Till I Live (Director's cut)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 4 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 466

  • @윤토리-g5u
    @윤토리-g5u ปีที่แล้ว +193

    그동안 멀리서 늘 꾸준히 응원을 해왔어요. 어쩌면 구구절절 핑계일 수 있지만 한국에선 지방이라, 유럽에선 외국이라 물리적 거리감이 늘 있었고 사실 개인적으로 음악을 듣고 앨범을 사며 응원을 받고 응원하는데는 물리적 거리감은 크게 걸림돌이 아니기도 했거든요.
    아무쪼록 저의 방식대로 부지런히 마음 닿는대로 응원을 해왔어요. 왜냐하면 저도 멀리서 늘 꾸준히 힘을 받았기때문이에요. 엄마가 돌아셨을때도, 동생이 혼자 삶을 끊어냈을때도, 유럽에서 혼자 살아내야 했을때도, 저에게 번번히 힘이 되었습니다.
    여러므로 참 복잡하고 요란한 세상에 디피알라이브에서 홍다빈으로 까지의 크고작은 일들이 있었겠지만(디피알라이브가 마침표가 아님에도) 어떤 선택으로 어떤 행보를 걷든지 늘 해오던 대로 멀리서 꾸준히 응원해요.
    제가 바빠야하는 직장인이라 투어, 공연, 라이브방송 다 빠짐없이 챙겨가며 응원하진 못했어요. 행동하는 응원을 하시는 직장인분들이 얼마나 대단한지 알게되었어요. 그전엔 시간이 있어도 돈이없어 그러더니 이제는 돈이 있어도 다양한 여유가 없어지더라구요. 그래도 저는 노래를 듣고, 앨범을 사며 응원하고 충분히 응원을 받아왔어요. 이번에 새로운 곡이 나왔다고 해서 듣는데 그동안에 들어오던 곡과는 새로운 모습이더라고요. 오랜만에 인스타라이브 방송도 했다고 해서 봤어요. 쉽게 예상할 수도 없는 일들을 겪고서 본인의 길을 가고자 하는 것이 얼마나 큰 용기인지..
    저는 인간의 가장 큰 숙제는 본인탐구라고 생각해요. 특히나 본인이 겪는 어려움을 매번 어떻게 삼켜내야하는지, 어떻게 잠재워야하는지, 생각치도 못한 고난은 시기를 불문하고 오는데 때마다 잘 보내야하는데.. 그러기 위해선 본인을 계속해서 들여다보고 탐구해야 가능한 일 같았어요. 알면서도 그게 참 어렵더라고요. 마주하기 싫은 내모습을 인정하고 싶지않았고 차라리 몰랐으면 좋았을 별로인 모습이 정말 상상이상으로 많더라고요. 그럼에도 불구하고 개인의 회복탄력성, 인간의 원초적인 외로움을 어르고 달래내고, 인간들과 생기는 마찰음을 연주해내고..언급한거 외에도 해내야할게 너무너무 많아서 계속에서 저를 들여다보고 있어요. 사람이다보니 기쁘고 즐거울 땐 행복을 즐기느라 그런건지 해내야 하는 힘든 것이 왔을때서야 본인 탐구가 섬세해지더라고요.
    그러니 지금까지 이어지는 달갑지 않은 어떤 것들은 결국 본인을 탐구하는 과정을 겪고있다고 생각하면 좋을것 같다는 생각을 감히, 또 조심스럽게 해봅니다. 본인이 추구하는 행복과 가치관 그리고 더나아가 인생관에 따라 움직이는 행보와 결과물들이 어떨지, 타인에게 어떻게 보일지 우려와 걱정보다는 지금처럼 하고싶는 것을 해보면 좋겠어요. 그래봐야 겨우 퇴근해서 집에있는 직장인이지만 주제넘게 위로를 해봅니다.
    이따금씩 보는 인터뷰에서, 라이브방송에서 얼마나 섬세한 생각을 가진 사람인지 느껴질때가 있어요. 물론 실제로 친한사이라거나 아는사이가 아니니 미디어에 노출되는 모습을 바탕으로 온전히 제 판단으로 생각하는게 전부이지만, 오히려 그래서 팬분들에게 최대한 솔직한 모습을 보여주고자 한게 아닐까 생각이 들때도 있었어요. 아무쪼록 온전히 제 생각임에도 나오는 모든 음악작업들이 좋았으니 때로는 비슷한 결을 가진 사람이겠다는(착각일 수 있지만) 안도감을 들때도 있었어요.
    그렇게 느끼는건 단순히 저 하나뿐이 아닐꺼예요. 무대를 직접 찾아가 목이 터져라 응원하는 팬분들도, 집에서 계속해서 행보를 찾아가며 응원하는 팬분들도, 혹은 흐르는 강물처럼 삶 안에 흘러가는 팬심으로 응원하는 분들도 다 같은 마음이 아닐까 싶어요. 그러니 애정하는 아티스트가 가는 길이 이왕이면 좋은 햇살에, 적당한 바람, 꽃향기가 가득했으면 좋겠는 마음이고 그렇담 모두가 한마음 한뜻으로 다빈 하고 싶은거 다 하라고 응원을 안할 수 없겠죠.
    틈틈히 그리고 자주 행복하세요. 알다시피 삶이 늘 행복과 기쁨으로만 차있지 않으니 그럼에도 불구하고 부지런히 하고싶은걸 해보며 결과에, 보여지는 것에, 미디어노출에 한정하지말고 맘껏 행복하세요. 쓰다보니 너무 글이 길어졌네요. 불특정 다수가 볼 수 있다고 생각하니 몇번이고 고민하다 적었어요. 글주변이 없어 매번 구구절절하네요. 누군가는 오글거린다고, 유난이라고, 오버한다고 할 수 있지만 이 글 어디서든 작게나마 힘이 됐다면 그런 말들은 전 별로 중요하지도 않아요.

  • @Annnabannanna
    @Annnabannanna ปีที่แล้ว +331

    Honestly, this type of rawness is what we need in the industry. It feels fresh to see something so vulnerable yet so out there.

    • @mmmdanonxx
      @mmmdanonxx ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @jsjs-kt2bq
      @jsjs-kt2bq ปีที่แล้ว


    • @한여울-m2z
      @한여울-m2z ปีที่แล้ว +3

      모두가 공감될 텐데.
      가족은 모두에게 소중할 거고.
      누구나 목숨 만큼 가치를 갖고 있을 거고.
      단지, 다빈님 아버지 병으로 극한 상황이 조금 차이 있는 건데 조금 생각해 보면 나도 잘 살아야 해 가족을 위해로 귀결됨.

    • @GabbySipsTeaa
      @GabbySipsTeaa 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I AGREE😭

  • @teara2899
    @teara2899 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +51

    i wish i can hug you man. can't believe i forgot to leave a comment the first time i watched this. please know that you have us behind your back. love you dabin. will always do

  • @yesblueberries
    @yesblueberries ปีที่แล้ว +60

    또 다시 전설이 될 홍다빈❤ 행복하자❤

  • @강동훈-x7j
    @강동훈-x7j ปีที่แล้ว +211

    형을 응원하는 사람들이 아주 많이 있다는 걸 항상 기억해줘요!!!
    팬들이 원하는 것도 홍다빈이라는 사람의 행복이지, 성과가 아닙니다
    앞으로도 하고 싶은 예술 다 하는 음악가로 거듭나길 :)

  • @zerowestkim6466
    @zerowestkim6466 ปีที่แล้ว +76

    40대 아재팬으로 몇마디 남겨요_ 인생이란게 가장 행복하고 빛나는 시기에 꼭 또다른 시련이 어김없이 찾아오더군요_
    지금 어느 누구에게도 섣불리 말못하는 수많은 감정들을 어쩌면 음악을 통해서만 조금 정리해서 얘기를 하고 있을수도 있겠구나 느껴지기도 합니다_
    하나하나 이겨내다보면 어느새 시간이 지나 자신도 모르게 더욱 내가 단단해짐을 느낄수도 있을겁니다_
    다빈님의 음악이 수많은 젊은이들과 저같은 좀 나이든 사람들에게도 좋은 영감을 크게 공유 해준다는 사실을 잊지 않길 바라면서_
    하고싶은 이야기들을 가감없이 다 하시구요_또 많은 좋은 음악들로 들려주세요_응원합니다_!

    • @Good_life-u4m
      @Good_life-u4m ปีที่แล้ว +3

      제나이 36세 저도 20대부터 부모한테 사촌한테 멋진사람되고싶어 퍼주다보니 가족과 사촌 혈육들한테 무지하게 실망하고 지금은 거의 등돌린상태. 인생 진짜 ㅈ같은 일이 많은데 살아야 하니 정신차릴려고 노력하다보니 자연스레 시발 도인이 다 되어 있더라구요 ㅎㅎ. 어릴땐 힙합좋아하고 축구 좋아하고 노는거 좋아하는 지금도 여전히 어리기만한 마음의 소유자가 저인데 어느덧 도인이된 애아빠. 그래도 계속 나아가야죠. 내 자식한테는 진짜 일하다 뒤지는 한이 있더라도 손 안벌리고 죽을거임. 그럴려면 똑바로 살고 똑바로 가르키고 살아야죠. 모두화이팅 합시다. 솔직히 인생 대부분 재밌잖아요? ㅈ같을때만 빼면요. 그니까 ㅈ같을때도 별거아니라고 생각합시다. 자존심상해도 그때만 지나면 또 맛있는거 먹고 좋은데 놀러가고 자기 취미하다보면 그 재미 아까워서 ㅈ같은일은 뒷전되더라구요

    • @yeah-xn4nu
      @yeah-xn4nu ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Good_life-u4m 되게 멋있으시네요

  • @esmecelest
    @esmecelest ปีที่แล้ว +32

    I saw Dabin twice at the perfect regime tour and his aura and energy seemed so caring and inspiring. He also said a speech in the middle of his performance that I carry with me this day. He said “ in a few years from now we will all be in different places but whatever you’re doing I hope you’re happy and healthy” I carry that with me everyday and push forward during the hard times. I hope he knows how amazing even his words are. He’s such an incredible human being and being this vulnerable hits home.
    I love you dabin.

  • @JunoWho2
    @JunoWho2 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Goddamn… No matter what you make it’s absolute art. No one ever makes something this deep

  • @Note.O
    @Note.O ปีที่แล้ว +32

    Wow. We never realise that our favourite artists endure so much. That's too much weight for one man to carry. You've done sooo well Dabin. I hope you find peace, happiness and all of the success your heart desire. I also wish your family good health. ❤

  • @Schlbus1
    @Schlbus1 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    to be betrayed by chosen family is the biggest betrayal of all. we can no longer trust ourselves or anyone around us. how easy it is for others to hurt us when we could never do the same. stay real to you Dabin. Forever by your side 💕

  • @anarosacordeiro3996
    @anarosacordeiro3996 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +11

    The process of heal is hurtfull. I am proud of you, speaking up your pain. It’s not easy to assume this to the world but we always got your back. Till we die!

  • @durdean
    @durdean ปีที่แล้ว +18

    때로는 좋은게 좋은것만이 아니란 사실을 일깨워주는 음악이네요. 진짜 가족과 가족같은 동반자 모두가 가족이면 좋겠지만 안타깝게도 의리라는 명분의 가족같은 동반자는 진짜 가족은 아니란 사실. 이 노래를 듣고 많은 생각이 드네요. 항상 멋진 것만 해오신 다빈님. 부디, 멋도 멋이지만 건강 챙기시길 바랍니다.

  • @minty1549
    @minty1549 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i have nothing else to say other than we support you, and we will stay supporting you. I love you Dabin.

  • @ccocominteu
    @ccocominteu ปีที่แล้ว +146

    dear hong dabin, i hope you know that everyones are always supporting whatever you’re doing . dabin-ah, do what makes you happy. you itself already a perfect concept for yourself. really proud of being fans of you since day-1 . I love you dabin💗 gosh this cut truly masterpiece

  • @볼리걍이
    @볼리걍이 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    삶의 고통과 역경을, 그 감정과 복잡성을 아름다운 음악으로 만들어 내는것이 마치 고흐와 같다는 생각이 듭니다

  • @lefemmecristine
    @lefemmecristine 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Wow, Dabin, the lyrics of your song are pure and raw emotion. I hope the things you talked about in the song get resolved. I love how you pour your soul into your songs. You inspire me to do the same in my projects. Sometimes, when one starts to lose faith because of the time and effort it takes, you need people like you who put life into what they do to lift your spirits. I love you darling ❤

  • @sammygaia
    @sammygaia ปีที่แล้ว +36

    this is so raw. the emotion is all there. the message, the feeling. it's all there and it gives me goosebumps. absolutely love it.

  • @wave-l2f
    @wave-l2f 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +4


  • @Dichi_vici
    @Dichi_vici ปีที่แล้ว +58

    this song is so 🔥 singing from the heart, story telling rapper. This is the type of rap I really love. The first time I listened to this, I cried. I'm so sorry for everything that happened to you. Thank you for sharing this to us, Dabin. Been listening to this on loop. Can't wait to hear more stories from you.

  • @David-u7u2u
    @David-u7u2u ปีที่แล้ว +16

    디피알을 메인스트림으로만 알고 있었는데 그게 아니었나봐요.. 그들이 만들어내는 스트림이 너무나도 확고하고 대중적이었다고 느꼈는데 요새 한곡 한곡 다 들으면서 대중에게 올라오기까지 스텝이 많았다는 걸 느꼈고 단단한 아티스트 단체였다는 걸 느끼면서 그게 아니었다는 걸 깨달았습니다 화이팅 홍다빈. 당신과 디피알의 세계관은 많은 사람을 울렸고, 디피알이 사라지지 않기를 바랍니다.

  • @ara9115
    @ara9115 ปีที่แล้ว +28

    I'm crying... so proud of you, Dabin. 😭 you prove me that you are a good person with amazing talent, keep it up bro. You deserve a whole world and I will give that world to you, life must be really hard for you.. but you prove it once again that you can live up your life so do us. You save a lot of soul, if you are feeling down, i will save yours too. Thank you, Dabin. Thank you. 💖

  • @chloeroloson
    @chloeroloson 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I always have felt moved and inspired by Dabin. When I became a fan of Dabin, I felt like I found an artist who I really related to and felt connected with. When I've listened to Dabin talk about his life growing up, we have a lot of similar exoeriences and feelings, so it felt easy to relate to him and his music in a meaningful way. I also felt like he was someone that I could be really proud to support because he was so committed to his work.
    I felt proud again when Dabin announced CTYL and I feel more proud with each new step. When I watched this I felt upset because now I understand more of what he has gone through privately. I also felt some reassurance because I can see that he finally has the freedom to say his peace.
    I will support Dabin even more in the future and I will listen to what he has to say. I trust your journey and I know your path will be one worth walking as you move through life and show the world your potential on your own terms.
    I'm proud of you again and I'm thankful for your heart and that you have stayed true to yourself and stayed true to the people you love. Thank you for trusting us with your story and for not giving up. ❤️

  • @주녕-s1c
    @주녕-s1c ปีที่แล้ว +43

    다빈이형 이 댓글 볼진 모르겠지만 군생활 가장힘든 훈련병때 불침번서던 밤이면 항상 형 노래 가사들을 외워부르며 시간을 보냈었어 좋은 노래 내줘서 늘 고마워 항상 응원할게 화이팅!

  • @scrimmyage
    @scrimmyage 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    와~ 소름!! 난 알고 있었음요.. 우리 다빈씨는 멋지고 좋은사람이고 그 상대는 아니란걸… 예전부터 찔끔찔끔 영상에 비춰지는 상대모습에서 나쁜놈 vibe 가 느껴졌거든요.. 고놈 딱 못되게 생겼잖아요. 눈쫘악 찢어져가지고 싸가지없이.
    우리 다빈씨는 너무 예뻐요!!! 딱 생긴것처럼 음악도 이쁘고 멋지고 조~차나!
    전 다빈씨 완전 ❤.. 응원합니다

  • @acareeroracoconut3357
    @acareeroracoconut3357 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    dabin is so full of love but he seems so full of hurt too, I’m glad he’s taking time to heal and started this journey for himself!
    in any form of art you’ll create we’ll always support you and love you with all our heart, just do you and it will be far more than enough!!❤️

  • @GabbySipsTeaa
    @GabbySipsTeaa 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Hong Dabin's talent is unmatched❤ Gosh so glad I became his fan in 2022❤️

  • @gyubadoobee
    @gyubadoobee 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    he'll forever be one of my favourite artists just for the emotion he puts in the music he makes. sometimes we underestimate how much time gets put in a song and how vulnerable it feels to actually publish it. i look forward to what the future brings and all the future releases 🫶

  • @hupark37
    @hupark37 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    조금 늦었지만 소식 듣고 다시 달려왔습니다 노래 듣고 숨이 막힐 정도로 울컥한 노래는 처음이네요 덕분에 음악을 해보고 싶다는 생각도 하게됐어요 항상 영감 주시고 감정을 노래해 주셔서 감사합니다 앞으로도 응원하겠습니다 힘내세요 무슨 일이든🌷

  • @OnlyJennie12
    @OnlyJennie12 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    아니 천생 연예인이다 어떻게 영상미가 이렇게 나오지

  • @Heartor_
    @Heartor_ 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    형은 언제나 레전드였어

  • @きき-d6s
    @きき-d6s ปีที่แล้ว +7

    홍다빈!행복에 미어터질만큼 행복하자❤

    @KRAYisONLINE ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This devastated me. 💔 You can hear in every lyric his pain, frustration, anger and especially the never ending disappointment he had to go through. But I love how we can also witness his strong trust, love and appreciation for his achievement and future goals, but also for his DPR team members, who are always there for him. ❤

  • @baydiary
    @baydiary 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    sorry you had deal with all of that, you deserved so much better. thankful for all your brilliant music, creative genius, resilience and candor

  • @palhahbritvulan
    @palhahbritvulan ปีที่แล้ว +112

    god, this hit me so much harder than the original drop. i and WE love you so fucking much. you are just as beautiful and dope as every word and beat you put into your work. i/we the dreamers will be here feelin what you feel, full of love ready to catch you when you fall and help you stand back up in anyway we can. you are such a rare and beautiful person. i feel the energy of ctyl blossoming with a huge energy and HEART. real sh*t. let's go. live live live till we die. hong dabin... let's get it.🧡🤙🤙🤙

    • @ILY_DABIN
      @ILY_DABIN ปีที่แล้ว

      live live live until we die!! 🧡

  • @sa_brina28
    @sa_brina28 8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dabin, I am so thankful for your music. You are truly an inspiration, pls don’t ever stop doing what you love the most! Your fans are here for you and supporting you always! Thanks for the art ❤

  • @lem6282
    @lem6282 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    This is what I'm trying abt, so if you were to look at an artist's life, you may assume that everything is ideal and that they are content with what they have, but in reality, there will always be difficulties in their lives that no one knows about, and they are also humans just like us. I have been rooting for you since day one and couldn't be more happier for you. I admire you for being open and expressing who you really are. You are amazing hyung and will always be cherished forever. On to the next chapter

  • @vvv_543
    @vvv_543 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Da's got such a powerful spirit that can't be stifled for too long. That eruption, that destroying of the tower, painful release to freedom. A boy of the sea can't drown. Rising above, one with the wave. That emotional intensity is fire. These two elements are blending very well. Ooh, I feel this...very strongly. Been waiting for YOU for a long time.

  • @comingtoyou9389
    @comingtoyou9389 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    아 진짜 많이 사랑해 홍다빈!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @haywoodjablowme3652
    @haywoodjablowme3652 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Loved your music since Her, all the way from South Africa, coming to you LIVE❤

  • @aulllll4208
    @aulllll4208 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    홍다빈 최고👍👍👍👍👍

  • @Fayzaazr
    @Fayzaazr ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It feels very emotional, and I can't hold back my tears. The whole message-emotion, sadness, disappointment-is valid. I am always proud of you, Dabin.

  • @Asa-el7vf
    @Asa-el7vf ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Dabin.. thank u so much for not giving up to ur dream.
    I'm so proud of you, bro♡
    And then thanks for sharing your thoughts and stories through your song "Till I Live". Your story, it makes me realize if my idol really hard work and not giving up to reach their dream or goals, I should also do the same thing. Stay health and happy, Dabin♡

  • @gwenh3768
    @gwenh3768 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    하아 내마음이랑 감정은 너무나도 공감하고 같이 아픔을 느끼는데 글로는 어찌 옮겨야하나 모르겠네요. 작년말 콘에서 라이브 너무 열심히하고 실력도 좋아서 그때부터 반해서 앨범들 꾸준히 듣는중인데, 이곡을 듣고보니 그동안 무대위 페르소나랑 개인의 괴리사이에서 너무나 힘들어하고 자신을 지키려고 한거랑 저도 그렇치만 아버지란 존재에 트라우마적인 기억과 지금 나자신이란 사람에 영향은 너무나 많이준 그렇지만 나이먹고 보니 정작 안쓰러워진 마음이라 이노래 들으면서 같이 울게되네요. 저는 이런게 음악의 장점이라고 생각해요 앞으로도 응원할게요 다빈님 ❤

  • @yubugirl
    @yubugirl ปีที่แล้ว +2

    홍다빈 사랑해 넌 항상 전설이니까 걱정하지마

  • @55Jeffrey
    @55Jeffrey ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I just want to say you’re one of the first South Korean artists that got me into Korean music in 2017, so thank you for that. I will always be looking forward to your future projects, Dabin 👍

  • @ЮлияУолкер-п1м
    @ЮлияУолкер-п1м 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +17

    Sorry, it took me a while to find you... From now on everything will be fine, I promise. Dear Dabin, you deserve better. Please stay aLive as long as possible. You are such a bright star, I want to admire your shine forever. I will be here no matter what. I will continue to support you. Thank you for your existence on this planet! Love you~

  • @celinism
    @celinism ปีที่แล้ว +4

    thankyou for staying with us dabin. i hope u know how much we love you and will keep supporting you no matter what. ❤

  • @jr____
    @jr____ 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    that father voicemail tho 😭😭😭 mustve been so hard for u.. dabin u’re such an inspiration 😭😭😭

  • @violetsonhorizon
    @violetsonhorizon ปีที่แล้ว +1

    huh this song so emotional, cry cry, dabin u're amazing as always, i love u bin

  • @soppy9560
    @soppy9560 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hong Dabin, you're an inspiration. I will support you forever ❤

  • @gyuumy7938
    @gyuumy7938 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    amo como cantas la canción, amo que la cantes con sentimiento, simplemente amo todo de ti como artista y como persona, eres una persona brillante e linda, te mereces las cosas mas lindas del mundo, dabin. te extrañamos mucho, deseo mucho que te superes como artista y logres el objetivo que siempre quisiste. love u babe 💓🇲🇽

  • @user-we5tz4ns9e
    @user-we5tz4ns9e ปีที่แล้ว +1

    홍다빈 하고 싶은 거 다해!!! 행복하자!!!

  • @csb1019
    @csb1019 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    허억허억 홍다빈 최고야 힘들지마 화이팅
    꼭 행복해야해 틸 유 다이 ㅠㅠ

  • @dprian.goodfriend
    @dprian.goodfriend ปีที่แล้ว +8


  • @jaysuppasit.1197
    @jaysuppasit.1197 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    We are proud of you Dabin, you are truly amazing, thank you very much for all your work and effort.
    We are always with you and support you, love you Dabin

  • @Xrptothewhere
    @Xrptothewhere 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    존나 잘하네 센스형 이후 처음이네

  • @bbreed2458
    @bbreed2458 ปีที่แล้ว

    So I'm in tears. I felt this song on a personal level. This is amazing.

  • @aliahnajwa2265
    @aliahnajwa2265 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    So proud of my Dabinnnnn

  • @ferjauv2417
    @ferjauv2417 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I can’t stop listen this amazing song, I was happy with Live but Dabin makes me so happy, I can see more feelings here, thank u for being so open with us, I can’t wait for the rest!!!

  • @crisielly
    @crisielly ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dabin im proud of you ♡

  • @user-arilspxo
    @user-arilspxo ปีที่แล้ว +4

    다빈오빠 당신의 모든 작품들은 제 삶의 일부가 되었어요 수많은 사람들에게 위로를 줬고요
    언제나 응원하는 팬들이 있으니 꼭 건강하고 행복하세요!

  • @nikentya1603
    @nikentya1603 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Dabin, I wish you always strong, don't give up. Let's rise together. We all love you and are waiting for ur masterpieces. lets grow old together with ur beautiful song. If I could I would like to hug you now, but I can only pray you will get it all back. We stay on your starship!!! eat well and sleep well wise man.

  • @gabrielakratos
    @gabrielakratos ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I just want you to be happy with your music ❤
    You don't need a concept to drop music.

    • @iteecoole
      @iteecoole ปีที่แล้ว

      This right here🔥🔥

  • @후추좌
    @후추좌 5 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    여전히 응원해.

  • @강은빈-q6k
    @강은빈-q6k ปีที่แล้ว +31

    항상 홍다빈 행복했으면 좋겠다
    이제는 마음 아프지말고 하고 싶었던 음악하면서 잘지냈으면 좋겠다 늘 응원하는 팬이 많이 있다는 거 기억해줘❤

  • @jacy1211
    @jacy1211 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Hong Dabin, eres un artista increible, capaz de transmitir todos tus sentimientos y emociones atraves de tus canciones...
    We are proud of you and always wil support you ❤

  • @gatolattes
    @gatolattes ปีที่แล้ว +8

    dabin, gracias por compartirnos algo tan personal tuyo de manera artística y convertirlo en una joya pura. siempre estaremos contigo, eres el mejor 🤍

  • @lovedabinian
    @lovedabinian ปีที่แล้ว +1

    누가 우리다비니오빠 울려쒀 티발😢 눈부어쒀ㅠㅠ
    이제는 홍다빈 미소만 꺼내입어🙂
    나도 너무 슬퍼..다시 하나씩 시작해보자..

  • @JasTavares
    @JasTavares ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This song is just so good. The amount of raw emotion, the anger, the sadness...its such an intimate song. I feel this in my bones, in the depths of my soul. Amazing. I truly hope and manifest nothing but success for you. Big hugs. XO

  • @Starry789
    @Starry789 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    whatever happens, ill be always here for you. just remember that.

  • @nickonichi2072
    @nickonichi2072 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Hey.. this is a good song. It's a great song even.. I wanted to thank you. I've been listening to you since as long as i can remember, but this is different from the rest, the way it gives an impact to my perspective of your writing. This isn't just about a song.. It feels personal, I'm grateful that you're being open. I wanted you to know that I may be worrying too much, but I hope you're okay and well.. I hope you know that there are still people that roots for you and love you.. maybe you can't see it because it doesn't come right on your face but it can also come in a different form, like rains.. or something else, and I hope you can feel it.. wouldn't want you to feel anything negative tbh, cause you deserve love or at least what I want you to have and feel.. so like, thank you Dabin for sharing this piece with us.

  • @cowitdo
    @cowitdo ปีที่แล้ว

    King of making us feel all the emotions. Love you Hong Dabin

  • @솜-j1y
    @솜-j1y ปีที่แล้ว +1

    홍다빈 최고다 ㅠㅠ

  • @오랜지-z1c
    @오랜지-z1c ปีที่แล้ว

    하빈님은 여러 사람들에게 힘을 주는 고마운 사람이고 영감과 감동을 주는 멋진 예술가에요. 응원합니다.😊
    지금까지 뭘 하든 멋졌고, 누구보다 진실된 모습 감사합니다.

  • @Lockdown_jk
    @Lockdown_jk ปีที่แล้ว

    2017년 제가 힘들었을때 정말 삶의 위안이였어요 드림퍼팩트!!
    위안을받았으니 위안을 가져가세요
    올라가다 내려오다가 다시 올라가는게 삶이잖아요 힘내시길 멋진행보 기대할께요🎉

  • @taetaeandtyunielove
    @taetaeandtyunielove 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I only wish you and everyone else in the world happiness as always, goodluck Dabin🧡🧡

  • @alitelidi4458
    @alitelidi4458 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    sending you a ton of hugsssss

  • @namisworrld
    @namisworrld ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I’m really proud of you dabin , sincerely

  • @j-hope7842
    @j-hope7842 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @seoultale
    @seoultale ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Our hong dabin❤️

  • @ggoggo_day
    @ggoggo_day 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    홍다빈 하고 싶은 거 다 해 ❤
    그래도 돼 충분히 그럴 자격 있어

  • @Jsmbc
    @Jsmbc ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Dabin, you must know if all dreamers really love u. no matter what. ❤❤❤ sending love and hugs for you

  • @gracealtora
    @gracealtora ปีที่แล้ว

    Dabin, thank you gor everything you have done, we love you.

    @ILY_DABIN ปีที่แล้ว +4

    이번에는 다빈이가 팬들에게서 위로도 행복도 받아갔음 좋겠다 그동안 우리가 다빈이의 음악을 통해 받았던것 만큼…ㅜㅜ
    토닥토닥 안아주고 싶은 맘밖에 없다
    사랑해 홍다빈 늘 곁에 있을께 넌 내 전부야❤

  • @DeadlyCyanide1
    @DeadlyCyanide1 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That was so raw, you can feel the pain and guilt the most at the end but honestly you can feel it throughout the entire song. I truly love the song and the name is so meaningful too especially when you know till I die as well. Thank you so much for sharing this with us Dabin, it’s beautiful and so so sad. We are also proud of you for doing what feels right.

  • @dohhkimm
    @dohhkimm ปีที่แล้ว +2

    이런 깜짝 선물을•••💓💓

  • @TomHamer-yj5zz
    @TomHamer-yj5zz 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Holy shit. The raw emotion. Thank you for sharing this with us

  • @ohiogentlewave
    @ohiogentlewave ปีที่แล้ว +1

    다빈아 사랑해 진짜 많이 행복했으면 좋겠어

  • @sayrawrr
    @sayrawrr ปีที่แล้ว +1

    hong dabin i love you so much. thank you for never give up on making the music you love ❤️ i will always be here to support your journey

  • @dongyeonjaktim
    @dongyeonjaktim ปีที่แล้ว +2

    다빈이 자랑스럽다 ❤️❤️❤️

  • @takukito
    @takukito 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    quiero llorar de lo impresionada que me dejo esto, te amamos dabin !!

  • @silhouette_90
    @silhouette_90 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sigue así! La verdad es que ya se sabe que la canción está hecha con mucho sentimiento, hasta cierto punto a mi me iba a hacer llorar de lo buena que es. Espero que el duelo que tienes personal pase y estés feliz con lo que eres, cuídate mucho Hong Dabin. Por favor, excelente. Como siempre. ❤ Ten por seguro que lo que sea que querías transmitir, fue bien recibido, hermosos mensaje.

  • @suanmmu
    @suanmmu ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @PatriciaClaresta
    @PatriciaClaresta ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @Etxternallly
    @Etxternallly ปีที่แล้ว +6

    This song was a literal masterpiece, we are so proud of you Dabin!! 😆💗

  • @weddingimperia
    @weddingimperia ปีที่แล้ว +3

    "You think you've been buried, but you've actually been planted" 지금 너에게 너무 나 전해주고 싶은 말

  • @deadpandabin88
    @deadpandabin88 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Love you, Dabin! We’re always here to support you no matter what!🩶

  • @widiauliaa
    @widiauliaa ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @princssleah
    @princssleah ปีที่แล้ว

    Know we are proud of you always. Your rawness is what made me a fan with IAOT & it’s what still makes me a fan of yours. We got your back always. We love you, Dabin.

  • @고대-e8k
    @고대-e8k ปีที่แล้ว +1

    홍다빈 최고