We need courts, lawyers and judges to understand any one who commits domestic violence are not just a danger to their spouse or ex-partner, they are a danger to everyone in the community. The BIPP's don't change them. Lundy Bancroft has studied this for more than 30 years and has the data to show this.
We need courts, lawyers and judges to understand any one who commits domestic violence are not just a danger to their spouse or ex-partner, they are a danger to everyone in the community. The BIPP's don't change them. Lundy Bancroft has studied this for more than 30 years and has the data to show this.
You are describing very lucky example. My situation- two coherse controlling parents and a sister who is on their side!
Oh my gosh! I have/had lists to do now!! I said I'm not doing it/them....he had /has a fit!
I thought/rhink hes crazy!!
Why am i still here.........
what about Androcide?
I have to say I disagree with her comments about not giving the reason why you can't do such and such. This really sounds like a narcissistic model.