In Konkan region including Goa and Malabar region which is in western coast of India they are teaching Darse Nizami with shafi'i fiqh as mus lim people here are mostly Shafis, those madrasas that teaches according to the curriculum of Nadwa are also there biggest of it is Jamia Islamia in Bhatkal
I am happy that I have found Mufti Nafis Saheb! His videos are very informative. I am hoping to watch his Urdu videos. May Allah reward him, his parents, and his teachers. Masha'Allah Tabarak'Allah, Wa JazakAllahu Khair.
For those uninitiated in Islam : In Islam we have 3 aspects : Al-Islam (=Fiqh which is Jurisprudence), Al-Imen (=Aqidah which is Belief) and Al-Ihsan (=Spirituality) (See the hadith of "Gabriel" in Sahih Muslim) The Ulemas (scholars of Islam) diverged among those 3 aspect so the ijmah (which is the consensus) of the Ulemas (scholars) conclude to a divergence accepted, as a result ALL muslims that FOLLOW ANY OF those MADHAHIBS (Schools of Thoughts) are in the right path (Ahl Sunnah which is the people who follow the tradition of the Prophet Muhammed Peace be upon Him) 1-Fiqh = 4 Madhab, Maliki, Shaffi, Hanbali and Hanafi 2-Aqidah = 3 Madhab, Ash'ari, Maturidi and Athari 3-Ihsan = 2 Madhab, Sufi and Not Sufi For example : Imam An-Nawawi was : Fiqh : Madhab Shaffi Aqidah : Madhab Ash'ari Ihsan : Sufi Imam Ibn Tamiyyah was : Fiqh : Madhab Hanbali Aqidah : Madhab Athari Ihsan : Not Sufi Imam Ibn Ashir was : Fiqh : Madhab Maliki Aqidah : Madhab Ash'ari Ihsan : Sufi Imam Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi was : Fiqh : Madhab Hanafite Aqidah : Madhab Maturidi Ihsan : Sufi ... ATTENTION : *The sahabas (the companions) and the tabi'ins (the followers of the companions) and taba'tabi'ins (the followers of the followers of the companions) did not thinks over that (schools of Aqidah) because they were mutashabih (ambiguous) which is accept the verse or the hadith as it is and do not says anythings more. They do not said of for example that's the Face of Allah is attribute or NOT of Allah. But when many ideologies like the Greck philosophy in Palestine & Lebanon & Egypt, the Latin philosophy in Spain, the Hindu philosophy in Inde the Christian philosophy in Egypt and the Zoroastrian philosophy in Perse begin to rise and bring a lot of muslims to misguidance and kufr. BY NECESSITY, the muslims scholars had to give answers to those questions wich concern in the majority about qadr (destiny), free-will and attributes, and as a result the Ummah and the Ijmah among the scholars conclude to 3 schools of thoughts which are all FROM the SUNNAH : Asharis, Maturidi and Atharis *The sahabas and the tabi'ins and taba'tab'ins did not thinks over that (schools of Fiqh) because they were a little bit, and they had not to do that., so each Ulemas makes their own opinions and basically their own madhab, so the people lived by that, but because of the deviant thoughts that's were going on the muslim world and the increase of the muslim community BY NECESSITY, the muslims scholars had to make madhab which Ulemas can now give interpretation and fix opinion based on holy principe wich as known today as the 4 madhahibs : Maliki, Shaffi, Hanbali and Hanafi *Many people now are ignorant and do not fully understand what Sufism is. Sufism represents above all a path towards the greatest degrees of piety, in this path several components are developed such as: asceticism, trust in Allah, renunciation of the soul, fear of Allah etc... And some write and describe their ideas in order to reach these components, understand them and apply them while others prefer to focus only on a personal path so everyone must develop "alone" (without necessarily writing methodological texts to achieve it). Today unfortunately many deviate from the path of the sunnah, and call themselves Sufis while they are not, those people are not considered Sufis in the same way as the elders like An-Nawawi or Al-Ghazali , they are just deviants and follow their passions. *The 4 legal schools, the 3 theological schools agree on 90 to 95% of the religion, they diverge on very external points, such as for example for the legal schools the position of the hands in prayer, or the one who eats or drinks during Ramadan without doing it on purpose must make up for his fast or not, etc... And the same for theological schools they differ on certain things about the attributes of Allah etc... For Sufis and non-Sufis, they just differ on how to achieve the highest degree of piety. *Throughout Islamic history, there has never been war or bloodshed over attending school. There were only debates between scholars but otherwise Muslims lived peacefully with these differences and were tolerant. *Any Muslim who are Muqqalid (wich is not being a scholar) has to follow ONE madhab in each aspect that's he wants, but it is preferable that he follows the most majority school in his country for practical reasons , and he cannot pick and choose. And for Muslim who are Mujtahid (which is being a scholar) he can choose between the madhahibs because he has the knowledge to go in dept to the argument of each madhab and being sincere in those research and the science. *Now in the last 200 years a movement in Saudi Arabi born and says that now its not correct and we should only follow what we says (the ulemas of Saudi Arabia) and then it began to born the wahabi sect who deviates from the salafs (the ancient scholars) and the right path, they are in picking opinion from all the schools (in fiqh, in aqidah in ihsan) and pick what they want to impose in the muslim community, they take the overwhelming majority of their opinions from the schools: Fiqh: Madhab Hanbali, Aqidah: Madhab Athari, Ihsan: Not Sufi, and as the hadith says they are like the khawarij (extremists) : The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him) had said after blessing all the regions except the Najd plateau: “From the Najd will rise the horn of Satan” [Reported in the Sahih al-Bukhârî: Hadîth 558 (p 108) the book of prayer for obtaining rain in “the summary of the sahih al-bukhârî” Volume I, by Imam Zein Ed-Dine Ahmed ibn Abdul-Latif A -Zoubaidi.] The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had said: there will come out of Najd people who only understand the exterior of the Qur'An, the meaning of the Qur'An does not reach their hearts.....This is to allude to the Khawârijthe followers of the followers of the companions [Reported by Al-Bukhari in his chapter on lost sects]
@@ninjazen_0771 No, the aqidah athari is not the aqidah of the sahabas or the tabi'ins or tabi'tab'ins. The aqidah was developped first by Ahmed Ibn Hanbal in 9th century (around 200 years after the sahabas) and developped by his student after. The sahabas never said for example that's the Face of Allah is a attribut (not as the athari madhab), they said "we accept the text as it is and we do not say nor it's a attribut or not". The sahabas were mutashabih, read the all segment akhi I did already explains those points. Na'am.
Please stop lying on Nawawi and imam Malik when you said that they where ashari this is not truth because imam Nawawi have some belief of the asharite and this was a mistake of hem may allah forgive hem but never he call hem self asharite and he refuted them in some aspect of the aqida and imam Malik he never ever was asharite or having belief of the asharite this is not truth as for the compagnons of the prophet they have affirmed the attributes of allah no doubt of it honestly I don't like when people lying in the religion fear allah
@@briffasebastien7135 First i have never said in my life that Imam Malik was ash'ari. Second An-Nawawi was Ash'ari and its well known, you are just jahil about that (learn your religion akhi).
MashaAllah loved this video and could really relate to it as i recently completed dars nizami and am also a few months into the iftaa course Alhamdulillah - also, writing this when you mentioned Nurul idha, a brilliant book which im currently teaching to Alimiyyah students
Assalamualaikum Mufti Sahib, Allahumabarik for the informative video. I was once a 4th year student in dars nizami in the USA, but unfortunately got a bit lost on the way since. I currently am working on my bachelors degree, but recently got the inspiration to get back into studying. I was considering getting my associates and then taking 2 years to go and complete the alim course, but I am still weighing my options on if it will be worth it. Please make duaa for me to be accepted back into the work of deen, JazakAllahkhair.
@@hamzanayyer6254 Ameen wa iyyakum The course is English in the beginning and the teachers in the latter years explain in Urdu. All of the books of course are in Arabic. Unfortunately the classes are not taught in Arabic, however, some students form groups and speak Arabic with one another to develop the ability.
@@muhammadzakariyya6863 Waalaykumussalam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh Alhamdulillah I’m well, I hope everything is good with you. Ameen may Allah bless you, accept you and grant afiyah in all your affairs.
Assalamu Alaikum Mufti sahab Allahumma Barik I wanted also to study at Darululoom Zakariyya but how do i apply as a european and need i be to a hafidh and what can i do after completing dars nizami Jazakallahu Khayran ❤
Waalaykumussalam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh The official website has step for application Insha Allah. You do not need to be a hafiz of Quran but you should be able to read fluently. If you can’t recite easily they will assist you with that before entrance to the normal classes. There aren’t many job opportunities after the Dars Nizami. Students either become imams, community leaders, teachers or they acquire degrees for secular jobs while serving deen in their free time.
Question for the shaykh: what are your views on scholars like mulla Ali al qari and ibn abi al izz who may not be considered mainstream hanafi in aqeedah?
@@Zaheem02 Mulla Ali Qari is a Maturidi despite his praise for Imam Ibn Taymiyya etc. whilst Ibn Abi al-Izz is not considered a maturidi, and one who is Taymiyan in aqidah, which can be seen in his commentary of Tahawiyyah.
We take from them what is according to the school and what is not we ascribe to them and not to the school. We have respect for all scholars and (especially Mulla Ali Qari) their works. I personally have works of Mulla Ali Qari such as Mirqat and his Sharh on Bad ul Amali a famous Maturidi poem on Aqidah.
Waalaykumussalam Badā'i' al-Ṣanā'i' is an amazing book in the Ḥanafī madhhab and would be studied after all of the books I mentioned. It's specialty is displaying the method of istidlal and comparing proofs etc.
Assalamu Alaykum. I am currently a third year engineering student in college while also doing hifdhul Quran alongside. To be be honest, i dont have any real interest in working as an engineer and want to pursue islamic studies full time. I am mainly doing my studies as an engineer to fulfill my parents wishes. I am projected to finish my hifdh and my college around the same time which is in 2 more years. After my hifdh and college is finished bidhnillah, I will be in my early twenties and looking to get started on formally studying Islam while also looking to become independent and start a family InshaAllah. My question is, do you think it is possible to balance full time islamic studies, work, and family? And on a more personal note, how were you able to sustain and fund yourself while you were doing your studies. JazakAllahuKhairan.
Assalamu alaykum brother, im kind of in the same situation, second year engineering student. Im also trying to do hifdh but its difficult for me to do it consistently. Do u have any tips or advise, or like what is ur strategy for it? Jazakallahu khairan
Waalaykumussalam May Allah reward you for your struggle to learn and practice His deen. It is very difficult to balance all three but I know of a scholar who has done that. It takes discipline and a strict time management schedule. You should continue to make lots of dua for this as tawfiq is from Allah. I was very fortunate. I was a full time student (living in a foreign country for over a decade) and was supported by my family.
@@القرآنالكريم-م8غ7د WaAlaykum Assalam WarahmatAllahi wa Barakatuhu brother. My general advice would be to try and schedule your classes for college to be in the other half of the day. In my case, my hifdh class is in the morning from 8-1, so what I try to do is schedule my college classes to be either online or sometime in the afternoon/evening. Of course there will be times when we have to schedule a morning college class and there will be no way around that, but definitely try your best so that this is not the case. And since hifdh and college are two big and time demanding tasks, I would recommend dropping down your workload for college and consider taking 2-3 classes each semester instead of 3-4. This may delay your graduation by a semester or two, but it will be all worth it if it means you get to finish your hifdh as well InshaAllah. And also, make lots and lots of dua BarakAllahu Feekum
Waalaykumussalam akhi. Alhamdulillah I finished my hifdh when i was younger. I now work as an engineer and also study in a dars nizami alimiyya course. I live in Australia, and here we have plenty of part time alimiyya courses which run classes 3 hours a day 5 days a week after work. Obviously its not as rigorous as your usual full time, but Alhamdulillah it allows me to work my usual full time job whilst studying and spending time with my wife and family. Might be worthwhile to look into it. BarakAllahu Feekum
As a hanbali student living now in the uk (predominantly hanafis) what would you suggest as a fiqh matn for someone who wants to understand hanamfi rulings better? A friend mentioned al qadoori, but due to its brevity in words I don't want to read independently then fall into error
For zaahirul riwayat you can check ja'mi us sageer and ja'mi ul kabeer of Imam Muhammad and other than these you can read شرح معانی الآثار and الاشباح و النظائر
Assalamualaikum brother I have a doubt on rasing finger on tashahhud according to hanafi madhab with Hadith reference kindly explain me in detail if u already post the video kindly give me the reference
Create a video in which talk about which ulama of Ahnaaf are best. Allama kasaani, ibne nujaim, shaami, marginani which book is best and which aalim if best near ahnaaf. You can add other ulama too. This video will be viral insha Allah
Run away from Hanafi sects and all sects that pray salah incorrectly, recite Quran with not pronouncing the AL correctly to change meanings and joining words, they don't praise before sunrise and sunset and they prevent Muslim women from the back rows of masjids Be Muslim only, following AL-LAHI and the Messenger SAWS only... Sects take you to Jahannum
السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبركاته Mufti Sahib can you please let me know which books/texts you've memorised on your journey? I plan to do darse nizami inshaAllah so want a head start. Please pray for me to start it and complete it
Waalaykumussalam Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatuh I wouldn't suggest memorizing any specific books at the moment because different schools have different syllabi even though they may all be Dars Nizami. Instead getting a head start on learning Arabic will help alot as every Islamic institution heavily relies on it. Additionally, if you really wanted to memorize something, you can ask the institution that you'll be going to which books they suggest and begin with those.
@@Abu_Vibes Brother, the term mufti has been used for different meanings. The highest sense of the word is the mujtahid, however, one who is qualified to answer fiqh related questions in a particular school is also termed a mufti. Similar is the case of the term Imam. One can say an Imam is a mujtahid, then what do we call those who lead the prayers in the masjid? In reality both are imams however the meaning of the term will change based on the context. I hope this makes it clear. Also, writing books in Arabic has nothing to do with being a mujtahid, has every Mujtahid in the past written a book in Arabic? Can you show me the book that Imam Abu Hanifah himself has authored in Arabic? So your demanding question has nothing to do with the assertion you make. And just so you know, I have written works in Arabic, which is not hard for a graduate of the Dars Nizami curriculum.
Ashraf ali thanvi and his scholars of deobandiya are followers of wahdatul wujud. Their founding fathers praised ibn Arabi even though he believed Allah dwells in the creation. Don't hide behind the hanafi madhab in fiqh. Talk about aqeedah and your deviant sufi tareeka.
@MuftiNafis these are not harsh. Open the books of imdadullah al makki such as at Deobandiyah. It's loaded with wahdatul wujud. More so the same deobandi founding fathers labeled ibn Arabi a heretic not because of his belief of wahdatul wajud but it was he declared it to the laymen. Deobandis are a hidden baatini sect. And again who hide behind just the fiqh of imam Abu hanifa. You even say Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam is alive in his grave. Which is a different topic of discussion. Do your research or bring your evidence otherwise.
@@rathernot6660 المجنون يتكلم عن وحدة الوجود وهو لا يعرف ما هي، فدعه كما يودع الناس البهلول لأنه يتكلم عن قيل وقال، والشعراء يتحدثون عن الرجال مثلك. "لو أجاب المفتي على كل سؤال لجن جنونه" فلا أبالي بما تقول، مثل كلب ينبح. 🤣
@@Nafisur.Rahman يا مفتي دع هذا الرجل ، وقل له "ادرس حياة العلماء من السابق كما في سير أعلام النبلاء او شذرات الذهب وليس فقط علمائهم من المائة عام الماضية “🤣🤣🤣
المجنون يتحدث عن وحدة الوجود وهو لا يعرف ما هي، فدعه كما يودعون الناس البهلول لأنه يتحدث عن قيل وقال. والشعراء يتحدثون عن الرجال مثلك: "لو أجاب المفتي على كل سؤال لجن جنونه." فلا أبالي بما تقول، مثل كلب ينبحني 🤣
@@mujq7879 It depends on the institution, the instructors and the syllabus. Lots of people have benefited from an online alim course and have become scholars.
Its reminds me a verse from Quran. " Ibrahim was neither cristian nor jew nor polythiest but a Muslim" Same analogy comes into my mind when ppl boast I am so and so ( sunni shia..hanafi..shafai..hambali....etc) .. Mohammed SAW neither sunni or shia or hanafi hambali maliki but a Muslim
@@shuaibsyed3585 I’m not sure which site would have it now, but I’d search on any bookseller that has Hanafi books in general. I basically buy plastic table cover wraps. They can be bought by the yard in fabric stores. Then I cover my books with them. I was thinking of making a video of me covering a book.
Praise be to Allah And obey Allah and the Messenger, that ye may obtain Mrrcy Alqur'an. 3:132. Also see 3:31,32. 4:59. 33:21,36. 47:33 I am a B.Sc. graduate. I served in Police Department. My three sons are Mufti. Elder son is no more. I repeatedly advise my sons to follow Qur'an and Sunnah "., guide others accordingly not on the basis of madhab and give fatwa in accordance with Qur',an and Sunnah not on the bssis of madhab.
Further the Hanafi sects thought people to pray salah in contravention of Quran and Hadith and in wrong away..Ask AL-LAHI for guidance and be a following Muslim only
@MuftiNafis AL LAHI has saved me from that evil sects that assaults women who want to pray in the back rows of masjids with force, who don't follow Islam but opinions and who don't teach salah correctly. You should look into what I say with a request of AL-LAHI to guide hanafi is following scholars opinions and not Islamic law. In sha AL-LAHA Ameen may He guide you and me and keep us far away from sects. Ameen
@@IC-XC_NIKA we Hanafi Deobandis promotes knowing what exactly is written in Qur'an, we mostly focus on tafsir and also classical Arabic grammar, this is why there is a saying that Qur'an was revealed in Arabia, Melodiously Recited in Egypt and Understood in India
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته Mufti Saab does your copy of Qudoori have a cover on it and if so then where did you purchase it from? جزاك الله خيرا
Me ====Fiqh: Alhe hadees 2: Aqeeda = salafi and not sufi😅 thing maximum sufi's are hanafi ..and baralwi are another type of hanfi ....these groups are alhe Bida .. According to the Asool of Imam abu Hanifa(nouman bin sabit) ra ...told his student Abu Yousuf his fav.student that if my statement goes against sahih hadees throw it on wall donot issue my fatwa before checking and same of all three schools...Now alhe hadees are the ocean in which these four schools (rivers) join...😊
Darse Nizami doesn't make person extremely advanced but it is extremely advanced if compared to the syllabus of Madina, Riyadh, Ummul Qurra, Azhar and Zitouna... Without any doubt, it is like master or post graduate level degree if we compare it with the above jamias... And according to me not a single scholars in Arab world today especially in Egypt and Saudi are equivalent to Hakeem ul Ummah Mujaddid ul deen o millat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (ra) he had total package, nobody in today's Ummah are like ulama of Deoband
@hasan9.11 yes there are many, in Saudi Arabia there sheikh fawzan, sheikh arifi and many others, in shinqit there is sheikh dedow, in Algeria there is sheikh bin bayyah... But let me know, which scholars can speak openly against government other than India Pakistan Bangladesh? Maulana Sajjad nomani speaking against bjp, there are many ulama in Pakistan speaking against many things in Pakistan... In Saudi Arabia they will disappear and nobody will know where are those scholars such as Hazrat sheikh Salman al ouda and Sheikh Safar al hawali.... Let me know which scholars who born after 1000 hijri has written 1700 books all alone, it is Sheikh Thanvi, let me know Azhar or Madina has affiliated madrasas that are producing more than 100000 huffaz in a year? It is wifaq ul madaris Al Arabia in Pakistan, figures are just from that group, not from whole deobandi madrasas of Subcontinent Don't forget that after 1000 hijri, the Mujaddid of alfathani was born in India who is none other than Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi
@@hasan9.11 yes there are many, in Saudi Arabia there sheikh fawzan, sheikh arifi and many others, in shinqit there is sheikh dedow, in Algeria there is sheikh bin bayyah... But let me know, which scholars can speak openly against government other than India Pakistan Bangladesh? Maulana Sajjad nomani speaking against bjp, there are many ulama in Pakistan speaking against many things in Pakistan... In Saudi Arabia they will disappear and nobody will know where are those scholars such as Hazrat sheikh Salman al ouda and Sheikh Safar al hawali.... Let me know which scholars who born after 1000 hijri has written 1700 books all alone, it is Sheikh Thanvi, let me know Azhar or Madina has affiliated madrasas that are producing more than 100000 huffaz in a year? It is wifaq ul madaris Al Arabia in Pakistan, figures are just from that group, not from whole deobandi madrasas of Subcontinent
@@QamruddinKhan-hf4dn speaking against the government in The Arab and Indian subcontinent is completely different in scenarios. In Indo Pak there is democracy. It's common that you can criticize the government openly. And secondly producing more huffaz doesn't mean you have become a great Alim. I think you pretty much know about the Haal of many Qawmi Mudarris and what kind of act they're in with small children . Wa yadhubillah
@hasan9.11 In Egypt there is democracy in Algeria there is democracy still ulama are not free... If your are talking about beating up small children that's bad but that's how children learn to respect elders, that qaumi madrasas are benefiting the qaum really God, underpaid beneficial aalim is far times better than overpaid but silent aalim, the person of this chanel is creation of those madrasas btw... Let me know what your madrasas gave other than exporting extremist ideology
No, you do not need to follow the Hanafi madhhab. A madhhab is a scholarly school that attempts to understand and present the law of Islam. It is not divine but it is the best attempt at practicing the Quran and Sunnah. Any of the four madhhabs are fine.
@ If a person is not qualified to follow the Quran and Sunnah directly (there are difficult qualifications laid out by great scholars of the past) then they must follow scholars who can understand Quran and Sunnah. The greatest of these scholars are the four imams and their madhhabs.
@@Rajul2 They protect the cover from wear and tear. It’s also a way I show respect to the book. I also don’t like it when the gold writing on the cover wears off after continuous use.
@@1eV What qualifies a person to issue fatwas? Your statement itself is a fatwa that passing a course is not enough to issue fatwas. So it seems you have met the necessary requirements. Please enlighten me.
No, that is incorrect. I memorized the entire Quran before learning my first fiqh book. We even did translation of Quran and we did some books in Hadith. I wonder how a person can make such incorrect assumptions without knowledge. Aren’t you aware of the verse “Do not pursue that regarding which you have no knowledge…”?
@MuftiNafis you should say as you do not say when you talk.. further you promoting sunni hanafi which is an evil sect which prevent women from back rows, mistranslatea Quran and hadith and prays salah in wrong times Like giving ppl solar noon time but not telling them it's the time of 2 sunnah and not zuhr and zuhr us when the sun is a thongs length
@MuftiNafis also don't confuse memorization of Quran with checking translations of word for word with old Arabic dictionaries Sects cause you to not follow AL-LAHI and the Messenger SAWS like praying Magrib when the Messenger SAWS was praying 2 supererogatory salah and breaking fast in that wrong time snd like praying Fajr before the light shines in Naughtical dawn but in the time of the supererogatory salah when stars decline. A great evil of the Hanafi and wahabi, etc sects scholars who ignored or mistranslated hadith to cause world wilde non following... Muslim only....AL Hamdu Lil LAHI
They created sects to promote scholars but they blind follow another unfollowing away from sects The prerogative of every Muslim is to seek knowledge
Only 2 years to become mufti?? I thought u have to study for atleast 5 more years.btw in Pakistan dars e nizami is 8 years generally. My question:how do you people earn do u have other degree as well?
@@dawer4873 Yes the Dars Nizami has been altered throughout the years to suit the needs of every location. It was over 16 years originally. Now what remains is watered down no matter where you go. And Yes the ifta I did was only 2 years but that is after studying 7 years of Hanafi fiqh in the normal course. So no additional study of masail was studied, more so the theory and practice of issuing fatawa.
@@dawer4873 There is no set way of earning. Some of us get secular degrees and jobs in those fields. Others like myself become imams and teachers for seminaries.
If the madhahib are diving the ummah then sadly the ummah has been divided for over 1,000 years. You should spread your message to every traditionally trained scholar and imam throughout the world.
I don’t know how I came across ur work, but I just started getting closer to the deen and ur videos r really calming to watch.
Alhamdulillah, I am following the Shafi'i school of fiqh from Brunei, great listening from our studious Hanafi brother.
In Konkan region including Goa and Malabar region which is in western coast of India they are teaching Darse Nizami with shafi'i fiqh as mus lim people here are mostly Shafis, those madrasas that teaches according to the curriculum of Nadwa are also there biggest of it is Jamia Islamia in Bhatkal
salam alaykoum dear brother I am a french hanafi student, and your videos are so nice allahoumma barik just continue please.
Are you associated with Tablighi Jamaat? There are malikis in France, hanafis are only handful there
I am happy that I have found Mufti Nafis Saheb!
His videos are very informative.
I am hoping to watch his Urdu videos.
May Allah reward him, his parents, and his teachers.
Masha'Allah Tabarak'Allah, Wa JazakAllahu Khair.
Very glad you’re giving the hanafi madhab more attention, it’s hard to find well laid out and informative videos like this in the hanafi madhab
For those uninitiated in Islam :
In Islam we have 3 aspects : Al-Islam (=Fiqh which is Jurisprudence), Al-Imen (=Aqidah which is Belief) and Al-Ihsan (=Spirituality) (See the hadith of "Gabriel" in Sahih Muslim)
The Ulemas (scholars of Islam) diverged among those 3 aspect so the ijmah (which is the consensus) of the Ulemas (scholars) conclude to a divergence accepted, as a result ALL muslims that FOLLOW ANY OF those MADHAHIBS (Schools of Thoughts) are in the right path (Ahl Sunnah which is the people who follow the tradition of the Prophet Muhammed Peace be upon Him)
1-Fiqh = 4 Madhab, Maliki, Shaffi, Hanbali and Hanafi
2-Aqidah = 3 Madhab, Ash'ari, Maturidi and Athari
3-Ihsan = 2 Madhab, Sufi and Not Sufi
For example :
Imam An-Nawawi was :
Fiqh : Madhab Shaffi
Aqidah : Madhab Ash'ari
Ihsan : Sufi
Imam Ibn Tamiyyah was :
Fiqh : Madhab Hanbali
Aqidah : Madhab Athari
Ihsan : Not Sufi
Imam Ibn Ashir was :
Fiqh : Madhab Maliki
Aqidah : Madhab Ash'ari
Ihsan : Sufi
Imam Abu al-Layth al-Samarqandi was :
Fiqh : Madhab Hanafite
Aqidah : Madhab Maturidi
Ihsan : Sufi
*The sahabas (the companions) and the tabi'ins (the followers of the companions) and taba'tabi'ins (the followers of the followers of the companions) did not thinks over that (schools of Aqidah) because they were mutashabih (ambiguous) which is accept the verse or the hadith as it is and do not says anythings more. They do not said of for example that's the Face of Allah is attribute or NOT of Allah. But when many ideologies like the Greck philosophy in Palestine & Lebanon & Egypt, the Latin philosophy in Spain, the Hindu philosophy in Inde the Christian philosophy in Egypt and the Zoroastrian philosophy in Perse begin to rise and bring a lot of muslims to misguidance and kufr.
BY NECESSITY, the muslims scholars had to give answers to those questions wich concern in the majority about qadr (destiny), free-will and attributes, and as a result the Ummah and the Ijmah among the scholars conclude to 3 schools of thoughts which are all FROM the SUNNAH : Asharis, Maturidi and Atharis
*The sahabas and the tabi'ins and taba'tab'ins did not thinks over that (schools of Fiqh) because they were a little bit, and they had not to do that., so each Ulemas makes their own opinions and basically their own madhab, so the people lived by that, but because of the deviant thoughts that's were going on the muslim world and the increase of the muslim community BY NECESSITY, the muslims scholars had to make madhab which Ulemas can now give interpretation and fix opinion based on holy principe wich as known today as the 4 madhahibs : Maliki, Shaffi, Hanbali and Hanafi
*Many people now are ignorant and do not fully understand what Sufism is. Sufism represents above all a path towards the greatest degrees of piety, in this path several components are developed such as: asceticism, trust in Allah, renunciation of the soul, fear of Allah etc... And some write and describe their ideas in order to reach these components, understand them and apply them while others prefer to focus only on a personal path so everyone must develop "alone" (without necessarily writing methodological texts to achieve it). Today unfortunately many deviate from the path of the sunnah, and call themselves Sufis while they are not, those people are not considered Sufis in the same way as the elders like An-Nawawi or Al-Ghazali , they are just deviants and follow their passions.
*The 4 legal schools, the 3 theological schools agree on 90 to 95% of the religion, they diverge on very external points, such as for example for the legal schools the position of the hands in prayer, or the one who eats or drinks during Ramadan without doing it on purpose must make up for his fast or not, etc... And the same for theological schools they differ on certain things about the attributes of Allah etc... For Sufis and non-Sufis, they just differ on how to achieve the highest degree of piety.
*Throughout Islamic history, there has never been war or bloodshed over attending school. There were only debates between scholars but otherwise Muslims lived peacefully with these differences and were tolerant.
*Any Muslim who are Muqqalid (wich is not being a scholar) has to follow ONE madhab in each aspect that's he wants, but it is preferable that he follows the most majority school in his country for practical reasons , and he cannot pick and choose. And for Muslim who are Mujtahid (which is being a scholar) he can choose between the madhahibs because he has the knowledge to go in dept to the argument of each madhab and being sincere in those research and the science.
*Now in the last 200 years a movement in Saudi Arabi born and says that now its not correct and we should only follow what we says (the ulemas of Saudi Arabia) and then it began to born the wahabi sect who deviates from the salafs (the ancient scholars) and the right path, they are in picking opinion from all the schools (in fiqh, in aqidah in ihsan) and pick what they want to impose in the muslim community, they take the overwhelming majority of their opinions from the schools: Fiqh: Madhab Hanbali, Aqidah: Madhab Athari, Ihsan: Not Sufi, and as the hadith says they are like the khawarij (extremists) :
The Prophet of Islam (peace and blessings be upon him) had said after blessing all the regions except the Najd plateau: “From the Najd will rise the horn of Satan” [Reported in the Sahih al-Bukhârî: Hadîth 558 (p 108) the book of prayer for obtaining rain in “the summary of the sahih al-bukhârî” Volume I, by Imam Zein Ed-Dine Ahmed ibn Abdul-Latif A -Zoubaidi.]
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) had said: there will come out of Najd people who only understand the exterior of the Qur'An, the meaning of the Qur'An does not reach their hearts.....This is to allude to the Khawârijthe followers of the followers of the companions
[Reported by Al-Bukhari in his chapter on lost sects]
May Allāh preserve you brother. The 'aqīdah of the Prophet ﷺ was one.
The sahābah had different opinions in fiqh, but had 1 'aqīdah: atharī
@@ninjazen_0771 No, the aqidah athari is not the aqidah of the sahabas or the tabi'ins or tabi'tab'ins. The aqidah was developped first by Ahmed Ibn Hanbal in 9th century (around 200 years after the sahabas) and developped by his student after. The sahabas never said for example that's the Face of Allah is a attribut (not as the athari madhab), they said "we accept the text as it is and we do not say nor it's a attribut or not". The sahabas were mutashabih, read the all segment akhi I did already explains those points. Na'am.
its manhaj of aqeedah
Please stop lying on Nawawi and imam Malik when you said that they where ashari this is not truth because imam Nawawi have some belief of the asharite and this was a mistake of hem may allah forgive hem but never he call hem self asharite and he refuted them in some aspect of the aqida and imam Malik he never ever was asharite or having belief of the asharite this is not truth as for the compagnons of the prophet they have affirmed the attributes of allah no doubt of it honestly I don't like when people lying in the religion fear allah
@@briffasebastien7135 First i have never said in my life that Imam Malik was ash'ari. Second An-Nawawi was Ash'ari and its well known, you are just jahil about that (learn your religion akhi).
MashaAllah loved this video and could really relate to it as i recently completed dars nizami and am also a few months into the iftaa course Alhamdulillah - also, writing this when you mentioned Nurul idha, a brilliant book which im currently teaching to Alimiyyah students
Masha Allah, brother. May Allah bless you.I'm studying Hanafi madhab in WISE university, Jordan. We started with Qodori book. It's in Arabic.
Assalamualaikum Mufti Sahib, Allahumabarik for the informative video. I was once a 4th year student in dars nizami in the USA, but unfortunately got a bit lost on the way since. I currently am working on my bachelors degree, but recently got the inspiration to get back into studying. I was considering getting my associates and then taking 2 years to go and complete the alim course, but I am still weighing my options on if it will be worth it. Please make duaa for me to be accepted back into the work of deen, JazakAllahkhair.
@@kachow25 Waalaykumussalam May Allah grant you what is best for your Deen Dunya and Akhirah
@ Ameen
@@kachow25 Mufti Yasir Nadeem al wajidi from Chicago also conducts online Darse Nizami
JazakAllahu khayran.
JazakAllah khayran very useful for all hanafis. Is the courses at darul uloom zakariyya in urdu or arabic ?
@@hamzanayyer6254 Ameen wa iyyakum
The course is English in the beginning and the teachers in the latter years explain in Urdu. All of the books of course are in Arabic.
Unfortunately the classes are not taught in Arabic, however, some students form groups and speak Arabic with one another to develop the ability.
Maybe if i have learned arabic im gonna studie this. Insha Allah.
MashaAllah. More traditional scholars online!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته.
How are you doing?
I remember you from Daarul Uloom Zakariyya 🇿🇦.
May Allah bless you Habeebi.
@@muhammadzakariyya6863 Waalaykumussalam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh
Alhamdulillah I’m well, I hope everything is good with you.
Ameen may Allah bless you, accept you and grant afiyah in all your affairs.
shaykh please do usool version
Assalamu Alaikum Mufti sahab
Allahumma Barik
I wanted also to study at Darululoom Zakariyya but how do i apply as a european and need i be to a hafidh and what can i do after completing dars nizami
Jazakallahu Khayran ❤
Waalaykumussalam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh
The official website has step for application Insha Allah.
You do not need to be a hafiz of Quran but you should be able to read fluently. If you can’t recite easily they will assist you with that before entrance to the normal classes.
There aren’t many job opportunities after the Dars Nizami. Students either become imams, community leaders, teachers or they acquire degrees for secular jobs while serving deen in their free time.
@@Nafisur.Rahman Jazakallahu Khayran
Question for the shaykh: what are your views on scholars like mulla Ali al qari and ibn abi al izz who may not be considered mainstream hanafi in aqeedah?
@@Zaheem02 Mulla Ali Qari is a Maturidi despite his praise for Imam Ibn Taymiyya etc. whilst Ibn Abi al-Izz is not considered a maturidi, and one who is Taymiyan in aqidah, which can be seen in his commentary of Tahawiyyah.
We take from them what is according to the school and what is not we ascribe to them and not to the school.
We have respect for all scholars and (especially Mulla Ali Qari) their works. I personally have works of Mulla Ali Qari such as Mirqat and his Sharh on Bad ul Amali a famous Maturidi poem on Aqidah.
@@Nafisur.Rahman barakallahu feek
Salam alaykum, akhi what about بديع الصناعي where does this book takes its place?
Badā'i' al-Ṣanā'i' is an amazing book in the Ḥanafī madhhab and would be studied after all of the books I mentioned. It's specialty is displaying the method of istidlal and comparing proofs etc.
Assalamu Alaykum. I am currently a third year engineering student in college while also doing hifdhul Quran alongside. To be be honest, i dont have any real interest in working as an engineer and want to pursue islamic studies full time. I am mainly doing my studies as an engineer to fulfill my parents wishes. I am projected to finish my hifdh and my college around the same time which is in 2 more years. After my hifdh and college is finished bidhnillah, I will be in my early twenties and looking to get started on formally studying Islam while also looking to become independent and start a family InshaAllah. My question is, do you think it is possible to balance full time islamic studies, work, and family? And on a more personal note, how were you able to sustain and fund yourself while you were doing your studies. JazakAllahuKhairan.
Assalamu alaykum brother, im kind of in the same situation, second year engineering student. Im also trying to do hifdh but its difficult for me to do it consistently. Do u have any tips or advise, or like what is ur strategy for it? Jazakallahu khairan
May Allah reward you for your struggle to learn and practice His deen.
It is very difficult to balance all three but I know of a scholar who has done that. It takes discipline and a strict time management schedule. You should continue to make lots of dua for this as tawfiq is from Allah.
I was very fortunate. I was a full time student (living in a foreign country for over a decade) and was supported by my family.
@@Nafisur.Rahman JazakAllahuKhairan
@@القرآنالكريم-م8غ7د WaAlaykum Assalam WarahmatAllahi wa Barakatuhu brother. My general advice would be to try and schedule your classes for college to be in the other half of the day. In my case, my hifdh class is in the morning from 8-1, so what I try to do is schedule my college classes to be either online or sometime in the afternoon/evening. Of course there will be times when we have to schedule a morning college class and there will be no way around that, but definitely try your best so that this is not the case. And since hifdh and college are two big and time demanding tasks, I would recommend dropping down your workload for college and consider taking 2-3 classes each semester instead of 3-4. This may delay your graduation by a semester or two, but it will be all worth it if it means you get to finish your hifdh as well InshaAllah. And also, make lots and lots of dua
BarakAllahu Feekum
Waalaykumussalam akhi. Alhamdulillah I finished my hifdh when i was younger. I now work as an engineer and also study in a dars nizami alimiyya course. I live in Australia, and here we have plenty of part time alimiyya courses which run classes 3 hours a day 5 days a week after work. Obviously its not as rigorous as your usual full time, but Alhamdulillah it allows me to work my usual full time job whilst studying and spending time with my wife and family. Might be worthwhile to look into it.
BarakAllahu Feekum
brother you should make series on teaching summary on Usul Fiqh
As a hanbali student living now in the uk (predominantly hanafis) what would you suggest as a fiqh matn for someone who wants to understand hanamfi rulings better? A friend mentioned al qadoori, but due to its brevity in words I don't want to read independently then fall into error
You can try الاختيار لتعليل المختار
For zaahirul riwayat you can check ja'mi us sageer and ja'mi ul kabeer of Imam Muhammad and other than these you can read شرح معانی الآثار and الاشباح و النظائر
Assalamualaikum brother I have a doubt on rasing finger on tashahhud according to hanafi madhab with Hadith reference kindly explain me in detail if u already post the video kindly give me the reference
Create a video in which talk about which ulama of Ahnaaf are best. Allama kasaani, ibne nujaim, shaami, marginani which book is best and which aalim if best near ahnaaf. You can add other ulama too. This video will be viral insha Allah
Looking for more books to be told us about after the Hidayah please to know how can one know more about Deen and know about Hanafi Madhab. Jzkk
Yes the nurul idah looks very neath
It would be interesting if u give us your journey and decision to study to become an alim and mufti. Also why u choose to study where u did
Congratulations 🎉 brother
Great bro ❤
من يرشدنى إلى كتب الإصطلاح الحنفي ؟ مثل كتاب فوائد المكية في المذهب الشافعي
انظر شرح عقود رسم المفتي لابن عابدين
Run away from Hanafi sects and all sects that pray salah incorrectly, recite Quran with not pronouncing the AL correctly to change meanings and joining words, they don't praise before sunrise and sunset and they prevent Muslim women from the back rows of masjids
Be Muslim only, following AL-LAHI and the Messenger SAWS only...
Sects take you to Jahannum
السلام علیکم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Mufti Sahib can you please let me know which books/texts you've memorised on your journey? I plan to do darse nizami inshaAllah so want a head start. Please pray for me to start it and complete it
Waalaykumussalam Wa Rahmat Allah Wa Barakatuh
I wouldn't suggest memorizing any specific books at the moment because different schools have different syllabi even though they may all be Dars Nizami. Instead getting a head start on learning Arabic will help alot as every Islamic institution heavily relies on it.
Additionally, if you really wanted to memorize something, you can ask the institution that you'll be going to which books they suggest and begin with those.
@@Nafisur.Rahman جزاك الله خيراً
A Mufti is a Mujtahid, are you a Mujtahid ? How many books have you authored in the Arabic language?
@@Abu_Vibes Brother, the term mufti has been used for different meanings. The highest sense of the word is the mujtahid, however, one who is qualified to answer fiqh related questions in a particular school is also termed a mufti.
Similar is the case of the term Imam. One can say an Imam is a mujtahid, then what do we call those who lead the prayers in the masjid? In reality both are imams however the meaning of the term will change based on the context.
I hope this makes it clear. Also, writing books in Arabic has nothing to do with being a mujtahid, has every Mujtahid in the past written a book in Arabic? Can you show me the book that Imam Abu Hanifah himself has authored in Arabic?
So your demanding question has nothing to do with the assertion you make.
And just so you know, I have written works in Arabic, which is not hard for a graduate of the Dars Nizami curriculum.
Akhi you are a maturidi? I am considering subscribing but I dont know your aqeedah. Jazakallah Khair
@@ligsey8300 Yes I am
Ashraf ali thanvi and his scholars of deobandiya are followers of wahdatul wujud. Their founding fathers praised ibn Arabi even though he believed Allah dwells in the creation. Don't hide behind the hanafi madhab in fiqh. Talk about aqeedah and your deviant sufi tareeka.
Subhan Allah such harsh words
@MuftiNafis these are not harsh. Open the books of imdadullah al makki such as at Deobandiyah. It's loaded with wahdatul wujud. More so the same deobandi founding fathers labeled ibn Arabi a heretic not because of his belief of wahdatul wajud but it was he declared it to the laymen. Deobandis are a hidden baatini sect. And again who hide behind just the fiqh of imam Abu hanifa. You even say Muhammad sallalahu alaihi wasallam is alive in his grave. Which is a different topic of discussion. Do your research or bring your evidence otherwise.
المجنون يتكلم عن وحدة الوجود وهو لا يعرف ما هي، فدعه كما يودع الناس البهلول لأنه يتكلم عن قيل وقال، والشعراء يتحدثون عن الرجال مثلك. "لو أجاب المفتي على كل سؤال لجن جنونه" فلا أبالي بما تقول، مثل كلب ينبح. 🤣
يا مفتي دع هذا الرجل ، وقل له "ادرس حياة العلماء من السابق كما في سير أعلام النبلاء او شذرات الذهب وليس فقط علمائهم من المائة عام الماضية “🤣🤣🤣
المجنون يتحدث عن وحدة الوجود وهو لا يعرف ما هي، فدعه كما يودعون الناس البهلول لأنه يتحدث عن قيل وقال. والشعراء يتحدثون عن الرجال مثلك: "لو أجاب المفتي على كل سؤال لجن جنونه." فلا أبالي بما تقول، مثل كلب ينبحني
دع عنك آراء الرجال و قولهم
فقول رسول الله أزكى و أشرح
(صلى الله عليه وسلم)
Shayk what do you think of doing an alim course online as a 16 year old, if it’s my only option? (Will this still be a good education)
@@mujq7879 It depends on the institution, the instructors and the syllabus. Lots of people have benefited from an online alim course and have become scholars.
For Alamiyyah course, Al Balagh institue is one of the best one to do online for Hanafi Madhab
If someone were to do an online alim course, which institution would you personally recommend?@@Nafisur.Rahman
Its reminds me a verse from Quran. " Ibrahim was neither cristian nor jew nor polythiest but a Muslim"
Same analogy comes into my mind when ppl boast I am so and so ( sunni shia..hanafi..shafai..hambali....etc) ..
Mohammed SAW neither sunni or shia or hanafi hambali maliki but a Muslim
We learn persian and arabic in pak and we use books in urdu language btw
@@dawer4873 Masha Allah
We learned only one book in Farsi but had much more emphasis on Urdu and Arabic
My name is Nafis as well 😁
@@Nafisalhanafi And you’re a Hanafi too
Masha Allah
@@Nafisur.Rahman I’m Bangladeshi too 😁
Mawlana Ashraf Ali Thanvi has inspired generations.
He was a deviant deobandi
@hasan9.11 You might be deviant pseudo salafi ter orist who thinks like Hindus and ancient Greeks that Allah has a limit
@@MHyder-vc1ib he is a Mujaddid and the shatim ul auliya such as pseudo salafis don't like him
@ too much ilm to digest for them.
did you graduate from zaks ?
@@southafricangoat883 Yes I did
Assalamulaiakum where did you buy your books? Your Noorul Idah is soo much cleaner than mine
I bought the Nurul Idah when I was in South Africa, however this print should be accessible now Insha Allah.
@@Nafisur.Rahman what website would it be available on? Also where do you buy your plastic covers
@@shuaibsyed3585 I’m not sure which site would have it now, but I’d search on any bookseller that has Hanafi books in general.
I basically buy plastic table cover wraps. They can be bought by the yard in fabric stores. Then I cover my books with them.
I was thinking of making a video of me covering a book.
@@Nafisur.Rahman Jazakallhukahir, Yes please make the video
Praise be to Allah
And obey Allah and the Messenger, that ye may obtain Mrrcy
Alqur'an. 3:132.
Also see 3:31,32. 4:59.
33:21,36. 47:33
I am a B.Sc. graduate.
I served in Police Department.
My three sons are Mufti.
Elder son is no more.
I repeatedly advise my sons to follow
Qur'an and Sunnah "., guide others accordingly
not on the basis of madhab and
give fatwa in accordance
with Qur',an and Sunnah not on the bssis of madhab.
Further the Hanafi sects thought people to pray salah in contravention of Quran and Hadith and in wrong away..Ask AL-LAHI for guidance and be a following Muslim only
@@BELIEVINGMUSLIM If you ask Allah for guidance, He may turn you into a Hanafi.
@MuftiNafis AL LAHI has saved me from that evil sects that assaults women who want to pray in the back rows of masjids with force, who don't follow Islam but opinions and who don't teach salah correctly.
You should look into what I say with a request of AL-LAHI to guide hanafi is following scholars opinions and not Islamic law.
In sha AL-LAHA Ameen may He guide you and me and keep us far away from sects.
What are your views on Maturidis?
@@M-ahmet My view is that the Maturidiyyah are part of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa ‘l Jama’ah and most Hanafis are maturidi.
Nice info
How important was word for word memorizing in your preparation?
We had to memorize a text in every field in the beginning, however later on the focus was on understanding and research.
@@Nafisur.Rahman Thank you for answering. The Salafi guys seem to really promote verbatim memorization. I have a lot of respect for that.
Memorizing texts are definitely the way to go. If that is coupled with depth of understanding, a person will become a formidable traditional scholar.
@@IC-XC_NIKA we Hanafi Deobandis promotes knowing what exactly is written in Qur'an, we mostly focus on tafsir and also classical Arabic grammar, this is why there is a saying that Qur'an was revealed in Arabia, Melodiously Recited in Egypt and Understood in India
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
Is there any way to contact you regarding new masaail ?
Waalaykumussalam wa Rahmat Allah wa Barakatuh
You can dm me on instagram. It’s linked in my bio.
@@Nafisur.Rahman جزاك الله خيرا
السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
Mufti Saab does your copy of Qudoori have a cover on it and if so then where did you purchase it from?
جزاك الله خيرا
@@1_AbuHurairah Waalaykumussalam my Quduri has a plastic cover.
I purchase rolls of plastic and use them to make book covers.
Me ====Fiqh: Alhe hadees 2: Aqeeda = salafi and not sufi😅 thing maximum sufi's are hanafi ..and baralwi are another type of hanfi ....these groups are alhe Bida .. According to the Asool of Imam abu Hanifa(nouman bin sabit) ra ...told his student Abu Yousuf his fav.student that if my statement goes against sahih hadees throw it on wall donot issue my fatwa before checking and same of all three schools...Now alhe hadees are the ocean in which these four schools (rivers) join...😊
You're still a kid.❤
@@Boostknowledge830 Following a madhhabb is not haram as a salafī, scholars like shaykh muqbil who such kind of things made a mistake on this issue
@@it-a-024-ibrahimfarwahaffa2in what way u think brother
@@it-a-024-ibrahimfarwahaffa2 he'll mature eventually
Darse Nizami doesn't make person extremely advanced but it is extremely advanced if compared to the syllabus of Madina, Riyadh, Ummul Qurra, Azhar and Zitouna... Without any doubt, it is like master or post graduate level degree if we compare it with the above jamias... And according to me not a single scholars in Arab world today especially in Egypt and Saudi are equivalent to Hakeem ul Ummah Mujaddid ul deen o millat Maulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi (ra) he had total package, nobody in today's Ummah are like ulama of Deoband
Self satisfaction 😂, you even know any Arab scholar?
@hasan9.11 yes there are many, in Saudi Arabia there sheikh fawzan, sheikh arifi and many others, in shinqit there is sheikh dedow, in Algeria there is sheikh bin bayyah... But let me know, which scholars can speak openly against government other than India Pakistan Bangladesh? Maulana Sajjad nomani speaking against bjp, there are many ulama in Pakistan speaking against many things in Pakistan... In Saudi Arabia they will disappear and nobody will know where are those scholars such as Hazrat sheikh Salman al ouda and Sheikh Safar al hawali....
Let me know which scholars who born after 1000 hijri has written 1700 books all alone, it is Sheikh Thanvi, let me know Azhar or Madina has affiliated madrasas that are producing more than 100000 huffaz in a year? It is wifaq ul madaris Al Arabia in Pakistan, figures are just from that group, not from whole deobandi madrasas of Subcontinent
Don't forget that after 1000 hijri, the Mujaddid of alfathani was born in India who is none other than Sheikh Ahmad Sirhindi
@@hasan9.11 yes there are many, in Saudi Arabia there sheikh fawzan, sheikh arifi and many others, in shinqit there is sheikh dedow, in Algeria there is sheikh bin bayyah... But let me know, which scholars can speak openly against government other than India Pakistan Bangladesh? Maulana Sajjad nomani speaking against bjp, there are many ulama in Pakistan speaking against many things in Pakistan... In Saudi Arabia they will disappear and nobody will know where are those scholars such as Hazrat sheikh Salman al ouda and Sheikh Safar al hawali....
Let me know which scholars who born after 1000 hijri has written 1700 books all alone, it is Sheikh Thanvi, let me know Azhar or Madina has affiliated madrasas that are producing more than 100000 huffaz in a year? It is wifaq ul madaris Al Arabia in Pakistan, figures are just from that group, not from whole deobandi madrasas of Subcontinent
@@QamruddinKhan-hf4dn speaking against the government in The Arab and Indian subcontinent is completely different in scenarios. In Indo Pak there is democracy. It's common that you can criticize the government openly. And secondly producing more huffaz doesn't mean you have become a great Alim. I think you pretty much know about the Haal of many Qawmi Mudarris and what kind of act they're in with small children . Wa yadhubillah
@hasan9.11 In Egypt there is democracy in Algeria there is democracy still ulama are not free... If your are talking about beating up small children that's bad but that's how children learn to respect elders, that qaumi madrasas are benefiting the qaum really God, underpaid beneficial aalim is far times better than overpaid but silent aalim, the person of this chanel is creation of those madrasas btw... Let me know what your madrasas gave other than exporting extremist ideology
Did you study at azadville or zakariyya ?
@@nasheedcollection4745 There are more madrasahs than these two in South Africa, but I studied in Zakariyya and a little in another Madrasah.
What do you say to the people who call Maruridis kuffar?
@@M-ahmet I say they are mistaken and have made a major error
You have Sharh Mani Athar?
Yes I do Alhamdulillah
There’s no harm in calling yourself a mufti as it’s a functional title.
Am I sinful for not following Hanafi madhab?
No, you do not need to follow the Hanafi madhhab. A madhhab is a scholarly school that attempts to understand and present the law of Islam.
It is not divine but it is the best attempt at practicing the Quran and Sunnah. Any of the four madhhabs are fine.
@MuftiNafis Is it mandatory to follow any one of the four madhab?
@ If a person is not qualified to follow the Quran and Sunnah directly (there are difficult qualifications laid out by great scholars of the past) then they must follow scholars who can understand Quran and Sunnah.
The greatest of these scholars are the four imams and their madhhabs.
What’s the purpose of those book covers?
@@Rajul2 They protect the cover from wear and tear. It’s also a way I show respect to the book.
I also don’t like it when the gold writing on the cover wears off after continuous use.
From which madrsa u studied mean in which country....
@@BilalHassan-mj6nx Darul Uloom Zakariyya in South Africa
@MuftiNafis mashallah brother
@MuftiNafis so u are imam now a days
@ Yes
There is only one Deen that is Quran and sunnah
المفتى هو المجتهد .........كما صرح ابن الهمام..................وفى زماننا هم ناقلون..............
هذا ما أنا عليه
ونسمي انفسنا مفتين مجازا
أي الذين ينقلون عن المفتي الإمام
فهو مجاز مرسل كما لا يخفى على العلماء
@@Nafisur.Rahman لا يترك المعنى الحقيقى الا لتعذر ................
. ..........الناس عندكم اما مقلدون او مجتهدون ...........فما الفرق بين أنت و رجل ليس بعالم.................................وما هو تعريف التقليد......
@@Nafisur.Rahman وما رايك فى تقليد شخص معين............
@@CcccWert هو يستطيع أن ينقل أقوال المجتهدين ، أما العامي فليس عنده ملكة وقدرة لقراءة كتب المجتهدين فضلا عن النقل
Your degree doesn't mean anything. Passing a course doesn't mean you can now give fatwas.
@@1eV What qualifies a person to issue fatwas?
Your statement itself is a fatwa that passing a course is not enough to issue fatwas. So it seems you have met the necessary requirements. Please enlighten me.
I am doing darsi nizami
I am in the sixth year
Camera setup ?
Nothing extravagant, Sony zv1
Where did you study?
@@ridwanlaher9461 Darul Uloom Zakariyya in South Africa
They thought you from a hanafi sect scholars book ...before you even learnt from the Quran and Hadith....not allowed
No, that is incorrect. I memorized the entire Quran before learning my first fiqh book. We even did translation of Quran and we did some books in Hadith.
I wonder how a person can make such incorrect assumptions without knowledge. Aren’t you aware of the verse “Do not pursue that regarding which you have no knowledge…”?
@MuftiNafis you should say as you do not say when you talk.. further you promoting sunni hanafi which is an evil sect which prevent women from back rows, mistranslatea Quran and hadith and prays salah in wrong times
Like giving ppl solar noon time but not telling them it's the time of 2 sunnah and not zuhr and zuhr us when the sun is a thongs length
@MuftiNafis if you did translations properly you will know they lied in English translations especially about salah
@MuftiNafis also don't confuse memorization of Quran with checking translations of word for word with old Arabic dictionaries
Sects cause you to not follow AL-LAHI and the Messenger SAWS like praying Magrib when the Messenger SAWS was praying 2 supererogatory salah and breaking fast in that wrong time snd like praying Fajr before the light shines in Naughtical dawn but in the time of the supererogatory salah when stars decline.
A great evil of the Hanafi and wahabi, etc sects scholars who ignored or mistranslated hadith to cause world wilde non following...
Muslim only....AL Hamdu Lil LAHI
They created sects to promote scholars but they blind follow another unfollowing away from sects
The prerogative of every Muslim is to seek knowledge
fear allah .Madhaaib arent sects you clown .Hadith is vast and thus have differenmt opinions
7:02 ❤
It's sector not madhab
Salam alaikum Can you do a book review on mukhtasar Al qudoori shaykh
Yes, I plan on it. Barak Allah fikum!
Only 2 years to become mufti?? I thought u have to study for atleast 5 more years.btw in Pakistan dars e nizami is 8 years generally.
My question:how do you people earn do u have other degree as well?
@@dawer4873 Yes the Dars Nizami has been altered throughout the years to suit the needs of every location. It was over 16 years originally. Now what remains is watered down no matter where you go.
And Yes the ifta I did was only 2 years but that is after studying 7 years of Hanafi fiqh in the normal course. So no additional study of masail was studied, more so the theory and practice of issuing fatawa.
@@dawer4873 There is no set way of earning. Some of us get secular degrees and jobs in those fields. Others like myself become imams and teachers for seminaries.
@@Nafisur.Rahman hmm i think i would have to get both educations earn learn islam
We are only muslim not hanafi and wahabi dont divide the ummah be only muslim
If the madhahib are diving the ummah then sadly the ummah has been divided for over 1,000 years. You should spread your message to every traditionally trained scholar and imam throughout the world.
@@Nafisur.Rahman Allah mousta'an, those people are really in delusion...