@@P.H.888 maybe use ur brain and realise that they're probably doing their part but asking for others to also pray never hurts...the bible tells us to do that. Leave with ur cynicism
There is a gospel presentation called Plug and Play that also touches the hearts of the Muslims and they turn from their beliefs to Christianity if they are not completely convinced that their Muslim beliefs are what they should follow, really dogmatic about it.
I remember praying for months n months seeking the Lord for his tangible presence and one morning while praying my voice started to get louder and I felt the atmosphere change. Suddenly I “heard” a massive explosion right in front of me and I saw with my eyes wide open a vortex sitting side ways looking like I was at the end of a slide ready to climb in. I remember no fear at all but I’m looking at this vortex and it vanishes and my knees buckle and I’m on the floor crying n crying because a sensation of absolute PEACE overcame my body in waves n waves, I knew in my heart of hearts the I was in the presence of the Lord!!!!!! I don’t know how long I was on the floor for because the moment seemed timeless. It took me weeks to even share that to my husband because I wanted to treasure that experience in my heart 😍🔥 I love you Lord for loving on us the agape love that cannot separate those that believe in you 😍🔥
@@chrisharrell5945 i had the atmosphere change in front of my eyes, i was ecstatic, so happy my body couldn't contain my spirit i guess, i wasn't praying but the mental state must've been the same; i saw and felt waves circling and leaving my body moving farther.. i was clueless at the time, and very confused i didn't understand what was going on with and around me, events and feelings can do that too, but what is relevant here is our essence. several days later i felt like i was floating in the air ..more like hovering at few inches above the ground, i wasn't of course but this is how i felt, and people looking at my face told me i was glowing
@@rodicapopescu2038 That's outstanding. Great!! Thanks for sharing. IF only we could live in it and separate ourselves from this ridiculous low energy world
@@judedsouza8782- Free will means God doesn’t force you to believe in Him or to choose Him. He loves you and wants you to want Him of your own free will. Just talk to God in your own words with a sincere heart. It’s nothing fancy but it’s called prayer. Then find a good Christian church to attend to learn more about salvation and your life will be better than you ever knew it could be. Not that you won’t have trials, but you’ll have joy and peace in life in spite of them because you’ll be connected to God and that changes everything!
I was praying in an ambulance that I was cleaning and is I got out I was thinking about Angels,God, the Holy Spirit and stept out of the ambulance to get some cleaning tools. Gabriël the Ark Angel just walked in the closet were the cleaning equipment is stored. I got blessed. For cleaning these emergency vehicles. At first I was overwelmed. Later I thanked God and testifed at home. Most people think I am crazy but I had an NDE. I don't drink anymore, don't smoke. But I find earth so exhausting as an autistic person. I love beeing alone so no one can keep me away from God.
My testimony ! Few years ago , so many times LORD JESUS Saves my Life from suicide 🙏 ! Three years before , in my vision i met the MESSIAH ! The MESSIAH (YESHUA) was on white horse , in the Air , here on Earth 🌍 in my vision ! Today i Preach in the Street for JESUS ❤️ ! Greetings from Macedonia ❤️ Shalom ❤️ .
Brother, who are you ?!?! I was watching makeup videos on TH-cam and all of a sudden you ( no, actually the Holy Spirit)! Shows up and this starts playing. No one, and I mean NO ONE but Jesus knows what’s in my heart. Thank you Lord for this your son and the women who love and care for your children. Amen 🙏
You don't need any make-up! God has given you such a beautiful face which doesn't need any corrections. Show your appreciation of your beautiful features and don't cover your perfect beauty with paint.🤗♥️🙏
When I was a teenager I had such an anointing enter my room after days of praying a friend came into the room and he was healed instantly of shoulder pain. Then I kept seeing bright flashes of light in my face in the dark and an electric crack. I would get scared and switch on the light but it would keep happening. This is after days of repenting and then writing out a list of friends to pray for.
I also fell back, opened my arms into a cross shape and flew out of my body, the Lord with me and we circled the galaxies at speed of light just like you described - at last, somebody else has had a similar experience! Thank you
That one time I traveled on light it was going so fast I passed many planets and very close to a few. Wow. As I think back I can still see a lot of it. I just went straight across the galaxy to my destination though. I traveled for a very long time... on light... not falling... not asleep. I'm still stunned.
So crazy when you said your house began to shake. After my parents died, I was in such deep grief. i sought God morning, noon and night, i had So many Spiritual experiences at that time. Including, feeling my bed shake. Like in the movies. I would be in a twilight , not complete sleep or awake, but it was NOT a dream. I will never forget those times when Jesus came through and strengthened my faith. He is Real! I was in His Word more then. Thank you for reminding me of those times when I got so many miracles. He comforts us when we lean on Him with our entire beings. I had visitation dreams. And heard things right in my ear, and so many signs, I don’t care if anyone believes me or not. All things are possible with God.
Seeley girl, I am glad u found comfort, I am a Believer in the Lord Jesus CHRIST, and I am still seeking comfort after losing my Mother and sister. Suddenly, but he has been silent.
Peace to all whom may read this. May God the Father, Jesus Christ & The loving Holy Spirit wrap there loving arms around you and keep you safe. May our Lord Jesus give you the strength you need to endure, Our Lord Jesus knows how tough things are for everyone,. Give your life to Christ ♥️ Jesus while there is still time, Jesus Love's you more than you know! Do the following: Repent, Read your Bible daily, Charity ( give to the poor) Outwardly confess the Lord Jesus Christ as your lord and savior! Say this prayer to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.... "Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen".
HalleluYah! Very encouraging. Thanks for sharing. Yah bless you and your family, and your ministries. And Yah bless all the viewers. Let’s experience more of our Creator, Father. Ahmein 🙏🏾
I have the same experience of footsteps before the Presence of God is revealed, even knocking, and even doorbell! ( on the door of the heart- I presume!) - these sounds are inthe spirit... How I know that? - because they happen to me when I pray in silence very late at night! Praise God ❤️
I have ridden across the heavenlies on beams of light and it was amazing. That is only a part of what God did that afternoon. Thanks for sharing your experience.
@@NicholeWilliamsAmorvicitomnia I could but out of respect for the author, this is not a good place for it. It is too long. Let me leave you with something I received from an acquaintance of mine that was a student of the late Bob Jones when I was asking her about this. She said.. "It is like the anointing hits your imagination and it becomes a real experience" I could not have agreed more. Whether in the body or out of the body I do not know. Be Blessed.. GC
When I was baptised in the Holy Spirit I was lying down praying and suddenly my whole body was vibrating and I didn't know what to think but I just let it happen. I've experienced many supernatural experiences and also suffer much from physical health issues...it's weird to know and experience the supernatural miracles but then not be healed. Multiple painful surgeries and recoveries but I'm still waiting for the cure. Anyway 30 years later I'm so grateful to God and His love and faithfulness to me and my family ❤
Yes, it is, I've often wondered and talked to the Lord about this...how it is we can sense that sort of power but not be healed in our physical bodies. I still don't understand this one. I do believe in the power of healing though and understand how HE comes upon us with an intense warmth and melts pains and tumors away. It is hard to digest how we can have a powerful spiritual encounter with God where HE shows up in great power and shakes the physical house, yet we walk away from there without being completely healed in our bodies too. I don't understand this one. I've prayed and questioned the Lord about it for decades.
@@chrisharrell5945 thanks for sharing part of your story...honestly it's challenging to recognize we're not alone in this situation but also strangely comforting as well. Literally a one day at a time situation. Blessings to you brother in Christ 🙏
@@chrisharrell5945 Sometimes, it is a need for emotional healing then physical healing comes really fast. I've seen great advances in healing after people's emotions are healed. Not saying it is the IT. I ponder and pray about God's power being all over and what I was thinking would happen did not. Me, Them, You oh Lord? Open my eyes.
I saw Emmet Fox on YT about the " Golden Key " to prayer You think only about God, not the person or difficulty and he says I will find I AM safely, comfortably out of my difficulty Please pray for me to be able to do this! Please pray for my grown children to know Jesus is real and to ask HIM into their hearts and my my son to be delivered from alcohol and decide he wants and needs help to get sober and stay sober. Thank you God bless you
What a wonderful testimony. I am so encouraged, I have been saved since a little girl but in the last 3 years I have surrendered my whole life to Christ and have been walking intimately and growing in such a way that I can now Express that this is the start of what life and life more abundantly is. I seek Christ and live for the Kingdom cause I have realized that that is all that matters and this testimony opens up more encouragement intimately. Thank you again and God bless you
I also experienced something similar like this and this was a conformation that i am not the only one and that it is of the Lord. Being learning about the secret place and waiting on the Lord in these last couple of months. The first time it happened i snaped out of it because i thought i was going to Hell and the second i was laying on the bed, quieted my soul as the psalmist says before the Lord and i found myself travelling though this white portal going up in space and i was going through space and i saw the Sun up close as i was passing by. But at the same time i was aware that i was on my bed at the same time this was happening and i came back
Tonight while I'm reading the word of God I'm going to wait on the Lord and be of good courage and that's an awesome story and God bless you in Jesus mighty name
I watched this a couple of times. This is real and more encouraging. I want to experience more of Gods presence and to live in it every moment of my life. Please pray for me.
Yes and when it first begins it is very Supernatural Oh no you're not used to it but after you learn the ways of God and let him do the moving with his presence you feel so complete and the power of God and the power of his mind is so upon you. And you don't function anymore on your own you function with God's power and his mind. I thank the Lord for bringing you on Facebook and sharing your testimony.
You have reminded me of this dream I had I asked Jesus If I can come see Him.He said come so i jumped it was like i jumped from the ground to the sky like the 1st jump I felt I was on the clouds level I jumped again and i saw that i had left the earth I could see it from afar bt i started gasping for air.And I said Jesus I don't think I am ready can I go back,he said yes then I woke up from that dream.i will keep seeking Jesus
On The Day Of Pentecost, The 🕊 HOLY SPIRIT 🔥 Came as a Rushing 💨 Wind And Baptised or Filled The 120 Faithful Believers! God Indwelling! ♥️ This is The New Creation Through The New Covenant Of Jesus Christ ✝️ So we can be taught, sanctified, led, comforted, exhorted by HIM 🙏🏻 His Kingdom is Spiritual
So you finally listened and learned to meditate. Your home didn’t shake. You shook inside from the energy you were feeling. The lord told me that meditation is how we connect to the heavens.
Meditation is powerful....exactly, it opens one up to the dimensions of Kingdom and empowers or enables us to travel and see places and work things spiritually before we ever show up there physically
Choose Him 🕊️ "Our Private Lives fuel our public lives." "Disconnected from the earthly realm." Encounter = expecting what God IS doing, not what He isn't doing "Show up as God's kids" = reveals Jesus and supernatural solutions
Careful what you ask for. When Yeshua returns he will kill 50% of the world population. 50% of believers who do iniquity... This is a day of GREAT DISTRESS... Remember the parable of the 10 Virgins... 5 are cast out into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth... If you Love him, keep his Commandments.
@@autumnmoon8459 child of Messiah... once you are forgiven you are commanded to sin no more... if you have, you have in ignorance because of the teachings of faith alone. Yet faith without works of righteousness is dead. If you truly love him keep his commandments and I will see you in Jerusalem. Always a friend.
For 25 years one of my teachers taught about waiting on the Lord. He wrote a few books even went down to morning Star..sold books there and couple kids from school became leaders down there. This teacher would touch kids and they just fall over..it was amazing..we had students who were demon manifest..react... He practice the presence of God. Waiting..on a scripture.. Occupy till I come Wait on Lord and He renew your strength Could you not tarry an hour..
I was watching a video about jesus ,then i closed my eyes and started praying ,something strange happens,suddenly i feel like i wasn’t in my room ,everything is dark and i am going straight to somewhere, A moment later i saw a bit of light , it feels like i am traveling through a portal i was getting closer and closer when i finally reached, it feels like i can’t even discribe but i can feel jesus he was there everything is so peaceful i was really happy i can feel god presence i just see’s white light everywhere its really peaceful i was happy so much i never felt anything like that in my entire life then suddenly i opened my eyes in reality i was so happy i dont know what happen but i am happy i can feel peace its more like something happen to my body and mind i just feel peace before that night i was sad,depressed,broken but after that incident everything just gone just vanished all my depression and sadness just vanished for a moment,i feel peace , i still dont know what actually happen but its my story i felt that in real if anyone still reading thank you so much pardon me for my bad English (maybe the video i am hearing the background sound manipulate me and give access something beyond my imagination or its my belief to GOD and JESUS …( i was kind of an atheist before) after the incident i can imagine Jesus i pray to him everyday at least once ( I believe Jesus will guide me the way he want me to become ) the day i am writing this comment i am nothing in reality more like an idiot/stupid person if i can ever achieve my destiny this me and future me there will be a huge difference i can call myself successful and happy . pray for me . its my own supernatural story , you can’t watch it but you can read it . ❤️
I will try to wait on the Lord. I’ve been praying longer than usual but i’ve come to understand that God already know out thoughts and our heart. I will try to just wait and opening my heart to the Lord. Thank you so much. God bless you
Great testimony Amen I love who Jesus is the relationship I have with my lord and saviour is the most amazing following him and denying myself I pray that we all come to that place 🙏🙏
Nope! You haven’t let HIM down. He’s the only one that’s always fighting for you brother. Keep seeking and ask God for divine guidance to lead you to a man of God which holds the key to your aid
I went on a 4 day fast 2 weeks ago. On the 3rd day of fast as I continued reading the word I was getting hit revelation after revelation. The words of Jesus on Matthew began to stood out to me & also I was beginning to feel Jesus's personality from his parables. On the 4th day I felt heighten spiritually & as I continued reading the word my spiritual eyes began to open slightly & it was as if I was starting to see aura smoke coming out from me or just floating in the air as I stood my focus. I think it was the glory of God it was awesome! Thank you Jesus :) The Lord is eager to show us heavenly things but we must dwell in the secret place not just visit! It might take up to 2 hours but is worth it & you come out rejuvenated in the spirit. The longer the greater the transformation into His image. Praise God
Awesome stuff. That 'smoke' or vapor you saw is the essence of your spirit in prayer/ or after. I've seen this before rising off of me as well. It's the sweet smelling savour that God bottles as we pray
i had a similar experience, i was very happy and in the next hour i left my body for about 2-3 min, i was actually standing in the hallway in my apt at the time, and my spirit went up i was flying among the stars with incredible speed, i had all my senses active still except i was weightless (spirit is weightless), it was amazing, so serene, pure bliss, when i was back into my body i felt sad because life on earth is nothing close to heaven or the galaxy..that 2-3 min trip in spirit felt like eternity to me, but now i knew who i really am, that my soul is eternal, we never die, and that death has no sting, is just a passage to a different, better realm. another time, after that, 6 months later, one morning when i was still sleeping, i heard a heavenly music in my right ear (only) like trumpets but it was so loud that i jumped and fell off the bed and said ..you are too loud ! i didn't hear it again ..but i wish for that music to come back into my life, i miss it, i miss the heavens so much ! thank you for posting this video, now i understand what i have to do to make that trip again ! can't wait to go back up again !!
We tend to think it pleases God to degrade our values before Him. But it is He who raised us up to sit together with Him in heavenly places. True we are God's kids but we dare not unbox that. Why? Why do we struggle with Psalms 82:6 and John 10:34
This is great. People are so against encounters with God I've noticed. They will say things like don't seek encounters. I would think of course I want to, that's seeking God. And encounter or experience with someone isn't bad. Religious people seem offended when you want more and they want you to be satisfied with just knowing ABOUT God from scripture but they come against you when you want to actually KNOW God. That's what Jesus paid for. Not to get you to a place when you die, to get you to a person. Now. This life. But I would start to feel my body vibrate when I would meditate and wait on the Lord, and I'd not want to be doing something for a selfish reason so I'd try not to focus on the vibrations, I'd ignore them. I wanted to embrace them but my mind was influenced by these people to make me feel bad for enjoying the things happening to and around me. Today I will try focusing on the experience as well as the Lord and see what happens. One time my chair felt like it was violently being soaked side to side and I opened my eyes shocked and it stopped. It's scary at first but the more we do it, the more we will get used to these supernatural experiences.
Wow…. I really needed to hear that. I am addicted to other people’s God encounters, but I desperately need my own.
me too
Me too
O theee, the ones who believe without seeing Me but trust in faith.. but do know your feeling to get close to God His Presents
Fellow Christians: Please pray for my sickly,elderly Muslim brother-in-law to be presented with the Gospel of Jesus Christ for his Salvation.
Isn’t that you’re opportunity and commission? 🧐
“Oh please LORD send someone else “?
Not quite Isaiah?
Prayed @Roger
@@P.H.888 maybe use ur brain and realise that they're probably doing their part but asking for others to also pray never hurts...the bible tells us to do that. Leave with ur cynicism
Why do you not present the Gospel to her, are you a disciple of Christ or not?
There is a gospel presentation called Plug and Play that also touches the hearts of the Muslims and they turn from their beliefs to Christianity if they are not completely convinced that their Muslim beliefs are what they should follow, really dogmatic about it.
Give God your time and He will give you His eternity.
That's a perfect way to put it.
Ameñ He sure will God bless you much more as you continue in walking with the Lord Jesus The Christ He loves you with an everlasting Love God is Love
This is a different gospel. And a different gospel cannot save you.
What you say is unBiblical !!
I remember praying for months n months seeking the Lord for his tangible presence and one morning while praying my voice started to get louder and I felt the atmosphere change. Suddenly I “heard” a massive explosion right in front of me and I saw with my eyes wide open a vortex sitting side ways looking like I was at the end of a slide ready to climb in. I remember no fear at all but I’m looking at this vortex and it vanishes and my knees buckle and I’m on the floor crying n crying because a sensation of absolute PEACE overcame my body in waves n waves, I knew in my heart of hearts the I was in the presence of the Lord!!!!!! I don’t know how long I was on the floor for because the moment seemed timeless. It took me weeks to even share that to my husband because I wanted to treasure that experience in my heart 😍🔥 I love you Lord for loving on us the agape love that cannot separate those that believe in you 😍🔥
That's amazing. The prayers of those which truly walk with HIM in spirit, shift atmospheres and open up dimensions just as you said. God is amazing.
God is really awesome! May God always gives you strength to always pray and pray and pray! God bless!
@@chrisharrell5945 i had the atmosphere change in front of my eyes, i was ecstatic, so happy my body couldn't contain my spirit i guess, i wasn't praying but the mental state must've been the same; i saw and felt waves circling and leaving my body moving farther.. i was clueless at the time, and very confused i didn't understand what was going on with and around me, events and feelings can do that too, but what is relevant here is our essence. several days later i felt like i was floating in the air ..more like hovering at few inches above the ground, i wasn't of course but this is how i felt, and people looking at my face told me i was glowing
@@rodicapopescu2038 That's outstanding. Great!! Thanks for sharing. IF only we could live in it and separate ourselves from this ridiculous low energy world
@@rodicapopescu2038 That's awesome. Such an awesome experience, thanks for sharing. It's part of our inheritance.
I have felt God's presence many times. I Know that he is real. ❤
God Bless everyone you can turn to God before it’s to late you have free will
Before it's too late, I suppose
What is free will God spoke to a lady in her nde and mentioned free will to her
@@judedsouza8782 God Bless love you and Jesus loves you too John 3:16-17
@@judedsouza8782- Free will means God doesn’t force you to believe in Him or to choose Him. He loves you and wants you to want Him of your own free will. Just talk to God in your own words with a sincere heart. It’s nothing fancy but it’s called prayer. Then find a good Christian church to attend to learn more about salvation and your life will be better than you ever knew it could be. Not that you won’t have trials, but you’ll have joy and peace in life in spite of them because you’ll be connected to God and that changes everything!
I was praying in an ambulance that I was cleaning and is I got out I was thinking about Angels,God, the Holy Spirit and stept out of the ambulance to get some cleaning tools. Gabriël the Ark Angel just walked in the closet were the cleaning equipment is stored.
I got blessed. For cleaning these emergency vehicles. At first I was overwelmed.
Later I thanked God and testifed at home.
Most people think I am crazy but I had an NDE. I don't drink anymore, don't smoke. But I find earth so exhausting as an autistic person. I love beeing alone so no one can keep me away from God.
I can totally understand what you are saying...be blessed! 🙏✝️❤️
Thank you for sharing and God bless you more .🙏
God be praised
May God bless you and keep you
Bart, I’m autistic and it’s awful sometimes, people have said that’s where my obsessional thoughts come from, but I have God
My testimony ! Few years ago , so many times LORD JESUS Saves my Life from suicide 🙏 ! Three years before , in my vision i met the MESSIAH ! The MESSIAH (YESHUA) was on white horse , in the Air , here on Earth 🌍 in my vision ! Today i Preach in the Street for JESUS ❤️ ! Greetings from Macedonia ❤️ Shalom ❤️ .
Ahhh,gd saw him on the sky too riding on a white horse took a pic and I like to show it to people so they can believe he exists
bobi7 tanevski- Amen🙏🙏🙏❤.
Keep up with your witness for God! God Bless you now and forever, in Jesus name, amen! 🙏✝️❤️
Amazing your testimony of Jesus Christ, King of kings Lord of lords!!!
Brother, who are you ?!?! I was watching makeup videos on TH-cam and all of a sudden you ( no, actually the Holy Spirit)! Shows up and this starts playing. No one, and I mean NO ONE but Jesus knows what’s in my heart. Thank you Lord for this your son and the women who love and care for your children. Amen 🙏
You don't need any make-up! God has given you such a beautiful face which doesn't need any corrections.
Show your appreciation of your beautiful features and don't cover your perfect beauty with paint.🤗♥️🙏
When I was a teenager I had such an anointing enter my room after days of praying a friend came into the room and he was healed instantly of shoulder pain. Then I kept seeing bright flashes of light in my face in the dark and an electric crack. I would get scared and switch on the light but it would keep happening. This is after days of repenting and then writing out a list of friends to pray for.
Awesome stuff! Yeah when heaven manifests it starts to get different. Lol. Those angels were strong…electric cracks…wow!
I also fell back, opened my arms into a cross shape and flew out of my body, the Lord with me and we circled the galaxies at speed of light just like you described - at last, somebody else has had a similar experience! Thank you
Hello dee
That one time I traveled on light it was going so fast I passed many planets and very close to a few. Wow. As I think back I can still see a lot of it. I just went straight across the galaxy to my destination though. I traveled for a very long time... on light... not falling... not asleep. I'm still stunned.
Please pray for me that I have a supernatural experience if it is Gods will, I’m feeling so dry. God bless all .
Just prayed for an anointing of God's spirit be upon you,.in Jesus mighty name, amen! 🙏✝️❤️
It woud work as he said...keep seeking GOD...
When I'm feeling dry I put on worship music and just listen...❤
I just felt his presence so big my breath went away for a few seconds I couldn’t breathe. He’s the Almighty hallelujah 🙏🏼
So crazy when you said your house began to shake. After my parents died, I was in such deep grief. i sought God morning, noon and night, i had So many Spiritual experiences at that time. Including, feeling my bed shake. Like in the movies. I would be in a twilight , not complete sleep or awake, but it was NOT a dream. I will never forget those times when Jesus came through and strengthened my faith. He is Real! I was in His Word more then. Thank you for reminding me of those times when I got so many miracles. He comforts us when we lean on Him with our entire beings. I had visitation dreams. And heard things right in my ear, and so many signs, I don’t care if anyone believes me or not. All things are possible with God.
I’m so glad He was there for you!
It was HIM and the host. I’m glad that you’ve experienced the power and closeness of heaven.
Seeley girl, I am glad u found comfort, I am a Believer in the Lord Jesus CHRIST, and I am still seeking comfort after losing my Mother and sister. Suddenly, but he has been silent.
@@gingerspice3329 I will pray for you.
@@christinsongbird Thank you
Peace to all whom may read this.
May God the Father, Jesus Christ & The loving Holy Spirit wrap there loving arms around you and keep you safe. May our Lord Jesus give you the strength you need to endure, Our Lord Jesus knows how tough things are for everyone,. Give your life to Christ ♥️ Jesus while there is still time, Jesus Love's you more than you know!
Do the following:
Read your Bible daily,
Charity ( give to the poor)
Outwardly confess the Lord Jesus Christ as your lord and savior!
Say this prayer to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior....
"Dear God, I know I’m a sinner, and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe that He died for my sin and that you raised Him to life. I want to trust Him as my Savior and follow Him as Lord, from this day forward. Guide my life and help me to do your will. I pray this in the name of Jesus. Amen".
Amen God bless you
HalleluYah! Very encouraging. Thanks for sharing. Yah bless you and your family, and your ministries. And Yah bless all the viewers. Let’s experience more of our Creator, Father. Ahmein 🙏🏾
I have the same experience of footsteps before the Presence of God is revealed, even knocking, and even doorbell! ( on the door of the heart- I presume!) - these sounds are inthe spirit... How I know that? - because they happen to me when I pray in silence very late at night! Praise God ❤️
And God said, " Seek me while I may be found." Amen! 🙏✝️❤️
I have ridden across the heavenlies on beams of light and it was amazing. That is only a part of what God did that afternoon. Thanks for sharing your experience.
What else did he do?
@@NicholeWilliamsAmorvicitomnia Are you asking me?
@@genechandler2433 yes sir… what else did you experience in that moment… if God allows you to talk about it
@@NicholeWilliamsAmorvicitomnia I could but out of respect for the author, this is not a good place for it. It is too long. Let me leave you with something I received from an acquaintance of mine that was a student of the late Bob Jones when I was asking her about this. She said.. "It is like the anointing hits your imagination and it becomes a real experience" I could not have agreed more. Whether in the body or out of the body I do not know. Be Blessed.. GC
*you said it Right , we must wait on God and have a private life with Jesus*
When I was baptised in the Holy Spirit I was lying down praying and suddenly my whole body was vibrating and I didn't know what to think but I just let it happen. I've experienced many supernatural experiences and also suffer much from physical health issues...it's weird to know and experience the supernatural miracles but then not be healed. Multiple painful surgeries and recoveries but I'm still waiting for the cure. Anyway 30 years later I'm so grateful to God and His love and faithfulness to me and my family ❤
Yes, it is, I've often wondered and talked to the Lord about this...how it is we can sense that sort of power but not be healed in our physical bodies. I still don't understand this one. I do believe in the power of healing though and understand how HE comes upon us with an intense warmth and melts pains and tumors away. It is hard to digest how we can have a powerful spiritual encounter with God where HE shows up in great power and shakes the physical house, yet we walk away from there without being completely healed in our bodies too. I don't understand this one. I've prayed and questioned the Lord about it for decades.
@@chrisharrell5945 thanks for sharing part of your story...honestly it's challenging to recognize we're not alone in this situation but also strangely comforting as well. Literally a one day at a time situation. Blessings to you brother in Christ 🙏
@@pammym1825 there's so much to learn...we increase in knowledge yet there's myriads of mysteries remaining
@@chrisharrell5945 Sometimes, it is a need for emotional healing then physical healing comes really fast. I've seen great advances in healing after people's emotions are healed. Not saying it is the IT. I ponder and pray about God's power being all over and what I was thinking would happen did not. Me, Them, You oh Lord? Open my eyes.
Thank you LORD JESUS for dissolving this tumor in my Spleen... I LOVE YOU ABBA!!!
I felt the Lord's presence just listening and watching your video... Glory 🙌
Me too actually! Flowing in my arms
Me too! My body was shaking.
I saw Emmet Fox on YT about the " Golden Key " to prayer
You think only about God, not the person or difficulty and he says I will find I AM safely, comfortably out of my difficulty
Please pray for me to be able to do this!
Please pray for my grown children to know Jesus is real and to ask HIM into their hearts and my my son to be delivered from alcohol and decide he wants and needs help to get sober and stay sober.
Thank you
God bless you
What a wonderful testimony. I am so encouraged, I have been saved since a little girl but in the last 3 years I have surrendered my whole life to Christ and have been walking intimately and growing in such a way that I can now Express that this is the start of what life and life more abundantly is. I seek Christ and live for the Kingdom cause I have realized that that is all that matters and this testimony opens up more encouragement intimately. Thank you again and God bless you
I also experienced something similar like this and this was a conformation that i am not the only one and that it is of the Lord. Being learning about the secret place and waiting on the Lord in these last couple of months. The first time it happened i snaped out of it because i thought i was going to Hell and the second i was laying on the bed, quieted my soul as the psalmist says before the Lord and i found myself travelling though this white portal going up in space and i was going through space and i saw the Sun up close as i was passing by. But at the same time i was aware that i was on my bed at the same time this was happening and i came back
This has been greatly encouraging! I need not to cut off my time with the LORD, but can press in, pray more & wait longer in HIS presence ... on HIM!
Love this! Gods presence is everything ♥️ I pray those reading this experience God in His fullness... there’s nothing like Him! 🙏🏼
Amen. More of you my Lord Jesus.
Tonight while I'm reading the word of God I'm going to wait on the Lord and be of good courage and that's an awesome story and God bless you in Jesus mighty name
I watched this a couple of times. This is real and more encouraging. I want to experience more of Gods presence and to live in it every moment of my life. Please pray for me.
You explained that beautifully. Praise Him!
Yes and when it first begins it is very Supernatural Oh no you're not used to it but after you learn the ways of God and let him do the moving with his presence you feel so complete and the power of God and the power of his mind is so upon you. And you don't function anymore on your own you function with God's power and his mind. I thank the Lord for bringing you on Facebook and sharing your testimony.
You have reminded me of this dream I had I asked Jesus If I can come see Him.He said come so i jumped it was like i jumped from the ground to the sky like the 1st jump I felt I was on the clouds level I jumped again and i saw that i had left the earth I could see it from afar bt i started gasping for air.And I said Jesus I don't think I am ready can I go back,he said yes then I woke up from that dream.i will keep seeking Jesus
Amen-I seek a deeper walk with God!
I completely believe you. God blesses you for seeking Him with your whole heart. Mind, and strength. Praise Jesus !
That’s good! I want that supernatural encounter with Jesus all the time!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you Jesus for this
These kind of encounters are becoming the norm for the manifestation of the sons of God.
On The Day Of Pentecost,
The 🕊 HOLY SPIRIT 🔥 Came as a Rushing 💨 Wind
And Baptised or Filled The 120 Faithful Believers!
God Indwelling! ♥️
This is The New Creation
Through The New Covenant
Of Jesus Christ ✝️
So we can be taught, sanctified, led, comforted, exhorted by HIM 🙏🏻
His Kingdom is Spiritual
So you finally listened and learned to meditate. Your home didn’t shake. You shook inside from the energy you were feeling. The lord told me that meditation is how we connect to the heavens.
Meditation is powerful....exactly, it opens one up to the dimensions of Kingdom and empowers or enables us to travel and see places and work things spiritually before we ever show up there physically
Choose Him 🕊️
"Our Private Lives fuel our public lives."
"Disconnected from the earthly realm."
Encounter = expecting what God IS doing, not what He isn't doing
"Show up as God's kids" = reveals Jesus and supernatural solutions
I want Him to return now.
Careful what you ask for. When Yeshua returns he will kill 50% of the world population. 50% of believers who do iniquity... This is a day of GREAT DISTRESS... Remember the parable of the 10 Virgins... 5 are cast out into outer darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth... If you Love him, keep his Commandments.
I want him to come back too… It’s hard living in sin, it’s like no life is barely left anyways…
Yes please Lord. 😭
@@autumnmoon8459 child of Messiah... once you are forgiven you are commanded to sin no more... if you have, you have in ignorance because of the teachings of faith alone. Yet faith without works of righteousness is dead. If you truly love him keep his commandments and I will see you in Jerusalem. Always a friend.
@@johnholpp6794 I know. I am the daughter of the King.
Great to see this first, Amen
Wow that's so amazing! I want an encounter like that I claim it in the name of Jesus!!!!
Amen... Let it be so in my life too 💙💕
In Jesus Power Name, Amen 🙏🙏🙏
For 25 years one of my teachers taught about waiting on the Lord.
He wrote a few books even went down to morning Star..sold books there and couple kids from school became leaders down there.
This teacher would touch kids and they just fall over..it was amazing..we had students who were demon manifest..react...
He practice the presence of God.
Waiting..on a scripture..
Occupy till I come
Wait on Lord and He renew your strength
Could you not tarry an hour..
Waiting as in A Waiter 🤵🏽serving not just passively waiting!! Doing nothing. 🧐
AMEN, Thanks for this story it strengthens my faith too.
A great word
And great comments
My brother's and sisters.
lord jesus i need help with my life and my sons we need you
Thank you for sharing! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
I will wait on Him! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Thank u for being available for God to use in saving weak souls. Prayers&greetings from Southern Cameron-Africa. Amen.
I was watching a video about jesus ,then i closed my eyes and started praying ,something strange happens,suddenly i feel like i wasn’t in my room ,everything is dark and i am going straight to somewhere, A moment later i saw a bit of light , it feels like i am traveling through a portal i was getting closer and closer when i finally reached, it feels like i can’t even discribe but i can feel jesus he was there everything is so peaceful i was really happy i can feel god presence i just see’s white light everywhere its really peaceful i was happy so much i never felt anything like that in my entire life then suddenly i opened my eyes in reality i was so happy i dont know what happen but i am happy i can feel peace its more like something happen to my body and mind i just feel peace
before that night i was sad,depressed,broken but after that incident everything just gone just vanished all my depression and sadness just vanished for a moment,i feel peace , i still dont know what actually happen but its my story i felt that in real if anyone still reading thank you so much pardon me for my bad English (maybe the video i am hearing the background sound manipulate me and give access something beyond my imagination or its my belief to GOD and JESUS …( i was kind of an atheist before) after the incident i can imagine Jesus i pray to him everyday at least once ( I believe Jesus will guide me the way he want me to become ) the day i am writing this comment i am nothing in reality more like an idiot/stupid person if i can ever achieve my destiny this me and future me there will be a huge difference i can call myself successful and happy . pray for me . its my own supernatural story , you can’t watch it but you can read it . ❤️
Love his Spirit and attitude
I will try to wait on the Lord. I’ve been praying longer than usual but i’ve come to understand that God already know out thoughts and our heart. I will try to just wait and opening my heart to the Lord. Thank you so much. God bless you
Be Blessed.. God is good all the time..
Thank u for sharing.. Wonderful to listen after my similar encounter.. S. A.
This blessed me.. Thank you Jesus...
Amazing words, God bless you all!!!
We thank Almighty God, He Loves us so much
Great testimony Amen I love who Jesus is the relationship I have with my lord and saviour is the most amazing following him and denying myself I pray that we all come to that place 🙏🙏
AMEN, Thank You our Beloved ABBA Father! Psalm 37:4
Really beautiful video. Waiting on God sounds like a genuine plan.
Thank You Good Sir. I just need Jesus. I'm ready to give up...I can't take it anymore.
God is always with us.
Everlasting so POWERFUL Everlasting living GOD that can reveal himself in the VOID .
Stay with God. I am longing to re-experience God all over again. Be blessed.
Powerful 🔥praise God
Inspiring ♥️
I think I let God down by falling back to addiction. I pray that I may solely focus and live for him
Nope! You haven’t let HIM down. He’s the only one that’s always fighting for you brother. Keep seeking and ask God for divine guidance to lead you to a man of God which holds the key to your aid
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story.
Wow! 🙌🏼🕊HalleluYAH! 👏🏼🔥
kato mars
1 second ago
Praise God Brother agreeing with our teacher who knows our future togther seeking deeper connection sons of the MOST HIGH
Great experience. I've had a couple in those directions too. Quite awesome.
Locate me Holy Spirit
I still BELIEVE that Jesus is the Christ,God's Only Son ,the Holy One of Israel.
Praise God!
Thank you.
Very deep indeed ...
Praise the lord ❣️
Great one!
Praise God. Hallelujah! 💖
Amen..I feel that shaking and don't know what to do. Thank you for sharing.
I went on a 4 day fast 2 weeks ago. On the 3rd day of fast as I continued reading the word I was getting hit revelation after revelation. The words of Jesus on Matthew began to stood out to me & also I was beginning to feel Jesus's personality from his parables. On the 4th day I felt heighten spiritually & as I continued reading the word my spiritual eyes began to open slightly & it was as if I was starting to see aura smoke coming out from me or just floating in the air as I stood my focus. I think it was the glory of God it was awesome! Thank you Jesus :) The Lord is eager to show us heavenly things but we must dwell in the secret place not just visit! It might take up to 2 hours but is worth it & you come out rejuvenated in the spirit. The longer the greater the transformation into His image. Praise God
Awesome stuff. That 'smoke' or vapor you saw is the essence of your spirit in prayer/ or after. I've seen this before rising off of me as well. It's the sweet smelling savour that God bottles as we pray
God is the greatest, my lord my saviour my one and only
Yes was just thinking that. If everyone had like a near death situation we would all change for the better and actually seek Jesus.
awesome testimony! praise god!!!!!!!!!
i had a similar experience, i was very happy and in the next hour i left my body for about 2-3 min, i was actually standing in the hallway in my apt at the time, and my spirit went up i was flying among the stars with incredible speed, i had all my senses active still except i was weightless (spirit is weightless), it was amazing, so serene, pure bliss, when i was back into my body i felt sad because life on earth is nothing close to heaven or the galaxy..that 2-3 min trip in spirit felt like eternity to me, but now i knew who i really am, that my soul is eternal, we never die, and that death has no sting, is just a passage to a different, better realm. another time, after that, 6 months later, one morning when i was still sleeping, i heard a heavenly music in my right ear (only) like trumpets but it was so loud that i jumped and fell off the bed and said ..you are too loud ! i didn't hear it again ..but i wish for that music to come back into my life, i miss it, i miss the heavens so much !
thank you for posting this video, now i understand what i have to do to make that trip again ! can't wait to go back up again !!
Wow , i feel great , baruch haba bshem adonai yeshua
I'm listening to Mettaverse Solace... suddenly this video showed up...
Geus what's playing in the background...❤
Thanks so much brother for this wonderful testimony.
We tend to think it pleases God to degrade our values before Him. But it is He who raised us up to sit together with Him in heavenly places. True we are God's kids but we dare not unbox that. Why? Why do we struggle with Psalms 82:6 and John 10:34
WOW, I've been waking up at 3 am and I hear something telling me n pushing me " it is time to pray"
Thank you!
Amen! Amen 🙏🙌🏼🙌🏼
So good.
Hello bonita
Mom 89 lost all her muscle tone. Pray she recovers from this weakness to live pls
I really hope so👏
This is great. People are so against encounters with God I've noticed. They will say things like don't seek encounters. I would think of course I want to, that's seeking God. And encounter or experience with someone isn't bad. Religious people seem offended when you want more and they want you to be satisfied with just knowing ABOUT God from scripture but they come against you when you want to actually KNOW God. That's what Jesus paid for. Not to get you to a place when you die, to get you to a person. Now. This life.
But I would start to feel my body vibrate when I would meditate and wait on the Lord, and I'd not want to be doing something for a selfish reason so I'd try not to focus on the vibrations, I'd ignore them. I wanted to embrace them but my mind was influenced by these people to make me feel bad for enjoying the things happening to and around me. Today I will try focusing on the experience as well as the Lord and see what happens.
One time my chair felt like it was violently being soaked side to side and I opened my eyes shocked and it stopped. It's scary at first but the more we do it, the more we will get used to these supernatural experiences.