Excellent job! Yesterday I got exactly the same VP44 controller board to my workshop and the pad for the gate was missing from a previous repair attempt. Thanks for sharing the connection location to the capacitor which seems to be a 3,3 nF. I can understand this pad will easily get loose by using to much heat. The via can be seen where the pad was, but to small, and to deep buried into the ceramic board, to allow any soldering.
Excellent travail , mais le titre de la vidéo annonce une pompe VP44 PSG5 alors que ce n'est pas une pompe VP44 mais une pompe VP30 , mais sa reste quand même un excellent travail 👍
Great video! I have a VP44 I will be fixing soon, can you recommend solder and flux for this bi metal soldering job? Thank you in advance. Regards, Robert.
Hi! I used your video to fix the.problem because it is the most complex. I did not measure the connector at points six and seven before starting. I did everything exactly as you did in the video. Then it occurred to me to measure the aforementioned 2 points of the connector. The result is 98 ohms. This is very low, so psg is short circuited. Can this be improved somehow? Before the repair, when the car stalled, I got the following error codes: p0100, p1664, P1564, P1608, p0335, p1246. It's all at the same time. Can it be repaired in some way or does it need to be replaced?
Очень глупо тянуть в воздуха транзистор,транзюк перегорела либо от дурной головы,либо подходит пиздец дозировочному клапана,его надо проверять,а не просто перепаивать транзюк,ну и не маловажный фактор ,качество транзистора
This is correct. My Experience is that the 2 wires going to the lower solenoid is short circuited due to insulation break down. So anyway these leads need to be checked and fixed first. I've had this issue on at least 10 VP44 pumps the last years.
Excellent job! Yesterday I got exactly the same VP44 controller board to my workshop and the pad for the gate was missing from a previous repair attempt. Thanks for sharing the connection location to the capacitor which seems to be a 3,3 nF. I can understand this pad will easily get loose by using to much heat. The via can be seen where the pad was, but to small, and to deep buried into the ceramic board, to allow any soldering.
Vp44 PSG5 for X20DTL Thank you for the video
Excellent travail , mais le titre de la vidéo annonce une pompe VP44 PSG5 alors que ce n'est pas une pompe VP44 mais une pompe VP30 , mais sa reste quand même un excellent travail 👍
Great video!
I have a VP44 I will be fixing soon, can you recommend solder and flux for this bi metal soldering job? Thank you in advance.
Funciona de verdad en el auto? Muchos hacen videos y las prueban para ver si realmente funciona
Hi! I used your video to fix the.problem because it is the most complex. I did not measure the connector at points six and seven before starting. I did everything exactly as you did in the video. Then it occurred to me to measure the aforementioned 2 points of the connector. The result is 98 ohms. This is very low, so psg is short circuited. Can this be improved somehow? Before the repair, when the car stalled, I got the following error codes: p0100, p1664, P1564, P1608, p0335, p1246. It's all at the same time. Can it be repaired in some way or does it need to be replaced?
This mail not working! How I can contact you?
transistor code please
IRLR2905 😉
IRLR2905 l'ami
Очень глупо тянуть в воздуха транзистор,транзюк перегорела либо от дурной головы,либо подходит пиздец дозировочному клапана,его надо проверять,а не просто перепаивать транзюк,ну и не маловажный фактор ,качество транзистора
This is correct. My Experience is that the 2 wires going to the lower solenoid is short circuited due to insulation break down. So anyway these leads need to be checked and fixed first. I've had this issue on at least 10 VP44 pumps the last years.