realy bad question what is reverb mean is better bass or what?

    • @extc3217
      @extc3217  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      To put it simply it is almost like putting the song in a big room where it echos and sounds a little distant. Things like kicks and drums or even the bass depending on the song sound like they are strung out. Making it slower adds to that effect.

  • @aasifahamed2007
    @aasifahamed2007 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Is anyone from 3am club🥵👀?

  • @dankhomie4237
    @dankhomie4237 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Makes me want to fight all the prisoners

  • @Ryuu1010YT
    @Ryuu1010YT หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The Car 1977's Phonk Theme (Reverb + Slowed)

    • @marcus716
      @marcus716 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Ryuu1010YT Phonk Theme (Reverb + Slowed)

  • @NASA1969Space
    @NASA1969Space 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Oops for exercise and solitary 🤫🧏

    • @marcus716
      @marcus716 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I'm lonely too. Let's find some friends 😊

    • @NASA1969Space
      @NASA1969Space หลายเดือนก่อน

      It seems fair to me ​@@marcus716

  • @qurbanesgerov1667
    @qurbanesgerov1667 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    memati baş

  • @pepsybowls8559
    @pepsybowls8559 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    what filter do you use on your photo to make it look like that ?

    • @extc3217
      @extc3217  ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I use Lightroom and just mess around with the settings until I find something I like. No filter tho :)

    • @pepsybowls8559
      @pepsybowls8559 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@extc3217 okay thank you very much

    • @thenuugaming5082
      @thenuugaming5082 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@extc3217 lmao genius

    • @maxgaming2521
      @maxgaming2521 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@extc3217 nice 🗿

  • @martinssegundo
    @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ¹⁶ Não me escolhestes vós a mim, mas eu vos escolhi a vós, e vos nomeei, para que vades e deis fruto, e o vosso fruto permaneça; a fim de que tudo quanto em meu nome pedirdes ao Pai ele vo-lo conceda.
    ¹⁷ Isto vos mando: Que vos ameis uns aos outros.
    ¹⁸ Se o mundo vos odeia, sabei que, primeiro do que a vós, me odiou a mim.
    ¹⁹ Se vós fôsseis do mundo, o mundo amaria o que era seu, mas porque não sois do mundo, antes eu vos escolhi do mundo, por isso é que o mundo vos odeia.
    ²⁰ Lembrai-vos da palavra que vos disse: Não é o servo maior do que o seu senhor. Se a mim me perseguiram, também vos perseguirão a vós; se guardaram a minha palavra, também guardarão a vossa.
    ²¹ Mas tudo isto vos farão por causa do meu nome, porque não conhecem aquele que me enviou.
    ²² Se eu não viera, nem lhes houvera falado, não teriam pecado, mas agora não têm desculpa do seu pecado.
    João 15:16-22

  • @xXLesterGamingXx
    @xXLesterGamingXx ปีที่แล้ว +2

    This fortnite makes me so wow want to justin show my parents my bad grades yeah (insert funny)

    • @axelconroy5200
      @axelconroy5200 ปีที่แล้ว

      Ok mate this is Abit far, are you ok?

    • @usaid4580
      @usaid4580 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@axelconroy5200 😂

    • @xXLesterGamingXx
      @xXLesterGamingXx ปีที่แล้ว

      @@axelconroy5200 no

    • @xXLesterGamingXx
      @xXLesterGamingXx ปีที่แล้ว

      You are not supposed to understand my comment but alright

  • @hoseyn_3h
    @hoseyn_3h ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Dame 💫💵💯

  • @sihmy9870
    @sihmy9870 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thomas Shelby Entered the chat

  • @biell5191
    @biell5191 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @Slinkycrust1
    @Slinkycrust1 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    50,000+ aura

  • @ArtemFomenko-m5v
    @ArtemFomenko-m5v 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Такой музыка также из ютубе похоже

  • @saifiev471
    @saifiev471 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @YanetRojasSalas-qc4jt
    @YanetRojasSalas-qc4jt ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Quien ve porno😃

    • @-2R2R
      @-2R2R ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @darkjorden
      @darkjorden ปีที่แล้ว

      Yanet siempre curiosa

  • @NLNE-1
    @NLNE-1 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    0.75 speed=🗿🌟

  • @lol862
    @lol862 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @HACKER-zt1mo
    @HACKER-zt1mo ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @val-kw5pr
    @val-kw5pr ปีที่แล้ว +7

    this shit goes hard

    • @martinssegundo
      @martinssegundo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ¹ Pilatos, pois, tomou então a Jesus, e o açoitou.
      ² E os soldados, tecendo uma coroa de espinhos, lha puseram sobre a cabeça, e lhe vestiram roupa de púrpura.
      ³ E diziam: Salve, Rei dos Judeus. E davam-lhe bofetadas.
      ⁴ Então Pilatos saiu outra vez fora, e disse-lhes: Eis aqui vo-lo trago fora, para que saibais que não acho nele crime algum.
      ⁵ Saiu, pois, Jesus fora, levando a coroa de espinhos e roupa de púrpura. E disse-lhes Pilatos: Eis aqui o homem.
      ⁶ Vendo-o, pois, os principais dos sacerdotes e os servos, clamaram, dizendo: Crucifica-o, crucifica-o. Disse-lhes Pilatos: Tomai-o vós, e crucificai-o; porque eu nenhum crime acho nele.
      ⁷ Responderam-lhe os judeus: Nós temos uma lei e, segundo a nossa lei, deve morrer, porque se fez Filho de Deus.
      ⁸ E Pilatos, quando ouviu esta palavra, mais atemorizado ficou.
      ⁹ E entrou outra vez na audiência, e disse a Jesus: De onde és tu? Mas Jesus não lhe deu resposta.
      ¹⁰ Disse-lhe, pois, Pilatos: Não me falas a mim? Não sabes tu que tenho poder para te crucificar e tenho poder para te soltar?
      João 19:1-10

  • @d1sipel136
    @d1sipel136 ปีที่แล้ว

    Aman is god

  • @ilikedeadmistak7478
    @ilikedeadmistak7478 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    It makes me want to be with 4 armed Afghani dudes that are special forces and we break in house with night vision and it's a war

  • @bigpoopoinyourtoilet
    @bigpoopoinyourtoilet ปีที่แล้ว +3

    this makes me want to buy a sniper and train my aim.

  • @Ihatemomo
    @Ihatemomo 25 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Jesus Christ is the son of God.

    • @ShammarPrincess
      @ShammarPrincess 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Blasphemy! God has no son. Allah is way above what you associate with him. Jesus was a servant and messenger of God.

    • @Ihatemomo
      @Ihatemomo 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@ShammarPrincess prove that Islam is true (I am an ex muslim turned christian by the way.)

    • @Ihatemomo
      @Ihatemomo 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      @@ShammarPrincess Jesus is way more than a prophet. If someone else called Muhammad is the best man in the world, why wasn't he born from a virgin birth like Christ was? and why did he die from the food poisoning of a jewess, while Christ was lifted up into the heavens? Even your own scriptures can't help but place Christ above others, simply because he is God.

    • @Ihatemomo
      @Ihatemomo 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      ​@@ShammarPrincess The best man to ever live was Christ. he is sinless, he took upon himself no concubines, he waged no wars, he didnt take any more war booty than his followers (because he didnt wage wars to begin with), he didnt set up a rule for men to have no more than 4 wives then break it to have more than 11 wives, He didnt marry his cousin, He didnt adopt a child then order his wife to divorce him then marry her only to send her original husband to a war where there were far more enemies than allies which is an almost guaranteed death, He didnt order the massacre of whole tribes including kids who barely pass the age of puberty, he didnt order his followers to face towards a pagan cube after saying Abraham built it when Abraham wasn't even sent to Mecca and he didnt endanger children. Simply put, he lived a selfless life. What about your prophet? :)

    • @Ihatemomo
      @Ihatemomo 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@ShammarPrincess The best man to ever live was Christ. he is sinless, he took upon himself no slavewomen to have intercourse with, he waged no wars, he didnt take any more war booty than his followers (because he didnt wage wars to begin with), he didnt set up a rule for men to have no more than 4 wives then break it to have more than 11 wives, He didnt marry his cousin, He didnt adopt a child then order his wife to divorce him then marry her only to send her original husband to a war where there were far more enemies than allies which is an almost guaranteed death, He didnt order the jenoside of whole tribes including kids who barely pass the age of puberty, he didnt order his followers to face towards a pagan cube after saying Abraham built it when Abraham wasn't even sent to Mecca and he didnt endanger children. Simply put, he lived a selfless life. What about your prophet? :)