I do hear the Badland-esque thing people are talking about, but some parts of this song, I think, are completely distinct from Badland. Either way, this is hotter than the Sahara Desert 8)
like a boss fight in geometry dash 0:44 the boss is coming 1:00 the boss is here 1:05 the boss say that he will destroy you 1:14 you fight with the boss 1:20 he turns you into wave 1:41 he lost 1 life 1:44 he turns you into ship and you still fighting 2:12 he lose 1 life 2:34 he turns you into spider and you still fighting 3:18 he turns you into ship and you still fighting 3:47 the boss gets angry 4:15 you win
Wait two more years, then do a remaster of Saguaro with movie tier quality. One of my favorite songs and most loved pieces, keep at it and never give up, you've come this far, Boom Kitty
@@ThisIsBIT90 yeah i see more of a sci fi trident but now u mentioned it it partially looks like a cactus now (blame my phone fr being a concert speaker instead of a simple notification)
The saguaro is an arborescent cactus species in the monotypic genus Carnegiea, which can grow to be over 40 feet tall. -Wikipedia Edit: Yes, I used to be a teachers pet. I know you don’t care. Yes, Wikipedia can never be perfectly reliable. And I don’t use this account anymore.
Your style is AMAZING! Its cool how theres 1 or 2 drops in each song.. Also, its amazing how out of nowhere...BAM! An epic drop! As always...Great Job, Keep it up :D
This is sooooo similar to Badland I can't believe it's an accident. So I'll call it a sequel... but hey, really nice song. Just as good as Badland is not better :D
Boom Kitty - Badland (Boom Kitty Remix)
yep uwu
Boom Kitty - Badland (Boom Kitty Remix) (Boom Kitty Release)
Jakob Hubbard you get it
boom Kitty - bandland (VIP mix)
Somewhere within the Badland.. One plant stands tall..
_The Saguaro._
The Deathless*
a cactus... lmao
literally a fkcing cactus
Those Badland hints though...
Great job, Boomkitty!
no replies? hmmm
I have a playlist with cool music on shuffle and it took me a while to know which one was playing (saguaro or badland)
@@thegoofyarchive8300 yeah i get confused too sometimes
@@bennyblabla3459 Boomkitty - Saguaro ( Boomkitty - Badland Remix )
The Badland 2, Confirmed!
or saguaro??
Or "The Saguaro" but would be the sequel to "The Badland"
no badland 2 is 1077
Top 10 songs
10: authority-xtrullor
9: Alacrit-KaixoMusic
8:Payload-Dex arson
7: Ground zero-Dex arson
6: Years-Dex arson
5: Corrosive-Xtrullor
4: Endless-Creo
3: Lightmare-Creo
2: Paradigm shift-Xtrullor
Oy where's S A G L A N D or at least badland?
You forgot deadlocked- F-777
@@grubshmumber2112 That one probably would have landed somewhere around 30th or so.
@@greenspaghetti8451 at least 3rd on my list
Sounds like badland right?
I think it's a remix
Remixing your own song???
It's a remix that she did
@@theblastfurnace3745 sHe?
@@andyboatwright9407 hes a dude
I do hear the Badland-esque thing people are talking about, but some parts of this song, I think, are completely distinct from Badland.
Either way, this is hotter than the Sahara Desert 8)
Lithium is my favorit levle i beat it
Somewhere is my fav. Level the music is so great and the special is I beat it
Believer is my favorite level
It's hotter than The Sun
like a boss fight in geometry dash
0:44 the boss is coming
1:00 the boss is here
1:05 the boss say that he will destroy you
1:14 you fight with the boss
1:20 he turns you into wave
1:41 he lost 1 life
1:44 he turns you into ship and you still fighting
2:12 he lose 1 life
2:34 he turns you into spider and you still fighting
3:18 he turns you into ship and you still fighting
3:47 the boss gets angry
4:15 you win
This is like Badland boss
I can hear the Badland
and Badland is my favorite music piece ever
Me too!
Wait two more years, then do a remaster of Saguaro with movie tier quality. One of my favorite songs and most loved pieces, keep at it and never give up, you've come this far, Boom Kitty
In the BadLand, After the holy war, hidden in the burning sand A single living being Remains, the SAGUARO
If anyone uses that song in GD, that symbol will be rebuilt in the level. It almost looks like it was made in GD in the first place lmao
well 8)
Jo2000 That's a cactus m8
challenge accepted )
But you've got to admit that this really looks like one of those Lazerblitz kinda artworks
Thanks for the idea ;)
Badland V2?
Seriously, they sound so similar! I love it!
1077 V3
If you think this is a remix of Badland, *use headphones* . It has a completely different vibe to it.
I use headphones and it still sounds like badland
@@zenphir9051 no
@@lan633wastaken yes
Power Trip + Badland ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°
Exactly wut a coingcadink
=Bad Trip
oh no
oh no
oh no
oh no
I listened through the whole song and it felt like it was 20 seconds long! That is how much I love this song! Keep up the awesome work boom kitty!!!
There are few songs that give me goosebumps at the drop, but it seems like most of your songs do, and this is not an exception by far!
But it also didn't exceed your expectations
@@tufftuffson No, it did, this is one of my favorites from BoomKitty
Boomkitty: "It's a completely new piece of art that I created from scratch!"
Me: "It's a remixed version of Badland."
I love that trident
Its a cactus..
@ThissBIT90 well does the shape look like a trident?
@@rephysrenlares9897 im just saying its a cactus, even tho it does kinda look like a trident ngl :p
(holy shit i didnt expect a response xd)
@@ThisIsBIT90 yeah i see more of a sci fi trident but now u mentioned it it partially looks like a cactus now
(blame my phone fr being a concert speaker instead of a simple notification)
I'm liking this artist. All this music got me dancing.
The saguaro is an arborescent cactus species in the monotypic genus Carnegiea, which can grow to be over 40 feet tall.
Edit: Yes, I used to be a teachers pet. I know you don’t care. Yes, Wikipedia can never be perfectly reliable. And I don’t use this account anymore.
Not a reliable source.
Only 10 - 15 feet only
the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
Listening to this on my bus ride to school makes it that much better.
Your style is AMAZING!
Its cool how theres 1 or 2 drops in each song..
Also, its amazing how out of nowhere...BAM! An epic drop!
As always...Great Job, Keep it up :D
Perfect for black panther 👍👍👍
This whole song, especially the 3-minute part, would be ABSOLUTELY PERFECT for an epic boss battle. Just perfect.
who's a good kitty? you are little fluffy boomkitty.
Badland remix ;)
Venom Hellraiser i agree :v
Venom Hellraiser yez!!!!!!!
Venom Hellraiser bad land 2
Venom Hellraiser totally ;)
Boomkitty you are awsome I love your music saguaro my favorite ;)
Badland holy shit.
Saguaro: * sounds like badland *
Me: hm, i think that boomkitty wanted to do remix of badland
Mr. Happy Junior: *HACKS CONFIRMED*
lol, true XD
Remix hacks confirmed!
i swear if mhj replyed
also did i ever mention that hes the only gd player who makes music meaning he uses hax so hismusic is in the game
its like badland reimagined, this is just... perfect
Genuinely sounds like a mashup of Power Trip and Badland.
I love it!
In the Badlands, after the holy war, there was one thing still standing…. The Saguaro…
Every time you upload a video, I instantly like, and add to my favorite music playlist
I finally know the symbol!! It's a Saguaro Cactus!
Bad Waifu good job
👏🏼 👏🏼 👏🏼
Realy nigga?
😐 😐
Boom Kitty is a TOP music-channel! 😎✊
in my city (Verona, Italy) there's a water brand called Saguaro
When you drink the water from it...
You get this song's vibe
You can hear Boom Kitty faintly playing from the bottles
good work boom kitty🥰
Just noticed that the song is 4 minutes and 20 seconds long
It's odd, when i look at the bar while I'm listening to the song, it says 4:19, but when i see it in the "up next" bar, it says 4:20. weird
TotallyNotAcat yea I dont know why it does that
TH-cam "takes away a second" to load up the video so every video will be 1 second shorter than it's supposed to :P
Nothing special
TH-cam knows what's going on ;3
Happy new yearn Saguaro😎😎
HOW DO YOU GET SUCH A NICE BASS!? I compose myself, but this is astounding!
bass is my favourite drug it has no harm and it feels the best
Who's your dealer?
But it dosen't feel better than masturbation
Lol saguaro is a water label in my country. Btw cool song
Fracture_Ace [Gd_Macek888] Saguaro water is pretty good
Piotr Szulim yea
Fracture_Ace [Gd_Macek888] Haha where do you live? Because it's also a water label in my country :D
I live in Poland
Polska lol
boom kity you are the best
El poder de Badlands, Pursuit y 1077 = Saguaro 😍 Es hermoso
Sounds like Badlands. Boi dis is bootiful mixed with it. FYI Badlands is one of my top fav songs by you.
*Badland Remix ahre*
*I like it OwO!*
Epic Pingui ツ yee
Epic Pingui ツ NOODLE
That "ahre" sounds so argentinian i dont know......
Epic Pingui ツ yep ur right
Now you need to make a song that sounds similar to this and name it something that grows on a saguaro.
Prickly pear?
The Nest
One of my songs good choice boom kitty!
Sounds like a remix of my favourite song... So i have now 2 favourite songs owo
I think you should animate your videos! I mean, like this green thing floating while the stars move around on the screen. That would be cool!
The saguaro is a harsh environment, though you must face the harsh climate of badlands.
its I fucking cactus
Okiba Kagasune Wooosh
@@layneeakins7976 😂
@@layneeakins7976 you did not get the joke so get noob
@@noob_man8985 mean
IDK Y but in every boom kitty song it sounds epic with it at 0.75 also BOOM KITTY your one of the best music creators out there keep it up!
Keep it up boomkitty!
i always listen to this
1:55 best part
imagine naming your song after a cactus and having a cactus in the background
I'm I the only one who doesn't compare this to badland? Btw awesome track as always :)
Boom Kitty Wow thanks for responding much appreciated :D
1077- 2014
Badland- 2016
Saguaro- 2017
Unknown city- 2023
*(I came from future)*
Beat dropped so hard that 6 people missed the like button XD
I can feel the *BADLAND* energy coming in there....
wait I'm listening this does sound like badland remix holy crap!!!!! p.s love your music it is awesome!!!!!!
sounds like badland. Sick
87K views? More like, 87M views..
14K subs? More like, 14M subs..
I love it.. It's stuck in my head..
Keep up the good work!
518k views? more like 518M views.
71.5k subs? more like 71.5M subs.
663k views???? more like 663b views
90k subs?????? more like 7.7billion subs
WOOOO! come back after 4 years but legend is forever legend
3:14, i love that sound xDD
Simply amazing, I love it.
It is like a Egyptian remix of badland
Badland was already Egyptian. This is more of a vip.
On the description he says it has a Arabian feel
Badland,Danque and a little of Bass Knight? just awesome
This looks like a sequel for Badland. OMG :D
Badland & Saguaro, It's more like yin and yang. Both are amazing and one complete the other.
2:34 - 3:03 is my favorite part
2:08 when I heard that part of the song I thought my phone was glitching out XD
1:42 New theme for Genos.
Music is just getting better
This is sooooo similar to Badland I can't believe it's an accident. So I'll call it a sequel... but hey, really nice song. Just as good as Badland is not better :D
Boomkitty is undebateably the coolest.
I can see this as a demon level in GD. other than that, awesome soundtrack!
Wait so that’s a bad thing?
probs an extreme demon wit dis song
With cacti in the background YES
Fury0313 & Osiris GD
There’s two demon levels
Really good music again Kitty!
Let's make it even more famous even after 3 years
one of teh best songs I've ever heard!
I can see that you really love the A major key
boomkitties songs are overused in GD but this song :v
Because they are so awesome
so? isn't that making boomkitty just more popular?
*_:v intensifies_*
*intensive sounds of dancing boomkities*
Sagland It's out (Badland + Saguaro)
Sounds like a mix of badland and pursuit
it's like badland, so great, Boom Kitty
welcome to the badland 2
ayy this my favourite song rn there is no bad part
this plant does not produce oxygen, instead, this plant produce bass, approved
oh goodie goodie
When I first heard this I thought it was another version of badland
Amazing! First 24 hours. I will be the first to make an XL demon with this song! I will beat you to it TAMAN
Will you beat Edicts?
pls no
Edicts GD yay you're awesome! I love your levels and im making a level dedicated to you.
BENTHEGAMING 1 ッ lol nerd
:( y u mean
This is probably Badland V2 cause it sounds like it. Great job Boom Kitty!
REMIX OF Badland
God I love your tracks
Why did you change the description from "Arabian feel" to "desert feel" 🤔
Am I supposed answer
Badland and some from power trip NICE REMIX BRO
badlands 2!!!!!!!!! :D
Best song ever