He didn't realize how close he was to the Seven Blasphemous deaths since he arrived to the void and only the enigmatic gale knew about the existence of the bewitched sword.
Quickly put me down so it looks like I resolved this situation myself. ahem Ohohoho hello shinkai it has been awhile. I am speaking directly into your ear right now you will go through the scrying mirror and obtain a copy of Bambi for the ps2
As a sword collector I must admit that I completely understand this man.
The guy's dedicated, you have to admit
the real hero of the story
and true to his word
He got his wife back and got to meet his sister in law. Lucky!
hope they get along
He didn't realize how close he was to the Seven Blasphemous deaths since he arrived to the void and only the enigmatic gale knew about the existence of the bewitched sword.
Dude still has a long way to go, lol
Should be able to sense her presence without hearing her voice.
Quickly put me down so it looks like I resolved this situation myself.
Ohohoho hello shinkai it has been awhile. I am speaking directly into your ear right now you will go through the scrying mirror and obtain a copy of Bambi for the ps2
I'm screaming 😭😂
「Thunderbolt fantasy 2nd.season」以来 七殺天凌と婁震戒様との再開シーンだ😽 彰様やらあーにゃん様の事 石田彰様の華やかなボイスが一番綺麗だわ😽 婁震戒様が七殺天凌の事を「姫」と言うセリフが一番多かったし、婁震戒様が七殺天凌の事を可愛いがっていたシーンは神ですね😽 今後の展開先が気になるので彰様やらあーにゃん様😽の事 石田彰様😽が活躍しているアニメ登場回がありましたらほぼ毎日 観ています😺
i don't think he will like sword waifu in human/demon form and will ask for a refund
Definitely. Or he'll try to stop the plan beforehand.
given the latest episode it looks like you were right
Hmmm... Is that Athrun Zala's VA?
damn yanderes really are scary.