I love this moment for two reasons, first matts reaction before anyone else reacts is priceless and then second because he then says how did you get to level 12
“I transform, grab the lesbians, and take off” is not a phrase I think too many people wake up in the morning, and think they’re going to be using that day. 😂
2:22 Caleb: "I know three ways that is not how you accomplish them" its even funnier when you realize that caleb, eowulf, and astrid used to be a throuple XD
That pause and slow "Uhhhh" before everyone cracks up is a perfect human moment
I love this moment for two reasons, first matts reaction before anyone else reacts is priceless and then second because he then says how did you get to level 12
"How have you all survived level twelve?" Classic.
Which lets be honest, it summarizes 90% of DM thoughts during a campaign.
“I transform, grab the lesbians, and take off” is not a phrase I think too many people wake up in the morning, and think they’re going to be using that day. 😂
2:22 Caleb: "I know three ways that is not how you accomplish them" its even funnier when you realize that caleb, eowulf, and astrid used to be a throuple XD
I had not seen the word 'Throuple' until this comment, but I am glad that I have.
I mean..that was exactly the joke.
Congrats you found the joke
“Come to Critical Role, for epic adventure!”
That was the death blow, no coming back after that.
How did I ever miss Taliesin saying "I have chai" as he's being carried along? 😂😂
This moment lives rent-free in my head
The whole point of this starting was because Travis/Fjord was hesitant and he still lost/won. lol.
Liam's howl is life giving
If it had, in fact, happened a second time, they'd probably all die of laughter.
It actually happened again a few episodes later! 😂
It still boggles my mind how seven people with like 50 dice between them settle for a three way roshambo, dude just do rollies
The three way roshambo is funnier tho
How did it happen, you say? *gestures at the table* That's the least weird thing they had done by that point.
The *characters* weren't carrying dice, and they were RPing the in-character decision-making process.
The sheer absurdity is priceless
The shenanigans begin at 1:50.
The hardest I've seen Matt laugh
Its stuff like this that keeps me coming back to this show EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME🤣🥰🤣🥰❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Cami-Cat made a really great animatic for Boulder-Parchment-Shears, if you guys want more!
This floored me with laughter.
Thank you, @Svanlaug, for this vid of the incredible silliness that unhinged even Matt!
Thick... And angry....
I blame Laura lol she infected the group with eneuendo
In..... Your.... Endo
So for all of you who don’t know, this WILL BE ANIMATED.
"How have you survived to level 12?"
I Would Like This Video, But There's 69 Likes, & I Cannot Bring Myself To Break That. Just Know. I Like The Video.
Estou....kkkk...gov...kkkk 💯🍌🍌🍌🛫🛫🛬🛬top gang II
I'd like this if it was yours to give