Thanks for the real smack down info, I been struggling for months changing arrow setups, shooting axis 5mil, 340 spine with 60lb draw, the rip arrows are on my mind
Depending on dl and several other factors these could be overspined I shot 400 spine at this draw weight unless you have heavy point weight I would try 400 maybe (black eagle makes some pretty good arrows too)
Great shooting guys!! Congrats Randy, Tim and Paul! Well done fellas. 👍🏹
Congrats Randy! Couldn't be a better person to win! Keep it up sir!
Thanks for the real smack down info, I been struggling for months changing arrow setups, shooting axis 5mil, 340 spine with 60lb draw, the rip arrows are on my mind
Depending on dl and several other factors these could be overspined I shot 400 spine at this draw weight unless you have heavy point weight I would try 400 maybe (black eagle makes some pretty good arrows too)
This may be the first time I have literally seen 5 different brands at once in the finals.
Heck yeah tattoo Tony is a cool dude shoot with him local
Since when did shrapnel become a fashion statement!🙄
Yeah he is, i shoot with him at boneyard in madison nc